Page 1: Name God Creates the World - · Name_____ Instructions: Have children each use an eyedropper to place four to five drops of green and blue watercolor paint in the white


Instructions: Have children each use an eyedropper to place four to five drops of green and blue watercolor paint in the white circle. Then have kids carefully pick up their pages and move them side to side and in a circular motion to allow the paint to move on the paper. Have kids use folded paper towels to absorb the excess liquid. Children can then use watercolors to finish creating their the wonderful worlds. (For additional instructions, see the Teacher Guide.)


Genesis 1:1–2:3

God Createsthe World

God Createsthe World

Page 2: Name God Creates the World - · Name_____ Instructions: Have children each use an eyedropper to place four to five drops of green and blue watercolor paint in the white

Work with your child to mix this candy dough,

and use it to sculpt some of the things God made! Have your child

wash his or her hands, and set out a large bowl and a spoon. Help your child use a spoon at first, then his or her hands, to mix 2⁄3 cup sweet-ened condensed milk with 41⁄2 cups powdered sugar. If the mixture is too crumbly, add water a drop or two at a time. Divide the dough into fourths, and add red, yellow, blue, and green food coloring. Let your child sculpt a variety of objects such as trees, animals, and people. When you’ve finished, enjoy eating the candy creations together. If you want to save the dough for later, it will keep for about a week in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

ASK k What did you like about making things with the dough?

k What do you like about God’s creation?

What I Learned Today...What I Learned Today...Bible Time: This week’s Bible passage

(Genesis 1:1–2:3) tells us that God made every-

thing. God created the heavens and the earth;

night and day; the sky; the land and plants; the

sun, the moon, and the stars; birds and fish; ani-

mals and people—everything! God made every-

thing, and it was good.

Key Verse: “In the beginning God created

the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1).

Help your child make a mobile to represent the days of the Creation. Use a large embroidery or quilting hoop (available from craft stores). Tie three 18-inch lengths of yarn to the hoop at equal distances around the circle. Gather the lengths and tie them together in a knot in the center above the hoop. You’ll hang the mobile by this knot. Next ask your child to gather items to hang on the mobile: small plastic animals, glittery stars, or small silk flowers. Help your child tie a length of yarn to each item, and then tie the other end of the yarn to the hoop. Help your child hang the mobile in his or her room as a reminder that God made everything!

ASKk What’s your favorite thing on the mobile?

k What can our family do to take care of God’s creation?

This week, your child learned that God made everything.

Your child committed to one of the following challenges to thank God for his creation. Help your child weave faith into life this week and fol-low through on the challenge!

k Ask your mom or dad to let you take pictures of things you love in God’s creation. Then say a prayer of thanks for what’s in each picture.

k Go outside with a family member or friend. Point out something that God made on each day of Creation.

k Ask your mom or dad to help you visit on the Internet and look at all the wonderful animals God created! Tell what you like most about the way God made each animal.



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Page 3: Name God Creates the World - · Name_____ Instructions: Have children each use an eyedropper to place four to five drops of green and blue watercolor paint in the white


Genesis 2:4-22

God Creates Adam and EveGod Creates Adam and Eve

Instructions: Set out washable markers, and have children draw self-portaits—including eyes, nose, mouth, and other features—onto their student pages. Invite kids to thank God for making us special! (For additional instructions, see the Teacher Guide.)


Page 4: Name God Creates the World - · Name_____ Instructions: Have children each use an eyedropper to place four to five drops of green and blue watercolor paint in the white

Work with your child to make faces on bagel halves. Slice two bagels in half and lay

them on a cookie sheet. Divide one cup of grated mozzarella cheese into four parts (you can add food

coloring to the cheese if you like). Let your child spread a layer of pizza sauce on each bagel half and top with cheese. Help your child use sliced olives, pepperoni, and other pizza toppings to make dif-ferent facial features on each bagel half. Place the snacks on a cookie sheet and bake in the oven at 400 degrees for about 5 minutes or until they’re golden brown. Say a prayer of thanksgiving, and enjoy the treats!

ASK k What was fun about making the different faces?

k What’s different and the same about the way God made our faces?

