Page 1: Mou - NYS Historic Aggie never hurt him." Mrs, Shaver's given name was Agues. When she heard of the suicide she

$&n SALE, A quanlliy of

a-iiivh, b-ooirtf a n d fit ten*w At a Bargain to Oiaee Out.

N. p , OI.,M».TJV.AI.I. ' ^i*a*x*t>t**i±M

Mou « • - ! . i H M l m A . , , ^ . , . ^ ^ . , . ) | - - , i | - •- • - • ! , - •• - i -i - i i- - - - I f f I . . . " ' - . - y - f ,

A. New and Ouiopieio

Line of Shuea. Big Stool; of

Lucas Paints and Oils. Large stock of BToYES. A].].. K«w GotuJa.


VOL. X L — N O . 13 . M A E O A J i E T V I L L E , N . Y . s F K I D A Y , M A H C H 3, I W , W H O L E K G .



Despondent Over Domestic Troubles Ends His life l a s t Saturday—Pulled

Trigger Witli S'ove Poker. L*vl Shaver, a farmer nearly 40 years

of im wl.o resided an Beach Hill about .two nnd oiif-lmlf mi'e.s from Shaveilown, blew a hole througb'hls bead Sa.tuiday afternoon at, about 3 o'clock. The un-forlunate tnan look bis felcgle ba.i relied shotgun and going to the back door oi Hie home and holding the gun with bis led band, pulled t h e Digger by the aid of a stove poker ID file right hand. The gun tore a hole through his head fully three Inches ID diameter and death was Instantaneous. He bad managed to hold the JJUD "against the right ear and that organ was entirely shot away. The cor­oner was called but deemed on inquest unnecessary. The funeral wan held on Tuesday at 10 o'clock.

Shaver's wife left hltn on the Monday previous to the accident having been en­amoured, it is reported, ol the hired man. Shaver during the week had several limes tried to sea her and their sou but wau not allowed to do so. He brooded over his troubles during the week, said goodbye to several friends and then took his life.

With a piece of chalk he had wi it ten various sentences about the kitchen walls such as "God bless Aggie." "Ag­gie, I died for you." "God bleee the boy and Aggie never hurt him."

Mrs, Shaver's given name was Agues. When she heard of the suicide she went Immediately to the house and acorns crazed with grief and remorse.



N •vaUus M. BUsb, an aged and re­spected rrsldent of Robert, died at his borne In that Tillage Inst creek at ' he age o' 77 yea re.

. F«1RQH80N.

Duncan FcrgitEon, a former Andes per-llent, died at his home at Boll, Iowa, February Mr, aged about 7(| years. Mr. V iguaon was born in Andre and nsided Cieiu until 18GB, when he weul lo Iowa it mi engaged la the mercantile butiuew.




KtW. From our New KIBUSIOII correspondent.

John G. Buff, who has been'ID a feeble c indlilon lot' some Urn*1, died Tuesday about 11 o'clock, n.t the home of his daughter, Mrs. Alva Graft.

H t i M W O K T H .

Mrs. Howard A'. Ellsworth of Middle-town, formerly of Arena, died at a Mld-dlotown hospital Tuesday, after a pro­tracted illness. She was about 35 yean* ot age and Is survived by her husband. Bhe was very well-known hereabouts.


From our Arenn rM'resiioudent. Mrs. W. 8. Hubbell died at her homn

In Arena February 20 of pneumonia. 8ho was stricken down In young womanhood, leaving a husband and one daughter, a brother and sister to mourn their loss. She was a woman of many steiling qual­ities and had a host of friends and wt,s respected by all, Her memory wl 1 always bo cherished by those who knew h'M'. The husband and daughter have t'te sympathy ot tha entire comiuuni'.y.


A Letter from the President of th i Road. Constrtucion Begins Soon.

Mr. Clarke A. Sanford, Editor CATSKIXIJ MotJNTAiN Nmws. Dear Sir: In regard to the proposed

railway through the valley of^the East Branch would say that we expeot to begin work as soon as the snow goes out of the valley, piovlding the Railroad Commission have given their consent by that time. The uixtter is now before them, the surveys having been made and maps on file In their office.

The success of the enterprise will depend largely on the attitude of the properly owners along tho line of the proposed road. We have determined to capitalize the railway company as low as It Is posalblo In order that the project will be a paying one, from the esti­mates we have made aud the statistics that we have gathered wo feel confident that there is enough business In tne valley not only to pay the Interest on the bonds that are Issued for tho coat of the road, but also from the oaplral stock.

