
NASDAQ DUBAI OPERATING PROCEDURES Clearing, Settlement and Risk management for securities May 2013 Ver. 1.71

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 2

CONTENTS 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 3

1.1 Scope ................................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Additional Documentation ..................................................................................... 3 1.3 NASDAQ Dubai Assistance .................................................................................. 3 1.4 Periodical Review ................................................................................................. 4

2. Membership Structure .............................................................................................. 5 2.1 Membership Types ............................................................................................... 5

3. Central Security Depository (CSD) Account Structure .......................................... 5 3.1 Investor Identification Number (NIN) ..................................................................... 5 3.2 Creation of Investor Number NINs ........................................................................ 6

4. NASDAQ Dubai as a CCP ......................................................................................... 7

5. On-Exchange Clearing and Settlement Procedure ................................................. 7 5.1 Settlements of Cash and Security Obligations ...................................................... 7 5.2 Transaction Fees .................................................................................................. 8 5.3 Settlement Timeline .............................................................................................. 8

6 Risk management Procedure .................................................................................. 16 6.1 The Settlement Cap Procedure........................................................................... 16 6.2 Breach of settlement Cap ................................................................................... 17 6.3 Margin Requirement for Clearing Members ........................................................ 18 6.4 Margin Requirement and Limits for Outright Transactions .................................. 19 6.5 Margin Requirement for Large Cash Exposure ................................................... 19 6.6 Margin Release ................................................................................................... 19 6.7 Interest on Cash Margin ...................................................................................... 19 6.8 Collateral Submission ......................................................................................... 20 6.9 Bank Guarantee Procedures for Clearing Members ........................................... 20 6.10 Cash Settlement Failure Penalty ....................................................................... 22

7. Clearing and Settlement Reporting Mechanism for Securities............................ 24 7.1 Available Reports ................................................................................................ 24 7.2 Delivery Mechanism............................................................................................ 24

8. Off Market Transaction ........................................................................................... 25

9. Custody of Securities ............................................................................................. 26 9.1 Securities Safekeeping Procedures .................................................................... 26 9.2 Reconciliation of Securities in the CSD ............................................................... 27 9.3 Transfer of Securities between CSD Accounts ................................................... 27 9.4 Withdrawal and Deposit of Securities Out and Into the CSD ............................... 28 9.5 Blocking of Securities.......................................................................................... 28 9.6 Pledging of Securities ......................................................................................... 28 9.7 Corporate Actions ............................................................................................... 29

Appendix 1: Cross Border Transfer of Securities .................................................... 32 Appendix 2: Details on NASDAQ Dubai Clearing and Settlement Model................ 50 Appendix 3: Posting and Participating in Buy-in Using the Equator System ........ 64 Appendix 4: Requirement Specification for Buy-in Trade Log ................................ 70 Appendix 5: Contra Trade and Error Trade Correction ............................................ 71 Appendix 6: Prescribed Letter Formats .................................................................... 80

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 3


The document intends to provide the operations team at the Clearing Member and Custodian with a

clear understanding of all the Securities post trade activities at NASDAQ Dubai. The document also

intends to provide information about the risk management methodology and the clearing structure

at NASDAQ Dubai.

a) Any reference to time in this notice is reference to Dubai times, unless otherwise stated.

b) In this notice the terms “USD” or “US dollars” are used for the currency of the United States

of America and “AED” or “UAE dirham” is used for the currency of the United Arab Emirates.


The document intends to cover post trade operational activities relating to clearing, risk

management and settlement including their timelines.


In addition to this document, Clearing Members are required to read and understand the following

1. NASDAQ Dubai Business Rules

2. All information in the form of CAP notices and circulars from time to time, which are posted on

the website

3. All updated information on the NASDAQ Dubai website:


The following NASDAQ Dubai teams will be available for your assistance. Please feel free to

get in touch with any of us.

1. Clearing & Risk: Unmesh Kantak +971 4 305 5471 [email protected]

Abilash Kokkath +971 4 305 5473 [email protected]

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 4

2. CSD: Tahir Husain

+971 4 305 5133

[email protected]

Shailesh Rahate

+971 4 305 5135

[email protected]

Additionally, NASDAQ Dubai has in place group contact details. You may contact us at below:

1. Clearing: [email protected]

2. CSD: [email protected]


The revision of the document will be done in the event of any of the following:

1. Any changes to the banking model including changes in banks

2. Any changes in the settlement model

3. Any changes in the risk management model including margining

4. Any other material changes including timelines etc.

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 5



1. Trading Members (TM or Broker)

TMs are Members who execute trades on the Exchange. If a TM is not an ICM, it will need to have a

relationship with a General Clearing Member for the clearing of executed trades.

2. Clearing Member (CM)

a) General Clearing Member (GCM):

GCMs are Members that clear and settle trades executed by other Trading Members. GCMs will

typically have a set of Trading Members associated with them.

b) Individual Clearing Member (ICM):

ICMs cannot settle trades for another Trading Member. They are Members who clear and settle

trades executed by them in their capacity as Trading Members.

3. NASDAQ Dubai Custodian

“Custodian” means a party as defined in the Business Rules that holds, manages, controls or

takes custody of Securities by way of business for one or more of its Customers (or the underlying

clients of the Customers) under a Segregated Account or an Omnibus Account.

“Settlement Agent” means a Custodian who agrees with a Clearing Member through an

undertaking with NASDAQ Dubai to act as a cash and security Settlement Agent on behalf of the

Clearing Member for trades cleared by the Clearing Member for any client of the Custodian.


NASDAQ Dubai has entered into a Service Level Agreement with Dubai Financial Market (DFM) to

perform certain Clearing, Settlement and Depository (CSD) functions outsourced to DFM. These

functions are performed on CSD system operated by DFM (Equator).


1. Each CSD account holder holding NASDAQ Dubai securities on Equator system must have a

NIN in the CSD.

2. A NASDAQ Dubai Member or underlying clients can either set up a NIN directly with the CSD,

or do so through a NASDAQ Dubai Custodian.

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 6

Where a NIN is set up via a NASDAQ Dubai Custodian (which is not also a common Custodian

with DFM), this Investor NIN is restricted to holding only NASDAQ Dubai securities in the CSD

and cannot be used to hold DFM securities. These NINs will be deemed as ‘restricted NINs’.