Show your child sim-ple parts of a car that make it go and stop. Talk to your child about how our bodies are made by God and all our body parts work together better than any machine. Our bodies protect themselves, repair “owies,” and keep working even when we’re sound asleep!

ASK k What are some wonderful things that your body can do?

k What do you like about how God made you?

k What can we do to thank God for making us in such a wonderful way?

What I Learned Today...What I Learned Today...Bible Time: This week’s Bible passage

(Genesis 2:4-22) tells us that God made us.

God created Adam and Eve in a wonder-

ful way, carefully crafting Adam from dust

of the ground and Eve from one of Adam’s

ribs. We are wonderfully created, too, and

we can thank our loving God.

Key Verse: "In the beginning God created

the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1).

This week, your child learned that God made us. He or she committed to one of the following challenges to thank God for making him or her special. Help your child weave

faith into life this week and follow through on the challenge!

k Look through your family photos and see the special ways God made each person.

k Tell a family member what you like best about the way God made you. Then tell that person what you like best about the way God made him or her.

k Do something you’re really good at, such as running fast, singing, or drawing pictures. Then thank God for making you good at that! Co


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Page 5: Name God Creates the World - · Name_____ Instructions: Have children each use an eyedropper to place four to five drops of green and blue watercolor paint in the white


Instructions: Have children draw on another piece of paper three good things God’s given them. Then have kids cut these things out and tape them to this page. Remind children that we can make good choices to obey God and that we can choose to take care of our world. (For additional instructions, see the Teacher Guide.)


Adam and EveSin

Adam and EveSin Genesis 3

Page 6: Name God Creates the World - · Name_____ Instructions: Have children each use an eyedropper to place four to five drops of green and blue watercolor paint in the white

Invite your kids to help you make two or three simple choices this week, such as what to have for dinner or a movie everyone can watch together. For each choice, help your kids con-

sider how to make a good choice with these guiding questions.

ASK k What helps us make good choices?

k What can we do to ask God for help with our choices?

Make heart-healthy treats with your child. Cut thin slices of angel food cake in the shape of a heart. Frost the slices with low-fat vanilla yogurt. Slice an apple into thin pieces and place as many as you like on top of the yogurt. Tell your child these foods make a healthy snack and choosing healthy food is a good choice

that’s good for your heart. In church, your child learned another good choice for the heart—to love God with his or her whole heart. As you and your

child enjoy your snack, ask these questions:

ASK k What does loving God with your whole heart do for you?

k What can we do as a family this week to show God we love him?

What I Learned Today...What I Learned Today...Bible Time: This week’s Bible passage (Genesis 3) tells us that God wants us to make good choices. God cared for Adam and Eve and allowed them to live in the beauti-ful Garden of Eden. But Adam and Eve sinned and ate from the one tree that God had told them not to! Even though Adam and Eve disobeyed, God continued to show his care by giving them clothing, another place to live, and a family. Even though we sin, God always cares for us, and he never stops loving us.Key Verse: Love God with your whole heart (adapted from Deuteronomy 6:5).

This week, your child learned that God wants us to make good choices. Your

child committed to one of the following Daily Challenges to make a good choice. Help your child weave faith into life this week and follow through on the challenge!

k Pray to God before you make a hard choice at home or at school.

k Clean a room in your house and take care of the good things God’s given you.

k Talk with a parent about how the rules in your house keep you safe.



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Page 7: Name God Creates the World - · Name_____ Instructions: Have children each use an eyedropper to place four to five drops of green and blue watercolor paint in the white


Cain Kills AbelCain Kills AbelGenesis 4:1-16

Instructions: Set out colored pencils, and have children each draw a picture of their family. Then ask kids what they love about their families. Remind kids that God wants us to love our families. (For additional instructions, see the Teacher Guide.)


Page 8: Name God Creates the World - · Name_____ Instructions: Have children each use an eyedropper to place four to five drops of green and blue watercolor paint in the white

Work with your child to make this

meal that ties in with the Bible story of Cain and Abel. In a large pot, help your child mix a bag of frozen vegetables with one can of tomatoes and one can of water. Heat the ingredients on the stove to make a pot of vegetable stew—but don’t season the vegeta-bles! In a separate pot, cover a chuck roast with water and cook it with two cubes of beef bouillon and seasoning until it’s tender. After both dishes are done, let your child taste from each pot.

