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Page 1: MM Lampadari

Tutti i prodotti MM Lampadari S.r.l. che rientrano nell’ambito di applicazione della direttiva europea EMC 89/336, 73/23 e 93/68 EEC, soddisfano i requisiti richiesti e recano la marcatura .Il simbolo é posto sull’imballo e sul prodot-to. Ogni articolo prodotto presentato nel catalogo é prodotto e decorato artigianal-mente, pertanto lievi differenze nelle dimen-sioni costituiranno quel carattere di unicità proprio della lavorazione manuale.MM Lampadari S.r.l. si riserva il diritto di intervenire in qualunque momento e senza preavviso per apportare le modifiche che ritenesse più opportune per migliorare il pro-dotto o in risposta a qualsiasi esigenza di ca-rattere normativo costruttivo o commerciale.

All the products of MM Lampadari S.r.l. meet with current European directives EMC 89/336, 73/23 and 93/68 EEC, meet their requirements and are marked.The symbol is placed on the packaging and on the products. Every item presented in the catalogue is produced and decorated by craftsmen. Hence, slight differences inthe size and decorations are the result ofthe unique quality of handwork. MM Lampadari S.r.l.reserve the right to in-tervene in every moment and whithout noti-ce in order to make the modifications more suitable to improve the product or reply to each lega, manufacturing or commercial requirement.

MM lampadariVia Feltrina, 3731040 PederobbaTreviso - ItalyTel. +39 0423 688800Fax +39 0423 [email protected]

Impaginazione e Restyling:Michele Nasato & Christian Piccolo

© copyright MM Lampadari S.r.l. UnipersonaleÈ vietata la riproduzione anche parziale di questo catalogoIt is forbidden to reproduce any part of this catalogue.

Certificato Gost

Page 2: MM Lampadari



Un mondo dicreazioni conuna storia daraccontare.Forme esclusive, inferro battutorigorosamente amano, fanno riviverel’emozione diun’antica sapienzaartigiana.Giochi di luce,nei bagliori semprecangianti dellostrass, accendononuove dimensionidello stile.Il passato, nella suaespressione piùsuggestiva,diventa futuroa partire dalleprossime pagine...

A world ofcreations witha story to tell.

Exclusiveforms, strictly in

hand-workedwrought iron, revive

the emotions ofancient expertise

in handicraft.Plays of light, in the

ever changingglittering of strass,

illuminate newdimensions of style.

The past, in itsmost evocative

expression,becomes the

future: starting onthe next pages...

Page 3: MM Lampadari

MM LAMPADARI viene fondata nel 1966 a Quero, nell’area delle Dolomiti Bellunesi, terra del ferro battuto, patria del celeberrimo maestro Rizzarda. Attualmente guidata dalla signora Lenzia Mondin, MM LAMPADARI si posiziona tra le più importanti realtà italiane nel settore della produzione di lampadari per illuminazione di interni. A nobilitare ulteriormente la suggestiva bellezza del ferro, concorre la presenza del vetro di Murano, celebre isola nella laguna di Venezia, culla dell’arte del vetro soffiato. MM LAMPADARI collabora con Vetrarti Ilves Group, una tra le più rinomate vetrerie che soffia il vetro secondo l’arte di Murano, dando vita ad oggetti dal fascino inimitabile.MM LAMPADARI studia in primo piano la luce e non solo. Molto apprezzati sono anche i complementi di arredo, creati appositamente per essere ambientati nello stesso contesto di classe e di armonia dell’illuminazione: letti, comodini, consolle, tavoli, sedie e candelabri, in una gamma completa per ogni gusto e preferenza.

MM LAMPADARI was established in 1966 in Quero, in the Bellunese Dolomite area, land of wrought iron, home of the celebrated master Rizzarda. Currently directed by Mrs. Lenzia Mondin, MM LAMPADARI is one of the leading Italian lamp and interior lighting manufacturers.Murano glass, from the famous island in the Venice lagoon, cradle of the art of blown glass, contributes to further ennoble the captivating beauty of iron. MM LAMPADARI works with the Vetrarti Ilves Group, one of the most famous glassworks that blows glass according to the Murano art tradition, bringing peerlessly fascinating objects to life.MM LAMPADARI focuses on studying light and more. Furniture accessories are also highly appreciated, specifically created to be included in the same sophisticated and harmonious context as the lighting: Beds, nightstands, consoles, tables, chares and candelabras, in a complete range for every taste and preference.

MM Lampadari via Feltr ina, 37 cap 31040 Pederobba (TV) I talyTel. +39 0423 688800 - Fax +39 0423 688790 - [email protected]

Page 4: MM Lampadari

Enrico De Girardi

Christian Piccolo

Nasce a Montebelluna nel 1977. Dopo la laurea presso l’Accademia di Belle Arti a Venezia nel 2004 inzia l’attività di designer ed interior design. Inizia disegnando una collezione di cermiche per la Certrè Fashion Hause, nello stesso anno inizia la collaborazione con la Linea Light, dove firma alcuni prodotti. Nel settore dell’illuminazione collabora inoltre con MM Lampadari firma alcuni prodotti con il brand DopoTutto, collabora anche come consulente per la ricerca di nuovi materiali e sviluppo di prodotto per Mastella settore arredo bagno.

Christian Piccolo is born in Montebelluna in 1977. After the degree in Accademia delle Belle Arti reached Venice in 2004, he started the activity of designer and interior design. He proceeded drawing a collection of ceramics for Certre’ Fashion Hause and in the meanwhile, he opened a collaboration with Linea Light where he marked some items. In lighting sector he collaborated with MM Lampadari where he marked some items with brand DopoTutto. He also cooperates with Mastella arredo bagno as consultant for new material research and development of new product.

Christian Piccolo

Moreno Groppo

Inizia la carriera in MM nel 1993. Sviluppa rapidamente un forte interesse per il ferro forgiato e grazie agli insegnamenti del Maestro De Girardi fa sue tecniche e competenze che lo rendono una fonte indispensabile per la progettazione e la coordinazione della nostra fucina. Dal sapiente mix di conoscenza e creatività sa inventare lampade e complementi d’arredo di straordinaria eleganza che ben si adattano alla filosofia MM.

His collaboration with MMLampadari dates back to 1993. His interest in the art of working wrought ironblossomed into a passion under the tutelage of Master Enrico De Girardi. Hisknowledge & skills of the techniques of working iron now make himindispensable to our Project Department & Iron Works. The combination of hisartistic ability & physical skill has enabled him to create the most elegantlight fittings & furniture which seem to personify the MMLampadari ‘style’.

Moreno Groppo

Enrico De Girardi “the master“

All’età di 14 anni decide di seguire le sue inclinazioni di spiccata manualità iscrivendosi presso l’istituto Rizzarda, importante scuola italiana della lavorazione del ferro con sede nelle prealpi bellunesi. Grazie alla sua incredibile manualità già da giovane, ancora nel corso della sua educazione scolastica, viene assunto presso un’azienda produttrice di lampade artistiche. Il passo successivo e determinante della sua carriera è datato 1967 quando i soci fondatori di MM Lampadari lo assumono come product assistant.Si distingue per la sua creatività e la sua capacità di creare forme nuove ed avveniristiche.

Fra i vari riconoscimenti alla sua carriera ed al suo lavoro si ricordano:

1994 1° premio nella competizione sponsorizzata dalla Camera di Commercio Italo/Australiana “ The Best Chandelier”

1996 premio consegnato dal sindaco di Vladivostok per la creazione e lo sviluppo di un lampadario stile XIX Secolo, per la Stazione Metropolitana della città.

1998 vincita del concorso italiano “La Tecnica e le Forme” organizzata da Cosmit e patrocinata dal Comune di Milano.

2000 vincita del concorso i”Classicismo nell’Arte” patrocinata dalla Camera di Commercio Italo/Romena.

2005 2nd place nella competizione “Ferro Forgiato” organizzata e sponsorizzata dall’Albo degli Architetti di Venezia

At At the tender age of 14, Enrico De Girardi began his life-long passion for working iron when he attended the Rizzarda Institute - one of the most prestigious schools for learning the age-old secrets of manipulating wrought iron. Even before he had completed his studies, his working career began when he started work for a local company manufacturing artistic lamps. In 1967 he joined MMLampadari and immediately distinguished himself by his incredible creative talent & skill in producing the most wonderful & unique pieces. His tutelage & support for young craftsmen has ensured that his knowledge & skills will be passed down to future generations.

Among his numerous Awards we remember:

1994 1st Place in the competition sponsored by the Italian Chamber of Commerce & Industry in Australia- ‘The Best Chandelier’

1996 Award given by the Mayor of Vladivostok for having created & manufactured an original XIX Century’s style chandelier for the Vladivostok Underground Station.

1998 1st Place in the Italian competition ‘The technique & The Shapes’, organised by COSMIT (Milan Fair organization) & sponsored by the Municipality of Milan City

2000 1st Place in the competition ‘Classicism in Lighting’ organized by the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Romania

2005 2nd Place in the competition ‘Hand-made Iron’ organized & sponsored by the Venetian Architect Association

Matteo Valenti

Matteo Valenti

Di origini siciliane, si trasferisce giovanissimo a Milano, dove manifesta fin da subito un vivo interesse per la lavorazione artistica dei metalli nobili nei complementi d’ arredo. Realizza pezzi unici di notevole pregio per i Paesi Arabi. Poco più che ventenne inizia un sodalizio artistico con il maestro De Girardi dal quale apprende ogni segreto nell’ arte della lavorazione del ferro e di cui diventa il più stretto collaboratore.Abile nella creazione di lampade di grandi dimensioni su disegno personalizzato e lampade dalle forme eleganti; ricercatore costante di nuove forme che stimolino il gusto di persone sensibili alla bellezza ed alla ricercatezza è nostro stabile collaboratore dal 1991 dove realizza e crea illuminazione di indiscusso gusto

Born in Sicily, he moved to Milan when still very young. As a 20year old he began work under the patronage of Master Enrico De Girardi,learning the special art of working wrought iron into items of great beauty,and becoming the Master’s ‘right-hand man’. His special talent for theconception & creation of large-scale, custom-made, elegant light fittingshas enabled him to extend the reputation of MMLampadari into the Arab world.He has become a mainstay of MMLampadari.

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Pensare e produrre italiano

To think and to produ-ce

5092/16V 0904Ø 150 x H 140 cm16 x max 40W E14


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5499/16V 1258Ø 140 x H 145 cm16 x max 100W E27

5471/12V 1107Ø 185 x H 182 cm12 x max 100W E27

5471/A1V 1107L 19 x L 38 x H 99 cm1 x max 100W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi8 9

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5831/A2V 1691L 42 x L 20 x H 49cm2 x max 40W E14

5831/12V 1691Ø 94 x H 83 cm12 x max 40W E14

20 SediaV 1691L 40 x L 50 x H 85 cmCuscino Avorio

5831/8V 1691Ø 84 x H 78 cm8 x max 40W E14

5831 TavoloV 1691Ø 150 x H 78 cm

Design by Enrico de Girardi10 11

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5831/5V 1691Ø 62 x H 72 cm5 x max 40W E14

5831/A1V 1691L 16 x L 24 x H 49 cm1 x max 40W E14

5831/L1V 1691Ø 18 x H 76 cm1 x max 40W E14

5830 TavoloV 1691L 120 x L 80 x H 50 cmBase in ferroIron base

5831/12+6+3V 1691Ø 100 x H 165 cm21 x max 40W E14

12 13

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6080/02 TavoloV 1679Ø 130 x H 50 cm

6080/01 TavoloV 1776Ø 130 x H 75 cm

21 SediaV 1776L 40 x L 50 x H 85 cm

Design by Enrico de Girardi14 15

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6066/8V 1753Ø 104 x H 73 cm8 x max 60W E27

6070/A2V 1753L 53 x L 25 x H 57 cm2 x max 100W E27

6068/A1V 1753L 35 x L 25 x H 55 cm1 x max 100W E27

6066/8+4V 1753Ø 124 x H 116 cm12 x max 60W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi16 17

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6071/6V 1758Ø 86 x H 76 cm6 x max 60W E27

6073/A2V 1758L 50 x L 25 x H 50 cm2 x max 100W E27

6071/3V 1758Ø 74 x H 70 cm3 x max 60W E27

6072/A1V 1758L 31 x L 20 H 55 cm1 x max 100W E27

6073/L1V 1758L 33 x L 20 H 50 cm1 x max 100W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi18 19

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5931/LT1V 1723 ruggine/oro rust/goldV 1679 foglia oro/argento gold leaf/silver leafV 1681 verde/oro green/goldpiatto Ø 50L 50 x L 65x H 177 cm1 x max 250W E27

5931/A2V 1723piatto Ø 28L 88 x L 29 x H 55 cm2 x max 100W E27

5931 TavoloV 1723L 125 x L 75 x H 49 cm

Design by Enrico de Girardi20 21

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5931/A1 GrandeV 1723piatto Ø 50L 50 x L 62 x H 170 cm1 x max 100W E27

