Page 1: Mortem et Gloriam Army Lists - South East Asia€¦ · Khmer civilization. The states of the Oc Eo culture developed into the Kingdom of Funan which was replaced by the Angkor empire
Page 2: Mortem et Gloriam Army Lists - South East Asia€¦ · Khmer civilization. The states of the Oc Eo culture developed into the Kingdom of Funan which was replaced by the Angkor empire

Version 2020.02: 1st January 2020 © Simon Hall

Army Lists Southeast Asia

Contents Early Khmer 100 to 801 CE Rebel Vietnam 544 to 938 CE Champa v02 600 to 1500 CE Annam 602 to 905 CE Pyu and Early Mon 660 to 1057 CE Indonesian or Malay 700 to 1511 CE Nanzhao 728 to 1382 CE Angkor Empire v02 802 to 1431 CE Kingdom of Pagan 849 to 1297 CE Autonomous Vietnam 906 to 938 CE Ngô, Đinh and Early Lê Vietnam 939 to 1009 CE Lý, Trần and Hồ Vietnam 1010 to 1407 CE Moluccas 1200 to 1511 CE Barmarised Shan Kingdoms 1287 to 1539 CE Hanthawaddy Kingdom 1287 to 1539 CE Thai Kingdoms 1351 to 1550 CE

Page 3: Mortem et Gloriam Army Lists - South East Asia€¦ · Khmer civilization. The states of the Oc Eo culture developed into the Kingdom of Funan which was replaced by the Angkor empire

Version 2020.02: 1st January 2020 © Simon Hall

Creating an army with the Mortem et Gloriam Army Lists Use the army lists to create your own customised armies using the Mortem et Gloriam Army Builder.

There are few general rules to follow: 1. An army must have at least 2 generals and can have no more than 4. 2. You must take at least the minimum of any troops noted and may not go beyond the maximum of any. 3. No army may have more than two generals who are Talented or better. 4. Unless specified otherwise, all elements in a UG must be classified identically. Unless specified otherwise, if an optional characteristic is

taken, it must be taken by all the elements in the UG for which that optional characteristic is available. 5. Any UGs can be downgraded by one quality grade and/or by one shooting skill representing less strong, tired or understrength troops. If any

bases are downgraded all in the UG must be downgraded. So Average-Experienced skirmishers can always be downgraded to Poor-Unskilled. Where allies are allowed, they must conform to the following rules:

1. They must be a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 UGs. 2. They must take enough UGs to get them to at least 50% of the minimums in the list being used. 3. They can thereafter take any troops up to the maximum to create the rest of the allied contingent. 4. Unless specified in the notes, the general must be the same type as the army commander in the main list but cannot be legendary.

Usually this results in 1-3 UGs being compulsory and you having full flexibility on the rest. Where an internal ally is allowed, and no contingent is specified they must conform to the following rules:

1. They must be a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 UGs. 2. The total number of troops taken of each type in the entire army must not exceed the maxima for that troop type. 3. They must take enough UGs to get them to at least 50% of the minimums in the list if there is enough allowance for a UG after the core army

itself has taken the minimum. For example: An army has 4-12 cavalry (UG size 4,6) and 18-32 spearmen (UG size 6,8,9) as compulsory troops with 2 internal allies. The core army must take 4 cavalry and at least 18 spearmen. The first ally must take 4 cavalry and at least 9 spearmen. The second ally must take 4 cavalry but cannot take the 9 spearmen as this would exceed the 32 spearmen limit for the army.

4. They can thereafter take any troops up to the maximum to create the rest of the allied contingent. Usually this results in 1-3 UGs being compulsory and you having full flexibility on the rest. As a courtesy to your opponent, when you deploy your troops you should describe it fully; type, training, quality, protection, melee weaponry, shooting skill and weaponry, characteristics and which ally if appropriate. You should also explain how any unusual troop types in your army function and any special rules including Stakes, Caltrops, Barricades and Obstacles and troop types such as Battle Wagons.

Page 4: Mortem et Gloriam Army Lists - South East Asia€¦ · Khmer civilization. The states of the Oc Eo culture developed into the Kingdom of Funan which was replaced by the Angkor empire

Version 2020.02: 1st January 2020 © Simon Hall

Historical Introduction After the region came under contacts with Indian subcontinent circa 400 BCE, Southeast Asia began a gradual process of Indianisation where Indian ideas such as religions, cultures, architectures and political administrations were brought by traders and religious figures and adopted by local rulers. The exception was northern Vietnam that was under the influence of China from the north.

As early as the 2nd century BCE, Pyu city-states controlled an overland trading route from India to China. By the 2nd century CE a maritime trading route from Sri Lanka to China was well established, as evidenced by finds of Roman coins in the Mekong Delta. This trade may have helped promote Khmer civilization. The states of the Oc Eo culture developed into the Kingdom of Funan which was replaced by the Angkor empire. Helped by irrigation and the unique conditions in Cambodia which supported an agricultural surplus, the Angkor kings were able to build magnificent temple complexes including Angkor Wat.

The Viet were dominated by the Chinese influenced kingdom of Annam from 600 to 905 CE. From 906 CE onwards, the Viet were able to maintain autonomy before obtaining independence in 938. After the Mongol conquest of the Song Empire, the Viet were able to defeat three invasions by the Yuan dynasty in 1258, 1285 and 1287 but both the Viet and Champa chose to pay tribute to the Yuan.

The Champa civilisation was located in what is today central Vietnam and was a highly Indianised Hindu Kingdom. They were a regular threat to the Angkor Empire. The Champa were distinct from the Dai Viet, the northern Vietnamese. The Vietnamese launched a massive conquest against the Cham people in 1471, ransacking and burning Champa, slaughtering thousands of Cham people, and forcibly assimilating them into Vietnamese culture.

In Burma the earliest kingdoms were heavily Indianised Pyu and Mon states. In the 9th century the Pyu states were destroyed by repeated invasions of the Nanzhao. The Nanzhao dominated the Yunnan plateau. The Bamar people from Nanzhao established a garrison at Bagan and the Pyu became absorbed into the expanding Pagan kingdom.

The Mongols conquered the Nanzhao kingdom of Dali in 1253 CE. The Mongols also invaded Pagan Kingdom in Burma from 1277 to 1287, resulting in fragmentation of the state. The Hanthawaddy Kingdom arose from a loose collection of Mon-speaking regions. It eventually dominated the Kingdom of Ava which was the major Shan kingdom in Burma.

The Tai were a people who migrated southwards from modern Guangxi in southern China in the 8th to 10th centuries CE. They entered Burma and put pressure on both the Burmese kingdoms and Angkor empire. In the 13th century an Angkor governor rebelled and founded the Sukhothai kingdom which grew to control most of present day Thailand. Sukhothai was replaced by the Ayutthaya Kingdom by 1438 CE.

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Version 2020.02: 1st January 2020 © Simon Hall

To the south of the Angkor Empire, the Malay peninsular and Indonesian islands were controlled by a series of Hindu and Buddhist states. The most powerful was the Srivijaya Kingdom, a confederacy of states that dominated Sumatra and the Malay peninsular from 7th to 13th centuries CE.

Muslim influence in Indonesia arose in the 12th century CCE with the Kedah Sultanate established in 1136. The Malacca Sultanate embraced Islam in the 15th century and accelerated the conversion to Islam in the region. The strategic value of the Strait of Malacca, which was controlled by Sultanate of Malacca in the 15th and early 16th century, did not go unnoticed by Portuguese writer Duarte Barbosa, who in 1500 wrote "He who is lord of Malacca has his hand on the throat of Venice. This led to the arrival of the Europeans in the 16th century.

