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My super awesome amazing friends/homies!!

They’re super awesome!

By: Sydney Cole

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My Best Friend/ Twin Parker!

My best friend forever/ twin is Parker Williams! We met on the same softball team. After moving to North Carolina, I was asked by the coach of a travel softball team to come try out. I did and made the team…that’s where I met Parker. We have been best friends for almost five years now. We are “twins” because we look and act alike. We played on the same softball, basketball, and volleyball teams. We also show up to practices dressed alike even if we don’t plan it.

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Parker Continued…

We have gone on three vacations together. The first one was to the State of Georgia where I am from. We went and stayed with my grandparents and saw a Brave’s game. I went with Parker and my other friend Kayla. We had a great time and that’s when Parker and I really became best friends. The second vacation was just this summer when she took me to Kure Beach with her and her family. We ran on the beach and were knocked over by huge waves. We even got sun burned when we were tanning… that was not so fun. The third vacation we went on was also this summer. We went to Alabama to see my other grandparents and then headed down to Orlando, Florida to go to Universal Studios. It was really fun. I went before when I was seven but that was Parker’s first time. She had a great time but we were so tired from walking…we crashed in the pool after wards…

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Most people call us “Park” and “Syd” but Parker and I gave each other our own nicknames. I call her “P-diddy” or “P-mac”. I am just “Syd” or “Twin”. Parker’s friend Cassidy calls me “More Appealing Twin (MAT)”. Our parents and other people’s parents refer to us as “the twins” or “separated at birth”. When we went to Universal Studios, we got Thing 1 and Thing 2 shirts. We are one year and twelve days apart so I am Thing 1 since I was born first.

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Pictures of me and P-mac!

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Random panda picture! Woohoo!

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My group of middle school buddies! (it’s a big group)

Savannah Deal (leader of the pack)- Savannah is all around, a funny, smart, and caring person. She is pretty much the chief of our group and she throws AMAZING parties! She gave me the nickname “Sydneycole”…notice there is no space. That is because she said it flows together so there cant be a space…ok?Olivia Horning (the creative one)- Olivia is someone you can rely for listening to your problems and coming up with solutions. She is also very creative considering she was on yearbook staff…hmmm.Daniel Moose ( the danger factor)-Oh gosh…hmmm. Well first of all we call him “Moose”. You don’t call him Daniel or Daniel Moose. Moose sounds cooler so that’s that. Moose is one of those funny people that are funny because he doesn’t care what you think and what you consider “dangerous”…dangerous to him= fun! He’s nice though and makes sense from time to time.Kipp Shores (ummm…)- Words can only describe Kipp. He loves hunting, anything camo, and is best friends with Moose which makes them doubly difficult to be around. Those two together are quite funny though. Gotta love Kipp.

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Group continued…

Alex Osterweil (nerd in denial)- Alex is OBSSED with duct-tape! I mean he makes sooo many things form the stuff and has sooo many colors of it. If you want a duct-tape purse or duct-tape car, talk to Alex.

Ryan Williams (the Beatles/Foo Fighters/ Green Day/ Video Games Fanatic)- Ryan is a really nice guy. He loves the Beatles and Foo Fighters (these are bands). I’m the one that got him into Green Day. We both play guitar and even played together at his birthday party. Ryan is the guy to talk to about Youtube or videogames. Our conversations are mostly about music and the latest video games we have played.

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Group Continued…

Olivia Richard (the lover)- Olivia loves everyone. Olivia will accept you for who you are no matter how strange you are because there is a possibility that she is stranger… Olivia is really funny and great to be around. Leah Weaver (Oh Leah you rock)- Leah is really funny but also has a serious tone about her. She will never be caught dead in a dress or skirt (much like myself) and is not afraid to speak her mind. If you annoy her, she’ll let you know. Jade Estes (Spastic Leprechaun)- We all call Jade the “Spastic Leprechaun” because number 1: she is very wild, especially at parties. Number 2: She is always talking about her Irish side so we threw in Leprechaun to go along with her spastic attitude. Jade LOVES soccer and will be your friend forever if you have the same interest. She is also a “Twi-hard, die hard” person meaning… she loves Twilight. Shelby Adams (spastic fish/ squirrel)- Ok, I forgot how she got the name “spastic fish” but “squirrel” I can tell you about. One day last year I was staying after school to finish a project and Shelby says “Sydneycole (she calls me that too), how do you spell ‘squirrel’?” and so I told her…it’s pretty simple but… Anyway from then on, I’ve called her ‘squirrel’ and some other people do too.

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Group continued… told You it was large

Aundrea Bailey (the punisher…jk :) Aundrea will keep you in line if you are doing something bad. For example: If you are playing capture the flag and you are caught sharing info, she’ll get ya but will be somewhat nice about it. Gotta love Aundie!

Nick Barlowe ( Coconut head)- Nick has some crazy hair! Well, not that crazy but it does gives the top of his head a peculiar shape. Nick is a cool guy though so you cant say much about his hair…

Rebecca Corl ( Cool earrings chick)- Rebecca has some BEASTLY earrings and her style is cool. She has these cool earrings that look like zippers and they actually zip! WOW! Anyway, whatever she wears, she can find a way to make it look great. Becca is great. She is also a beastly soccer/tennis player.

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Group continued still… oh gosh

Jackie Salazar (soccer girl)- Jackie is all around a very nice person. Sometimes she is serious and other times it’s a party. She LOVES soccer like Jade and is a great person to be around. She likes everyone unless you start to annoy her, then… you’re missing out.

Megan Yates (Graceful)- Megan can’t go ANYWHERE without falling over something. Even if it is air, she is down. She is a great source of entertainment though and will always keep you laughing. She is a great person and you can’t find anyone else like her.

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Pictures of me and my group! Jade: in black on the slide on the leftNick: Beside Jade Shelby:beside Jade in front of Nick Olivia H.: Behind Shelby Ryan:Beside Olivia H. :Savannah: In front of Ryan Megan: Under Ryan Kipp: beside MeganOlivia R.: to the right of Ryan Aundrea: Beside Olivia R. Kylie: Beside me on the slide…. This was the “Come as you aren’t party so we really don’t dress this stupid in real life )

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Random Monster Logo!!!!!

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Kayla Sigmon

I have one more friend to tell you about and then I’m done I promise . Her name is Kayla Sigmon. She is two years younger than me but that doesn’t matter. I also met her on the softball team that I met Parker on. We have been friends for the same amount of time and Parker, Kayla, and I all go to the same middle school (except for me obviously but I did.)Anyway, Kayla is a good friend and we like to hang out and play some sports together.

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Pictures of Kayla

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The End!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whew…
