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  • 8/2/2019 Missional Church a Vision


    Missional Church: A Vision for the Sending of the Church in

    North America

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    Missional Church: A Vision for the Sending of the Church in North America Darrell L. Guder

    Much like Stevens book, this book edited by Darrell Guder challenges the current structures of the

    North American as being inadequate if we are to join God in what He is doing to redeem His

    creation. I appreciated the historical background and context in which the present church finds

    itself. As I evaluate our own church, I see us as largely marginalized and seeking to find answers

    through various programs. Our larger problem has to do with who are and what are we for. (3)

    Clearly, the biblical message is more radical, more inclusive, more transforming than we have

    allowed it to be. (5) And that applies to my church that has a tremendous legacy of sending out

    missionaries. This book helps me to understand why our missions program is not growing and full

    of life. Financially, it remains well funded but it is only a matter of decline before there will be a

    downward turn. Missions rather than being the reason the church existed is now one of the many

    programs of the church and one that does not generate a lot of enthusiasm.

    I myself was convicted since I have been involved in theological education that I was not very

    focused on the Mission of God. Like Gruder exposes the North American churches as places which

    focus on maintainence and security and wait for the world to come to them, it seems that our

    Seminary has not been preparing leaders with a missional ecclesiology. We have prepared leaders
  • 8/2/2019 Missional Church a Vision


    but they are leaders that have perpetuated the present church structure that is no longer reaching

    into the world as signs and witnesses into the Kingdom of God. One of the areas in which I have

    neglected to give much attention is the Kingdom of God. My Christian heritage had focused on the

    Kingdom as something yet to come. Even as a pre-milennialist I would have said that the church is

    to extend the reign of God instead of presenting Gods offer to receive, enter or inherit the

    kingdom. I would have said that I belong to the Kingdom but I have lacked the discipline of asking

    how I might move more into the realm of Gods Kingdom on a daily basis.

    As Gruder says, Here lies a path for the renewal of the heart of the church and its evangelism. I

    wonder how the existing church can ever move to the models of missional communities that

    represent the reign of God to the world. We must repent of our individualistic approach to church

    and ministry and live out as a body our unity in diversity, our compassion for the hurting, living a

    counter cultural life as we proclaim Gods good news. Gruder says that the churchs being and

    doing are irretrievably tied to its proclaiming. 107 One of the most convicting quotes in the book

    follows, Churches are called to be bodies of people sent out on a mission rather than the

    storefronts for vendors of religious services and goods in North American culture. 108 I need to

    further process this material in relationship to our local church in Houston and with respect to how

    we as a mission organization fit in with Gods purposes.