There Is no reason in our minds why the valley of the East Branch should not he as prosperous as the valley of the West Bianoh, the difference between them being represented by railroad facil­ities. . The East Branch valley is exactly the same kind of country as the West Branch. Tho railroad, however, has been there 135 yoars or more, and henoe the difference. Furthermore, with the railroad facilities, there should bo a big development In the valley of the EaBl Branch In the line of sumim.r boarders. There certainly can bo no moto pictur­esque valley found In the eastern part of the United States.

We desire the co-operation of tho peo­ple alone the line and waul, them to feel that their Interest lo our Interest. We realize fully that they have been fooled BO oltou with projective railroads that .they have begun to lose faith that any railroad will evor be built throuyrh this territory, but they can rest assured that when we begin fho construction It will bo pushed to a finish, for tho money Is In hand to complete tho enterprise before we beglu it, If, however, tho property owners are unreasonable und ask.exorbi­tant prloea for the rights of way, It will only tend to discourage us from begin­ning tho work,

Very truly yours, F. F. BMAUINCI,

I ' l U l l l l K I I I . I ' i .

Mrs. Jnatos Ohauibeillu died at t i e family home In this village on Suudi y IU irnlr.g' after a short llluess from pneu­monia at the age of 61) Mis. Chamber­lain's maiden name was Otteihoudt, ai d she was born and lias always resided hereabouts. She was married to Mr, Okantborlaln about fifty-one years ago. She has been a woman who has always exorcised to its greatest extent wom­an's greatest power—that of n home-maker and In the home she will be most severely missed. Mrs. Chamberlain 'a survived by her husband and four child­ren: Burton, Lillian, Mrs. W. J. Hy-sliam and Mrs. James F. Dwyre. The funeral se vices were held from the M. E. Church, at 1 :i)0 o'clook, Wednesday, Kev. G. It. Abrams officiating. Inter­ment was made In the Margaretvllle cemetery.

High School Notes.

The report from tho training class ex­aminations is a very creditable one.

Miss M. It. GordeB and Miss Edith Webster will give an entertainment on April 7 to boncflt tbo library fund. The programme will be a varied ono and will be full of Interest.

The March Exigents' odour the week of 80-81. ___

Griffin Corners Has Water. The statement mado In last week's

NEWS that Grlfliu Cirneis was short of Water wfte lnoorreot. The reservoir there I i running over anil there has uol been a shortage ot water at any time,

Will Move to Oneonta. Mr. and Mrs. Wright Earlo of Flolsoh-

tnann wore In town yesterday ami de-oldod to locate hero. Mr. Initio bought, through tho agency of Fred N. Van Wlo, tho house and lot at 220Ohostnu' street, formerly owned by P, 0. Gilchrist. Mr. Etrlo la1 a traveling man aud will move to Oaeouta about April 1.- -Oneonta Star.


Olympic Hall Thronged With a Grotesquely Dressed Party—A Good Time.

The ball given In Olympic llofl last Friday evening by tho "ltubos" In honor of the Fiction Club was the occasion ot as ,| illy an evening a» him boon panned thorn 111 a long than.

Tho party wh« an Innovation In cos-i tmnbs and the olowu makeups wore Iho cause of much moirlmout during the entire evening. I t would be ImposHlblu to say who waa tho funniest or quaintest, Mrs, Hugo Gqrauh Iu hoop.skli'lB ami a tltinkor loanet, Mr. Uoretih as an old-i'auhlonod dandy, Fred Swart a prosper­ous farmer ot the old typs, 0. J. Aolt-«rlfvy juuf over from the Emerald Isle, Arthur and Marvin Gorsuh as llubes of tho funny paper varloty were very funny. Space forbids tho deaurlptlon of others that wore oxoolioiit.

Mead's full oieheetru furnished the music and tho datmlng was "lively" un­til 1 o'clock, when I he party dispersed und the untlietlng of old-fachloiied iliuie II«I donned ovoroonts and WMtpit that sud­denly brought, litem back to the B0t.ll century.

Wilt Hondrlx ban l.iounht the mill building auioltiHiiK tin) foundry on Half; i^MlitiV.piyi^ia ;••'•, ,.

An Appaling Accident. ;ida, tho l'ive-year-old ohlld ot Mr. and

Mrs. Albe:t Pony of West Oneonta was killed Saturday while tiding down hill. She and an older brother were playing together and »ho ran Into a wire tonco. The wire caught serosa her throat and Iter neck wan broken. Tho father was working In tho barn near where tho child­ren wore ploying, when tho boy called to him lo come quick. Bo hastened out but the child only gnepod once or twice and died iu his arms.

