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Most Commonly Asked Interview Questions (Dos and Don'ts) -

Page 3Most Commonly Asked Interview Questions (Dos and Don'ts) -

01-02-2011 23:17:38

The key strategy is to research the types of qualities and skills set required for the position you have applied.

1. Do all the homework (talk to seniors from your college who gave interview / are working in the company about their interview

experience) you can before the interview to uncover this position's wants and needs (not the generalized needs of the industry or


2. As early as you can in the interview, ask for a more complete description of what the position entails. You might say : "I have

a number of accomplishments I'd like to tell you about, but I want to make the best use of our time together and talk directly to

your needs. To help me do, that, could you tell me more about the most important priorities of this position? All I know is what

I (heard from the recruiter, read in the job description / classified ad, etc. )"

General Questions

Tell me about yourself

What are your greatest strengths?

What are your greatest weaknesses?

Why should I hire you?

Why do you think you should be taken

for this job in comparison to your

college friends who have applied for

the same position?

Where do you see yourself five years

from now?

Describe your ideal company and job.

Why do you want to work at our


Tell me about something you tried and

failed to do ?

The "Silent Treatment"

Tell me about a situation when your

work was criticized.

What are your outside interests or

extra curricular activities that you have

been engaged in apart from study?

Who has inspired you in your life and


Give me an example of your creativity

(analytical skills, managing ability,

etc. )

What was the toughest challenge you

have ever faced?

What do you like most and hate most?

What do you think will be the

challenge in handling this job?

Describe one situtation where you

have demonstrated being a teamplayer

Describe one situtation where you

have demonstrated leadership

Why is you CPI/GPA/performance so

low? Why do you think we should still

take you?

Tell me about yourself

Don 't ask the interviewer What should I

tell? or What do you want to know?

Don 't take more than a minute or two

to complete your answer.

Don 't ramble, recap your life story,

talking about your ancient history or

personal matters .

Start with the present. Cover your

educational background and your family

background in brief. One should also

include qualities, skills and interests/hobbies

relevant to the position you have applied

for. Talk about things that you want him to

ask further about in any of the above


What are your greatest strengths?

Don 't fool yourself and them. Be

honest . Speak what you FEEL is your

greatest strength and be ready with an

example to prove your strength . Skills

like confidence etc can easily be seen.

As a general guideline, some of the most

desirable traits that all employers want to

see in their employees are:

1. A proven track record as an achiever,

especially if your achievements match up

with the employer's greatest wants and

needs. 2. A team player who puts his

interests behind the team

3. Dedication - willingness to walk the extra

mile to achieve excellence. 4. Definiteness

of purpose - clear goals. 5. Enthusiasm -

high level of motivation. 6. Good

communication skills. 7. Leadership

Be ready with an example to support each

of them.

What are your greatest weaknesses?

Don 't say that I am slow or undecisive

or anything which will be clearly

unwanted for person in that role. Any

admission of a weakness or fault will

earn you an award for honesty but you

will not get the job.

Disguise strength as a weakness!

For eg. "I sometimes push my people too

hard. I like to work with a sense of

urgency and everyone is not always on the

same wavelength. " or I sometimes tend to

accommodate a little buffer in the deadlines

and hence my deadlines are not very

aggressive because I like to spend some

time and have a close to perfect quality in

my work.


Why should I hire you?

Don 't come across as an arrogant and

over-confident person. Walk through each of the position's

requirements as you understand them, and

follow each with a reason why you meet

that requirement so well. Example: "As I

understand your needs, you are first and

foremost looking for someone who can

manage the sales and marketing of your

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01-02-2011 23:17:38

Problem Solving and Decision Making

Positions of Responsibility





Administrative Skills

book publishing division. As you've said you

need someone with a strong background in

trade book sales. This is where I've

focussed during my education. I believe

that I know the right methods, principles,

and successful management techniques. "

"You also need someone who can expand

your book distribution channels. In my

organizational experience of events at my

college, my innovative promotional ideas

doubled the sponsorship for the fest

compared to the previous year. I'm

confident I can do the same for you. "

Why do you think you should be taken for this job in comparison to your

college friends who have applied for the same position?

Don 't go on to talk about your friends

in any manner which could be offensive

about your friends because this is

precisely what the employer wants to


Go on to talk about yourself, your

achievements and qualities. Finally put the

ball in the employer 's court by saying that

he is the better person to decide who is to

be chosen for the job.

Where do you see yourself five years from now?

