
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles MoureTutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain [email protected] Co-Tutors: Prof. Eugenia Carrión Cantón – Prof. Graciela Manzur June 13th, 2015

Alumno practicante: Regina MoureStudent consulted for peer correction: María Inés TrechPeríodo de práctica: Nivel Inicial.Institución educativa: Jardín de Infantes “Cardenal Spínola”Dirección: Don Bosco 193 – Caleta Olivia (Santa Cruz)Sala/Grado/Sección: Sala 5 años. TMCantidad de alumnos: 27Nivel lingüístico del curso: PrincipianteTipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad temática: Saludos y presentaciones.

Clase Nº: 3Fecha : Monday, June 22ndHora: 9:45 – 10:15Duration of the lesson: 30’ Fecha de primera entrega: 19/ 6/2015

Teaching points: Greetings and introductions – Places in the Kindergarten.Lesson Aims:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will:

Be able to identify and name the places in the kindergarten. Develop their listening skill by following a story in English. Develop their speaking ability by taking part in short oral exchanges, playing a game, saying a

chant and singing a goodbye song. Deepen their understanding of commands/instructions while developing their social skill.

Language Focus:


Rev Greetings:-Hello! Bye-bye!-Good morning.- How are you today? Fine! Numbers:1-10-Boy - GirlCommands:-Sit down!-Come here! + please.

-Greeting.-Counting.-Following commands and/or instructions.-Introducing oneself.

WH questions and answers in the simple present:

- Who’s….?- I am!

Recognition of the following sounds in initial position:/h/hello, how


New -Places in the kindergarten:

-Identifying places in the

- Wh questions and answers in the simple

-Correct pronunciation of


Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles MoureTutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain [email protected] Co-Tutors: Prof. Eugenia Carrión Cantón – Prof. Graciela Manzur June 13th, 2015

kindergarten, classroom, music room, office, toilet(s), gym.

-Commands:Line up here, please..



-Locating people.

present: Where is (Miss

Wanda)? In the office Where are (the

children)?In the classroom Who’s in the

(playground)(Tiggy) is in the (playground).

the different places/rooms in the kindergarten.

- Recognition of the following sound in initial position:/h/Hanna, hurry,/w/Wanda

Teaching approach: Natural approach - PPP

Materials and resources:

A white board and felt pens. A circle-time chant. A portable speaker. A LCD screen and a remote. A pendrive. A video story created by the teacher to introduce the places/rooms in the kindergarten. MES flashcards “School building” – downloaded from Images from the Internet to create the story and print as flashcards:


Image retrieved from


Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles MoureTutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain [email protected] Co-Tutors: Prof. Eugenia Carrión Cantón – Prof. Graciela Manzur June 13th, 2015

Image retrieved from


Image retrieved and adapted from


Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles MoureTutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain [email protected] Co-Tutors: Prof. Eugenia Carrión Cantón – Prof. Graciela Manzur June 13th, 2015


Image retrieved from

Miss Hanna and children (Peter and Sally)

Image retrieved from


Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles MoureTutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain [email protected] Co-Tutors: Prof. Eugenia Carrión Cantón – Prof. Graciela Manzur June 13th, 2015

Miss Wanda and children

Image retrieved from

Miss Nina and children

Image retrieved from

Goodbye song (retrieved from

Pedagogical use of ICT: Ss will watch a video made by the teacher in which Tiggy (the puppet) shows them his kindergarten, his teachers and mates.

Seating arrangement:

During the first part of the lesson, Ss will be sitting in a semi-circle in front of the teacher for the “Good morning” routine.

Later, they will move to the video-room (accompanied by the main and assistant teachers) in order to watch the video (presentation stage of the lesson).

In that room, they will be sitting on the floor facing the T.V. screen.


Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles MoureTutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain [email protected] Co-Tutors: Prof. Eugenia Carrión Cantón – Prof. Graciela Manzur June 13th, 2015

Cooperative work:

Children will work as a class.

Possible problems and possible solutions regarding behaviour:

Since Ss will have to move from their classroom to the video-room and viceversa, it is possible that they want to get to that room immediately; forgetting about the rules regarding lining up, hand in hand with their designated mate.