Page 6: Mortem et Gloriam Army Lists - South East Asia€¦ · Khmer civilization. The states of the Oc Eo culture developed into the Kingdom of Funan which was replaced by the Angkor empire

1 Dates0-2 Terrain0-2 Camp


Mandatory Optional Max

Experienced 0 2,3,4Bow 6

Unskilled 0 4,6Javelin 6

Unskilled 4 4,6Javelin 18

Experienced 0 6,8,9Javelin 18

Unskilled 12 6,8,9Javelin 80

Unskilled 0 6,8,9Javelin 24

Experienced 0 6,8Bow 8

Experienced 0 6,9Bow 18

Early KhmerArmy Commander Any Instinctive 100 CE to 801 CESub-Generals Any Instinctive Standard, JungleInternal Allied Generals Any Instinctive Unfortified; Poor or Average



Quality Protection



Shooting Skill



UG SizeTraining and


Average Protected - Shove -Tribal Loose

-Formed Loose

-Shoot & Charge,

Combat ShyFormed Loose

2-horse chariotsCHARIOTS

Superior Protected Short Spear -

Khmer cavalryCAVALRY

Average Protected Short Spear

Shoot & Charge, Combat ShyFormed Loose


Average Protected Short Spear -Shoot & Charge,

Combat ShyFormed Loose

Picked warriorsINFANTRY

Superior Protected Short Spear -

Shoot & Charge, Combat ShyTribal Loose

Subject archersINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - - Combat ShyTribal Loose


Average Unprotected Short Spear -

Skirmishing archersINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - Combat Shy -Skirmisher

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Page 7: Mortem et Gloriam Army Lists - South East Asia€¦ · Khmer civilization. The states of the Oc Eo culture developed into the Kingdom of Funan which was replaced by the Angkor empire

Early Khmer


Historical NotesThis list covers the Kingdom of Funan and the Chenla Kingdom that preceded the Angkor Empire. Chinese records dating from the 3rd century CE, record the arrival of two Funanese embassies at the Kingdom of Wu. In the late 4th and 5th centuries, Indianization advanced more rapidly, in part through renewed impulses from the south Indian Pallava dynasty and the north Indian Gupta Empire. Funan may have been the Suvarnabhumi referred to in ancient Indian texts. Roman coins found at Oc Eo demonstrate that long-distance trading took place.The History of the Chinese Sui dynasty contains entries of a state called Chenla, a vassal of the Kingdom of Funan, which had sent an embassy to China in 616 or 617. Chenla gained independence and then conquered Funan. The New Book of Tang asserts that shortly after 706, the country was split into Land Chenla and Water Chenla. The existence of Chenla is contested and that Cambodia was not untied until the rise of the Angkor kingdom of Jayavarman II.

Changes from last version

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Page 8: Mortem et Gloriam Army Lists - South East Asia€¦ · Khmer civilization. The states of the Oc Eo culture developed into the Kingdom of Funan which was replaced by the Angkor empire

1 Dates0-3 Terrain0-3 Camp


Mandatory Optional Max

- 0 2,3,4- 4

Unskilled 9 6,8,9Javelin 32

Unskilled 6,8,9Javelin Up to 1/3

Experienced 8 6,8Bow 48

Experienced 6,8Crossbow Any

Experienced 0 6,9Bow 18

Experienced 0 6,9Crossbow 18

Unskilled 18 6,8,9Javelin 54

Experienced 12 6,8Bow 32

Experienced 6,8Crossbow Any

Experienced 0 6,9Javelin 18

Rebel VietnamArmy Commander Any Instinctive 544 CE to 938 CESub-Generals Any Instinctive Standard, Coastal, JungleInternal Allied Generals Any Instinctive (up to 1 Hill Tribe ally) Unfortified; Poor or Average



Quality Protection



Shooting Skill



UG SizeTraining and


Average Protected - Shove -Tribal Loose

Shoot & Charge, Combat ShyFormed Loose

Upgrade militia spearmen with axes

INFANTRYAverage Protected Short Spear Melee Expert Shoot & Charge

Formed Loose

Militia spearmenINFANTRY

Average Protected Short Spear -

Combat ShyFormed Loose

Upgrade archers to crossbowmen

INFANTRYAverage Unprotected - - Combat Shy

Formed Loose

Militia archersINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - -


Skirmishing crossbowmenINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - - Combat ShySkirmisher

Skirmishing archersINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - Combat Shy

Hill tribesmen

Tribal axemen and spearmenINFANTRY

Average Protected - -Melee Expert,

Shoot & ChargeTribal Loose

Combat ShyTribal Loose

Upgrade tribal foot with crossbows

INFANTRYAverage Unprotected - - Combat Shy

Tribal Loose

Tribal foot archersINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - -

Combat ShySkirmisher

Shieldless tribal skirmishersINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - -

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Page 9: Mortem et Gloriam Army Lists - South East Asia€¦ · Khmer civilization. The states of the Oc Eo culture developed into the Kingdom of Funan which was replaced by the Angkor empire

Rebel Vietnam

A hill tribe ally can only command hill tribesmen. A hill tribe ally is compulsory if more than the minimum number of axemen and spearmen or foot archers are taken. Vietnamese generals can command hill tribesmen. Vietnamese internal ally generals do not have to command otherwise compulsory hill tribesmen. Hill tribesmen are not compulsory in allied contingents from this army.

Historical NotesA revolt against Chinese rule was led by Lý Bôn and his general and heir Triệu Quang Phục whose Early Lý dynasty ruled for almost half a century, from 544 to 602, before Sui China reconquered their kingdom Vạn Xuân. The Viet continued to rebel against Chinese rule until it was overthrown in the early 10th century. in 722 CE Mai Thúc Loan succeeded in capturing Hanoi with the help of Champa and Chenla allies. He was quickly defeated by Tang armies. He is still recognised today as one of the early heroes of Vietnamese nationalism.

Changes from last versionCorrected ally.

AlliesChenla allies - Early Khmer (only in 722 CE)Champa allies (only in 722 CE)


Version 2020.01: 1st January 2020 © Simon Hall

Page 10: Mortem et Gloriam Army Lists - South East Asia€¦ · Khmer civilization. The states of the Oc Eo culture developed into the Kingdom of Funan which was replaced by the Angkor empire

1 Dates0-3 Terrain0-1 Camp


Mandatory Optional Max

Experienced 0 2,3,4Bow 12

Experienced 0 2,3Light Art 3Unskilled 4 4,6

Javelin 18Unskilled 0 4,6

Javelin 6Experienced 0 4,6Crossbow 6

Experienced 12 6,8Javelin 40

Experienced 0 6,8Bow 12

Unskilled 8 6,8,9Javelin 27

- 6,8,9- Any

Experienced 0 6,8Bow 12

Experienced 0 4,6Bow 6

Experienced 0 6,9Bow 27

Experienced 0 2,3Light Art 3

ChampaArmy Commander Any Instinctive 600 CE to 1500 CESub-Generals Any Instinctive Standard, Mountains, JungleInternal Allied Generals Any Instinctive Unfortified or Mobile; Poor or Average



Quality Protection



Shooting Skill



UG SizeTraining and


Average Protected - Shove -Tribal Loose

-Tribal Loose

Champa cavalryCAVALRY

Average Protected Short Spear -Shoot & Charge,

Combat ShyFormed Loose

Artillery mounted on Elephants

ELEPHANTSAverage Protected - -

Shoot & Charge, Combat ShyFormed Loose

Mounted crossbowmen CAVALRY

Average Protected Short Spear - -Formed Loose

Subject cavalryCAVALRY

Poor Protected Short Spear -

Integral ShootersDrilled Loose


Average Unprotected - - Combat ShyDrilled Loose

Jacketed spearmenINFANTRY

Average Protected Short Spear -

Shoot & Charge, Fleet of FootTribal Loose

Regrade subject hill tribe spearmen

INFANTRYAverage Unprotected -

Devastating Chargers

Fleet of FootTribal Loose

Subject hill tribe spearmenINFANTRY

Average Unprotected Short Spear -

Combat ShyTribal Loose

Light cavalryCAVALRY

Average Unprotected - -Cantabrian, Combat ShySkirmisher

Subject archersINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - -


Bolt shooter mounted on wheels

ARTILLERYAverage Unprotected - - -


Skirmishing archersINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - Combat Shy

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Page 11: Mortem et Gloriam Army Lists - South East Asia€¦ · Khmer civilization. The states of the Oc Eo culture developed into the Kingdom of Funan which was replaced by the Angkor empire


Historical NotesFrom the 7th to the 10th centuries, the Cham controlled the trade in spices and silk between China, India, the Indonesian islands, and the Abbasid empire in Baghdad. They supplemented their income from the trade routes not only by exporting ivory and aloe, but also by engaging in piracy and raiding.In the latter half of the 10th century, the kings of Indrapura waged war against the Đại Việt of what is now northern Vietnam. In 979, the Cham King Parameshvaravarman I (Phê Mi Thuê to the Viet) sent a fleet to attack Hoa Lư in support of Ngô Nhut-khanh following the Anarchy of the 12 Warlords. However, the ill-fated expedition was scuttled by a tempest. In 982, Viet troops sacked Indrapura and killed Parameshvararman. As a result of these setbacks, the Cham abandoned Indrapura around 1000. The centre of Champa was relocated south to Vijaya in modern Bình Định. When the Cham capital fell in 982 to Vietnam, several Cham fled to Hainan and Guangzhou.

