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Bamboo Science and Culture:The Journal of the American Bamboo Society 22(1): 5-25© Copyright 2009 by the American Bamboo Society

Molecular phylogeny of Asian woody bamboos:Review for the Flora of China

Chris M. A. StapletonRoyal Botanic Gardens Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AB, UK

email: [email protected]

Gráinne Ní Chonghaile and Trevor R. HodkinsonBotany Building, School of Natural Sciences, Trinity College Dublin, D2, Ireland

email: [email protected]


Molecular data was reviewed for the woody bamboo account in the English language Flora ofChina. The implications for recognition of suprageneric taxa and genera, for macro-morphologicalcharacters used in classification systems, and for the inferred biogeographical history of Asianbamboos are discussed. Support was not found for large supertribes based on inflorescence structure.Instead a restricted number of suprageneric taxa was suggested, with only 3 subtribes for Asianwoody bamboos. The presence of both iterauctant and semelauctant inflorescences withinsubtribes shows that bamboos with these contrasting forms can be closely related, suggesting thatsimpler evolutionary pathways are required to explain them. Differences in sequence divergencebetween tropical and temperate subtribes suggests different biogeographical histories. It ishypothesised that temperate bamboos diversified later in Asia, only after the collision of theIndian and African tectonic plates with the Eurasian plate, and that the poor resolution oftemperate taxa from sequence data is largely the result of rapid diversification after this bioticinterchange. Sequence data provided somewhat equivocal evidence for recognition of genera. Itwas useful in demonstrating the polyphyly of broad interpretations of genera Sinarundinaria,Thamnocalamus, Schizostachyum, Racemobambos, Drepanostachyum, Arundinariaand Bashania.However, in the temperate Arundinariinae, sequence data was not capable of refining boundariesbetween closely related genera, for which different molecular markers may prove more useful.

1. IntroductionPreparation of the English language bamboo

account for the Flora of China (Li et al. 2006)required a consideration of the moleculardata available, in order to discuss whichsuprageneric and generic names to recognizein the treatment, and to balance molecularevidence with other considerations governingthe recognition of genera. Morphological char-acters associated with major divisions withinthe bamboos were considered in the light of themolecular data. The evolutionary history of theAsian woody bamboos was also important, inorder to assess whether they may have evolvedfirst within China. This paper discusses theevidence available at the time of preparation ofthe account.

Several revisions of Asian woody bambooshave been undertaken over the past threedecades in Europe and Asia. These have differedsubstantially in the recognition of particularsubtribes and genera, partially because theygive emphasis to different suites of characters,and classifications based on vegetative andfloral characters are not always in agreement.In woody bamboos vegetative characters areboth more numerous than in other grasses, andalso more useful for identification in theseinfrequently flowering plants. A consensus onappropriate generic breadth and the charactersof major importance at different ranks is stillemerging, but a global nomenclatural account(Ohrnberger 1999) has been published, reflectingthe names currently in more widespread inter-national use.

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Bamboo Science and Culture:The Journal of the American Bamboo Society 22(1): 5-25© Copyright 2009 by the American Bamboo Society

Molecular phylogeny of Asian woody bamboos:Review for the Flora of China

Chris M. A. StapletonRoyal Botanic Gardens Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AB, UK

email: [email protected]

Gráinne Ní Chonghaile and Trevor R. HodkinsonBotany Building, School of Natural Sciences, Trinity College Dublin, D2, Ireland

email: [email protected]


Molecular data was reviewed for the woody bamboo account in the English language Flora ofChina. The implications for recognition of suprageneric taxa and genera, for macro-morphologicalcharacters used in classification systems, and for the inferred biogeographical history of Asianbamboos are discussed. Support was not found for large supertribes based on inflorescence structure.Instead a restricted number of suprageneric taxa was suggested, with only 3 subtribes for Asianwoody bamboos. The presence of both iterauctant and semelauctant inflorescences withinsubtribes shows that bamboos with these contrasting forms can be closely related, suggesting thatsimpler evolutionary pathways are required to explain them. Differences in sequence divergencebetween tropical and temperate subtribes suggests different biogeographical histories. It ishypothesised that temperate bamboos diversified later in Asia, only after the collision of theIndian and African tectonic plates with the Eurasian plate, and that the poor resolution oftemperate taxa from sequence data is largely the result of rapid diversification after this bioticinterchange. Sequence data provided somewhat equivocal evidence for recognition of genera. Itwas useful in demonstrating the polyphyly of broad interpretations of genera Sinarundinaria,Thamnocalamus, Schizostachyum, Racemobambos, Drepanostachyum, Arundinaria and Bashania.However, in the temperate Arundinariinae, sequence data was not capable of refining boundariesbetween closely related genera, for which different molecular markers may prove more useful.

1. IntroductionPreparation of the English language bamboo

account for the Flora of China (Li et al. 2006)required a consideration of the moleculardata available, in order to discuss whichsuprageneric and generic names to recognizein the treatment, and to balance molecularevidence with other considerations governingthe recognition of genera. Morphological char-acters associated with major divisions withinthe bamboos were considered in the light of themolecular data. The evolutionary history of theAsian woody bamboos was also important, inorder to assess whether they may have evolvedfirst within China. This paper discusses theevidence available at the time of preparation ofthe account.

Several revisions of Asian woody bambooshave been undertaken over the past threedecades in Europe and Asia. These have differedsubstantially in the recognition of particularsubtribes and genera, partially because theygive emphasis to different suites of characters,and classifications based on vegetative andfloral characters are not always in agreement.In woody bamboos vegetative characters areboth more numerous than in other grasses, andalso more useful for identification in theseinfrequently flowering plants. A consensus onappropriate generic breadth and the charactersof major importance at different ranks is stillemerging, but a global nomenclatural account(Ohrnberger 1999) has been published, reflectingthe names currently in more widespread inter-national use.

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Against this background molecular data hasappeared over the last 15 years, providing somevaluable insights into phylogeny. The moleculardata can now start to be used effectively toexamine the grouping or separation of manytaxa, allowing a more natural classification todevelop. It also suggests an interesting historicalbiogeographic hypothesis for the evolution oftemperate Asian bamboos, and raises questionsabout the implications of molecular topologiesfor their systematics.

