  • 7/30/2019 Mystic Marcella Sample Tarot Reading


    Clarity 1-2-3

    September 16, 2012

  • 7/30/2019 Mystic Marcella Sample Tarot Reading



    Personal 3 card reading: September 16, 2012{Q} = Querent # 12160911

    {MM} = Mystic Marcellas Speaks the Intuitive Story{A?} Ask Yoursel

    {M1} = Milestone 1The Inquiry

    Inquiry Topic: Career Time rame: 3 months Numbers: 3- 42-65

    {Q} My question is about a career change. I have a job but I am considering starting

    a side business in hopes I can quit. This would be an internet business that oers

    advice and tips to those who want to do DIY home improvements and or style their

    house to sell. I am going to need help to learn how this project could be protable.

    My question is: Should I start this business? Will it be successul? and what should I

    do or the next three months. I have a riend that is interested in working with me,

    but she has no money to help with startup.

    {MM} Hi, [name]. I can eel your eagerness to unold your wings, stretch in the

    warmth o the sunlight and y high on your own. Im glad you shared with me that

    you currently have a career in place because shiting rom one known path ( your

    job today) to another path o unknowns is a bold decision. I am also very glad to

    know that you are prepared to put some planning and thought into how this can

    be achieved. The three card reading that ollows cannot answer your rst question

    with a yes or no. Only you can decide i you should take the rst steps. Lets explore

    the cards one by one and then as pairs to see how things might play out over these

    next three months.

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  • 7/30/2019 Mystic Marcella Sample Tarot Reading



    Six of Pentacles (reversed)

    #1 Card o Infuence: (Keywords)

    orces o inuence, push / pull, past and


    The rst card in this story is Pentacles and is rooted in the

    topic o nance and material gains (or losses). This sets

    the course o the reading to parallel the question about

    career, business, resources, and things nancial. The suit o

    Pentacles also touches on security, status, and ability to appreciate what we have.

    The Six o Pentacles is about tangibles - those thing in the material world that we

    own or possess. The card also relates to our relationship to these items and how we

    achieve the means to obtain them.

    Sharing and generosity - the give and the take - are strongly indicated by this

    card, but with reversal there is a lack o satisaction. This lack o satisaction can be

    exacerbated by two parties BOTH eeling like they give give give, but dont nd the

    value and eort is appreciated or returned. So, there is an underlying need to break

    ree o this cycle. Everyone involved is being held back in someway. This could be

    people not expressing themselves to each other or there is a rule in place, or an

    impossibility imposed that keeps this cycle o unulllment going round and round.

    This Six o Pentacles Reversed is also an indicator that going it alone is not as

    avorable as asking or and seeking help, and all with the possibility o gaining

    back as much as you give away. It may be time to move outside the grip o

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    relationships that are too binding, but in doing so (breaking ree) it is wise to accept

    the hand o the passerby who oers (even small) assistance, support, or nuturing. I

    there is no hand visible then ask or help.

    From the cautionary viewpoint the Reversed Six o Pentacles alerts us to inuences

    and behavior that is less than stellar. The card shows there could be a vulnerability

    or one to succumb to greed or envy. This is a landscape that will surely slow

    any path towards ulllment. One should also be aware o those who may want

    manipulate others, or draw you into unair or shady (get rish quick) practices or

    their own gain.

    {MM} The reversal o the Six o Pentacles in the Card o Inuence position signies a

    conict. The number six in particular is about equilibrium. With this reversal, I sense

    there is an upsetting o equilibrium or balance due to antagonizing orces. These

    orces are current and are contributing to the high or low level o satisaction at the


    It is possible that a series o events have caused a withdrawal o generosity at both

    home and the workplace. At work, this may come as a hesitation or reluctance to

    share knowledge or go the extra mile - maybe even a strong distaste or repetition

    o tasks that have no meaning or seem unnecessary. At home, this may be showing

    itsel as just pure exhaustion and constant battle between - the wanting to give

    time and energy, but also needing to do some sel-reueling.

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    As a a career centric story, there are some questions that should be asked:

    {A?} Ask yoursel: Why do I want to leave my job? Think careully about the

    emotional reasons you are seeking a career change. Money is the simplest o all

    answers. Spell it out to yoursel - write it down - seek the truth. Do you want to be

    appreciated? Do you want to see tangible results? Do you measure your own sel-

    worth by the happiness your work brings to others?

    {MM} Once there is a better understanding o the deep motivations or changing

    career; it will be easier to choose the best step orward, the best environment, the

    best partnerships, the best tools to help urther this goal. Understanding yoursel

    will not only add clarity to daily decisions, it will help attract those who have a

    similar vision o prosperity and ulllment. When all these orces are aligned - the

    balance happens naturally and getting rom here to there is easier. {/MM}

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    Nine of Wands

    The second card in the story is the suit o Wands and it

    symbolizes the sparks o creativity, ideas and inspiration.