Troop NotesChampa armies appear to have been similar to Angkor armies. Judging by the reliefs the Champa used more cavalry and fewer elephants than the Angkor Empire.

Changes from last version01: Removed Angkor ally. Reduced minimums. Reduced number of elephants and increased number of cavalry. 02: Restored number of elephants.

AlliesRebel Vietnam allies (from 600 to 938 CE)Annam - Vietnam allies (from 602 to 905 CE)Autonomous Vietnam allies (from 906 to 938 CE)

NotesOnly one Vietnamese ally may be used.

Version 2020.02: 1st January 2020 © Simon Hall

Page 12: Mortem et Gloriam Army Lists - South East Asia€¦ · Khmer civilization. The states of the Oc Eo culture developed into the Kingdom of Funan which was replaced by the Angkor empire

1 Dates0-1 Terrain0-3 Camp


Mandatory Optional Max

- 0 2,3,4- 4

Experienced 0 4,6Bow 6

- 0 4,6- 6

Unskilled 9 6,8,9Javelin 32

Unskilled 6,8,9Javelin Up to 1/3

Experienced 8 6,8Bow 48

Experienced 6,8Crossbow Any

Experienced 6 6,8Bow 18

Experienced = Bow =

AnnamArmy Commander Any Professional 602 CE to 905 CESub-Generals Any Professional Standard, Coastal, JungleInternal Allied Generals Any Instinctive (up to 1 Hill Tribe ally) Unfortified; Poor or Average



Quality Protection



Shooting Skill



UG SizeTraining and


Average Protected - Shove -Tribal Loose

Melee ExpertFormed Loose

Shock cavalryCAVALRY


ArmouredLong Spear Shove -

Formed Close

Cavalry from ChinaCAVALRY

Average Protected Short Spear -

Shoot & Charge, Combat ShyFormed Loose

Upgrade militia spearmen with axes

INFANTRYAverage Protected Short Spear Melee Expert Shoot & Charge

Formed Loose

Militia spearmenINFANTRY

Average Protected Short Spear -

Combat ShyFormed Loose

Upgrade archers to crossbowmen

INFANTRYAverage Unprotected - - Combat Shy

Formed Loose

Militia archersINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - -

Fubing - TuG consisting of 1/2 spearmen and 1/2 archers

Bubing spearmenINFANTRY

Average Protected Short Spear - -Formed Flexible

-Formed Loose


Bushe archersINFANTRY

Average Protected - -

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Page 13: Mortem et Gloriam Army Lists - South East Asia€¦ · Khmer civilization. The states of the Oc Eo culture developed into the Kingdom of Funan which was replaced by the Angkor empire

AnnamExperienced 0 4,6

Bow 6Experienced 0 6,9

Bow 18Experienced 0 6,9Crossbow 18

Experienced 0 2Light Art 2

Unskilled 18 6,8,9Javelin 54

Experienced 12 6,8Bow 32

Experienced 6,8Crossbow Any

Experienced 0 6,9Javelin 18


Skirmishing archersINFANTRY

Average Unprotected -

Light cavalryCAVALRY

Average Unprotected - -Cantabrian, Combat Shy


Bolt throwing enginesARTILLERY

Average Unprotected -

Combat Shy -Skirmisher

Skirmishing crossbowmenINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - - Combat Shy

Barricades -Skirmisher

Hill tribesmen

Tribal axemen and spearmenINFANTRY

Average Protected - -Melee Expert,

Shoot & ChargeTribal Loose

Tribal foot archersINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - - Combat ShyTribal Loose

NotesA hill tribesmen ally can only command hill tribesmen. Annamese generals can command hill tribesmen as long as they don't exceed the minimum number permitted. Internal ally generals do not have to command otherwise compulsory hill tribesmen. Hill tribesmen are not compulsory in an Annamese allied contingent.

Historical NotesDuring the Tang dynasty, Vietnam was called Annam until 866. With its capital around modern Bắc Ninh, Annam became a flourishing trading outpost, receiving goods from the southern seas. The Book of the Later Han recorded that in 166 the first envoy from the Roman Empire to China arrived by this route, and merchants were soon to follow. The 3rd-century Tales of Wei (Weilüe) mentioned a "water route" (the Red River) from Annam into what is now southern Yunnan. From there, goods were taken over land to the rest of China via the regions of modern Kunming and Chengdu. In 866, Annam was renamed Tĩnh Hải quân.

Changes from last versionNone.

Combat ShyTribal Loose

Shieldless tribal skirmishersINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - - Combat ShySkirmisher

Upgrade tribal foot with crossbows

INFANTRYAverage Unprotected - -

Version 2020.01: 1st January 2020 © Simon Hall

Page 14: Mortem et Gloriam Army Lists - South East Asia€¦ · Khmer civilization. The states of the Oc Eo culture developed into the Kingdom of Funan which was replaced by the Angkor empire

1 Dates0-2 Terrain0-2 Camp


Mandatory Optional Max

Experienced 0 2Bow 2

Unskilled 0 4,6Javelin 12

Unskilled 9 6,8,9Javelin 36

Unskilled 18 6,8,9Javelin 80

Experienced 0 6,8Bow 30

Experienced 0 6,8Crossbow 8

Experienced 0 6,9Bow 18

Experienced 0 6,9Crossbow 9

Pyu and Early MonArmy Commander Any Instinctive 660 CE to 1057 CESub-Generals Any Instinctive Coastal, JungleInternal Allied Generals Any Instinctive Unfortified or Flexible; Poor or Average



Quality Protection



Shooting Skill



UG SizeTraining and

Elephants and escortsELEPHANTS

Average Protected - Shove -Tribal Loose

Shoot & Charge, Combat ShyTribal Loose

-Shoot & Charge,

Combat ShyTribal Loose

Militia cavalryCAVALRY

Average Protected Short Spear -

Chiefs and retainersINFANTRY

Superior Protected Short Spear

Shoot & Charge, Combat ShyTribal Loose


Average Unprotected - - Combat ShyTribal Loose

Militia spearmenINFANTRY

Average Unprotected Short Spear Shield Cover

Combat ShyTribal Loose

Skirmishing archersINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - Combat Shy -Skirmisher


Average Unprotected - -

Combat ShySkirmisher

NotesA command may not contain more than one TuG of chiefs and retainers.

Historical NotesPeittaung, a semi-legendary chieftain of Pyu is the first recorded rulers in Burma. The Pyu had migrated from further north and established a series of walled cities and towns. Pyu culture was heavily influenced by India. In the 9th century the Pyu states were destroyed by repeated invasions of the Nanzhao. The Bamar people from Nanzhao established a garrison at Bagan and the Pyu became absorbed into the expanding Pagan kingdom.The Mon were a separate people occupying parts of lower Myanmar and northern Thailand. Several city states or kingdoms existed, one around the trading city of Thaton. Around 1000CE many Mon fled west into Lower Burma from the expanding Khmer Empire. The city of Thaton was taken by Pagan forces in 1057.

Skirmishing crossbowmenINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - -

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Pyu and Early MonTroop NotesSpearmen, with a shield and spear formed the bulk of the army. Jackets, padded with cotton, were worn as armour.

Changes from last versionNone.