2. Recognition of suprageneric taxaThe woody bamboos had usually been

considered (Clayton & Renvoize 1986; Watson& Dallwitz 1992; Soderstrom & Ellis 1988a,Stapleton 1994a; Zhang & Clark 2000; Li1997; Ohrnberger 1999) to constitute a tribe,Bambuseae Kunth ex Nees within subfamilyBambusoideae and the grass family Poaceae.Molecular support for the monophyly of thetribe varied, with different relationships with apotentially sister group of herbaceous bam-boos, the Olyreae, being suggested in differentanalyses. More recently Bambuseae hasreceived less support. Bouchenak-Khelladi etal. (2008) and Sungkaew et al. (2008) inferrednon-monophyly of woody bamboos, withOlyreae placed sister to the 2 tropicalBambuseae clades and the temperate clade(now known as Arundinarieae) as the mostoutlying group of Bambusoideae.

Suprageneric classification within thewoody bamboos has been very complex. Avariety of characters were utilised at differenttimes to define more than 50 suprageneric taxaat different ranks (Ohrnberger 1999). Thelargest taxa proposed, which divided the woodybamboos into two groups on the basis of grossinflorescence structure, were described at thelevel of supertribe as Bambusodae Liou andArundinarodae Liou, (synonymous with theinvalid but widely used Bambusatae Keng &Keng f. and Arundinariatae Keng & Keng f.).Below these were a wealth of different tribesand subtribes applied in conflicting ways indifferent treatments. The Chinese languageFlora of China bamboo account (Keng & Wang1996) used 13 taxa at three suprageneric ranks:2 supertribes and 6 tribes, some of which weresubdivided into subtribes (table 1). Other mor-phological classifications have simplified thisto a system using only subtribes (Soderstrom &Ellis 1988a; Stapleton 1994a; Dransfield &Widjaja 1995; Li 1997; Judziewicz et al 1998).

From the very first phylogenies to beinferred from molecular data (Watanabe 1994;Xia 1994; Zhang 1996; Kobayashi 1997) there hasbeen no support for the two large supertribes.From a biogeographical perspective this is notsurprising as the supertribes included differentelements from different continents. The limiteddispersal capabilities of bamboos and the effectsof isolation lead us to expect to find parallel

Table 1. Suprageneric taxa used in Flora of China (Chinese version), Keng & Wang (1996).

Subfamily Supertribe Tribe SubtribeBambusoideae

Bambusatae(Bambusatae) Melocanneae



Arundinariatae(Arundinarodae) Chusqueeae


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latitudes of the Old World (paleotropical),those from tropical latitudes of S & C America(neotropical), and those from temperate latitudes.Evidence from DNA content has supported thedistinction between temperate and tropicalbamboos (Gielis et al. 1997). The temperateclade has the strongest and most consistentmolecular support as a monophyletic group.Although it has often been suggested that Asiantropical bamboos retain the largest number ofprimitive characters within the woody bam-boos, a variety of relationships between thepaleotropical, neotropical, and temperatebamboos have been inferred from moleculartopologies. Plastid data (Ní Chonghaile 2002)show one possible topology, with the twotropical groups more closely related than thetemperate clade, when herbaceous bamboosare used as an outgroup (Fig. 1).

As all 3 clades include both bracteate andebracteate taxa, and particularly as the Asiantemperate clade includes both bracteate andebracteate taxa in a complex pattern, it is clearthat the two morphological forms can beclosely related. Holttum (1958) and Clayton &Renvoize (1986) postulated two conflictingmechanisms for evolution of the differentforms, respectively assuming primitive andderived status for the bracteate condition.Soreng & Davis (1998) felt that the derivedcondition suggested by Clayton & Renvoize(1986) did not conform with the latest molecularresults, given the apparent age of the tropicalwoody bamboos. For these, bracteate inflores-cences would appear more likely to be primitive.It is possible, however, that Holttum (1958) andClayton & Renvoize (1986) were both partiallycorrect, if bracteate inflorescences in thedifferent clades are not homologous. Holttum(1958) considered bracteate inflorescencesprimitive, which is likely to be correct in tropicalbamboos, but envisaged a complex loss of bractsfor ebracteate types. Clayton & Renvoize(1986) suggested that bracteate synflorescencesevolved by reduction from a derived ebracteateinflorescence through condensation of systemof spikelets, incorporating reduced vegetativebracts. This could be correct for temperatebamboos but seems less likely for tropical taxa.

evolution in geographically distant bamboos, andthe molecular evidence has clearly demonstratedits existence. Examples are the S American generaGuadua and Otatea, morphologically similarto the Asian genera Bambusa and Yushaniarespectively, but shown to be unrelated inmolecular phylogenies (Kobayashi 1997;Zhang 1996; Ní Chonghaile 2002). SupertribesBambusodae and Arundinarodae Liou were basedon homoplasious characters (morphologicallysimilar but not homologous) and hence groupedgenera from Asia, Africa, and S America.

The two supertribes were distinguished by themorphological character of inflorescence form,either iterauctant (indeterminate) or semelauctant(determinate), defined respectively by presenceand absence of buds, prophylls, and other bracts.This distinction had long been consideredfundamental to bamboo morphology andclassification (Holttum 1958; McClure 1966;Keng 1982; Clayton & Renvoize 1986; Zhang1992), with implications for how bamboos arerelated to the rest of the grass family (Holttum1958; Clayton & Renvoize 1986). The absenceof any support for these groups in the moleculardata has justified a rethinking of bambooclassification and morphology (Soderstrom &Ellis 1988a; Stapleton 1994a; Dransfield &Widjaja 1995). It was noted (Li 1997) that it isnot always easy to distinguish between the twoinflorescence types, and that intermediate formsexist, making it difficult to apply the distinction.It has also been suggested (Stapleton 1997)that the classic distinction merely represents 2poorly defined syndromes, applied in differentways by different authors, and that a criticalanalysis of the several individual componentcharacters and their states is more appropriateand useful.

Instead of the occurrence of a majordichotomy in the woody bamboos at supertribelevel reflecting inflorescence form, molecularevidence (Xia 1994; Zhang 1996; NíChonghaile 2002; Bouchenak-Khelladi et al.2008; Sungkaew et al. 2009) has suggested thedivergence of at least three major lineages.These three clades all include taxa with moreor less ebracteate as well as bracteate inflores-cences. They represent bamboos from tropical

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Figure 1. Bootstrap consensus tree from trnL-F sequence data (Ní Chonghaile 2002).Numbers represent the bootstrap support values obtained for the respective branches.