T will remember Ss about those rules, checking that they line up properly, avoiding the waste of time.

As soon as they arrive in the video room, children will be arranged in the same way as they are in their room: boy – girl – boy.

During the prior encounters, several students were absent. Therefore, there were more girls than boys, which altered the established pattern. In cases like that, the main teachers hint this teacher about which girls should and should not sit together.

Potential problems students may have with the language:

Even though Ss might feel more confident with the language, the teacher and themselves (as regards their ability to use the language), there are still a few shy Ss (Nicol, Joel, Monserrat) who need more encouragement. T will nominate them to answer the comprehension questions on the story, or to elicit key vocabulary.

It is important to give Ss some “Thinking time” before they voice an answer, but without making it last for too long. That would contribute, on the one hand, to losing the momentum and, on the other hand, to put a lot of pressure on these Ss. If they are still feeling reluctant to speak, then T will ask a mate to either help him/her or answer the question him/herself.

Assessment: What will be assessed and how:

As usual, T will monitor that Ss enjoy the lesson. Besides that, she will pay attention to their level of participation, they use they make of the language they have so far and the way they assimilate the new language items.

Integration of Skills:

Listening and speaking will be integrated during this class.

Routine (5’)

Aim: To greet the SS and create the right learning environment.

T will be by the classroom door, welcoming Ss with a warm “Hello!” or “Good morning!”.


Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles MoureTutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain [email protected] Co-Tutors: Prof. Eugenia Carrión Cantón – Prof. Graciela Manzur June 13th, 2015As she does so, she will also invite Ss to sit in a semi-circle in front of the board, just like they usually do every morning when they enter the classroom.

T: Good morning!


Please, come in!

Once they are all sitting on the floor, T will start the lesson by saying:

T: Hello, children!

Ss (EA): Hello!

T: How are you today? Fine?

(T puts her two thumbs up and shows a big smile)

Ss (EA): fine/ thumbs up/ a smile.

T: That’s fantastic!

(again, displaying a big smile)

Then, T will check that Ss are sitting following the pattern suggested by Regina and Silvia (main and assistant teachers), that is: boy, girl, boy, girl.

If they are not sitting that way, T will ask individual students to change places with a mate.

T: Let’s sit on the floor this way:

Boy – girl – boy – girl

If necessary, T may employ the flashcards from the previous lesson and start saying the chant introduced in the first encounter:


Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles MoureTutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain [email protected] Co-Tutors: Prof. Eugenia Carrión Cantón – Prof. Graciela Manzur June 13th, 2015



After that, T will ask students to help her count how many girls and boys there are in class that day.

T: Ok, now let’s count.

How many girls are there here today?1 Idea taken from Grace Bertollini’s TEK course, Module 1- Unit 3, page 32.


Everybody sitting down,

sitting down,

sitting down.

Everybody sitting down

on the floor!

Boy and girl sitting down

sitting down, sitting down

boy and girl sitting down

on the floor.

To the tune of “Mary had a little lamb”

Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles MoureTutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain [email protected] Co-Tutors: Prof. Eugenia Carrión Cantón – Prof. Graciela Manzur June 13th, 2015

Ss: one- two- three ….

Last week, this T noticed that most of the Ss were able to count to 10, hence the only difficulty that may arise at this stage is that either boys or girls exceed that number. If this happens, T will provide the numbers above tem, not with the aim of teaching them to Ss, but to familiarize children with the sound of these teen numbers (incidental learning).

T: (eleven/ten) girls…

There are (eleven/ten) girls here today.

(Nicole) can you come here and write the number?

Same procedure will be followed with boys.

Transition :

T: All right, there are ______girls and ______ boys here today. That´s great!

The more of us the better!

We’ll have so much fun together!

Now, tell me …Do you remember Tiggy, the tiger?

Warm-up (5’)

Aim: To set the context for the story .

After T has asked Ss whether they remember Tiggy, she will put a picture of him on the board. Ss may ask T about him and, since the puppet will not be part of this lesson, T will proceed to explain his absense:

T: Well, Tiggy is sleeping at home now.

(T puts her head on one of her hands and draw a house on the board)

But… he sent a video for you!!