Fire In Kingston. A sci lous lire dostoyed the Cordta offloe

building on Wall street, Kingston, eaily Sunday morning and the damage will reach at least $25,000, Couplod with thu ilru wore three oxploalons, occurring at lutcrvala ot about 20 mlnutoa ouch, which shook thu building unll had force suillclont to itpBot a piano ou thu lloor above the one on which Itooaurrod and to turn luo Instrument on end. Fro«en hydrants prevented the firemen from op­erating quickly and prevented moroeffoo-live work being done, Three law libra­ries nml Innumerable private papers be­longing l(i tho ououpunto of thu building were doalioyud and the building Itself In so bndly wrecked thai novcrol rupnths will be required to roslct'c It tolls t o w e r condition, There was a pat tin I Insur-nuco.

Dogs iull",Hana,"' '.h'nm our Pleasant Valloyi oorrsapmideiit

Doge made havoc of G. W. Wobb's choice flock of hens on Tuesday, nnd ou of 17 mily four are nllvo aud they wore bai|ly bllitom '• "

NoUoii. Ovidiu tu tlm f»,at that I tun to leave

Margaretvllle April 1, all pet noun o'Vlng fife are rcijlicstoa to nettle their tionount* In 11(1 daj'M fnuu llui date of I Ills notice. All accounts uuucttlcd at that time will lm put In the hands of an attorney for tU'flllMitloil, tfti.M. Ei llHNDItli.

Interesting Littlebits That Mirror Doings of Seven Days in the

Pearl of the Catskills. Swatl & Hi'i have begun their annual

Inventory. ,- . i

There are rumors of another parly lo b) hell In Olympic Hull.

Bev. \V, 11. V.tughn delivered two Vdry able dlsoptisces to largecongrega-tloue last Suuda.y in the M. E. Church.

Receiver Andrus writes that the Mar­garetvllle gas plant has been aidve.rtised for sale aud will be sold the 18th of this m^nth.

A handsome granite monument Is being erected on the Jonathan Adee lot In Locust Hill Cemetery, Albeit Adee has o'aarge of the work.—Hobart Independ­ent.

Dr. W. E Ileudiy extracted a piece of a needle from W. A. Laldlnw's finger on Suuday that had been embedded thete for two weekB without the knowledge of Mr. Laldlaw.

The question of uow food will bu dls-cuesod this (Friday) evening at Olympic Hall. Hear Irene Adelphla Dowdy and Betsy Ann Bedott's dispute. All Ojinc.

Mrs, I. Loclcwoo.l has In her parlor one of the prettiest and inoet luxuriously grown ferns often soon. I t is of intense green aud framed about by snow white curtains makes Indeed a pretty picture,

George Hosier was arrostod by Officer Dickson Saturday ou tho charge of pub­lic Intoxication. The prisoner was taken before Justice W. B.Gray, aud .sentence was suepeuded for ouo week.

Supervisor W. S. Gray has made a very careful examination of thu accounts of the town and will report next week with a full statement of all such nccouuto. A special meeting of the town board will be held at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.

Justin Boot, foimerly of Hobait, but o: late years employed In creatnerli a at various places, has returned here aud entered the employ of iheShifllold Faruis-Blawsou-Deoker Company. He will have charge of the South GlUjoa plant of the company aa soon aa it is opened. -Ho­bart Independent.

O. H. ViinBensuhoten received a bad klok from a horse that he was leading to water Baturduy morning. The blow Indicted a deep wound on Mr. VanBen. sohoten's left log blew the knee. Dr. \Y. | E. Hendry was called aud dressed the ouf. The animal was not a vicious one but kicked In [ilayf ulnees,

Four N. P. L. live-year eortilloatea were paid yeatorday. Will Hondrix and Beu Hardouberg ouch held halt-co'r-tlfloates and drew $125 each. E. A, Ev­ans and William Delamotcr hold full oer-tllioates, which, losa alck benellts that have boon paid, wore $A'M and it>15 re­spect Ively.

While Qoraoh'e delivery sleighs wore crossing the railroad track at Atkvllle ono day this week the reach dropped down aud caught iu the rafle. This over­turned the box and thu team attached to tiio front bob ran lo tho Dry Brook bridge. No serious damage wan done. It was fortunate tuat thu uucldcnt did not happen at train time.

