


Peru 2013

“Be still, and know that I am God. I

will be exalted among the nations, I will

be exalted in all the earth!”

Psalm 46:10

Tibet, China 2014

First Baptist Church Stephenville

One of the more amazing impacts of being a part of a mission team is

in the recognition of just how big God is. We have seen many photos

and heard from mission teams. They all seem to have the same

message: “God did mighty and amazing things

on our mission trip!”

My hope is that we never reach the point where

we get bored with that message. The Creator of

the universe involves us in His miracles. How

exciting is that! The mission opportunities we

have at FBC are given by God and have a

purpose. A church (meaning people) who is

obedient to be used by God, willing to go and

show what the love of Jesus Christ looks like, can

impact the world. In God’s great plan, going on mission will change

you, and change our church, and change our community. I encourage

you to exercise your faith in 2015. Commit yourself to a God-sized



Minister of Education, Missions,

and Discipleship

All short term missionary team members must complete the mission

application form found on the website. The form also serves as our

evaluation for mission scholarships. You can stop by the main office at

the church to pick one up, or simply print it off at our website:

Oaxaca Church Plant

and Us!

The great news for FBC Stephenville and Oaxaca

(pronounced wa-ha’-ka), Mexico is our partnership to

stand together and share the gospel and love of Jesus

Christ with the people in the small mountain community

of Cuilapam.

Over the next 3-5 years, FBC will receive the new

church of “Jesucristo es el Camino” as our sister church

which we will serve with our prayers, efforts and

resources. This new church has less than 75 members,

most of whom came to know Christ in the last 2 years.

They are passionate about sharing Jesus with their


Missionaries Rod and Connie Johnson will assist FBC

with multiple mission teams each year as we seek to be

obedient to God in going and making disciples.

For the earth will

be filled with

the knowledge

of the glory of

the LORD as the

waters cover the


(Habakkuk 2:14)

As the waters

cover the sea

Am I qualified

to “Go”?

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of

the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all

that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, (even) to the end

of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20)

Short answer: YES. As a disciple of Jesus Christ

you have inherited God’s Spirit (The Holy Spirit -

Ephesians 1:13-14). You never go alone. It’s His

promise to us.

The other question is “Am I able to go?” Young,

old or in between, our missions are doable. In the

last few years, our mission team members have

been between the ages of 12 & 85. Is that you?

Date: March 7-14, 2015

Requirements: Must be a participating student in

Merge youth group, approval from parent, and approval

from Youth Minister Kevin Miles.

Where: Cuilapam, Oaxaca, Mexico

Description: Mission team will work with the church

Jesucristo es el Camion.” Team will serve at an orphan-

age, paint churches, sport days and youth rally w/ MK’s.

Estimated Cost: $850-1,000 Mission application

and $500 deposit due by January 1.

Size: 8 Students

Who to Contact: Kevin Miles

[email protected]

And we have seen

and testify that the

Father has sent His

Son to be the Savior

of the world. Whoev-

er confesses that Je-

sus is the Son of God,

God abides in him,

and he in God. So we

have come to know

and to believe the

love that God has for

us. God is love, and

whoever abides in

love abides in God,

and God abides in

him. (1 John 4:14-16)

Jesus the Savior of

the World

Date: March 6-March 14, 2015

Requirements: Be a college student, involved and

committed to a Challenge Discipleship Group through

the school year.

Where: TBD (but it’s looking like sunny Los Angeles)

Description: To share and show the love of Christ

through serving, sharing, listening and worshipping with

people who love Christ and those who are searching

for Him.

Estimated Cost: $350

Size: 135 team members

Who to Contact: Matt Mabry

[email protected] It shall not be so

among you. But

whoever would be

great among you

must be your servant,

and whoever would

be first among you

must be your slave,

even as the Son of

Man came not to be

served but to serve,

and to give his life as

a ransom for many.”

(Matthew 20:26-28)


Date: April 8 - 14, 2015

Requirements: Adults, University Students and

Students 7th-12th grade with approval.

Where: Oaxaca, Mexico

Description: This team will work at the college camp;

set up and take down of equipment, kitchen duties and

sports activities. This is an evangelistic camp where

Oaxaca students bring an unsaved friend.

Estimated Cost: $850-1,000 Mission application

and $500 deposit due by February 1.

Team Size: 8 People

Who to Contact: Danny Walker at:

[email protected] There is none like

you among the

gods, O Lord, nor

are there any

works like yours.