ASK k How do the unseasoned vegetables remind you of Cain’s offering?

k How does the tasty meat remind you of Abel’s offering?

Then cut the meat into small pieces. Add the meat to the vegetables, and add salt and pepper to taste. Simmer the meat stew about 15 minutes, and show love to family members by sharing the tasty stew that you and your child made!

What I Learned Today...What I Learned Today...Bible Time: This week’s Bible passage (Genesis 4:1-16) tells us that God wants us to love our families. Cain and Abel were Adam and Eve’s sons. Cain worked the soil, and Abel worked with the flocks. They both gave an offering to God, but Cain gave only some of the fruits of the soil, and Abel gave the very best from his flocks. Cain was jealous because God favored Abel’s offering over his, so he killed Abel. God wants us to love our families, not treat them with jealousy and anger.

Key Verse: Love God with your whole heart (adapted from Deuteronomy 6:5).

Create a photo center-piece with your child.

Work together to find pictures in which family members are showing love for one another. Glue the pictures to a large sheet of construction paper, and then cover it with clear adhesive paper. Talk about the pictures together as a family.

ASK k What do you love about the family memories in these pictures?

k What can we do this week to cre-ate another loving family memory?

This week, your child learned that God wants us to love our families. Your child com-mitted to one of the following challenges to show love to your family. Help your child weave faith into life this week and follow through on the challenge!

k Help your brother or sister pick up toys.

k Ask your mom or dad to help you make a family member’s favorite snack.

k Draw a picture for someone in your family, and then leave the picture on the person’s pillow as a wonderful bedtime surprise.



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Page 9: Name God Creates the World - · Name_____ Instructions: Have children each use an eyedropper to place four to five drops of green and blue watercolor paint in the white


Genesis 6:5-22

Instructions: Ask children to talk with partners about how the people or animals in the pictures are obeying. Then have kids draw a time they obeyed in the blank box. (For additional instructions, see the Teacher Guide.)

5lesson the Ark

Noah Builds the Ark

Noah Builds

Page 10: Name God Creates the World - · Name_____ Instructions: Have children each use an eyedropper to place four to five drops of green and blue watercolor paint in the white

Let your child show you how Noah built the ark. Have your child use a pen or a crayon to draw

a happy face inside the bottom of a plastic-foam bowl. Then write on the bowl: “Noah obeyed. I obey, too.” Read

the words to your child as you write. Tell your child to put pairs of animal stickers or a pair of animal cookies inside the bowl. Let your child use a washable marker to draw pictures of trees and mountains on the bottom of the sink. Have your child place the bowl in the sink; then slowly fill the sink with water. Watch with your child as the trees and mountains wash away as the ark rises on the “floodwaters.”

ASK k Tell about a time obeying directions kept you safe.

k What can our family do this week to obey God and stay safe?

Make a simple, edible ark. Give your child pretzel sticks, and let him or her make the outline of an ark on a plate. Give your child some animal cookies, and let him or her find pairs to put in the ark. Wash down the snack with water (or blue drink mix).

ASK k How easy or hard was it for you to build your ark?

k How easy or hard is it to obey God? Why?

What I Learned Today...What I Learned Today...Bible Time: This week’s Bible passage (Genesis 6:5-22) tells us that God wants us to obey. In Noah’s day, people on the earth were wicked, and they didn’t obey God. But Noah was a good man, and God decided to spare his life. So God told Noah to build the ark so that he’d be safe when God sent a flood to destroy the earth. Noah obeyed God, and he, his family, and pairs of ani-mals were saved. The Bible says, “Noah did every-thing just as God commanded him” (Genesis 6:22). God wants us to obey, just as Noah obeyed!Key Verse: Love God with your whole heart (adapted from Deuteronomy 6:5).

This week, your child learned that God wants us to obey.