3. An investor can have one Investor NIN for each market with Custodians that are not common

Custodians with NASDAQ Dubai and DFM. Where the investor already has an Investor NIN with

a common Custodian, the investor can still maintain a ‘restricted NIN’ with another NASDAQ

Dubai Custodian.

4. The onus is on Custodians and the relevant NASDAQ Dubai Members to ensure that new

Investor NINs are not opened for clients who have an existing Investor NIN.

5. There are various accounts which are mapped to an Investor NIN, including restricted NINs:

a. CSD sub-account: This is a safe-keeping account where NASDAQ Dubai securities will not

be pre-validated for sell orders.

b. Agent sub-account: (Only applicable for Custodian Investor NIN) The Agent sub-account is

also a safe-keeping account and will be used for pre-validation of sell orders. The Agent sub-

account will be debited for settlement of sell trades and credited for settlement of buy trades.

Where the Agent sub-account has an insufficient balance of securities, it must be funded

with NASDAQ Dubai securities by the Custodian transferring NASDAQ Dubai securities from

the CSD account to the Agent sub-account.

c. Trading sub-account: An investor can have one or more Trading sub-accounts. A Trading

sub-account is opened by the investor’s Trading Member via Equator system. Where the

Investor NIN is setup as a Direct Investor NIN, pre-validation of sell orders is made in this

account. If the Trading sub-account has insufficient NASDAQ Dubai securities, it must be

funded with NASDAQ Dubai securities by the investor transferring NASDAQ Dubai securities

from the CSD account to the Trading sub-account via the Trading Member. The Trading sub-

account number is the number used to enter orders into the trading platform to trade

NASDAQ Dubai securities. Member can also request NASDAQ Dubai to facilitate creation of

a Trading Account.

6. Additionally, the following Rejection Accounts will be introduced by NASDAQ Dubai as part of

the Enhancements to the Clearing and Settlement Model:

a. A Member Sell Rejection House Account and a Buy Rejection Sellout Account

under the Member’s NIN

b. A Client Buy Rejection Account under the Custodian Client NIN per Client per Member

using a Custodian for Settlement.

7. Total balances are calculated at the Investor NIN-level, i.e., balances in the CSD sub-account

and Agent sub-account (for Custodian Investor NIN only) and the Trading sub-accounts (for

Direct Investor NINs only) will be aggregated, together with any other applicable sub-accounts,

to arrive at the total holdings of the investor.


1. Restricted NINs through NASDAQ Dubai Custodian (not a common Custodian on

DFM market)

In order to create restricted NINs through NASDAQ Dubai Custodians, Custodians will need to

contact NASDAQ Dubai to facilitate the opening of Investor NINs on behalf of their underlying

clients. Custodians have an obligation to conduct adequate due diligence on the underlying clients

to ensure that they do not have existing Investor NINs with the CSD. Custodians must ensure that

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 7

the relevant supporting documents are readily available for inspection if requested by NASDAQ


2. Custodian Investor NINs for Common Custodians

Investor numbers linked with DFM Custodians can be used to hold and trade NASDAQ Dubai

securities if such DFM Custodian is also a Custodian of NASDAQ Dubai. The DFM Account

opening process and documents will be required for such NIN opening process. Custodians must

ensure that the relevant supporting documents are readily available for inspection if requested by


3. Direct Investor NINs

The investor is required to complete the appropriate applications forms through its Trading Member.

Investor using its existing NIN on DFM may use it to trade and hold NASDAQ Dubai securities after

appointing a NASDAQ Dubai Trading Member or Custodian. The rules and procedures of CSD

pertaining to Investor NINs shall apply. Relevant NIN opening forms and requirements are available

on DFM and NASDAQ Dubai websites.


NASDAQ Dubai clearing house becomes the central counterparty (CCP) to all on-exchange trades

executed on the NASDAQ Dubai trading system and which are eligible to be cleared with NASDAQ

Dubai. All transactions accepted for clearing and settlement are novated. In other words, NASDAQ

Dubai becomes the ‘buyer’ to every ‘seller’ and the ‘seller’ to every ‘buyer’



Trades executed on the trading system for NASDAQ Dubai equities will be settled on a T+2

settlement cycle. A settlement holiday due to a currency will not be included when calculating T+2

cycle in the settlement cycle. The CSD system will be available for settlement of NASDAQ Dubai

equities on 4 days from Mondays to Thursdays, excluding Settlement holidays since USD currency

settlement cannot be executed on Sundays and on US currency settlement holidays.

The settlement of securities obligations will be conducted on Equator system and its corresponding

cash obligations will be settled through the appointed settlement banks. NASDAQ Dubai has

appointed Standard Chartered Bank, HSBC Bank and Emirates NBD as its settlement banks for the

securities outsourced to the DFM system. Any change in Settlement banks will be informed to

market via notice.

Securities Settlement of actions performed after market hours in accordance with the

Enhancements to the Clearing and Settlement Model detailed in Section 6 above (i.e., actions such

as late confirmations, optional reversals, optional buy-ins, mandatory buy-ins and auto-reversals)

would occur on the same day the action is executed.

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 8

Cash settlement of the aforementioned transactions should take place on the following settlement

day (that is not a USD Settlement Holiday).


Transaction fees (Trading and CSD fees) will be aggregated with Clearing Members or Custodians’

cash obligation to be settled on T+2. Other types of fees will be levied and collected separately by

relevant participants. Details on these transaction fees are available in the Fees Notice.


1. Trading day (T day)

On T day, Trading Members are given half an hour between (2:00 pm to 2:30 pm) to review

their trades and contact the Market Operations Division for correction in case of any error in

trading. If a Trading Member failed to do so during the specified period the Trading Member will

be held responsible for any errors that appear in its trade and settlement report.

But if the Member sends the request for correction after 2:30 pm then it may be corrected by

NASDAQ Dubai at its discretion on T+2. Correction fees as mentioned in NASDAQ Dubai Price

list will be applicable.

Documents required:

a) Formal letter from Trading Member duly signed by the authorized signatories’ mentioning

the trade details with a copy to General Clearing Member, if applicable.

b) Copy of Trade Log Summary.