All the nations you

have made shall

come and worship

before you, O

Lord, and shall

glorify your name.

(Psalm 86:8-9)

None Like You

O Lord!

Date: June 26-July 5, 2015

Requirements: Must be 18 years of age or older.

Where: Greece

Description: This team will be in support of missionary

families gathering for their annual conference. We will

engage kids, providing them love and support through

VBS activities, worship, and recreation. A day and a half

of site-seeing and tourism is included.

Estimated Cost: $2,900 - $3,300

Short term missions application/scholarship form and

deposit of $500 due by November 25, 2014.

Size: 5 -10 people

Who to Contact: Shannon Pannell

[email protected] May God be

gracious to us and

bless us and make

His face to shine

upon us, that your

way may be

known on earth,

your saving power

among all nations.

(Psalm 67:1-2 )

Saving Power to

The Nations

Date: late July - early August

Requirements: Adults, University Students,

Students 7th—12th grade with approval.

Where: Oaxaca, Mexico

Description: Assist with VBS: Crafts, sport activities,

and food preparation. Bilingual requirement for VBS

teachers. Summer break in Oaxaca does not begin until


Estimated Cost: $850-1,000 Mission application

and $500 deposit due by May 15.

Team Size: 8 People

Who to Contact: Danny Walker at:

[email protected]

“For I know their works

and their thoughts, and

the time is coming to

gather all nations and

tongues. And they shall

come and shall see my

glory, and I will set a

sign among them. And

from them I will send

survivors to the nations,

to Tarshish, Pul, and Lud,

who draw the bow, to

Tubal and Javan, to the

coastlands far away,

that have not heard my

fame or seen my glory.

And they shall declare

my glory among the


(Isaiah 66:18-19 )

Gods Glory to the


Date: August 8-15, 2015

Requirements: Nursing license is helpful but not

required. Knowledge of general medical and dentistry

and haircutting.

Where: Oaxaca, Mexico

Description: This team will do general medical and

dentistry, triage, pharmacy and fitting for eyeglasses.

Also give about 40 haircuts a day. All while sharing


Estimated Cost: $850-1,000 Mission application

and $500 deposit due by June 1.

Team Size: 8 people

Who to Contact: Danny Walker at:

[email protected] For the earth will

be filled with

the knowledge

of the glory of

the LORD as the

waters cover the


(Habakkuk 2:14)

As the waters

cover the sea

Date: August 1 - August 7, 2015

Requirements: Open to adults, children 7th grade

and up if accompanied by a parent.

Where: Lima (Pamplona), Peru (South America).

Description: This team will work through the Buckner

organization to minister to women, children, and

orphans. Activities will include VBS, women’s Bible

studies, making home visits to local families, and one or

more days at a Peruvian government orphanage.

Estimated Cost: $2,300-2,500. Deposit of $500 and short term missions application/scholarship form due by May 1. $1,200 due by June 1.

Size: Up to 12 team members

Who to Contact: Molly Thornton

[email protected]

“You are the salt of the

earth… You are the

light of the world. A city

set on a hill cannot be

hidden. Nor do people

light a lamp and put it

under a basket, but on

a stand, and it gives

light to all in the house.

In the same way, let

your light shine before

others, so that they may

see your good works

and give glory to your

Father who is in


(Matthew 5:13-16)

Salt & Light of the


Date: August 1 - August 7, 2015

Requirements: Open to adults, children 7th grade

and up if accompanied by a parent.

Where: Lima (Pamplona), Peru (South America).

Description: This team will work through the Buckner

organization to minister to women, children, and

orphans. Activities will include VBS, women’s Bible

studies, making home visits to local families, and one or

more days at a Peruvian government orphanage.

Estimated Cost: $2,300-2,500. Deposit of $500 and short term missions application/scholarship form due by May 1. $1,200 due by June 1.

Size: Up to 12 team members

Who to Contact: Molly Thornton

[email protected]

Mission Trips

In the Works Student Choir Mission PreTeen Mission


Aspendale Baptist Camp

Cloudcroft, NM

Heart of TX Camp

in Brownwood

Date: June 20-28

Join our Merge Youth Choir Ministry and

participate in our annual summer Choir Mission.

The location is yet to be determined, but

previous locations have included Washington

D.C. and Florida.

Students must meet certain rehearsal and

preparation requirements to maintain eligibility

for this mission team.

