Page 1: Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List · Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List for 2013-2014 2 Week 1 PED = foot 1. biped – a creature with two feet 2. centipede – a creature with 100 feet

C.O. Wilson Middle School

2013 - 2014

Mrs. Jones’

Vocabulary List

Nederland ISD

Page 2: Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List · Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List for 2013-2014 2 Week 1 PED = foot 1. biped – a creature with two feet 2. centipede – a creature with 100 feet

Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List for 2013-2014


Week 1 PED = foot

1. biped – a creature with two feet

2. centipede – a creature with 100 feet

3. impediment – something that stands in one’s way;

an obstacle

4. millipede – a creature with 1,000 feet

5. pedal – a lever that is moved with one’s foot

6. peddler – a person who goes from door to door

on foot trying to sell a product

7. pedestrian – a person who walks across the street on foot

8. pedicure – a foot treatment that could include soaking the feet and polishing the toenails

9. quadruped – a four-footed creature

10. tripod – a three-footed stand often used to balance a camera

Week 2 MAN = hand

1. emancipate – to set free; to lend a hand in freeing someone;

to release from someone’s hands.

2. manacles – handcuffs

3. manager – a person who has the upper hand; a person

who is in charge of someone or something

4. mandate – an order or command placed in one’s hands

5. maneuver – to handily or skillfully go around something

6. manicure – a treatment for the hands and nails

7. manipulate – to skillfully operate by hand

8. manual – a handbook; a book of directions

9. manufacture – to make by hand or by machine;

to change raw material into a new product

10. manuscript – a handwritten or typed piece of writing, such as a book.


bi = 2 cent = 100 im = between milli = thousand quad = four tri = three


ment = act or state of al = pertaining to er = person who cure = care for



al = pertaining to ate = cause or make cure = care for er = person who er = thing which fac = to make script = to write

Page 3: Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List · Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List for 2013-2014 2 Week 1 PED = foot 1. biped – a creature with two feet 2. centipede – a creature with 100 feet

Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List for 2013-2014


Week 3 SPEC = see, look

1. circumspect – careful to look at all possibilities

before acting; cautious; aware of consequences

2. inspect – to look at carefully in search of flaws

3. introspection – the act of looking into one’s own

thoughts and feelings

4. perspective – one way of looking at things

5. respect – to look up to someone; to show honor

6. retrospective – looking back at past things

7. spectacle – something displayed for the public to see

8. spectacles – glasses that help someone see better

9. spectator – a person who watches something,

such as a sporting event

10. speculate – to look at and think about something from different points of view

Week 4 DICT = speak

1. contradict – to speak against; to say the opposite

2. dictation – what is written down as someone says it

3. dictator – a leader who speaks and rules with total power

4. diction – the manner in which something is expressed

in words (written or spoken)

5. dictionary – a reference book in which spoken or written

words are defined

6. dictum – a judge’s ruling or statement

7. edict – public words issued by an official that explain

a law or command

8. indictment – formal words spoken or written by a jury that charge a person with a crime

9. predict – to say what will happen before it occurs

10. verdict – the decision a jury makes in a trial; the decision said by the jury


circum = around in = inside intro = inwardly per = intensive re = backwards retro = backwards


or = person who


contra = against e = out pre = before ver = true


tion = state of being or = person who ary = pertaining to ment = act of doing something

Page 4: Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List · Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List for 2013-2014 2 Week 1 PED = foot 1. biped – a creature with two feet 2. centipede – a creature with 100 feet

Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List for 2013-2014


Week 5 JECT = throw

1. dejected – to feel sad; to feel thrown down in spirit

2. eject – to throw out

3. injection – a shot; the “throwing” of medicine into the body by

a needle

4. interjection – a word thrown into a sentence or conversation

5. jettison – to throw goods overboard to lighten the load

on a boat or an airplane

6. projectile – an object thrown into the air with great force

7. projector – a machine that throws an image onto a wall

8. reject – to throw something out because it’s defective and can’t be used again