5931/A1 PiccoloV 1723piatto Ø 28L 29 x L 31 x H 58 cm1 x max 100W E27

5993/A1 dx/sxV 1723piatto Ø 28L 55 x L 32 x H 56 cm1 x max 100W E27

5931/8V 1723piatto Ø 130 x H 85 cm8 x max 60W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi22 23

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6499/A1V 1022L 20 x L 27 H 25 cm1 x max 60W E14

6499/6V 1022Ø 85 x H 50 cm6 x max 60W E14

6499/8V 1022Ø 120 x H 65 cm8 x max 60W E27

6499/P5V 1022Ø 75 x H 30 cm5 x max 60W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi24 25

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6674/A1GV 1679L 7 x L 17 x H 65 cm1 x max 60W G9

6674/A1PV 1679L 7 x L 14 x H 34 cm1 x max 60W G9

6674/LT3V 1679Ø 40 x H 198 cm1 x max 60W E142 x max 150W E27

6883/A1V 1022L 33 x L 20 x H 33 cm1 x max 100W E14

6883/A2V 1022L 63 x L 22 x H 33 cm2 x max 100W E14

Design by Enrico de Girardi26 27

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6499/01 TavoloV 1679Ø 120 x H 76 cm

6499 SpecchioV 1022Ø 70 x L 6 cm

6499/02 TavoloV 1679Ø 100 x H 59 cm

6499 Consolle*V 1679L 150 x L 35 x H 87 cm*Marmo escluso Piano cristallo disponibile Excluded marble Top glass available

6499 TavoloV 1679L 180 x L 120 x H 76 cm

5931/L3V 1022Ø 41 x H 62 cm3 x max 60W E27

6617 TavoloV 1022L 120 x L 60 x H 46 cm

Design by Enrico de Girardi28 29

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6027/A1V 1721L 37 x L 17 x H 44 cm1 x max 60W E27

6027/2V 1721Ø 37 x H 50 cm2 x max 40W E14

6027/3V 1721Ø 62 x H 65 cm3 x max 40W E14

6015/3+3V 1679Ø 37 x H 85 cm6 x max 40W E14

6090/6V 1786Ø 74 x H 95 cm6 x max 60W E27

6089/3V 1785Ø 43 x H 65 cm3 x max 60W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi30 31

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6582/P1V 2162Ø 37 x H 75 cm1 x max 100W E27

6582/A1V 2162L 37 x L 17 x H 60 cm1 x max 100W E27

6582/LT1V 2162Ø 37 x H 180 cm1 x max 150W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi32 33

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5360/1V 2301Ø 70 x H 60 cm1 x max 100W E27

5360/A1V 2301L 20 x L 12 x H 40 cm1 x max 60W E14

5362/A1V 2301L 35 x L 25 x H 65 cm1 x max 60W E27

5360/LT1V 2301Ø 40 x H 190 cm1 x max 150W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi34 35

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5326/1V 2317Ø 34 x H 68 cm1 x max 100W E27

5326/2V 0867Ø 58 x H 83 cm2 x max 60W E27

5364/P3V 0867Ø 58 x H 35 cm3 x max 60W E27

5364/3V 0867Ø 58 x H 60 cm3 x max 60W E27

6269/3V 0867Ø 45 x H 60 cm3 x max 60W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi36 37

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6400/3V 1534Ø 46 x H 125 cm3 x max 60W E27

6585/3V 1165Ø 52 x H 120 cm3 x max 60W E27

6400/A2V 1534L 56 x L 46 H 75 cm2 x max 60W E27

6400/1V 2109Ø 30 x H 70 cm1 x max 100W E27

6400/A1V 2109L 29 x L 37 x H 43 cm1 x max 100W E27

6400/LT1V 2109Ø 30 x H 170 cm1 x max 250W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi38 39

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5972/6V 1681Ø 125 x H 85 cm6 x max 60W E27

5972/8V 1681Ø 125 x H 95 cm8 x max 60W E27

5972/12V 1681Ø 180 x H 110 cm12 x max 60W E27

5972/12+6V 1681Ø 180 x H 170 cm12 x max 60W E27

5972/A1V 1681L x 17 L x 35 H 55 cm1 x max 100W E27

5972/A2V 1681L 52 x L 23 x H 55 cm2 x max 100W E27

5972/LT1V 1681Ø 60 x H 180 cm1 x max 250W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi40 41

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6175/A1V 1681L 13 x L 19 x H 43 cm1 x max 60W E14

6175/6V 1681Ø 85 x H 60 cm6 x max 60W E27

6064/1V 1681Ø 50 x H 55 cm1 x max 100W E27

6064/A1V 1681L 20 x L 35 H 18 cm1 x max 60W E27

6062/LT1V 1681Ø 60 x H 172 cm1 x max 250W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi42 43

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6418/A2V 2166L 46 x L 25 H 50 cm2 x max 60W E27

6418/4V 2166Ø 70 x H 70 cm4 x max 60W E27

6418/6V 2166Ø 75 x H 80 cm6 x max 60W E27

6418/8V 2166Ø 104 x H 90 cm8 x max 60W E27

6418/12V 2166Ø 200 x H 210 cm12 x max 100W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi44 45

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5959/3V 1679Ø 70 x H 45 cm3 x max 60W E27

5957/1V 1679L 70 x L 51 x H 65 cm1 x max 100W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi46 47

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5958/L1V 1669Ø 17 x H 29 cm1 x max 40W G9

5958/A2V 1669L 20 x L 8 x H 20 cm2 x max 40W G9

5958/P5 01V 1669Ø 40 x H 21 cm4 x max 40W G9 +1 x max 50W GU10

5958/3V 1669Ø 32 x H 60 cm3 x max 40W E14

5958/P5V 1669Ø 60 x H 30 cm5 x max 40W E14

Design by Enrico de Girardi48 49

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6684/16+1V 2246Ø 56 x H 46 cm1 x max 25W E14 +16 x max 10W G4

6684/A2V 2246Ø 10 x H 43 cm2 x max 60W E14

6687/A2V 2246L 34 x L 12 x H 28 cm2 x max 60W E14

6700/Tav.01V 2493L 55 × L 35 × H 55 cm

6700/Tav.00V 2493L 45 × L 35 × H 50 cm

6700/Tav.02 V 2493L 104 × L 54 × H 45 cm

30 sediaV 2493Ø 42 × H 88 cm

Design by Enrico de Girardi50 51

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6342/P4V 2078L 80 x L 56 H 16 cm4 x max 40W E14

6342/A1V 0007L 30 x L 15 x H 48 cm1 x max 40W E14

5548/48V 0431Ø 400 x H 400 cm48 x max 100W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi52 53

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6734/L1V 1600L 35 x L 20 x H 70 cm1 x max 60W E27

6705/L1V 1600L 35 x L 20 x H 60 cm1 x max 60W E27

6731/L1V 1600L 35 x L 20 x H 70 cm1 x max 60W E14

6733/L1V 1600L 35 x L 20 x H 70 cm1 x max 60W E27

6732/L1V 1600L 35 x L 20 x H 70 cm1 x max 60W E14

6231/A1V 0007L x 15 L x 24 H 61 cm1 x max 100W E27

6231/4V 0007Ø 87 x H 87 cm4 x max 60W E27

6231/8V 0007Ø 100 x H 90 cm8 x max 60W E27

6583/A1V 1613L 27 x L 35 x H 113 cm1 x max 100W E27

6583/1V 1613Ø 30 x H 70 cm1 x max 100W E27

5828/A1V 2119L 19 x L 24 H 100 cm1 x max 100W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi54 55

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6429/12V 1723Ø 100 x H 150 cm12 x max 40W E14

6518/6+3V 2160Ø 65 x H 55 cm9 x max 40W E14

Design by Enrico de Girardi56 57

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5034/6-02V 2096Ø 70 x H 62 cm6 x max 60W E14

5034/3-01V 2096Ø 55 x H 67 cm3 x max 60W E27

5034/A1V 2096L 16 x L 16 x H 41 cm1 x max 60W E14

5034/6-01V 2096L 88 x L 58 x H 73 cm6 x max 60W E14

5034/4V 2096L 73 x L 58 x H 60 cm4 x max 60W E14

5034/6+3V 2096Ø 84 x H 76 cm3 x max 60W E27 +6 x max 60W E14

5034/A2V 2096L 25 x L 16 x H 41 cm2 x max 60W E14

5034/3V 2096Ø 55 x H 40 cm3 x max 60W E14

5034/6-03V 2096Ø 78 x H 60 cm6 x max 60W E14

5034/8+4V 2096Ø 125 x H 115 cm4 x max 60W E27 +8 x max 60W E14

5034/A3V 2096L 42 x L 17 x H 46 cm3 x max 60W E14

Design by Enrico de Girardi58 59

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6000 TavoloV 1706L 120 x L 60 x H 47 cm

5996 TavoloV 1706L 70 x L 70 x H 47 cm

6735 ConsolleV 1250L 120 x L 47 x H 84 cm

8008 PancaV 1489L 40 x L 114 x H 64 cmCuscino inclusoIncluded pillow

Design by Enrico de Girardi60 61

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6618/A2V 2176L 28 x L 54 x H 76 cm2 x max 60W E14

6618/8V 2176Ø 90 x H 85 cm8 x max 60W E14

6618/16+8V 2176Ø 180 x H 145 cm24 x max 60W E14

Design by Enrico de Girardi62 63

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5899/5V 2321Ø 63 x H 90 cm5 x max 60W E14

6419/16+8V 2164Ø 220 x H 170 cm16 x max 60W E278 x max 60W E14

Design by Enrico de Girardi64 65

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6419/8+4V 2164Ø 90 x H 90 cm12 x max 60W E14

6419/6+3V 2164Ø 90 x H 90 cm9 x max 60W E14

6419/A2V 2164L 57 x L 20 x H 70 cm2 x max 60W E14

Design by Enrico de Girardi66 67

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6469/12V 1165Ø 120 x H 130 cm12 x max 60W E14

6673/3V 1165Ø 43 x H 60 cm3 x max 60W E14

6738/1V 2305Ø 36 x H 44 cm1 x max 100W E27

6739/1V 2305Ø 38 x H 44 cm1 x max 100W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi68 69

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6469/6V 2094Ø 76 x H 92 cm6 x max 60W E14

6469/3V 1165Ø 45 x H 52 cm3 x max 60W E14

6469/8V 2094Ø 88 x H 94 cm8 x max 60W E14

6469/A2V 2094L 44 x L 23 x H 58 cm2 x max 60W E14

6469/A3V 2094L 63 x L 32 x H 82 cm3 x max 60W E14

6469/A5V 2080L 78 x L 32 x H 98 cm5 x max 60W E14

Design by Enrico de Girardi70 71

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6470/8V 2080Ø 77 x H 88 cm8 x max 60W E14

6470/5V 2080Ø 70 x H 79 cm5 x max 60W E14

6470/A5V 2105L 63 x L 35 x H 75 cm5 x max 60W E14

6470/A2V 2094L 47 x L 21 x H 60 cm2 x max 60W E14

6470/18V 2080Ø 150 x H 115 cm18 x max 60W E14

Design by Enrico de Girardi72 73

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6431/8+8-00V 2056Ø 74 x H 83 cm16 x max 60W E14

6431/A2V 2056L 45 x L 22 x H 47 cm2 x max 60W E14

6431/8+8-01V 2056Ø 102 x H 116 cm16 x max 60W E14

Design by Enrico de Girardi74 75

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6474/P4V 2115Ø 60 x H 33 cm4 x max 60W E27

6474/P6V 1669Ø 80 x H 43 cm6 x max 60W E27

6474/A1V 1165L 27 L 17 x H 27 cm1 x max 60W E14

6474/P12V 2115Ø 120 x H 67 cm12 x max 60W E27

6474/A2V 1165L 40 L 26 x H 38 cm2 x max 60W E14

Design by Enrico de Girardi76 77

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6695/P4V 2115L 65 x L 56 x H 33 cm4 x max 60W E27

6696/P4V 2270L 73 x L 63 x H 22 cm4 x max 60W E27

6695/P6V 2115L 80 x L 65 x H 35 cm6 x max 60W E27

6696/P6V 2270L 90 x L 75 x H 24 cm6 x max 60W E27

6695/P2V 2115L 56 x L 46 x H 30 cm2 x max 60W E27

6696/P2V 2270L 65 x L 55 x H 22 cm2 x max 60W E27

6695/P8V 2115L 115 x L 90 x H 53 cm8 x max 60W E27

6696/P8V 2270L 120 x L 98 x H 32 cm8 x max 60W E27

78 79

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6681/P4V 2243L 60 x L 50 x H 22 cm4 x max 60W E27