Note, however, the above error trade correction format applies only to trades in which Direct

Client NINs are on both sides of the correction (i.e., the amendment is from a Direct Client

NIN to another Direct Client NIN). For trade corrections involving Custodian Client NINs on

either side of the amendment, ND error trade policies (as included in Appendix 4 of this

document) will apply.

2. Settlement day -1 (SD -1)

Custodians can transfer all or part of their obligation to the Trading Member who has executed

the trades and the Custodian should notify NASDAQ Dubai officially of the reasons of rejecting

the trades for settlements. The Clearing Member will be obliged to accept this rejected

obligation and settle the payments on Settlement day.

NASDAQ Dubai will send the cash settlement reports to NASDAQ Dubai settlement banks by

3.00pm on SD-1

3. Settlement day (T+2 day) :

Clearing Members and Custodians as Settlement Agents with cash settlement obligation must

ensure that there are sufficient funds in their settlement accounts with the settlement bank by

08:00am on the settlement day and not later than 10:00am

The settlement bank will, not later than 10:00am, complete the settlement by debiting the

settlement bank accounts of Clearing Members and Custodians with funds due to NASDAQ

Dubai and crediting the settlement bank accounts of Clearing Members and Custodians with

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 9

funds due from NASDAQ Dubai in accordance with the cash settlement reports sent on SD-1


The settlement banks will send the financial confirmation report to the CSD no later than

10:00am confirming the financial settlement from and to all Clearing Members and Custodians

as stated in the settlement reports, in addition to the transaction fees due from the Clearing

Members and Custodians in favor of NASDAQ Dubai. Disciplinary action including but not

limited to penalties and suspension will be imposed on any Clearing Member or Settlement

Agent failing to provide the required funds by 10:00am. Securities settlement will occur at

10:15am after cash settlement is confirmed by a Settlement bank.

A graphical representation of the settlement timeline from T to T+2 is provided below:


NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 10


Procedures for managing unconfirmed trades on Custodian client NINs

The procedures outlined below provide details on how NASDAQ Dubai will manage securities

transactions that are considered to be Unconfirmed Trades, as notified by Settlement Agents in

accordance with NASDAQ Dubai’s CSD Terms and Conditions for Trading/Clearing Members and

for Custodians.

Settlement Agents will not be able to reject partial orders. Trading Members must ensure each

client order is entered into and executed separately.

The procedures outlined below must be read and interpreted together with the details stated in

Appendix 2 through 6 provided at the end of this document.

Effective from trades executed on 5th May 2013, Settlement Agents will have two options to manage unconfirmed trades on Custodian Client NINs: Option 1) Settlement Agents can provide written confirmation to NASDAQ Dubai that a sell trade will not settle on the Settlement Date (“SD”) and that it will not be confirmed beyond SD. Option 2) Use the Late Confirmation Period to settle the Transaction. 5.4.1. Option 1: Managing Unconfirmed Transactions without the late confirmation window Settlement Agents will have option to provide written confirmation to NASDAQ Dubai that a sell trade will not settle on the Settlement Date (“SD”) and that it will not be confirmed beyond SD. The confirmation must be received by NASDAQ Dubai on or before 7.00 pm on SD-1. In this situation, NASDAQ Dubai will release the relevant Securities at 10:00 am and the seller will be entitled to any corporate actions on these Securities. The affected buy trades identified for this sell trade will remain unsettled and will have to be resolved by:

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 11

1. the Settlement Agent revoking the written confirmation provided to NASDAQ Dubai by

1:00pm on SD. The revocation must be made in writing by the Settlement Agent and be

confirmed by the selling Clearing Member in writing [Sample letter format in Appendix 6].

2. the selling Member taking corrective action by buying failed Securities from the market

between T and SD; or

3. mandatory Buy-in invoked by NASDAQ Dubai between 2:30 pm and 2:45 pm on SD.

4. If the delivery obligation on the Selling Clearing Member is not resolved by the corrective

action in 1 –3 above, the affected buyer will be entitled to a Cash Settlement Replacement

Amount in lieu of delivery of Securities.

Calculation of the Cash Settlement Replacement Amount Cash Compensation Reference Price x quantity of Securities not delivered + market fees (i.e. Trading and Clearing fees as published on NASDAQ Dubai website)

Whereby the Cash Compensation Reference Price is the higher of:

i. the Security’s highest traded price on NASDAQ Dubai on SD+1; or if the Security

does not trade on SD+1, the highest traded price shall be the SD+1 Closing

Price; and

ii. the original trade price of the failed trade.

In the event of mandatory Securities corporate actions where the entitlement date occurs on or before SD, (e.g. splits, consolidation, bonus issue, etc.), the Cash Compensation Reference Price shall be the higher of:

i. the Security’s highest traded price on SD+1 adjusted for the corporate action (if

the Security does not trade on SD+1, the highest traded price shall be the SD+1

Closing Price adjusted for any corporate action); and

ii. the original trade price of the failed trade.

5. The Cash Settlement Replacement Amount will be calculated on SD+1 and settled on


6. The selling Clearing Member that failed to resolve the Unconfirmed Transaction will be liable

for payment of the difference between the Cash Settlement Replacement Amount and value

of the Unconfirmed Transaction.

7. NASDAQ Dubai will debit the selling Clearing Member’s Settlement Bank account and credit

the buying Clearing Member’s Settlement Bank account by the value of the difference

between the Cash Settlement Replacement Amount and value of the Unconfirmed

Transaction on SD+2 by 10:00am.

8. Cash and Securities settlement of all trades linked to the original sell trade will remain

unsettled until either the Securities are made available by the selling Member (via a

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 12

reversal/ mandatory Buy-In /market buy) or the payment of the Cash Settlement

Replacement Amount.


For Sell Transactions not using the late confirmation window

Note: Linked buy trades that were due to settle before the Selling Member resolved its delivery obligation would be rescheduled to settle on the day the required securities are made available. For example, if the delivery obligation is resolved via a market buy on T+1, then the settlement of any linked buy trades executed on T day would be rescheduled to occur on SD+1 [when the rectification by the Selling Member settles]. In the same example, linked buy transactions executed on T+1 or T+2 would remain unaffected and settle on their respective Settlement Dates [i.e S+1 and S+2]

Further details on the above procedures are detailed in the Appendix 2 through 6.

