
Mount Ontake, Japan 9/29/14 Pyroclastic cloud Mount Ontake Mount Sinabung Indonesia 2014 Mount Sinabung (Philippines) 2014 Pyroclastic cloud Mt. Sinabung (Indonesia 2014) composite volcano in Guatemala. collapse caldera (Poas Volcan, Costa Rica) Montserrate with a pyroclastic cloud Montserrat volcano, Caribbean and pyroclastic clouds Crater Lake (caldera) Wizard Island (cinder cone) Merapi volcano May 14, 2006 Indonesia Pyroclastic cloud on Mt. Merapi May 14,2006 Lava dome (Mt. Merapi) and lava flow Pyroclastic cloud of Mt. Pinatubo chasing a truck Irazu (composite volcano) Costa Rica Irazu volcano, (composite volcano) alternating lava layers and acidic water in the crater Cinder cone volcano 700 foot Cinder cone volcano (northern California) Students climbing a cinder cone volcano Mount St.Helens before 1980 North side (Mt. St. Helens) Dec.2005 Students climbing Mt. St. Helens summit of Mt. St. Helens (composite volcano) Volcanic ash on the summit of Mt. St Helens Mt. St. Helens building dome Lava dome inside the caldera of Mount St. Helen (2004) Shield volcano in Iceland (1974) alternating layers of pasty and fluid lava (Mt. St. Helens) Rising rock mass in the crater of Mt.St. Helens (April 2006) Crater and active vent of Ertaale volcano (Ethiopia) lava coil in pahoehoe lava pasty aa lava flow Lava blister caused by escaping gases Yellow sulfur and white acids Mount Pinatubo (Philippines) ejects 5,000 tons of sulfur dioxide each day Lava fountains in the rift of Kilauea (white lava 1150 degrees C. and the yellow lava 1090 degrees C.) volcanic lightning Son of Krakatoa (cinder cone) east side of the Indian Ocean Tsunami similar to the waves produced by Krakatoa Mount Etna a composite volcano (Sicily) Views of Mount Etnas eruption Aniakchak explosion caldera (Alaska) Pahoehoe lava covering a national park road in Hawaii. aa lava aa lava pahoehoe lava (Hawaii) pillow lava (Hawaii) Mount Mageik (Alaska) composite volcano Lahar produced by the Santiaquito volcano (Guatemala) shield volcano shield volcano Pahoehoe lava (Hawaii) Volcanic ash fumarole covered with sulfur House consumed by lava (Hawaii). Portable house for volcanic regions Pyroclastic cloud of ash, cinder and burning gases moving at 50 mph blocks of pumice of a pyroclastic flow Lava surrounds a house (Hawaii) Augustine (composite volcano) Alaska lava fountain and pyroclastic debris from Kilauea volcano