Bootstrap support values of 90-100% are considered strong, 70-89% moderate, and less than 70% weak.

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Figure 2. One of 200 equally parsimonious trees obtained following sequence analysis of the ITS data(Ní Chonghaile 2002). Bold numbers represent the number of steps supporting each branch.

Numbers above branches are branch lengths, numbers below are bootstrap support.

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Figure 3. One of 100 equally parsimonious trees obtained following comparative sequence analysisof the combined trnL-trnF-ITS datasets (Ní Chonghaile, 1st draft thesis, 2002).

Numbers above branches are branch lengths, numbers below are bootstrap support values.

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small branches would seem from the moleculardata to be entirely homoplasious.

The phylogeny inferred from one fairlycomprehensive molecular data set (NíChonghaile 2002) would support the recognitionof 3 Asian subtribes (Fig. 1). Only one temperatesubtribe, Arundinariinae Benth. is supported.Within that subtribe sequence data provideslittle information on further divisions or theprimitive versus derived nature of characterstates. The three genera with 6 stamens, Sasa,Acidosasa and Hibanobambusa, are well nestedwithin the temperate clade but not stronglyassociated. The same can be said for thosewith bracteate inflorescences: Phyllostachys,Chimonobambusa, Hibanobambusa, andShibataea. Nevertheless, this suggests thatthey have retained or regained these characterstates independently and should not becombined on the basis of these charactersalone. Thus there is no molecular evidence forthe existence of separate lineages representedby subtribes Sasinae and Shibataeinae.

In addition, there is only evidence for twopaleotropical subtribes, Bambusinae Benth. andMelocanninae Benth. Molecular evidence doesnot support the existence of a single, separatelineage for the 3 genera of tropical 6-stamenedAsian bamboos with more derived characterstates in the inflorescence, once united under thegeneral term semelauctant. On those grounds itwould appear that it was probably not neces-sary to describe subtribe Racemobambosinae(Stapleton 1994c) to accommodate such agroup. Two genera placed in this subtribe,Racemobambos and Neomicrocalamus, arenow suspected from ITS data (Ní Chonghaile2002) to be only distantly related. However,the long branches on which both these genera areplaced in the ITS analysis (Fig. 3) has suggestedthat neither of them are closely related to thecore Bambusinae, although that was consideredto be the best subtribe in which to place them forthe Flora of China English version.

4. Relative diversity of the subtribes:possible implications for biogeography

Molecular investigations that havesequenced genes from tropical and temperate

The mixture of bracteate and ebracteateinflorescences seen in the temperate clade wouldremain problematic, but there are possiblehomologies (Stapleton 1997) that would allow amuch closer relationship than the two complexevolutionary processes previously envisaged byeither Holttum (1958) or Clayton & Renvoize(1986). Direct homology between prophylls inthe bracteate inflorescence and lower glumes inthe supposedly ebracteate inflorescence wouldbe a much simpler explanation, and this wouldconform more closely with the molecular data.Apparent loss of bracts would then be explainedinstead by elongation of the axes on which theyare borne, as has been described and illustratedelsewhere (Stapleton 1997).

Thus the two supertribes and the broadsyndromes of semelauctant and iterauctantinflorescences, applied in the Chinese languageFlora of China bamboo account (Keng & Wang1996), are difficult to justify in the light ofrecent molecular evidence, as are the evolu-tionary mechanisms (Holttum 1958; Clayton &Renvoize 1986) proposed to explain them.

3. Recognition of subtribesAs well as supertribes, some of the more

inclusive interpretations of subtribes have alsonow been shown to be too broadly circumscribedto represent natural lineages. Bambusinae J. Presl,as interpreted by Clayton & Renvoize (1986)included the S American genus Guadua as wellas Asian tropical genera, and it is clearly para-phyletic (Zhang 1996). So is ArundinariinaeBenth., as interpreted by Clayton & Renvoize(1986), as it included in addition to part of thetemperate Asian & N American clade, severalS American genera, now placed in separatesubtribes, as well as some Old World tropicalgenera, none of which are closely related(Zhang 1996; Kobayashi 1997). Similarly,Keng & Wang (1996) placed Chimonocalamusand Drepanostachyum in the group Chusqueeae,a group recognized at tribal level althoughprobably more appropriate as a subtribe. Thisgroup included the S American genusChusquea, making it paraphyletic accordingto molecular evidence. Thus any superficialsimilarity in ramification of a multitude of

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bamboos, which have shorter life cycles. Effectsof infrequent flowering are compounded byscarcity of dispersal mechanisms in bamboos.Bamboo lemmas are usually only shortlymucronate, without a well developed awn, andusually either glabrous or shortly scabrous.This reduces the chances of animal dispersalby attachment to fur or feathers. The caryopsisis simple, relatively large and heavy, so thatwind dispersal is also unlikely. Moreover, seedviability is low, requiring prompt germination,and the exacting habitat requirements ofbamboos make them poor pioneer species. Theclear phylogenetic separation between mostbamboos on different continents demonstratestheir poor ability to effect long distance dispersal.The success of introduced bamboos in Europeand N America also suggests that naturaldispersal has been problematic in the past. Itwould seem likely that historical causes ofdisjunct biogeographic distributions are probablyof great importance in the woody bamboos, asthey are in many other groups of plants (Raven& Axelrod 1974).

If the disparity in sequence divergence isattributable to more recent diversification inthe temperate clade than in the paleotropicalbamboos, then an explanation for this can besought in the biogeographical history of thewoody bamboos, but this is an area that hasreceived little study.

Soreng & Davis (1998) reported that theearliest grass macrofossils known indicate adate in the Tertiary for the evolution of the firstgrasses, with the earliest published recorddating from the Palaeocene, according toLinder & Barker (2000). Attempts to date thedivergence of clades within the Poaceae usingmolecular clock approaches calibrated withfossil records (Salamin 2002) have producedmore recent dates. These conclusions may onlyindicate that the oldest fossils still do notrepresent the first appearance of the taxaconcerned. The molecular evidence, by showingsuch a clear disjunction between bamboopopulations in S America and those of the restof the world (Fig 1.), would seem to suggestthat if long-distance dispersal is ruled out,primitive bambusoid grasses ancestral to both

bamboo subtribes have all revealed similarpatterns of relative sequence divergencebetween the clades (Xia 1994; Zhang 1996; NíChonghaile 2002). Variation betweensequences has been greater in the paleotropicalbamboos than in the temperate clade (Fig. 1).It is noteworthy that while paleotropicalbamboo species that are difficult to distinguishmorphologically have often revealed significantsequence divergence, many molecular investi-gations have failed to separate temperatebamboos that demonstrate relatively largerdifferences in morphology, including differentforms of rhizome and inflorescence. Whilecladistic analysis of morphological characters(Zhang 1996) has shown similar levels ofresolution in tropical and temperate bamboos,analysis of sequences from the temperate cladehas failed to resolve a clear topology, with onlyweak support for most of the internal branchesand a polytomic structure in consensus trees.

