
Mrs. Benson and Mrs. Tischer

Titanic Tribute


Titanic Tribute 1912-2012

My name is Elisabeth Allen. I was 29 years old when I boarded Titanic as a 1st class Passenger. After I got home to Missouri, I was going to collect my things and return to England to get married. My traveling companions were my cousin and aunt. I was in my room when my aunt’s maid rushed in to tell me that water was in the baggage. I did not fill the Titanic hit the iceberg. I stepped out and saw some ladies kissing their husbands good bye. I was rescued on Lifeboat number 2.

Titanic Tribute 1912-2012 My name is Percy Bailey. I was 18 years old

when I boarded the Titanic as a 2nd class passenger. I was traveling from Cornwall , England because I was going to visit my Uncle Harry in New York. I was very excited about starting a new life in America. When the Titanic struck the iceberg , I couldn’t get on a lifeboat because I was a man. Women and children were boarding lifeboats first. I died in the sinking.

Titanic Tribute 1912-2012 My name is Bessie Allison. I’m 25 years old. I’m traveling from

England because of a business trip. I was traveling with my husband, Hudson, our daughter, and our 11-month old son, Trevor. I’m a 1st class passenger. Once onboard Titanic, we were able to unwind and relax in the security of our lovely 1st class quarters. When the Titanic struck the iceberg, I went down with the ship because I was looking for my baby, Trevor. My maid took Trevor and boarded Lifeboat number 11. I searched frantically for my son, and refused to get into a lifeboat without him. If I had known that my baby was safe, the rest of my family might not have perished in the sinking. Trevor was the only member of our family to survive the sinking.

Titanic Tribute 1912-2012

My name is William Beere. I was 19 years old when I boarded the Titanic as a Kitchen Porter. I was traveling from Hampshire, England. I haven’ t seen much of the world so I was very excited to be selected as a crew member aboard the Titanic. When the Titanic hit the iceberg, there weren’t enough lifeboats. I did not survive.

Titanic Tribute 1912-2012

My name is Margaret Graham. At the age of 19, I was a 1st class passenger aboard the Titanic. I was traveling to Greenwich, Connecticut. My traveling companions were my mother and governess Elizabeth Shutes. When the Titanic hit an iceberg, I was nibbling at a chicken sandwich. Ms. Shutes asked a passing crewman if anything was wrong , the answer was no. Then she looked at me. I was uneasy because my chicken kept falling from the bread. I boarded Lifeboat 3.

Titanic Tribute 1912-2012

My name is Oscar Woody. I was 43 as I boarded The Titanic. I would have celebrated my 44th birthday on April 15, the day Titanic sank. When I was 43 before I worked on that amazing ship I got this shocking call. Some one asked me to work as a postal clerk so I did. I met a lot of fine people. I was from Clifton Springs, Virginia. I heard a big screech. I got worried and as I headed outside… WE WERE SINKING!!! I rushed to somewhere safe but I was too late. It had already sank!

Titanic Tribute 1912-2012

My name is Charlotte Cardeza, also known as Lady Cardeza. I was 58 years old when I boarded the Titanic as a 1st Class passenger. I was traveling home from a family trip. I was traveling with my son, Thomas, and our servants. I brought 14 trunks filled with 70 dresses, 91 pairs of gloves, 10 fur coats, and so much more. When the Titanic struck the iceburg, I stepped out and felt the breeze. We were rescued on Lifeboat Number 3. I died on August 1, 1939.

Titanic Tribute 1912-2012

My name is Caroline Endres. At the age of 39, I was a 1st class passenger aboard the Titanic. I was traveling from Cherbourg, France. I was born on Friday, June 14,1812. I was a nurse for the richest man on the ship. This is my seventh trip across the Atlantic ocean. I was traveling with John Jacob Astor and his wife, Madeleine. I had a great time aboard the Titanic.

Titanic Tribute 1912-2012

My Name is Jack Thayer. I was born on December 24, 1894. I was 17 years old when I boarded the Titanic as a 1st class passenger. I was traveling home to Haverford, Pennsylvania with my mom and dad after a trip to Cherbourg, France. On the night of the crash, I dined at the popular A la Carte Restaurant during a private affair honoring the ship’s captain. Soon my exciting voyage ended as I boarded collapsible lifeboat B. I died on September 20, 1945.

Titanic Tribute 1912-2012

My Name Is Anna Hamalainen. I was a 2nd class passenger aboard the Titanic. I had an 8-month old son named Wiljo. My husband asked me to return to the states and bring Wiljo with me. I am traveling on the Titanic because I want my son to know his father. After the Titanic hit the iceberg, my son Wiljo and I got on lifeboat 4 . My son and I survived the Titanic. We were very lucky to survive the Titanic. I thought that the Titanic was unsinkable.