9. subject – to throw oneself under someone else’s rule

10. trajectory – the curved path of an object thrown into space

Week 6 SECT= cut, separate

1. bisect – to cut into two pieces

2. dissect – to cut apart for the purpose of investigation

3. insect – a class of small arthropod animals that has

three separate sections to their bodies: head, thorax, abdomen

4. intersection – the point at which two lines or roads meet

and cut across each other

5. section – a separate part of something

6. sectional – a couch that is made up of separate pieces

7. sector – a separate part of a society, group, or area

8. transect – to cut across something

9. trisect – to cut into three separate pieces

10. vivisection – surgery on living animals; medical research

that involves cutting into living animals to study organs, tissues, or diseases


de = down e = away from in = inside inter = between pro = motion forward or away re = backwards sub = lower


tion = state of being or = thing which


bi = 2 dis = removal in = into inter = between trans = across tri = 3 viv = life


tion = state of being or = person who al = the act of

Page 5: Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List · Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List for 2013-2014 2 Week 1 PED = foot 1. biped – a creature with two feet 2. centipede – a creature with 100 feet

Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List for 2013-2014


Week 7 PORT = carry

1. deport – to carry or send away from a country; to banish

2. export – to carry out of the country

3. import – to carry into the country

4. portable – capable of being easily carried

5. portage – the route over which boats and supplies

are carried from one lake or river to another

6. porter – an attendant who carries travelers’ luggage for them

7. portfolio – a case for carrying loose papers

8. report – a collection of writing that carries information

to be shared again with someone new

9. support – to carry the weight of something

10. transport – to carry something from one place to another

Week 8 MISS, MIT = send

1. admit – to send someone in; to allow someone to enter

2. dismiss – to send someone out; to let someone leave

3. emit – to send out or give off (such as an odor)

4. intermission – a break between acts of a play or performance

during which people are sent out for snacks or stretch breaks

5. missile – a weapon designed to be send in the direction of a target

6. mission – a special duty or function which a person or group is

sent out to do

7. omit – to leave out; to not send

8. remit – to send back (usually related to paying bills)

9. submit – to “send” yourself under someone else’s control;

to give in to someone else’s power

10. transmit – to send something across places; to pass along


de = removal ex = out im = into re = again sup = under


able = capable of being er = person who


ad = movement to dis = removal e = out inter = between o = away from re = again sub = lower trans = across


sion = state of being

Page 6: Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List · Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List for 2013-2014 2 Week 1 PED = foot 1. biped – a creature with two feet 2. centipede – a creature with 100 feet

Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List for 2013-2014


Week 9 GRAPH = writing

1. autobiography – writing about a person’s life written

by that person

2. autograph – the writing of one’s own name

3. bibliography – the written list of all the books used

in a report or book

4. biography – a book written about a person’s life

5. cartography – mapmaking; the writing involved in

making maps or charts

6. homograph – a word written the same way as

another word but having a different meaning

(e.g., bow for hair AND bow of a ship)

7. paragraph– a section of writing that has a topic and concluding sentence

8. phonograph – record player; a device that turns the writing on records into sound

9. photography – the use of light to record an image using a camera

10. seismograph – a device that writes down (records) the movements of the earth

Week 10 SCRIB, SCRIPT = write

1. describe – to say or write down how something or

someone looks; to use adjectives in writing

2. inscription – a short dedication written in a book or

engraved on something, such as a coin or monument

3. manuscript – a piece of writing; a book

4. postscript – P.S.; a short bit of writing added after a letter is finished

5. prescription– a piece of paper written by a doctor that lets you

get medicine at the pharmacy

6. scribble– sloppy writing that is hard to read

7. scribe– a person who writes things down

8. script – a set of papers with writing that will be read and acted out

9. subscription– a written agreement to buy and read a magazine or newspaper for a set period of


10. transcribe – to write down or record; to translate


auto = self biblio = book bio = life cart = map or chart homo = same para = beside phon = sound phot = light seis = shake or quake



de = down in = into man = hand post = after pre = before sub = under trans = into a different state


tion = state of being

Page 7: Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List · Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List for 2013-2014 2 Week 1 PED = foot 1. biped – a creature with two feet 2. centipede – a creature with 100 feet

Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List for 2013-2014


Week 11 CRED = believe

1. accreditation - granting approval or belief in a school

2. credential - a document that proves a person is believable

3. credible - believable; reliable

4. credit - to believe that someone will do something

5. creditor - a person who believe that he will be paid back

the money that he loaned

6. credulous - tending to believe too easily; easily convinced;

easily fooled

7. creed - a set of religious beliefs or principles

8. discredit - to refuse to believe; to reject as untrue

9. incredible - not believable; improbable; unlikely

10. incredulous - doubting; unwilling or unable to believe

Week 12 JUR, JUS, JUD = law, justice

1. abjure - to give up rights; to recant

2. judge - a person chosen to interpret laws, decide on a winner;

settle a controversy

3. jurisdiction - the territory or land in which justice and laws are

administered and followed

4. jurist - an expert in law

5. jury - a group of people sworn to abide by the laws to determine

the truth

6. just - lawful; fair

7. justice - fairness; rightfulness

8. justification - the fact that is said to prove that something is true

9. justify - to prove; to offer

10. perjury - to break the law by lying; to break a formal promise;

to break an oath


ac = in dis = not in = not


tion = state of being tial = pertaining to ible = ability or = person who ous = having quality of


ab = off or away per = through


ist = person tion = state of being ice = act if = specify

Page 8: Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List · Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List for 2013-2014 2 Week 1 PED = foot 1. biped – a creature with two feet 2. centipede – a creature with 100 feet

Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List for 2013-2014


Week 13 Figurative Language

1. alliteration – repeated consonant sounds at the beginning of words (Peter Piper picked a peck of peppers)

2. connotation – the emotional association surrounding a word (Mommy is usually associated with

happy feelings while Mother is usually associated with more negative emotions)

3. denotation – strict dictionary meaning of a word

4. hyperbole – an exaggerated statement used to heighten effect (I’m so hungry I could eat a horse!)

5. idioms – expressions that cannot be translated word-for-word (It is raining cats and dogs)

6. imagery – language that appeals to the senses

7. metaphor – comparison between two unlike things without using like or as (The cloud is a pillow)

8. onomatopoeia – words that mimic sounds (Bing, Bang, Boom)

9. personification – gives qualities of a person to a non-person (The dark cloud shed tears)

10. simile – comparison between two unlike things using like or as (My bed is as soft as a cloud).

Week 14 BEN, BENE, BON = good

1. benediction – a good blessing in a religious service 2. benefactor – a good person who offers help or donates money

3. beneficial – having a good outcome; favorable

4. beneficiary – a person who receives something good

from someone else such as an inheritance

5. benefit – to gain or receive good results from something

6. benevolent – kind; good-hearted

7. benign – favorable; having a good effect; not harmful

8. bonafide – in good faith; authentic; genuine; real

9. bonus – anything good that is received over and beyond what was expected (usually money)

10. bon voyage – French for “have a good trip”



tion = state of being or = person who ial = relating to ent = causing fide = faith

Page 9: Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List · Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List for 2013-2014 2 Week 1 PED = foot 1. biped – a creature with two feet 2. centipede – a creature with 100 feet

Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List for 2013-2014


Week 15 MAL, MALE = bad; abnormal

1. dismal – depressing; causing gloom or misery; causing

bad feelings

2. malady – bad health; illness; sickness

3. malaria – bad air; a disease usually spread by infected mosquitoes

4. malefactor – an evildoer; a person who does bad things

5. malevolent – a word that describes a person or character who

wishes bad things would happen to others

6. malfeasance – wrongdoing or bad conduct by a public official

7. malice – mischief; evil intent; bad will

8. malignant – harmful; something bad enough that it could result

in death when related to cancer

9. malnourished – having bad health or having poor nutrition

10. malodorous – bad smell; stinky

Week 16 BIO = life

1. antibiotic – a medicine used to save lives because

it destroys harmful bacteria and cures infections

2. autobiography – a piece of writing written by a person

about his or her own life

3. biography – a piece of writing about a person’s life written

by someone else

4. biologist – a person who studies living things

5. biology – the study of living things

6. biopsy – the removal of living tissue from the body for diagnostic


7. biosphere – the zone of the planet Earth where there is life

(between the deep crust and the lower atmosphere)

8. macrobiotic diet – a diet thought to help people live longer because it focuses on natural foods

9. neurobiology – the study of the nervous system of living things and how it helps the living things

learn and react

10. symbiosis – how two different living organisms live together and depend on each other


anti = against auto = self macro = large, long, or excessive neuro = having to do with nerves sym = together with


graph = writing ist = person who opsy = sight sphere = globe



fac = make or = person who ent = causing or performing ant = characterized by ous = possessing ice = act

Page 10: Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List · Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List for 2013-2014 2 Week 1 PED = foot 1. biped – a creature with two feet 2. centipede – a creature with 100 feet

Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List for 2013-2014


Week 17 VIT, VIV = life

1. revitalize – to bring something back after it declined in

condition or popularity; to breathe new life into something

2. revive – to bring back to life again

3. survival – the ability to continue living

4. survivor – a person who lives through a difficult event

or experience

5. vital – necessary or essential to life

6. vitality – the quality or state of being full of life; state of being

full of energy

7. vitamin – a tablet of substances that are thought to promote a

healthy life

8. vivacious – full of life; fun; lively; animated

9. vivid – “as big as life”; brightly colored; daring

10. vivisection – surgery on living animals; medical research that involves cutting into animals to

study organs, parts, or diseases

Week 18 FLECT, FLEX = bend

1. circumflex – to bend around or curve

2. deflect – to turn or move to one side; to bend; to swerve

3. flexible – capable of bending without breaking

4. flexor – a muscle that bends a part of the body, such as an arm or a leg

5. inflection – the bending of a person’s voice so that it does

not sound boring or within only one tone; making one’s voice

go up and down

6. inflexible – not capable of being bent without breaking

7. reflect – to bend or throw back light or heat; to fold or turn back

8. reflection – the image in a mirror that is a result of bending light

when it is thrown back

9. reflex angle – an angle that is greater than 180 degrees because the angle is bent beyond the

straight line

10. retroflex – bent or turned backward


re = again sur = over, above


al = having charcter of or = person who al = pertaining to ty = quality amin = class of compound ous = possessing ize = render, make sect = to cut


circum = around de = away in = not re = back retro = backward


ible = ability or = person who tion = state of being

Page 11: Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List · Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List for 2013-2014 2 Week 1 PED = foot 1. biped – a creature with two feet 2. centipede – a creature with 100 feet

Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List for 2013-2014


Week 19 FRAIL, FRACT, FRAG = break, shatter

1. fractals – the type of geometry that creates broken patterns out of a smaller version of a design

2. fraction – a part of a whole; a broken piece of something that

is no longer whole

3. fracture – a break in a part of the body

4. fragile – so delicate that it could break easily; easily damaged

5. fragment – an incomplete sentence; a break in a sentence

6. fragmented – describes something that is broken into pieces 7. frail – being easily broken or destroyed

8. infraction – a broken rule; a violation

9. refract – to bend light so that it looks like it is broken

10. suffrage – to break into an issue; to vote

WEEK 20 RUPT = break

1. abrupt – sudden; unexpected; broken into what is expected

2. bankrupt – to be out of money; financially ruined; to “break the bank”

3. corrupt – evil; dishonest; to break away from honesty

4. corruptible – able to be influenced into doing something that

breaks away from the rules; able to become bad

5. disrupt – to break up; to cause confusion

6. disruption – something that breaks someone’s concentration;

bothersome; annoying

7. erupt – to explode; to break out with force

8. interrupt – to break into someone’s conversation

9. interruption – something that breaks up what you were doing; an unplanned event that breaks up

an activity

10. rupture – to burst or break open (usually a body part)


re = back


al = pertaining to tion = state of being ure = action ile = liable to ment = action or resulting state


ab = off cor = together with dis = apart e = out inter = between


ible = capable of being tion = state of being ure = result of act

Page 12: Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List · Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List for 2013-2014 2 Week 1 PED = foot 1. biped – a creature with two feet 2. centipede – a creature with 100 feet

Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List for 2013-2014


Week 21 NAUT, NAUS, NAV = relating to the sea or travel

1. argonaut – a person who took part in the California Gold

Rush by traveling west in search of gold from 1848-1849

2. astronaut – a person who is trained to travel into outer space

3. circumnavigate – to travel around the earth on water or in the air

4. cosmonaut – a Soviet who is trained to travel into outer space

5. nauseous – affected with a feeling of sickness in the stomach

that feels like sea sickness

6. nautical – related to sailing, sailors, or ships

7. navigable – wide or deep enough for ships to be able to pass


8. navigate – to steer or direct a ship or airplane

9. navigator – a person who is trained to plan the course of and drive a ship

10. navy – a fleet of ships; all the warships of a nation

Week 22 TRACT = pull

1. abstract – pulled away from direct relation to anything;

impersonal as in attitude or views

2. attract – to pull into something; to pull into oneself

3. contract – to pull together to make smaller in size or bulk;

to pull inward; opposite of “expand”