A similar polytomic topology has beenproduced from analysis of sequences from theAndean representatives of Chusquea (Kelchner& Clark 1997; Clark 2001), with little resolutionand a high number of autapomorphies. It wassuggested that such a topology, along with inter-gradation of morphological characters, is theresult of rapid and relatively recent diversification.

There is some support for the contentionthat the temperate clade polytomy is also theresult of such recent diversification, based onthe high degree of ITS sequence heterogeneity(Ní Chonghaile 2002). Failure to homogenisethe sequence types could be attributable to aninsufficient number of generations, arisingfrom more recent arrival of temperate bamboosin Asia, relative to tropical species.

Distribution of woody bamboos is stronglyinfluenced by their reproductive biology. Anyconsideration of time scales for diversification inbamboos has to take into account their relativelylong generation times. Because temperatebamboos have especially long flowering cyclesof up to 150 years, in terms of number ofgenerations, a ‘relatively recent’ diversificationcan have occurred up to 100 times as long ago asone for annually flowering plants, or up to 10times as long ago as one for most tropical

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Figure 4. Positions of present-day continents at the time of break-up of Gondwanaland(precursors of present day S America, Africa, Madagascar, India, Antarctica, and Australia) in the Cretaceous

Period. Bamboos of S America are very distinct from those of Africa and Asia. From the PaleogeographicAtlas Project, University of Chicago.

Figure 5. Positions of India and the Arabian Peninsular of the African continental block, as they approachedthe Eurasian plate around 40 M yrs ago. From Department of Geology, Northern Arizona University.

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dispersal into Eurasia from Africa or Indiacould have suddenly provided a wealth of sub-tropical to temperate montane habitats andlarge areas of lower boreal temperate land tothe north and east for colonisation and rapiddiversification.

One alternative scenario is evolution anddiversification of temperate bamboos in China,with dispersal west into N America and southinto India and Africa. For that to be the case,temperate bamboos would have to have beenpresent in Laurasia at a much earlier time. Thepresence of temperate N American bamboospecies would potentially suggest that these areLaurasian remnants, as is the case in manyother Angiosperms. However, that would haverequired an earlier evolution of temperatebamboos, and early crossing of the NorthAtlantic Land Bridge from Europe to N America.The polytomy in Asian temperate bambooswith poor resolution and a high degree of ITSsequence heterogeneity would suggest a muchmore recent diversification instead, most likelydue to more recent biotic interchange.Moreover, the molecular evidence (Stapletonet al. 2004) suggests that the closest Asianrelative of the N American bamboos isPseudosasa japonica from Japan, rather thanthe morphologically closer species ofSarocalamus from the western, Himalayan,end of the range of Asian temperate bamboos.This suggests later dispersal along the NE coastof Asia and across the Bering Land Bridge intoN America instead. Another problem with aLaurasian origin for temperate bamboos is theapparent presence of temperate species inMadagascar, which became isolated before thecollision of India and African plates with Asia.While many plants and animals could dispersefrom Africa across the Mozambique Channel,this appears less likely for temperate bamboos.

Key innovations allowing temperate oppor-tunities to be exploited to the full could haveincluded tessellated, frost-hardy leaves, andmore open inflorescences with a lower ratio ofanthers to ovaries, making them more efficienton a windy mountain instead of a tropical forestenvironment. Long rhizomes of different formcould have aided dispersal into the new

Asian and S American bamboos existed prior to,or shortly after, the break-up of Gondwanaland(Fig. 4). That was substantially earlier, in theorder of c.125-100 million years ago (mya).Recent investigations (Bouchenak-Khelladi etal., in press) are supporting later dates, around50 mya, for diversification in the BEP clade.Nevertheless, whether bamboos evolved inCretaceous or Tertiary times, many tropicalbamboos from Asia and S America would haveenjoyed a relatively long period in which todiversify and stabilize into genetically distin-guishable genera.

However, whether early bamboo ancestorsoriginated either in Gondwanaland or later inAfrica, temperate bamboos of N Asia are mostlikely to have only reached Asia after thearrival and collision of either Africa or Indiawith the Eurasian plate (Fig. 5). Both thosecontinents could theoretically have sustainedpopulations of early temperate bamboo ancestors,both having mountain refuges in which theycould feasibly have passed through the tropics.Both have extant temperate bamboos, and bothcollided with the Asian plate from the Eoceneonwards, beginning about 45 million years ago.Thus either Africa/Arabia or India may haveprovided Asia with early temperate bamboos asa result of this geologically driven biotic inter-change. This could only have occurred after theeventual establishment of land routes acrossthe seas of the Tethys Ocean as Alpine andHimalayan orogenic activity strengthened, 20mya or later, as Africa and India continued tomove slowly northwards. Global cooling andconsequent drying of the Mediterranean/Tethys Seas might have aided the delay orchannelling of this dispersal process towardsN Asia. Such a relatively recent biotic inter-change and sudden rapid dispersal couldexplain the lack of genetic variation in thetemperate clade. It would seem possible thatfor much of the Tertiary Period, ancestors ofthe N Asian temperate bamboos were isolatedon African or Indian mountains travellingnorthwards through the tropics. This periodcould have provided the isolation suggested bythe strong support for monophyly of the tem-perate clade. Following this isolation, eventual

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Caution should be taken in drawing conclusionsabout relationships within this group, however,until a broader range of species has been studied,including representatives of the four generaSinocalamus, Neosinocalamus, Dendrocalamopsisand Sellulocalamus. Keng & Wang (1996) inFRPS recognized three of these four morpho-logically intermediate genera, while Li (1997)recognized none, and there was insufficientmolecular data to influence decisions for theFlora of China (Li et al. 2006).