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1 Dates0-2 Terrain0-1 Camp


Mandatory Optional Max

Unskilled 0 4,6Javelin 6

Experienced 0 6,8Bow 32

Experienced 24 6,8,9Javelin 120

Unskilled 0 6,8,9Javelin 36

Experienced 0 6,9Javelin 27Skilled 0 4Darts 4

Experienced 0 6,9Bow 27

Experienced 0 6,9Firearm 9

Unskilled 0 2,3Light Art 3

- 2 2,3,4- 8

Only Malay or Sumatran


Average Protected - Shove -Tribal Loose


Cannon (from 1400 CE)ARTILLERY

Average Unprotected - - BarricadesSkirmisher

Handgunners (from 1435 CE)

INFANTRYAverage Unprotected - -


Skirmishing archersINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - Combat Shy -Skirmisher

Skirmishers with blowpipeINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - Combat Shy

Shoot & ChargeTribal Loose


Average Unprotected - - Combat ShySkirmisher

Upgrade warriors as fierce INFANTRY

Average Unprotected Short SpearMelee Expert, Fleet of Foot


Average Unprotected Short Spear Fleet of Foot Shield CoverTribal Loose


Average Unprotected - -

Noble cavalryCAVALRY

Superior Protected Short Spear - Shoot & ChargeFormed Flexible

Combat ShyTribal Loose



Quality Protection



Shooting Skill



UG SizeTraining and

Indonesian or MalayArmy Commander Any Instinctive 700 CE to 1511 CESub-Generals Any Instinctive Coastal, Jungle, MountainsInternal Allied Generals Any Instinctive Unfortified or Mobile; Poor or Average

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Indonesian or Malay

- 0 2- 2

Experienced 0 4,6Javelin 6

Unskilled 0 2,3Heavy Art 3

Indonesian warriors typically had little protection except for a shield, some carried large shields other smaller shields. Weapons included spears and bladed weapons. The kerambit was a curved blade symbolising a tiger claw. A parang sawalaku was a broad sword on a wooden shaft. Kris blades were asymmetric. Skirmishers were armed with bows, javelins and blowpipes.

Changes from last versionNone.


NotesAn army must be either Javanese, Sumatran or Malay. Malay includes the Malacca Sultanate.

Historical NotesIndonesian was influenced by Indian culture through dynasties including the Pallava, Gupta, Pala and Chola. A number of Hindu and Buddhist states flourished and then declined across Indonesia. Tarumanagara, flourished between 358 and 669 CE on the island of Java and was succeeded by the Sunda kingdom. In the 6th to 7th century, the Kalingga Kingdom was established on the northern coast of central Java. The Kahuripan kingdom was established in 1019 in East Java but split into two in 1045. The Kediri Kingdom was the more dominant and survived until 1222 when it was replaced by the Singhasari kingdom. In 1275, the ambitious king Kertanegara, launched a naval expedition northwards and obtained the allegiance of kingdoms in the Malaya region. In 1284 Bali was captured. In 1280, the empire came to the attention of Kublai Khan who demanded tribute. The third envoy was returned with a refusal cut into his face. In late 1292 Kublai Khan sent 1,000 war junks for a punitive expedition that arrived off the coast of Java in early 1293. In the meantime the ruler of Kediri, Jayakatwang, launched a coup. The king sent his son-in-law, Raden Wijaya, to defeat the rebels. Siezing the opportunity to ally with the Mongols, the Mongols defeated Jayakatwang. Raden Wijaya then defeated the Mongols who were forced to retire. Raden Wijaya then ascended the throne and established the Majapahit Empire. Majapahit in East Java was the greatest of the pre-Islamic Indonesian states. It existed from existed from 1293 to circa 1500.Srivijaya was an ethnic Malay kingdom on Sumatra. It was a confederacy of states rather than a true kingdom. It was a formidable naval power from the 7th to 13th centuries but its influence waned in the 11th century after attacks by the Chola empire. The Malacca Sultanate was founded around 1400 bya Malay Raja of Singapura (Singapore), Parameswara, also known as Iskandar Shah. At the height of the sultanate's power in the 15th century, its territory covered much of the Malay Peninsula, the Riau Islands and a significant portion of the northern coast of Sumatra in present-day Indonesia. The Sultanate fell to the Portuguese in 1511.

Troop Notes


Only Malacca Malay from 1435 CE

Heavy guns manned by Turkish mercenaries

ARTILLERYAverage Unprotected - - Barricades

Light horseCAVALRY

Average Protected - -

Only Javanese

Elephants (before 1406 CE)ELEPHANTS

Average Protected - Shove -Tribal Loose

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1 Dates0-3 Terrain0-1 Camp


Mandatory Optional Max

Experienced 0 2,3Bow 3

Experienced 6 4,6Bow 16

Experienced 4 4,6Bow 12

- 0 4- 4- 0 6,8- 18

Experienced 12 6,8Javelin 32

- 6,8- Up to half

Experienced 6 6,8Bow 18

Experienced Bow Any

Experienced 0 6,8Crossbow 12

- 0 6,8,9- 18

Experienced 0 4,6Bow 6

Experienced 0 6,9Bow 18

Cantabrian, Combat ShySkirmisher

Skirrmiishing archersINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - Combat Shy -Skirmisher

Cavalry scouts with bowCAVALRY

Average Unprotected - -

Combat ShyFormed Loose

Tribal spearmenINFANTRY

Average Protected -Devastating


Tribal Loose


Average Protected - -

Combat ShyFormed Loose

Upgrade archers with armour

INFANTRYAverage Protected - - Combat Shy

Formed Loose


Average Unprotected - -

-Formed Flexible

Upgrade unarmoured spearmen

INFANTRYAverage Protected Long Spear - -

Formed Flexible

Unarmoured spearmenINFANTRY

Average Unprotected Short Spear -

Melee ExpertDrilled Flexible

Fupai guards in hide armourINFANTRY

Superior Protected Long Spear - -Drilled Flexible

Yuyi bodyguardsINFANTRY

Superior Protected Short Spear -

Tribal cavalryCAVALRY

Average Unprotected - - Combat ShyFormed Flexible

Nanzhao cavalryCAVALRY

Superior Protected Short Spear -


Average Protected - Shove -Tribal Loose

-Formed Loose



Quality Protection



Shooting Skill



UG SizeTraining and

NanzhaoArmy Commander Any Professional 728 CE to 1382 CESub-Generals Any Professional StandardInternal Allied Generals Any Professional (Nanzhao) or Instinctive (Pagan or Tai) Unfortified or Mobile; Poor or Average

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Experienced 0 2Bow 2

Unskilled 0 4,6Javelin 6

- 9 6,8,9- 18

Unskilled 0 4,6Javelin 6

Unskilled 6 6,8,9Javelin 18

Unskilled 0 6,8,9Javelin 9

Experienced 0 6,8Bow 8

Experienced 0 6,9Bow 8

A Tai ally general must command the Tai contingent and cannot command other troops. A Pagan internal ally general must command the Pagan contingent and cannot command other troops. Troops minimums only apply if the contingent is taken.Pagan allies cannot be used with Tibetans. Vietnamese Rebels allies cannot include Elephants.

AlliesTang China - Southern allies (from 728 to 740 CE)Tibetan allies - Early Tibetan (from 754 to 793 CE)Rebel Vietnamese allies (from 860 to 866 CE)Pagan allies - Kingdom of Pagan (from 860 to 866 CE)


Combat ShyTribal Loose

Pagan skirmishersINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - Combat Shy -Skirmisher

Pagan archersINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - -

Shoot & Charge, Combat ShyFormed Loose

Pagan militia spearmenINFANTRY

Average Unprotected Short Spear Shield CoverShoot & Charge,

Combat ShyTribal Loose

Pagan spearmenINFANTRY

Average Protected Short Spear -

Pagan contingent (from 760 to 830 CE)

Pagan cavalryCAVALRY

Average Protected Short Spear -Shoot & Charge,

Combat ShyTribal Loose

Shoot & Charge, Combat ShyTribal Loose

Tai spearmenINFANTRY

Average Protected -Devastating


Tribal Loose

Tai cavalryCAVALRY

Average Protected Short Spear -

Tai contingent (from 1181 CE)

Tai ElephantsELEPHANTS

Average Protected - Shove -Tribal Loose

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Historical NotesThe Nanzhao kingdom was formed by the unification of six Tai kingdoms in 729 CE when one local ruler in Yunnan overcame his neighbours, with Tang Chinese support. The new kingdom played the Tang off against the Tibetans, allying with and deserting each in turn. Nanzhao was also able to dominate the East-West trade routes from China and Tongking through Myanmar (Burma) to India. By the 9th century Nanzhao had become an imperialistic state. The Pyu kingdom in northern Burma was made tributary in the 760s and destroyed in 832 CE. Tongking was captured in 862 CE. Nanzhao declined during the late 9th century and fell in 902 CE, when a rebel official killed its last emperor and set up a new state. Three dynasties followed in quick succession before Duan Siping seized power in 937, establishing himself at Dali founding the Dali kingdom. The Mongols under the leadership of Kublai Khan conquered the area in 1253 CE. The Dali King Duan Xingzhi himself defected to the Mongols. During the preceding two centuries, the Tai had been moving southward in large numbers, eventually forming the bulk of the population in what is present-day Thailand.

