Page 1: Music video purposes work sheet (the 1975)

Music Video Purposes Analysis

Comment on the following aspects in relation to PURPOSES and BENIFITS for artist/band and target audience (The 1975)

Provide an explanation in relation to benefits (promotion, extension of income & outlets, synergy opportunities and strategies used by producers to benefit label and artist)

Provide any research evidence you can find that supports explanations of benefits for artist, record label and audience

Promotional The 1975 relesed their slef titled album on September 2nd 2013 which they went on a tour with, they have been on a tour places including Europe and America and more they have also continued the tour also they have announced a new tour that they haven’t released information about yet.

Extension of income They also have been doing quite a few festivals they did cochella they are going to be at the isle of wight and rivermead reading and also bramham park, Glastonbury, t in the park and a lot more

Extension of outlets They have a Deluxe edition of their album that has a disc two with an extra 17 tracks.They also have a vinyl version of their album on their labels website vinyl:

Synergy They have a selection of t-shirts on their website that each have a image of one of their singles and they also have some vests versions of the t-shirts

Page 2: Music video purposes work sheet (the 1975)

Music Video Purposes Analysis

Producers strategies As soon as you go onto their website a advertisement to buy their album comes up and has a link to the different ways you can buy it.Also they have a links page with all the links to their social media where they promote most of their music etc.