Mr. and Mrs. George E. Gladstone dc^. llghtfully entertained a company of friends at point euchre on Wednesday evening. Tho best number of points was made by Mrs. U. E Auulu and A. 11. Soott. Folio vlng tho cards thu guests Were catered to with an nppotl/.lug spread served lu several courses. Tho homo, going hour came late for thu evening was one of unusual pleasure,

At the Saturday mooting of tho town board W. S. Gray WRB elected president of the health board In place of James Kittle, resigned. Town Clerk Winter and thu supervisor wero authoilv. d to Beetle outstanding cisrllUcatce of Indebt­edness with Interest. Tho board cou-sohled to tho Inooi potation of tho John M. Blluh Hook and Ladder Company of Grltllu Comers,

ll'eod Dolamotor has token a year's cage of tho waat half of J. 8, Sperling's double olore and will remove thereto as soon as arrangements nan be completed, Oh hlo departuro from the prftSeflt place of business the partition dividing that from tho main store of N. I). Oltustoad will bo removed aud tho two in ado Into one. The room lit tho i'ocunllco urlgl-ually plauuod for a barbur shop will bo usod for n cafe.

Arthur Gavoll, and sister, Mrs. O, J Aokerloy, worn thrown from their olol'gh by a runaway homo while returning from Arena ou Tiioadtty, They drove J, 8, Sperling's horae and tlie animal became frightened on thodugway bol.iw Muattuw Brookaudslarted on abvlelc tun, Neither Mr. flavelt nor MM. Aukttrluy woru lu-|Ured. Thu horse was caught a short dtntanoe up the |imil. Thu'daruage was slight.


Weekly Record of T h o s e Who Come and Go a s Noted toy "The N e w s "


—Ferdinand Clute is the guest of his parents hens.

- A . 0 Fenton, Ecq.. was n. buslneFB caller In Stamfoid Saturday.

—It. P. Ives drove to (he Beaveililll and back Baturduy last,

— O. If. Pruser retuiued Monday from New York City.

—Mr. and MtB. Jack Koator of Union Grove were vlfrltore here Monday.

—Miss Carrie Hicks of Flelschmann Is a guest at the home of Mrs. I Lockwood.

—Mrs. Helen B. Gemalue spent Satur­day and Sunday at Boslyn, L. I.

-George H. Hewitt ot Bovlna paused Sunday with Mrs. Hewitt here.

--Dewltt Mori icon of Giilllu Corneis was a plesaut culler at TIIK NEWS office early In tho week.

—T. II. Tldd of Hhaveriowu aud well-known throughout that vicinity, was a visitor here Thursday.

—Supervisor Stratum D. Todd of t ie town of Hardeoburgh wa» among Satur­day vlkltoiB here.

—Albert Adee of Hobart was a guott at tho homo of his sister, Mrs. George H, Howltt, Tuesday.

—L. W. Tway is recovering from an attack of the grip that at one lime threatened to bo pneumonia.

—Courtney B. Sanford waB the guest over Suuday of Mr. and Mrs. Howaid Howltt of Boxbury.

—Louis McGahluof Brooklyn arrived iu town early lu tho week for uu utillua-itod slay at Meadow Brook Fcirm.

—Mrs. Ira Jordau aud children are iu Franklin, the guests of her parents and other relatives lu that, her native town,

—A. U. Todd, one of the moat promi­nent business men of Griffin Corners, was a visitor In Margarotvlllo Haturduy.

—Miss Louise Munglo returned Fri­day from an extended visit In Westches­ter Oouuty and on Monday resumed her foliool duties In t'auada Hollow.




Lights and Shadows of Life ou Farm and in Hamlet Portrayed by

Ready Pers.

Wo clip the fulloWlufl fnuu the Brook lyn Eagle hi tofursijofi to a Mai'g'iu'l,1'v>"l» boy now u, very »uobeiistq| feuchor I'd Brooklyn; "Ptlbllo Bohool KJ,, Hi, ()y. preu'.t avenue, luiph and Bliuickorhi,, nnf.rt, MetVopollfan, tjuueiiu Borough, ul'l Im ready for ocuttpauey en March I, tv la-ii 40 dado room building, William II, Dn-mond thu prltiulpul ot Noil, (W and TU', will be tratuiferreil fn Ijlo, HI, and Iho iioluuilii ot which he lu principal will Im made Independent ot oiwlli other and oanh JlWo tt l^luolliitl,''

— Mr, and Mrs, 8, Halpern returned Monday from a Btay In New York oily. While there they purchased a large stock of goods f r the two stores.

- Miss Kate Scuddor of Roxbury, a le-cent graduate of tho local training CUB'S, was in Margaretvllle ou route to her school lu Mlllbroolr.