Troop NotesCavalry seem to have been a significant arm of the Nanzhao army. The main weapons of the army were spear and shield, or crossbow. Most troops wore elephant, rhino or buffalo-hide armour. Nanzhao subdued many local tribes, raising tribal troops who were called "fierce and unrelenting fighters" by one Chinese source. Other tribes were deported and resettled in Nanzhao territory; these also supplied troops, who may have been conscripted into regular units armed in Nanzhao style.

Changes from last version

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1 Dates0-3 Terrain0-2 Camp


Mandatory Optional Max

Experienced 0 2,3,4Bow 16

Experienced 0 2,3Light Art 3

- 0 4,6- 6

Unskilled 4 4,6Javelin 12

- 0 4,6- 6- 0 6,8- 8

Experienced 12 6,8Javelin 40

Experienced 0 6,8Bow 12

Unskilled 12 6,8,9Javelin 80

Unskilled 0 6,8,9Javelin 24

Experienced 0 6,8Bow 8

Experienced 0 2,3Light Art 3

Experienced 0 6,9Bow 18

Angkor EmpireArmy Commander Any Professional 802 CE to 1431 CESub-Generals Any Professional Standard, JungleInternal Allied Generals Any Professional Unfortified or Mobile; Poor or Average



Quality Protection



Shooting Skill



UG SizeTraining and


Average Protected - Shove -Tribal Loose

-Tribal Loose

Guard cavalryCAVALRY

Superior Protected Short Spear - Melee ExpertFormed Loose

Artillery mounted on elephants

ELEPHANTSAverage Protected - -

Shoot & Charge, Combat ShyFormed Loose

Guard footINFANTRY

Superior Protected Short Spear Melee Expert -Drilled Loose

Khmer cavalryCAVALRY

Average Protected Short Spear -

-Drilled Loose

Jacketed spearmenINFANTRY

Average Protected Short Spear - Integral ShootersDrilled Loose

Ph'kak armed footINFANTRY

Superior Protected Short Spear Melee Expert

Combat ShyDrilled Loose

Conscript spearmenINFANTRY

Average Protected Short Spear -Shoot & Charge,

Combat ShyFormed Loose


Average Unprotected - -

Shoot & Charge, Combat ShyTribal Loose

Subject archersINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - - Combat ShyTribal Loose

Subject spearmenINFANTRY

Average Unprotected Short Spear -


Skirmishing archersINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - Combat Shy -Skirmisher

Bolt shooter mounted on wheels

ARTILLERYAverage Unprotected - -

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Angkor Empire

Experienced 0 2Bow 2

Unskilled 0 4,6Javelin 6

- 9 6,8,9- 18

Tai contingent (before 1221 CE)

Tai elephantsELEPHANTS

Average Protected - Shove -Tribal Loose

Shoot & Charge, Combat ShyTribal Loose

Tai spearmenINFANTRY

Average Protected -Devastating


Tribal Loose

Tai cavalryCAVALRY

Average Protected Short Spear -

The Angkor Empire (commonly referred to as the Khmer Empire), dominated Cambodia, Laos and Thailand from the 9th to 15th centuries. The empire grew out of the former kingdoms of Funan and Chenla. Its greatest legacy is Angkor, in present-day Cambodia, which was the site of the capital city during the empire's zenith. During its peak in the 11th to 13th centuries, Angkor was the largest pre-industrial urban centre in the world.The foundation of the kingdom is attributed to Jayavarman II who reigned from 802 to 835. The kingdom expanded in the 9th century but split in the early 10th century. Only with Rajendravarman II (944 to 968) was the kingdom reunited. Again the kingdom split at the start of the 11th century but was re-united by Suryavarman I (1006 to 1050) who established diplomatic relations with the Indian Chola empire. The Chola and Khmer allied themselves against the Sumatran Srivijiya Empire and Malayan Tambralinga kingdom. In 1074 the Empire fought a war against the Cham. In 1174 a Cham fleet reached and sacked the capital. King Jayavarman VII retook the capital and 22 years later had defeated the Champa and conquered large parts of their territory.During the 13th century the kingdom started to decline. An alliance of the Đại Việt and the Champa pushed back the Khmer and the Thai rebelled in the west. In 1283 the Mongols threatened and from 1285 the empire started paying tribute to the Yuan dynasty. By the 14th century the empire was in decline. The Black Death may have reduced the population leading to failure of water management. Many sites were abandoned. The kingdom was overthrown by the Siamese Ayutthaya, abandoning Angkor and moved to the Pnhom Penh area.

AlliesChampa allies (before 1220 CE)Chola Empire allies (from 1010 to 1120 CE)

NotesA Tai ally general must command the Tai contingent and cannot command other troops. Angkor generals cannot command Tai troops. Tai troops are only compulsory if a Tai contingent is taken.Only one external ally may be taken.

Historical Notes

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Angkor EmpireTroop NotesImages of Khmer troops are carved into the temples of Angkor Wat. Some however are scenes from Hindu texts and need to be interpreted with caution. Chariots depicted are from heroic epics or in ceremonial scenes and there is no evidence they were used on the battlefield. Maiden guard are depicted riding protected horses and armed with the Ph'kak. The best infantry wore protective jackets and carried larger shields. Other infantry carried smaller shields and some wore no jackets. The ph'kak is an axe-like weapon resembling a hockey stick with an axe blade at right angles to its end. The artillery was Chinese-type "double crossbows" man-handled on wheels or mounted (or possibly only transported) on elephants.

Changes from last version01: Ally restriction. Reduced maximum number of cavalry. 02: Increased maximum number of elephants.

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1 Dates0-3 Terrain0-1 Camp


Mandatory Optional Max

Experienced 0 2Bow 2

Experienced 0 2,3,4Bow 12

Unskilled 4 4,6Javelin 12

Unskilled 0 4,6Javelin 12

Unskilled 18 6,8,9Javelin 40

Unskilled 0 6,8,9Javelin 36

- 0 6,8,9- 24

Experienced 8 6,8Bow 30

Experienced 0 6,8Crossbow 8

Experienced 0 6,9Bow 18

Experienced 0 6,9Crossbow 9


Skirmishing crossbowmenINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - - Combat ShySkirmisher

Skirmishing archersINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - Combat Shy

Combat ShyTribal Loose


Average Unprotected - - Combat ShyTribal Loose


Average Unprotected - -

Shoot & Charge, Combat ShyTribal Loose

Replace militia spearmenINFANTRY

Average Protected -Devastating


Tribal Loose

Militia spearmenINFANTRY

Average Unprotected Short Spear Shield Cover

Shoot & Charge, Combat ShyTribal Loose

Standing army spearmenINFANTRY

Average Protected Short Spear -Shoot & Charge,

Combat ShyFormed Loose

Militia cavalryCAVALRY

Average Protected Short Spear -

-Tribal Loose

Standing army cavalryCAVALRY

Average Protected Short Spear -Shoot & Charge,

Combat ShyFormed Loose

Elephants and escorts (from 1044 CE)

ELEPHANTSSuperior Protected - Shove

UG SizeTraining and

Elephants and escorts (until 1043 CE)

ELEPHANTSAverage Protected - Shove -

Tribal Loose

Internal Allied Generals Any Instinctive (Tai) Unfortified or Fortified; Poor or Average



Quality Protection



Shooting Skill



Kingdom of PaganArmy Commander Any Instinctive or (from 1173 CE) Professional 849 CE to 1297 CESub-Generals Any Instinctive or (from 1173 CE) Professional Coastal, Jungle

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Kingdom of Pagan

Unskilled 0 4,6Javelin 6

- 0 6,8,9- 12

Unskilled 0 4,6Javelin 6

- 0 6,8- 8

Skilled 0 6Crossbow 6

The Kingdom of Pagan was the first kingdom to unify the regions that would later constitute modern-day Burma. Pagan's 250-year rule over the Irrawaddy valley and its periphery laid the foundation for the ascent of Burmese language and culture. The kingdom grew out of a small 9th-century settlement at Pagan by the Mranma (Burmans) who had recently entered the Irrawaddy valley from the Kingdom of Nanzhao. Over the next two hundred years, the small principality gradually grew to absorb its surrounding regions until the 1050s and 1060s when King Anawrahta founded the Pagan Kingdom. By the late 12th century Anawrahta's successors had extended their influence farther to the south into the upper Malay peninsula, east, west and north. In the 12th and 13th centuries, Pagan, alongside the Angkor Empire, was one of two main empires in mainland Southeast Asia.