(T shows a pen drive to Ss)


Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles MoureTutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain [email protected] Co-Tutors: Prof. Eugenia Carrión Cantón – Prof. Graciela Manzur June 13th, 2015

He wants you to know his kindergarten

(T puts the image on the board)

T: This is the Kindergarten. What is it?

(T points at the picture)

Ss: (This is) (the) (kindergarten)

T: This is the kindergarten. It is a kindergarten like this one.

(T uses her index finger to point at the whole classroom)


T: Are you ready to watch the video?

Ss: yes!!

T: Ok, please stand up!

(T makes gesture so as to convey meaning)

And line up here!

Presentation (10’)


Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles MoureTutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain [email protected] Co-Tutors: Prof. Eugenia Carrión Cantón – Prof. Graciela Manzur June 13th, 2015Aim: To introduce the lexical set related to the places/ rooms in the kindergarten by means of a video,integrating both listening and speaking skills in a single activity.

Once Ss are arranged in the video-room, T will ask them to pay attention to the TV, because they are going to see Tiggy’s Kindergarten and meet his teachers and friends.

T will describe each scene in the video, pausing it from time to time to allow for children’s participation (drilling/comprehension questions)

Scene 1

T: Look! Who can you see here? Who’s this?

(T points at the TV)

Ss: Tiggy!

T: It’s Tiggy!! ..and this? What’s this?

Ss (EA): (Kindergarten)

T: It’s the kindergarten! What’s this?

Ss: It’s the kindergarten.

T: Tiggy goes to the kindergarten…just like YOU!

(T points at the children in the room)

Scene 2

T: So, this is Tiggy’s kindergarten…and these? Who are these?

Ss: la seño, los chicos!

T: Yes! This is the teacher, and these are the children.

(T points at each of them and elicit the names)

Ss: The teacher

The children

T: Look at the children…a (boy) and a( girl)!


Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles MoureTutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain [email protected] Co-Tutors: Prof. Eugenia Carrión Cantón – Prof. Graciela Manzur June 13th, 2015

(T will elicit the words in red from Ss since they have already worked with them)

T: The teacher says hello to the boy and the girl

“Hello children! I’m Miss Hanna

What’s your name?”

“My name’s Peter.”

“My name’s Sally.”

“Hello Peter and Sally!

Welcome to the kindergarten.

Come in!”

Before moving to the next scene, T will ask Ss the names of the teacher and the children, by pointing at them:

T: Who’s this?

Ss: (Miss Hanna, Peter, Sally)

Scene 3

T: Well, NOW we are In the kindergarten

(T makes a gesture to convey meaning)

T:What place is this? Anyone?

Ss: Sala/Salita/

T: Yes! This is the CLASSROOM

(T puts a hand on her ear to show children that she wants them to repeat the phrase)

Ss (EA): This is the classroom.

T: Look at the children working together…

Oh! Is this Miss Hanna?

Ss: No!


Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles MoureTutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain [email protected] Co-Tutors: Prof. Eugenia Carrión Cantón – Prof. Graciela Manzur June 13th, 2015

T: No, this is Mr. Brown, the teacher…Who’s this?

Ss: Mr. Brown.

T: Mr. Brown! Right..Let’s keep on watching.

Scene 4

T: Now we are in the…..mmmm. What place is this?

Ss: sala de música!

T: Oh! This is the MUSIC ROOM.

What place is this?

Ss: This is the music room.

T: Oh! Look, who’s coming? Who’s this?

Ss: La seño de música.

T: The Music Teacher, right!

Miss Wanda is the music teacher in this kindergarten.

Look! Miss Wanda and the children are singing…Lallalalalal!

Goodbye, Miss Wanda!

Goodbye, boys and girls!

Scene 5

T: All right! And this? What place is this?

Ss: el gimnasio

T. Uhumm, the Gym.

This is the gym..can you repeat?

Ss: This is the Gym!


Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles MoureTutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain [email protected] Co-Tutors: Prof. Eugenia Carrión Cantón – Prof. Graciela Manzur June 13th, 2015

T: Great! And…Who’s in the Gym? Who’s this?