The semi-scandent bamboos within thissubtribe have caused considerable taxonomicdifficulties in the past. Along with advancedbranch structures and other adaptations toassist climbing and branch proliferation within atree canopy, there has often been modificationof the inflorescence and the interpretation offloral morphology has been problematic.

Within Bambusinae two such genera withrelatively derived partially ebracteate, budlessinflorescences are Racemobambos from SEAsia, and Neomicrocalamus from the EHimalayas and SW China.

Gamble (1890) described Microcalamusprainii as a monotypic genus with bracteatepanicles of 6-stamened, distant spikelets,initially described as having peduncles (l.c.),later corrected to pedicels (Gamble 1896).Oliver (1891) pointed out the illegitimacyof the name, meanwhile misidentifying itcompletely as Sasa kurilensis. Keng (1983)re-described Gamble’s invalid genus asNeomicrocalamus, considering it to be relatedto Ampelocalamus, another semi-scandentgenus, but with 3 stamens. Holttum (1958) hadearlier described Racemobambos withbracteate racemes of spikelets borne on shortstalks, which to him suggested some similarityto Arundinaria. Thus in both these genera thepresence of pedicellate spikelets drew attentionto a similarity to genera such as Arundinaria,Ampelocalamus and Sasa, unusual in a bracteateinflorescence with 6 stamens. This similaritycaused the author of Neomicrocalamus to decideto combine both genera as Racemobambos (inWen 1986), a decision followed by Chao &Renvoize (1989), although Neomicrocalamus waslater resurrected for FRPS (Keng & Wang 1996).

habitats. In addition development of denser,more productive branch complements inbamboos susceptible to browsing may haveparalleled the evolution of mammalian herbi-vores, rosette plants and tillering grasses.

Thus the vicariance events associated withthe break-up of Gondwanaland, and the suddendispersal following biotic interchange after itsconstituent parts collided with Asia couldexplain the molecular topologies in the woodybamboos. Successful adaptation to temperateconditions could have been another drivingforce. Simultaneous cooling of global climatescould have been a further, complementary factor,resulting in the great diversity of temperateChinese bamboos seen today. Based on theseobservations and hypotheses, it seemed that theFlora of China should not claim that bamboosevolved within China. Further analysis ofGondwanan elements of the temperate clade,assessing relationships between those ofAfrica, Madasgascar and S India/Sri Lankawith those of E Asia, may reveal more evidenceto clarify where temperate bamboo ancestorsfirst evolved.

5. Diversity and recognition of generawithin the subtribes

5.1 BAMBUSINAEWithin the Bambusinae there was inadequate

sampling for any detailed assessment of generafor the Flora of China. Surprising molecularresults came from plastid data (Ní Chonghaile2002), with isolated inferred positions forBambusa oldhamii from analysis of rpl16sequences, and Dendrocalamus giganteusfrom trnL-trnF sequences. Both species havebeen placed in the infrequently recognisedgenus Sinocalamus, which has morphologicalcharacteristics intermediate between those ofBambusa and Dendrocalamus. Sinocalamusis not generally recognized, as it cannot bedistinguished readily on morphological grounds.The distinction between Bambusa and Dendro-calamus is itself problematic, although there isearly indication from molecular data (Fig.1)that Bambusa species can be separated. Lohet al. (2000) also found D. giganteus to resolveaway from D. brandisii in their AFLP study.

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Nowhere is the confusion caused by the twosyndromes termed iterauctant and semelauctantmore apparent than in the various interpretationsof the inflorescences of these two genera. Muchof the discussion about whether to recognize oneor two genera centred around which, if either,were semelauctant. McClure (1966) describedthe inflorescence of Neomicrocalamus prainiias iterauctant on the basis of the alleged pres-ence of buds in glume axils. Chao & Renvoize(1989) described it as iterauctant on the basisof small bracts subtending the spikelets.Dransfield (1992) objected to this, and decidedthat it was the presence of prophylls that madeit iterauctant, pointing out that they wereabsent in Racemobambos. Stapleton (1994c)decided that the prophyll was present in bothgenera, but inserted at a different point, sug-gestive of an intermediate evolutionary posi-tion between other bracteate inflorescences andthe ebracteate semelauctant inflorescences ofthe temperate bamboos, with the prophyllinserted away from the point of branching onan extended promontory, to form a ‘pedicel’.Li (1997) considered once more that the pres-ence of bracts was most critical, and lumpedthe genera on the grounds that they are bothiterauctant.

In conclusion, from the floral morphologythere are two genera, both with bracteate, bud-less, inflorescences with shortly stalkedspikelets, with the prophyll below the ‘pedicel’in Neomicrocalamus and above it (as the lowerglume) in Racemobambos. Further vegetativedistinctions from a detailed analysis of branchstructure in these 2 genera (Stapleton 1991)support this distinction.

The topology arising from molecular data(Fig. 3) would suggest strongly that the two generaare not closely related. They probably representindependent evolution of semi-scandent habitand more derived inflorescence formswithin the subtribe Bambusinae, and on the basisof this molecular data Racemobambos andNeomicrocalamus should clearly be treated asseparate genera.As other genera of semi-scandentbamboo have also been described, and furthertaxa await description, it is clear that such generashould not automatically be combined on thebasis of this morphological similarity.

5.2 MELOCANNINAESubtribe Melocanninae is conventionally

distinguished by long tapering ovaryappendages instead of the shorter ovary ofBambusa, as described by Holttum (1958). Theposition of Thyrsostachys in topologiesinferred from some molecular data is inconsis-tent with this morphological character (Fig. 1).Holttum (1958) attributed it with having ‘thesame type of ovary as Bambusa’, but it wouldbe included in the subtribe Melocanninae on thebasis of evidence from molecular phylogeny. Itis not basal to the subtribe. Closer inspection ofthe character state in this taxon is indicated.

Cephalostachyum has only been representedby one species (C. pergracile) in molecularstudies. Xia (1994) found that it resolvedunambiguously in Bambusinae rather thanMelocanninae, while Zhang (1996) andKobayashi (1997) found that it was groupedwith Melocanna and Dendrocalamus asperrespectively, although Melocanninae was notwell resolved in either study.

