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My authobiography.




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De La Salle Highschool.De La Salle Highschool.

• Me• My family• My friends• School• Phrase

Friday, August 17th, 2012. Miss. Nora Guzmán Pelagio.

Me.0 Name: Nyerit Radilla Moreno. 0 Was born in Tixtla de Guerrero. 0 17 years old. 0 Have fun with friends and family. 0 Go to anywhere 0 Dive, swim underwater., skating 0 Love to know new places, travel,

discover , making photografy.0 Good friend with mines. 0 Dislike hypocrites, people who

have negative attitudes.0 Hate pessimism. 0 Enjoy life. I think every person

shapes his freedom in life

My Family0My fathers are José Manuel Radilla López and Kennia

Moreno Loza. I have a sister called María Garissa, she has 9 years old. I love my family, eventhough I don’t show the constantly that I do.

Friends.0 I consider my friends my

second family, without them, I wouldn’t be here. I know a lot of people, but friends, people that had showed me their real friendship its just the 10%.

I consider that my FRIENDS are: Mitzi, Ana, Allan,

Kathya, Denisse, Ernesto, José, Milka and Fer.

School.0 I have been in 6 different schools. 0Started elemantary school in college Simon Bolivar 0 Then college Cualcan. 0First grade of secondary in Tixtla De Guerrero.0 Since second grade I’m at La Salle.

Closing phrase.

0 “You can choose to blame circumstances about destiny, or bad luck, or bad decisions. Or you can fight. Things will never be fair in the real world. But mainly, you receive what you give, the rest of your life is being formed in this moment, with the dreams you choose

to follow, the decisions you make, and the person you decide to be. The rest of your life, is a long time. And

that time, starts now.” –One tree hill.