4. distract – to pull someone’s attention in another direction

5. extract – to pull out by force

6. protract – to pull out; to make something take longer; to prolong

7. retraction – a statement or promise that is pulled back or taken back

8. subtract – to pull some out, therefore having less left over

9. traction – a pull to the arm or leg muscles to bring a bone back into place when it is dislocated or


10. tractor – a powerful vehicle that pulls farm machines and hauls heavy loads


astro = pertaining to space circum = around cosmo = world


ous = possessing al = pertaining to ble = able to y = characterized by ate = acted upon or = person who


ab = away at = attend con = together dis = away ex = out pro – motion forward re = back sub = at a lower position


tion = state of being or = thing which

Page 13: Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List · Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List for 2013-2014 2 Week 1 PED = foot 1. biped – a creature with two feet 2. centipede – a creature with 100 feet

Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List for 2013-2014


Week 23 VERS, VERT = turn

1. anniversary – the date on which an event occurs every year; every year an event turns a year older

2. conversation – a discussion that switches from one

person to another; a discussion that “turns back and forth”

3. convert – to turn or change your beliefs or way of thinking

4. diversify – to divide up money into different investments so that if one area turns for the worse then you will be protected

5. diversion – something that turns your attention off of what you are thinking about

6. extrovert – a person who turns his or her attention outward toward other people

7. introvert – a person who turns his or her attention inward toward himself or herself; a shy person

8. invert – to turn or flip in the opposite direction

9. revert – to turn back to a previous action or thought; to go back in thought or speech; to give back

10. subvert – to corrupt or undermine; to turn against established authority

Week 24 CEDE, CEED, CESS = go, yield

1. accessible – able to go in to; enter; or approach

2. accessory – an article or item worn with an outfit that

“goes with” or matches the outfit

3. concede – to yield to an opponent that one has lost;

to give in; to admit that something is true and valid

4. exceed– to go or be beyond the limit or expectations

5. intercede – to mediate; to go between people to help

them reach an agreement

6. precede – to go before something else in time, order, place, or rank

7. proceed – to keep on going; to go ahead with something;

to move along

8. recede – to go or move back

9. recess – the time during which people go out to take a break

10. successor – a person who goes after someone else (usually related to a person taking over a job

that is of higher rank)


con = together ex = out inter = between pre = before pro = priority in time or space re = back suc = under


ible = capable of or = thing which or person who


con = together extro = outside intro = inside in = in re = back sub = under anni = year


tion = state of being ify = cause or make be sion = state of being

Page 14: Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List · Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List for 2013-2014 2 Week 1 PED = foot 1. biped – a creature with two feet 2. centipede – a creature with 100 feet

Mrs. Jones’ Vocabulary List for 2013-2014


Week 25 THERM = heat

1. endothermic – heated from within the body

2. exothermic– requires heat to be absorbed from

outside of the body

3. therm – a unit of heat equal to 1,000 great calories

4. thermal – related to heat or temperature

5. thermodynamic – caused or operated by heat that has

changed into different forms of energy

6. thermograph – a device that automatically writes down

(records) changes in temperature

7. thermometer – an instrument that measures temperature or heat

8. thermophile – an organism that has adapted to living in very

high temperatures (heat), such as bacteria algae

9. thermos – a container that is used to keep things warm,

such as your soup; a double-walled container that keeps things warm

10. thermostat – a device used to control the temperature

Week 26 STRUCT = build

1. construction – what is built; buildings that are created or produced

2. destruction – the act of taking down or destroying something that was built

3. infrastructure – the parts of a city on which the rest of the city was

built around: roads, communication, transportation, and schools

4. instruct – to build knowledge

5. instructor – a person who helps build knowledge

6. misconstrue – to build the wrong meaning; to misunderstand;

to interpret the wrong way

7. obstruction – something that blocks the way of things being

created or built; something in the way

8. reconstruct – to build again

9. substructure – the base, support, or foundation of a building

10. superstructure – something built on top of something else; the part of the building that was built

on top of the foundation or base


endo = within exo = outside


tion = state of being ure = act or process or = person who


con = becomes de = out infra = below in = in mis = wrong ob = toward re = again sub = under super = on top


ic = having some characteristic of al = pertaining to graph = to write meter = measure phile = lover of stat = devices that cause something to be still