Ss: Tiggy!!

T: Tiggy is in the Gym. Who’s in the gym?

Ss: Tiggy is in the gym.

T: Tiggy likes playing..

(T points at the football and waits for Ss to complete her phrase)

T: Football..

T: Tiggy likes playing football and

Ss: Basket..

T: Basketball, very good!!

Scene 6

T: Wow! Tiggy did a lot of exercise in the gym, and now he’s in a hurry!

(T moves her hand quickly so as to convey meaning)

He needs to go to the ….

Ss: baño!

T: Yes! He needs to go to the TOILET.

This is the toilet.

What place is this?

Ss: This is the toilet!

T: yes! But wait a minute! Is this the toilet for Tiggy?

(T points at the image of the girls’ room door)

Ss: No!! (es de las nenas!)


Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles MoureTutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain [email protected] Co-Tutors: Prof. Eugenia Carrión Cantón – Prof. Graciela Manzur June 13th, 2015

T: Ahh! This is the girls’ toilet and Tiggy is a boy.

Then, Tiggy goes to the boy’s toilet.

(T points at the boys’ room door)

Scene 7

T: Let’s keep on moving…

Oh! What place is this?

Ss: (una/la) (oficina)

T: This is THE OFFICE, right.

The office, what place is this?

Ss: The office.

T: Oh…Who’s in the office? Miss Nina is in the office.

Who’s in the office?

Ss: Miss Nina!

T: She’s talking to these children..

Shhhh! Bye Miss Nina.

Scene 8

T: Wow! Look at Tiggy! He’s very happy!

Where is he?

Ss: parque(cito)

T: Tiggy is in THE PLAYGROUND.

Where is he?


Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles MoureTutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain [email protected] Co-Tutors: Prof. Eugenia Carrión Cantón – Prof. Graciela Manzur June 13th, 2015

Ss: Playground.

T: Tiggy is in the playground

Ss. (repeat)

Chances are that Ss ask about the games in the playground. T will introduce

The slide

The swings

The carrousel

Scene 9

T: Oh, now it’s time to say goodbye!

But not for us..but for Tiggy!

Good bye, Tiggy!!


T: Well, Do you like Tiggy’s kindergarten. It’s nice!

Now, are you ready to play a game?

Controlled practice (5 ‘)

Aim: To have Ss practice the lexical set introduced by means of a game: Disappearing flashcards

T will show the flashcards one by one, eliciting the names from Ss and inviting individual Ss to stick them on the board.

T: Look at this picture..What’s this?

Ss: The (kindergarten)

T: This is the kindergarten!

(Nicole), can you put this picture on the board? Thanks.


Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles MoureTutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain [email protected] Co-Tutors: Prof. Eugenia Carrión Cantón – Prof. Graciela Manzur June 13th, 2015Once all the cards are displayed on the board T will proceed with Choral drilling, taking away the last flashcard every time the children name the whole series. The idea is that they end up naming all the rooms/ places without the help of the pictures.


Great job, everyone!! Congratulations!

Closure : (5’)

Aim: To wrap up the lesson and teach Ss a goodbye song.

Then T glances at her watch and says:

T: Oh! Look at the time! Now it’s time to say goodbye!

(T starts singing the goodbye song very slowly and making the necessary gestures)

Now it’s time to say goodbye, say goodbye, say goodbye,

Now it’s time to say goodbye

Goodbye, everyone!2

Can you sing with me?

(T invites the children to join her singing the song and making the gestures)

Later on, T tells Ss they have a little time to go to the play-zone and say goodbye!

Clase Nº: 2 Fecha : Wednesday, June 17thHora: 10:30 a 11:00Duration of the lesson: 30’ Fecha de primera entrega: 14/ 6/2015

Teaching points: Greetings and introductions.Lesson Aims:

2 Song taken from


Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles MoureTutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain [email protected] Co-Tutors: Prof. Eugenia Carrión Cantón – Prof. Graciela Manzur June 13th, 2015By the end of the lesson, Ss will:

Be able to introduce themselves in English. Develop their listening ability by listening to a chant and short dialogues. Develop their speaking ability by taking part in short oral exchanges and singing a goodbye

song. Deepen their understanding of commands/instructions while developing their social skill.