Your child committed to one of the follow-ing challenges to obey God during daily life. Help your child weave faith into life this week and follow through on the challenge!

k Make your bed in the morning before you go to breakfast.

k Using stuffed animals, show your family what happened with Noah. Talk about how your family can obey God like Noah did.

k When your mom or dad asks you to stop doing something, stop right away without complaining.



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Page 11: Name God Creates the World - · Name_____ Instructions: Have children each use an eyedropper to place four to five drops of green and blue watercolor paint in the white



Genesis 7–8; 9:8-16

Instructions: Have children cut out and then staple the rainbow in a 3-D arch over the ark. Give kids animal crackers, and have them discuss with a partner the promise God gave Noah. (For additional instructions, see the Teacher Guide.)

God Floods the EarthGod Floods the Earth

Page 12: Name God Creates the World - · Name_____ Instructions: Have children each use an eyedropper to place four to five drops of green and blue watercolor paint in the white

Give your child a plate, and have him or her smear vanilla yogurt on it with a spoon. Have your child

sprinkle different colors of powdered gelatin in rows on the yogurt to form a

rainbow. Then encourage your child to say a prayer of thanksgiving, stir the mixture, and eat.

ASK k Where else can you find or make rain-bows to say thanks to God for keeping his promises?

k What do you like about God’s promises?

At bedtime, turn your child’s bed into Noah’s ark! Have your child “build the ark” by straightening the covers and setting up pillows around the edge of the bed. Then have your child arrange stuffed animals on the bed and climb aboard. Turn the lights out to show that the clouds and dark skies are coming. Run your fingertips up and down your child’s back, and pretend that it’s raining. Before your child falls asleep, tell him or her that he or she can sleep and pretend to be riding out the storm on the ark. Wake-up time means that it’s time to come out of the ark. Greet your child, and have him or her help you make breakfast rainbows. (Cut pineapple rings in half.).

ASK k What can we do to keep our promises to each other?

k What can we do to thank God for keeping his promises?

What I Learned Today...What I Learned Today...Bible Time: This week’s Bible passage

(Genesis 7–8; 9:8-16) tells us that God never

lies. Today your child learned that God prom-

ised Noah he’d send a flood, and he did. But

God also promised to take care of Noah, his

family, and the animals on the ark. After the

flood, God made a rainbow in the sky as a

sign of his promise to never again flood the

earth. God kept all of his promises to Noah,

and he keeps his promises to us, too!

Key Verse: Love God with your whole

heart (adapted from Deuteronomy 6:5).

This week, your child learned that God never lies. Your child

committed to one of the following challenges to thank God for keeping his promises. Help your child weave faith into life this week and follow through on the challenge!

k When you see a rainbow, thank God for keeping his promise to Noah and for keeping all promises!

k Wear your Rainbow Wrist Reminder all day to help you remember that God always keeps his promises.

k Talk with your family members about what each person likes most about knowing that God never lies.



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Page 13: Name God Creates the World - · Name_____ Instructions: Have children each use an eyedropper to place four to five drops of green and blue watercolor paint in the white


Instructions: Help children fold along the dotted lines and then tape the edges to make an open-ended brick. Come up with new words (such as “Mumbo zumbo”) that mean “Pick up your bricks” and “Stack them up.” Use the new words to guide kids in building a brick tower. (For additional instructions, see the Teacher Guide.)

Genesis 11:1-9

7lesson Tower at Babel

People Build aTower at Babel

People Build a

Page 14: Name God Creates the World - · Name_____ Instructions: Have children each use an eyedropper to place four to five drops of green and blue watercolor paint in the white

Take your child on

a tour of your home

or a building in your area. While you tour, talk about all of the differ-ent things the builders must have done to complete the project. Tell your child that people some-times forget that they need God. But God created us and gave us the talents we have! Remind your child that we need God’s help daily.

ASK kWhat do you need God’s help to do?

k What can you do to thank God for his help?

As your child attempts to do various tasks such as learning to read a new word, teach him or her to first ask God for help.

Have your child build a tower using cheese slices and crackers, alternating the cheese and crackers as the tower grows. But your child must ask you for each cracker and slice of cheese! Remind your child that the people in the Bible passage tried to build a

tall tower, and they forgot about God. Tell your child that we need God, and we can ask God for his help.

