Download pdf - NAASP Project Part I


National Association for Amateur Smartphone Productions

2017 Convention

Haley Wessel | Lashata Grayson | Jordan Fleming | Brittany Conduitt | Rachel Allgood | Jake Rynkiewich

February 21, 2016

Part I


Table of Contents

1. Cover2. Table of Contents3. Association Overview4. Event Overview & Goals and SMART Objectives5. Event Overview continued Stakeholder and Target Market Overview6. Target Market Overview continued7. Target Market Overview continued & PESTLE8. PESTLE continued9. PESTLE continued10. SWOT Analysis11. SWOT Analysis continued12. SWOT continued & Comparative Research13. Comparative Research continued14. Comparative Research continued15. Budget16. Site Selection Analysis17. Site Selection Matrix18. Site Photos19. Site Photos


Association Overview:

National Association for Amateur Smartphone Productions (NAASP)

Purpose of Association:

To provide members with networking and certification opportunities, early access to the latest

technologies from popular brands, exclusive discounts on various apps, and special recognition

through an annual award ceremony.


Every personal brand perfectly perceived.


To inspire individuals to capture their brand electronically through education and new


Primary Members:

Intermediate and Beginner Members

Membership Breakdown:

Suppliers- Companies who want to sell products at the event.

Social Media Professionals- social media users who have acquired 500,000

subscribers/followers. $

Intermediate Members- public interested in expanding their personal brand. Includes coupons

from sponsors, birthday gift card to app store, free event registration. $$

Beginner Members- the public that is interested in expanding their personal brand. Includes

coupons from sponsors and birthday coupon. $$$


Brand Elements:

Event Overview:

What is the event:

The National Association for Amateur Smartphone Productions Annual Convention

What purpose does the event serve:

An opportunity for members to network with other social media users, gain new skills and learn

new techniques in promoting their personal brand and to have their accomplishments on social

media recognized.

When will the convention be held and why:

April 21-23, 2017 in Los Angeles. Many of the suppliers are based here and a large

portion of the target market resides in this area. April is a pleasant time of the year in

California. The weather is nice and the convention center is in Los Angeles. LA is a

bigger city and has a lot to offer. The attendees will have more options for food, lodging,

and leisure activities.

How many attendees are expected and the different types:

1900 people:

1500 attendees

150 Volunteer and Staff

100 Media


100 Exhibitors

50 Suppliers

6%- Volunteer Staff 5%-100 Media 5%-100 Exhibitors 5%-50 Suppliers 79%-1500 Users

Goals and SMART Objectives:

Goal #1: First year attendance to the convention relative to similar events

SMART: Have 60% of overall members attend the event.

SMART: 150 verified social media professionals register for the event two months prior

Goal #2: Established a strong attendee engagement throughout the entire conference.

SMART: Get event hashtag to be utilized at least 3,000 times in the U.S. during the 2017


SMART: Get 60% of attendees to sign up/attend at least one education session during the


Stakeholder and Target Market Overview:

Convention’s 7 most important stakeholder groups (Internal or External). Value

proposition of each stakeholder group:

1. Attendees (external) - Attendees will be gaining valuable knowledge, learning more

about how to create a personal brand, and networking with other attendees and


2. Sponsors (external) - Sponsors have invested money into NAASP so that people in

return will invest money into their company through sales and awareness.


3. Exhibitors (external) - Exhibitors want a lot of people to attend so they can increase

sales and their brand can be more recognized.

4. Host Community (external) - The host community wants the attendees to come to their

city and bring more business to the city to increase their tech reputation.

5. Organizing Company and Staff (internal) - The organizing company and staff would want

the event to go well so they can have repeat events and so that their personal brand

becomes more recognized and so they have job security.

6. Vendors (external) - The vendors want the event to go well so that when NAASP have

another event the association will use them again, gaining loyal customers, more sales

and income, and possibly referrals.

7. Volunteers (internal) - The volunteers want the event to go well so that they have a good

volunteer experience, they can gain more knowledge, and fulfill their need and want to

give back to the community.

Primary Customer: Attendee

Target Market with 5 demographics and 5 psychographics:

Target market would be millennials.


● 21-35 year olds

● live in the U.S., mostly near the West Coast within driving distance (250 miles)

● 60% women, 40% men

○ More women than men because women are usually more involved in social

media and worried about changing the details of their brand (filters, lighting, etc.)

on social media platforms than men are.