Drilled Loose

AlliesYuan Chinese allies - Yuan Dynasty (from 1273 CE)

Notes A Tai ally general must command the Tai contingent and cannot command other troops. A Pagan general cannot command Tai troops. If Yuan Chinese allies are used then a Tai contingent may not be taken.

Historical Notes

Melee Expert -Drilled Loose

Burmese guard crossbowmen

INFANTRYAverage Unprotected - - Combat Shy

Formed Loose

Burmese guard swordsmenINFANTRY

Superior Protected -

-Tribal Loose

From 1173 CE

Burmese guard cavalryCAVALRY

Superior Protected Short Spear - Shoot & Charge

Tai spearmenINFANTRY

Average Protected -Devastating


Tai contingent

Tai cavalryCAVALRY

Average Protected Short Spear -Shoot & Charge,

Combat ShyTribal Loose

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Kingdom of PaganTroop NotesBefore the unification of Burma by King Anawrahta (1044 - 1077), Burmese armies were of infantry with only a few elephants. Anawrahta shifted the emphasis to massed elephants which probably fought with 4 crew riding a howdah and 8 escort. Others may have had a two-tier platform with 3 upper and 3 lower tier crew on each side and 2 in the rear. Cavalry were shieldless, wore quilted armour and affixed black or white bulls' hair at the heads of their spears as a mark of nobility. They were mainly recruited from the Shan who occupied the only extensive grasslands in Burma. The guard were established by King Narapatisithu (1173 - 1210), armoured with sword and shield. Crossbowmen may have carried spears or halberds.

Changes from last versionNone.

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1 Dates0-3 Terrain0-3 Camp


Mandatory Optional Max

- 0 2,3,4- 4

Experienced 0 4,6Javelin 6

- 4 4,6- 6

Experienced 6 6,8Bow 8

Experienced 0 6Crossbow 6Unskilled 9 6,8,9

Javelin 32Unskilled 6,8,9

Javelin Up to 1/3Unskilled 6,8,9

Javelin Up to 1/3Experienced 8 6,8

Bow 48Experienced 6,8Crossbow Any

Autonomous VietnamArmy Commander Any Instinctive 906 CE to 938 CESub-Generals Any Instinctive Standard, Coastal, JungleInternal Allied Generals Any Instinctive (up to 1 Hill Tribe ally) Unfortified; Poor or Average



Quality Protection



Shooting Skill



UG SizeTraining and


Average Protected - Shove -Tribal Loose

Combat ShyFormed Loose

Court halberdiers INFANTRY

Superior Protected Polearm - -Formed Flexible

Court cavalryCAVALRY

Average Protected Short Spear -

Combat ShyFormed Loose

Court crossbowmenINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - - Combat ShyFormed Loose

Court archersINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - -

Shoot & Charge, Combat ShyFormed Loose

Upgrade militia spearmen with axes

INFANTRYAverage Protected Short Spear Melee Expert Shoot & Charge

Formed Loose

Militia spearmenINFANTRY

Average Protected Short Spear -

Shoot & ChargeFormed Loose

Militia archersINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - - Combat ShyFormed Loose

Upgrade militia spearmen as veterans

INFANTRYSuperior Protected Short Spear -

Combat ShyFormed Loose

Upgrade archers to crossbowmen

INFANTRYAverage Unprotected - -

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Autonomous Vietnam

Unskilled 18 6,8,9Javelin 54

Experienced 12 6,8Bow 32

Experienced 6,8Crossbow Any

Experienced 0 6,9Javelin 18

Tribal Loose

Tribal foot archersINFANTRY

Average Unprotected -

Hill tribesmen

Tribal axemen and spearmenINFANTRY

Average Protected - -Melee Expert,

Shoot & Charge

Tribal Loose

Shieldless tribal skirmishersINFANTRY

Average Unprotected -

- Combat ShyTribal Loose

Upgrade tribal foot with crossbows

INFANTRYAverage Unprotected - - Combat Shy

Early in the 10th century, as China became politically fragmented, successive lords from the Khúc clan, followed by Dương Đình Nghệ, ruled Tĩnh Hải quân autonomously under the Tang title of Jiedushi (Vietnamese: Tiết Độ Sứ), Virtuous Lord, but stopped short of proclaiming themselves kings.In 938, Southern Han sent troops to conquer autonomous Giao Châu. Ngô Quyền, Dương Đình Nghệ's son-in-law, defeated the Southern Han fleet at the Battle of Bạch Đằng (938). He then proclaimed himself King Ngô and effectively began the age of independence for Vietnam.

Changes from last versionNone.

- Combat ShySkirmisher

NotesA hill tribe ally can only command hill tribesmen. A hill tribe ally is compulsory if more than the minimum number of axemen and spearmen or foot archers are taken. Vietnamese generals can command hill tribesmen. Vietnamese internal ally generals do not have to command otherwise compulsory hill tribesmen. Hill tribesmen are not compulsory in allied contingents from this army.

Historical Notes

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1 Dates0-2 Terrain0-3 Camp


Mandatory Optional Max

Experienced 0 2,3,4Bow 4

Experienced 0 4,6Javelin 6

Experienced 0 4,6Javelin 6

- 4* 4,6,8- 8

Experienced 0 6,8Bow 12

Experienced 6,8Crossbow AnyUnskilled 12** 6,8,9

Javelin 36Unskilled 6,8,9

Javelin Up to 1/3Experienced 12** 6,8

Bow 48Experienced 6,8Crossbow AnyUnskilled 6*** 6,8,9

Javelin 27Unskilled 6,8,9

Javelin Up to 1/3

Ngô, Đinh and Early Lê VietnamArmy Commander Any Instinctive 939 CE to 1009 CESub-Generals Any Instinctive Standard, Coastal, JungleInternal Allied Generals Any Instinctive (1 Tribal contingent) Unfortified or Mobile; Poor or Average



Quality Protection



Shooting Skill



UG SizeTraining and


Average Protected - Shove -Tribal Loose

Combat ShyDrilled Loose

Regional cavalryCAVALRY

Poor Protected Short Spear - Combat ShyFormed Loose

Court cavalryCAVALRY

Poor Protected Short Spear -

-Drilled Flexible

Court archersINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - - Combat ShyDrilled Loose

Court halberdiers INFANTRY

Superior Protected Polearm -

Combat ShyDrilled Loose

Ten Circuit militia spearmenINFANTRY

Average Protected Short Spear -Shoot & Charge,

Combat ShyFormed Loose

Replace archers with crossbowmen

INFANTRYAverage Unprotected - -

Shoot & ChargeFormed Loose

Ten Circuit militia archersINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - - Combat ShyFormed Loose

Upgrade militia spearmen with axes

INFANTRYAverage Protected Short Spear Melee Expert

Combat ShyFormed Loose

Regional spearmenINFANTRY

Average Protected Short Spear -Shoot & Charge,

Combat ShyTribal Loose

Replace militia archers with crossbowmen

INFANTRYAverage Unprotected - -

Shoot & ChargeTribal Loose

Upgrade regional spearmen with axes

INFANTRYAverage Protected Short Spear Melee Expert

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Ngô, Đinh and Early Lê VietnamExperienced 6*** 6,8

Bow 24Experienced 6,8Crossbow Any

Experienced 0 6,9Bow 27

Experienced 0 6,9Crossbow 27

Experienced 0 2,3Light Art 3

Unskilled 9 6,8,9Javelin 27

Experienced 6 6,9Bow 9

Regional archersINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - - Combat ShyTribal Loose

Combat ShyTribal Loose

Skirmishing archersINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - Combat Shy -Skirmisher

Replace regional archers with crossbowmen

INFANTRYAverage Unprotected - -

Combat ShySkirmisher

Bolt shooting giant crossbows

ARTILLERYAverage Unprotected - Barricades -


Skirmishing crossbowmenINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - -

Tribal contingent


Average Protected - -Melee Expert,

Shoot & ChargeTribal Loose

Historical NotesAfter domination by the Tang, the Vietnamese maintained independence through the Ngô, Đinh and Lê dynasties. Ngô Quyền defeated a Southern Han army at the Battle of Bạch Đằng River (938 CE). The Ngô dynasty ended with the Anarchy of the 12 Warlords (966 to 968 CE). Đinh Bộ Lĩnh defeated the other eleven lords to establish his dynasty. When he died his second son and grandson were murdered. The Dowager Empress granted Lê Hoàn rule of the country. The Early Lê Dynasty ruled for three generations from 980 to 1009 CE and was known for repelling Song invasions. In 990 CE the Champa agreed to become a vassal state. The last Lê emperor was characterized by debaucheries, wild orgies and decadence.