Analysis of floral morphology was undertakenin a very preliminary fashion by Holttum (1958),who proposed the merger of several genera.Following Holttum (1958), Cephalostachyum,Pseudostachyum and Teinostachyum haveoften been reduced to synonyms ofSchizostachyum, despite the lack of any moredetailed morphological investigations (Chao &Renvoize 1986; Majumdar 1989; Tewari 1993).However, others have maintained them asseparate genera (Zhang 1992; Stapleton 1994a;Keng & Wang 1996; Stapleton et al 1997;Li 1997), on the basis of inflorescence andrhizome form.

Thus there is a degree of uncertainty aboutthe separation and boundaries of this subtribefrom molecular and morphological evidence.As a strong morphological distinction hasbeen applied, it will continue to be used todefine the subtribe, pending further study ofincongruence between morphological andmolecular data. Given the satisfactory separa-tion of Schizostachyum from other genera usingtrnL-trnF sequence data (Fig. 1), separategenera were recognized in the Flora of China.

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tification (Barkworth 2000), in the case ofinfrequently flowering bamboos this wouldbe counterproductive. The limited molecularevidence would indicate that bamboo generaincluding Arundinaria, Sinarundinaria, andThamnocalamus when interpreted broadly inthe past formed artificial groups and did notrepresent natural lineages.

In non-bamboo grasses, a similar situationexists. Larger genera have often been provenpolyphyletic from molecular data. Broad inter-pretations of genera such as Bouteloua,Sporobolus, Sorghum, Eragrostis and Chlorishave now been shown to be paraphyletic orpolyphyletic from molecular evidence(Columbus et al 2000; Ortis-Diaz & Culham2000; Spangler 2000; Hilu & Alice 2000).Similarly, poor resolution of a moleculartopology is not confined to bamboos. TheRytidosperma clade of the temperate grasstribe Danthonieae, includes species from up to8 genera that form an unresolved polytomy(Barker et al 2000), explained by recent diver-gence (Linder & Barker 2000). Other, smallergroups of grass genera have also failed toresolve well in molecular investigations(Gómez-Martinez & Culham 2000; Columbuset al. 2000).

As with other grasses, many temperatebamboo genera with reasonable morphologicaldistinctions have not been resolved by moleculardata. Current opinions on the grounds forrecognizing taxa differ, and the criterion ofmolecular monophyly is by no means the onlyone finding favour in plant systematics. Ifgeneration times have not been sufficient forconcerted evolution to take effect, as suggestedby the ITS sequence heterogeneity present inthe temperate clade (Ní Chonghaile 2002),then we would also expect a large number ofapparently paraphyletic groupings to persist.This would be consistent with colonisation ofnew habitats, in which competition is scarceand extinction levels are low. These considera-tions should be taken into account as extenuat-ing circumstances before non-monophyletictemperate clade genera are relegated to thetrashcan. A morphologically based classifica-tion for the temperate clade would appear to be


5.3.1 IntroductionIn molecular studies to date, sequencing of

plastid or nuclear DNA regions in the temperateclade has produced polytomic results fromwhich little reliable phylogenetic resolutioncan be inferred (Xia 1994; Zhang 1996; NíChonghaile 2002). From the data available itwould seem that evolution proceeded rapidlyand left little evidence of the order of events.Thismakes it difficult to recognize synapomorphicgroups or to relate these to morphologicalcharacters in a conventional manner. It alsomakes it difficult to determine generic bound-aries, or to make comparative judgements ofthe appropriate sizes for genera.

One question that arises from the moleculartopology (Fig. 1) is whether the temperatebamboos are simply ‘over-taxonomised’, andwhether the polytomy is the result of intensivesampling, suggesting that the number of taxahas become too large. If this were the case thenit should be possible to group the taxa intofewer, larger natural units, representing lineagessupported by shared, derived characters. Thisdoes not seem to be the case, however. With solittle structure resolved it is not possible tojustify any lumping of genera on moleculargrounds, unless the entire temperate clade wereto be united in one genus, Arundinaria. It couldbe argued that even Phyllostachys should not berecognized, as that would render Arundinariaparaphyletic. Where internal branches receiveweak bootstrap support, for example the cladeArundinaria, Pleioblastus, Hibanobambusa,Sasa, and Shibataea which has 60% support(Fig. 3), there is little correlation with morpho-logical characters, as this group includes taxawith ebracteate and bracteate inflorescences aswell as those with 3 and 6 stamens.

Attempts to recognize large genera withinthe temperate bamboos (Chao et al. 1980;Clayton & Renvoize 1986; Chao & Renvoize1989; Li 1997) on a morphological, largelyfloral basis have generally fallen foul of parallelevolution, as witnessed by even this limitedmolecular data. Although fewer, larger generahave often been recognized in the grasseswith the implicit intention of simplifying iden-

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the only available option at the present time,with the limited information from moleculardata being used primarily as an indicator ofhomoplasy. Any revision of the classificationon the basis of a strict interpretation of themolecular phylogeny would be so out of stepwith the current classification as to be entirelyunacceptable.

5.3.2 Evidence from plastid dataPlastid data has not resolved a topology of

any consistency within the subtribeArundinariinae, which is here interpreted asthe entire temperate Asian, African & NAmerican clade. Branch lengths have beenshort and not well suported. The only taxon toshow a reasonable number of autapomorphiccharacters in trnL-trnF sequence data (NíChonghaile 2002) was the subtropical CentralAfrican species, Yushania alpina, whichresolved on the longest branch, with 8 steps.This bamboo can be separated from othermembers of the temperate clade by a suite ofmorphological characters, including frequentlydominant lateral rather than central branches.Morphologically, it differs very clearly fromArundinaria, in which it was first described,and less clearly from temperate Asian membersof Yushania, the only other genus in which ithas been placed. The other African 3-stamenedspecies in the temperate clade, Thamnocalamustessellatus, was transferred from the tropical6-stamened genus Nastus, and remained inArundinaria until Soderstrom & Ellis (1982)transferred it to Thamnocalamus on the basis ofsimilarities in leaf anatomy to the Himalayantype species of the genus, T. spathiflorus.Soderstrom & Ellis later stated (1988b) thatleaf anatomy alone was of no use in recognizingeither species or genera of the Arundinariinae.While the trnL-trnF sequence data does notseparate T. tessellatus as well as Yushaniaalpina, the data shows substantial differencebetween T. tessellatus and T. spathiflorus.Therefore from the plastid data it would appearthat neither of the African species, Yushaniaalpina and Thamnocalamus tessellatus areclosely related to the other, Asian species in thegenera in which they are usually placed.