Contact Michael Beaty

[email protected]

Each summer our 5th and 6th grade pre-teens

discover missions through a mission trip of their

own. Usually in Texas, our students engage a

small church or community and assist them in

reaching folks with the gospel. The 2014 team

had an amazing experience in Shepherd, Texas.

Look for more details this spring.

Each summer, FBC takes a day to serve

our local Baptist Camp by doing light

maintenance, painting, cleaning and

other projects that help Heart of Texas

camp reach thousands of Texans with

the gospel each year.

Cost is free. Look for the date next


Contact Betty White

[email protected]

For 6 days each July, FBC sends a team

to the mountains of NM to work with

our partners at Aspendale. They serve

people from all over the southwest. We

assist them with maintenance and

building projects on the grounds.

Cost is $50 per person, $100 per family.

Contact Bill Haney

[email protected]

Contact Shannon Pannell

[email protected]

In addition to preparing yourself spiritually

for the mission field, it is important to prepare

yourself for potential medical and safety issues

associated with your upcoming mission trip. There

are medical issues specific to certain regions of the

world but also medical and safety concerns that

are common even when traveling in the United

States. Many of these issues are common sense but

some are as foreign to you as some of the exotic

places you might travel. Planning ahead is essential to reduce the health

risk associated with your mission trip.

Many overseas mission fields require vaccinations to prevent

infectious disease. Most of these vaccines take several weeks to be

effective, so seeing your doctor or a travel medicine specialist several

weeks in advance is best.

Malaria and other insect borne infections are common outside the

United States, and the risk of getting an infection can be reduced by

taking preventative antibiotics and carrying protective gear such as bug

spray. Depending on the type of medicine chosen, you must plan to start

these medications prior to leaving for your trip.

Many diseases are contracted by ingesting contaminated food or

water. You can prevent these in some cases by vaccinations and in

general by knowing what is safe to eat or drink.

The CDC has very engaging and helpful travel information on their

website with both general and country specific recommendations on

health risks for travelers. Prepare yourself to prevent potential health

risks associated with travel. The biggest mistake is waiting until the last

minute to take action. Visit, for

interactive health and travel recommendations.


What are some things I need to be aware of about going on mission in and out of the country?

Walking - It happens a lot, especially on overseas missions.

Persons with heart conditions or late term pregnancies should not

undertake an international mission trip.

Food - We all plan to eat while we are on mission. Eating is one

of the adventurous parts of travel. Culturally, it can be offensive if

someone gives you a meal and you do not eat it. All of the places

we go have good food, just different.

Water - The US has about the best drinking water system in the

world. Traveling outside the US we will drink and use only bottled

water. There are lots of great bottled drinks and fruit drinks we

don’t have here, so we will try some of those also.

Medical Insurance - Included in all international mission trips is

medical coverage for mission travelers. This coverage provides

reimbursement for doctor visits or medication you might require

while on a trip. It also has coverage for more serious injuries and

even necessary emergency removal to the US.

Transportation - US mission trips leave from the church and

involve van rides or carpooling together. International mission trips

usually leave from the church to get to the airport in Dallas or San

Antonio. International transportation usually includes bus, cars and


Lodging - All lodging costs are included in the mission trip. In

New Mexico, Mexico, Greece and Peru our lodging is high quality

and comfortable. We stay in cabins, hotels and mission homes.

And this gospel of

the kingdom will be

proclaimed through-

out the whole world

as a testimony to all

nations, and then the

end will come.

(Matthew 24:14)

Gospel Proclaimed

to the World

What can I do to prepare for the place God has

called me?

Pray - God has granted us the gift of communication with

Him! Here are some things you can talk to Him about:

- Ask Him to make clear your desire to go & to prepare

your own heart with a passion for people.

- Ask for help financially or with other hurdles you might

encounter or foresee. God is in the business of providing.

- Pray for the people on your team.

- Pray for the people in the country/area you will be in. Be

bold. Pray for revival, healing, religious strongholds, political

strongholds, etc.

- Ask God to do far more abundantly than anyone could

ever ask or think. (Eph 3:20-21)

Research - Remember the Encyclopedia Britannica? Now it’s

called Google.

- Look up the country/area you will be in.

- If there’s a language barrier learn key words or phrases

like hello, thank you, Jesus loves you, etc.

- attend language and culture prep & mission team events

- Check out the area on


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