Language Focus:


REV Greetings:-Hello! Bye-bye!-Good morning.- How are you today? Fine! Numbers:1-10-Boy - GirlCommands:-Sit down!-Come here! + please.

-Greeting.-Counting.-Following commands and/or instructions.

WH questions and answers in the simple present:

- Who’s….?- How many ..?

Recognition of the following phonemes in initial position;/h/hello, how

/w/Who, what

NEW Tiggy, the tiger - Introducing oneself.

WH questions and answers in the simple present:

- What’s your name?

- My name’s

Questioning intonation.

Teaching approach: Natural approach.

Materials and resources:

A white board and felt pens. A puppet, Tiggy.


Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles MoureTutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain [email protected] Co-Tutors: Prof. Eugenia Carrión Cantón – Prof. Graciela Manzur June 13th, 2015

A backpack. A chant for opening the lesson. K-5 main and assistant teachers (they will be helping T and Tiggy to introduce and model the

oral exchange). Goodbye song (retrieved from

Pedagogical use of ICT: There are not any instances of ICT use during this first encounter

Seating arrangement:

The same as the one employed in the prior lesson.

Cooperative work: Children will work as a class and then individually while interacting with the puppet.

Possible problems and possible solutions regarding behaviour: Ss may get very excited at the sight of Tiggy. It is possible that some of them want to touch it and stand up in order to do so, disrupting the class and hampering their mates’ vision.

One way to avoid this from happening could be to have Tiggy greeting each and every children individually, and letting Ss know that they all will be able to see the puppet at a closer distance. What is more, they (Ss) even can talk to him!

Potential problems students may have with the language: It is expected that Ss feel more confident and participate in the oral exchanges making use of the language they have so far.

Nevertheless, there may be a few shy Ss still reluctant to speak in the target language. Since this is their first week of exposure to English, T will consider their body language and their use of L1 as a sign of comprehension.

Assessment: What will be assessed and how: During this second encounter T will monitor, besides that Ss enjoy the lesson, their level of participation and comprehension.

Routine (5’)


Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles MoureTutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain [email protected] Co-Tutors: Prof. Eugenia Carrión Cantón – Prof. Graciela Manzur June 13th, 2015Aim: To get Ss’ attention and arrange them to start the lesson .

T will enter the room and greet the Ss with a warm “Hello!”.

Depending on how the main teacher has decided to arrange the children during the activity prior to this teacher’s intervention. T may call learners’ attention towards her and invite them to move to the circle-time spot:

T: Hello, children!

Ss (EA): Hello!

T: How are you today? Fine?

(T puts her two thumbs up and shows a big smile)

Ss (EA): sí/fine/ thumbs up/ a smile.

T: That’s fantastic!

(again, displaying a big smile)

Now, can you come here, please?

(T uses gestures to convey meaning)

While they are moving towards the place indicated by T, she starts saying/singing the chant making use of the boy and girl pictures used in the prior encounter.

T encourages Ss to join her:


3 Idea taken from Grace Bertollini’s TEK course, Module 1- Unit 3, page 32.


Everybody sitting down,

sitting down,

sitting down.

Everybody sitting down

on the floor!

Boy and girl sitting down

Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles MoureTutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain [email protected] Co-Tutors: Prof. Eugenia Carrión Cantón – Prof. Graciela Manzur June 13th, 2015

Warm-up (5’)

Aim: To set the context for introducing Tiggy, the tiger puppet.

Once Ss are arranged on the floor, T will say:

T: I’m so happy to see you all again!

(T puts a big smile on her face while she makes eye-contact with Ss)

Do you remember my name?

My name is……? I am ……?

In case Ss do not understand the questions, T will provide them with some clues:

T: Silvia? Sole?

Ss: Gina!!

T: My name’s Gina. Very good!! And today….

At that very moment, T will look at her backpack (see materials and resources), and make a gesture for Ss to wait and pay attention:



Everybody sitting down,

sitting down,

sitting down.

Everybody sitting down

on the floor!

