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Motorola, Inc.1303 E. Algonquin Road Schaumburg, Illinois 60196 U.S.A. 1-800-###-####

MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Offi ce. All other product or service names are the property of their registered owners. © ola, Inc. 2005


Enterprise Mobility SolutionsTransforming the enterprise through mobile productivity







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Today, road warriors and corridor warriors are increasing productivity by connecting to business critical information. Mobile workers are improving customer service and expediting processes through real-time data access and entry. Organizations are streamlining their supply chains by tracking and managing assets, fl eets and shipments more accurately.

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Motorola, Inc.1

But today’s enterprise-wide mobility deploy- ments are typically silos of functionality, spread throughout the organization. This means there is little control, no single platform and no single provider. And as mobile technology becomes more and more pervasive throughout the organization, it becomes increasingly expensive, and increasingly diffi cult to manage, support and secure. Motorola’s vast experience in delivering complex, secure, mission critical communications, when and where it counts, makes us uniquely qualifi ed to pro-vide your company with the business critical reliability, security and connectivity you need.

A Broad Portfolio. A Single Provider.

To deliver on the promise of enterprise seamless mobility, Motorola offers a broad portfolio of solutions that can help your organization streamline the supply chain, improve customer service in the fi eld, increase the accuracy of data collection and enhance both offi ce and mobile worker productivity. We’re applying our resources and experience in fi ve major functional solution areas:

• Mobile Offi ce

• Mobile Computing

• Field Networks

• Asset Visibility

• Wireless Security Services

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Motorola Mobile Offi ce SolutionsProductivity. Anywhere.

Giving mobile professionals the capabilities they need to be more productive is critical. Ensuring that your enterprise can easily integrate mobility, leverage existing investments, maintain network security and establish standards is just as important.

Motorola’s Mobile Offi ce Solutions enable you to satisfy these requirements. We offer an innovativeportfolio that includes:

Premise-Based Solutions — Enterprise Seamless Mobility

• Combines WLAN, VoIP and cellular tech-nologies to provide continuous access to advanced offi ce communications capabilities through a single device, extending enterprise communications and the information network to any location.

Messaging-Centric Solutions — IT Integration

• The new Q from Motorola — With Windows Mobile™ 5.0 software, mobile professionals have a distinct edge with the best of design, and outstanding e-mail and voice experiences together in one streamlined, intelligent, must-have device.

Voice-Centric Solutions — IT Integration

• Motorola MPx220 — Features Windows Mobile™ software with e-mail and PIM syn-chronization with ActiveSync® and Airsync.

• Motorola A910 — VoIP seamless mobility device featuring UMA, WiFi and tri-band GSM/GPRS technologies. Integrates with Microsoft® Exchange 2003 or the desktop with MOTOSYNC®.

Voice-Centric Solutions — Executive

• Motorola RAZR V3 — An ultra-thin design with advanced features such as MPEG4 video playback, Bluetooth® wireless technology, digital camera and precision keypad.

Voice-Centric Solutions — Effi ciency

• Motorola V170 — Multimedia on the go. The Motorola V170 delivers sights and sounds, from digital photos to video to world-class audio, all in a single powerful device.

• Motorola V270 — A powerful, cost-effective slim-line phone that can enhance productivity by keeping users connected to home and work effi ciently.

• Motorola C390 — Bluetooth Class2 functional-ity, GPRS Class10 for fast data transfer, and SyncML DM for date-book and phone-book syn-chronization in an affordable enterprise solution.

Application-Centric Solutions — Job-Specifi c

• Motorola A780 — Easy-to-use touchscreen experience with Java™/Linux platform, MOTOSYNC® synchronization to Microsoft®

Exchange for full interoperability with Microsoft® Outlook with “push” e-mail and essential device management.

• Motorola A1000 — Optimized VPN connec-tivity for secure corporate access and 3G streaming video.

Motorola’s Mobile Offi ce Solutions seamlessly extend the power of the enterprise throughout your business environment and out into the world.

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Motorola, Inc.3

Rugged Mobile Data Terminals

• Motorola ML850 Mobile Laptop — The ML850 laptop provides real-time information, right when you need it. And its rugged design withstands the most rigorous climatic condi-tions and job demands.

• Motorola ML900 Mobile Laptop — Motorola’s most advanced rugged laptop is a feature-rich, top-notch solution for the demanding needs of mobile workers.