Don 't sound like you're settling for this

position, using it merely as a stopover

until something better comes along.

Don 't say that you do not have a job

and you have to compromise.

Reassure your interviewer that you're

looking to a bright -future in the company

in the coming 4-5 years and the position

entails what you're looking to do and what

you do well. As for your future, you believe

that if you perform each job at hand with

excellence, future opportunities will take

care of themselves.

Example: "I am definitely interested in

growing personally with the company in the

coming years. Judging by what you've told

me about this position, it 's what I'm looking

for and what I am well qualified to do. In

terms of my future career path, I'm

confident that if I do my work with

excellence, opportunities will surely open

up for me . It's always been that way in my

career, and I'm confident I'll have similar

opportunities here. "


Describe your ideal company and job.

Don 't name a company or show that

you are compromising in taking up this

opportunity even if that is the case.

The only right answer is to describe

something similar to what this company is

offering, being sure to make your answer

believable with specific reasons, stated with

sincerity, why each quality represented by

this opportunity is attractive to you. You

may say that you would like to work in any

company which is growing and which can

provide you also the opportunity to grow in

the role.

Why do you want to work at our company?

Don 't say, I don 't have a job and if you

provide me the job I would be willing to

work at your company.

You should reiterate on all the good

attributes about the company in terms of

your role offered, what you may have

heard about the culture in the company, its

name, its growth and how it all fits your


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01-02-2011 23:17:38

Tell me about something you tried and failed to do ?

Don 't talk about your guilt from

personal life or career or regrets

regarding a parent, spouse, child etc.

All such answers can be disastrous. DO

NOT express regret.

Talk about something you tried and failed

to do. Do talk about what you learnt from

it. You can say that you never regret

because every failure makes you a better

person if we make sure we don't repeat

the mistake.

The "Silent Treatment"

When you get this silent treatment after

answering, a particularly difficult

question, such as "tell me about your

weaknesses", its intimidating effect can

be most disquieting, even to polished

job hunters.

Most unprepared candidates rush in to

fill the silence, viewing prolonged,

uncomfortable silences as an invitation

to clear up the previous answer which

has probably caused the interviewer to

think .

If your interviewer is silent for quite

sometime, keep quiet yourself for a while,

do not disturb if he is writing something

and ask after sometime, with sincere

politeness and not a trace of sarcasm, "Is

there anything else I can fill in on that

point?" Just wait calmly for him to talk

after that.


Tell me about a situation when your work was criticized

Don 't say that you were criticized at

some point and those who did it were

stupid and you were not at fault.

This question is also intended to probe how

well you accept criticism.

You may say that no one is perfect and you

always welcome suggestions on how to

improve your performance. Then, give an

example of a not-too-damaging experience

of criticism from your college life and relate

the way you accepted your fault and how it

has helped you. This demonstrates that you

learned from the experience. Of course, the

example has to be related to your studies

or related activity and not your personal


What are your outside interests or extra curricular activities that you have

been engaged in apart from study?

Don 't say that you hobyy is sleeping

and that is what you are best at . This

kind of humor will not be taken in a

positive light.

You are going to be hired for what you

can do for the company and not for

yourself and family, hence a long list

would only make him disinterested.

Mentioning cooking, gardening, listening

to music also are not good examples as

they do not put you across as an active


When you quote an activity as your

hobby, you are likely to be asked

another question like When was the last

time you painted/played ? . So don 't

quote anything that you haven 't done

for a long time. If you like something,

you better be doing it at a reasonable


Mention things which may relate to the

employer or perhaps the profile you're

appearing for. Telling him about the desire

to read or indulging in sports on weekends

so that so that the employer is comfortable

in having you in his company. You should

talk about interests which are oriented

towards something which makes you active

and participatory.

Who has inspired you in your life and why?

Avoid the personalities that could create

a problem even from a distance unless

You may mention anyone from your life

who's been there as a protangonist or

perhaps someone of a higher genre from a

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01-02-2011 23:17:38

you can justify it well. Also take care to

choose the best of the lot.

public profile. You also need to mention as

to what are the qualities that you like in

that person and how have those things

influenced your personality.


Give me an example of your creativity (analytical skills, managing ability,

etc. )

Don 't mention things from the distant

past as that will only make the

employer think that you've havent

employed your recent time well.

Give creative examples of how you put in

your efforts to some project or with peers

to bring out something substantial. You can

quote examples where you took a new

approach to solve any problem in your

academic life preferably.

What was the toughest challenge you have ever faced?

