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Page 1: my rutine

Good morning. My name is Oscar Mora. I am surveyor engineer. I always get up at 4:30 am the weekdays, and I take a shower for 15 minutes, then I get dressed and i usually make a breakfast, I eat breakfast and leave home to work . at seven, I got to work and I frequently leave work at 4:30 pm. at noon I eat lunch in the Typykos restaurant, at half past four I take two buses to my house, one to the Bogota River and another to my house, I occasionally play with my pet at 7:30 , is a very big dog. I often eat something light, the Mondays I watch TV in fox channel at 10:30 pm a series television “the walking dead and then I get undressed and I sleep until the next day, the weekend, we rarely play soccer with my friends