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 13

5.4.2 Managing Unconfirmed Transactions using the late confirmation window

1. Buy transactions:

1. Custodians acting as Settlement Agents as set out under NASDAQ Dubai’s CSD Terms and

Conditions for Custodians will have the right to reject buy transactions until 7:00pm on SD-1.

The Clearing Member will make payments for all settlement obligations for such rejected


2. Shares pertaining to such rejected transactions will be credited to the Client Buy Rejection

Account under the control of the Trading Member as detailed in the document titled “Information

on Operational Enhancements to Clearing and Settlement Model” provided earlier by NASDAQ


3. The Late Confirmation period for buy trades will be from 10:15amon SD (after completion of

securities settlement) until 1.00pm on SD+2.

4. The executing Member must transfer the rejected purchased securities from the Client Buy

Rejection Account to the Member Buy Rejection Sellout Account no later than 3 market days

after SD ie.SD+3 if the Custodian client fails to confirm settlement of the rejected buy trade by

1.00pm on SD+2.

5. Any gains from the sale shall be paid to NASDAQ Dubai. Gains shall include any cash or

securities corporate actions. Where a securities corporate action applies, the Member shall sell

the corporate action securities and determine any gains on a ‘full-picture’ basis i.e. Total

proceeds from sale of principal trade plus disposal of corporate action securities, versus the

original traded value, to determine the net gain.

2. Sell transactions:

1. Custodians must confirm to NASDAQ Dubai all Unconfirmed Trades. The Custodian must report

this information to NASDAQ Dubai and the executing Trading Member/Clearing Member by

7:00pm on SD-1, via an email containing the relevant transaction details. NASDAQ Dubai will

not accept any instructions after this time (sample letter included in Appendix 6). The cash and

securities settlement obligations of the rejected sell trade will be transferred to the selling

Member’s Sell Rejection House Account

2. If the selling Member does not have sufficient balance in the Member Sell Rejection House

Account, NASDAQ Dubai will create a negative balance of securities in the Member Sell

Rejection House Account and retain the cash proceeds until resolution of the rejected trade.

3. NASDAQ Dubai will apply the ‘Pending’ status flag on the securities held under the Custodian

client Agent Trading Account until resolution of the rejected trade. The ‘Pending’ status means

that the Custodian client will not be entitled to corporate actions and cannot re-sell the


NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 14

4. There are 5 ways to resolve the sell rejection if the selling Member does not have sufficient

balance in their Sell Rejection account:

a. Late Confirmations: The client can send matched settlement confirmations to the Custodian

to confirm settlement by SD+2 provided the selling Member has not settled the rejected


b. Purchase of securities directly from market: The Selling Member can purchase securities

directly in the market by SD (for settlement on SD+2);

c. Optional Buy-in between SD and SD+1: The selling Member can utilize the buy-in

mechanism between SD and SD+1 to purchase securities for immediate settlement;

d. Mandatory buy-in by NASDAQ Dubai: If the selling Member fails to resolve the sell rejection

by SD+2, a mandatory buy-in against the selling Member will be invoked by NASDAQ Dubai

on SD+2; and

e. Mandatory Cash Settlement Replacement against the selling Custodian client: If the

mandatory buy in against the selling Member fails, a Cash Settlement Replacement amount

will be calculated against the remaining unsettled quantity on SD+2 against the Custodian

client at the original traded price.

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 15


For Sell Transactions not using the late confirmation window

Further details on the above procedures are detailed in the Appendixes 2 through 6.

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 16



1. A Member may match buy trades up to the value of its “settlement cap”. The settlement cap for

an Individual Clearing Member at the start of a trading day is the value of the bank guarantee

and/or cash deposited with NASDAQ Dubai in a designated Margin account. The settlement cap

of a Trading Member at the start of the trading day is the value of the bank guarantee and/or

cash deposited by the General Clearing Member. The Settlement Cap for a Settlement Agent at

the start of a trading day may be four times the value of the bank guarantee and/or cash

deposited with NASDAQ Dubai.

2. All buy trades of an Individual Clearing Member or a Settlement Agent’s clients are validated

against the settlement cap. All buy trades of Trading Members are validated against the General

Clearing Member’s settlement cap. The Individual Clearing Member, the Settlement Agent and

the General Clearing Member may, at any time (subject to approval procedures below), deposit

an additional bank guarantee and/or cash with NASDAQ Dubai to increase the settlement cap.

3. During the trading day, the settlement cap for Clearing Member is adjusted as follows:

settlement cap equals value of settlement cap as mentioned in point 2 above, plus value of all

sell trades minus value of all buy trades. The settlement cap is adjusted on a real-time basis,

based on the value of trades (i.e. matched orders).

4. Cash obligations will remain in USD, but the settlement cap will be calculated in AED,

irrespective of the currency in which bank guarantees or cash are provided. All cash obligations

will be calculated in AED for application to compare with settlement cap limit. The exchange rate

used for such conversion will be USD1 = AED 3.67.

5. Generally, the settlement cap at the start of the previous trading day is rolled-over as the

settlement cap for the next trading day. For example, if the settlement cap for the previous

trading day was AED 100 million, then the settlement cap for the next trading day would begin

at AED 100 million. However, NASDAQ Dubai has the discretion to not roll-over the full value of

the previous trading day’s settlement cap for a specific Clearing Member or a Settlement Agent

on a case-by-case basis. NASDAQ Dubai will inform the Clearing Member or the Settlement

Agent, should it decide to take such action.

6. The bank guarantee (plus any additional cash) provided by a General Clearing Member at the

start of a trading day is used to determine the settlement cap for the validation of buy trades of

all its associated Trading Members.

7. A General Clearing Member is responsible for monitoring the exposures of its Trading

Member(s) and may instruct NASDAQ Dubai to suspend any of its Trading Members from

trading. A General Clearing Member will remain liable for outstanding cash settlement

obligations arising from the Trading Member’s activities before the suspension is effective.