ASK k What do you like about being able to always ask God for help?

k What can we do to remind each other to ask God for help?

Tell your child that we always need God. Offer a prayer of thanks to God for all of his love and help; then let your child eat the tasty snack.

What I Learned Today...What I Learned Today...Bible Time: This week’s Bible passage (Genesis 11:1-9) reminds us that we need God. The people wanted to build a tower at Babel to reach the heavens, and they forgot that they needed God. God wasn’t impressed. He confused their language so that they couldn’t understand one another. The building stopped, and God scattered the people across the earth. Your child learned that we need God every day.

Key Verse: Love God with your whole heart (adapted from Deuteronomy 6:5).

This week, your child learned that we need God. Your child committed to one

of the following challenges to ask God for help in daily life. Help your child weave faith into life this week and follow through on the challenge!

k Ask your mom or dad to help you make a snack for your friends. Ask God to help you make the snack super-yummy.

k When you’re having trouble understand-ing something this week, ask for God’s help.

k If you’re playing a sport this week, ask God to help you play your best.



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Page 15: Name God Creates the World - · Name_____ Instructions: Have children each use an eyedropper to place four to five drops of green and blue watercolor paint in the white


Instructions: Set out markers, and have kids draw items their families would take if they had to move. Remind kids that no matter where we go in life, we can follow God! (For additional instructions, see the Teacher Guide.)

Abram FollowsGod’s Direction

Genesis 12:1-8

Abram FollowsGod’s Direction8


Page 16: Name God Creates the World - · Name_____ Instructions: Have children each use an eyedropper to place four to five drops of green and blue watercolor paint in the white

Plan a surprise trip to a place that your child hasn’t

been to before. Pack a picnic basket with your child’s favorite food, and have a picnic if the weather permits. Ask your child to come with you to the new place. Encourage your child to follow you! Be ready for a fun discussion on trust and blessings!

ASK k Did you trust me to take you to a fun place? Why or why not?

k What can we do to remember to trust and follow God, no matter where we live or where we travel?

This week, your child learned that we can follow God. Your child committed to one of these challenges to choose to follow God in daily life. Help your child weave faith into life this week and follow through on the challenge!

k Collect pictures and other items around your house that remind you of your family. Build an altar with those items and thank God for his help.

k When your mom or dad tells you to follow directions, do what they say. It’s good practice for following God.

k Pray about doing something new or some-thing you’re afraid to do, and ask God to lead you.

Work with your child to make a yummy edible altar. Set out cereal, pret-zels, and crackers. As your child builds an altar from the goodies, have your child tell you about what he or she learned at church.

ASK k What can we do to show God we’ll follow him?

k What are some wonderful things God has done for us?

What I Learned Today...What I Learned Today...Bible Time: This week’s Bible passage

(Genesis 12:1-8) tells us that we can fol-

low God. God told Abram to take his wife,

his servants, and all his belongings, and

move to a place that God would show

him. God told Abram that he would bless

him and that Abram would be a blessing

to many. Abram followed God, packed his

things, and left home. Along the way, God

showed Abram a special land that he’d

give to Abram’s children someday. Abram

built an altar to God as a way of remem-

bering the great things that God had

done and promised. Abram followed God,

and we can follow God, too! God blesses

us with so many good things.

Key Verse: “Trust in the Lord with all

your heart” (Proverbs 3:5).



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Page 17: Name God Creates the World - · Name_____ Instructions: Have children each use an eyedropper to place four to five drops of green and blue watercolor paint in the white

Lot and Abram Divide the Land

Lot and Abram Divide the Land


Genesis 13


Instructions: Cut along the slits before kids arrive. Have kids cut out the figures of Lot and Abram. Then let them tape the figures to craft sticks. Have kids insert the Abram figure through the slit that leads to the dry land and insert Lot through the slit that leads to the lush land. Ask children to talk about what Abram and Lot did while they “walk” Lot and then Abram across the page. (For additional instructions, see the Teacher Guide.)



