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Module 2

Making (rough) sense of (shaky) data

“True genius resides in the capacity of evaluation of uncertain, hazardous, and conflicting information.”Winston Churchill

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Contents The module presents an overview of the information field. It introduces, sometimes in detail, several of the main themes and issues to be discussed throughout the manual. First, customary information systems, and the way they adjust – or often succumb – to crisis, are briefly described. We then discuss how figures can or cannot be manipulated to be turned into information and intelligence. Key features of data, such as validity, precision, relevance, and their relative importance, are considered. Approaches to data cleaning, and many common flaws usually undermining the usefulness of available data, are reviewed. Particularly highlighted is the value of using the vast amount of disconnected data frequently available in disrupted environments. Information uses, the design of information systems, and ways of disseminating the collected information are the final part of this module. Annex 2 presents several important indicators, potentially relevant to the study of disrupted health sectors, alongside comments on their usefulness, strengths and shortcomings.

IntroductionIn complex emergencies, marked by uncertainty and instability, the information base is generally weak and fragmented. Information systems are badly affected and sometimes collapse; their coverage is invariably reduced1, communication and access to troubled areas are difficult, data are outdated and incomplete, standardization is poor, and the collection and analysis of data clash with other priorities. Some say that the strongest indicator of a crisis is the lack of information, often in spite of the availability of large amounts of unused data. Even in an extremely disrupted situation like Afghanistan in 2002, health data, although incomplete, of variable quality and scattered among different sites, were available. However, the capacity to compile them, judge their accuracy and make sense of them in a comprehensive way was absent. In most such cases lack of coordination, overcrowding of autonomous players, communication and security constraints, fast-evolving environments, and loss of institutional memory are the main causes of this state of affairs.

The information environmentBefore the crisis, the health sector may have maintained several routine information systems:• A disease-oriented system, focusing on morbidity and mortality reporting,

sometimes called Health Information System, often including a surveillance sub-system geared to identifying communicable disease outbreaks. Usually it is the oldest system in place.

• An administrative control system, reporting about staff, facilities, activities, equipment etc. Often internally split, with, for example, personnel presented in a way unlinked to facilities, or to outputs, or even to salary expenditure.

• A financial information system, reporting budgets and expenditures, usually according to general financial procedures established by the ministry of finance (MoF) and enforced across the whole public sector. Such financial information systems, usually designed to satisfy central administrative requirements, often poorly accommodate the needs of sectors devoted to service delivery over most of the country’s territory, which are naturally concerned with peripheral operations.

• Several special information systems, implanted by vertical programmes or some central departments, sometimes to address the shortcomings of the mainstream

1 The resulting reduction of coverage is often differential: areas that become non-covered due to insecurity or other reasons may become different in other respects, including health.

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systems, in other cases to adhere to international standards, such as for certain disease-control programmes.

Usually, these routine information systems are run distinct from each other, according to the instructions and the requirements of different agencies. Thus, cross-checking expenditure figures against output data may be impossible due to the mutually inconsistent design of the respective systems. Each system has been conceived in isolation, to reflect the different needs and points of view of epidemiologists, managers, accountants, and donors. Attempts at correcting this functional fragmentation so that most information is collected and analysed within the same consistent system, have taken place in a variety of situations, in some health sectors several times, with limited success. In fact, to design a comprehensive information system able to satisfy the requirements of most concerned parties at all levels of healthcare management is a daunting challenge.Alongside routine information systems, a wealth of data is usually collected by dedicated surveys. In some cases, the choice of these instruments is due to the nature of the information needed, ill-suited for routine collection. New surveys are launched also because those who promote them are unaware of the yield of routine systems, or because they consider their results unreliable or inadequate, or just because they ignore the existence of other surveys. In most cases, different departments or agencies carry out similar surveys in isolation, duplicating efforts in a way that makes the merging of the collected data difficult or impossible.The picture sketched above, prevailing in most stable health sectors, is likely to degenerate during a protracted crisis: some data collection activities close down, whereas others survive so crippled that their outputs become meaningless. Ad hoc data collection systems are implanted by newcomers. Virtually all aid agencies support in one way or another information-related initiatives. Surveys proliferate, as all parties promote them to appease their hunger for information. Cavalier approaches are commonplace, to such a degree that “rapid appraisal methods” in some cases might be more accurately described as “misleading or meaningless appraisal methods”. Dissemination of the available information suffers greatly, so that a large part of information collected remains unused. Shared resource centres close down or become disorganized. Old information is lost. Most organizations respond to this decay by establishing their own information storage capacity, which frequently remains inaccessible to outsiders. As important insights fall into oblivion, the same studies are repeated time and again.In entrenched crises, no information system can objectively be recognized as such. Rather, the analyst wanders in a murky information environment, filled with figures but barren of facts, where the few good data are hidden by lots of bad ones and the noise of irrelevant information. Unused information “building blocks” are usually available in the environment, often shelved and forgotten in the most unexpected places. Before launching new rounds of data collection, a serious effort at extracting further understanding from what is already on offer (although sometimes at a high retrieval cost) should be made. Beyond gaining intelligence through this digging and collating work, analysts can identify in this way the main information gaps to be addressed by future studies.

Information sourcesUseful information can be obtained from disparate sources:• Documentation centres maintained by

• or donor agencies, or government departments. Of uneven quality, they vary from country to country. Their data are often aggregate at national level, which can make them less useful. A tour of most of these documentation centres is always needed. Gaining access to some of them may be difficult. In many

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cases, precious information is available abroad, at the headquarters (HQs) of an international agency or at an academic institution.

• Routine information collected by the government (Ministry of Health [MoH], MoF, etc.). Health authorities tend to maintain some reporting activity, generating data that frequently await compilation. Most departments prepare some figures, rarely cleaned or cross-checked and usually incomplete. Statistical reports may have been published over several years, but stopped being produced as the crisis deepened. Additionally, government officials may be reluctant to publish or share with outsiders data of an “internal” or “classified” nature. Indeed, in a country ravaged by internal conflict, health information may sometimes be of some military or intelligence interest. Besides these concerns, awareness of the flaws of the collected information may discourage its disclosure to external scrutiny.

• Evaluation and supervision reports. Heterogeneous materials often offer pieces of information that can become useful for a systemic analysis. Aspects not covered by routine information systems, such as patterns of prescription, can be explored by tapping these sources. Also, they may help to validate routine information findings.

• Standardized surveys, such as the Multiple Indicators Cluster Survey and the Demographic and Health Survey:

- The Multiple Indicators Cluster Survey (MICS) is a household survey programme developed by the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to fill the data gaps common in many countries regarding the situation of women and children. They are repeated every five years, which make a trend analysis usually possible. The MICS includes indicators about health status (maternal and child mortality), nutrition, access to water and sanitation and health practices. The survey consists of three parts: a household questionnaire, a questionnaire of women aged 15-49, and a questionnaire for caretakers of children under 5. The first round of MICS was conducted in more than 60 countries; since 2005 it has expanded to cover maternal and newborn health care, malaria, knowledge of HIV/AIDS etc. Mortality data derived from MICS cannot be directly compared with those estimated from retrospective mortality surveys (see Module 4) because of the different methodology. Online source:

- The Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS), supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), focus on fertility and mortality, health status, family planning and nutrition in developing countries. Common methodologies and survey instruments are utilized across countries, so that indicators are comparable. DHS surveys have a country focus and, due to the relatively small sample sizes, an analysis at regional level is usually not possible. To overcome this difficulty, census data have been combined with DHS data for within-country analysis. DHS have been carried out in more than 70 countries around the world. Their scope has recently expanded to cover health practices, anthropometric indicators, sexual behaviour, HIV and socio-economic information. The web site includes survey tools and datasets for cross-country comparisons. As for comparison of mortality with the traditional retrospective surveys, the same limitations of MICS apply. For a discussion of DHS in conflict settings, see Drapcho and Mock (2000).

• Survey data (often available at NGO offices). Surveys promoted by nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), usually focusing on the areas covered by them, may be of limited geographic or thematic scope. In some cases, it is possible to assemble several pieces of information from disparate surveys. More often, incompatible data presentations make findings unsuitable for aggregation.

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• Surveillance schemes, sometimes established and maintained by aid agencies or NGOs.

• Databases and data repositories managed by research or academic institutions, such as the CE-DAT, run by the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED), which compiles standardized data on the human impact of conflict and makes them public online.

• Media, which often suffer from insufficient quality and/or coverage of data, but may represent a useful source of information, mainly when primary data are not available. Caution in using these data is always required.

• Personal files maintained by knowledgeable people, who may have amassed precious documents covering past events. Veterans of protracted crises, spurred by the collapse of official documentation capacity, may purposely start collecting valuable information to preserve it from loss. In some cases, even outsiders with a lasting relationship with a troubled health sector may have maintained rich collections of reports, which may span several years. Files maintained by knowledgeable people are doubly precious, because they are likely to result from a quality selection, whereby useless or flawed documents have already been discarded. Also, informants can provide useful clues about the relevance and accuracy of the materials they have kept.

Email contacts are helpful to approach prospective informants, to explain to them what information is sought and to obtain data. Given the outward migration elicited by a protracted crisis and the quick turnover of actors, a conspicuous proportion of the information obtained may come from abroad.