AlliesChampa allies (from 990 CE)

NotesCourt troops were known as the "Sons of Heaven". If any Court troops are taken then minimums marked * apply. If any Ten Circuit troops are taken then minimums marked ** apply. If any regional troops are taken then minimums marked *** apply. A tribal contingent must be commanded by its own ally general. Tribal troops are not compulsory unless a tribal contingent is taken.Only the C-in-C and one sub-general may command Court troops.

Tribal archersINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - Combat Shy

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Ngô, Đinh and Early Lê VietnamTroop NotesThe army consisted of "Sons of Heaven" the court troops, the Ten Circuit Army which was the main militia and regional forces.

Changes from last versionNone.

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1 Dates0-2 Terrain0-3 Camp


Mandatory Optional Max

Experienced 0 2,3,4Bow 4

Experienced 0 4,6Javelin 6

Experienced 0 4,6Javelin 6

- 4* 4,6,8- 8

Experienced 0 6,8Bow 12

Experienced 6,8Crossbow AnyUnskilled 12** 6,8,9

Javelin 36Unskilled 6,8,9

Javelin Up to 1/3

- 6,8,9

- Any

Experienced 12** 6,8Bow 48

Experienced 6,8Crossbow Any

Combat ShyFormed Loose

Replace militia archers with crossbowmen

INFANTRYAverage Unprotected - - Combat Shy

Formed Loose

Ten Circuit militia archersINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - -

Shoot & ChargeFormed Loose

Regrade militia spearmen with halberds (from 1260 CE)

INFANTRYAverage Protected Polearm - Combat Shy

Formed Loose

Upgrade militia spearmen with axes

INFANTRYAverage Protected Short Spear Melee Expert

Combat ShyDrilled Loose

Ten Circuit militia spearmenINFANTRY

Average Protected Short Spear -Shoot & Charge,

Combat ShyFormed Loose

Replace archers with crossbowmen

INFANTRYAverage Unprotected - -

-Drilled Flexible

Court archersINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - - Combat ShyDrilled Loose

Court halberdiers INFANTRY

Superior Protected Polearm -

Combat ShyDrilled Loose

Regional cavalryCAVALRY

Poor Protected Short Spear - Combat ShyFormed Loose

Court cavalryCAVALRY

Poor Protected Short Spear -

UG SizeTraining and


Average Protected - Shove -Tribal Loose

Internal Allied Generals Any Instinctive (1 Tribal contingent) Unfortified or Mobile; Poor or Average



Quality Protection



Shooting Skill



Lý, Trần and Hồ VietnamArmy Commander Any Instinctive 1010 CE to 1407 CESub-Generals Any Instinctive Standard, Coastal, Jungle

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Lý, Trần and Hồ VietnamUnskilled 6 6,8,9

Javelin 27Unskilled 6,8,9

Javelin Up to 1/3

- 6,8,9

- Any

Experienced 6 6,8Bow 24

Experienced 6,8Crossbow Any

Experienced 0 6,9Bow 27

Experienced 0 6,9Crossbow 27

Experienced 0 2,3Light Art 3Unskilled 0 2,3Heavy Art 3

Unskilled 9 6,8,9Javelin 27

Experienced 6 6,9Bow 9

Combat Shy -Skirmisher

AlliesChampa allies (from 1280 to 1286 CE)

Tribal Loose

Tribal archersINFANTRY

Average Unprotected -


Tribal contingent


Average Protected - -Melee Expert,

Shoot & Charge

Guns (from 1350 CE)ARTILLERY

Average Unprotected - -

Combat ShySkirmisher

Bolt shooting giant crossbows (to 1350 CE)

ARTILLERYAverage Unprotected - Barricades -


Skirmishing crossbowmenINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - -

Combat ShyTribal Loose

Skirmishing archersINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - Combat Shy -Skirmisher

Replace regional archers with crossbowmen

INFANTRYAverage Unprotected - -

Combat ShyTribal Loose

Regional archersINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - - Combat ShyTribal Loose

Upgrade regional spearmen with halberds (from 1260 CE)

INFANTRYAverage Protected Polearm -

Shoot & Charge, Combat ShyTribal Loose

Upgrade regional spearmen with axes

INFANTRYAverage Protected Short Spear Melee Expert Shoot & Charge

Tribal Loose

Regional spearmenINFANTRY

Average Protected Short Spear -

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Lý, Trần and Hồ Vietnam


Court troops were known as the "Sons of Heaven". If any Court troops are taken then minimums marked * apply. If any Ten Circuit troops are taken then minimums marked ** apply. If any regional troops are taken then minimums marked *** apply. A tribal contingent must be commanded by its own ally general. Tribal troops are not compulsory unless a tribal contingent is taken.Only the C-in-C and one sub-general may command Court troops.

Historical NotesDai Viet remained independent except for a brief Ming Chinese occupation (1407-1427). Major dynasties were the Later Ly (1009-1225), Tran (1225-1413).

Troop NotesThe Viet army was based on a territorial peasant militia, the "Ten Circuit Army", decimally organised and wearing distinctive leather-covered square hats; plus a Chinese-influenced standing army of court troops called "Sons of Heaven", "Permanent troops", or "Troops under arms" under various dynasties. Vietnamese artillery imported into China with instructors in 1410 was considered superior to Chinese.

Changes from last version


Version 2020.01: 1st January 2020 © Simon Hall

Page 35: Mortem et Gloriam Army Lists - South East Asia€¦ · Khmer civilization. The states of the Oc Eo culture developed into the Kingdom of Funan which was replaced by the Angkor empire

1 Dates0-2 Terrain0-1 Camp


Mandatory Optional Max

Experienced 0 6,8Bow 32

Experienced 24 6,8,9Javelin 120

Experienced 0 6,9Javelin 27Skilled 0 4Darts 4

Experienced 0 6,9Bow 27

Experienced 0 6,9Firearm 9

Unskilled 0 2,3Light Art 3

Historical NotesThe Maluku Islands or the Moluccas were known as the Spice Islands due to the nutmeg, mace and cloves that were found there. Arab merchants began to arrive in the 14th century, bringing Islam. The Portuguese annexed Malacca in August 1511.

Troop NotesFighting styles were influenced by the Indonesian islands.

Changes from last versionNone.


Cannon (from 1400 CE)ARTILLERY

Average Unprotected - - BarricadesSkirmisher

Handgunners (from 1435 CE)

INFANTRYAverage Unprotected - -


Skirmishing archersINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - Combat Shy -Skirmisher

Skirmishers with blowpipeINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - Combat Shy

Shield CoverTribal Loose


Average Unprotected - - Combat ShySkirmisher


Average Unprotected Short Spear Fleet of Foot

UG SizeTraining and


Average Unprotected - - Combat ShyTribal Loose

Internal Allied Generals Any Instinctive Unfortified or Mobile; Poor or Average



Quality Protection



Shooting Skill



MoluccasArmy Commander Any Instinctive 1200 CE to 1511 CESub-Generals Any Instinctive Coastal, Jungle, Mountains

Version 2020.01: 1st January 2020 © Simon Hall

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1 Dates0-2 Terrain0-2 Camp


Mandatory Optional Max

Experienced 4 2,3,4Bow 12

Unskilled 0 4,6Javelin 6

Unskilled 0 4,6Javelin 12

Experienced 0 4,6Bow 6

Skilled 0 6,8Bow 8

Skilled 6,8Crossbow All or none

Experienced 0 6,8Bow 24

Experienced 0 6,8Crossbow 24

Experienced 6,8Bow Up to half

Experienced 6,8Crossbow Up to halfUnskilled 12 6,8,9

Javelin 24Unskilled 0 6,8,9

Javelin 36- 0 6,8,9- 9

Shoot & Charge, Combat ShyTribal Loose

Bengal swordsmen (from 1430 CE)

