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Page 1: Most Common Roof Problems

Most Common Roof Problems

Roof Repair and replacement can be expensive. When it comes to the integrity of your roof, many

people fail to properly maintain their roof and regularly check for damage. Early detection of roof

problems can save you money and time in costly repairs.

For the average homeowner, the roof is not a structure they think about until it is causing problems.

Many people simply don't know what to look for or how to tell if their roof needs attention or repair.

There are a few things every homeowner should know about roofs and how to detect if there is a


Leaks and Water Damage

Water is the biggest culprit of roof damage. If the roof shingles or tiles are damaged or cracked, water

can seep underneath to the base materials. When water gets into the base materials, the resulting

damage can happen overnight. Even one rainstorm can cause enough water damage to create problems

such as mold, mildew, bowing of the wood and even roof collapse.

To ensure your roof is protected against leaks and water damage make sure that the roof materials

(such as tiles, shingles or shakes) are all intact and of good quality. Replace any broken or missing

materials as soon as possible. The metal flashing is also important in keeping out water and moisture, as

it bridges the gap between the roof and structures, such as the chimney. Flashing can bend and flex over

time, creating problems with the seal and leaving the roof vulnerable to moisture. Use a rubber-based

caulk to adhere the flashing to the roof materials and the structure they support.

Tenting and Cracking

Some of the roof materials may begin to tent or bow over time, leaving the materials underneath

exposed to wind and water. If the shingles or flashing are not properly laid, or they become weak over

time, they risk exposing the rest of the roof to the elements. Wind can easily blow tented shingles off of

the roof, leaving the base materials without cover. Shingles and flashing can crack as they age, leaving

small gaps in the roof. The problem with cracked shingles or flashing it can be hard to identify visually

and requires up close inspection to detect.

This can be especially problematic in hot climates where cheaper roof materials begin to warp after a

few years in the hot sun. Asphalt shingles are the most vulnerable as they can bend in the heat and are

light enough to get carried off in the wind. Other roof materials such as clay tiles or slate tiles are more

resistant to the heat and wind, which is why they are the primary roof material used in hotter climates.

Page 2: Most Common Roof Problems


Roofs can accumulate debris because of their shapes. Typically, the valleys between roof angles are the

easiest places for debris to gather. Pine needles, tree leaves, branches and trash are some of the more

common types of debris found along roof tops. Pine needles are especially problematic as they have a

lot of sap that can leak onto the shingles, creating a sticky mess. If the needles are left on the roof too

long, they can seep color causing the roof to become stained. Leaves and branches can bring insects and

scratches to the roof materials.

It is important to routinely inspect your roof for any signs of damage or problems. Simple roof repairs

such as replacing flashing or a few shingles can be done easily. If you are unsure how to repair your roof,

call a roof contractor. Having a small repair completed early can save you hundreds down the road in

roof replacement costs.

Get your roof fixed