• In most situations, knowledgeable insiders relate to each other through informal information networks, which can represent the most useful, reliable and inexpensive source of understanding. For the outsider analyst, to penetrate these loops can represent the single most important step towards gaining true insights into the situation. Knowledgeable people are essential not only as sources of information, but also as checkers of the validity of the analysis eventually carried out. The outsider analyst sometimes stumbles fortuitously into such a loop. But a proactive, interactive approach, which openly offers to interested colleagues the information already collected, can increase the chance of success. Unfortunately, some knowledgeable people are reluctant to share the information they control. Also, certain agencies or departments within agencies tend to remain secretive. Given that the active exchange of data increases their quality, secretive parties are unlikely sources of first-class information or analysis.

Definitions of selected concepts used in the module

Term Definition

AccuracyThe degree to which a measurement or an estimate based on measurements represents the true value of the attribute that is being measured (see validity below).

BiasDeviation of results or inferences from the truth, or processes leading to such deviation. Its presence leads to inaccuracies.

Data Raw material - facts and figures, not analysed.

Indicator Variable that indicates or shows a given situation, and thus can be used to measure change.

InformationThe meaningful collection, manipulation and transformation of data in a way that enhances the comprehension of the studied events.

Precision The quality of being sharply defined through exact detail.

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Term Definition

Proxy Indicator of something which is, by its complex nature, inherently unmeasurable.

Random Error Error generated by an imprecise measurement.

Shorthand Indication of something which one could in theory measure, but measuring of which would be very costly.

ValidityThe degree to which a measurement measures what it purports to measure. Sometimes used as synonymous of accuracy. For the subtle distinction, see Last (2001).

Note: Additional terms, extended definitions, as well as related sources and recommended readings are presented in the Glossary included in Module 14. Resources.

Data, Information, Intelligence“All receipt of information is necessarily the receipt of news of difference” (Bateson, 1980).Rough data convey little meaning. Once processed in the right way, they are transformed into information, i.e. into something contributing to the understanding of a particular aspect under scrutiny. When relevant pieces of information are brought together into a meaningful picture, the resulting understanding may rise to a level qualitatively superior to the one provided by the separated pieces. Intelligence, or deep knowledge of an issue, of an order not previously available to everybody, is obtained.For instance, the absolute number of deaths registered during a crisis is not particularly instructive. Once related to the studied population and turned into a rate, it becomes more interesting, because it is now possible to make comparisons. Tabulated over time, it may show change, hence offering further meaning. Comparing these clues to rates and trends computed during other crises gives a measure of the seriousness of the situation, which improves the understanding of events. Disaggregated by sex, age, ethnic and social group, provenance, exposure to certain events, main working activity etc., it may suggest the factors behind the vulnerability or the resilience of some people. Further intelligence of events emerges in this way, by bringing together disparate pieces of information, so that the eventual picture makes sense. Sensible and effective actions may be conceived and introduced.The manipulation of figures must be purposeful. To disaggregate the recorded deaths is totally useless, if the cause of death did not discriminate among targets. Clearly, collecting and manipulating vast arrays of figures in the hope that something interesting emerges is a waste of time2. Unfortunately, this is precisely what many information systems keep doing.

Indicators“Indicators are a way of seeing the big picture by looking at a small piece of it” (quoted in von Schirnding, 2002). Well-chosen indicators are extremely helpful. Badly-chosen ones may be extraordinarily misleading. Even good indicators may lead to wrong conclusions, hence to misconceived actions, when they are mis- or over-interpreted. A common pitfall is to mistake the indicator for the issue of higher order it was supposed to represent, and pursue a change in the indicator for its own sake. An eloquent example of this misconstruction, which has deeply influenced international health policy for decades, is given by Graham (1989), in relation to mortality, chosen as a proxy for health status, in the hope that the outcomes of health interventions carried out to improve the latter would be captured by measuring the former:2 This is equivalent to “data dredging” in epidemiological studies, where a huge number of variables is collected and then related to a large number of outcomes, with one in 20 of the associations examined being “statistically significant” (Smith and Ebrahim, 2002).

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“The role of mortality measures in setting health priorities seems to have gone full circle. Initially the major justification was based on the apparent ease of measurement, relative to other outcomes. In the high mortality situations in developing countries, however, the major health strategies, especially with regard to infants and children, became ‘mortality driven’. Success became synonymous with mortality reduction and contributed to the emphasis on medical technology. Mortality reduction became the goal, not just the measure”.For a comprehensive discussion of indicators, refer to Lippeveld, Sauerborn and Bodart (2000).

Accuracy, precision, relevance, cost of indicatorsIn a complex emergency, as important decisions are taken on the basis of incomplete information, timeliness takes precedence over precision. Lack of technical skills and/or security conditions impose the use of “quick and dirty” information. In unstable situations, precise estimates may be a waste, “little more than an exercise in the quantification of misery” (Adeyi and Husein, 1989, quoted in Sandiford, Annett and Cibulskis, 1992): populations move, an outbreak flares up, the access to food decreases. Then, the situation on the ground may have changed by the time the findings of a survey are available.

Summary findings are acceptable for a health manager under pressure: “precise quantification of incidence or prevalence rates rarely influences the choice of programmes offered by the health services” (Sandiford, Annett and Cibulskis, 1992). Losses in precision are not an important issue when a response is urgently required or decisions will be taken in any case, and imprecise estimates do not change a course of action. Accuracy, instead, is crucial for guiding action. In fact, inaccurate data may result in wrong decisions, leading to avoidable deaths or suffering and to waste of resources.When John Maynard Keynes said “It is better to be vaguely right than precisely wrong”, he alluded to this crucial distinction. And, we can add, it is better to be vaguely right and on time than precisely right and late.The aspect under study may be pictorially portrayed as a target and the measurements

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as shots. A is rarely attainable in protracted crises, whereas C and D are plainly misleading. B remains the best possible approximation even if the obtained estimates diverge to a large degree from the true value. In the box below, the concept is applied to the hypothetical estimate of a crude mortality rate. Clearly, if C and D were retained as reliable estimates, wrong decisions might be made, whereas estimate B would offer an acceptable guidance for action.Information does not come for free, particularly in a crisis. The desired features of information (validity, relevance, completeness, timeliness, precision) must be related to the use of this information, the capacity of decision-makers to use it and the resources that are in place for implementing those decisions. The cost incurred in collecting an indicator should be a function of the decisions related to it. When they bear important present and future implications and indecision about the best course of action prevails among actors, the high cost of collecting relevant and unambiguous indicators is fully justified. Otherwise, expensive surveys may be launched to provide technical respectability to decisions already taken on political, ideological, or convenience grounds. When this is the case, a reconsideration of the chosen approach is rarely triggered by the survey findings. The survey is likely to be a waste of resources.The real cost of collecting indicators is usually unknown, but in some cases is high, particularly with dedicated surveys, or when the start-up investment needed to implant a routine system is taken into account. In violent environments, the risk incurred by surveyors and those surveyed must be included among the costs of the obtained information.

Accurate vs. Precise Measurements Assuming that in the area X in August 2002 the “real” (unknown) Crude

Mortality Rate was 1.6/10,000/day

1.5 (1.4 - 1.7) would fall in the A. category: an accurate (unbiased) and precise estimate

1.2 (0.8 - 1.9) would fall in the B. category: an accurate but imprecise estimate

0.6 (0.3 - 0.8) would fall in the C. category: an inaccurate (biased) but precise estimate

0.6 (0.1 - 1.2) would fall in the D. category: an inaccurate (biased) and imprecise estimate

Note: Confidence intervals shown in parentheses

When the choice of indicators is discussed, the cost of collecting them is usually given only cursory consideration. The opportunity cost, that is the output of busy health workers foregone because of data collection, may be high. Furthermore, the opportunity cost of allocating scarce technical capacity to collecting data of marginal policy value may be enormous. Conversely, when a collection system is already in place and is under-exploited, to demand additional output from it makes good economic sense.

Developing “hunches” for figuresStrengthening the information base is the starting point of any analysis. The spotting of unreliable figures is based on common sense, experience and some logical assessment of the data set. Previous first-hand exposure to the phenomena under study greatly facilitates the task of the analyst. Having participated in health service

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delivery attaches additional meaning (and emotional content) to the gathered data and assists in the singling out of aberrant figures. Also, it enables the analyst to take full advantage of contextual information.Linking indicators related to the same areas, or referring to sequential steps in a chain, may lead to the identification of oddities, figures that don’t fit into the picture, or raise doubts about the validity of other data. In most cases, the review of available data yields several values for the same indicator, sometimes produced by different sources, sometimes by the same agency or department, unable to consolidate data because of its internal fragmentation. In this common situation, diverging figures must be compared for reliability, so as to select the ones looking the least problematic, given a certain context. Of course, these decisions imply rather subjective judgments and call for the frequent revisiting of old choices, which new data might have proved as unwise.

True story No. 1Comparing coverage figures in Sudan

In Sudan in 2002, two coverage values for attended deliveries were found:

• deliveries attended within health facilities: 12%• deliveries attended by skilled staff: 57%

Clearly, such a high coverage of deliveries attended by skilled staff against an extremely low proportion of deliveries attended within health facilities would be possible only if home care were very developed. Alternatively, ‘skilled staff’ could encompass also traditional birth attendants (TBAs). This possibility, in order to be accepted, should be checked against the number of TBAs trained during recent years and considered as active. Unfortunately, no related report was found. As other available coverage figures were rather low, as shown in True story No. 10, the lower coverage value (for deliveries attended within health facilities) of 12% was retained as more consistent with the overall picture.