INFANTRYAverage Protected - Melee Expert -

Tribal Flexible


Average Unprotected Short Spear Shield Cover

Combat ShyTribal Loose

Best spearmenINFANTRY

Average Protected Short Spear -Shoot & Charge,

Combat ShyFormed Loose

Upgrade crossbowmen with cotton armour

INFANTRYAverage Protected - -

Combat ShyTribal Loose

Upgrade archers with cotton armour

INFANTRYAverage Protected - - Combat Shy

Tribal Loose


Average Unprotected - -

Combat ShyDrilled Loose


Average Unprotected - - Combat ShyTribal Loose

Re-equip guard archers with crossbows

INFANTRYAverage Protected - -

-Formed Loose

Guard archersINFANTRY

Average Protected - - Combat ShyDrilled Loose

Bengal cavalry (from 1430 CE)

CAVALRYAverage Protected Short Spear -

Shoot & ChargeFormed Loose


Average Protected Short Spear -Shoot & Charge,

Combat ShyFormed Loose

Guard cavalryCAVALRY

Superior Protected Short Spear -

UG SizeTraining and

Elephants and escortsELEPHANTS

Superior Protected - Shove -Tribal Loose

Internal Allied Generals Any Instinctive Unfortified or Fortified; Poor or Average



Quality Protection



Shooting Skill



Bamarised Shan KingdomsArmy Commander Any Instinctive 1287 CE to 1539 CESub-Generals Any Instinctive Coastal, Jungle, Mountains

Version 2020.01: 1st January 2020 © Simon Hall

Page 37: Mortem et Gloriam Army Lists - South East Asia€¦ · Khmer civilization. The states of the Oc Eo culture developed into the Kingdom of Funan which was replaced by the Angkor empire

Bamarised Shan KingdomsExperienced 0 6,9

Bow 18Experienced 0 6,9Crossbow 9

Experienced 0 6Firearm 6

Experienced 0 2,3Light Art 3Unskilled 0 2,3Heavy Art 3

Changes from last versionNone.


Historical NotesFounded in 1364, the Ava kingdom was the successor state to the petty kingdoms of Myinsaing, Pinya and Sagaing that had ruled central Burma since the collapse of the Pagan Kingdom in the late 13th century. From the 1420s to early 1480s, Ava regularly faced rebellions in its vassal regions. Several states broke away including Taungoo which eventually conquered Ava in 1555.

Troop NotesFrom 1430 onwards the Arakanaese kings received assistance from the Sultanate of Bengal. The reputation of the Shan as feirce warriors derives from British accounts in the 19th century.

Guns (from 1400 CE)ARTILLERY

Average Unprotected - -


Bolt shootersARTILLERY

Average Unprotected - - BarricadesSkirmisher

Handgunners (from 1400 CE)

INFANTRYAverage Unprotected - -


Skirmishing crossbowmenINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - - Combat ShySkirmisher

Skirmishing archersINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - Combat Shy

Version 2020.01: 1st January 2020 © Simon Hall

Page 38: Mortem et Gloriam Army Lists - South East Asia€¦ · Khmer civilization. The states of the Oc Eo culture developed into the Kingdom of Funan which was replaced by the Angkor empire

1 Dates0-3 Terrain0-3 Camp


Mandatory Optional Max

Experienced 2 2,3,4Bow 8

Unskilled 0 4,6Javelin 6

Unskilled 0 4,6Javelin 12Skilled 0 6,8Bow 8

Skilled 6,8Crossbow All or none

Experienced 0 6,8Bow 24

Experienced 0 6,8Crossbow 24

Experienced 6,8Bow Up to half

Experienced 6,8Crossbow Up to halfUnskilled 12 6,8,9

Javelin 32Experienced 0 6,9

Bow 18Experienced 0 6,9Crossbow 9

Experienced 0 2,3Light Art 3

Hanthawaddy Kingdom Army Commander Any Instinctive 1287 CE to 1539 CESub-Generals Any Instinctive Coastal, JungleInternal Allied Generals Any Instinctive (before 1351 CE, up to 1 Tai) Unfortified or Fortified; Poor or Average



Quality Protection



Shooting Skill



UG SizeTraining and

Elephants and escortsELEPHANTS

Superior Protected - Shove -Tribal Loose

Shoot & ChargeFormed Loose


Average Protected Short Spear -Shoot & Charge,

Combat ShyFormed Loose

Guard cavalryCAVALRY

Superior Protected Short Spear -

Combat ShyDrilled Loose

Re-equip guard archers with crossbows

INFANTRYAverage Protected - - Combat Shy

Drilled Loose

Guard archersINFANTRY

Average Protected - -

Combat ShyTribal Loose


Average Unprotected - - Combat ShyTribal Loose


Average Unprotected - -

Combat ShyTribal Loose

Upgrade crossbowmen with cotton armour

INFANTRYAverage Protected - - Combat Shy

Tribal Loose

Upgrade archers with cotton armour

INFANTRYAverage Protected - -

Shoot & Charge, Combat ShyTribal Loose

Skirmishing archersINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - Combat Shy -Skirmisher

Mon warriorsINFANTRY

Average Unprotected Short Spear Shield Cover

Combat ShySkirmisher

Bolt shootersARTILLERY

Average Unprotected - - BarricadesSkirmisher

Skirmishing crossbowmenINFANTRY

Average Unprotected - -

Version 2020.01: 1st January 2020 © Simon Hall

Page 39: Mortem et Gloriam Army Lists - South East Asia€¦ · Khmer civilization. The states of the Oc Eo culture developed into the Kingdom of Funan which was replaced by the Angkor empire

Hanthawaddy Kingdom

Experienced 0 2,3Bow 3

Unskilled 0 4,6Javelin 6

- 8 6,8,9- 32

Experienced 0 6,9Javelin 9

Tai tribal contingent (before 1351 CE)

Tai elephantsELEPHANTS

Average Protected - Shove -Tribal Loose

Shoot & Charge, Combat ShyTribal Loose

Tai spearmenINFANTRY

Average Protected -Devastating


Tribal Loose

Tai cavalryCAVALRY

Average Protected Short Spear -

Historical NotesIn 1287, the Pagan Empire collapsed due to Mongol invasions, and all its vassal states became independent. For its first 100 years, the kingdom of Hanthawaddy was merely a loose collection of three Mon-speaking regions. A more centralised rule came with the reign of King Razadarit, who also fended of the Burmese kingdom of Ava in a war between 1385 and 1424. After the war, Hanthawaddy entered its golden age whereas its rival Ava gradually went into decline.

Changes from last versionNone.

Combat ShySkirmisher

AlliesThai allies - Thai Kingdoms (from 1351 CE)

Notes A Tai ally general must command the Tai contingent and cannot command other troops. A Hanthawaddy general cannot command Tai troops. Tai troops are only compulsory if a Tai contingent is taken.


Average Unprotected - -

Version 2020.01: 1st January 2020 © Simon Hall

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1 Dates0-3 Terrain


Mandatory Optional Max

Experienced 0 2,3,4Bow 8

Unskilled 0 4,6Javelin 18

Unskilled 12 6,8Javelin 40

- 18 6,8,9- 96

Experienced 0 6,8Bow 8

Experienced 0 6,9Bow 9

Experienced 0 6,9Javelin 18

Thai KingdomsArmy Commander Any Instinctive 1351 CE to 1550 CESub-Generals Any Instinctive Coastal, JungleInternal Allied Generals Unfortified or Flexible; Poor or Average



Quality Protection



Shooting Skill



UG SizeTraining and

Thai elephantsELEPHANTS

Average Protected - Shove -Tribal Loose

Shoot & Charge, Combat ShyTribal Loose

-Melee Expert,

Shoot & ChargeFormed Loose

Thai cavalryCAVALRY

Average Protected Short Spear -

Best spearmenINFANTRY

Average Protected Short Spear

Tribal Loose

Subject archersINFANTRY

Average UnprotectedTribal Loose

Thai spearmenINFANTRY

Average Protected

Average Unprotected - Combat Shy


- - Combat Shy



Historical NotesAround 1238 Sukhothai revolted against the Khmer Empire and the Sukhothai kingdom was founded. By the beginning of the fourteenth century, the Sukhothai kingdom controlled most of present-day Thailand. The Ayutthaya kingdom in the south arose from the further decline of the Khmer empire and in 1349 invaded Sukhothai. By 1378 Sukhothai was a vassal of the Ayutthaya Kingdom. It was absorbed into the Ayutthaya kingdom in 1438.

Changes from last versionNone.



Average Unprotected - - Combat ShySkirmisher

Skirmishing archersINFANTRY

Version 2020.01: 1st January 2020 © Simon Hall