Page 18: Name God Creates the World - · Name_____ Instructions: Have children each use an eyedropper to place four to five drops of green and blue watercolor paint in the white

Make a yummy snack with your child. In

a bowl, mix together equal amounts of raisins,

M&M’s, and popcorn. Ask your child to think of someone with whom he or she needs to practice getting along, and invite that person to share the snack. Remind your child to let the other person go first!

ASK k What do you like or not like about sharing something you’ve made?

k What are some other ways besides sharing that we can get along?

ASK k Name some people you have trouble getting along with.

k What are some ways that you can get along with those people?

What I Learned Today...What I Learned Today...Bible Time: This week’s Bible passage (Genesis 13) tells us that God wants us to get along. As Abram and his nephew Lot traveled together, they became wealthy. Their herds and servants were too numerous to share the land peaceably. As Abram and Lot surveyed the land around them, Abram suggested that they divide the land. He gave Lot first choice, and Lot headed for a lush valley with green plants and plenty of water. Abram took the land that was left. Letting others choose first is one way of getting along!

Key Verse: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart” (Proverbs 3:5).

Make accordion-

style paper dolls with your child. Use the shape that frames this

text as a pattern for the dolls. Take a piece of

paper and fold it back and forth

into thirds. Cut it into the shape of the pattern (either by cutting out the pattern or by

tracing over it). Do not cut along the outside edges of the hands and feet. Unfold

the dolls, and note that they’re holding hands. Ask

your child to color the dolls, and point out that the people are getting along with each other.

This week, your child learned that God wants us to get along. Your child commit-ted to one of the following challenges to get along with others. Help your child weave faith into life this week and follow through on the challenge!

k When you’re playing with someone, let that person choose which game to play.

k This week, ask someone you’ve never played with before to play with you.

k Share your snack or dessert with a family member or friend.



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Page 19: Name God Creates the World - · Name_____ Instructions: Have children each use an eyedropper to place four to five drops of green and blue watercolor paint in the white


Genesis 15:1-18

Instructions: Have children color around the edges of the stars with yellow and orange crayons. Then have them fill in the stars with glitter glue to make them sparkle. Remind kids that God has good plans for them. (For additional instructions, see the Teacher Guide.)


God Makes a Covenant With Abram

God Makes a Covenant With Abram

Page 20: Name God Creates the World - · Name_____ Instructions: Have children each use an eyedropper to place four to five drops of green and blue watercolor paint in the white

God made promises to Abram about the number of Abram’s descendants by comparing them

to the number of stars in the sky. Make and eat tortilla stars with your child. Have your child wash his or her

hands, and then help your child use a star-shaped cookie cutter to cut tortillas into star shapes. Top or fill the tortillas with your favorite foods. Say a prayer with your child, and then eat and enjoy the treats!

ASK k What do these star shapes remind us about food?

k What can we do together this week to thank God for his good plans for our family?

Several times God made promises to Abram about the many descendants that Abram would have. Abram’s offspring would be as

numerous as the stars in the sky or the sand on the seashore. Go outside with your child and scoop up a handful of dirt or sand and place it on a paper plate. Spread out the grains and try to count them. Then look out and try to guess how many grains of sand or dirt there are in your area.

Wow! What a lot of descendants God had promised to Abram! Remind your child that God had good plans for Abram, and God has good plans for us.

ASK k Do you think anyone can count all of the grains of sand on the whole earth? Why or why not?

k What do you like or not like about the way God told Abram about God’s good plans?

k What are some good plans we can make this week and talk to God about?



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This week, your child learned that God has good plans for us. Your child committed to

one of the following challenges to thank God for his good plans. Help your child weave faith into life this week and follow through on the challenge!

k Each day, thank God for the wonderful plans he had for you that day!

k Act out some of the things you could be when you grow up (such as a doctor or a teacher). Then thank God for the plans he has for your life.

k Ask your mom or dad to go outside at night and look at all the stars with you. Then thank God for the good plans he has for your life.

Bible Time: This week’s Bible passage (Genesis

15:1-18) tells us that God has good plans for us.