Don 't include your personal or family

issue coming along since this is the last

thing recruiter wants.

Avoid being emotional in such a

situation and be confident to answer it


You may mention a situation where you

found yourself alone yet you took it as a

challenge to yield out the results. Such a

situation could be in the form of academics

or some event organization or perhaps any

of your real life situations. But maintain

decorum to avoid mentioning personal


What do you like most and hate most?

Abstain from making any judgements

about someone in particular but you

could express your feelings of hate

about a methodology. For eg you could

mention that you hate dishonesty but

not that you hate your xyz friend

because he lied the other day.

Also try to keep the extent level to

disliking rather than hating as much as

possible to avoid giving a provocative


Mention things which may relate to your

domain or perhaps the profile you're

appearing for, along with other things you

find your interest into. Mentioning things

which are subtle would be better. You can

also mention some qualities like dishonesty

or compromise on quality of job. Say what

you mean.

What do you think will be the challenge in handling this job?

Don 't say that there is nothing that

could prove out to be challenge to you

because if there isnt such a thing then it

makes no sense to take up the job.

Mention the challenges that you can

visualize in your domain, like for a

researcher it is difficult to precisely search

for certain content on the internet but he

still wants to do it. Just as importantly also

mention your capabilities to cope up with

such a challenge.


Describe one situtation where you have demonstrated being a teamplayer

Don 't sound like a hero but like a

modest person, who put's team's

interest before himself

Demonstrate your presence as a team

player both where what you suggested

something was taken up by the team and

also where you didn't quite agree with an

idea. Even If the decision was not what you

expected, you still came out and supported

your team members to meet the objectives.

You can also mention an incident when you

compromised your interests or activities to

support your team.

Describe one situtation where you have demonstrated leadership

Avoid mentioning any incidence where

you came out as a leader and you

thought that your idea was right but

To come up with a situation where you

were against the odds but proved your

point to the extent of convincing others,

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could never be proved. It may happen

that you end up spending the next hour

convincing the interviewer that you

were right when he's already convinced

that you weren't.

would definitely work in your favour. Try to

come up with recent events that you may

have shown your skills at instead of ones in

distant past .

Why is you CPI/GPA/performance so low? Why do you think we should still

take you?

Don 't come across as an arrogant

person to mention that you didn't really

care about the exams at the first place.

Simply quoting your irrelevant

extracurricular activities without any

achievement/experience will not help.

You may just mention honestly that you've

been an average student but at this point

mention to the interviewer about your

other skills which may make him think

you're eligible for the job. This showcases

the need to be good at extracurricular

activities besides scoring good at studies. A

possible answer - I have a keen interest in

computers and programming. Having spent

a significant time in these interests, I have

become good at many programming

languages. I have also been the System

administrator of my hostel, which has given

me a good experience in computer

networks, server maintenance etc.


More Questions

Stress Questions

Skills / Abilities /


Situational behaviour

Self Awareness

Problem Solving and

Decision Making

Positions of Responsibility





Administrative Skills

Stress Questions

What causes you to lose your temper ?

How often have you been absent from school, work or training ?

How do you take harsh criticism?

With your background, we believe that you are overqualified to join this job? What do you think?

What would irritate you most in your manager ?

Skills / Abilities / Qualifications

What do you consider to be your greatest strength ?

Are you creative ? Give an example. What qualifications do you have that makes you think you will

be successful ?

Why should we take you ?

What do you know about our company ?

Situational behaviour

Tell me about the time you were most persuasive in overcoming resistance to your ideas or point of


Tell me about the last time someone made an unreasonable request of you.

Describe the most disappointing and frustrating experience in gaining the support of others for an

idea or proposal.

Describe a situation where it was most important for you to display tact and diplomacy.

Tell me about the last time you had a clash or disagreement with someone at school/college/


Tell me about a time when you felt most frustrated and disappointed at a person with whom you

had worked.

Tell me about the last time you were criticized by a supervisor or a professor.

Tell me about the time when you felt most pressured or stressed at work/ school/internship.

In what aspects of your work/internship do you have the most confidence in your abilities.

Tell me about the time when you felt best about your ability to draw out or solicit information from

another person.

Tell me about the time when you had to work your hardest in order to fully understand what

another person was saying to you.

Describe the last time when someone at school/work misunderstood what you were trying to

communicate .

Tell me about the most long term, sustained extra hours of effort that you put into your work/


Page 8Most Commonly Asked Interview Questions (Dos and Don'ts) -

01-02-2011 23:17:38

Describe a time when you felt most frustrated or discouraged in reaching your goals or objectives.