6681/P6V 2243L 76 x L 65 x H 26 cm6 x max 60W E27

6681/P2V 2243L 52 x L 42 x H 22 cm2 x max 60W E27

6681/P8V 2243L 108 x L 88 x H 42 cm8 x max 60W E27

6468/L1V 2077L 24 L 15 x H 40 cm1 x max 60W E14

6468/A1V 2077L 24 L 15 x H 42 cm1 x max 60W E14

6468/3V 2077Ø 56 x H 58 cm3 x max 60W E14

6468/A2V 2077L 43 L 22 x H 42 cm2 x max 60W E14

6468/5V 2077Ø 70 x H 55 cm5 x max 60W E14

Design by Enrico de Girardi80 81

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4819/3V 1959Ø 38 x H 47 cm3 x max 60W E14

4819/5V 1959Ø 50 x H 55 cm5 x max 60W E14

4819/A2V 1959L 36 x L 13 x H 37 cm2 x max 60W E14

4819/8V 1959Ø 78 x H 80 cm8 x max 60W E14

Design by Enrico de Girardi82 83

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5098/A2V 1703L 42 x L 22 x H 42 cm2 x max 60W E14

5098/8V 1703Ø 74 x H 80 cm8 x max 60W E14

5098/A3V 1703L 43 x L 31 x H 43 cm3 x max 60W E14

5098/P1V 1703Ø 40 x H 10 cm1 x max 60W E27

5098/32V 1703Ø 150 x H 160 cm32 x max 40W E14

5098/LT1V 1703Ø 42 x H 176 cm1 x max 100W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi84

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5098/L1V 1250Ø 25 x H 49 cm1 x max 60W E27

5098/L3V 1250Ø 62 x H 68 cm3 x max 40W E14

5098 TavoloV 1703Ø 100 x H 74 cm

5098/16V 2078Ø 94 x H 80 cm16 x max 40W E14

Design by Enrico de Girardi86 87

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6297/8V 1990Ø 74 x H 87 cm8 x max 60W E14

6294/A2V 1990L 44 x L 20 x H 55 cm2 x max 60W E14

5098/32 01V 2350Ø 210 x H 245 cm32 x max 40W E14

Design by Enrico de Girardi88 89

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6615/8V 1165Ø 76 x H 73 cm8 x max 60W E14

6295/5V 2002Ø 76 x H 57 cm5 x max 60W E14

Design by Enrico de Girardi90 91

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4962/5V 0007Ø 62 x H 64 cm5 x max 60W E14

4962/6V 0007Ø 70 x H 64 cm6 x max 60W E14

4962/8V 0007Ø 80 x H 80 cm8 x max 60W E14

4962/12V 0007Ø 120 x H 105 cm12 x max 60W E14

4962/A2V 0580L 28 x L 19 x H 47 cm2 x max 60W E14

4962/A3V 0580L 32 x L 26 x H 50 cm3 x max 60W E14

4962/A1V 0580L 13 x L 22 x H 45 cm1 x max 60W E14

Design by Enrico de Girardi92 93

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5572/A1V 2318L 31 x L 24 x H 62 cm1 x max 60W E14

5572/12V 2318Ø 120 x H 120 cm12 x max 60W E14

5572/18 + 18V 1271Ø 180 x H 180 cm36 x max 60W E14

Design by Enrico de Girardi94 95

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6416/12V 2057Ø 190 x H 155 cm12 x max 100W E27

6416/8V 2046Ø 84 x H 68 cm8 x max 60W E14

6416/P5V 1723Ø 80 x H 25 cm5 x max 60W E27

6416/A2V 2046L 33 x L 19 x H 46 cm2 x max 60W E14

Design by Enrico de Girardi96 97

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6285/8V 1985Ø 68 x H 55 cm8 x max 60W E14

6285/5V 1985Ø 52 x H 46 cm5 x max 60W E14

6085/A3V 1985L 35 x L 30 H 50 cm3 x max 60W E14

6284/5V 1984Ø 82 x H 46 cm5 x max 60W E14

6284/8V 1984Ø 88 x H 51 cm8 x max 60W E14

6284/A2V 1984L 36 x L 20 x H 38 cm2 x max 60W E14

Design by Enrico de Girardi98 99

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6286/A2V 1986L 39 x L 25 x H 45 cm2 x max 60W E14

6286/6V 1986Ø 82 x H 58 cm6 x max 60W E14

5257/A2V 0956L 38 x L 24 x H 47 cm2 x max 40W E14

5257/5V 0956Ø 74 x H 67 cm5 x max 40W E14

5257/L1V 0956Ø 14 x H 26 cm1 x max 40W E14

5257/8V 0956Ø 85 x H 80 cm8 x max 40W E14

5257/LT3V 0956Ø 58 x H 117 cm3 x max 40W E14

Design by Enrico de Girardi100 101

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6283/A3V 1983L 60 x L 18 x H 57 cm3 x max 60W E14

6283/A1V 1983L 44 x L 15 x H 50 cm1 x max 60W E14

6283/P6V 1983L 76 x L 66 x H 19 cm6 x max 60W E14

6283/5V 1983Ø 52 x H 45 cm5 x max 60W E14

6283/8V 1983Ø 66 x H 49 cm8 x max 60W E14

6283/A2V 1983L 84 x L 17 x H 55 cm2 x max 60W E14

Design by Enrico de Girardi102 103

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6285/LettoV 2517L 220 x L 185 x H 126 cmrete L 160 x P 190 cm

Design by Matteo Valenti104 105

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5840/5V 1682Ø 80 x H 64 cm5 x max 60W E14

5836/5V 2094Ø 74 x H 80 cm5 x max 60W E14

5837/A1V 1680L 28 x L 26 x H 41 cm1 x max 60W E14

5837/LT3V 1680Ø 45 x H 190 cm3 x max 60W E14

Design by Enrico de Girardi106 107

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6716/6V 2305Ø 75 x H 58 cm6 x max 40W G9

6745/P6V 2305Ø 58 x H 49 cm6 x max 40W G9

6744/P5V 2305Ø 80 x H 20 cm5 x max 40W G9

6726/8V 2305Ø 115 x H 52 cm8 x max 40W G9

Design by Enrico de Girardi108 109

Page 57: MM Lampadari

Esperienza e buon gustoconcorrono in ugual misura alla

sapiente armonia di ognicomposizione. Per scrivere

nuove brillanti pagine di stilenello splendente libro

della tradizione.Experience and good taste

contribute equally to theharmony of each composition

To write new brilliant pagesof style in the splendid book

of tradition

Esperienza e buon gustoconcorrono in ugual misura alla

sapiente armonia di ognicomposizione. Per scrivere

nuove brillanti pagine di stilenello splendente libro

della tradizione.Experience and good taste

contribute equally to theharmony of each composition

To write new brilliant pagesof style in the splendid book

of tradition

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6715/L1V 2306Ø 20 x H 42 cm1 x max 40W G9

6730/16V 2306Ø 120 x H 60 cm16 x max 40W G9

6715/A2V 2306L 45 x L 30 H 45 cm2 x max 40W G9

6715/LT6V 2306Ø 62 x H 188 cm6 x max 40W G9

6715/P6V 2306Ø 75 x H 48 cm6 x max 40W G9

Design by Enrico de Girardi112 113

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6502/6V 2114Ø 76 x H 55 cm6 x max 60W E14

6502/A2V 2114L 36 x L 22 x H 40 cm2 x max 60W E14

6501/6V 2113Ø 75 x H 55 cm6 x max 60W E14

6501/A2V 2113L 34x L 18 x H 40 cm2 x max 60W E14

Design by Enrico de Girardi114 115

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6736/6+1V 2312Ø 82 x H 70 cm6 x max 60W E14 +1 x max 40W G9

6736/A1V 2312L 22 x L 16 x H 30 cm1 x max 40W G9

6736/L1V 2312L 13 x L 16 x H 33 cm1 x max 40W G9

Design by Matteo Valenti116 117

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6736/P7V 2312Ø 73 x H 24 cm7 x max 40W G9

6736/LT3V 2312Ø 45 x H 178 cm3 x max 40W G9

6736 VasoV 2312Ø 38 x H 87 cmcon ramowith branch

6736 VasoV 2312Ø 28 x H 35 cmramo esclusobranch excluded

6736/A2V 2312L 37 x L 21 x H 20 cm2 x max 40W G9

Design by Enrico de Girardi118 119

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5420/12V 1246Ø 140 x H 110 cm12 x max 60W E27

5420/36V 1246Ø 400 x H 400 cm36 x max 60W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi120 121

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6614/P9V 2069Ø 95 x H 70 cm9 x max 60W E27

5201/16+3V 2069Ø 120 x H 120 cm19 x max 60W E14

Design by Enrico de Girardi122 123

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6213/12V 1909Ø 90 x H 48 cm12 x max 20W G4

6213/LT5V 1909L 30 x L 25 x H 168 cm5 x max 20W G4

6213/6V 1909Ø 68 x H 47 cm6 x max 20W G4

Disponibili anche con portalampade G9Avaiable also with G9 lampolders

6213/P3V 1909Ø 90 x H 16 cm3 x max 20W G4

6213/P6V 1909Ø 96 x H 28 cm6 x max 20W G4

6213/A3V 1909L 20 x L 18 x H 48 cm3 x max 20W G4

6213/L1V 1909Ø 20 x H 42 cm1 x max 20W G4

6213/A2V 1909L 21 x L 20 x H 44 cm2 x max 20W G4

6213/L3V 1909Ø 30 x H 60 cm3 x max 20W G4

Design by Enrico de Girardi124 125

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6533/6V 2137Ø 80 x H 46 cm6 x max 60W E14

6533/8V 2137Ø 88 x H 48 cm8 x max 60W E14

6533/3V 2137Ø 65 x H 38 cm3 x max 60W E14

6533/1V 2137Ø 26 x H 38 cm1 x max 100W E27

6533/P3V 2137Ø 64 x H 20 cm3 x max 60W E14

6533/P6V 2137L 96 x L 50 x H 20 cm6 x max 60W E14

6533 SpecchioV 2137L 66 x L 5 x H 87 cm

6533 ConsolleV 2137L 100 x L 39 x H 81 cm

6533 ColonnaV 2137Ø 33 x H 60 cm

6533/A2V 2137L 40 x L 18 x H 34 cm2 x max 60W E14

6533/L2V 2137L 25 x L 29 x H 50 cm2 x max 40W E14

6533/A5V 2137L 68 x L 18 x H 61 cm5 x max 60W E14

6533/LT1V 2137Ø 30 x H 174 cm1 x max 250W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi126 127

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6577/A2V 2163L 45 x L 16 x H 37 cm2 x max 40W E14

6577/A1V 2163L 24 x L 17 x H 30 cm1 x max 40W E14

6577/A3V 2163L 55 x L 22 x H 32 cm3 x max 40W E14

6577/4V 2163L 74 x L 30 x H 50 cm4 x max 40W E14

6577/6V 2163L 92 x L 37 x H 65 cm6 x max 40W E14

6577/LT3V 2163Ø 45 x H 180 cm3 x max 40W E14

6577/P2V 1679L 100 x L 30 x H 15 cm2 x max 60W E27

6577/P4V 1679L 67 x L 30 x H 15 cm4 x max 40W E14

Design by Enrico de Girardi128 129

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6682/A3V 2245L 35 x L 22 x H 104 cm3 x max 40W G9

6682/A2V 2245L 25 x L 24 x H 55 cm2 x max 40W G9

6682/LT5V 2245Ø 40 x H 180 cm5 x max 40W G9

6682/P5V 2245L 83 x L 63 x H 40 cm5 x max 40W G9

Design by Matteo Valenti130 131

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6689/P10V 2281L 107 x L 70 x H 34 cm10 x max 40W G9

6689/A2V 2281L 27 x L 16 x H 60 cm2 x max 40W G9

6689/P6V 2281Ø 58 x H 34 cm6 x max 40W G9

6689/LT7V 2281Ø 45 x H 180 cm7 x max 40W G9

Design by Matteo Valenti132 133

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6788/P8V 2385L 105 x L 40 x H 25 cm2 x max 40W G96 x max 20W G4

6788/LT8V 2385Ø 160 x H 220 cm4 x max 40W G94 x max 20W G4

6788/A3V 2385L 30 x L 18 x H 42 cm3 x max 20W G4

6788/LT5V 2385Ø 50 x H 187 cm2 x max 40W G93 x max 20W G4

6788/A5V 2385L 42 x L 16 x H 60 cm5 x max 20W G4

Design by Enrico de Girardi134 135

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6749/6V 2349Ø 76 x H 60 cm6 x max 60W E14

6749/A2V 2349L 47 x L 20 x H 66 cm2 x max 60W E14

6749/P8V 2349L 100 x L 70 x H 25 cm8 x max 60W E14

6749/LT3V 2349Ø 55 x H 188 cm3 x max 60W E14

Design by Matteo Valenti136 137

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6755/6V 0889Ø 72 x H 50 cm6 x max 60W E14

