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The Western Front in 1917

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Nivelle (French Commander) believed he could break the German lines in France.

His plan was to find the weakest spot in the German line and smash it with a massive attack.

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A French officer was captured with the plans in his pocket.

The Germans simply retreated to the new line of trenches they had built. The Hindenburg Line.

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On April 9th the British attack the town of Arras to draw attention away from Nivelle’s offensive.

At first it worked, the Canadians captured Vimy Ridge.

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Nivelle finds the German Trenches empty.Moving the forward they get caught in a trap.The Germans used machine guns from all

sides. After 10 days, 34,000 men were dead and

another 90,000 wounded

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After this big failure a mutiny began in the French army.

Thousands of deserted and set off for home. Discipline collapsed.

General Petain (Verdun), replaced Nivelle.Petain used ruthless methods to restore


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Thousands of soldiers were court-martialled and hundreds sentenced to death.

Petain gained control of his men.

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The British had to draw attention away from the French army.

They attacked a hill at Messines. (140 meters high)

The British dug tunnels underneath the hill and filled them with TNT.

June 7th, Boom. The hill is gone

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General Haig decided to attack Ypres (3rd time) better know as Passhendale.

Nothing but Mud.400,000 British