--D. T. Whiter, F, ifj, Blodgott, Dr. JBaldwin, N. 8, Peii , James Li Vreed'.:u-burgli aifd Waller Goidldsok of Pino .lilil were in town to attend lodge Satur­day ijlglr.

Jamiis Kittle of tlila place, Eldrhlgo Kelly of ArUvlJle nud Elmlron Sweet of Kelly Corners departed Monday morning for a Southern trip,' They expected to go to Jacksonville, Flu., but will proba­bly vi-.ii, several other winter resorts In the fat S 'nth, They will remain for two of three w,iek*",

— Among those from outol'-town who were called hero by- the death of Mm. Jamea Oliamberlaln wero Mr. and Mrs. K Pi Ojleihoudt, and Mlsbes Mlnnio aud Susie Oatet'houdt of Boudout; Mr, and Mrs. Burton Chamboraln of King­ston; Mr. and Mrs. James F. Dwyre of Dowusvlllo; Mrs. J. Nesbltt, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Whipple, Mrs. Frank L'unp-berl and Mrs. Juuu Hlgby all ot Korfrlght; Mrs. Fred Wochr of Kingston.

—J, B. Burst moved this week Into his new store, next door to tho post office, Tho Btore Is attractively arranged and gives ample room for tho display of hie largo stock of Jewelry, silverware, clocks, etc. Tho safe movers had conoid era I Jo difficulty lu gutting fho big safe fioin the old to thu now store, After gottlng It down the stops and Into tho sleigh It toll to the sidewalk and It took several hour* to got It up again, No serious damage was done.- Hobart Independent. Mr, Burst is a brothorof M, O. Borstof this village,

Additional Locals.

The wuuruiuont of the Lord's Slipper will he celebrated at the Mothmllut Church Sunday morning.

'GophtiB VatiAkou Is under the care of officer Dickson while awaiting the result of an Inquiry an to hie canity.

W. T, Faulkner's house had a narrow escape from lire ouo morning recently, but. tho ulnviO wait fortunately extin­guished with slight damagu. Mr. Faulk­ner lighted the lire lu the morning and went lo the barn, A lady visiting at tho house discovered that the otoveplpe had (gulled a parlltlon, Mr. Faulkner was called and the llamuu were quickly sub­dued,

Wltl Austin litis sold to hie hrolhur Alton! lilt! entire tnforoatu In their cxlun-elvc wagon bttslucsu at Stamford arid Is uontumpliillug a return to Margaretvllle, That, he will decide l,u locale here la tho wish Of a huge circle of Irlemir..


Gideon Miller of Bovlna Ccnfie was a buslnoSB caller in this place Saturday.

Edward Kittle and Thomas Myciv, accompanied by their lady fiiends, weie New Kingston callers Saturday.

Everett Squire has been drawing word for U. W. Halleck the past few days.

Thomas Wlut or, Alex. Thomson, MIF . 0. M. Hunt, Andrew VanBenpchoten and Ml*s Nina Slarley were among tho sick ones fho past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Wllllum VanBenschottn of Duuraven were guests at the home of William Olinstead'B laBt Wednesday.

Oscar Stroctcr of Griffin Corners vlfi-t id friends in town several days the pabt week.

Mrs. Alex. White of Arena visited at Elmer Adce'B Tuesday and Wednesday,

The Endeavor Society will meet Sab* bath evening at. J. 11. Han to id's. Topic, "The M'lblug of a Christian; His Speech,"

Elmer Adee aud wife visited at Elmer linnlngtou's at Duuraven last Saturday and Sunday.

Mlsa Llda Faulkuer called on friends iu Giilfin Corners recently.

The L. M. B. had a quilting party lu the basement of the church last Wednes­day,

Mrs. William Olmstead is suffering from grip this week.

David Adee drew eouio oak posts foi tn Weaver Hollow Monday.

Adclbert Adee left for Now York on Wednesday. Ho will COOBUK, a specialist lu regard to an operation.

John H. Sanford has about 176 cords of wood ready for use, Laveru Archibald did thoBuwIug with IIIB steam power.

E. B. Worden has hired to Work lu the oreaufbry here, commencing tils work on the first of tho mouth.

A. Yaplo was canvassing for fruit twos, etc., tho past week, lie represents tho Geneva Nursery.

KKATOlt SAKFl. l l l l i

At the home of tlie blide, February •28, by Elder B. W. Sanford, Dewltt Kea-tor and Mrs. Mary E. Sanford, both of Arkville.

nKSIJ- iE- lU-JVHEI! .