Suspect data can be checked at their source and corrected, or rejected when no supporting evidence of their validity is found. Outputs disproportionate to reported inputs, outcomes raising doubts about outputs, or reported achievements unheard of in other protracted crises are just examples of suspect figures. Ratios and rates using the same denominator, such as population, once compared and found widely divergent, alert the analyst to potential problems.Merely using the information, triangulating it with other sources, checking its internal consistency, and comparing it with other standards allows for the identification of data weaknesses, and suggests ways to overcome them. Spotting unreliable data puts pressure on data collectors, who in this way are made aware that their work is scrutinized and critically assessed. As a result, the next reports may become stronger. Not using the information because it is of low quality is too often a comfortable excuse for not probing it. Dismissing available information as unreliable and useless is likely to turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy: sooner or later the unused information becomes unreliable and useless.The lack of information, if judiciously addressed is, the best “piece of information” for crisis decision-making. The manager, at least, knows that s/he has to investigate further, using all available sources and local intelligence. If the issue or the

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geographical area for which no information is available is important, s/he knows that something is wrong. Actions contingent upon this weakness may be designed and altered as soon as information improves. Conversely, the lack of information may lead decision-makers to despair about their chances of understanding events in the field and trigger evidence-free decisions. Even worse, the lack of information may embolden ideology-driven players, who are left free to proceed with their favourite approaches, unrestrained by solid counter-arguments.Important insights may be obtained exploring what reports do not mention. In official documents, silence about or only cursory, vague reference to the ongoing conflict is a surprisingly common finding. Thus, districts occupied by rebel forces may be quietly removed from the list of reporting health authorities, to reappear months or years later, as the fortunes of war change.Comparing the indicators obtained with others related to countries affected by similar crises helps to strengthen the analysis. The finding of a strikingly dissonant figure may call for a further quality check to identify possible mistakes. If that peculiar value is confirmed as reliable, the presence of a feature unique to the disrupted health sector under scrutiny can be considered for further investigation. For instance, in the table Health Expenditure for selected war-torn countries included in Module 6, the indicator Private health expenditure as % of GDP for Cambodia (7.8%) is recognizably out of range. Most reports point to the post-war expansion of private healthcare provision as a special feature of the Cambodian health sector, thereby confirming this finding and calling for a thorough analysis of its implications.Indicators from other troubled countries may also help when having to choose among competing values of the same indicator, whose reliability cannot be directly checked. In the absence of better criteria, the figure(s) found as the most consistent with similar contexts may be cautiously and temporarily preferred to others.As faulty figures are discarded and credible data are retained and assembled in a sort of mental patchwork, an increasingly more meaningful and consistent picture of the health sector, or of discrete parts of it, can be built. New reliable data may fit easily into this picture, or force the analyst to reconsider it. Confidence in the profile of the health sector emerging from the fog of wrong figures, unsubstantiated claims, inconsistent data, and unproven beliefs increases. Annex 13 presents a matrix condensing the main features of the Somali health sector in 2008.To improve their validity and internal consistency, broad preliminary findings may be submitted for verification to knowledgeable people. Also, field visits must be used to confirm or conversely question a pattern tentatively suggested by available data. For instance, aggregate national figures may suggest gross overstaffing, such as in Angola. Field workers, as well as data from a sample of facilities, may confirm or challenge this conclusion. Field trips may or may not strengthen the feeling that total figures pointed to something real. Conversely, a failure to confirm the existence of overstaffing may suggest that the payroll is inflated by many ghost workers or that staffing patterns are uneven, with overstaffing in some areas and understaffing in others. In this second case, the original data suggesting overstaffing must be revisited, corrected if necessary and re-interpreted.Field trips must be prepared in advance, by assembling the information available at national level related to the area to be visited, and allowing for enough time to cross-check it against findings collected at the local level. Short, hurried trips with many participants are unlikely to allow for careful work. Field trips provide a precious opportunity to expand the range of informants beyond the narrow circle of English-speaking, aid-centred people approachable in the capital city. Different, sometimes dissonant voices may be heard, in this way enriching the reading of the overall situation. Caution is needed to avoid the common trap of considering field workers as genuine and more reliable sources of information than informants based further away. Both sources are influenced by their prejudices, limited points of view, and

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personal interests at stake. Both sources are helpful, once these forces are factored in and the data obtained are checked against reality.Proceeding in the analysis, the overall solidity of the gathered information influences the level of analytical depth that can sensibly be pursued. Large chunks of data may be found inadequate to such a degree that no analysis is justified, or only broad, mainly qualitative considerations are permitted. The thorough review of output figures may reveal so many problems and inconsistencies that no serious comparison with previous years can be considered meaningful. In some cases, where national data must be rejected but disaggregated data can be accessed, some figures reported by some provinces or districts may look acceptable. These figures can provide precious clues about the issue under study.Strengthening available data means in most instances discarding a large part of them. The emerging profile is likely to be barebones, composed of a reduced set of facts that have withstood scrutiny and can be reasonably retained as confirmed, of some sensible conjectures (to be clearly worded as such) to be checked further before being accepted, and of many popular claims that have not passed an evidence test. The dismantling of some of the many unproven beliefs that abound in troubled environments is perhaps the best single service a thorough study can render to decision makers. No better guidance to analysis can be found than the following mocking words, uttered at the birth of modern science:“... mentalities better equipped for loquacity and ostentation than for reflections upon and investigations into the most hidden works of nature. Rather than be reduced to offering those wise, clever, and modest words, ‘I don’t know’, they hasten to wag their tongues and even their pens in the wildest absurdities” (Galilei, 1632).

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Summing up: a pragmatic classification of the data found in a protracted crisisThe review of a troubled health sector produces a vast amount of data of assorted quality. From the point of view of the analyst, the collected data fall in the broad groups presented in the following table.

Type of Data Ways to deal with this type of data Examples

Irremediably flawed data, for which no better alternative is available

They should be discarded without hesitation from any serious analysis. If they are frequently used in other documents, they can be referred to with a firm advice to drop them, corroborated by the reasons they are considered unacceptable. The key point is that no inference must be drawn from them. A blank cell is a better information than a surely wrong figure.

Figures compiled using wrong definitions, or without adopting explicit definitions. Also, coverage figures obtained from convenience samples (usually severely affected by security conditions). Also, figures challenging common sense, like service coverage above 100%, or figures too good for the context under scrutiny.

Data without source (or from an inaccessible source)

They should be handled with care, particularly aggregated ones. When it is impossible to understand the way they were obtained, they should be discarded. Disaggregated data can at least be checked for internal consistency. If used, their serious drawback should always be mentioned.

Total health expenditure per head in Sudan in 2002 was estimated at $17.5. The original document did not give any detail about the way this estimate was computed.

Incomplete data (without denominator, period, area etc.)

Interesting, but of limited usefulness. They should be kept aside, while ways to strengthen them are pursued.

The number of deaths in a crisis, without information about the size of the affected population, or the period referred to.

Apparently accurate data, whose value or meaning is hard to accept

The findings of apparently careful studies may diverge to a large degree from expected levels or from international standards, or may just challenge common sense. The source of these findings must be scrutinized if possible, to try to identify the reasons behind the surprising figures. Sometimes, a different definition may explain the discrepancy. If no flaw is found, these data can be used, provided a warning is attached. An equivalent cautionary word must be added to the results of computations based on these questionable data.

In Afghanistan in 2002, the provision of a Basic Package of Health Services was costed at $4.55 per head. This value looked extremely low by any international standard, and also when compared with figures from other poor countries. This low estimate appeared even more difficult to retain, given the rugged Afghan terrain, which inflates delivery costs.

Sound data, but unrelated to the issue under analysis

They should be dropped from the analysis, even if they look interesting. The danger lies with the reasoning and not with the internal accuracy of the data. To avoid this rather common fallacy, careful assessment of the issues and self-restraint are demanded. No flawed inference should be drawn from data referring to aspects different from those under study.

Studying the performance of a health sector using the wrong proxy. For instance, the outputs of a vertical programme, like the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI), are poorly related to systemic performance.

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Type of Data Ways to deal with this type of data Examples

Imprecise data, looking approximately trustworthy

They can be used in most computations and analysis, provided their imprecision is not masked. Ranges, rather than point-estimates, are better suited to convey the underlying imprecision. When several figures, although remarkably dissimilar, point to the same broad direction, the confidence in these figures increases.

By the mid-1990s, the size of the Angolan health workforce was estimated by different sources to be between 25,000 and 35,000. All available figures suggested that the workforce was grossly oversized and needed aggressive restructuring. A precise counting would not change the broad policy measures needed to address this problem.

See True story No. 17.

Educated guesses

Common when no hard data are available, but some reference figures are needed to estimate an important variable. They can be very helpful, provided their tentative nature is not forgotten. An effort to scrutinize the assumptions used to arrive at the educated guess must be made (particularly when the variable to be computed is very important). If the assumptions are sensible and the resulting figures look reasonable, they can be retained. Sometimes, educated guesses are accepted just because they are not challenged by hard data.