One night Abram spoke to God about the fact

that he was getting old and had no children. God

told Abram to look up at all of the stars. God

promised Abram a son, and he said that Abram

would have many, many descendants—as many

as the stars in the sky! God had good plans for

Abram, and God has good plans for us!

Key Verse: “Trust in the Lord with all your

heart” (Proverbs 3:5).

What I Learned Today...What I Learned Today...

Page 21: Name God Creates the World - · Name_____ Instructions: Have children each use an eyedropper to place four to five drops of green and blue watercolor paint in the white


Instructions: Set out markers and a shallow bowl of baby lotion. Have children draw pictures of things that seem impossible to them. Then have kids each put a drop of baby lotion on a finger and rub the lotion onto the picture of Sarah and the baby above. As kids smell the baby lotion, remind them God promised Sarah and Abraham that they’d have a baby. Nothing is impossible with God! (For additional instructions, see the Teacher Guide.)


Genesis 18:1–19:29

Abraham Has Three VisitorsAbraham Has Three Visitors

Page 22: Name God Creates the World - · Name_____ Instructions: Have children each use an eyedropper to place four to five drops of green and blue watercolor paint in the white

Celebrate the amazing way God changes the seasons by filling your home with the smell of spicy applesauce. Let your child pour a large jar of chunky

applesauce into a microwaveable bowl. Help your child mix into the applesauce 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 teaspoon brown sugar, 1 teaspoon

cinnamon, and 1⁄2 teaspoon nutmeg. Microwave for one minute, and then have your child stir the mixture. Rotate the bowl, and microwave for one more minute or until warm. Pray and thank God for the snack—then eat and enjoy!

ASK k What was hard about making the applesauce? What was easy?

k What can we do to thank God for the amazing things he does?

Celebrate the amazing change of seasons by taking a close look at the signs of the season in your part of the world. Go with your child in search of amazing things that God has made or done. Ask your child to describe each amazing thing. Then, if you have a magnifying glass, take a closer look. What an amazing God we have!

ASK k What are the most amazing things you’ve seen that God created?

k What amazing things has God done for our family?

What I Learned Today...What I Learned Today...Bible Time: This week’s Bible passage

(Genesis 18:1–19:29) tells us that God does

amazing things. Three visitors came to Abraham

and gave him a message from God. They told

him that he and his wife, Sarah, would have a

son. Sarah was listening, and she laughed at the

thought that she could have a baby at such an

old age.

Key Verse: Ask and God will hear you

(adapted from Luke 11:9).

This week, your child learned that God does amazing things. Your child committed to

one of the following challenges to see the amazing things God does and thank him. Help your child weave faith into life this week and follow through on the challenge!

k Have your mom or dad take you to a park. Point out all the amazing things that God made in the park.

k Have your mom or dad help you go on the Internet and look up something amazing that God has made, such as the Grand Canyon or the Great Barrier Reef.

k Ask your family members to each share something amazing they’ve seen this week and thank God for doing amazing things.



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ng, I

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Page 23: Name God Creates the World - · Name_____ Instructions: Have children each use an eyedropper to place four to five drops of green and blue watercolor paint in the white


Genesis 21:1-6

Fold 1

Fold 2

Fold 3

Isaac Is Born

Isaac Is Born

Instructions: Encourage children to draw on the sides of the page two blessings that God gives, such as family members, a favorite food, or a fun sport. Help kids each fold the paper like a blanket around baby Isaac and secure it with a baby-pin sticker. (For additional instructions, see the Teacher Guide.)


Page 24: Name God Creates the World - · Name_____ Instructions: Have children each use an eyedropper to place four to five drops of green and blue watercolor paint in the white

Remember God’s gift of baby Isaac by

making Baby Muffins with your

child. Have your child wash his or her hands. Grease a mini-muffin tin or use paper liners. Help your child prepare a batch of vanilla cake mix; then add a 15-ounce can of drained, diced pears, and stir thoroughly. Help your child fill each muf-fin cup about 2/3 full with the mixture. Bake at 350 degrees for about 15 minutes or until done. Say a prayer of thanksgiving and enjoy the treats!