Describe the last time you did something well which went beyond the expectations in your work/


Tell me about the last significant crisis situation that you faced in your work.

Tell me about a time when you were most persuasive in overcoming resistance to your ideas.

Self Awareness

How would you describe yourself ?

How do you think a friend or professor who knows you would describe you?

What motivates you to put forth your best effort ?

How do you determine or evaluate success ?

What academic subjects did you like best ? Least ?

What led you to choose the career for which you are preparing ?

What personal characteristics are necessary for succeeding in the career that you are interested in ?

What is your philosophy of life ?

Why have you switched career fields ?

What major problems have you encountered in your career and how have you dealt with them ?

What have you learnt form your mistakes in your career ?

Did you ever have problems with your supervisor / lead in projects in work or college ?

What part does your family play in your life ?

What are the most important rewards you expect in your career ?

What is more important to you : money offered, or the type of job ?

Do you enjoy working independently ?

In what kind of a work environment are you most comfortable ?

How would you describe the ideal job for you ?

What two or three things are most important to you in your job ?

Do you prefer working with others or all by yourself ?

What is the highest form of praise for you?

What do you expect to earn in 5 years ?


Problem Solving and Decision Making

Tell me about the last time you made a decision that backfired.

Tell me about the time when you regretted most not getting advice before you went ahead ?

Positions of Responsibility

Tell me about your experience during your internship?

What positions of responsibility have you held during a job or your college?

If you have worked earlier, how did your previous employer treat you ?

What have you learnt from some of the jobs that you have held ?

What jobs have you enjoyed most ? Least ? Why ?

What have you done that shows initiative and willingness to work ?


What are your hobbies ?

What types of books do you read ?

How interested are you in sports ?


What qualities should a successful manager possess ?

Describe the relationship that should exist between a supervisor and a subordinate. What 3

accomplishments have given you the greatest satisfaction ?

If you were hiring for this position, what qualities would you look for ?


How has your education prepared you for a career ?

Describe your most rewarding college experience. Why did you select your college or university ?

If you could, would you plan your academic study differently ?

Do you think grades are a good indication of your academic achievement ?

What have you learnt from participation in extracurricular activities ?

Do you have plans for continuing your studies ?

How has your college experience prepared you for this job ?

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What do you feel has been your most significant work/school/internship related achievement within

the past year or so ?

What are your short-term and long-term goals and objectives ?

What specific goals other than those related to your occupation have you chosen for yourself for the

next 10 years ?

What do you see yourself doing 5 years from now ?

What do you really want to do in life ?

How do you plan to achieve your career goals ?

Administrative Skills

Tell me how you go about organizing your work and scheduling your own time. What do you do to

ensure that your goals and objectives are met in a timely way ?

Describe the most extensive planning that you have ever done.





Problem Solving & Decision Making


Positions of Responsibility

Stress Questions

Administrative Skills

Situational behaviour

Self Awareness


Happy Job Hunting!

Be fully prepared, know more:

What to take to interview

10 questions to ask in an interview

How to beat job interview stress!

Once you get through first level of shortlisting, prepare better by seeing more!

Resume, Tests, Interviews etc.


Page 10Most Commonly Asked Interview Questions (Dos and Don'ts) -

01-02-2011 23:17:38

Page 11Most Commonly Asked Interview Questions (Dos and Don'ts) -

01-02-2011 23:17:38

Rajeshwari Badiger says

updated about 3 hours ago

Thanks for providing information about interview

Raman Kumar says

updated about 4 hours ago

thnks to cocubes for this help

Baikunth Giri says

updated about 9 hours ago

thanks for giving us these tricky points. ..... .....

Naphe Singh says

updated about 12 hours ago

i would like to thanx cocubes. com for such kind of interviews questions.

i these questions really help me.

i hope that such kind of support will also help to others my friends

.... ..... ..... ..... ...thanx..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .

Mohd. Azhar says

updated 2 days ago

thanks for ur help ...

Naina Sharma says

updated 2 days ago

Thank You so much !

Niytee says

updated 3 days ago

thanks alot

Priyatesh Kumar Nayak says

updated 3 days ago

thanks cocubes

Nawaz Nasar says

updated 3 days ago

thanks for the kind information to face interview....

Ravi Kumar Yadav says

updated 4 days ago

thanks for such important info..