In Iraq in 2003, the private contribution to health expenditure was guessed at 40% of the total. The only available information was that private spending had thrived during the last years, because of the decline of subsidized health care. The 40% share looked reasonable and no objection could be raised against it. Thus, it was accepted as a temporary working value. See True story No. 11.

Sound, precise and relevant data

Such things are rarely seen in troubled environments. When good data do exist, they usually refer to small, controlled situations, like a refugee camp. Thus, their findings cannot be generalized. Claims of accuracy and precision for data related to large populations or areas raise justified scepticism.

Thanks to a dramatic improvement in Liberian security conditions, in 2007 it was possible to carry out a nation-wide Demographic and Health Survey, which included HIV testing. The overall HIV prevalence rate was measured at 1.5%. The 2006 estimate, based on few sentinel sites in urban areas, was 5.7% (Liberia Institute of Statistics et al, 2007).

The following diagram summarizes the recommended actions, based on the type of data discussed in the table above.

Type of data Action

Sound, precise and valid data

Imprecise, looking trustworthy, valid

Educated guesses, in the lack of data

Use the data

Data without source

Incomplete data (no denominator, no reference period etc.)

Apparently accurate data, whose value or meaning is difficult to interpret/accept

Scrutinize the data

Flawed/biased data, for which no better alternative is available

Sound data, but not relevant to the issue under analysis

Drop the data

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Common sources of information flaws• Computing mistakes. Sometimes errors are evident at first sight, as when rates

or ratios are out of range or a time series presents figures oddly diverging from the rest. Along the same lines, similar figures reported by authorities known to operate markedly different health services raise suspicion. If reports consist of many tables, the most obvious mistakes may be corrected by cross-checking their contents and spotting their internal inconsistencies. Flaws may not be very obvious when crude data are considered in isolation. The comparison and manipulation of data, by increasing the meaning attached to them, highlight their problems.

• Incomplete reporting. Shaky communication and supervision lines make incomplete reporting commonplace. If data are reported in an aggregated form, this shortcoming cannot be recognized or can only be suspected in cases where figures are seriously inferior to the expected ones. Losses of reports of disease cases along the notification chain may be conspicuous, particularly when the surveillance system is stretched over many steps.

In certain cases, available data can be adjusted to obtain approximations that diverge to a smaller degree from true values. If a certain district has only reported its outpatient activities for some months of the year, the district total annual figure obtained by adding only the reported values would under-represent true outputs. If the number of available monthly reports is known (say, seven), an approximation of the total output can be obtained by adjusting it, on the assumption that the reported months were representative of the missing ones. In this case, the total of seven reported months should be divided by 7 and multiplied by 12 to obtain an approximation of the annual output. Of course, the fewer monthly reports available, the less acceptable this adjustment becomes. Similar adjustments can be introduced for missing reports from some facilities within a district, if the output of these facilities during previous periods is known. In this case, the assumption would be that the volume of activities does not vary dramatically over time.

• Disregard of, or lack of access to, information related to partners or competitors. A district authority may report only the staff included in the public payroll, in this way excluding the health workers hired by NGOs but posted to public health facilities. In decentralized settings, MoH reports may fail to incorporate health care delivered by local councils, under the ministry of local administration (or equivalent). Equally, federal administrations may notify only budget data related to central ministries. Data related to health care provided by relief agencies tend to remain apart from data related to mainstream services.

Public officers tend to overlook charity-owned facilities, whose activities are often ignored in their reports. In large cities, privately-provided health care (a substantive proportion of which is usually informal) is usually under-reported, despite its conspicuous volume. True health care consumption can be much higher than what can be inferred looking at official reporting. For instance, in Luanda at the end of the 1990s, the activities of about 500 authorized private outlets and of an unknown number of unauthorized ones were largely missing from MoH statistics. The very low official levels of healthcare consumption were a gross underestimate of the true situation.

• Using different quality thresholds for accepting or rejecting problem data induces serious inconsistencies across datasets. Some reporting officers may retain obvious mistakes and aggregate them into totals, hence hiding them from scrutiny. Other more demanding information officers may drop whole datasets, in this way reporting to higher levels only cleaned figures, which unfortunately grossly underestimate the true values. Unsurprisingly, the most diligent health

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authorities tend to be conservative in their reporting, i.e. to discard flawed data, which translates into reporting lower levels of activity. Indeed, they may even be criticized because of their supposed low patient loads, or service coverages.

True story No. 2Population figures in Mozambique

During the civil war, up to four million Mozambicans sought refuge abroad, whereas internally people concentrated in secure areas. Official coverage figures, however, were never corrected to allow for these considerable population displacements. In this way, official coverages seriously under-estimated actual consumption of health services inside the country. After the peace agreement (1992) and a massive repatriation process largely regarded as successful, a proper census was eventually carried out in 1997. The resulting Mozambican population was two million smaller than expected on the basis of projections made from the pre-war (1980) census: a reduction caused by war-induced excess deaths, plus an unknown but large number of people who settled abroad and never returned home. The smaller denominator obviously resulted in higher coverage figures from 1997 onwards, an increase which was hailed by several distracted commentators as induced by revamped health services.

• Biases, or deviations of results or inferences from the truth, may lead to invalid conclusions. Figures collected in protracted crises seldom use random sampling techniques; therefore, they are particularly susceptible to biases. On the other hand, being predominantly descriptive (i.e. not aiming to draw causal inferences) they are protected from certain biases that affect analytical studies. Dealing with biases is first of all a matter of being aware of them when planning a study, collecting the data and interpreting the findings.

Particularly relevant to assessments in emergencies is the survival bias, which may occur in a severe crisis with very high mortality. As individuals who otherwise would have been included in a survey are removed from the sample by death, the survey’s results underestimate the pattern under study. It has been alleged to play a role in underestimating the mortality in Somali refugee camps in the late 1980’s and in mortality studies in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.

• Using different denominators, both population estimates and definitions of population sub-groups, is a common source of inconsistencies, particularly with population figures. No satisfactory census data are usually available in complex emergencies and even the best figures are prone to be “massaged” by field operators according to their convenience. In Angola in 2002, the Government reported four million internally displaced people (IDPs) – 30% of the total population – whereas the UN Humanitarian Coordination body registered only 1.5 million IDPs as beneficiaries of assistance programmes (UN, 2002). Before accepting local population figures, such as number of IDPs or refugees, likely to be inflated in order to access emergency aid, cross-checking them with estimates related to the national population and other provinces or districts is worthwhile3. In this way, the most outlandish values can be discarded and the least problematic ones retained. The use of the same estimates in the work of all partners should be energetically advocated, so as to incur consistent rather than conflicting inaccuracies. The former are much less troublesome than the latter.

3 About the ‘politics of numbers’, see Crisp (1999).

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• Using different numerators, by adopting inconsistent case definitions (e.g. cholera and watery diarrhoea cases), may result in a mix of diseases, whose comparison may induce a bias.

• Inconsistent levels of aggregation make the linking of some datasets impossible. For instance, staff may be aggregated into the provincial payroll, because salary payments are processed at this level. On the other hand, functioning facilities are usually presented in district reports. Linking these two datasets to assess deployment patterns and to estimate workloads may be impossible. Along the same lines, expenditures may be compiled according to accounting criteria incompatible with health management decisions. Thus, “travel costs” tell little about the activities (referral, prevention, education, logistics) actually carried out. In this case, correct figures may fail to translate into actual information.

• Inappropriate levels of aggregation may mask important patterns. Service outputs are usually presented according to some partition criterion, as by province or region. Large administrative units are rarely homogeneous. They may host a mix of ethnic groups, different economic activities, layers of wealth, environments. When this is the case, the overall average number of outpatient contacts per head, to take an example, is likely to fall well below that of better-off groups, but to exceed to a large degree that of the worst-off communities.

Policies conceived to improve service consumption across the whole administrative unit may fail to recognize the need to concentrate inputs in a specific marginalized area or population group. In many countries, an example of this aggregation flaw is found in the region that includes the capital city. The surrounding areas are often dramatically underserved, due to the ability of the city to siphon off all available resources. This local disadvantage may be hidden in the regional average, and overlooked when neglected areas are considered for targeted support.

The way out is not disaggregating data into the smallest possible units. This would break the picture into too many pieces and hide broad patterns. Indeed, similar areas may be safely aggregated, with important gains in the clarity and economy of the analysis. The solution lies between the two extremes. Large heterogeneous administrative units can be tabulated into a few sizeable, but more homogeneous sub-units. By the same token, contiguous small units spanning regions or provinces, but sharing similar patterns may be merged into meaningful chunks. The country’s health map would diverge from the official administrative one, but would gain in value for the health manager.

• Just-in-case data collection, whereby potentially interesting figures are recorded without a clear assessment of their use, is unfortunately widespread, not only in fossilized routine information systems. Sudden events, such as the opening of unforeseen space for manoeuvre for NGOs and aid agencies, due to a dramatic change in the fortunes of the war, may trigger this kind of initiative. Based on the (frequently misplaced) assumption that little or no information is already available, newcomers may embark on a spree of field exercises (sometimes called “rapid needs assessments”), where a disparate array of data of unclear use is collected in the hope that they will prove useful later, at some unspecified upper level of analysis and decision-making. These exercises may absorb vast resources, divert attention from actual service provision and fuel unjustified hopes among recipients. Rarely have unfocused data been adequately translated into true insights. True story No. 5 in Module 4 depicts an eloquent example of this flawed approach.