At Margaretvllle Sunday, February 80, by Justice of the Peace W. 8. Giny,

uid Mlas Mabel Duteher.


Wil l Betide





To Mr. and MIH. Daniel Maben, l-illl, iccently, u daughter.

Buried On Her Wedding Day. By one of those strange colncldei Is

thai more often happen lu poetry anil story books than lu life, the funeral of Mra. .Tames Ohambei hdu on Wednesday was held on I lie anniversary of her wed­ding, ehe having been mariied 52 years on that day. Two years previous the golden wedding bad been celebrated,

A Rattlesnake In the Chimney. 'J'hero must have been some pretty hnrd

cider imbibed at a quilting bee near Port Jervis last week. The Kulou says; Last Saturday, while MIH. Maud Dunbar was having a quilting ul her home at, Welle, Boar Eldred, all were startled by hearlug lug auolBe from a chimney which sounded llldi the rattling of a snake, but they it 1 BOOU laughed It off HB u joke and went lo dinner, On returning to the room they heard the same noise, MIts Minnie Gei-tle stalled lo go to the bedroom, and thete, slicking its hoad out of a hole In the chimney, was a rattlesnake, (ill left the hoilBO.



Elder .1. D. Uuliljoll will preach In the Hod School House Sunday March li.

The young people from this valley, who alloudod tho dimoq at Bovlna a t Alex. Johnson's laet Friday night, re­port a vory pleasant time.

Alex. VauBeiisohoten, John Place aud 15. Laldlaw alloudod'the Calhoun Bale on Palmer Hill lu»t Thursday.

Several are afflicted with the grip In Hi Is valley.

Fraud Kruin of Arena \VSB through here the first of the week looking after furs.

E, Laldlaw add family vleltod at K. B. Haunter's aud A id bony Bro wolfs' Friday aud Saturday.


Operation tor Tumor. Dr. Ohai'loB Allabcn removed a fatty

tumor from Mm. (lharlim Mycin of luiu-ray'i: ''let Ftlday. Thu operation wan iMitli., Cuiocowil'iil ami Mrs. Myers lu re-eovorlt, . \ t

'\mw~~ --- '— Shot HiiiiHoll Aco'denlally.

lUrry Gllbcrto, non of Mr, Gilberts of flic firm tit Gilberts A DullulH or Jjlvlnn-MIIUI Mitnor. accidentally ttltot himself In thu tlilgh laul w'oolc with a revolver. The wound. Is «, Hin-loiitt one,

Suugeatlons from Advertisers Wherein a Minute's .Reading Saves Dollars.

Mlloagu books to rent, It, M. Dnlainotor. Big reductions lu men's and boy's

clothing this week at S. Korn's ArUvilli-, This sale Is going ou, preparatory to hie spring opening, Bead hla ad.

Buster Brown ban come to Margaret--vllle and la at Swart & Hltt'o selling his sister's stockings. There 1B a nlory about It lu their ad, *

Our stock of paper, wludow shades, lloor oilcloth and B and 10 oonl goods are rapidly dooioaalrig and are sllll being sold at closing out prices, Come bet /re they are gone, Must bo sold at once, Mrs, George w. Kotiyou, npposlte M. i'., Ohtireh.

R, F, D. at Andoa. A potltlou for a rural froo delivery

route from tho Andes poBlotUoO IB ready to send to the do|iartuiciitat Washluglou. Thei proposed route starta at Andes, gon down the TrompoiBklll to thu Pleasant Valley idiuruh, theneo up UusFiy Hollow through Wolf .Hollow, Hlrlklng Stale Bond near John 0. Fowler's, fhutiee along Statu Bond to Cabin Hill road, taking lu Brown ami Amou and tbciiue tu Illegal' Hollow and down this to AndiH, The route will bo about U'l miles lu length aud DO families will be served by It. On the entire route not, a fool ot road lieu to lie retracud,

Will Carry Mall, from our Dedell aorreannudonl.

Joseph E. Hollows hue received the coutraoV to carry the Griffin t! iruoru-lledcll mall route at Mail per annum for lour years,

Shot Nino Foxes, from mir New Khmnton uorrnnponrtonl Uavkl Alice has ca|itut'uil nine I'OXOB

this winter, lie AVIIS more mioocMafi.l la«t winter.

A Sui'i'i'lao Party Frattt our Now ItlngdlOU enrreniKilidtuil Mr, aud Mre. F. L, Sanford were made

tho reolplonte of a very pleasant our-price last Friday nveiilng whou about ;io of their ft'tuudu ipilhcrotl at their homo, bringing baskets till ml with vlaiuln tor tho nonunion. After luirrniuiillng tho table and piirlaltlug of the repast the evening wan epeiil lit giimun, uiunlc and ciiiivorniillon ami all dc|iaited tticlliig limy hail spout, a |U>llghttul uvetiltig,

Runaway at Funeral. Proui our AIPIIII eorl'espondent.