Arpit Bhatnagar says

updated 4 days ago

gud material i hope i could make use of it

Page 12Most Commonly Asked Interview Questions (Dos and Don'ts) -

01-02-2011 23:17:38

Arjun Kohli says

updated 5 days ago

handy info.. .thnks cocubes team

Ikrar Hussain says

updated 5 days ago

its good for freshers.. ....

thanxs a bunch.. ..... .....

Balvinder Singh says

updated 5 days ago

thank you for providing so much important guidelines

Sitesh Kumar Ray says

updated 5 days ago

good work done by cC :)

Anjesh Kumar says

updated 5 days ago

really it is the most informative page.

Monalisa Pradhan says

updated 5 days ago

thanks cocubes

Swathi U G says

updated 6 days ago

I request you to plz note the changes in my resume, regarding my SSLC & B.E.aggregate,as the entry previously made was

an error.



Kalyani Meher says

updated 7 days ago


Ishwar Raghav says

updated 7 days ago

These are very important for frasher candidates.

Yogesh says

updated 8 days ago

thanx for ur guidance

Jasvinder Kaur says

updated 8 days ago

it vil definitly work. ..... ..... ..... ....thanks to cocubes team. ..... ....

Page 13Most Commonly Asked Interview Questions (Dos and Don'ts) -

01-02-2011 23:17:38

Bhargava Skanda Narendra says

updated 8 days ago

students can add on to this from their personal exp of interviews attended.. tat way we all can help this grow stronger and

help EACH other .

Navaj.S says

updated 10 days ago

It' s Very Informative page. thanks for Guidence ... ..... ..

Ajay Kr. Yadav says

updated 11 days ago

It' s really a panecea for us thanx a lot to cocubes

Mahendra Kumar Pradhan says

updated 11 days ago

this is a good platform for students .

Durga N. says

updated 12 days ago

Thank you very much for co-cubes to give the opportunity for freshers

Avantika Singh says

updated 12 days ago

thank u cocubes for providing such wonderful preparation package.. . now i really dont need to ask anyone about the

interview questions and how 2 tackle them. ...thanx a lot!!!

Yashaswini.S says

updated 13 days ago

good ques.. . helpful for freshers.tanQ

Raghuram Danduboina says

updated 13 days ago

goooood for geting job

Brijmohan says

updated 13 days ago

thanks for halping

Akash Sharma says

updated 13 days ago

i m the best i can move the world

Neeraj Kumar says

updated 13 days ago

gud .. ..i see first time these question, realy helpful. thanks Cocubes

Page 14Most Commonly Asked Interview Questions (Dos and Don'ts) -

01-02-2011 23:17:38

realy thankful 2 cocubes team leaders

Sandeep M says

updated 15 days ago

Thanks for helping

Samraat Jeet says

updated 15 days ago

very helpful

Nihar Ranjan Behera says

updated 16 days ago

Thanx a lot cocubes.

Jagannath Reddy says

updated 16 days ago

thanks for giving a wonderful placement opertunity.. ... it could be helps lot for me thank u.... very much... ..... .

Saurabh Srivastava says

updated 16 days ago

thanx a lot ..... realy its very helpful 4 all d students .... 4 searching jobs.. .

O.B.Vishnu Ruban says

updated 17 days ago

thanks a lot :)

Ajay Setia says

updated 17 days ago

thanks almost all questions has been covered,but answers could b furnishd in much better way..... ....

Manikandan S H says

updated 17 days ago

its nice...but give with an example.. ..... ....

Rahul Kumar Sahu says

updated 18 days ago

Thanx.... ..... ..a lot it is very useful

thanx.. ...again

Parmit Kumar Jain says

updated 19 days ago

The tips are awesome and it really help me to crack my interview. Thanks a lot for the support.

Sathees Kumar.K says

updated 21 days ago

Page 15Most Commonly Asked Interview Questions (Dos and Don'ts) -

01-02-2011 23:17:38

simple superb contents. ..useful tips regardin xpected questions,most freshers wont be tackling in these questions, now aft

goin through tis dey ' ll be a real tacklersssss!!!!!!

Sarwar Alam says

updated 21 days ago


Ashwini Jyothi Vemula says

updated 22 days ago

The tips given here will help a lot in facing the interview in a better way.thanks to cocubes.. .

Krishna Dollin says

updated 22 days ago

its very usefull .... ...

Vedavathi.I.M says

updated 22 days ago

Thank u for providing the information about the interview..wic wil be useful for the freshers....


updated 23 days ago

its super... .

Abhishek Pathak says

updated 24 days ago

really useful information regarding interview

Alok Kumar says

updated 24 days ago

ya of course its quite appreciable .