    Wands support and reveal the beginning aspects o

    putting the pieces together, building, getting things

    done, and solutions.

    The Nine o Wands brings out the complexity o this suit because the card

    represents endings and beginnings. Something must end or this next phase

    or endeavor to begin. Wands are by nature the igniters o something new. The

    challenge comes with the application or distribution o energy, strength and

    condence. One must be mindul o spreading themselves or their resources too

    thin. Loss o condence is at risk.

    The upside is that the Nine o Wands is a re-enorcing card. It is a reminder that

    or this career situation there are untapped inner strengths and a healthy vigor

    available to you especially when a time o challenge or battle presents itsel.

    And... that brings up another ace to the Nine o Wands. There may very well be

    a difculty, increased tension, or an adversity that ends with a ew brusied egos.

    The important thing to remember is that all measure o resilance, condence

    #2 Spotlight Card: (keywords)

    present and uture, recognize the obvious,

    uncover the hidden, impending decisions

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    and discipline should be utilized to move orward. I eelings o paranoia or

    deensiveness creep in; this will not advance ones goals. It will only slow down the

    change or transition to the next beginning.

    This card is a reminder to stay on course because with the experience o discipline

    and a clear vision the next steps in your journey will move you orward, into change,

    and you will emerge with positive accomplishments.

    {MM} As this tarot story unolds, there are trust issues coming ront and center and

    there is an element o keeping secrets. During the course o planning and making

    a career change it is wise to put orth your due diligence and begin your sel-

    evaluation, research, and business strategy. And, it makes sense that one should

    seek advice and counsel on unamiliar subjects, but announcing your plans to the

    world must be timed careully. Clearly, no one would conde in their employer

    they were planning on leaving their position. This sort o thing is best kept within

    a small circle o people. And one should be advised not to share this inormation

    with other peers at work, or in any setting where your intentions, plans, condence,

    and momemtum could be dismanteled prematurely by others. Be prepared to take

    some lumps and lick your wounds i this were to happen.

    It is important to ocus on things that layout your route, step by step, and only

    reveal what is necessary to others when they are within a circle o trust and

    like-mindedness. Ironically, the position meaning o this card is to shed light on

    something critical... and the critical thing it is shedding light on is when to keep

    things secret. {/MM}

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    {A?} Ask yoursel: Have I set orth a competent plan to make a change in my lie?

    This means you are asking yoursel the hard questions... Can I pay the bills while

    the new business is developing and growing? Can I manage the household by

    mysel? Are you willing to give up time and some luxury or entertainment to

    launch this plan? Am I prepared to make decisions based on sound business

    practice and not on emotion?

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    #3 Steering Card: (keywords)

    look or signs, choose a route, be prepared

    Five of Cups

    The Tarot has revealed Cups or the third and nal card

    o this reading. Cups is a suit representing emotions and

    how they are expressed, how they inuence the Inquiry.

    The meaning o Card 3 in the Clarity Spread is called the

    Steering Card and the message here is that emotions are going to be a signicant

    actor in the planning o and embarking on a career change.

    The Five o Cups is one o a handul o cards that plays out better IF it is in

    reverse, unortunately or this Tarot story it is upright. The meaning o ve relates

    strategically to our senses (5 senses) our human-ness (5 ngers, 5 toes) and this digs

    ever deeper into revealing the proound inuence emotions are going to play in

    your career topic.

    Ok, lets just get it out there... this card indicates setbacks, loss and regret... and

    eelings o guilt, sadness or remorse. This is the spilt milk card and in this reading

    it is playing out as a big warning sign - a ashing warning sign by showing up asthe Steering Card. The Five o Cups in this steering position very much brings into

    ocus two things: #1 something in the past or soon to be past while on your career

    journey could be steeped in strong debilitating emotions such as depression, guilt,

    or regret. These emotions could be strong enough to derail your objectives - IF

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    - you let them.

    and/or #2 The road map ahead has a series o emotional landmines that have to be

    thwarted, side stepped, or overcome. There may very well be some monetary loss

    or mistakes made.

    The clear motivator behind this Tarot card is to encourge FOCUS. Get past what is in

    the past and move ahead with the uture. Let go! and Get going! I you encounter

    new triggers that call back these eelings - dont let that send you spiraling into a

    place where you cannot make good decisions and steer toward progress.

    This card indicates that you must be prepared to deect the negative emotional

    contributions o others AND control your own responses to be even tempered.

    {MM} From just about every angle this card reads as cautionary. It is not saying, No,

    dont do it, dont go orward. This is not a NO card. Rather it is trying to tell you

    there is a level o mental preparation you must explore i you are going to journey

    successully and keep your emotions intact - especially when responding to others

    who may attempt to exert emotional outbursts on, or excessive control over you. To

    make it really simple... the lesson presented advises: Dont worry, be happy. - and

    count to 10 i you eel yoursel sliding into an over emotional state.