• “Fossil” figures. Given the scarcity of data, certain figures, once incorporated into widely circulated documents and endorsed by authoritative agencies, may be used and re-used, even if they are known to be flawed, taking on a life of their own.

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After multiple quoting, the original sources and their shortcomings are forgotten. Thus, guess estimates never based on actual evidence are accepted at face value as solid figures. For instance, the deaths caused by the Sudanese civil war were estimated at 1.5–2 million many years ago. Later, despite the continued raging of the war, war-attributable deaths failed to rise. The 1.5–2 million figure calcified into a fossil, quoted in countless reports without relation to field findings. In other contexts, it is said that a lie, repeated often enough, becomes truth.

The uncritical use of “brand” sources may discourage the pursuit of more useful information. Instead of reporting a figure that is old, biased or referring to a different context, to state that in a given setting the maternal mortality ratio is unknown, but likely to be very high, is usually adequate to inform related decisions.

• Idealized vs. actual patterns. Some aspects of health care provision are particularly prone to idealized constructions. Referral functions, access to health care, treatment guidelines, the upholding of legislation, and standard health unit teams are portrayed in official documents in a way that is widely disconnected from what is recognizable in the field. Repetition may lead to the replacement of the “should be” with a reassuring “is”, to be sometimes vehemently defended as a fact. Rough checks may help to assess the situation. For example, standard treatment guidelines may exist at MoH level, but remain unknown or unavailable at facility level. Field surveys may offer clues about the true picture. In Sudan in 2001, a detailed study of four health areas found that only 28 out of 55 surveyed health facilities were functioning. Access to basic health care was therefore dramatically lower than officially reported.

• Data out of context tell little and may be misleading. Knowledge of local contexts is critical to interpret data and produce information. For example, a sudden increase in the reported cases of a communicable disease may be interpreted as an outbreak by analysts based far away from the site, when it may originate from the reactivation of laboratory services after a war-induced interruption.

• Using different criteria to assess whether a facility is “functioning” or a vehicle is “available” or a piece of equipment is “in order”. Without clear-cut definitions, detailed instructions, considerable training and sustained supervision, the collected reports will be useless. For instance, in relation to “functioning facilities”, a rigorous compiler might include only those staffed according to standard levels, adequately supplied and regularly reporting their activities. Another reporting officer could count also facilities known to function below certain standards, while a third compiler might include even facilities failing to report for months or years, whose status is unknown to health authorities. A practical way of assessing the reliability of a dataset is to look at the collection tools used to generate it. When forms have been sent to respondents without accompanying instructions on how to fill them in, the resulting dataset is likely to be seriously flawed, particularly when the issues to which the collected data are related are not standardized in everyday practice, or the questions are formulated in vague terms.

• The misinterpretation of correct data, arising from the poor understanding of quantitative techniques, is commonplace among health professionals. In this way, old estimates referring to a totally different situation may be associated with ongoing interventions, as monitoring indicators. Or, regional figures belonging to larger samples may be used for flawed internal comparisons, because of insufficient sub-sample sizes. Further, a decrease in the reported cases of a communicable disease may be interpreted as due to an effective intervention, when it is part of a natural seasonal or annual trend. For instance, after a severe outbreak of measles, few new cases have to be expected, regardless of immunization activities. A common mistake is to consider morbidity and mortality figures, generated by sentinel sites located in secure areas, as indicative of the national situation.

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• Over-reliance on quantitative techniques frequently affects the work of statisticians and economists, too often fond of squeezing sophisticated but unfortunately meaningless quantitative analyses from irreparably flawed datasets. This sort of “forgery” – sometimes unintentional – is common in stable situations. In troubled environments, it may go unnoticed to a higher extent, because of the pressing demands for data and the difficulty of validating what is available. State-of-the-art multiple regressions or statistical tests may be unwisely applied to datasets where many figures are missing and the available ones are questionable. The temptation to “refine” data analysis with these techniques increases with the ease of use of computer software, whose operations most information practitioners can neither follow nor understand. Poor data should be discarded, rather than “analysed” or, if retained, laid bare without bells and whistles for the open scrutiny of information users, with a warning note attached.

• The application of elegant presentation techniques to poor datasets is widespread and mounting, given the “make-up” facilities offered by information technology. Appealing charts, colours, sounds, drawings and maps convey messages and suggest quality information, irrespective of the validity of their content. In this way, unacceptably poor information may remain disguised. As no manipulation of unreliable information can overcome its weaknesses, it should not be indulged. A case in point is geographic information software, which is increasingly used to map health facilities or disease patterns. With the levels of unreliability that affect population data, facility functions and case reporting in protracted crises, these popular maps may be useless or grossly misleading.

Uses of informationGood information is a necessary prerequisite to, but not a guarantee of, good decision-making. It is assumed that if accurate, timely and relevant data are gathered, processed and transmitted to decision-makers, they would choose the “best” options. Uncertainty, complexity and competing pressures, however, disprove this linear model. Decision-making involves political and personal values and tradeoffs: “any choice of output indicator as a basis for decision-making, necessarily incorporates value judgements” (Sandiford, Annett and Cibulskis, 1992). In the heated environment of a complex emergency, tainted by multiple and conflicting interests, a neutral use of information is impossible4. Information may also be deliberately non-used: a frequent strategy in difficult contexts, where the line of least resistance is usually the most attractive and unwelcome data can easily be criticized because of their weaknesses. Furthermore, not all information can be discussed. How realistically can a government in crisis be asked to discuss its mistakes or its own eventual demise? Informational exclusions are as important as actual data for making judgements.Paralysis by Analysis is a special case of non-decision-making, due to the perceived lack of information. It may arise from a sincere desire for perfection but it may also represent a strategy devised at blocking necessary action. For example, where it is known that malaria is a major problem, an exact quantification of its magnitude should not be considered as a pre-condition for the launching of anti-malaria activities. At the opposite end of the spectrum, there is Extinction by Instinct: pressures to act, wrong assumptions or “field experience” force decisions not backed by systematic analysis (Langley, 1995). In a crisis, the latter mechanism usually prevails. Sometimes, both mechanisms co-exist; for example donors and NGOs take action inspired by what was successful in another troubled country, while national authorities decide to wait. Different perceptions of urgency, different biases, timeframes, priorities, available resources, and technical capacity can explain this disconnection of responses.

4 For a short discussion, see Politics and information management in Module 3.

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Different information for different purposesThe attributes of the information needed at different decision levels change, moving from field settings up to the aggregated and even further to the systemic level. The producers of information should keep clearly in mind the duties, goals and needs of the targeted users, in order to tailor their product to clients and avoid that “much of the material remains unprocessed, or if processed unanalysed, or if analysed, not written up, or if written up, not read, of if read, not used or acted upon. Only a minuscule proportion, if any, of the findings affect policy, and they are usually a few simple totals” (Chambers, 1983, quoted in de Kadt, 1989).1. Information for field managers must be timely, relevant and compelling.

It is common wisdom that information should be analysed and used close to where it is collected and action is needed. Operational decisions that are taken far away from the field are prone to errors, because contextual factors are ignored. Aggregate information may hide the impact of the emergency on particular areas or groups, or obscure inequalities in the response. Further, the time for transmission of data from the periphery to higher management levels implies that response (e.g. to an outbreak) is implemented too late and too slowly. On the other hand, the capacity for analysis can be lacking at field level and there might be the need for engaging experts working at HQs or even abroad. In addition, information at local level is useful only if decision-making and capacity for action are decentralized.

2. Information for allocative decision-making must be timely, valid, fairly aggregated and comprehensive.

The end user of information who sits in the MoH of the disrupted country, or in the far-away ministry of foreign affairs of a western capital, and is requested to make decisions on the allocation of resources, needs mainly aggregated information. The comprehensiveness of information is particularly relevant in fragmented settings, where each actor possesses and reports only a partial view of the whole picture. Thus, a NGO working in a certain district may apply for donor financing, stressing the underfunding of district health care, while at the same time failing to mention three other NGOs active in the same district. Donor officials are forced to make decisions based on such partial information.

3. Information for structural change, such as introducing a reform in the health sector, must be valid, comprehensive, retrospective and possibly prospective.

For instance, a health sector heavily biased towards hospital care may consider the introduction of new, PHC-oriented categories of personnel, redeployment of staff, the redesign of health facilities and the offering of different health services. The planning of such a move implies review of training, recruitment and deployment practices, rethinking of the network as well as of supervision and supply systems, a change in the interplay of incentives, and the financing of an entire new layer of health services. Solid information on the existing health sector, its human resources, network, management systems, and financing mechanisms, as well as information offering an understanding of the factors that shaped the sector along its present lines, are needed as a foundation for such an ambitious and sensitive reform.

Changes over time, potentially the most precious clues for understanding some issues, are consistently the scarcest sort of information in protracted crises. To complement the scanty quantitative information about temporal changes, interviews with knowledgeable sector informants may prove invaluable to grasp past settings, their evolution and the forces that shaped the sector in originating the present patterns. In the absence of relevant time series, analysts usually fall back on static pictures of the sector. Without a broad comprehension of the way

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the sector has changed over time, chances that any structural reform actually addresses the main problems are negligible.

