  • 1. The project Clear vision for product - model Grant application Dept. Culture and the Arts Match outcomes to eligibility criteria Provide budgetary information and get quotes Support provided from Dept.
  • 2. Contract an Historian Assess the area Plot sites Map out potential routes Assess sites against collection Establish draft route
  • 3. The Route
  • 4. Local and State Collections Script creation Community impact Permission to use images Tracking
  • 5. Tracking
  • 6. The Good Fulfilled our goal on time and within budget $29k Successful trial for further tours Fantastic professional development Great feedback from launch and from Dept. Beautiful tour in neat package
  • 7. The Bad It wasnt all smooth sailing Community awareness Proof reading Indigenous consultation Workload/stress Inflexible design try Acoustiguide mobile Reporting Complaints You cant please everyone!
  • 8. Think big Get ALL the facts Over estimate Be flexible with design Access to reporting stats embed into original agreement