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 17

Examples of how a settlement cap is adjusted daily:

T day:


Settlement cap at the start of trading day


Matched buy order -100,000 900,000

Matched Sell order 300,000 1,200,000

Matched buy order -500,000 700,000

Matched buy order -800,000 -100,000

Existing Buy order in order book

-200,000 (canceled)

Once settlement cap value is breached, no more new buy orders are accepted and all existing buy orders in the Order Book are canceled

Trading system will not allow any new buy orders

Member or Settlement Agent must increase settlement cap immediately with cash, additional bank guarantee or matched sell trades

T+1: Settlement cap refreshed to AED 1,000,000


1. If an Individual Clearing Member or a Settlement Agent reaches the limit of its settlement cap

during the trading day, no new Orders can be created and existing Orders are canceled and can

only be re-entered once the settlement cap is increased.

2. If a General Clearing Member reaches the limit of its settlement cap during the trading day, no

new Orders can be created by the Trading Members associated with that General Clearing

Member and existing Orders are canceled and can only be re-entered once the settlement cap

is increased by the General Clearing Member.

3. Although NASDAQ Dubai will inform the Clearing Member or the Settlement Agent when it has

reached the settlement cap, the Clearing Member or the Settlement Agent remains responsible

for its own compliance (and the compliance of its Trading Members in case of a General

Clearing Member) with the settlement cap requirements.

4. Any breach of the settlement cap during the trading day must be remedied immediately by the

Clearing Member or the Settlement Agent. The Clearing Member or the Settlement Agent has

the options of lodging additional cash, bank guarantee or executing sell trades to replenish the

settlement cap. Members and Settlement Agents may contact NASDAQ Dubai for bank account

details to replenish the settlement cap.

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 18

5. To replenish the Settlement cap, or to place cash in lieu of bank guarantee, cash shall be

lodged into the NASDAQ Dubai bank account detailed below. The NASDAQ Dubai clearing

team must be informed of such deposit at [email protected]


Account number 01 1019082 03




Swift Address SCBLUS33XXX


Account number 01 4218787 03



AED Correspondent Bank Central BANK OF UAE



Additional Margin deposits of cash or bank guarantees may be requested by NASDAQ Dubai,

beyond the settlement cap, if NASDAQ Dubai determines that the situation requires additional

Margin to mitigate its risk from Members default.

If a Clearing Member’s net cash payment obligation from all trades executed (including trades

executed for Custodian’s clients) exceeds the value of its settlement cap, NASDAQ Dubai will

require additional collateral to cover the market risk for this cash payment obligation.

For example:

Details Value

Net buy cash obligation from all trades executed USD 10,000,000

Margin required (e.g. 12% *10,000,000) USD 1,200,000

Settlement cap provided (3rd party Bank Guarantee or cash)

USD 1,000,000

Additional call made by NASDAQ Dubai on T day and Collected On T+1 10:30 am

USD 200,000

NASDAQ Dubai will calculate the additional margin required by considering the volatility of the

security. Margin rates are published on the NASDAQ Dubai website on a weekly basis.

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 19


For the purposes of this analysis, “Outright Transaction” is defined as a single, large value

transaction between different Clearing Members that increases NASDAQ Dubai’s settlement risk

from its Clearing Members.

Any such Outright Transaction that increases a Clearing Member’s obligation is to be limited to

USD 20 million. Any transaction above this limit will require NASDAQ Dubai’s prior approval before

execution. NASDAQ Dubai will approve such a transaction subject to the availability of 100%

upfront cash collateral to cover the excess over the set limits. NASDAQ Dubai reserves the right to

reject any such transaction executed without prior approval.

Example: If Members intend to enter into an Outright Transaction worth USD 28 million with a

different counterparty, such Members shall seek prior approval from NASDAQ Dubai and make

necessary arrangements to place USD 8 million in cash collateral with NASDAQ Dubai (USD 28

million – USD 20 million).


NASDAQ Dubai will continue to Margin a Clearing Member’s obligation post trading. However, if the

Clearing Member’s net cash exposure to the NASDAQ Dubai CCP exceeds USD 20 million, then

NASDAQ Dubai reserves the right to call up to 100% cash collateral for such excess.

Example: If a Member’s net cash payment obligation is USD 25 million, NASDAQ Dubai’s margin

requirement will be calculated as follows:

USD 4 million to be covered by Bank Guarantee or cash (i.e 20% on USD 20 million)

USD 5 million to be covered by cash collateral (100% X (USD 25 million - 20 million)

Members are required to post the stated margins on T+1 by 11:00am. However, NASDAQ Dubai

reserves right to request upfront collateral before execution of any such transaction that carries

large exposure for NASDAQ Dubai.


Clearing Members may request the withdrawal of those assets which are not required to meet the

Margin requirement. In order to be eligible for such release of Margin on the same day, any such

requests must be made to NASDAQ Dubai prior to 2.00pm. If approved, Margin will be released on

the same day on a best effort basis, after considering the end of day margin requirements, and no

later than next business day which is not a currency settlement holiday by 8.00pm.


Cash Margin held at NASDAQ Dubai shall be transferred to the Margin Account in the name of

NASDAQ Dubai at the Clearing Bank. NASDAQ Dubai will pay interest on cash margin. The

interest will be calculated on a monthly basis and credited on a quarterly basis to the funds held by

NASDAQ Dubai as Margin of the Clearing Member.

The interest to be credited by NASDAQ Dubai to a Clearing Member on cash Margin shall be equal

to the amount of interest which NASDAQ Dubai receives in respect of such cash Margin less the

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 20

spread. No interest shall be paid on cash Margin which is less than USD 1,000,000 for cash margin

held in USD and AED 1,000,000 for cash margins held in AED. NASDAQ Dubai will specify the

minimum cash margin amount eligible for interest and the spreads in the Margin Notices..

If Cash Margin held by NASDAQ Dubai is more than USD 1,000,000 or AED 1,000,000, NASDAQ

Dubai will pay interest to Clearing Member only on amount in excess of USD 1,000,000 for USD

cash and AED 1,000,000 for AED cash.

Cash Margin Amount in USD Spread

Between USD 1,000,000 and USD 9,999,999 0.50%

USD 10,000,000 or more 0.25% [on the amount exceeding USD


Cash Margin Amount in AED Spread

Between AED 1,000,000 and AED 24,999,999 0.50%

AED 25,000,000 or more 0.25% [on the amount exceeding AED



The Cash Margin should be deposited by the Clearing Member in the Settlement Bank. The

Clearing Member’s Settlement Bank in turn will transfer it to NASDAQ Dubai’s Margin Account at

the Clearing Bank. Bank guarantees shall be lodged with NASDAQ Dubai by the Clearing Member.


