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Simple tips on Job Search for fresh graduates

Each year thousands of young students graduate from hundreds of institutes to start a professional life.

Most of them are not even aware of what actually it needs to start a successful career. Below are some

tips following which one can have an idea on how to go about career path.

- Choosing a Career:

By the time you graduate, you might have made your mind regarding your career choice. The

problem lies where one is not certain of the field/industry he/she wants to step into. In that case a

career counsel’s advice must be sought instead of hitting and trying and losing in the end.

- Writing a Resume:

Ever wondered, why they call it the most crucial factor of your job hunt? The answer is simple; your

resume is the sales pitch that you’d be using to “sell” yourself for a particular role. This world is all

about selling and purchasing, so better the sales pitch, better are the chances of you being “sold at a

good price”.

What a resume must contain? Well, some say put in as much information as you can, but in my

view, putting too much information could cause recruiter/employer lose interest in you and just end

your resume up in the junk. Most recruiters/employers take just 10-15 seconds to decide for a

resume to be considered. So, only relevant and most important information must be provided in

your resume. Save the rest for the interview.

- Job hunt (Applying for Jobs):

Like all operations we once performed with hassle are now could be done with ease, job search has

also been made easy; thanks to increased reach of mediums carrying Job ads. Evolution of e-

Recruitment has made is times easier for Jobseekers to search and find the relevant jobs in their

fields. With just a few mouse clicks, your resume could reach the company of your choice. Similarly,

you are now more reachable for employers; thanks to social recruiting.

Ease of hunting and applying for jobs does not give you a license to bombard employers’ inboxes

with your resume. You must never apply for jobs you are not suitable for or you might end up black

listed as spammer and doors of e-hiring could close permanently before even being opened.

- Preparing for Interview:

An interview call is just the half work done. An impressive interview is what you need to land on

your dream job. Up until now, you’ve made an impression you may call it virtually, now is the time

to make it “real”.

How you prepare for the interview? Having a full command on your area is not what is expected

from you, you are a fresher and employers know that. However, a grasp on what you’ve studied is

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important. It goes without saying; prepare academically. Common sense, general knowledge, some

knowledge of surroundings would be a definite plus.

How to dress for an interview? Dressing appropriately for interview is as important as it could be.

Choose your dress wisely considering the job you are appearing an interview for. A perfectly ironed

trouser and a crisp shirt with fine shoes is usually considered good, but again do not ignore the

position and responsibilities coming along with your prospective job. Dressing casually for an

interview is a big NO. Similarly do no overdo with your attire and how you carry it.

- Interview Day:

So here is the big day and here you are; ready for what would be officially your first step in

professional life. You have the knowledge; you are prepared for it like anything; now do not spoil all

by making small mistakes on interview day. Reach the interview venue well in time. Being late

halves your chances of a fruitful interview. On your call, proceed to the room where interviews are

being conducted. Knock politely and ask for permission to enter. Give a warm handshake to your

panel/individual interviewer, if they are at an approachable distance; don’t cause hustle in the room

by trying approaching those who are far; don’t crack bones, just a little warmth will do. Sit

confidently, alert, with a little smile on your face. Wait for the questions you’ve prepared all the

answers for. Answer gently, confidently and truthfully. Do not lie for the questions you don’t know

the answers. The moment you lie, you are “dead”. If time allows, provide all the information that

you kept from sharing in your resume. Your achievements, goals, ambitions and expectations are

now to be highlighted and shared. If all goes well and it reaches to salary negotiations, don’t be shy

or greedy while discussing it. Asking your “right price” is your right.

After the interview concludes, make a warm handshake with the interviewer and leave the room

with calm and positive attitude. Rushing to leave or panic shows nervousness and that is not desired

for a potential candidate.

Writer is a contributor and team player at TechnoBird/

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