D.Manjula says

updated 25 days ago

thank u sir/mam giving us many information bout interview questions..its useful to all.. provide more information like tis.realy

cocubes u ROCKZ.!!

Daneshwar Prasad Verma says

updated 25 days ago

thank you sir/mam to give this type of help for interview question

Varun Anand says

updated 26 days ago

thanks a lot for interview tips

this is very helpful for student

Sumit Kumar Sahoo says

updated 26 days ago

Page 16Most Commonly Asked Interview Questions (Dos and Don'ts) -

01-02-2011 23:17:38

its helpful to all of us.... ..... .....

Pallavi H A says

updated 28 days ago

its really nice. ..:)

Premanshu Shekhar says

updated 28 days ago

luv u all keep writing

Mylari K R says

updated 29 days ago

thanks for valuable tips!!!

Sonali Sahu says

updated about a month ago

thanks 4 the tips. it will very beneficial 4 freshers

Ravi Kishore Chebrolu says

updated about a month ago

need to look at it for the prep it is very useful

Bhavya B V says

updated about a month ago

Thank u so much... it' s very helpful

Bhavya B V says

updated about a month ago

Thank for giving idea about interview... .

Ajaya Kumar Bhuyan says

updated about a month ago

it is very good for me,i follow that.thanks

P. Ranganath Reddy says

updated about a month ago

it is very helpful

Puja Chauhan says

updated about a month ago

gr88888 ....

really ...i ill try 2 follow dis.. ..:-)

S.K. Shakeer says

updated about a month ago

thank you for providin this detailsssssssssssss

Page 17Most Commonly Asked Interview Questions (Dos and Don'ts) -

01-02-2011 23:17:38

Ishwar Raghav says

updated about a month ago

my aggregate in MBA is mistake in the cocubes. com my aggregate is 62 .61%

G.Ravikanth says

updated about a month ago

good.... ..... .helpful

Rajender Singh says

updated about a month ago

really good

M.Vengatesan says

updated about a month ago

it is very interesting

Choudhary Ravi Singh says

updated about a month ago

nice.... ....every content is very helpful for fresher.... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .

Gayathri Devi B says

updated about a month ago

a very useful for me

Pritam Kapse says

updated about a month ago

thanks cocubes

Shenbagavalli V says

updated about a month ago

Thank u..... Its very useful for freshers

Ahmad Osamah Khan says

updated about a month ago

very informative.

Kalpana.T says

updated about a month ago

thanx a lottttt

K.Nitheesha says

updated about a month ago

thank u so much

A Susheela says

Page 18Most Commonly Asked Interview Questions (Dos and Don'ts) -

01-02-2011 23:17:38

tnx these r very helpful for da interviews

Ankur Rastogi says

updated about a month ago



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Vamshi Krishna Puppala says

updated about a month ago

This information is very useful.

M.Hima Bindu says

updated about a month ago

thanks alot cocubes.... ..... . u gave alot of info abt interviews... ..... ..... its great of u.. ..... ....

Rahul Dwivedi says

updated about a month ago

it is the stair of succes to every students to improve itself .

Tripurari Choudhary says

updated about a month ago

Page 19Most Commonly Asked Interview Questions (Dos and Don'ts) -

01-02-2011 23:17:38

. thanks a lot. these inflammations are very useful

Ashwani Goyal says

updated about a month ago

this will definitely increase one's confidence. thanks cocubes

Vikramendra Singh says

updated about a month ago

thanks a lot for interview tips

this is very helpful for student

A Mahendran says

updated about a month ago

simple way of success for this tips... Thank you cocubes.

Anuj says

updated about a month ago

thnx 4 giving nice tips.

Manikandan.S says

updated about a month ago

thanks a lot

Md Shahnawaz says

updated about a month ago

thax alot ... .such a nice guidance. ...4 us

Arun Babu Kalyani says

updated about a month ago

nice tips. ..

Vijayashree B.S. says

updated about a month ago

this is very helpful for the freshers. ..

M.Tamilarasi says

updated about a month ago

This is very helpful

Somasundaram P says

updated about a month ago

super.. .....

Mohit Agarwal says

updated about a month ago

useful n important information

Page 20Most Commonly Asked Interview Questions (Dos and Don'ts) -

01-02-2011 23:17:38

Saket Kumar Jha says

updated 2 months ago

tanxs for providing such information. ..... ..... ....

Ganesh P says

updated 2 months ago

Very useful and helpful.

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