1. Each Individual Clearing Member or Settlement Agent is required to obtain a bank guarantee

and/or deposit cash before it is permitted to trade NASDAQ Dubai securities. General Clearing

Members are required to obtain a bank guarantee before the Trading Members associated with

the General Clearing Member are permitted to trade. The bank guarantee must be substantially

in the format prescribed by NASDAQ Dubai. If a Member or Settlement Agent does not wish to

obtain a bank guarantee, it may deposit cash as Eligible Margin, up to the amount of the desired

settlement cap.

2. A bank guarantee can be provided in AED or USD. Each Clearing Member or Settlement Agent

may determine the minimum value of its bank guarantee and/or cash, provided that no Member

or Settlement Agent may commence trading with a settlement cap of less than AED 1,000,000

or an amount otherwise approved by NASDAQ Dubai based on the Member’s or Settlement

Agent’s historical and expected trading volumes.

Subject to exposure and concentration limits, NASDAQ Dubai will generally accept bank

guarantees from the banks licensed by UAE Central Bank. Clearing Members or Settlement

Agents are advised to seek approval from NASDAQ Dubai before securing a bank guarantee

from one of these banks, as exposure and concentration risks may fluctuate. Any Member or

Settlement Agent’s request for bank approval must state the name of the bank, the jurisdiction

of licensing and incorporation, and the expected monetary amount of the bank guarantee. If the

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 21

Clearing Member or Settlement Agent does not seek approval in advance, it is possible that

NASDAQ Dubai will reject the bank guarantee based on risk assessment.

3. NASDAQ Dubai will inform the Clearing Member or the Settlement Agent in writing whether the

issuing bank is acceptable.

4. NASDAQ Dubai no longer accepts bank guarantees for a Clearing Member issued by a party

related to such Clearing Member (such as a parent entity or an entity that is a Member of the

same financial group of companies).

5. No alterations in bank guarantee value can be made once a bank guarantee is lodged. If any

alterations are required, a new bank guarantee will be required.

6. Valuation of bank guarantees will generally be calculated at face value. However, NASDAQ

Dubai reserves the right to apply haircuts in some instances, based on its risk assessment.

7. Bank guarantees must have a minimum validity of one year and are required to be renewed at

least one month before the expiry date. If the bank guarantee (by its terms) is automatically

renewed each year, the Settlement Agent or the Clearing Member must submit to NASDAQ

Dubai a letter from the issuing bank confirming that the bank guarantee is still valid at least one

month before the anniversary date of the bank guarantee.

8. Individual Clearing Member(s) or Settlement Agents as well as Trading Members which clear

through a General Clearing Member will be suspended from trading three trading days before

expiry of the bank guarantee if no notice of renewal or confirmation of the continuing validity of

the bank guarantee is received by NASDAQ Dubai.

9. Apportionment of the value of the bank guarantee for each market segment of NASDAQ Dubai

may be made by Clearing Members through a prescribed form. This means that one bank

guarantee can be lodged with NASDAQ Dubai, and be used to cover margin for equities,

derivatives, and structured products.

10. To withdraw a bank guarantee lodged as Eligible Margin, the Settlement Agent or the Clearing

Member must submit a written request to NASDAQ Dubai, stating the date on which it wishes to

withdraw the bank guarantee, the reasons for the withdrawal, and the Clearing Member’s or the

Settlement Agent’s plans to cover Margin going forward or suspend trading privileges (subject to

the terms stated on the Member’s Bank Guarantee).

NASDAQ Dubai will permit the withdrawal of a bank guarantee only when replacement Eligible

Margin is lodged, in the form of cash or a replacement bank guarantee. A bank guarantee can

only be withdrawn in full. NASDAQ Dubai will not permit partial withdrawals.

11. Bank guarantees shall be payable by the issuing bank to NASDAQ Dubai on demand. NASDAQ

Dubai may demand the amount guaranteed in case of :

a. An actual or anticipated Event of Default as set out under Business Rule 10.1

b. A Declared Default as set out under Rule 10.2

c. Any other failure from Clearing Members or Settlement Agent to fulfill its obligation

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 22

12. The following document will be available on request

a. Bank guarantee Allocation Form – For allocating Bank Guarantee between Equities on DFM

platform and other products trading on NASDAQ Dubai platform

b. Bank Guarantee Letter format


Upon the occurrence of delay in cash settlement on the Settlement Date (T+2), NASDAQ Dubai

may, in its sole discretion, levy daily penalties and impose trading suspensions upon the Clearing

Member as follows:

1. Case 1: If the Clearing Member does not settle either the full or partial amount of its settlement

obligation at the Settlement Bank by 10:00 am and the next day’s (S+1) settlement obligation

(resulting from T+1 transaction) is adequate to cover the amount due in addition to penalties

levied, there will not be any Trading suspensions. However a financial penalty will be imposed

from 10:30 am and on S+1 the net amount after deducting unpaid settlement amount and

penalties will be settled. (This action is subject to the Clearing Member having previous good

track record and approval by NASDAQ Dubai management).

2. Case 2: If the Clearing Member does not settle either the full or partial amount of its settlement

obligation at the Settlement Bank by 10:00 am and the next day’s (S+1) settlement obligation is

insufficient to cover the amount due, the following action may be taken by NASDAQ Dubai:

If the Clearing Member does not settle the full amount of its dues at the Settlement Bank by

10:00 am, the Clearing Member and any Trading Member(s) associated with a General

Clearing Member will be suspended from buy side trading (suspended from buying and only

allowed to sell Securities ) at 10:00am, in addition to the financial penalty .

If the Clearing Member settles a partial amount of its settlement obligation at the Settlement

Bank of between 0% to 50% of the amount due, the Clearing Member and any Trading

Member(s) associated with a General Clearing Member will be suspended from buy side

trading (suspended from buying and only allowed to sell Securities) from 10:00 am to 10:30

am, in addition to the financial penalty.