● 50% single people, 30% cohabitants, 20% married


● Some College Education (Associates) or above.


● vain

● creative

● ambitious

● outgoing

● tech-savvy

● open-minded

PESTLE Analysis:

P (political):

A new law that went into effect on January 1, 2016 requires all ride-sharing services

(Uber, Lyft) to partake in a DMV program and regularly monitor the records of drivers.

This could positively impact the event because it would provide another safe and

accredited form of travel around the city for the attendees.1

E (economic):

The city of Los Angeles is in the process of funding for the construction of a new NFL

stadium. This could have a negative impact on the event if taxes are raised in order to

afford this funding. The cost to put on the event could potentially increase as well as the

cost the attendees would have to pay in order to come to the event.2

1 Associated Press. "New 2016 California Laws Take Effect: What You Need to Know." ABC7 Los Angeles. KABC-TV, 21 Jan. 2016. Web. 15 Feb. 2016. 2 Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporatio. "THE NFL LOS ANGELES STADIUM IN CARSON: AN ECONOMIC IMPACT ANALYSIS." (n.d.): n. pag. Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation. LAEDC Institute for Applied Economics, Mar. 2015. Web. 15 Feb. 2016.


Gas prices are back on the rise. By summer 2016 gas in Los Angeles is expected to

peak somewhere between $3.75 and $4.25. If this trend continues it could negatively

impact the event by discouraging attendees to come due to rising gas prices.3

S (social):

More than 85% of millennials own a smartphone and on average they touch their

smartphone 45 times a day. It would be extremely pertinent for the event to advertise

through social media and create an app that would literally be in the hands of the

attendee constantly.4

As of 2013, 13% of millennials were using LinkedIn. While this statistic surely has grown

in the last 3 years due to more millennials looking to enter the workforce, it could still be

higher. This could positively impact the event because the convention could be used as

a platform to educate the attendees on the importance of using LinkedIn and how to

properly create a personal brand on there.5

T (technological):

According to a study done by the National Literary Trust, 52% of young people prefer to

read on screen while only 32% prefer print.6

The Pew Research Center conducted a study that showed that 85% of Americans ages

18 to 29 own a smartphone. Among young adults, a smartphone is considered an

3 Bomey, Nathan. "2016 Gas Prices: Summer Uptick Won't Last." USA Today. Gannett, 06 Jan. 2016. Web. 18 Feb. 2016. 4 Egan, John. "18 Statistics That Marketers Need to Know about Millennials - LeadsCon." LeadsCon. Access Intelligence, 22 Jan.2015. Web. 15 Feb. 2016.5 Smith, Craig. "125 Amazing LinkedIn Statistics & Facts." DMR. N.p., 09 Feb. 2014. Web. 18 Feb. 2016. 6 Coughlan, Sean. "Young People 'prefer to Read on Screen' - BBC News."BBC News. BBC News Education and Family, 16 May2013. Web. 15 Feb. 2016.


essential because it enables users to complete all kinds of tasks. It also showed that

millennials hate websites that do not work on mobile devices.7

According to the article, Ten Transformative Meeting Technologies of 2015, technology

is becoming more expected at events. Particularly things like free wifi, event apps, and

even real time automated language translation capabilities.8

L (legal):

According to the Los Angeles Convention Center Website, planners must obtain state

permits 10-7 months prior to the event.9

The state of California requires permits such as Event Authorization, Catering, One day

event permits and many more.10

E (environmental):

The Los Angeles Convention Center has done things such as installing energy efficient

lighting to conserve energy and they have done several other things to conserve


The Los Angeles Convention Center has also taken steps to use less water by doing

things like replacing dishwashers and toilets and by other methods as well.

A recent Nielsen global online study found that millennials are the generation that is the

most willing to pay for things that are sustainable. Millennials find quite a lot of value in


7 Bollyut, Jess. "7 Technologies That Young People Do Not Want to Use." The Cheat Sheet. N.p., 25 Apr. 2015. Web. 15 Feb.2016.8 Ball, Corbin. "Ten Transformative Meetings Technology Trends for 2015." Corbin Ball Associates. Corbin Ball Associates, n.d.Web. 16 Feb. 2016. 9 "Los Angeles Convention Center :: Planners." Los Angeles Convention Center :: Planners. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Feb. 2016. 10 "Special Event Permit Application Forms." California ABC -. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Feb. 2016. 11 "Los Angeles Convention Center :: Green Initiatives." Los Angeles Convention Center :: Green Initiatives. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Feb.2016.12 "Newswire ." Green Generation: Millennials Say Sustainability Is a Shopping Priority. Nielsen, 5 Nov. 2015. Web. 16 Feb. 2016.