6755/8V 0889Ø 72 x H 50 cm8 x max 60W E14

6755/12V 0889Ø 125 x H 62 cm12 x max 60W E14

6755/12+6V 0889Ø 125 x H 90 cm18 x max 60W E14

6755/A1V 0889L 20 x L 16 x H 50 cm1 x max 60W E14

6755/L1V 0889Ø 17 x H 36 cm1 x max 60W E14

Design by Moreno Groppo138 139

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5930/5V 1693Ø 70 x H 47 cm5 x max 40W E14

5930/P3V 1693Ø 62 x H 15 cm3 x max 40W E14

5930/P6V 1693Ø 65 x H 47 cm6 x max 40W E14

Design by Moreno Groppo140 141

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5930/A3V 1693L 45 x L 18 x H 77 cm3 x max 60W E14

5930/L1V 1693L 15 x L 18 x H 43 cm1 x max 60W E14

5930/A1V 1693L 30 x L 15 x H 51 cm1 x max 60W E14

5930/LT3V 1693Ø 30 x H 194 cm3 x max 60W E14

142 143

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6735/A1V 2311L 40 x L 18 x H 16 cm1 x max 60W E27

6735/LT1V 2311Ø 50 x H 180 cm1 x max 150W E27

6735/P5V 2311Ø 62 x H 27 cm5 x max 60W E14

6643/A1V 1926L 30 x L 29 x H 44 cm1 x max 60W E27

6643/LT1V 1926Ø 50 x H 180 cm1 x max 250W E27

Design by Matteo Valenti144 145

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5627/LT1V 1703Ø 35 x H 180 cm1 x max 150W E27

5627/P5V 1703Ø 85 x H 24 cm5 x max 60W E27

5627/A1V 1703L 24 x L 15 x H 64 cm1 x max 100W E27

5627/P4V 1703L 64 x L 42 x H 12 cm4 x max 40W E14

Design by Matteo Valenti146 147

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5627/LettoV 1703L 220 x L 185 x H 126 cmrete L 160 x P 190 cm

Design by Matteo Valenti148 149

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6082/8V 1778Ø 85 x H 57 cm8 x max 60W E14

6082/A1V 1778L 30 x L 26 x H 45 cm1 x max 60W E14

6082/6V 1778Ø 68 x H 50 cm6 x max 60W E14

6082/A2V 1778L 35 x L 20 x H 45 cm2 x max 60W E14

6082/L1V 1778L 25 x L 20 x H 55 cm1 x max 60W E14

6082/LT3V 1778Ø 44 x H 170 cm3 x max 60W E14

6082/18V 1778Ø 120 x H 95 cm18 x max 60W E14

Design by U.T. MM Lampadari150 151

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6092/A3V 1788L 32 x L 11 x H 53 cm3 x max 20W G4

6092/9V 1788Ø 72 x H 50 cm9 x max 20W G4

6092/L3V 1788Ø 20 x H 43 cm3 x max 20W G4

6092/20V 1788Ø 100 x H 72 cm20 x max 10W G4

6092/P12V 1788Ø 65 x H 13 cm12 x max 20W G4

6092/A5V 1788L 44 x L 15 x H 44 cm5 x max 20W G4

6092/12V 1788Ø 72 x H 51 cm12 x max 20W G4

6092/L7V 1788Ø 25 x H 66 cm7 x max 20W G4

6092/LT7V 1788Ø 32 x H 165 cm7 x max 20W G4

6092/P6V 1788Ø 56 x H 13 cm6 x max 20W G4

Design by U.T. MM Lampadari152 153

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6227/6V 2157Ø 68 x H 40 cm6 x max 20W G4

6227/A2V 2157L 23 x L 14 x H 50 cm2 x max 20W G4

6227/A3V 2157L 22 x L 15 x H 48 cm3 x max 20W G4

6227/A5V 2157L 40 x L 15 x H 78 cm5 x max 20W G4

6227/9V 2157Ø 68 x H 47 cm9 x max 20W G4

6227/L2V 2157Ø 22 x H 56 cm2 x max 20W G4

6227/L3V 2157Ø 22 x H 42 cm3 x max 20W G4

Design by U.T. MM Lampadari154 155

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6511/6+3V 2159Ø 70 x H 65 cm9 x max 40W G9

6522/8+1V 2159Ø 65 x H 40 cm8 x max 40W G91 x max 100W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi156 157

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6513/12V 2159L 85 x L 55 H 45 cm12 x max 20W G4

6510/6+3V 2159Ø 85 x H 65 cm9 x max 40W G9

Design by Enrico de Girardi158 159

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6520/8V 2161L 75 x L 45 x H 25 cm8 x max 40W G9

6520/P6V 2161L 85 x L 45 x H 15 cm6 x max 40W G9

6521/A2V 2161L 55 x L 15 x H 15 cm2 x max 40W G9

6520/A2V 2161L 35 x L 15 x H 15 cm2 x max 40W G9

Design by Enrico de Girardi160 161

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6510/6+3V 2159Ø 85 x H 65 cm9 x max 40W G9

6520/LT6V 2161Ø 38 x H 176 cm6 x max 40W G9

6520 TavoloV 2161Ø 150 x H 75 cm

25 SediaV 2161Ø 42 x H 83 cm


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6520/Attaccapanni 01V 2159L 70 x L 12 x H 20 cm

6520/Specchio 01V 2159L 92 x L 18 x H 215 cm

Design by Matteo Valenti164 165

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6520 ConsolleV 2159L 91 x L 30 x H 62 cm

6520/TavolinoV 2159Ø 82 x H 42.5 cm

6520 ComodinoV 2159Ø 48 x H 60 cm

6520/Appendiabiti 00V 2159Ø 45 x H 175 cm

Design by Matteo Valenti

6520/SpecchioV 1022Ø 82 x L 10 cm

Design by Matteo Valenti166 167

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6520/P1V 1022L 23 x L 19 x H 1.5 cm1 x max 50W GU10

Design by Matteo Valenti168 169

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6520 LettoV 2159L 208 x L 180 x H 123 cmTestiera H 123Pediera H 93Adatto per rete/Suitable for baseL 160 x L 190 cm

Design by Matteo Valenti170 171

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6512/A5+2V 1679L 75 x L 26 x H 60 cm2 x max 40W E145 x max 20W G4

6515/4V 2159Ø 50 x H 50 cm4 x max 40W G9

6511/A2+1V 1022L 40 x L 18 x H 60 cm1 x max 60W E272 x max 20W G4

6515/8V 2159Ø 150 x H 55 cm8 x max 40W G9

6515/A2V 2159L 25 x L 15 x H 55 cm2 x max 40W G9

6512/8+1V 1687Ø 86 x H 65 cm1 x max 150W E278 x max 20W G4

Design by Enrico de Girardi172 173

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6612/A8V 1926L 55 x L 15 x H 126 cm8 x max 20W G4

6611/A5V 1926L 30 x L 20 x H 82 cm5 x max 20W G4

6229/A8V 1926L 65 x L 22 x H 128 cm8 x max 20W G4

6228/A5V 1021L 20 x L 20 x H 76 cm5 x max 20W G4

Design by Enrico de Girardi174 175

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6517/8+3V 1679Ø 60 x H 50 cm3 x max 60W E27 +8 x max 40W G9

6516/6+3V 1679Ø 70 x H 50 cm3 x max 60W E27 +6 x max 40W G9

Design by Enrico de Girardi176 177

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6517/A2V 1679L 35 x L 15 x H 20 cm2 x max 60W E14

6517/P5V 1679Ø 45 x H 24 cm5 x max 60W E27

6517/L1V 1679Ø 20 x H 33 cm1 x max 60W E14

6517/L3V 1679Ø 34 x H 58 cm3 x max 60W E27

6517/LT6V 1679Ø 45 x H 165 cm6 x max 60W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi178 179

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6819/A1V 1679L 18 x L 13.5 x H 33 cm1 x max 100W E27

6819/LT1V 2161Ø 34 x H 182 cm1 x max 250W E27

6814/8+1V 2161Ø 56 x H 60 cm8 x max 40W G9 +1 x max 100W E27

6809/6+3V 2431Ø 64 x H 60 cm6 x max 40W G9 +3 x max 60W E14

Design by Enrico de Girardi180 181

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Libera fusione di stili e motivi estetici diversioffre nuove espressioni della bellezza: formeinattese diventano protagoniste, per stupirecon il fascino della loro intensa personalità.The free fusion between different styles andaestetic motives offers new expressions ofbeauty. Unusual shapes are protagoniststo amaze you with the fascination of theirintense personality.

6678/10V 1679Ø 58 x H 70 cm5 x max 60W E14 +5 x max 40W G9

6675/A4V 1679L 25 x L 12 x H 46 cm4 x max 40W G9

6731/L1V 1600L 35 x L 20 x H 70 cm1 x max 60W E14

182 183

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6675/A4V 1679L 25 x L 12 x H 46 cm4 x max 40W G9

6678/A2V 1679L 30 x L 12 x H 48 cm2 x max 60W E14

6677/10V 1679Ø 60 x H 65 cm5 x max 60W E14 +5 x max 40W G9

6677/A3V 1679L 24 x L 14 x H 46 cm2 x max 60W E14 +1 x max 40W G9

Design by Enrico de Girardi184 185

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6579/42V 1679Ø 180 x H 230 cm42 x max 60W E27

6579/5V 1679Ø 60 x H 50 cm1 x max 100W E274 x max 60W E14

6579/A2V 1679L 37 x L 14 x H 33 cm2 x max 60W E14

Design by Enrico de Girardi186 187

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6580/28V 1679L 150 x L 200 x H 150 cm28 x max 60W E27

6580/6V 1679Ø 70 x H 50 cm5 x max 60W E141 x max 100W E27

6580/A2V 1679L 30 x L 15 x H 40 cm2 x max 60W E14

Design by Enrico de Girardi188 189

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6610/4V 2170L 80 x L 37 x H 70 cm4 x max 60W E27

6610/P4V 2170L 55 x L 55 x H 60 cm4 x max 60W E27

6610/A2V 2170L 45 x L 11 x H 55 cm2 x max 60W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi190 191

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6680/A4V 1679L 26 x L 12 x H 53 cm4 x max 40W G9

6680/4V 1679Ø 31 x H 65 cm4 x max 60W E27

6609/2+1V 2170Ø 33 x H 58 cm3 x max 60W E27

6609/A1V 2170L 27 x L 18 x H 39 cm1 x max 60W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi192 193

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6578/6V 2172Ø 70 x H 22 cm6 x max 60W E14Paralume inclusoIncluded lampshade

6578/3V 2172Ø 60 x H 20 cm3 x max 60W E14Paralume inclusoIncluded lampshade

6578/A2V 2172L 48 x L 20 x H 48 cm2 x max 60W E14Paralume inclusoIncluded lampshade

6578/LT3+1V 2172Ø 50 x H 178 cm3 x max 60W E141 x max 60W E27Paralume inclusoIncluded lampshade

6578/L3V 2172Ø 31 x H 55 cm3 x max 60W E14Paralume inclusoIncluded lampshade

Design by Matteo Valenti194 195

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6489/A2V 1723L 45 x L 24 x H 40 cm2 x max 40W E14Paralume inclusoIncluded lampshade

6489/6V 1723Ø 87 x H 56 cm6 x max 40W E14Paralume inclusoIncluded lampshade

6489/LT1V 1723Ø 35 x H 153 cm1 x max 100W E27Paralume inclusoIncluded lampshade

Design by Matteo Valenti196 197

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6703/3V 2290Ø 75 x H 120 cm max3 x max 60W E27

6703/LT2V 2290Ø 35 x H 180 cm2 x max 100W E27

6703/A1V 2290L 15 x L 12 x H 68 cm1 x max 60W E27

6704/A1V 2290L 17 x L 21 x H 88 cm1 x max 60W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi198 199

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6642/LT2V 2278Ø 32 x H 175 cm1 x max 150W R7s 1 x max 58W TLDDoppia accensioneDouble start

6642/A1V 2278L 32 x L 17 H 10 cm1 x max 20W E27Basso consumoCompact fluorescent lamp

6642/P4V 2278L 69 x L 37 x H 12 cm4 x max 20W E27Basso consumoCompact fluorescent lamp

6642/P2V 2278L 69 x L 21 x H 13 cm2 x max 20W E27Basso consumoCompact fluorescent lamp

Design by Matteo Valenti200 201

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6524/A1V 2167L 10 x L 10 x H 50 cm1 x max 60W E14

6524/A2V 2167L 16 x L 12 x H 45 cm2 x max 60W E14

6524/L2V 2167L 16 x L 10 x H 53 cm2 x max 60W E14

6524/LT2V 2167Ø 33 x H 185 cm1 x max 150W E271 x max 60W E14

Design by U.T. MM Lampadari202 203

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La delicata, attenta lavorazione del vetro scalfito dona infinite

suggestioni che si traducono inoggetti esclusivi. Creazioni

di luce degne di figuraredove l’eleganza regna sovrana.