• Motorola HC700 Handheld Computer(available in late 2005) — The fi rst converged, rugged handheld device with Microsoft®

Windows Mobile™ software. Includes 802.11b, Bluetooth and iDEN™ Integrated Digital Enhanced Network radio technologies, while providing GPS information for geo-coding assets.

Motorola Mobile Computing SolutionsIncreased Connectivity for Improved Customer Service

Mobile crews depend on real-time response. Mobile Computing Solutions from Motorola enable organizations such as utility, petrochemical, manufacturing and courier services companies to give mobile crews the information they need, when they need it. Rugged laptops and handheld devices combined with applications for fi eld service and fi eld sales automation can maximize responsiveness and improve effi ciency.

Wireless Modems

• Motorola iO1500R Wireless Modem — Provides packet and circuit data connectivity through the Nextel 800 MHz network and Motorola iDEN technology.

Motorola Enterprise Mobility Platform

• This application platform accelerates the process of mobilizing existing applications. It includes the middleware, gateways and accelerators necessary to extend enterprise-class applications to your networks and mobile devices.

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Motorola Asset Visibility SolutionsEnhance Operational Effi ciency by Providing the Location and Status of Assets

Knowledge is power. Whether it is a shipment moving through the supply chain or a fl eet of widely dispersed vehicles, knowing the location and state of your assets is critical to protecting your costly investment.

We leverage our expertise in wireless technology and RF integration to deliver tailored Asset Visibility Solutions that provide unprecedented visibility across the supply chain. These solutions can help simplify and reduce the cost of implementing real-time management and monitoring of assets throughout your organization.

Vehicle Solutions

• Motorola offers tiered solutions to track and monitor vehicle location, diagnostics and state data. We provide Local Vehicle Telemetry, Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) and Telemetry Solutions that enhance opera-tional effi ciencies.

Rail Solutions

• Leveraging satellite and GLS technology, Motorola enables railway companies to pre-cisely track and monitor rail cars, improving asset utilization.

Container Solutions

• Leveraging low-cost wireless technology to provide near real-time location and status information, Motorola Container Solutions streamline operations and improve security.

Motorola’s Visibility Management System (VMS)

• An integration platform for asset visibility solu-tions, VMS consists of an interoperable family of product software and tools. VMS intel-ligently manages the visibility network at the edge, the site and the enterprise to acquire and transform raw visibility data into action-able business events.

“The potential scope of these technologies is huge. The number of physical assets, as well as products, that could one day be monitored or managed exceeds the number of computers and PDAs in the world by several orders of magnitude.”

— Forrester Research, 20051

VMS products include:

• Site Visibility Manager (SVM) — The SVM resides at locations, such as vehicle rental lots, cargo terminals and truck yards, that may be geographically remote from central busi-ness systems. The SVM manages multiple readers and other edge device management equipment within a given site. It intelligently fi lters and processes data into site-specifi c business-relevant visibility events, such as gate or zone arrivals and departures, missing asset alerts and other signifi cant telemetry status changes.

• Enterprise Visibility Manager (EVM) — The EVM is an enterprise-class product that resides at a central operations site. It is responsible for communicating with legacy business systems and the underlying visibility network. The EVM transforms system-wide visibility data and events into higher-order business-relevant notifi cations, alerts and reports. The EVM also manages system-wide security and serves as a single point of interface for operations and maintenance of the network.

1 Forrester Research, “The Mobile Enterprise: Defi ning Your Strategy,” Carl Zetie, March 30, 2005.

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5 Motorola, Inc.

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Motorola Field Networks SolutionsConnectivity When It Counts

When the mission really is critical, when power lines are down, when just-in-time inventory reaches a tipping point, and when the safety and well-being of the public are on the line, organizations turn to Motorola, the undisputed leader in private communication networks. Motorola offers a range of Field Networks Solutions, which include private, mesh and wireless broadband networks that deliver proven security and reliability.

• Harmony Wireless Communication System™ — One of Motorola’s most advanced private net-work solutions, Harmony delivers secure digital voice and data to meet demanding communica-tion needs. In addition, it can be used as back-haul for many other applications, such as Automatic Meter Reading (AMR), distribution automation, and remote monitoring and control.