Boy and girl sitting down

Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles MoureTutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain [email protected] Co-Tutors: Prof. Eugenia Carrión Cantón – Prof. Graciela Manzur June 13th, 2015

T: Wait…let me see this…

T will open her bag and, with a huge expression of amazement in her face, she will take out a puppet.

Presentation (5’)

Aim: To teach Ss to introduce themselves by answering to the question “What’s your name?”

T: Wow! Look at this!

Hello! What’s your name?

(T asks the puppet, looking at him and the children intermittently)

(The puppet lowers his head, as if he was very shy)

T: Come on! Tell us, please! What’s your name?

(The puppet looks at the teacher, then at the children and says)

P: My name’s TIGGY

T: Well, Hello Tiggy!

Children, say hello to Tiggy, please!

Ss (EA): Hello, Tiggy!

(then Tiggy looks at the teacher and asks her)

P: What’s your name?

T: My name’s Gina. Nice to meet you!

P: And them?

(Tiggy turns his head towards the children and the teachers sat in front of him)

T: Oh! They are the teachers and the children. Do you want to meet them?

(The puppet nods his head)

Later on, T will move towards the teachers in order to allow Tiggy to ask them their names.


Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles MoureTutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain [email protected] Co-Tutors: Prof. Eugenia Carrión Cantón – Prof. Graciela Manzur June 13th, 2015

P: Hello, What’s your name?

Miss Sylvia: My name’s Sylvia.

P: Hello, Miss Sylvia!

Miss Sylvia: Hello Tiggy!


Once Tiggy have greeted the teachers, T will say

T: Let’s go and meet the children now. Kids, are you ready to tell Tiggy your names? Yes? Great!

T has two options:

a) She moves among the children and have Tiggy asking the question to each and every of them, or

b) First, she asks for volunteers.

The decision will be made on the spot, considering the general mood of the group of students.

Controlled practice: (10’)

Aim: To allow children to practise introducing themselves.

Depending on the decision made by the T, she will invite volunteers or approach Ss so that they can start the following exchange with the puppet. Even though Ss are expected to answer “My name’s ….”, it will also be accepted that they only provide their names. The structure will be reinforced during upcoming encounters.

P: Hello!

S1: Hello!

P: What’s your name?

S1: My name’s (Carla).


Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles MoureTutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain [email protected] Co-Tutors: Prof. Eugenia Carrión Cantón – Prof. Graciela Manzur June 13th, 2015

P: Hello (Carla)!

T will continue with the work on pronunciation started in the first encounter, focusing on providing Ss with enough input so that they notice the difference between Spanish /j/ and English /h/, Spanish /g/ and English /w/.

As this stage is getting over, Ss may have lost their interest in listening to their mates talk to Tiggy. When this happens, it will time for the T to wrap up the lesson by putting Tiggy back into her backpack.


T: Wow, Tiggy! You have met a lot of new friends! That’s fantastic!

Closure : (5’)

Aim: To wrap up the lesson and sing the goodbye song.

(The puppet nods with his head and approaches the teacher’s ear, as if he was about to tell her something)

T: Oh! You’re tired!

(the puppet puts his head down while T makes a gesture to the children and says, with a low voice)

T: He’s tired! Shhhh! He wants to sleep.

(T puts her head on her free hand so Ss understand the meaning of sleep)

T: Let’s say goodbye to Tiggy…Goodbye Tiggy!

Ss: (Goodbye Tiggy)!

T puts Tiggy back into her backpack and then turns to the children again to say:

T: Well, we all met a new friend today. We met…

Ss: Tiggy!

T: We met Tiggy!!

(at that moment, T glances at her watch and says)


Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles MoureTutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain [email protected] Co-Tutors: Prof. Eugenia Carrión Cantón – Prof. Graciela Manzur June 13th, 2015

T: Oh! Look at the time! Miss…… coming!

(T starts singing the goodbye song very slowly and making the necessary gestures)

Now it’s time to say goodbye, say goodbye, say goodbye,

Now it’s time to say goodbye

Goodbye, everyone!4

Can you sing with me?

(T invites the children to join her singing the song and making the gestures)

Later on, T lines up the children for the next class or simply leaves the room saying: See you!! Goodbye!

4 Song taken from