The delicate, careful workmanshipblown glass offers infinite

suggestions which result in unique objects. Light creation worthy of being

placed whre the elegance regins

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6740/A2V 2314L 20 x L 10 H 44 cm2 x max 60W E14

6741/12V 2314Ø 88 H 90 cm12 x max 60W E14

6741/P4V 2314Ø 48 x H 16 cm4 x max 60W E27

6741/4V 2314Ø 48 x H 72 cm4 x max 60W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi206 207

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6740/4V 2314Ø 37 x H 66 cm4 x max 60W E14

6741/A2V 2314L 60 x L 25 x H 14 cm2 x max 60W E14

6740/LT4V 2314Ø 33 x H 174 cm4 x max 60W E14

6740/9V 2314Ø 62 x H 106 cm9 x max 60W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi208 209

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6763/A3V 2314Ø 33 x H 10 cm3 x max 60W E14

6763/P6V 2314Ø 55 x H 17 cm6 x max 60W E14

6740/P6V 2314Ø 70 x H 23 cm6 x max 60W E27

6764/6V 2314Ø 60 x H 130 cm6 x max 60W E27

6765/A1V 2314L 22 x L 15 x H 25 cm1 x max 100W E27

6764/A2V 2314L 32 x L 11 x H 32 cm2 x max 60W E14

Design by Enrico de Girardi210 211

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6741 SpecchioV 2314Ø 90 x L 2 cm

6741 ConsolleV 2314L 111 x L 48 x H 82 cm

212 213

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La definizione dei particolariche è il vero segreto che rendeogni singolo pezzo un’ operadi pregio, uguale solo a se stessa.In questo modo, la luce satrasmettere infinite seduzioni.The secret which makes each piecetruly unique is the great attention paidto details. Light thus transmitsits infinite seduction.

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6767/A1V 2387L 12 x L 33 x H 175 cm1 x max 100W E27

6790/LT1V 2387Ø 29 x H 182 cm1 x max 150W E27

6790/L1V 2387Ø 15 x H 39 cm1 x max 60W E14

6700 ConsolleV 2278L 100 x L 40 x H 81 cm

6766/A1V 2387L 13 x L 29 x H 85 cm1 x max 60W E14

6700 Specchio con luciV 2278L 60 x L 10 x H 78 cm4 x max 40W E14

6766/L1V 2387Ø 15 x H 63 cm1 x max 60W E14

6701/LT1V 2278Ø 35 x H 185 cm1 x max 250W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi216 217

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6698/18+3+2V 2278Ø 250 x H 200 cm23 x max 60W E27

6700/A2 01V 2278L 11 x L 7 x H 36 cm2 x max 60W E14

6700/L1V 2278L 13 x L 13 x H 31 cm1 x max 60W E27

6700/4V 2278L 40 x L 40 x H 38 cm4 x max 60W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi218 219

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6700/LT3V 2278L 32 x L 32 x H 178 cm3 x max 100W E27

6701/A3V 2278L 22 x L 10 x H 48 cm3 x max 60W E14

6700/LT1V 2278L 30 x L 30 x H 158 cm1 x max 250W E27

6701/A2V 2278L 13 x L 7 x H 35 cm2 x max 60W E14

Design by Enrico de Girardi220 221

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6697/L1V 2275Ø 15 x H 31 cm1 x max 60W E27

6697/3V 2275Ø 50 x H 38 cm3 x max 60W E27

6699/A2V 2275L 18 x L 12 x H 85 cm1 x max 60W E141 x max 25W E14

6698/4V 2276L 70 x L 14 x H 130 cm max4 x max 60W E14

6697/A2 01V 2275L 9 x L 8 x H 38 cm2 x max 60W E14

Design by Enrico de Girardi222 223

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6699/LT2V 2277Ø 35 x H 175 cm1 x max 60W E14 +1 x max 150W E27

6699/L1V 2277Ø 17 x H 56 cm1 x max 60W E27

6699/P6V 2277Ø 60 x H 12 cm6 x max 60W E14

6699/A1V 2277L 24 x L 9 x H 37 cm1 x max 60W E14

Design by Enrico de Girardi224 225

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6794/2V 0216L 40 x L 23 H 155 cm max2 x max 100W E27

6793/A1V 0197L 10 x L 6.5 H 23 cm1 x max 60W E27

6793/1V 0197L 10 x L 10 H 165 cm max1 x max 75W E27

6793/3V 0197L 48 x L 10 H 165 cm max3 x max 75W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi226 227

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6840/A2V 1607L 18 x L 12 x H 85 cm2 x max 40W G9

6840/A1V 1607L 16 x L 6,5 x H 57 cm1 x max 40W G9

6840/1V 1607Ø 8 x H 125 cm max1 x max 60W G9

6795/1V 1607Ø 8,5 x H 165 cm max1 x max 75W E27

6840/3V 1607Ø 50 x H 38 cm3 x max 60W E27

6840/LT1V 1607Ø 30 x H 170 cm1 x max 150W E27


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6786/6V 1607Ø 82 x H 90 cm6 x max 60W E14

6786/A1V 1607L 16 x L 23 x H 36 cm1 x max 60W E14

6786/L1V 1607Ø 50 x H 65 cm1 x max 100W E27Paralume inclusoLampshade included

Design by Enrico de Girardi230 231

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6787/8V 1607Ø 93 x H 112 cm8 x max 40W G9

6787/10V 1607Ø 93 x H 112 cm10 x max 40W G9

6786/5V 1607Ø 82 x H 90 cm5 x max 60W E14

6787/L1V 1607Ø 50 x H 65 cm1 x max 100W E27Paralume inclusoLampshade included

Design by Enrico de Girardi232 233

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6787/P4V 1607L 112 x L 25 x H 45 cm4 x max 40W G9

6787/P3V 1607Ø 70 x H 45 cm3 x max 40W G9

6792/LT12V 2389Ø 33 x H 200 cm12 x max 20W G4

6787/P2V 1607L 78 x L 20 x H 44 cm2 x max 40W G9

6792/A5V 2389L 15 x L 20 x H 48 cm5 x max 20W G4

6787/P6V 1607Ø 115 x H 46 cm6 x max 40W G9

6792/P12V 2389L 82 x L 42 x H 27 cm12 x max 40W G4

Design by Matteo Valenti234 235

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6791/A2V 2388L 27 x L 11 x H 24.5 cm2 x max 40W G9

6791/P4V 2388L 49 x L 32 x H 8 cm4 x max 40W G9

6791/LT2V 2388L 30 x L 28 x H 168 cm2 x max 40W G9

6791/4V 2388L 60 x L 33 x H 125 cm max4 x max 40W G9

Design by Matteo Valenti236 237

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6746/A2V 2329L 30 x L 17 x H 52 cm2 x max 40W G9

6746/LT5V 2329Ø 33 x H 182 cm5 x max 40W G9

6746/L1V 2329Ø 13 x H 39 cm1 x max 40W G9

6746/P5V 2329L 78 x L 44 x H 38 cm5 x max 40W G9

Design by Matteo Valenti238 239

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6779/A1V 2377L 14.5 x L 16 x H 28 cm1 x max 40W G9

6771/7V 1021L 87 x L 32 x H 145 cm max7 x max 40W G9

6783/P6V 1021Ø 60 x H 18 cm6 x max 60W E14

6780/6V 2377L 76 x L 30 x H 145 cm max6 x max 40W G9

Design by Enrico de Girardi240 241

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6752/A2V 1021L 55 x L 29 x H 11 cm2 x max 40W G9

6752/P3V 1021Ø 56 x H 20 cm3 x max 40W G9

6752/LT1V 1021Ø 62 x H 180 cm1 x max 250W E27

6752/P6V 1021Ø 102 x H 31 cm6 x max 60W E14

Design by Matteo Valenti242 243

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6789/A3V 2386L 30 x L 5 x H 39 cm3 x max 20W G4

6789/LT8V 2386Ø 60 x H 162 cm7 x max 20W G4 +1 x max 100W E27Doppia accensioneDouble start

6753/A3V 1607L 30 x L 19 x H 32 cm3 x max 20W G4

6753/P8V 1607Ø 40 x H 62 cm8 x max 20W G4

6753/LT6V 1607Ø 42 x H 177 cm1 x max 150W E27 +5 x max 20W G4

Design by Matteo Valenti244 245

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6224/A3V 2313L 27 x L 23 x H 47 cm3 x max 20W G4

6224/L2V 2313Ø 16 x H 47 cm2 x max 20W G4

6224/LT6V 2313Ø 45 x H 185 cm6 x max 20W G4

6225/P6V 2313Ø 80 x H 20 cm6 x max 20W G4

6224/8V 2313Ø 80 x H 45 cm8 x max 20W G4

6225/12V 2313L 120 x L 38 x H 140 cm max12 x max 20W G4

Design by Enrico de Girardi246 247

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6087/L1V 1784L 25 x L 18 x H 45 cm1 x max 40W G9

6087/LT2+1V 1784L 57 x L 26 x H 175 cm1 x max 100W E272 x max 40W G9

6087/A1V 1784L 27 x L 24 x H 36 cm1 x max 40W G9

6088/A1V 1784L 23 x L 37 x H 80 cm1 x max 40W G9

6088/5V 1784Ø 84 x H 48 cm5 x max 40W G9

6087/P2V 1784L 107 x L 25 x H 35 cm2 x max 40W G9

Design by Enrico de Girardi248 249

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6862/8+3V 2468Ø 75 × H 92 cm8 × max 60W E14 + 3 × max 40W E14


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6862/L1V 2468Ø 25 × H 42 cm1 × max 60W E14

6862/A1V 2468L 33 × L 18 × H 50 cm1 × max 100W E27

6862/5+2V 2468Ø 48 x H 83 cm5 x max 60W E14 +2 x max 40W G9

Design by Matteo Valenti252 253

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6880/5V 2485Ø 74 × H 74 cm5 × max 60W E14

6880/8V 2485Ø 82 × H 82 cm8 × max 60W E14

Design by U.T. MM Lampadari254 255

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6880/L1V 2485Ø 30 × H 48 cm1 × max 60W E14

6880/A2V 2485L 36 × L 20 × H 42 cm2 × max 60W E14

6880/P1 PV 2485Ø 47 × H 25 cm1 × max 100W E27

6880/P1 01V 2485Ø 69 × H 29 cm1 × max 150W E27

Design by U.T. MM Lampadari256 257

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6852/6V 2458Ø 92 × H 66 cm6 × max 60W E14

6852/A2V 2458L 45 × L 25 × H 51 cm2 × max 60W E14

6852/A2 01V 2458L 50 × L 25 × H 60 cm2 × max 60W E14

6852/8V 2458Ø 100 × H 73 cm8 × max 60W E14

21 SediaV 1776L 40 x L 50 x H 85 cm

Design by Enrico de Girardi258 259

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6846/L1V 2451Ø 12 × H 28 cm1 × max 60W G9

6070/A2V 1753L 130 x L 80 x H 75 cm2 x max 100W E27

6846/A1V 2451L 12 × L 7,5 × H 28 cm1 × max 60W G9

6846/P6V 2451Ø 55 × H 26 cm6 × max 60W E14

6847/P6V 2451Ø 72 × H 26 cm6 × max 60W E14

6847/A3V 2451L 30 × L 19 × H 66 cm3 × max 60W E14

6847/A2V 2451L 20 × L 8 × H 45 cm2 × max 60W G9

6847/LT1V 2451Ø 34 × H 180 cm1 × max 250W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi260 261

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6854/L1V 2462Ø 25 × H 44 cm1 × max 60W E14

6854/6V 2462Ø 76 × H 69 cm6 × max 60W E14

6854/8V 2462Ø 72 × H 73 cm8 × max 60W E14

6854/A2 01V 2462L 30 × L 22 × H 64 cm2 × max 60W E14

Design by Enrico de Girardi262 263

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6860/L1V 2466Ø 25 × H 42 cm1 × max 60W E14

6860/6V 2466Ø 69 × H 92 cm6 × max 60W E14

Design by Enrico de Girardi264 265

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6806/A2V 1021L 30 × L 25 × H 45 cm

6806/A1V 1021L 40 × L 22 × H 45 cm1 × max 60W E14

6806/P5+1V 1021Ø 80 × H 40 cm1 × max 100W E27 + 5 × max 40W G9

6806/P8+1V 1021Ø 96 × H 48 cm1 × max 100W E27 + 8 × max 40W G9

6806/5+1V 1021Ø 75 × H 70 cm1 × max 60W E27 + 5 × max 60W E14

6806/8+1V 1021Ø 96 × H 65 cm8 × max 40W E14 + 1 × max 60W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi266 267

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6867/5V 2473Ø 42 × H 35 cm5 × max 40W G9

268 269

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6867/P5V 2473Ø 42 × H 30 cm5 × max 40W G9