ASK k What about making treats with me makes you happy?

k What’s God given our family that makes you happy?

What I Learned Today...What I Learned Today...Bible Time: This week’s Bible passage

(Genesis 21:1-6) tells us that God makes

us happy. God gave Sarah and Abraham

a son, as he’d promised. Sarah named the

baby Isaac, meaning “he laughs,” because

Sarah and Abraham were surprised to

have a baby when they were both very

old. Abraham and Sarah were so happy

with God’s gift of a baby boy.

Key Verse: Ask and God will hear you

(adapted from Luke 11:9).

This week, your child learned that God makes us happy. Your child committed to one of the follow-ing challenges to thank God when he or she is happy in daily life.

Help your child weave faith into life this week and fol-low through on the challenge!

k Ask your family to play your favorite game with you. When you finish playing, thank God for the happiness he gives you through your family!

k With your mom or dad, go through each room in your house and talk about a happy memory you have about that room. Thank God for filling your house with happiness!

k Have your mom or dad help you make a dessert for your family. Before you give it to them, thank God for helping you bring happiness to your family.

Find a photo of your child smiling.

ASK k What do you remember about the day this picture was taken?

k What made you so happy?

k What brought Abraham and Sarah happiness?

Ask your child to tell you how God kept his amaz-ing promise and gave Abraham and Sarah a baby boy!



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ng, I

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Page 25: Name God Creates the World - · Name_____ Instructions: Have children each use an eyedropper to place four to five drops of green and blue watercolor paint in the white


Instructions: Set out pieces of blue tissue paper, small squares of sandpaper, and glue sticks. Let children glue sandpaper to the desert and talk with partners about how Hagar and Ishmael prayed to God. Then have kids glue tissue paper “water” to the well and talk with partners about what happened after Hagar and Ishmael talked to God. Celebrate that God always hears our prayers! (For additional instructions, see the Teacher Guide.)

God Cares for Hagar and IshmaelGod Cares for

Hagar and IshmaelGenesis 21:8-21


Page 26: Name God Creates the World - · Name_____ Instructions: Have children each use an eyedropper to place four to five drops of green and blue watercolor paint in the white

Help your child make Prayerful Punch to serve at a meal. Have your child fill a punch bowl about halfway with juice or punch; then add a liter of clear soda. Let your child serve a drink to each person at the table and tell why he or she prays for each person. Before everyone enjoys the meal, ask each person to say one thing that he or she is praying to God about. Remind your child that God hears us when we pray.

ASK k What can we do to pray for each other in our family?

k When and where can we all pray together?

Explain to your child that God gave each person a unique voice that he knows well! On your computer or cellphone, open a voice recorder. At a family gathering, have your child interview and record relatives or friends. Have your child ask each person what he or she has prayed for.

ASK k Which story did you enjoy the most? Why?

k What can we do to give God our prayers of thanks as well as our requests?

You might want to make copies of the recording and give them to relatives as a way of saying thanks!

Bible Time: This week’s Bible passage (Genesis 21:8-21) tells us that God hears us when we pray. After her son, Isaac, was born, Sarah asked Abraham to send Hagar and Ishmael away. Abraham was sad, because Ishmael was also his son. But he sent Hagar and Ishmael away with some food and water. Hagar and Ishmael walked through the desert, and eventually they ran out of water and thought they would die. God heard their cries, and sent an angel to tell them not to be afraid. When Hagar opened her eyes, she saw a well of water! God heard Hagar and Ishmael, and God hears us when we pray!Key Verse: Ask and God will hear you (adapted from Luke 11:9).

What I Learned Today...What I Learned Today...

This week, your child learned that God hears us when we pray. Your child committed to

one of the following challenges to talk to God. Help your child weave faith into life this week and follow through on the challenge!

k Ask your mom or dad to help you record your voice as you pray. Play the recording back and listen—God heard your prayer, just like you hear it on the recording!

k Whisper a prayer really quietly, and then shout a prayer really loudly! Remember that God hears you no matter how quiet or how loud you are.

k Draw a prayer you have for a family member, and then give him or her your picture. Then tell your family member you’re praying for him or her.



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ng, I

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