    The possible loss or setback indicated by this card seems to be leaning toward a

    person or several people more than the tangible loss o money or possessions...

    But there could be a misunderstanding that involves the use or ownership o

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    something valuable to you or someone else.

    I you do suer a monetary loss or make a judgement that costs you in time or

    money; dont keep kicking yoursel over it. Move on and learn rom the experience.

    Consider it your tuition or a live and learn short course and use your new ound

    knowlege to avoid repeating the mistake and help others to do avoid too.

    This could be a good time to expand your communication skills by reading up on

    the positive psychology topic called Appreciative Inquiry.{/MM}

    {A?} Ask yoursel: Am I prepared or the long haul in this project? How can I stay

    positive, ocused and clear headed when adversity arises? Are there resources

    available to help me learn and maintain a proessional and productive methodology

    during my career change process?

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    The Six o Pentacles - Earth Reversed is paired

    with the Nine o Wands - Fire Upright. The pictoral

    characters on these two cards are acing each

    other, but not looking directly at each other. Each

    seems to be distracted either by something in

    their present or by their silent thoughts. These

    cards exist separately and exert neutral orces

    over each other. From a timeline perspective these cards are going to (or a short

    period o time) exert themselves together, side by side to inuence the beginnings o

    a career shit.

    The Nine o Wands - Fire Upright and the Five

    o Cups - Water Upright is a rough pairing.

    These cards reuse to connect in any positive

    way so we must read the messages under the

    pretense o: prepare to be prepared. The pictoral

    symbolism o the gures is quite literally ... two

    persons totally absorbed in their own thoughts

    and eelings. They have no awareness o one another because they are deep within

    their current situation. They are both in a sel-imposed disconnect. From a timeline

    perspective, these two cards inuence a longer period and part o that time stretch

    will have blocks o time where nothing is accomplished. The caution here is to

    try and minimize those rough spots by working through the cause and eects.

    Reading Betweeen The Cards

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    Anticipate and recognize a scenario that could go sour and try to minimize it.

    Lets look at what is missing in this reading: the suit o Swords. Swords represent

    the intellectual, lucid and logical thinking. Without the appearance o Swords

    in this reading the elements o Water and Fire together are able to prevail with

    strong emotional reactions. The Five o Cups is a card o extreme emotion on the

    darker side so this card reveals a warning that extra eort will be needed to move

    emotionally past a challenge by thinking more analytically to reach the rewards o

    new career.

    Sometimes a Tarot Story ends conveniently with a card that symbolizes completion,

    realization and closure. Unortunately, this reading ends with the Five o Cups and

    ves in general are not representative o closure. The topic o this inquiry is still very

    much open and should be looked at as a To be continued... ending.

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    [Pentacles - Wands - Cups] [ Earth - Fire - Water] [6 (+3) 9 (-4) 5 :: 2]

    {MM} Think through your personal motivation or wanting to start a new

    career and seek the most optimistic path that could bring ullllment. There will

    be a temptation to go it alone but asking or and accepting help will likely place

    success in your uture. Caution is advised when sharing your ideas or excitment

    with others. Some people may discourage you in ways that will uel sel-doubt and

    some may (accidentally or on purpose) outright derail your course or a period o

    time. The ormal announcement o your change should be timed with care and the

    strategic planning o your endeavor should be kept within a close circle o trusted

    people who share a similar vision when i comes to accomplishments.

    The cards are indicative o one or more challenges that could become emotionally

    charged. A partnership may be lost or you may suer guilt, bitterness, or sadness

    over a difcult or awed decision. Staying on track is the key. Find the strength to

    ocus and move on. Learn rom your mistakes and let bygones be bygones. The

    energy and enthsiasm reserves are there by the boat load - within you. The path

    toward progress and success can be navigated better when overly emotional

    responses are placed in check and you can assume an intellectual stance. {/MM}

    In A Nut Shell. . . Summary o your Tarot Story Reading

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    Mystic Marcella provides this Tarot Story reading

    or your entertainment. The unique story that

    unolds within this reading is fctional and based

    on a combination o traditional and contemporary

    meanings or a set o randomly drawn cards. Mystic

    Marcella makes no representations or warranties,expressed or implied as to the accuracy, quality or

    relevency o the story text to your personal lie and

    urthermore disclaims any liability or damage or

    loss or consequece resulting rom user interpretation

    and subsequent behavior. Any ideas, inormation,

    insight, or guidance gained rom within the Tarot Story

    should not be used as a substitute or proessional

    2012 Mystic Marcella |

    fnancial, medical, legal or psychological advice

    or treatment. Mystic Marcellas Tarot story reading

    makes no promise to predict the uture. As the

    recipient and user o the unique Tarot story reading

    it is understood that you possess ree will and are

    ultimately responsible or your own decisions, actions

    and choices over the course o your lie.