6867/P8V 2473Ø 60 × H 30 cm8 × max 60W E14

6867/5V 2473Ø 42 × H 35 cm5 × max 40W G9

6867/8V 2473Ø 60 × H 50 cm8 × max 60W E14

Design by Matteo Valenti270 271

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6867/A2V 2473L 36 × L 17 × H 18 cm2 × max 60W E14

6867/L1V 2473Ø 17 × H 34 cm1 × max 60W E14

6867/LT1V 2473Ø 42 × H 182 cm1 × max 150W E27

Design by Matteo Valenti272 273

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6864/A1 01V 2468L 33 × L 8 × H 26 cm5 LED x 1W

6864/P6V 2468Ø 62 × H 10 cm6 × max 40W G9

6864/A1V 2468L 30 × L 5,5 × H 26 cm5 LED x 1W

6864/1V 2468Ø 62 × H 125 cm max1 × max 150W E27

Design by Matteo Valenti274 275

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6864/L1V 2468Ø 20 × H 37 cm1 × max 60W E14

6864/LT1V 2468Ø 45 × H 168 cm1 × max 150W E27

27 SediaV 2468L 41 × L 53 × H 91 cm

6864/TavoloV 2468Ø 120 × H 76,5 cm

Design by Matteo Valenti276 277

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6851/A4V 2457L 36 × L 25 × H 27 cm4 × max 20W G4

6851/L1 01V 2457Ø 20 × H 34 cm1 × max 60W E14

6851/L1 00V 2457Ø 35 × H 56 cm1 × max 60W E27

6851/LT1V 2457Ø 50 × H 171 cm1 × max 150W E27

6851/P12V 2457Ø 58 × H 27 cm12 × max 20W G4

Design by Matteo Valenti278 279

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6820/P10V 2418L 70 × L 60 × H 75 cm10 × max 40W G9

6820/A3V 2418L 40 × L 30 × H 40 cm3 × max 40W G9

6820/LT5V 2418L 50 × L 45 × H 175 cm5 × max 40W G9

6820/L2V 2418L 23 × L 20 × H 43 cm2 × max 40W G9

Design by Enrico de Girardi280 281

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6863/P12V 2469Ø 70 × H 19 cm12 × max 20W G4

6863/A4V 2469L 35 × L 11 × H 36 cm4 × max 20W G4

6863/LT12V 2469Ø 50 × H 177 cm12 × max 20W G4

Design by Matteo Vaenti282 283

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6865/A2+1V 2471L 32 × L 16 × H 15 cm2 × max 20W G4 + 1 × max 60W E14

6865/LT6+1V 2471Ø 32 × H 172 cm6 × max 20W G4 + 1 × max 150W R7s

6865/P12+3V 2471Ø 59 × H 24 cm12 × max 20W G4 + 3 × max 40W G9

284 285

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6812/A2V 2416L 33 × L 13 × H 45 cm2 × max 40W G9

6812/P1V 2416Ø 35 × H 24 cm1 × max 100W E27

6812/1V 2416Ø 47 × H 48 cm1 × max 100W E27

6812/P3V 2416Ø 52 × H 23 cm3 × max 40W G9

6812/P5+1V 2416Ø 85 × H 35 cm5 × max 40W G9 + 1 × max 100W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi286 287

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6879/A3V 2470L 20 × L 15 × H 50 cm3 × max 40W G9

6879/8V 2470Ø 43 × H 62 cm8 × max 40W G9

6879/A4V 2470L 37 × L 11 × H 57 cm4 × max 40W G9

6879/A4 01V 2470L 53 × L 15 × H 38 cm4 × max 40W G9

6879/L1V 2470Ø 14 × H 23 cm1 × max 60W G9

6879/LT8V 2470Ø 40 × H 180 cm8 × max 40W G9

Design by Enrico de Girardi288 289

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6843/P3V 2470Ø 32 × H 145 cm max3 × max 60W G9

6843/P6V 2470Ø 48 × H 145 cm max6 × max 60W G9

6843/P1 03 GrandeV 2470Ø 18 × H 145 cm maxsfera Ø 15 cm1 × max 60W G9

6843/P1 02 MedioV 2470Ø 18 × H 145 cm maxsfera Ø 12 cm1 × max 60W G9

6843/P1 01 PiccoloV 2470Ø 18 × H 145 cm maxsfera Ø 10 cm1 × max 60W G9

6843/71V 2470Ø 200 × H 200 cm71 × max 40W G9

Design by Enrico de Girardi292 293

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6843/A2V 2470L 26 × L 25 × H 38 cm2 × max 60W G9

6843/A1V 2470 L 15 × L 20 × H 26 cm1 × max 60W G9

6843/L1 01V 2470Ø 15 × H 31 cm1 × max 60W G9

6844/LT6V 2470Ø 65 × H 196 cm6 × max 60W G9

6844/8V 2470Ø 80 × H 57 cm8 × max 60W G9

Design by Enrico de Girardi294 295

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6843/P6+1V 2470Ø 55 × H 32 cm7 × max 60W G9

6843/P8+1V 2470Ø 58 × H 37 cm9 × max 60W G9

6843 AppendiabitiV 2490Ø 32 × H 181 cm

6843 Attaccapanni02V 2490L 91 × L 10 H 7 cmA quattro sfereWith four spheres

6843 Attaccapanni01V 2490L 71 × L 10 H 7 cmA tre sfereWith three spheres

Design by Enrico de Girardi296 297

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6881/L1 01 MedioV 2490L 45 × L 16 × H 21 cm1 × max 60W G9

6881/A1 01 MedioV 2490L 21 × L 16 × H 45 cm1 × max 60W G9

6881/L1 02 GrandeV 2490L 83 × L 30 × H 40 cm1 × max 150W E27

6881/A1 02 GrandeV 2490L 40 × L 30 × H 83 cm1 × max 150W E27

6881/L1 00 PiccoloV 2490L 35 × L 13 × H 16 cm1 × max 60W G9

6881/A1 00 PiccoloV 2490L 16 × L 13 × H 35 cm1 × max 60W G9

Design by Enrico de Girardi300 301

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6882/L1 01 MedioV 2499L 57 × L 15 × H 20 cm1 × max 60W G9

6882/L1 00 PiccoloV 2499L 30 × L 15 × H 20 cm1 × max 60W G9

6882/L1 02 GrandeV 2499L 67 × L 30 × H 35 cm1 × max 150W E27

6882/LT1V 2499Ø 45 × H 181 cm1 × max 150W E27

6882/A1 01 MedioV 2499L 15 × L 20 × H 57 cm1 × max 60W G9

6882/A1 00 PiccoloV 2499L 15 × L 20 × H 30 cm1 × max 60W G9

6882/A1 02 GrandeV 2499L 30 × L 35 × H 67 cm1 × max 150W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi302 303

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6884/P1V 1607L 12 × L 12 × H 12,5 cm1 × max 60W G9

6884/A1V 1607L 12 × L 12,5 × H 12 cm1 × max 60W G9

6850/L1 00 PiccoloV 2456Ø 22 × H 20 cm1 × max 60W E14

6850/L1 01 MedioV 2456Ø 35 × H 30 cm1 × max 150W E27

6850/L3 V 2456Ø 60 × H 50 cm3 × max 60W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi304 305

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6841/12V 2460L 97 × L 35 × H max 145 cm12 × max 40W G9

6841/8V 2460Ø 82 × H 84 cm8 × max 40W G9

Design by Enrico de Girardi306 307

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6841/A4V 2460L 66 × L 36 × H 68 cm4 × max 40W G9

6841/A2 01V 2460L 24 × L 8 × H 35 cm2 × max 40W G9

6841/A2 00V 2460L 41 × L 8 × H 50 cm2 × max 40W G9

6841/A1V 2460L 19 × L 8 × H 40 cm1 × max 40W G9

Design by Enrico de Girardi308 309

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6841/LT6V 2460Ø 60 × H 178 cm3 × max 40W G9 + 3 × max 60W E14

6841/L4V 2460Ø 45 × H 73 cm2 × max 40W G9 + 2 × max 60W E14

6841/L1V 2460Ø 20 × H 38 cm1 × max 40W G9

Design by Enrico de Girardi310 311

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6859/6+1V 2464Ø 76 × H 75 cm6 × max 60W E14 +1 x max 100W E27

6857/6+1V 2455Ø 78 × H 60 cm6 × max 60W E14 +1 × max 100W E27

6858/A2V 2465L 28 × L 18 × H 44 cm2 × max 60W E14

6857/A2V 2455L 41 × L 24 × H 46 cm2 × max 60W E14

Design by Enrico de Girardi312 313

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6858/1V 2493Ø 25 × H 100 cm1 × max 150W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi314

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6856/LT6V 2463Ø 46 × H 173 cm1 × max 150W R7s5 × max 40W G9

6855/LT5V 1679Ø 38 × H 169 cm5 × max 60W E14

6855/A2V 1679L 16 × L 10 × H 33 cm2 × max 60W E14

6855/L2V 1679Ø 21 × H 43 cm2 × max 60W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi316 317

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6877/1V 2471L 60 × L 60 × H 145 cm max1 × max 150W R75

6877/A2V 2471L 15 × L 14 × H 42 cm2 × max 40W G9

6878/1V 2471Ø 60 × H max 145 cm1 × max 150W R7s

Design by Enrico de Girardi 319

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6878/P9V 2471Ø 82 × H max 145 cm9 × max 40W G9

6878/P6V 2471Ø 66 × H 27 cm6 × max 40W G9

6878/P8V 2471Ø 70 × H 25 cm8 × max 40W G9

6878/LT4V 2471Ø 49 × H 190 cm4 × max 40W G9

Design by Enrico de Girardi320 321

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6878/L1V 2471Ø 25 × H 25 cm1 × max 40W G9

6878/L2V 2471Ø 25 × H 34 cm2 × max 40W G9

6878/A2V 2471L 25 × L 13 × H 30 cm2 × max 40W G9

6878/L3V 2471Ø 34 × H 46 cm3 × max 40W G9

6878/A1V 2471L 20 × L 12 × H 26 cm1 × max 40W G9

6878/A3V 2471L 34 × L 17 × H 40 cm3 × max 40W G9

Design by Enrico de Girardi322 323

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6848/1 00V 2454L 13 × L 13 × H 150 max1 × max 150W E27

6848/A2V 2454L 18 × L 11 × H 28 cm2 × max 60W E14

6848/LT3V 2454L 28 × L 28 × H 172 cm3 × max 100W E27

6848/A3V 2454L 23 × L 15 × H 28 cm3 × max 60W E14

6848/1 01V 2454L 26 × L 26 × H 150 cm max1 × max 150W E27

6848/2V 2454L 40 × L 12 × H 150 cm max2 × max 100W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi324 325

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6873/P4 01V 2476L 57 × L 30 × H 19 cm4 × max 60W E27

6873/A2V 2476L 22 × L 24 × H 10 cm2 × max 40W G9

6873/P2V 2476L 40 × L 7 × H 22 cm2 × max 40W G9

6875/LT4V 2476Ø 48 × H 174 cm4 × max 40W G9

6873/LT4V 2476L 44 × L 30 × H 172 cm4 × max 40W G9

6873/L2 01V 2476L 26,5 × L 9 × H 40 cm2 × max 40W G9

6873/L2V 2476L 24 × L 10 × H 20 cm2 × max 40W G9

6873/1V 2476L 30 × L 30 × H 150 cm max1 × max 150W E27

Design by Enrico de Girardi326 327

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6807/6V 2419Ø 53 × H 50 cm6 × max 40W G9

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6807/LT5+1V 2419Ø 45 × H 182 cm5 × max 40W G9 + 1 × max 150W E27

6807/P2V 2419L 56 × L 60 × H 22 cm2 × max 40W G9

6807/6V 2419Ø 53 × H 50 cm6 × max 40W G9

6807/P4V 2419L 70 × L 60 × H 24 cm4 × max 40W G9

6807/P6V 2419Ø 80 × H 50 cm6 × max 40W G9

6807/P6 01V 2419Ø 80 × H 48 cm6 × max 40W G9

Design by Enrico de Girardi330 331

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6832/A1V 2298L 17 × L 6 × H 44 cm1 × max 40W G9

6832/P10V 2298Ø 51 × H 20 cm10 × max 20W G4

6832/LT7V 2298Ø 34 × H 207 cm7 × max 20W G4

6832/LT7V 2298Ø 34 × H 207 cm7 × max 20W G4

Design by Matteo Valenti332 333

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6832/P8V 2298L 85 × L 23 × H 22 cm8 × max 20W G4

6832/L1V 1607Ø 14 × H 37 cm1 × max 40W E14

6832/ELEMENTOV 2298L 50 × L 21 × H 18 cm1 × max 40W G9

6832/L1 01V 1607Ø 20 × H 45 cm1 × max 60W E27

6832/P1V 2298L 32 × L 12 cm1 × max 50W GU 5.3

6832/A3V 2298L 40 × L 14 × H 31 cm3 × max 20W G4

Design by Matteo Valenti334 335

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6831/L1 01V 1607Ø 20 × H 45 cm1 × max 60W E27