• Mesh Networks — Motorola’s wireless mobile broadband multi-radio solution is a self-forming, self-healing network that establishes data, radio and video communications virtually anywhere at any time. High-speed data is provided via a pre-deployed infrastructure, or by creating an instant, ad hoc broadband network capable of delivering real-time data to detect, prevent and respond.

“If you don’t have a private system, you don’t have communications.” — Randy Jones, Mobile Data and Radio Process Coordinator, CenterPoint Energy Company

• Canopy™ Wireless Broadband Platform — Combining carrier-grade toughness with exceptional data-delivery performance and security, Canopy is a robust, high-speed solu-tion that enables the delivery of high-demand services such as broadband Internet access, VoIP, video services, security surveillance and T1/E1 capabilities.

Field Networks Solutions from Motorola help bal-ance the need for critical bandwidth and uptime against cost. When downtime and lack of connec-tivity are simply not an option, Motorola Field Networks Solutions get the job done.

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Motorola Wireless Security ServicesProtect Your Network and Mobile Devices from Security Threats

Making enterprise applications and data available to mobile workers is becoming a strategic imperative for increasing productivity and effi ciency. However, doing so exposes critical and confi dential enterprise data to theft and invites other security threats that can bring down corporate networks. And the problem continues to escalate: the growing integration of wireless and wired networks and services makes each technology vulnerable to worms, viruses and other malicious attacks initiated on one network and plaguing others.

Motorola Wireless Security Services bolster your defenses against these threats through a combination of assessment, prevention, monitoring and recovery strategies.

Assessment Services

• An essential fi rst step, the assessment begins with an overall analysis of threats that goes beyond technology review, to consider all the elements in a complete security program.

WLAN Security Assessment

• Motorola Assessment Services evaluate existing networks to ensure that the WLAN is properly confi gured and secured according to industry best practices and unique busi-ness requirements.

Risk Management Services

• Motorola security specialists create a detailed roadmap for protecting business critical wireless systems, taking into account all the strategic and operational requirements.

Design and Implementation Services

• It’s essential to build networks with security in mind from the ground up. Motorola ensures success by focusing on such critical elements as points of Internet connectivity, fi rewalls, secure networks (DMZ), intrusion detection/prevention, VPN and encryption techniques.

Managed Security Services

• To meet the demand for around-the-clock net-work availability, Motorola security experts pro-vide 24/7 wireless network monitoring for rapid identifi cation of security breaches. We guide customers through the response cycle and also proactively update system confi gurations and responses to maintain business continuity.

Security Policy Services

• Effective risk management is more than creating a list of “dos” and “don’ts.” Motorola security solutions provide a framework for developing, communicating and implementing effective policies and procedures.

Incident Response Planning Services

• To enable swift action when security incidents occur, Motorola Incident Response Planning Services help plan and test appropriate incident response and remediation measures as well as identify proper root-cause analysis strategies.

Business continuity depends on network security and reliability. Motorola Wireless Security Services help protect networks, wireless devices andapplications to keep your business connected and productive.

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Building an Ecosystem of Alliances to Enable Innovation

Deploying a mobile enterprise strategy is complex and multi-faceted. We recognize the need for open industry standards, so we’re committed to solutions built on an open platform architecture and multiple operating systems. This enables our customers to easily integrate their enterprise mobility solution with their existing systems, pro-viding users with a familiar interface. In order to more effectively build industry-specifi c solutions for our customers, and because we recognize the need for deep vertical expertise, we’re working with industry leaders and we’re building strategic alliances worldwide.

The Right Choice for Enterprise Mobility Solutions

Motorola is leveraging our history, leadership, expertise and investments in mission critical com-munications and mobile-device technology to bring superior connectivity, control and security to our business critical solutions for the enterprise. Motorola’s broad portfolio of solutions, including fi eld networks, leading-edge devices and vertical applications, can help your organization realize the potential of the mobile enterprise revolution.

Visit us at and learn how we can help you move beyond voice connectivity to real productivity and business transformation.

9 Motorola, Inc.

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© Motorola, Inc.1301 East Algonquin RoadSchaumburg, Illinois 60196 U.S.A.

MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Offi ce. All other product or service names are the property of their reg-istered owners. The Bluetooth trademarks are owned by their proprietor and used by Motorola, Inc. under license. Microsoft, ActiveSync and Windows Mobile are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Java and all other Java-based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. © Motorola, Inc. 2005


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