Using available information to develop projectionsThinking about the future in an unstable environment may seem a waste of time and energy to many participants, who are usually absorbed by daily, erratic events. Prevailing uncertainty notwithstanding, several arguments can be formulated to encourage forward thinking:• The disruption, particularly when protracted, affects the health sector in its

fundamental patterns; a return to the pre-crisis situation is very unlikely. Most spontaneous changes are highly unfavourable to sector development. Thus, anticipating the direction taken spontaneously by the health sector is essential to devising appropriate measures to control undesirable changes and to encourage favourable ones.

• New policies are called for by the changed situation, as well as by the demands of new entrants to the sector. In distorted ways, a complex emergency opens up a sector to international influences. Forecasting resource availability, emerging needs and implementing capacity helps to choose the most appropriate and affordable policies among the many competing proposals likely to be tabled.

• Despite the daily chaos everybody is aware of, once considered in aggregate terms the sector may show consistent patterns, which can be appraised with a degree of confidence. For instance, no details about physical destruction are usually available; nonetheless, reasonably robust estimates of the reconstruction bill can be elaborated.

• Developing projections about future patterns is a powerful way to test the reliability of available data and the solidity of the understanding of the sector gained so far. Producing projections puts pressure on analysts and decision-makers to clean data, revisit assumptions, find new elements to be introduced into the computations.

Projections are deductions about future patterns, given a set of chosen conditions. They are frequently designed to answer the “What if..?” question. Chosen conditions may be highly hypothetical or even unrealistic. Forecasts are projections formulated using realistic assumptions. In many cases, they are predictions of the situation likely to arise from the present settings if no change takes place, or by incorporating change, if this is considered as highly probable.“…forecasts are usually no more than educated guesses dressed up in sophisticated ways. If the guesses (‘assumptions’) are wrong, the forecast will be wrong. The further one forecasts into the future, the more the assumptions are likely to be wrong. Thus forecasts usually tend to be reasonable for a few years ahead but then become progressively worse. The margin of error increases” (Newell, 1988).In disrupted health sectors, additional problems compound the inherent difficulty of forecasting. Incompleteness of datasets, scarcity of time series, the reluctance of many parties to disclose information, the limited control of players on events, the disproportionate influence of certain unpredictable factors on eventual results, are just some of the elements making forecasting a demanding practice.Projections are based on the following building blocks:• data. Example: size and composition of the workforce. This information may

be needed to project the salary bill, or to estimate the service coverage to be attained, or the cost of retraining health workers.

• assumptions. Example: donor funding will expand in the post-war period. Assumptions may be based on educated guesses, an appraisal of known trends,

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or policy statements by important actors. A firm engagement by an influential player, such as the World Bank (WB), to funding the health sector, may offer grounds for expecting donor largesse.

• qualitative assessments, held to be reasonably true. Example: unregulated, informal private practice expanded during the conflict. This assessment may be based on observable patterns, such as a boom of urban clinics. To be used, these considerations must sometimes be turned into a quantitative value. For example, a study of the Sudanese health sector (Decaillet, Mullen and Guen, 2003) supposed private out-of-pocket expenditure to attain the same magnitude of total government health spending, or 1% of gross domestic product (GDP). In this case, the value attached to a largely-undisputed finding (that private spending is substantial) is somewhat arbitrary. A more reliable figure must replace it as soon as it becomes known.

• “patterns” observed in comparable environments. Example: regulatory provisions are difficult to enforce in post-conflict settings. This finding, if considered applicable to the situation under study, may help to project the expected revenues generated by user fees, or the impact of measures aimed at regulating drug imports.

For most of the issues whose future evolution deserves close scrutiny, the number of variables to be considered and the range of variation among them are large. Hence, projections may produce very diverging results. This should not be surprising. Alternative scenarios for the future of an out-of-balance sector must be dramatically different, according to the many ways events may unfold. Decision-makers should not consider projections as predictions (because of the variety of possible outcomes), but rather as powerful aids to appraise the likely results of the choices they make (or, as in many cases, they don’t make); choices that will shape events and eventually decide the future of the sector.Modules 6 and 12 explore in greater detail the field of elaborating projections, building scenarios, and comparing the consequences of alternative choices.A few tips may be worth considering in relation to forecasting in a disrupted environment:• Keep calculations simple and transparent to the users of the projections. The

inadequacy of the dataset on which projections are based usually rules out sophisticated analyses. Refining the projections depends to a large extent on the input of stronger data and more cogent assumptions; complex computing techniques are fairly immaterial.

• Start with a simple, stripped-down model, incorporating only the most important variables. This is usually sufficient to reach preliminary conclusions and elicit useful feedback from knowledgeable people. Add variables only if they affect the results to such an extent that there is a change in the understanding of the studied issue, and henceforth the decisions to be taken.

• Clearly formulate the assumptions behind the forecasts and attach them to the results every time these are presented.

• Frequently revisit the steps followed in producing the projections, incorporating new data as they become available or reformulating assumptions when necessary.

• Submit projections to knowledgeable people. Even if some of them are not used to forecasting techniques, they may contribute with their “feelings” about the trustworthiness of results. Computations may be adjusted accordingly.

• Do a sensitivity analysis, testing how sensitive the findings of your analysis can be to the change of key assumptions.

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• Help decision-makers work out the policy implications of the projections retained as the most compelling. Implications may be masked, or unpleasant to such a degree that many stakeholders are reluctant to accept them. Clarifying implications early in the policy discussion avoids arguments later on and reduces the risk that support is withdrawn when difficult decisions are needed.

The design of information systemsSometimes the problem is not the lack of data, but their excess. Even where “easy” process indicators are available and appropriate, expensive epidemiological data are collected and analysed, sometimes to measure the health impact of programmes, more often by entrenched routine, whose rationale has been long forgotten. Many surveillance systems demand the reporting of a “laundry list of most diseases known to mankind” (Henderson, 1976). For example, the health management information system in Afghanistan in 2002 included more than 30 diseases. Given the low coverage of health services, the scarcity of skilled workers in rural areas, the weak transport and communication systems, the geography of the country and the weak response capacity, the coverage, quality, and therefore utility of these data were limited.Data do not speak for themselves. They must be selected, processed and put into context in order to become intelligible and useful. The designers of health information systems, in many cases health professionals themselves, used to dealing with peers within MoHs, often disregard the fact that not all managers can make sense of technical information. In troubled contexts, many decision-makers are generalists or specialists of other fields, such as economics or law, for whom health information is useful only if it is simple and complements information from other sectors.Data speak only to those who are prepared to listen. Many action-oriented players involved in a troubled health sector are culturally deaf to figures, unable or disinterested in taking advantage of the available information.A crucial decision confronting the designer of an information system is to determine the level of aggregation of data at the different steps of the path linking the data producer to the different users, each level being a function of the nature of the decision to be based on such information. Broad resource allocation decisions, such as attributing a preferential share of financial inputs to a worse-off province, should be based on data aggregated to the level that enables the spotting of such a disadvantage. Feeding decision-makers with the customary stack of detailed service coverage data would be redundant and even counterproductive, if the gap suffered by the province is masked by the excess of figures. To achieve aggregation levels appropriate to each decision level, management structure, data needs and flows must be analysed before designing any information system. Obviously, such an analysis is out of place in any sector in a permanent state of flux.During a crisis, initiatives aimed at redesigning information systems should be postponed. This is a medium-/long-term endeavour, poorly adapted to troubled environments, which should not divert energies from more pressing priorities. Too often, newcomers start new data gathering schemes, bypassing existing systems. Instead, squeezing value from existing data often provides better returns. Furthermore, an assiduous exploration of existing information systems strengthens them and offers precious indications about their strengths and weaknesses, in light of which their future overhaul can be designed.

Disseminating the collected informationWhereas the production of valuable information attracts attention and resources, its dissemination is often neglected, even by the very promoters of its collection. Why this is the case is unclear, particularly when the high costs of producing information are considered. Information technology has greatly facilitated data storage, retrieval

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and dissemination, but at the same time has flooded information users with an unmanageable amount of data, inside of which the small proportion of useful ones is hidden. Having reached conclusions reckoned of some interest to stakeholders, the analyst must take steps in order to ensure that the information s/he produced is effectively used. Several considerations may be of interest:• In the information market, supply vastly exceeds absorption capacity. To catch

the attention of busy officials, the collected information must be packaged in an attractive way. Given the opportunities offered by information technology, attaining good presentation standards is usually easy. Unfortunately, too often high-quality data are presented in a dreary way. Alternatively, misguided enthusiasm in “embellishing” data may eventually make them tiresome to read or obscure, increasing the chances that they are shelved without being examined by the target audience.

• Condensed information is more likely to attract the attention of readers than long documents. When the technical nature of the information implies a lengthy exposition, a strong summary is mandatory. Many copies may be reproduced and widely circulated, so as to increase interest in the main report. Writing a clear, exhaustive and interesting summary is difficult, so adequate time and energies should be devoted to this task. The summary is too important to be left to the last day of work of an exhausted team.

• Language is often an issue. In troubled environments, too large a proportion of the available information remains in English, thus inaccessible to many local actors. Obtaining an accurate and readable translation of technical reports is expensive and difficult. Caution, care and resources are needed to strengthen translations to the level they become reliable and useful. To the reader fluent in the local language, the flawed language disfiguring so many documents supposedly prepared by recipient governments is as embarrassing as it is telling about their origins.

