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Monday 1st February 2021

Great learning taking place in Year 2 during Lockdown.

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Dear Parents and Carers

Learning at Home

A big well done to children and parents for all the learning that has

taken place at home last week. Well done to parents for supporting and

working alongside, and to children who are sitting and focussing and

taking part in the different learning activities at home.

This week our spotlight is on: Year 2

Thank you to these children from Year 2 who have sent in their stories

Anneliese, Pablo, Ava F, Amelia-Lily, Freddie, Tamar, Michael, Finn, Elsa,

Luna and Ella-Mae .

Amelia-Lily Amelia-Lily

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Ava F


Ella Mae



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Teams lessons

Our Year 2 teachers want to say a big well done for the excellent focus

and learning from children in their online lessons this week. Here are

some shout outs from Year 2 staff to Year 2 children from this week on


'Angel was so polite and read beautifully to me'.

'Finn, Elsa and Michael have worked really hard at some challenging

maths- it is fun working with these great mathematicians'.

'Ella-Mae makes me smile with her enthusiasm, and the things she

brings to share on screen'.

'Tamar is always ready and organised and focusses throughout the



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'I am always impressed with Anneliese’s excellent focus during our

Teams sessions'.

'It is always brilliant to see what work Amelia-Lilly has been doing at

home and she always shows great focus during our phonics


'Ava P’s always ready for me with a big grin and is always keen to

read on our calls'.

'Pablo has been working so hard at home and is just as brilliant on

our Teams calls'.

'April-Mae did some brilliant counting in 2s, 5s and 10s during our

Teams call this week'.

'Max P tries so hard when practising spellings and phonics on our

Teams calls'.

Teams Sessions are very important

The Teams meetings that are planned each week are

individual meetings for your child and their teacher, or

a teaching assistant. It is a one-to-one session and not

with the rest of the class. The sessions are around 15

minutes in length and are a vital time for the teacher to work with your

child to assess how they are getting on. The teacher can give feedback

and encouragement to your child and will leave you with some simple

ideas to work on with your child.

If you cannot make a planned meeting please do notify your child’s

teacher so they can reassign the session with a different child.

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If you do not notify the school that you cannot attend the meeting a

member of the leadership team will telephone you to find out the

reason why you didn’t attend.

Please do prioritise these meetings and let us know as soon as you

can if there is going to be a problem attending.

LEAVES The following children were recently awarded leaves:

Ash Class (YR) Gracie – has been working hard all week and is setting a positive

example to others.

George – for persevering with online learning, even

when there have been technical issues.

Elm Class (YR) Mia – for engaging really well with home learning.

Chestnut Class (Y1) Gracie May – for doing really well in Phonics; she also

made stick puppets of characters from our new story

The Magic Porridge Pot. Well done Gracie- May!

Rowan Class (Y1) Chloe – for doing some fantastic remote learning on our

Space Explore Topic- drawing the planets in order and

making rockets and aliens.

Y2 Bubble Natasha – for super focus this week – and lots of writing!

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Term 3 – Going for Goals

This term our theme is “Going for

Goals”. We will also be looking at the

two virtues Bravery and Service. Our

last assembly was about Bravery, celebrating and courage and quick

thinking of Mouse from The Gruffalo.


Children’s Mental Health Week

Some good resources from CAMHS on how to support children during

the Lockdown here:


N.B. Do not send your child

to school if they or any

member of the household

has a high temperature,

new continuous cough or a

loss/change of taste or


Please contact the school if your child is unwell and cannot attend school.

You can send us an SMS message to: 07786 201170

School telephone numbers: (01225) 423526 & 314745