If the Clearing Member settles a partial amount due at the Settlement Bank of more than

50% of the amount due, the Clearing Member and any Trading Member(s) associated with a

General Clearing Member will be suspended from buy side trading (suspended from buying

and only allowed to sell) at 10:30am, in addition to the financial penalty.

If the Clearing Member fails to pay until S+1 the Clearing Member and any Trading

Member(s) associated with a General Clearing Member will remain suspended until the full

amount is paid and a fine of double the value of the financial penalty will be levied.

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 23

3. Failure by Custodians to pay settlement obligations on behalf of Clearing Members

If the Custodian fails to make timely payment of a cash obligation in its role as a Settlement Agent,

NASDAQ Dubai will levy the same penalties on the Custodian. When suspended, Trading Members

will not be able to buy for clients of suspended Custodian.

Clearing Members’ and Custodians’ as Settlement Agents financial penalty amount in case of cash

Settlement Fail until 10.30am is as follows:


1 - 5,000,000 2,500

5,000,001 - 10,000,000 5,000

10,000,001 - 15,000,000 7,500

15,000,001 - 20,000,000 10,000

20,000,001 - 25,000,000 12,500

1. The fine is increased by USD 2,500 for each USD 5,000,000 of settlement amount.

2. Financial Penalty of USD 1,500 may be imposed in case the Clearing Member fails to pay

the exceeded amount (USD 15,000 or more) over the settlement cap that the Clearing

Member is permitted to trade by maximum 10:30 am on (T+1).

3. NASDAQ Dubai has the right to levy additional charges due to late settlement.

Penalties mentioned above are summarized as follows:






1 Any Settlement Fail sum

If + > settlement fail sum

No suspension subject to: (i) CM having previous

good track record; (ii) Approvals by

NASDAQ Dubai management.

2 Full Settlement Fail sum

- or if + < Settlement Fail sum

Suspension commencing from 10.00am

3 Settlement Fail sum ≤ 50%

Suspension commencing from 10.30am


Settlement Fail sum >50% to ≤ 100%

Suspension commencing from between 10.00am and 10.30am

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 24




1. Intraday Trade Report

This report is generated at regular intervals (15 minutes) with details of all trades executed by

Trading Member. This report will have incremental trades, i.e. trades executed in last 15

minutes. If there are no trades executed in last 15 minutes, this report will not be generated.

Available to: Clearing Members

2. End of Day Trade Report

This report is generated at end of trading day (by 3.00pm) with details of all trades executed by

Trading Members.

Available to: Trading Member, Clearing Members, Custodians (for trades executed by their


3. Fees Details Report

This report is generated at end of trading day (by 3.00pm) with details of executed orders and

market fees charged on those orders.

Available to: Trading Member, Clearing Members, Custodians (for trades executed by their


4. Settlement Report

This report will provide the details of settled trades on NASDAQ Dubai. It is available by 11:00.

Available to: Clearing Members, Custodians (for trades executed by their clients)

5. Investor Position Report

This report is generated at end of trading day (by 3.00pm) with details of positions in investor

accounts of Members and Custodians.

Available to: Trading Member, Clearing Members, Custodians

6. Buy-in Trade log

The buy-in process is handled in the Equator system as a result of which the bid and offer

details will not be available in the Member back office. The CSD provides the details to the

Member so that the transaction details are available with the Member for his reconciliation

process. The buy-in trade log is generated after the buy-in execution process, which is 3:00pm

Dubai time and it contains the executed bid and offer details. This report will be sent via email to

all affected Brokers. Details on the format of the buy-in trade log can be found in Appendix 2 of

this document.


Relevant trading and settlement reports will be placed in a folder which can be accessed by

participants via ftp.

NASDAQ Dubai uses a JSCAPE Secure FTP protocol called FTPES i.e. FTP forced explicit over

SSL. This solution allows Members to transfer files from NASDAQ Dubai, servers to client system,

using SSL authenticated (i.e. PKI Certificate) and transport encrypted sessions (i.e. TLS encryption

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 25

protocols). The sessions can be via HTTPS from a web browser or via a traditional FTP client that

supports FTPES.


The NASDAQ Dubai CSD provides a facility to its account holders to enter off-market trades in the

CSD system. Off-market trades are trades which are not entered through the Central Order Book

and are not required to be reported to NASDAQ Dubai pursuant to its Business rule. CSD account

holders such as Clearing Members and Custodians can enter off-market transactions. Unlike on-

exchange trades, off-market trades are not anonymous and are not novated by the CCP. The buyer

and the seller enter bilateral trade details in the CSD system. The system matches the trades on

the basis of the following validations:

1. ISIN Code 2. Quantity 3. BP Id 4. Trade Date 5. Settlement Date 6. Settlement Cycle 7. Settlement Amount (with a USD 25 & AED 100 tolerance) 8. Account Number

Settlement of Off-market trades is on a gross-gross basis. CSD participants can specify the

settlement date for off-market trades in which case, the actual movement of securities will happen

only on the given day. On the scheduled settlement day, the CSD checks and reserves for available

balances of security in the Member account until EOD. In cases where settlement of the OTC trade

is pending due to inadequate securities, NASDAQ Dubai allows the said trade to be carried forward

up to 10 business days after the original settlement date. This is facilitated through a re-trigger

mechanism for securities settlement. However, for cash shortfalls there is no re-trigger method and

the OTC will fail at EOD of settlement day. It should also be noted that in respect of trades which

have been carried forward for settlement and eventually settling on a future date, only the original

settlement date will be displayed in the NASDAQ Dubai system and not the actual settlement date.

Off-market trades are either for delivery versus payment (DvP) against receive versus payment

(RvP) or delivery free of payment (DfP) against receive free of payment (RfP). In case of DvP,

NASDAQ Dubai first reserves the securities in the seller’s designated account, then sends the cash

instructions to the Clearing Bank for debit/credit of the respective parties accounts at the Settlement

Banks. After the cash settlement is successfully completed, the securities are booked from the

seller’s account to the buyer’s account.

Eligible account holders can send off-market instructions either via SWIFT messages (MT54x

series) or provide trade reporting forms to NASDAQ Dubai.

