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Note: Modified by Punit Pandey as suggested by Tw ji in message dated Jul 1, 2012Note on Rules/guide Lines for Checking for More than one Marriage in a KPChart.Shree Kanak Bosmia, under the guidance of Raichur and Tin Win,did a statistical study on the 3 guidelines mentione below:The assumptions ARE: GEMINI (Mithuna), SAGGITARIUS (Dhanu), PISCES (Meena) are DualSIGNS(for this study): MERC, JUP (Budha and Guru) owning these signs areconsidered as DUAL Planets( for these guidelines only)Hindoo Aspects (Vedic aspects) with no orbs, i.e. Sign to Sign are consideredwhile finding or checking significators of houses.Within these parameters : The rules are:RULE-1:MORE THAN ONE marriage is indicated if the BOTH following two conditions areARE simultaneously satisfied: (i) The sub-lord of the 7th cusp OR its Starlord is deposited in a dual sign(gemini,sagittarius,pisces) OR if the sub-lord of the 7th cusp is Mercury/JUP; and (ii) The sub-lord of the 7th cusp is also a significator of either of the houses 2 or 11 or both. If any of the above two conditions is not satisfied, then second marriage is denied.RULE-2:Second marriage is indicated if the sub-lord of the 2nd cusp is also a significator of either of the houses 7 or 11.RULE-3:As per Kanak:ON ASSUMPTION 2ND WIFE IS CONSIDERED AS YOUNGERSISTER OF FIRST Second marriage is indicated if The sub-lord of the 9th cusp is a significator of either of the houses 2 or 9 or 11.The study was done on 100 charts, where data was reliable. This was suppliedfrom ASTRDATA BANK 4.0 and some by shri TIN WIN.THE RESULTS OF THE STUDY IS AS UNDER:RULE 1: 74 PERCENT AGREE WITH THIS RULERULE 2: 79 PERCENT AGREE WITH THIS RULERULE 3: 93 PERCENT AGREE WITH THIS RULENo rule by itself gives a 100 percent co-relationshipFinal Recommendation:CHECK BY ALL 3 RULES, and then GIVE the prediction on more than oneMarriage.end.