Titanic Tribute 1912-2012

My name is William Carter. I did survive on the Titanic. I was 36 when I boarded the Titanic as a 1st class passenger. My residence was in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I was born on June 19, 1875 and died on March 20, 1940. When Titanic hit the iceberg, I got in lifeboat number 4, but many men did not survive.

Titanic Tribute 1912-2012

My name is Quigg Baxter. I was 24 years old when I boarded the Titanic as a 1st class passenger. I was traveling from Montreal to go to New York to fly to Canada with my mom, my sister and, Berthe Mayne, a singer I met in Brussels. I did not board a lifeboat.

Titanic Tribute 1912-2012

My name is Norris Williams. At the age of 21, I was a 1st class passenger aboard the Titanic. I was traveling from Geneva, Switzerland. My traveling companion was my dad, Mr. Charles Duane Williams. I was a Tennis Player and I had won the National Doubles Championship. I was planning on going to America to compete in tennis tournaments before enrolling in Harvard University. I boarded Collapsible Lifeboat A.

Titanic Tribute 1912-2012

My name is Robert Douglas Spedden. At the age of 6, I was a 1st class passenger aboard the Titanic. I was traveling back to New York after taking a trip with my family. My traveling companions were my mother, Mrs. Margaretta Corning Spedden, father, Mr. Frederic Spedden, Ms. Elizabeth Margaret Burns, and Miss Helen Alice Wilson. I was a little boy that survived on the Titanic, but was killed in an automobile accident when I was 9 years old. I boarded Lifeboat 3.

Titanic Tribute 1912-2012

My name is Charles Aldworth . At the age of 30, I was a 2nd class passenger aboard the Titanic. I was traveling to Pennsylvania. My traveling companions were the Carter Family. I was Mr. Carter’s chauffeur and the only one of his staff that traveled in second class, all of the rest traveled in first class. Mr. Carter owned a 35-horsepower Renault which I loved to drive. It was the only automobile on the Titanic. I did not board a Lifeboat.

Titanic Tribute 1912-2012

My name is Lillian Bentham. At the age of 19, I was a 2nd class passenger aboard the Titanic. I was traveling from Rochester, New York to visit my family. My traveling companions were Mr. William Joseph Douton, Mr. Peter David McKane, Mr. Peter Henry Renouf, Mrs. Lillian Renouf, Mr. Clifford Thomas Jefferys, Mr. Ernest Wilfred Jefferys, Mr. Albert ("Herbert") Denbuoy, Miss Emily Rugg. When they told us the ship was sinking, I didn`t take any of it seriously , because it’s the Unsinkable ship. I boarded Lifeboat 12.

Titanic Tribute 1912-2012 My name is Lucy , Countess of Rothes. At the

age of 33, I was a 1st class passenger aboard the Titanic. I was traveling from London , England were my two sons grow up. My companions on the Titanic were Gladys Cherry and his maid, Roberta . When the Titanic hit the iceberg, I asked a passing crewman if anything was wrong. He said, no. I wonder if that is what all passengers were told. I boarded Lifeboat 8.

Titanic Tribute 1912-2012

My name is Hilda Hellstrom. At the age of 22, I was a 3rd class passenger aboard the Titanic. I was traveling from Sweden to visit my aunt in Illinois. I was traveling by myself aboard the Titanic. I was rescued by boarding Lifeboat C. I died March 16, 1962 from cancer. I am buried in Illinois.

Titanic Tribute 1912-2012

My name is Ida Livija Ilmakangas. At the age of 27, I was a 3rd class passenger aboard the Titanic. I was traveling to New York City, New York. My traveling companion was my little sister, Miss Pieta Sofia Ilmakangas. I had been in the USA for seven years and visited Finland to bring my sister to show her New York. My sister and I were not able to board a lifeboat and died with many others during the sinking.

Titanic Tribute 1912-2012 My name is Selena Cook. At the age of 22, I

was a 2nd class passenger aboard the Titanic. I was traveling from Oxford, England to visit my family in New York. My traveling companions were Mildred Brown, Amelia Lemore , and Elizabeth Nye. I was a newlywed, but I was thankful that my husband was not traveling with me. I boarded Lifeboat 14.

Titanic Tribute 1912-2012

My name is Mary Hewlett at the age of 56, I was a 2nd class passenger aboard the Titanic. I was married to Fredrick Hewlett and we had four children. I was traveling by myself from Lucknow, India to visit one of my sons and was returning to Rapid City, South Dakota. I had also had the pleasure to visit my daughter which lived in England. I boarded Lifeboat 13.

Titanic Tribute 1912-2012

My name is Laura Mabel. At the age of 31, I was a 1st class passenger aboard the Titanic. I was traveling from London, England as a secretary. My traveling companion was Lucy Christiana, Lady Duff Gordon. My boss was the British Royal family dress designer and owner of high fashion salons in London, Paris, and New York City. I boarded Lifeboat 1.