• Language is also an issue in relation to the technical jargon used, which should be selected according to the main audience of the collected information. The same content should be rewrapped to become interesting and accessible to health workers, to politicians, to economists etc.

• Some influential and energetic people have great dissemination capacity, which can be tapped. Once promoted by such individuals, the dissemination of a report is greatly enhanced. Formal or informal contacts with these information “gurus” should be actively pursued.

• Given the propensity of documents to get lost in unstable environments, anticipating a good measure of redundancy in disseminating them is worthwhile. Thus, hard copies should be produced in quantities generously exceeding the number of perspective users. Informal distribution should complement formal channels (which for hierarchical organizations mean that often documents do not reach their potential users). Meetings may be used to brief participants on the availability of reports and to share copies with them.

For further discussion, see Module 13. Producing a health sector profile.

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Recommended Reading

Last JM, ed. (2001). A dictionary of epidemiology. 4th ed. New York, Oxford University Press.

A classic, invaluable companion, which needs no recommendation. The dictionary includes also useful entries on acronyms used in international health, and on social-science concepts relevant in the health field.

Lippeveld T, Sauerborn R, Bodart C, eds. (2000). Design and implementation of health information systems. Geneva, World Health Organization.

Comprehensive, clear and realistic overview of the field. The specific features of analysing information in disrupted environments are not discussed. Essential background reading. Particularly worthwhile is Chapter 3 “Using information to make decisions”.

Sandiford P, Annett H, Cibulskis R (1992). What can information systems do for primary health care? An international perspective. Social Science and Medicine. 34:1077–1087.

A landmark discussion of the main issues related to information systems and of the drawbacks that limit their effectiveness. Unfortunately, more than a decade after the writing of this paper, many of the shortcomings singled out by it continue to undermine information systems in many health sectors. Too many data are generated, too little understanding is drawn from them, decision-making remains evidence-free, unrealistic expectations about the benefits of information technology are fuelled. In most cases, information systems need fundamental rethinking along the lines suggested by this paper. Information is part and parcel of sound management systems. It weakens and degenerates when management practice is poor. To strengthen information without overhauling management systems bears little promise of real progress.

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ReferencesBateson G (1980). Mind and nature: a necessary unit. New York, Bantam Books.Crisp J (1999). “Who has counted the refugees?” UNHCR and the politics of numbers. Geneva, UNHCR (New issues in refugees research, Working Paper No. 12). Available online at:, accessed 24 August 2008.Decaillet F, Mullen PD, Guen F (2003). Sudan health status report. World Bank. (Draft version 1).de Kadt E (1989). Making health policy management intersectoral: issues of information analysis and use in less developed countries. Social Science and Medicine, 29:503–514.Drapcho B, Mock N (2000). DHS and conflict in Africa: findings from a comparative study and recommendations for improving the utility of DHS as a survey vehicle in conflict settings. Certi (Draft Working Paper, MEASURE/Evaluation Project). Available online at:, accessed 23 September 2008.Galilei G (1632). Dialogue concerning the two chief world systems [Dialogo sopra i Massimi Sistemi del Mondo, Tolemaico e Copernicano]. New York, The Modern Library 1953.Graham W (1989). Measuring the impact of health interventions on mortality in developing countries: why bother? Journal of Biosocial Science, 10 Suppl:69–78.Henderson D (1976). Surveillance of smallpox. International Journal of Epidemiology, 5:19–28.Jekel JF, Elmore JG, Katz DL (1996). Epidemiology, biostatistics and preventive medicine. Philadelphia, PA, W. B. Saunders.Langley A (1995). Between “paralysis by analysis” and “extinction by instinct”. Sloan Management Review, 36:63–76.Liberia Institute of Statistics and Geo-Information Services et al (2007). Liberia demographic and health survey 2007. Monrovia and Calverton. Available online at:, accessed 4 March 2009.Newell C (1988). Methods and models in demography. London, Belhaven Press.Smith GD, Ebrahim S (2002). Data dredging: bias or confounding. British Medical Journal, 325:1437–1438.von Schirnding Y (2002). Health in sustainable development planning: the role of indicators. Geneva, World Health Organization (WHO/HDE/HID/02.11).UN System in Angola (2002). Angola common country assessment: Angola – the post-war challenges. Luanda.World Health Organization and UNICEF (1997). The Sisterhood method for estimating maternal mortality: Guidance notes for potential users. WHO/RHT/97.28. UNICEF/EPP/97.1

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Monitoring patterns and trends in the health sector

Indicators to be consideredThe following table reviews some indicators and focuses on practical aspects of data collection, manipulation and interpretation. In any given country, these indicators need experimentation, adaptation and validation before they are adopted for general use. The final decision always depends on a trade-off between the value for decision-making of the information provided by an indicator on the one hand and its availability, reliability and cost on the other.In protracted crises, after the breakdown of routine information systems, indicators produced by field surveys are frequently the only ones available, particularly in the areas of mortality, morbidity and coverage. However, they are rarely drawn from random samples of national coverage, or even random samples at all. Also, they tend to portray a situation at a given point in time, which is sometimes of limited informative value. Considerable caution is therefore in order before generalizing survey findings.No disrupted health sector has the capacity to monitor all the aspects proposed in the table below. The selection of the few indicators to be collected and studied depends on the issues considered as the most important in the policy agenda. In a sector starved of resources and with anecdotal evidence of conspicuous wastage, indicators related to efficiency might be the most relevant. In another sector, where the workforce is perceived as grossly unbalanced and in need of aggressive restructuring, another sub-set of indicators should be chosen.The difficulty of collecting some indicators must also be taken into account. In severely troubled environments, the monitoring of certain indicators would entail heavy costs and high chances of failure, despite the efforts expended. To fall back on rough proxies may constitute a sensible strategy. The short life of most indicators in an unstable environment is another important criterion to keep in mind when an information-gathering initiative is conceived. Only data related to decisions to be taken within a short time span stand a chance of being used. Detailed inventories of facilities, personnel and equipment, if carried out before the capacity to intervene emerges, are likely to end up in a waste of time, resources and skills.The proliferation of concerns and “priorities” that usually affects disrupted health sectors pushes towards the collection of many indicators. Capacity constraints regularly undermine this purpose. The net result is that few or any indicators are actually collected, attentions are dispersed in many directions and evidence-free decision-making remains dominant.The indicators discussed in the table presented below are mainly of systemic interest, i.e. they point to global characteristics of the health sector. The thematic modules composing the manual present additional indicators, related to the specific area under discussion.

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Annex 2

Indicator Dimension to be Monitored/Usefulness

Sources/Ways of collecting the Indicator(s) Remarks

Total inputs (expressed in financial terms, by region, level of care, source, ownership, rural/urban and adjusted per head)

Inputs. Provides indications related to the system’s costs, its geographical equity and global and relative efficiency (when related to outputs)

Data provided by the government, (MoF, MoH etc.), non-state groups (rebels etc.), UN agencies, donors, NGOs etc. need to be aggregated in monetary terms. Investment figures should be computed apart.

Tend to underestimate important contributions, such as patient payments or external resources (particularly from NGOs). May require the use of extrapolated data, when comprehensive ones are not available, which may be difficult and generate unreliable results. If certain inputs are computed at subsidized prices (such as drugs in many cases), it may be incorrect to aggregate their value with others provided at market price. The judicious use of shadow prices may address this difficulty. Because of the depopulation of rural areas and the concentration of IDPs in urban and peri-urban areas, studying the rural/urban split may lead to flawed conclusions. When migratory movements (internal and abroad) involve a large proportion of the population, all indicators adjusted "per head" are grossly misleading and should be avoided.

Investment, by region, level of care, ownership, rural/urban and adjusted per head

Inputs. Crucial to anticipate the sector future patterns and demands, in terms of costs, service mix, efficiency, equity, ownership etc.

Due to the fragmentation that prevails in most situations, obtaining reliable information is labour-intensive. Consider building a national investment permanent database.

Should be analysed jointly with information related to the present conditions of the health care network. The patterns of the ongoing investment help in assessing the enforcement of stated policies. Whereas the investment decisions of single autonomous actors may be in line with declared policies, the aggregate patterns may look strikingly at odds with the same policies.

The Investment/Development Budget of government, donors and NGOs often includes recurrent expenditure, which needs to be identified and removed to avoid gross overestimates.

Aggregate service units (if considered reliable and acceptable)

Outputs. Provides direct estimates of service volumes, their geographical distribution, ownership and contributions by level of care

The Health Management Information System (HMIS, but it can be called differently) is the main source. Due to their weaknesses, source data may need substantive manipulation to become useful. Specific info sources, such as NGOs, can be used to complement and validate HMIS data.

In situations of rampant informal privatization of healthcare provision, a large proportion of service outputs may go unreported

As different services require different inputs and imply different costs, their outputs cannot be directly aggregated, but need adjustment by a weighting system, which attributes a higher value to the more resource-intensive class of services. Criteria for weighting different services and adjusting source data have to be developed, tested and agreed upon by experts. The weights can be based on total service unit costs.

For specific sub-sectors, a different set of weights may be required. For staffing, basing the weights on average attendance times would be preferable, whereas for drug distribution, average treatment costs per broad categories of care may be a more reliable guide.