What might have been a ooiioiis acci­dent, occurred bore ou Tuesday. Ac the people were returning from the grave of Mrs. W, S. Hubboll the horse or tho Itev. Davidson became unmanageable aid overturned the sleigh, Inlawing the minister and driver out, then daehlrg down the road at a mad rate, but fi r-tunaloly It collided with tho ilrst team :t met, smashing the cutter, then learlrg loose nml ruuhlugdowu the road, pasel' g tlie other leanisof the proeeBsion until near ('. A. Troroper's place, where it wna caught by one of the bearers, J, D, Brown.

Will Return Rev. Walker. KIUIII mir I'iiin Hill correspondent

Tlie last" quarterly conforeiiee of the Pine Hill oharge met at Shandaken on Thursday and unanimously voted for the return ot Bev. A. A. Walker.

Coleman Confesses Guilt. William Coleman, tho noted crook,

who was accused of efeallug the Oiarlt Jewels at Oooporstowu last BUUI-mer, at his exiiiiilnation Monday con­fessed to the deed. The jewels wero valued at $50,000.

Attention. M, «1. Loweusteln, tho op'.lclau, will

ba at the jewelry store of Mr. btowart nt Margaretvllle on Tluiraday, Friday and Saturday, March '2, I) and I. If your eyoB trouble you or If nlTllelod with neuralgic hoadaoltc, have your eyes ex-amliKMl and adjusted With proper gla8BPI»j warruiited to give satisfaction, or money refunded. .Uemombcr fho datcB, 12

D U N R A V E N .

Dr. Allabcn was oallod to 0. J. Myers' recently to remove a tumor for Mia. My­ers.

Edward Kittle, Thomas Mycin, Miss L')flle Bebldo and Miss Man Laughmau visited at Thomas Ingles' over Saturday ami Sunday,

Mi'e. H, Sanford and Miss AIIUIB Adee were reeonl. guests ul A. M. Wlillconib'e,

T. II. Teed IH repairing the 'plloues on tho Andoe-Delhl Hue.

The friends of fho Mlssos Florence and Ell/.tiboth Smith gave Ihoiu n eurprleo party one night, rccoutly,

Tliu Cooperative dreamery opened on Monday for the season,,

A party of the young I'rlcndB of MISB Helon Taylor of Canada. Hollow gave hrr a pleasant mirpitso laiil TuoHilay evening, All report a gooil time.


Mm. NelBun Itnue has hlrcil to woik for John Banloi'd, Now KlngBlon, for II o c itnliig BumiuiH',

Mrs. A. llnddow, who ban boouslik m lot ut the winter, IB not Improving.

Eloworlh Gavoll aud wife wero busl-0.0,99 callura In town Tuesday.

Mrs. It, 15. Uiuldow Is nick with 111 u-ralgl'J.

William Hewitt moved from ho rom Monday on It rartat up Brag Hollow,

Miu, W, II. Dlokuon, Jr., IsvlslUrg h ir puronlB at licw Heneli.

JIUUCB Wlillimu of Dingle lllll Indrinv-lug wood lo thin place for his own use, "Jltu" la no longer going to bo a fanm r, hiving pruotiriiil a puBlllou In the oroan. «ry here,

Mrs. Ales, White In visiting frlemlB nt New KingHtou.

Ml as luilii ViuiHIelubui'g lu helping Mr* Thimwin Mdwanlu for a few wenlu,

Gleanings of a Week from the Notebook of a Lively and Wideawake

Correspondent. L. E. Sanford inn- delivered possession

of the Hewitt fni m a,!id i- at pretent liv­ing with IJIB purer,in. W. 1;. He^ill of Arena ban idled to (1. b Hewitt, and moyed hla fnuilly up there the first of the month,

1). B. Cole of Art vllle was a pleasant Ciller on friends In town recently.

H. HlawBon, J. Ganoung, (ii-uig,.! Foid and ('. Morje of Vega w, ie business ca!l-oi'B at Ha loot tA] He ou FHday.

Eldei Slauaou of \ .g.t called on hli-nds lu town on Tlinrsday,

C, Sanford, H- Buff, Ji. Hull and James Cowan ol New Kingston were buslneES Olllura here the Href of the wook.

It, S. Smith of Boxbury vlelled friends lu town Wednesday.