SWOT Analysis:


● The event is unique in that it is focusing on personal brands instead of corporate


● There is a large population of the target market located in the area where the

event is being held.

● Being the first event, there is no bad reputation associated with it so it can only

go up from here.

● The hosts of the event are millennials therefore they can relate to the target

market and reciprocate their needs in the event.

● The organization has multiple social media platforms to choose from when

advertising, allowing them to reach multiple types of social media users.

● Weaknesses:

● The event lacks credibility because this is the first event.

● There are other events that are similar that have experience hosting the event.

● Because the organization is new to the social media community and because the

organization is planning on using social media to advertise, they will have to gain

a following which takes a while and can be difficult.

● If an attendee is only at the event for a specific type of social media outlet, it may

be difficult to meet their needs if that outlet is not represented as well as other

outlets at the event.

● The organization may under or overestimate how many people need to work the




● Since the target market is so active on social media, the association could mostly

advertise on social media and it is also a very inexpensive way to advertise.

● Local businesses provide NAASP with the opportunity to network so that in the

future there would be potential to have new events with new businesses.

● The lower percentage of millennials on LinkedIn gives the event the opportunity

to expose the attendees to the advantages to benefits of using the service.

● Since the millennials are more interested in sustainable and green products, the

event can draw attendees in by advertising the energy efficient measures the

convention center has taken.

● LAX being such a large hub and having relatively cheap flights allows for the

opportunity for attendees to fly in.


● Due to the fact that LA is funding to build their new football stadium, it could be

more expensive for the association and the attendees to have this event.

● Because LA is in an area where there is a severe drought, water conservation

laws could deter people from coming if they are not used to those kinds of laws

or it may just really inconvenience attendees.

● The prediction for gas prices to be on the rise again could deter attendees from

coming to the event.

● California requires a significant number of licenses and permits that have to be

acquired prior to hosting the event.


● The easy access to online tutorials for learning how to enhance a person’s social

media presence could prevent potential attendees from coming to the event.

The organization will contact multiple social media professionals on various social

media platforms to partner with them to market the convention. These social media

celebrities will follow NAASP on social media, which will further draw attention to the

organization and convention.

The uniqueness of the convention will be emphasized through the marketing campaign.

There are no other events like this convention that have a focus on building a personal

brand through social media. The convention is an opportunity for attendees to interact

one-on-one, in person with social media professionals to gain insight on how they built

their brand; this is something that is not achievable through online tutorials.

Comparative Event Research:

Direct Competition:

● The Photo Pro Expo- Similar event but specifically for photography

○ February 4-8, 2016

○ Price range: $150-300

■ plus extra costs

○ Poor website layout

○ Seems like it is in Kentucky but the website also made it seem like part of

it was in Cincinnati

○ Photography Professionals


● Social Pro by Marketing Land- Social media marketing conference but more

about business marketing

○ June 20-21, 2016 in Seattle

○ Price Range: $800-$1700 for individuals and $3700 - $15,300 for teams

○ About professional-level paid, earned, and owned social media tactics

○ For Business professionals

● Social Media Strategy Summit- Similar event but about business marketing

○ Multiple events throughout 2016, Chicago April 26-28, New York June 1-3,

Dallas August 2016, etc.

○ General Summit Pass: $1600, Pre-Summit Workshops: $500

○ For business professionals

Non-Competitive Comparable Events:

● YouTube Awards- Formerly known as the YTMA’s award show is an event that

honors artists and fans who bring music to life on YouTube. This event is held in

Manhattan in the New York Warehouse.

○ Even though this is a non-competitive event, NAASP

will still utilize the different key concepts of the

YouTube awards, such as offering attendees who

cannot participate to have access to a live streaming

of the convention. This will allow for attendees to get

a grasp of what is happening at the event and would

make them want to participant at the convention in the



● Social Buzz Awards- The Drum’s Social Buzz Awards celebrate and reward the

very best in social media communications in the UK. By rewarding effective

social media campaigns and strategies, these awards give recognition to those

who are using social media to communicate in exciting and innovative ways.