One interesting result from the trnL-trnFsequence data is an apparent associationbetween Oligostachyum oedogonatum andPleioblastus oleosus. The latter is a species thathas been placed with little confidence in bothPleioblastus and Arundinaria, and which hasdistinctive branching close to that ofOligostachyum oedogonatum.

The native N American temperate speciesA. gigantea, type species of Arundinaria, wasshown by rpl16 data (Ní Chonghaile 2002) tobe closer to Pseudosasa japonica than any otherAsian bamboo (BS 90%), a result supported byndhF data (Zhang 1996). While nearly allAsian taxonomists have recognized the generaPseudosasa and Indocalamus on the basis oftheir restricted branching, many authors (Chao& Chu 1981; Clayton & Renvoize 1986; Chao& Renvoize 1989; Zhang 1992; Li 1997) havesought to unite A. gigantea with similar generafrom Asia including Pleioblastus andBashania. However, if such genera are lessclosely related to A. gigantea than Pseudosasa,as the molecular evidence appears to suggest,then either they should all be combined, or theyshould all be kept separate.

5.3.3 Evidence from nuclear and combinedplastid/nuclear data

To date, ITS sequence data has providedbetter resolution of relationships within thesubtribe than plastid data (Fig. 2). ITS andcombined ITS & trnL-trnF datasets provideslightly better evidence to substantiate thedistinction of several genera on morphologicalgrounds (Fig 3).


Within Arundinariinae the three generaAmpelocalamus, Drepanostachyum, andHimalayacalamus represent the pachymorph-rhizomed bamboos that have a predominantlysubtropical distribution.

Ampelocalamus was considered (Clayton &Renvoize 1986; Chao & Renvoize 1989) part ofSinarundinaria, along with Drepanostachyum,but is well distinguished from the other twogenera by its vegetative branching and inflo-rescence characters. This distinction is

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including it in Thamnocalamus (Clayton &Renvoize 1986; Chao & Renvoize 1989;Demoly 1996; Li 1997).

There is also some weak molecularevidence to distinguish between the coreFargesia species, which share compressedinflorescences, and species of Yushania andBorinda, with open inflorescences. However,as is often the case with bamboos, the strengthof the bootstrap support is reduced as the coregroup is expanded, and these three genera,all with very similar branching, tend tomerge into a clade with less distinguishablegroupings. They were not well distinguishedin ITS or combined ITS & GBSSI analyses(Guo et al. 2001; Guo et al. 2002; Guo &Li 2004).

The genus Borinda is included in Fargesiaby Yi (1997), in Yushania (as Sinarundinaria)by Li (1997), or maintained as a separate genusby Wang (1997). Most species were originallydescribed in Fargesia, but molecular evidence(Ní Chonghaile 2002) gives support for theirseparation from the core species of that genus.When Borinda was published (Stapleton1994b) it was pointed out that the inflores-cences were similar to those of Yushania. Thespecies were not transferred to Yushania, asthere was a possibility that the similarity ininflorescences was homoplasious (Stapleton1998), and because Yushania has usually beeninterpreted as a genus of spreading bamboos withlong, running rhizomes (Takenouchi 1931;Keng 1957; Wang & Ye 1981; Chen & Chia1988; Song & Wang 1994) while speciesplaced in Borinda are all clump-forming withshort rhizomes. This distinction will have toremain the morphological criterion for genericplacement of non-flowering species for the timebeing, along with finely grooved culms in Borinda.As no groups had substantial bootstrap supportin any DNA sequencing analysis, any similaritiesin their inflorescences are presumably nothomoplasious. It would appear that thesespecies are all closely related, and that finger-printing techniques would be appropriate toinvestigate their phylogeny in more detail.

Molecular data is useful in suggestingaffinities of species in this group, and should

supported by the molecular topology. WithinAmpelocalamus there would appear to besubstantial genetic variation. A. mianningensiswas transferred from Dendrocalamus on thebasis of its similarities to A. patellaris and A.scandens (Li & Stapleton 1996). These wouldseem to be closer relatives than any otherbamboos sampled, but still not particularly close.

Himalayacalamus was traditionally consid-ered part of Thamnocalamus (Munro 1868;Clayton & Renvoize 1986; Chao & Renvoize1989), because of its tightly tufted compressedracemose inflorescences. Drepanostachyumwas placed in Arundinaria (Munro 1868;Gamble 1896) or Sinarundinaria (Clayton &Renvoize 1986; Chao & Renvoize 1989),because it has open panicles, often in broadlysweeping falcate form, hence its nameDrepanostachyum (drepanon in Greek andfalcis in Latin mean sickle). Keng (1982)realised a similarity between Drepano-stachyum and Himalayacalamus in theirmultitude of branches. Stapleton (1994c)pointed out other similarities in fasciculation ofinflorescence branches and delicate glumes.Himalayacalamus has even been consideredsynonymous with Drepanostachyum (Demoly1996; Li 1997), but differs in a range of floraland vegetative characters, and their specieshave remained in separate genera in floralaccounts (Stapleton 1994c, Seethalakshmi1998; Stapleton 2000). The latter approachis supported by the molecular evidence,especially ITS data (Ní Chonghaile 2002), inwhich Himalayacalamus received 84% BSin the parsimony analysis and 90% in theneighbor joining analysis.

A more temperate distribution is generallythe case for the four genera Thamnocalamus,Fargesia, Yushania and Borinda.

The strong distinction in vegetativeprophylls and branching between Thamnocalamusand the other three genera (Stapleton 1994b) isreflected in the well-supported separation ofThamnocalamus in both plastid and nucleardata (Guo et al. 2001; Guo et al. 2002; NíChonghaile 2002). Thus there is relativelystrong molecular evidence for recognizingFargesia, instead of the common practice of

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Among the other temperate bamboos withleptomorph rhizomes, it is not possible toresolve a detailed topology from the moleculardata. Nevertheless, as with the pachymorph-rhizomed bamboos it is possible to hypothesisesome relationships. On morphological groundsit might be considered justifiable to includesome or all of the genera Pleioblastus,Oligostachyum, Bashania or Pseudosasawithin Arundinaria. However, the molecularevidence suggests that this would constitute aparaphyletic group and would not be appropriateunless all these genera were included together,in addition to several other genera such asIndocalamus, Hibanobambusa, Sasa, andShibataea, which differ much more substantiallyin their morphology, and are almostuniversally recognized.