6831/L1V 1607Ø 14 × H 37 cm1 × max 40W E14

6831/A2V 1607L 28 × L 16 × H 15 cm2 × max 40W G9

6831/LT1V 1607L 43 × L 29 × H 168 cm1 × max 150W E27

6831/2V 1607Ø 50 × H max 127 cm2 × max 100W E27

6831/1V 1607Ø 20 × H max 127 cm1 × max 100W E27

6831/4V 1607L 69 × L 44 × H max 150 cm4 × max 40W G9

Design by Enrico de Girardi336 337

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6872/Tav.V 2474L 180 × L 120 × H 76,5 cm

29 sediaV 2474L 41 × L 53 × H 91 cm

28 sediaV 2475L 41 × L 53 × H 91 cm

6873/Tav. bassoV 2475L 130 × L 95 × H 41,5 cm

6873/Tav.01V 2475L 180 × L 120 × H 71,5 cm

Design by Enrico de Girardi338 339

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20 sedia V 1691 1121 sedia V 1776 1525 sedia V 2161 16327 sedia V 2468 27628 sedia V 2475 33929 sedia V 2474 33830 sedia V 2493 504819/3 V 1959 834819/5 V 1959 834819/8 V 1959 824819/A2 V 1959 834962/5 V 0007 924962/6 V 0007 924962/8 V 0007 924962/12 V 0007 924962/A1 V 0580 934962/A2 V 0580 934962/A3 V 0580 935034/3 V 2096 585034/3-01 V 2096 585034/4 V 2096 595034/6+3 V 2096 585034/6-01 V 2096 585034/6-02 V 2096 585034/6-03 V 2096 595034/8+4 V 2096 585034/A1 V 2096 595034/A2 V 2096 595034/A3 V 2096 595092/16 V 0904 75098 tavolo V 1703 865098/8 V 1703 845098/16 V 2078 875098/32 V 1703 845098/32 01 V 2350 885098/A2 V 1703 845098/A3 V 1703 845098/L1 V 1250 865098/L3 V 1250 865098/LT1 V 1703 845098/P1 V 1703 845201/16+3 V 2089 1235257/5 V 0956 1015257/8 V 0956 1015257/A2 V 0956 1015257/L1 V 0956 1015257/LT3 V 0956 1015326/1 V 2317 375326/2 V 0867 375360/1 V 2301 345360/A1 V 2301 345360/LT1 V 2301 355362/A1 V 2301 345364/3 V 0867 365364/P3 V 0867 375420/12 V 1246 1205420/36 V 1246 1215471/12 V 1107 85471/A1 V 1107 85499/16 V 1258 95548/48 V 0431 525572/12 V 2318 945572/18+18 V 1271 955572/A1 V 2318 94

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6071/3 V 1758 196071/6 V 1758 186072/A1 V 1758 196073/A2 V 1758 186073/L1 V 1758 196080/01 tavolo V 1776 146080/02 tavolo V 1679 156082/6 V 1778 1506082/8 V 1778 1506082/18 V 1778 1516082/A1 V 1778 1506082/A2 V 1778 1506082/L1 V 1778 1506082/LT3 V 1778 1506087/A1 V 1784 2486087/L1 V 1784 2496087/LT2+1 V 1784 2486087/P2 V 1784 2486088/5 V 1784 2496088/A1 V 1784 2496089/3 V 1785 316090/6 V 1786 306092/9 V 1788 1536092/12 V 1788 1536092/20 V 1788 1536092/A3 V 1788 1526092/A5 V 1788 1526092/L3 V 1788 1526092/L7 V 1788 1526092/LT7 V 1788 1536092/P6 V 1788 1526092/P12 V 1788 1526175/6 V 1681 426175/A1 V 1681 426213/6 V 1909 1246213/12 V 1909 1256213/A2 V 1909 1246213/A3 V 1909 1246213/L1 V 1909 1246213/L3 V 1909 1246213/LT5 V 1909 1256213/P3 V 1909 1246213/P6 V 1909 1246224/8 V 2313 2466224/A3 V 2313 2466224/L2 V 2313 2466224/LT6 V 2313 2466225/12 V 2313 2476225/P6 V 2313 2476227/6 V 2157 1546227/9 V 2157 1546227/A2 V 2157 1556227/A3 V 2157 1556227/A5 V 2157 1556227/L2 V 2157 1556227/L3 V 2157 1556228/A5 V 1021 1756229/A8 V 1926 1756231/4 V 0007 546231/8 V 0007 546231/A1 V 0007 546269/3 V 0867 366283/5 V 1983 1026283/8 V 1983 102

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5627/A1 V 1703 1465627/LT1 V 1703 1465627/P4 V 1703 1475627/P5 V 1703 1475627/Letto V 1703 1485828/A1 V 2119 545830 tavolo V 1691 125831 tavolo V 1691 115831/12 V 1691 105831/12+6+3 V 1691 135831/5 V 1691 125831/8 V 1691 115831/A1 V 1691 125831/A2 V 1691 105831/L1 V 1691 125836/5 V 2094 1075837/A1 V 1680 1075837/LT3 V 1680 1075840/5 V 1682 1065899/5 V 2321 645930/5 V 1693 1405930/A1 V 1693 1425930/A3 V 1693 1425930/L1 V 1693 1425930/LT3 V 1693 1435930/P3 V 1693 1415930/P6 V 1693 1415931 tavolo V 1723 205931/8 V 1723 235931/A1 G V 1723 225931/A1 P V 1723 225931/A2 V 1723 205931/L3 V 1022 295931/LT1 V 1679 205931/LT1 V 1681 205931/LT1 V 1723 205957/1 V 1679 475958/3 V 1669 495958/A2 V 1669 485958/L1 V 1669 485958/P5 V 1669 495958/P5 01 V 1669 485959/3 V 1679 465972/6 V 1681 405972/8 V 1681 405972/12 V 1681 405972/12+6 V 1681 405972/A1 V 1681 415972/A2 V 1681 415972/LT1 V 1681 415993/A1 dx/sx V 1723 225996 Tavolo V 1706 616000/Tavolo V 1706 606015/3+3 V 1679 306027/2 V 1721 306027/3 V 1721 306027/A1 V 1721 306062/LT1 V 1681 436064/1 V 1681 436064/A1 V 1681 436066/8 V 1753 166066/8+4 V 1753 176068/A1 V 1753 166070/A2 V 1753 16

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6283/A1 V 1983 1036283/A2 V 1983 1036283/A3 V 1983 1036283/P6 V 1983 1036284/5 V 1984 986284/8 V 1984 986284/A2 V 1984 986285/5 V 1985 996285/8 V 1985 996285/A3 V 1985 996285/Letto V 2517 1056286/6 V 1986 1006286/A2 V 1986 1006294/A2 V 1990 896295/5 V 2002 916297/8 V 1990 896342/A1 V 0007 536342/P4 V 2078 536400/1 V 2109 396400/3 V 1534 386400/A1 V 2109 396400/A2 V 1534 386400/LT1 V 2109 396416/8 V 2046 966416/12 V 2057 976416/A2 V 2046 966416/P5 V 1723 966418/4 V 2166 456418/6 V 2166 456418/8 V 2166 456418/12 V 2166 446418/A2 V 2166 456419/6+3 V 2164 666419/8+4 V 2164 676419/16+8 V 2164 656419/A2 V 2164 666429/12 V 1723 576431/8+8-00 V 2056 746431/8+8-01 V 2056 756431/A2 V 2056 756468/3 V 2077 816468/5 V 2077 816468/A1 V 2077 816468/A2 V 2077 816468/L1 V 2077 816469/3 V 1165 706469/6 V 2094 706469/8 V 2094 706469/12 V 1165 696469/A2 V 2094 716469/A3 V 2094 716469/A5 V 2080 716470/5 V 2080 736470/8 V 2080 726470/18 V 2080 736470/A2 V 2094 736470/A5 V 2105 736474/A1 V 1165 776474/A2 V 1165 776474/P4 V 2115 766474/P6 V 1669 766474/P12 V 2115 766489/6 V 1723 1976489/A2 V 1723 196

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6489/LT1 V 1723 1976499/6 V 1022 246499/A1 V 1022 246499/8 V 1022 256499/P5 V 1022 256499 consolle V 1679 296499 specchio V 1022 296499 tavolo V 1679 286499/01 tavolo V 1679 286499/02 tavolo V 1679 286501/6 V 2113 1146501/A2 V 2113 1156502/6 V 2114 1156502/A2 V 2114 1146510/6+3 V 2159 1596511/6+3 V 2159 1566511/A2+1 V 1022 1736512/8+1 V 1687 1736512/A5+2 V 1679 1736513/12 V 2159 1586515/4 V 2159 1726515/8 V 2159 1726515/A2 V 2159 1726516/6+3 V 1679 1776517/8+3 V 1679 1766517/A2 V 1679 1796517/L1 V 1679 1796517/L3 V 1679 1796517/LT6 V 1679 1786517/P5 V 1679 1796518/6+3 V 2160 566520 tavolo V 2161 1636520/8 V 2161 1606520/A2 V 2161 1626520/LT6 V 2161 1616520/P6 V 2161 1616520/Attaccapanni 01 V 2159 1646520/Specchio V 1022 1666520/Specchio 01 V 2159 1656520 Consolle V 2159 1666520/Tavolino V 2159 1666520 Comodino V 2159 1676520/Appendiabiti 00 V 2159 1676520/P1 V 1022 1696520 Letto V 2159 1716521/A2 V 2161 1616522/8+1 V 2159 1576524/A1 V 2167 2036524/A2 V 2167 2036524/L2 V 2167 2036524/LT2 V 2167 2026533 colonna V 2137 1276533 consolle V 2137 1276533 specchio V 2137 1276533/1 V 2137 1266533/3 V 2137 1266533/6 V 2137 1266533/8 V 2137 1266533/A2 V 2137 1266533/A5 V 2137 1266533/L2 V 2137 1266533/LT1 V 2137 1266533/P3 V 2137 1266533/P6 V 2137 126

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6577/4 V 2163 1286577/6 V 2163 1286577/A1 V 2163 1286577/A2 V 2163 1286577/A3 V 2163 1286577/LT3 V 2163 1286577/P2 V 1679 1296577/P4 V 1679 1296578/3 V 2172 1956578/6 V 2172 1956578/A2 V 2172 1946578/L3 V 2172 1946578/LT3+1 V 2172 1956579/4+1 V 1679 1896579/42 V 1679 1876579/A2 V 1679 1896580/6 V 1679 1866580/28 V 1679 1886580/A2 V 1679 1866582/A1 V 2162 336582/LT1 V 2162 336582/P1 V 2162 326583/1 V 1613 546583/A1 V 1613 546585/3 V 1165 386609/2+1 V 2170 1926609/A1 V 2170 1926610/4 V 2170 1916610/A2 V 2170 1916610/P4 V 2170 1906611/A5 V 1926 1746612/A8 V 1926 1746614/P9 V 2069 1226615/8 V 1165 906617 tavolo V 1022 296618/16+8 V 2176 626618/8 V 2176 636618/A2 V 2176 636642/A1 V 2278 2006642/LT2 V 2278 2006642/P2 V 2278 2016642/P4 V 2278 2016643/A1 V 1926 1456643/LT1 V 1926 1456673/3 V 1165 686674/A1 G V 1679 276674/A1 P V 1679 276674/LT3 V 1679 276675/A4 V 1679 1856677/A3 V 1679 1856677/10 V 1679 1846678/10 V 1679 1826678/A2 V 1679 1856680/4 V 1679 1936680/A4 V 1679 1936681/P2 V 2243 806681/P4 V 2243 806681/P6 V 2243 806681/P8 V 2243 806682/A2 V 2245 1306682/A3 V 2245 1306682/LT5 V 2245 1306682/P5 V 2245 1306684/16+1 V 2246 51

