Page 1: Momentum 2009 Spyder® for Plant Control John Hutchey – Lou Jones

Momentum 2009

Spyder® for Plant Control

John Hutchey – Lou Jones

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Spyder® for Plant Control – Description

• Overview- Intended for contractors and distributors familiar with Spyder


- Topics include: Multiple Spyders on a single piece of equipment Using the ZIO for local override capability Using auxiliary IO modules in conjunction with Spyders Using distributed control architecture for large plants

• Presenters- John Hutchey

- Lou Jones

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Multiple Spyder Approach

• Application- Large control panel / dense IO count

- Point count exceeds that of a single Spyder

- Sequence of Operations requires more logic than is available in a single Spyder

• Examples- Built up AHU

- Boiler or chiller plant

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• Keep IO and logic on the same Spyder- Minimize the amount of data sent between devices

• AHU example- Spyder #1 controls fans and dampers

- Spyder #2 controls temperature and humidity

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Pros and Cons

• Advantages- Significant hardware cost savings vs. typical plant controller

- Flexible IO count Mix and match Spyder models to match the IO required

- Single-tool engineering All programming performed with WEBsAXs

Apps and macros interchangeable on small and large projects

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Pros and Cons

• Perceived Disadvantages- Fear of Lon bus failure

- Difficult to implement inter-controller communication

- Communication failure takes too long to detect

- No ability to override IO points

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Lon Bus Failure Mitigation

• Use a second Lon bus for plant control- Plant bus is electrically isolated

- Dedicated bus bandwidth available to plant Spyders

Plant Bus Field Bus

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Inter-Controller Communication

Software Output

Source Point

Network Variable

Software Input

Target Point

Network Variable

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Inter-Controller Communication

• Mechanism- Software Output – Sends data

- Software Input – Receives data

• Efficiency- Group multiple points into a single NV

• Reusability- Package Software Inputs/Outputs into reusable applications

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Inter-Controller Communication

• New pre-built library of applications- Download from the Buildings Forum Spyder Sample Apps


- Apps available with different point counts to fit most situations One digital/enum plus one analog values One digital/enum, one digital, and two analog values Five digital/enums and 3 analog values

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How to Use

• Source Spyder- Add ShareOut application to source Spyder’s control program

- Link points to its inputs

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How to Use

• Target Spyder- Add ShareIn application to target Spyder’s control program

- Link points from its outputs

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How to Use

• Link Spyders- Create a Lon link from source Spyder to target Spyder

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How to Use

• Link Spyders- Create a Lon link from source Spyder to target Spyder

- Change link type to Critical

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How to Use

• Link Spyders- Create a Lon link from source Spyder to target Spyder

- Change link type to Critical

- Perform a Bind

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Communication Failure Detection

• Default failure detection time is 300 seconds- Plant control will likely require a more timely response

• Alternative- Handle fail detection using program logic- Use application logic to periodically update a sent value on the

source device

- Use application logic to monitor received value for changes on the target device

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Library Components

• Fail detect logic is already built in

• Source Spyder updates every five seconds

• Target Spyder detects failure after missing three updates

• Timing is adjustable via NCIs

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Library Components

• Dedicated comm fail point on each receiving app• Also includes configurable delay for return to normal

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How to Use

• Use COMM_FAIL in conjunction with other logic to protect equipment on loss of communication

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Live Demo

• Demonstration of data sharing and communication failure detection

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Overriding Points

• Goal: Modify programming to allow local override of IO points via the TR70 wall module

• Method: Insert override logic between controlling block and the IO block

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Override Block

• This block sets its output to the highest priority input that is not invalid.

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TR70 Configuration

• Add a Value from Wall Module parameter.• Be sure to configure:

- Default value NULL

- Allow null value option

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• TR70 override is connected to a higher priority slot than the PID.

• If TR70 value is invalid, the Override block will output the PID value.

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Auto Operation

• TR70 override is set to NULL

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Auto Operation

• TR70 override is set to 90

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Network Override

• You can also configure the application for Network and Local override capability- Use Network Setpoint parameter type

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Network Override

• Override data value can be accessed by both the Network and the Wall Module- Last one in wins

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Auxiliary IO Module Approach

• Application- Project requires hardware overrides on outputs

- Logic requires status feedback when override is active

• Examples- Central plant control

• Cautions- Do not exceed the logic capacity of your Spyders

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Auxiliary IO Module Approach

• XIO-4DO Capabilities- Command NVI

- Feedback NVO

- Hand NVO

• XIO-4AO Capabilities- Command NVI

- Feedback NVO

- Hand NVO

- Scaling NCI

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How To – XIO4DO

• XIO-4DO command, feedback, and hand NVs are type SNVT_switch

• This type of NV must be created using the Spyder NV Configuration View

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How To – XIO4DO

• Use the Add NV button to create a new NV

• Then select the type- Network Variable Output to send a command to the XIO

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How To – XIO4DO

• Set Guaranteed Periodic Refresh to TRUE

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How To – XIO4DO

• Select Copy From, Standard, then SVNT_switch

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How To – XIO4DO

• Set the Significant Event Notification to 1 for both the state and value fields

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How To – XIO4DO

• Click the OK button to save

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How To – XIO4DO

• Highlight your new NV, then click the Show on wiresheet as Points button.

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How To – XIO4DO

• State and Value fields of the NV will now be available for use in your application

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How To – XIO4DO

• Switch to Wire Sheet View- State and value software outputs are visible

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How To – XIO4DO

• Command the state and value parts simultaneously

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How To – XIO4DO

• Use the same process to bring feedback into your application

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How To – XIO4DO

• Create links and bind

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How To – XIO4AO

• XIO-4AO command NVs are type SNVT_lev_percent- Add a Software Output point

- Configure it for Percent

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How To – XIO4AO

• XIO-4AO feedback, and hand NVs are type SNVT_switch- Must be created using NV Configuration View

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How To – XIO4AO

• Create links and bind

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Typical Central Plant Control

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Typical Central Plant Control

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Spyder Distributed Plant Control

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Sample code

• Sample libraries for the items discussed during this presentation are now available on the Buildings Forum

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Questions and Answers

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