One genus that is often still synonymisedwithin Arundinaria is Pleioblastus. Stapleton(1997) pointed out that Pleioblastus differs inprophyll structure, with the prophyll forming afused budscale, as seen in Sasa, Pseudosasaand Indocalamus. The molecular evidencewould not suggest that Pleioblastus is morestrongly related to Arundinaria than is otherAsian genus. Within Pleioblastus there isconsiderable difference in stature, and differentgenera have been described, although they areno longer recognized. The species of smallerstature were included in the 6-stamened genusSasa in FRPS (Keng & Wang 1996), whilePleioblastus was recognized for the largerspecies.

Among Asian species, the two species thatare considered to be morphologically closest to theN American type species of Arundinaria areArundinaria racemosa from the E Himalayas,and its close relative from SW China widelyknown as Bashania fangiana. Molecular datawould not suggest that they are more closelyrelated to Arundinaria than any other Asianbamboos. Bashania fangiana has been placedin Bashania or Gelidocalamus, from which itdiffers appreciably. While the molecular data(Fig. 2) suggests a close relationship forBashania fargesii and B. qingchengshanensis,there is no evidence that Bashania fangiana,which has simpler branching, is closely related

be of predictive value for clump-formingspecies originally described in Fargesia forwhich inflorescences remain unknown. Forexample, the data supports the transferral ofFargesia utilis into Borinda. It resolved closerto other species of Borinda, which have openinflorescences, than to the species of Fargesiathat, like the type species F. spathacea, areknown to have compressed inflorescences(F. nitida, F. murieliae, and F. dracocephala). Itseems very likely that there are very manymore species described without flowers inFargesia that belong instead in Borinda. Toavoid placement of the species of Borinda intwo different genera in the Flora of China, itwas decided to keep Borinda as a synonym ofFargesia for the time being.

Gaoligongshania, a distinctive monotypicgenus, is well distinguished by both molecularand morphological evidence. Molecular evidence(Ní Chonghaile 2002; Guo & Li 2004) has notrevealed any particular affinity to eitherIndocalamus or Yushania, to which Li (1997)suggested it might be related, nor to any othertaxon within the temperate clade.


The strongest support for any group in thetemperate clade is given to Phyllostachys in theITS data (Fig 2). The strength of support forthis clearly monophyletic group is surprising,as it was not resolved at all from plastid data,and it would suggest that Phyllostachys hasbeen separated from the rest of the subtribe fora more substantial period of time.Phyllostachys would appear to be similarlydistant from all other temperate generasampled. Only one species, Bashania fangiana(Sarocalamus faberi), has been suggestedas a close living relative of Phyllostachys,based on moderate bootstrap support from aneighbour joining analysis of combined plastidand nuclear sequence data (Ní Chonghaile2002). One character that is shared betweenPhyllostachys and Bashania fangiana(Sarocalamus faberi) is reduced compressionof basal branch internodes. As this compres-sion is almost universal in woody bamboos,its loss would be a synapomorphy for a cladeuniting Phyllostachys and Sarocalamus.

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to these two species. If all other Asian generaare to be maintained separate fromArundinaria, then it would appear that on thebasis of molecular data there is no justificationfor continuing to place species such as these inArundinaria for the Flora of China. There issupporting evidence for this from the geo-graphic disjunction, as among leptomorphbamboos, these species are geographically fur-thest from the N American species ofArundinaria. Although Bashania fangiana andArundinaria racemosa are morphologicallyvery close to Arundinaria it seemed moreappropriate to maintain Arundinaria as anendemic N American genus, and a new genus,Sarocalamus was described (Stapleton et al.2004) for Bashania fangiana (as Sarocalamusfaberi), Arundinaria racemosa, and anotherChinese species, although this genus wasnot actually recognized in the Flora of China(Li et al. 2006).

Chimonobambusa is a genus that has beenseparated into three Sections, sometimeselevated to generic rank by some authors to givethree genera Chimonobambusa, Oreocalamus andQiongzhuea. The type species C. marmoreadiffers markedly from the other species in lossof vegetative branch prophylls, and this wasreflected in the molecular data to a certainextent (Ní Chonghaile 2002), but the otherspecies are difficult to separate into consistentgroups. Molecular analysis (Ní Chonghaile2002) did not distinguish the two species withquadrangular culms and thorns (Oreocalamus)from the species with most markedly swollennodes (Qiongzhuea). It would appear that aswith genera such as Yushania and Borinda;Drepanostachyum and Himalayacalamus;and Sasa and Sasamorpha, the three generaChimonobambusa, Oreocalamus andQiongzhuea are closely related. Decidingwhether such genera should be recognizedwould require better molecular data, possiblyusing a technique more appropriate for closelyrelated species, such as AFLPs (Hodkinsonet al. 2000), a broader range of species, and athorough morphological analysis. However,based on the phylogeny inferred from molecularresults, there is currently no evidence to

suggest that either grouping these generatogether or separating them would better reflectnatural lineages.

To summarize, DNA sequence dataallowed the basic outline of woody bamboophylogeny to be inferred as the basis of theFlora of China account (Li et al. 2006).Conflicting morpho-geographical classificationshad previously been applied, giving differentemphasis to vegetative or floral characters, andmaking assumptions about the homology anddevelopment paths of certain structures.Molecular data has revealed the unreliability ofmany such assumptions, and shown that inflo-rescence form should not be given priority overvegetative structures. DNA sequence data wasnot capable of revealing precise phylogeneticrelationships between morphologically similargenera in the temperate clade. Explanations forthis, linked to a potential bio-geographical his-tory for this group, can be hypothesised andthey may also help to explain the great diver-sity of Chinese bamboos. For tropical bamboos,insufficient taxa had been sampled for a com-prehensive analysis, but enough indicators oflikely relationships could still be inferred forthe basic framework of a classification. Furthermolecular investigations have been undertakensince the publication of the Flora of China (Liet al. 2006), and yet more are currently under-way. These will be reviewed at a later date.


Missouri Botanical Garden is thanked forfunding research to support the preparation ofthe Flora of China bamboo account. The RoyalBotanic Gardens Kew provided facilities. DrJimmy Triplett is thanked for many helpfulsuggestions.


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