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6684/A2 V 2246 516687/A2 V 2246 516689/A2 V 2281 1326689/LT7 V 2281 1326689/P10 V 2281 1326689/P6 V 2281 1326695/P2 V 2115 786695/P4 V 2115 786695/P6 V 2115 786695/P8 V 2115 786696/P2 V 2270 796696/P4 V 2270 796696/P6 V 2270 796696/P8 V 2270 796697/3 V 2275 2236697/A2 01 V 2275 2236697/L1 V 2275 2236698/4 V 2276 2226698/18+3+2 V 2278 2186699/A1 V 2277 2256699/A2 V 2275 2226699/L1 V 2277 2256699/LT2 V 2277 2246699/P6 V 2277 2256700/4 V 2278 2196700/A2 01 V 2278 2196700/L1 V 2278 2196700/LT1 V 2278 2206700/LT3 V 2278 2206700/Tav.00 V 2493 506700/Tav.01 V 2493 506700/Tav.02 V 2493 506700/Consolle V 2278 2176700/Specchio con luci V 2278 2176701/A2 V 2278 2216701/A3 V 2278 2216701/LT1 V 2278 2176703/3 V 2290 1986703/A1 V 2290 1996703/LT2 V 2290 1986704/A1 V 2290 1996705/L1 V 1600 556715/A2 V 2306 1136715/L1 V 2306 1126715/LT6 V 2306 1136715/P6 V 2306 1136716/6 V 2305 1086726/8 V 2305 1086730/16 V 2306 1126731/L1 V 1600 55-1836732/L1 V 1600 556733/L1 V 1600 556734/L1 V 1600 556735/A1 V 2311 1456735/LT1 V 2311 1456735/P5 V 2311 1456735 Consolle V 1250 606736 vaso c. ra V 2312 1196736 vaso s. ra V 2312 1196736/6+1 V 2312 1166736/A1 V 2312 1176736/A2 V 2312 1196736/L1 V 2312 1176736/LT3 V 2312 118

Articolo Colore Pagina

6736/P7 V 2312 1186738/1 V 2305 686739/1 V 2305 686740/A2 V 2314 2066740/4 V 2314 2086740/9 V 2314 2096740/LT4 V 2314 2086740/P6 V 2314 2106741/4 V 2314 2076741/P4 V 2314 2076741/12 V 2314 2066741/A2 V 2314 2096741 Specchio V 2314 2126741 Consolle V 2314 2136744/P5 V 2305 1096745/P6 V 2305 1096746/A2 V 2329 2396746/L1 V 2329 2396746/LT5 V 2329 2386746/P5 V 2329 2396749/6 V 2349 1376749/A2 V 2349 1366749/LT3 V 2349 1366749/P8 V 2349 1366752/A2 V 1021 2436752/LT1 V 1021 2426752/P3 V 1021 2436752/P6 V 1021 2436753/A3 V 1607 2446753/LT6 V 1607 2446753/P8 V 1607 2446755/6 V 0889 1386755/8 V 0889 1386755/12 V 0889 1396755/12+6 V 0889 1386755/A1 V 0889 1396755/L1 V 0889 1396763/A3 V 2314 2106763/P6 V 2314 2106764/6 V 2314 2116764/A2 V 2314 2116765/A1 V 2314 2116766/A1 V 2387 2166766/L1 V 2387 2166767/A1 V 2387 2166771/7 V 1021 2416779/A1 V 2377 2416780/6 V 2377 2406783/P6 V 1021 2406786/5 V 1607 2336786/6 V 1607 2306786/A1 V 1607 2316786/L1 V 1607 2316787/8 V 1607 2326787/10 V 1607 2326787/L1 V 1607 2336787/P2 V 1607 2346787/P3 V 1607 2346787/P4 V 1607 2346787/P6 V 1607 2346788/A3 V 2385 1346788/A5 V 2385 1346788/LT5 V 2385 1346788/LT8 V 2385 134

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6788/P8 V 2385 1346789/A3 V 2386 2456789/LT8 V 2386 2456790/L1 V 2387 2166790/LT1 V 2387 2166791/4 V 2388 2376791/A2 V 2388 2376791/LT2 V 2388 2366791/P4 V 2388 2376792/A5 V 2389 2356792/LT12 V 2389 2356792/P12 V 2389 2356793/1 V 0197 2276793/3 V 0197 2276793/A1 V 0197 2276794/2 V 0216 2266795/1 V 1607 2296806/5+1 V 1021 2676806/8+1 V 1021 2676806/A1 V 1021 2666806/A2 V 1021 2666806/P5+1 V 1021 2666806/P8+1 V 1021 2666807/6 V 2419 3306807/LT5+1 V 2419 3306807/P2 V 2419 3306807/P4 V 2419 3316807/P6 V 2419 3316807/P6 01 V 2419 3316809/6+3 V 2431 1816812/1 V 2416 2866812/A2 V 2416 2866812/P1 V 2416 2866812/P3 V 2416 2876812/P5+1 V 2416 2876814/8+1 V 2161 1806819/A1 V 1679 1806819/LT1 V 2161 1816820/A3 V 2418 2806820/L2 V 2418 2806820/LT5 V 2418 2806820/P10 V 2418 2816831/1 V 1607 3376831/4 V 1607 3366831/A2 V 1607 3366831/2 V 1607 3376831/L1 V 1607 3376831/L1 01 V 1607 3376831/LT1 V 1607 3366832/A1 V 2298 3336832/A3 V 2298 3346832/Elemento V 2298 3356832/L1 V 1607 3346832/L1 01 V 1607 3346832/LT7 V 2298 3336832/P1 V 2298 3356832/P10 V 2298 3326832/P8 V 2298 3346840/1 V 1607 2286840/3 V 1607 2296840/A1 V 1607 2296840/A2 V 1607 2296840/LT1 V 1607 2296841/8 V 2460 306

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6841/12 V 2460 3076841/A1 V 2460 3086841/A2 00 V 2460 3096841/A2 01 V 2460 3086841/A4 V 2460 3096841/L1 V 2460 3106841/L4 V 2460 3106841/LT6 V 2460 3116843/71 V 2470 2936843/A1 V 2470 2946843/A2 V 2470 2946843/L1 01 V 2470 2946843/P1 01 Piccolo V 2470 2926843/P1 02 Medio V 2470 2926843/P1 03 Grande V 2470 2926843/P3 V 2470 2926843/P6 V 2470 2926843 Attaccapanni 01 V 2470 2966843 Attaccapanni 02 V 2470 2966843 Appendiabiti V 2470 2966843/P6+1 V 2470 2976843/P8+1 V 2470 2986844/8 V 2470 2956844/LT6 V 2470 2946846/A1 V 2451 2606846/L1 V 2451 2606846/P6 V 2451 2616847/A2 V 2451 2606847/A3 V 2451 2606847/LT1 V 2451 2606847/P6 V 2451 2616848/1 00 V 2454 3256848/1 01 V 2454 3246848/2 V 2454 3256848/A2 V 2454 3256848/A3 V 2454 3256848/LT3 V 2454 3246850/L1 00 Piccolo V 2456 3046850/L1 01 Medio V 2456 3046850/L3 V 2456 3056851/A4 V 2457 2786851/L1 00 V 2457 2786851/L1 01 V 2457 2786851/LT1 V 2457 2796851/P12 V 2457 2786852/6 V 2458 2596852/8 V 2458 2586852/A2 V 2458 2596852/A2 01 V 2458 2586854/6 V 2462 2626854/8 V 2462 2636854/A2 01 V 2462 2626854/L1 V 2462 2626855/A2 V 1679 3176855/L2 V 1679 3176855/LT5 V 1679 3176856/LT6 V 2463 3166857/6+1 V 2455 3136857/A2 V 2455 3136858/1 V 2493 3146858/A2 V 2465 3126859/6+1 V 2464 3126860/6 V 2466 2656860/L1 V 2466 264

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6862/5+2 V 2468 2516862/8+3 V 2468 2526862/A1 V 2468 2536862/L1 V 2468 2536863/A4 V 2469 2826863/LT12 V 2469 2836863/P12 V 2469 2826864/1 V 2468 2746864/A1 V 2468 2756864/A1 01 V 2468 2756864/L1 V 2468 2776864/LT1 V 2468 2776864/P6 V 2468 2756864/Tavolo V 2468 2766865/A2+1 V 2471 2856865/LT6+1 V 2471 2856865/P12+3 V 2471 2846867/5 V 2473 2716867/8 V 2473 2716867/A2 V 2473 2726867/L1 V 2473 2726867/LT1 V 2473 2736867/P5 V 2473 2706867/P8 V 2473 2706872/Tav. V 2474 3386873/1 V 2476 3266873/A2 V 2476 3276873/L2 V 2476 3276873/L2 01 V 2476 3276873/LT4 V 2475 3266873/P2 V 2476 3276873/P4 01 V 2476 3276873/Tav.basso V 2475 3396873/Tav.01 V 2475 3396875/LT4 V 2474 3266877/1 V 2471 3196877/A2 V 2471 3196878/1 V 2471 3186878/A1 V 2471 3226878/A2 V 2471 3226878/A3 V 2471 3226878/L1 V 2471 3236878/L2 V 2471 3236878/L3 V 2471 3236878/LT4 V 2471 3216878/P6 V 2471 3216878/P8 V 2471 3216878/P9 V 2471 3206879/8 V 2470 2886879/A3 V 2470 2896879/A4 V 2470 2896879/A4 01 V 2470 2896879/L1 V 2470 2896879/LT8 V 2470 2886880/5 V 2485 2546880/8 V 2485 2556880/A2 V 2485 2566880/L1 V 2485 2566880/P1 01 V 2485 2576880/P1 P V 2485 2566881/A1 00 Piccolo V 2490 3016881/A1 01 Medio V 2490 3016881/A1 02 Grande V 2490 3006881/L1 00 Piccolo V 2490 302

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6881/L1 01 Medio V 2490 3026881/L1 02 Grande V 2490 3016882/A1 00 Piccolo V 2499 3016882/A1 01 Medio V 2499 3016882/A1 02 Grande V 2499 3026882/L1 00 Piccolo V 2499 3026882/L1 01 Medio V 2499 3026882/L1 02 Grande V 2499 3036882/LT1 V 2499 3036883/A1 V 1022 266883/A2 V 1022 266884/A1 V 1607 3046884/P1 V 1607 3048008 Panca V 1489 61

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Le realizzazioni qui sotto citatesono frutto di collaborazioni con i nostri clienti.

The products mentioned beloware the result of sinergies with our clients.

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Tutti i prodotti MM Lampadari S.r.l. che rientrano nell’ambito di applicazione della direttiva europea EMC 89/336, 73/23 e 93/68 EEC, soddisfano i requisiti richiesti e recano la marcatura .Il simbolo é posto sull’imballo e sul prodot-to. Ogni articolo prodotto presentato nel catalogo é prodotto e decorato artigianal-mente, pertanto lievi differenze nelle dimen-sioni costituiranno quel carattere di unicità proprio della lavorazione manuale.MM Lampadari S.r.l. si riserva il diritto di intervenire in qualunque momento e senza preavviso per apportare le modifiche che ritenesse più opportune per migliorare il pro-dotto o in risposta a qualsiasi esigenza di ca-rattere normativo costruttivo o commerciale.

All the products of MM Lampadari S.r.l. meet with current European directives EMC 89/336, 73/23 and 93/68 EEC, meet their requirements and are marked.The symbol is placed on the packaging and on the products. Every item presented in the catalogue is produced and decorated by craftsmen. Hence, slight differences inthe size and decorations are the result ofthe unique quality of handwork. MM Lampadari S.r.l.reserve the right to in-tervene in every moment and whithout noti-ce in order to make the modifications more suitable to improve the product or reply to each lega, manufacturing or commercial requirement.

MM lampadariVia Feltrina, 3731040 PederobbaTreviso - ItalyTel. +39 0423 688800Fax +39 0423 [email protected]

Impaginazione e Restyling:Michele Nasato & Christian Piccolo

© copyright MM Lampadari S.r.l. UnipersonaleÈ vietata la riproduzione anche parziale di questo catalogoIt is forbidden to reproduce any part of this catalogue.

Certificato Gost

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Tutti i prodotti MM Lampadari S.r.l. che rientrano nell’ambito di applicazione della direttiva europea EMC 89/336, 73/23 e 93/68 EEC, soddisfano i requisiti richiesti e recano la marcatura .Il simbolo é posto sull’imballo e sul prodot-to. Ogni articolo prodotto presentato nel catalogo é prodotto e decorato artigianal-mente, pertanto lievi differenze nelle dimen-sioni costituiranno quel carattere di unicità proprio della lavorazione manuale.MM Lampadari S.r.l. si riserva il diritto di intervenire in qualunque momento e senza preavviso per apportare le modifiche che ritenesse più opportune per migliorare il pro-dotto o in risposta a qualsiasi esigenza di ca-rattere normativo costruttivo o commerciale.

All the products of MM Lampadari S.r.l. meet with current European directives EMC 89/336, 73/23 and 93/68 EEC, meet their requirements and are marked.The symbol is placed on the packaging and on the products. Every item presented in the catalogue is produced and decorated by craftsmen. Hence, slight differences inthe size and decorations are the result ofthe unique quality of handwork. MM Lampadari S.r.l.reserve the right to in-tervene in every moment and whithout noti-ce in order to make the modifications more suitable to improve the product or reply to each lega, manufacturing or commercial requirement.

MM lampadariVia Feltrina, 3731040 PederobbaTreviso - ItalyTel. +39 0423 688800Fax +39 0423 [email protected]

Impaginazione e Restyling:Michele Nasato & Christian Piccolo

© copyright MM Lampadari S.r.l. UnipersonaleÈ vietata la riproduzione anche parziale di questo catalogoIt is forbidden to reproduce any part of this catalogue.

Certificato Gost