○ This awards ceremony provides ideas on how the

organization could run their awards ceremony. Black

tie, 3 course meal, limited amount of wine included

and any more would be on the attendee, etc.

● Shorty Awards- Annual Awards event that recognizes people and different

organizations presence on social media located at the New York Times Center in

New York, New York hosted last year by actress Rachel Dratch. Throughout this

event they have given out awards such as vine artist of the year, YouTuber of

the Year, Instagramer of the Year, and Snapchatter of the Year, just to name a


○ By having comparable events such as the Shorty

Awards it will allow the association to utilize the

different awards that are listed above for the awards


*These events are considered to be non-competitive because they do not contain

exhibition or education components.


2017 Budget PercentREVENUE

Registration $187,500 70.1%Sponsorships $30,000 11.2%Exhibits $50,000 18.7%TOTAL REVENUE $267,500

VARIABLE EXPENSESFood & Beverage $45,000 23.5%Registration Materials $22,500 11.7%Printed Attendee Materials $7,500 3.9%TOTAL VARIABLE EXPENSES $75,000 39.1%

FIXED EXPENSESVenue Rental $30,000 15.6%Exhibits $30,000 15.6%Insurance $5,000 2.6%Permits $1,000 0.5%Security $1,000 0.5%Medical/First Aid $750 0.4%Marketing $5,000 2.6%Signage $3,500 1.8%Rentals/Décor $10,000 5.2%Technology $12,500 6.5%Audio Visual $3,000 1.6%Staff Expenses $3,500 1.8%Volunteer Expenses $1,500 0.8%Speakers/Entertainment $10,000 5.2%TOTAL FIXED EXPENSES $116,750 60.9%TOTAL EXPENSES $191,750

$15,566.67NET INCOME (LOSS) $75,750.00PROFIT MARGIN 28.3%



Site Selection & Matrix Analysis:

Of the three options, the Los Angeles Convention Center appears to be the top option.

Based on the site selection matrix, the LA Convention Center scored a 25/30 while

Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas and the Javit Center in New York both scored 21/30. The

Los Angeles convention center scored highest due to its high compatibility in size,

image, and ancillary options. Los Angeles’ location also allows attendees to be able to

drive in from a wide area of locations around the west coast. LA’s vibrant, trendy scene

includes many restaurants and extracurricular activities for the attendees to enjoy

outside the schedule of the convention.

The space will be utilized by renting out the Concourse Hall, which has a total capacity

of 2,700 persons, and dividing it up to allow areas to be arranged for the exhibition,

education sessions, general session, the awards banquet, and the closing session. The

Concourse Hall has 26,342 square feet of space and can be divided up into 8 different

rooms. That total area can hold up to 135 exhibit booths.


Convention InfoLos Angeles- Convention

CenterLas Vegas-

Mandalay BayNew York-

Javits CenterDetails Details Rating Details Rating Details Rating


•1500 attendees •enough rooms for event•concourse hall- 2700 person capacity


•exhibit hall- 1800 person capacity


•1A hall- 3000 person capicity (has columns everywhere)



•shuttle•food/restaurants•hotels with meeting space

•large variety of food options•many hotels with meeting space availability


•large number of hotels


•large number of restaurants•variety of hotels with meeting space



•Driving distance for most attendees•local transportation shuttle service

•Metro = $1.75 per ride, $7 per day•expensive parking


•monorail 3-day pass = $40•walkable city•many free parking options


•Metro or bus = $2.75 per ride (passes available)•extremely high parking rates (not very driveable)




•moder, exciting•laid back•hipster, trendy•inflated prices but not worth it


•sin city/party city•modern, exciting•inflated prices but not worth it


•modern, exciting•fast paced•business class•inflated prices


Attributes•catering•tables & chairs

•exclusive caterer•many exclusive vendors•WIFI not free, $12 per day


•exclusive catering•WIFI not free•bring in own vendors


•preferred vendors•WIFI free to certain bandwidth


Cost•negotiable •medium-high cost

•reasonable permit requirements•high cost

4•lots of permits required•high cost 3

•high cost•reasonable permit requirements


Total score 25 20 21

2017 NAASP ConventionApril 21-23, 2017



