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Hailey mccartney

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Debt Credit Power .jobsFood .sale of assets Water .governmentTransportTaxCloths

Debt-owe money Credit-

have money

My family

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Debut and credit

Long ago

Some facts about money it

How do we access money

Countries around the world

What does money look like

If I had 1million dollers

Money sample

How many credit cards

What you kneed toknow

Money and interest

What you can by with money

What I like to by with money

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• Before money there was trading or bartering.

• People traded things or services of equal value


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Fact about money

The world is a millionaire but was first used by a guy called Benjamin

Disraeli in his 1826 long novel Vivian Grey.

If you stack one million US$1 billion, it would be 110m (361feet

tall) high weight exactly 1 ton


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How do we Access Money?

• Money is usually stored in a bank ,building society etc. until we need it.

• We can get it out through an ATM, credit card , internet banking, cheque book, fill in form at the bank , EFTPOS, loan etc.

• We can put money into a bank


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Money facts

• One million dollars’ worth of one-cent coins (100 million coins) weigh 246 tons

• A million dollars’ worth of $100 bills weighs only 10 kg


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• Different countries have different money

Different money can be exchanged for other money

Currency values change

Different countries trade different things so the currency changes


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What does money look like Coins-made out of metal at the mint

Notes-made of plastic or paper

In most countries notes are rectangular and

coins are circular. Most money has pictures

of famous people and there value of it on

them. Coins usually have date on them.

When they were made them. Australia notes

have a metal strip and a hologram or clear

part on them so it is hard to counterfeit

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• The world’s largest coins, in size and standard value, were copper plates used in Alaska around 1850. They were abouta metre (3 ft.) long, half-a-metre (about 2 ft.) wide, weighed 40 kg (90 7), and were worth $2,500.

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At some points in each of these modules you may be asked to enter information, for example your monthly pay. For your own security, none of this information is stored by the website or your computer. If you want to keep a record you will need to print out these pages or write the information down.

things about money

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What I like to by with money

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What you can by with money

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Money and interest

• Banks don’t just store our money until we need it. They lend it out to other people. Those people have to pay the money back and a bit more. The extra is called interest. The bank pays the interest to people who put money onto it.

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What you kneed toknow

There are more than 9 million millionaires and about 800 billionaires in the world – depending on how the stock market did today.

Australians are the heaviest gamblers in the world; an estimated 82% of Australians bet. That is twice as much per capita as Europeans or Americans. Yet, Australia, with less than 1% of the world population, has 20% of the world’s poker machines

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How many credit


This an ANZ credit card

This is an Bendigo bank credit card

This is an commonwealth credit card

This is a sty gorge credit card

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Money sample

Italy money

Thialand money China money

Austrilian money

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