The aggregate output distribution may influence resource allocation decisions, particularly at macro-level (narrowing the level of analysis makes these estimates progressively less useful). The original data set used to compute aggregate outputs may be used to study broad patterns of service mix.

If a global aggregate indicator is found unreliable, sub-global aggregates, such as in-patient and out-patient volumes, may be used instead. This (more conventional) alternative implies more detailed work when it comes to using outputs to compute several important ratios, such as workloads, and multiply the number of indicators needed to characterize any production unit (region, district, facility etc.).

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Annex 2

Indicator Dimension to be Monitored/Usefulness

Sources/Ways of collecting the Indicator(s) Remarks

Ratio of global inputs to global outputs and its evolution over time

Efficiency. Crucial indicator, whose computation is unfortunately fraught with difficulties

Its computation depends on the format eventually chosen for Inputs and Outputs

When the technical content of the provided care differs dramatically across areas, levels of care or over time, to draw conclusions about efficiency from the inputs/outputs ratio is incorrect. If aggregated estimates of inputs and outputs are not available or are considered unreliable, a global efficiency index is impossible to compute.

Instead of computing an actual ratio, which would suggest a technical precision unsupported by the available information, the presentation of the relationship between inputs and outputs may remain deliberately impressionistic. A time series of aggregate inputs and outputs may convey how these two variables evolve in relation to each other, providing a precious “feeling” of the situation.

Staff workloads Efficiency. Useful in redeployment of staff and to project the future workforce

HMIS or facility-based surveys (often carried out by NGOs)

The selection of a sub-set of facilities providing reliable and complete data is recommended. It should be presented as global and then disaggregated by region, class of facility, level of training, level of care, ownership. It is easier to compute if an aggregated measure of output is introduced. Given the frequent counting of ghost workers among active staff, any administrative estimate of workloads should be checked in the field before being retained as valid.

Bed Occupancy Rate

Efficiency HMIS Same as above. It may show dramatic oscillations, depending on epidemics, population movements, availability of skilled staff, drugs or food etc.

Financial Implementation Rate, by source

Efficiency. Essential criterion for the allocation of non-wage funding

In most cases, routine data need to be complemented by reports and studies

Needs to be linked to planned and real outputs. Aggregated by cost centre, region, level of care (when possible). Special attention to be paid to absorption of external funds (given its frequently low levels). Misleading in high-wastage situations, quite common during protracted crises.

TB Treatment Success Rate

Effectiveness and Efficiency

TB-control programme, where this is in place

When the TB control programme is vertical, this indicator says little about the systemic performance of the health sector. The same holds for other vertical programmes. It can be taken also as an indicator or effectiveness.

Ratio of the average service consumption per head of a privileged group to a destitute one

Equity. Condenses imbalances in a single index and, if followed over time, shows whether they are being redressed

Data source is the HMIS (already aggregated as Outputs, see corresponding entry), or specific studies

Useful only in situations where population figures are available and large migrations are not under way. It may be particularly interesting when comparing refugees, IDPs and residents of areas not directly affected by the crisis. It may require substantial adjustment of incomplete data sets to become reliable. Should be considered every time major investments are discussed. It may lead to major redistributive decisions within the health sector.

Proportion of the population with access to basic health services

Equity HMIS, reports prepared by special programmes, surveys

A workable definition of “access to basic health services” must be formulated and associated to this indicator when it is presented. Using routine data, a range of utilisation figures, from the lowest coverage to the highest one, can be retained as a proxy for “access”.

Ratios of health facilities to served populations, by geographical area, rural/urban etc.

Equity Available inventories of health facilities and mapping

To be meaningful, these figures need to assume fairly homogeneously distributed populations within the studied areas, which is usually not the case, particularly in war-torn contexts with major population movements. Ideally, these indicators should be refined, looking at the percentage of people having access to critical services, such as surgical theatres, maternity wards, labs, EPI delivery points etc. A more instructive indicator would be the Proportion of population within 5 or 10 kms of a designed health unit, which is usually not computable because of the limitations of census data.

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Annex 2

Indicator Dimension to be Monitored/Usefulness

Sources/Ways of collecting the Indicator(s) Remarks

Inpatient Case-Fatality Rate for selected conditions

Effectiveness Facility-based surveys Consider computing this rate for a basket of major communicable diseases; these should be chosen considering the effectiveness of available standard treatment for a given level of care. For instance, a basket of inpatient cases of malaria, diarrhoea, acute respiratory infections, sepsis and meningitis would provide an informative, if rough, estimate of the existing capacity to tackle effectively serious common conditions at PHC level. To study higher-level care, other common conditions deserving surgical treatment could be added or considered apart (obstructed labour, acute abdomen, major traumas).

Proportion of post-operative infections after elective surgery

Effectiveness Facility-based surveys Simple, straightforward indicator, which should be computable even in troubled contexts.

Proportion of rational prescriptions within a sample

Effectiveness and Efficiency

Facility-based surveys The well-known International Network for Rational Use of Drugs (INRUD) methodology is simple, reliable and informative. It should be used extensively, as a strategy to improve quality of care and to counteract waste, particularly in situations where drugs are scarce.

Patient compliance

Effectiveness Surveys Exit interviews may be misleading. Home visits provide more accurate information.

User satisfaction Effectiveness Surveys Difficult to study and standardize. Interview results may be very misleading. Before adopting this concept, a robust and sensitive methodology must be developed. Results should always be considered together with an expert assessment of the quality of care provided.

Infant Mortality Rate

Outcomes High-quality surveys with large samples

Often estimated using indirect retrospective methods, such as the sisterhood one (WHO and UNICEF, 1997) , that measure past rather than present mortality. Thus, these values should not be used to draw conclusions, such as the impact of ongoing interventions, about present patterns, particularly in a fast-moving context.

Maternal Mortality Ratio

Outcomes High-quality surveys with even larger samples

Workforce structure (new enrolments, attrition, skills, age, gender, employer) and deployment

Human Resources HMIS, dedicated inventories To obtain reliable figures in very fragmented situations is difficult. Deployment needs to be disaggregated by main categories: level of training, gender, region, urban/rural, facility ownership, level of care. In countries with a very high HIV prevalence, the workforce structure may change quickly. Be wary of "ghost workers", very common in troubled situations.

Average teams per class of facility

Human Resources Routine data need to be validated by facility-based surveys

Given personnel movements, actual over- and under-staffing patterns in relation to routine reports are common. Possibly aggregated by training level (i.e., university-, mid-, basic-), skilled vs. unskilled. Sub-samples of facilities reporting complete data may be compiled as representative proxies. Combining these data with workloads, the average service volume per class of facility (very useful to study the network in view of restoring, expanding or rationalizing it) may be computed. In disrupted situations, to find overstaffing associated to reduced service outputs is common.

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Annex 2

Indicator Dimension to be Monitored/Usefulness

Sources/Ways of collecting the Indicator(s) Remarks

Inputs and outputs of the pre-service training system

Human Resources A specific study is usually needed It could be computed as cost per trainee or per year of training, by level of training and by training facility.

Inputs and outputs of the in-service training system

Human Resources A specific study is usually needed It could be computed as cost per participant per day of in-service training. Due to the dispersion of in-service training activities, collecting these data is labour-intensive. Average figures should be taken with caution, because exposure to in-service training varies dramatically within the workforce (with over-trained workers against neglected ones). Given the over-reliance on in-service training, typical of protracted crises, studying this area is particularly relevant.

Drug total imports, by source of funding and adjusted per head

Drugs MoH data need to be complemented with reports prepared by donors, NGOs and private importers.

Unavailable in most cases, or grossly underestimated. To collect reliable figures is very difficult and labour-intensive, particularly for the private sector and for donations. Caution is needed in aggregating widely different prices of the same drug. Comparing drug prices purchased through different channels provides precious indications of the sort of measures needed to improve drug availability.

Drug distribution by region, rural/urban, ownership and level of care

Drugs. Equity Where centralized, shared mechanisms are in place, the use of routine information is usually possible. In other cases, specific studies are needed.

It is an essential component of Total Inputs, discussed above. Beyond financial figures, the appropriateness of the drugs available at each level of care should be studied (the supplying of drugs inappropriate for a given level of care is a very common finding).

Waste and pilferage along the supply line and at facility level

Drugs. Efficiency A tracer study is usually needed to throw light on this issue.

Usually overlooked during a protracted crisis, this information may provide crucial contributions to the policy discussion and to the conception of a recovery strategy.

Drug availability at facility level

Drugs Facility-based surveys A number (5–10) of vital drugs should be selected as markers. The indicator could be expressed as proportion of selected drugs available over the studied period.

Absolute level of financing, disaggregated by source and management responsibilities

Financing Consider the implanting of permanent capacity, to carry out this review at regular intervals.

To be followed over time. Estimates of patient contributions need specific studies and are difficult to obtain. The external share of total financing helps to gauge the degree of discretion to be enjoyed by future governments. Trends are as important as absolute figures.

Expenditure structure, by cost centre, region, urban/rural, level of care, ownership

Financing A specific study with a substantial field component is usually needed.

Crucial to address existing imbalances, spot gaps and devise measures aimed at rationalizing health care provision. To consolidate contributions may be extremely complex. Should be complemented and validated by costing studies at facility level.