Alfonl Austin of Austin Brotlieis, Stamford, has been In town a portion of the past week, taking orders.

D. Lockwood and J, CIIMVI-11 of Mar-garolvllfe wore among callers iu town on g'lturday.

M, J. Smith has bad so much livery business to do of late ho hue had 0. N. tutor driving some for him.

0. A. Ilmnilck of Margaretvllle was tho aie! I -,: -er at 11, W. Hull's Bale laet Thursday,

Mr. and Mrs. Albert IJiiggs of Hobart have been visitiug friends and relatives lu town of late,

George Oartwright of Vega Iras been hauling feed from here of lute.

E. M. Hill of Margaretvllle eallod on old friends here the pafct week.

Mr. and Mrs. G, E Griffin entertained relatives from Belay ami Kingston t i ts p isl week.

Hewitt Soudder recently purchased a tlie two-sealed wagon of 1'. H. Mitchell.

A party of young people from this p'aoo gave Mr. and Mrs, P. I3en edict a pleasant surprise party Tuesday even­ing of last, wook.

Mr. and Mrs, A. Hanley visited rela­tives at Boxbury llrbt of the week.

Several now dairies will come to Deako's creamery ou the first of the month. G, Brlderi i.„. to aefclst Mr. Coined this sea-s in nnd will commence BOOH,

Mr, ami Mia. J. Mot'B&'vlsited in fiox-b iry on Thursday.

Bttusoin W. Hull hueeold his household go'xlo nnd other property and has gone to Virginia on account of the poor health o.' his wife.

John Walker and wife have hired lo Elder J. Clark and moved In the IJOUBO vacated by B. W. Hull and will do the work on that farm,

W, Tupper, who has boon upending n, few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. 1.1. Hewitt, has gone to Gilffin Corners this week to take orders for wall paper. Ho has n (too road horse.

Elder Clark hint had his team hauling hay from Brag Hollow mountain tho past week to hla farm at tno lower end of the village,

C. W. Jonklus, thoD'iiv r merchant, reo.olvcd a carload of goods from King­ston tho past week and drew thorn from h.'H'e.

Judge Hubbell woe In town ou profes­sional buslucas Thuriiduy.

Mr, and Mrs. It. Scheinierliorn have bum entei tilnlu A company fiuitt (iilllln CHUOI'B the past week.

0. D, ltbwo went to Arena Monday 'o assist, In moving W. B. Hewitt. M.J . S ul th sunt a team to bring Ills family,

Mru. G. Illuckley moved from tho Hubljoll block lo her farm In Meeker H filow ou the first of tho month am) W. Truosdoll of Vega moved lu rooms va­cated by her,

It, W. Hull's 8011, William, hue hhed t> /,, S. Hull arid ouminoiiooil bis work M, troll 1.

Jolin Hlnclday was In Haloottvlllo re­cently after a load of hogs,

Jehu Bush litis recently boon lit town trying lo uuitcli his lino young horse,

Mr, and Mrs. 0. Hale ol Windham have boon vlBltlng at Arthur MIllcr'H re­cently,

l>r. J, A. fl'iul has recently built a uow hen iiottso. II. 0. Boardslea did lite o trpnnlor work,

A, Doer ban run tod Mtu. Grunt Hlni'k-loy'n farm lu Meeker Hollow for n year HiU-1 look poBBoeslou March I.

Miss Edna Hailfh and lier ouilslu ilrove to Koxl.nity for a sleigh lido ou Friday,

Miss Ore Koator, who has laieii visit* lug nt iiloomvllle, returned home Mist of the, wook,

llnv, A. 11, Humidor will preach at the M, 15. Church next Salibalh evening nt 7 o'clock


The underpinned will sell lit publln auction at bis tat HI almvu the Duuraven creiitucry, hU entire dairy of DO enwe, OH Friday March 10, at 11) o'clock u in. The (owe are all fri'sh tills spring uinl will bo nold without vcBcivc, Ororllt lo .Qnciunbor 1 will he given oiuipptov.ud noten, O, A, IHmmlek, aiiellnueer,

II tlOI-tN A, GhAUH'lllNI'i.


Mr, (Iraiidcii id New York him emue lo FtU'lough Lodge to take cure uf the | "iil-fr.v In Iho place nt Uciirgu AriuHfi'iuig,

Itnv. o, ]', Dlllesol I'lim Hill will nc-s at Buv, Abiauin Sunday iiini'iilng with tlm i• (,n11111n1111n Hoi vice In flic Mothedlat Ohut'oh,