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 26

The following table provides the SWIFT messages used for effecting off-exchange trades at




Investors who do not wish to deal with their securities can transfer their securities to the CSD

sub-account for safekeeping where no one will have access to them without the investor’s express

permission. The CSD will not process any request to transfer the securities to a Trading Member or

between Trading Members or to another investor account without obtaining the investor’s signature

on the required forms.

However, requests received from legal authorities such as a Court are complied with. Such request

might involve pledging or selling the securities, and investor’s approval on such requests is not







NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 27


NASDAQ Dubai reconciles Issuer balances on a daily basis after completion of security settlement

and CSD transfer window. Such reconciliation involves verification of total security balances in CSD

account, and reasons for differences if any.

At the time of applying corporate action such as bonus allocation and stock split, the CSD shall

provide listed companies with different type of reports for checking purpose and for confirmation.

The CSD provides the secondary listed companies with shareholders’ register, and other trade

reports on an ad hoc basis.

When executing a deposit and withdrawal for a secondary listed company, the NASDAQ Dubai

CSD shall send a confirmation letter to the listed company’s registrar confirming the action and the

total number of securities deposited/withdrawn at NASDAQ Dubai as on that date.

When executing any type of ownership transfer for foreign investors, the NASDAQ Dubai CSD

checks on the foreign ownership percentage before accepting any type of transfer for this category

to avoid exceeding the foreign ownership limit specified by the listed company.


1. Transfers effecting no change in beneficial ownership

NASDAQ Dubai allows transfers between the ‘omnibus’ CSD Accounts to Investor CSD Accounts

(referred to as ‘client NINs’). The transfer fee in this regard is waived until further notice. No

transfers shall be allowed from a direct client NIN to an omnibus restricted NIN, unless specifically

approved by NASDAQ Dubai.

Transfers between 2 different custodial client NINs are allowed to facilitate a change of Custodian

for clients. Necessary documentation may be required by NASDAQ Dubai to validate such

transfers. These transfers are subject to fees, as published in NASDAQ Dubai price list and

updated from time to time.

To facilitate the aforementioned transfer requests, NASDAQ Dubai requires the transfer request to

be completed in full by the Custodian.

Generally, the above transfer requests will be completed in 1 business day. However, requests

received before 1 pm UAE time will be processed on a best efforts basis within the same business

day. Any request received after 1 pm UAE time will be processed the next business day before

market opens.

2. Transfers effecting changes in beneficial ownership

NASDAQ Dubai generally will not accept any transfer request between different beneficial owners,

with the following exceptions:

a. Family transfers among relatives to the second degree.

b. Transfers by inheritance (heirs account, account of each heir).

c. Transfer from a company to a partner and vice versa.

d. Transfer from parent company to subsidiary / affiliate.

e. Transfer from a joint account to one of the parties and vice versa.

f. Judicial transfers (by receiving court order).

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 28

g. Transfer form founder to another founder.

h. Transfer from a board Member to another.

i. Assignments (purchase and sale transactions) made before market opening or after the

opening in case of new listing and that according to the company’s laws and regulations.

j. Transfer for the purpose of Global Depository receipts/Depository Interest conversion.

k. Any other transfer, specifically approved by NASDAQ Dubai.

The above transfers are allowed with relevant evidence of the purpose of transfer. NASDAQ Dubai

reserves the right to reject the transfer request if such rejection is necessary to enforce any right it

has under the Terms and Conditions, the Operating Procedures or any other agreement with an

account holder.



CSD account holders will be able to move shares across different markets or create/withdraw

ADR/GDR products through the Transfer process available in the CSD system.

In case of a deposit/credit (“Mark Up”) to the CSD account, the CSD will receive an instruction from

the Foreign Registrar/DR Agent Bank giving the necessary details for the transfer including NIN,

Account No., ISIN and quantity to be credited. The CSD will process the transfer request and credit

the relevant account of the investor as a ‘stock adjustment’. After duly completing the transfer, the

CSD will inform the new balances to the Foreign Registrar/DR Agent.

In the case of a withdrawal/debit (“Mark Down”) of securities to a CSD account, the account holder

will submit a duly filled out form for such withdrawal to the CSD giving the details of the source and

target account details among other details. CSD will verify the form and proceed with debiting the

account of the account holder to the extent of securities marked-down through the stock adjustment

screen. The CSD will then inform the concerned Registry/DR Agent of the debit to the NASDAQ

Dubai CSD account holder and request for transfer of the securities to the recipient beneficiary as

stated in the withdrawal form. After processing the request, the Registry/DR Agent will confirm the

debit to the NASDAQ Dubai CSD.

Detailed instruction on cross border transfer of securities can be obtained from Appendix 1.


NASDAQ Dubai may block securities or cash to be credited to, or standing to the credit of a CSD

account holders account if NASDAQ Dubai in its sole discretion determines that such blocking is

necessary to enforce any right it has under the Terms and Conditions, the Operating Procedures or

any other agreement with a Participant.


NASDAQ Dubai will require the duly filled in Pledge creation form along with the supporting

documents as mentioned in the form along with the applicable fees. (For Pledge creation form

please contact NASDAQ Dubai CSD team on +971 04 305 5135).

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 29

The securities to be pledged must be in the CSD account of the pledgor and must be freely

available for pledge creation.

NASDAQ Dubai will open a special account for the pledgee under the NIN of the pledgor and credit

the pledged securities to this account.

NASDAQ Dubai will implement the pledge and send a confirmation letter to the pledgee on the

same day on best effort basis or the next day for all valid requests received. After a pledge is

created, the pledgor will have no access to these securities.

To release a pledge, the pledgee will send a formal letter to CSD indicating details of pledge and

number of pledge shares to be released.


1. Sources of corporate action information

Corporate Action details are received from the Issuer/agent and NASDAQ Dubai Members are

informed of the same via the cap announcement system. On receipt of the information NASDAQ

Dubai will set up the security corporate action event in the Equator system. The following is the

summarized process of some key corporate actions. Additional details and details for other types of

corporate action will be provided to participants before such corporate action is processed.

2. Methods to be used by CSD to accept corporate action instructions from the depositors

NASDAQ Dubai CSD applies the Issuer’s instructions and it gets actioned on the record date. The

CSD will provide the listed company with the share book and other related reports required as

evidence of applying the action. The action takes place at the CSD account where securities are


3. Distribution of cash dividends:

The information for the event cash dividend is received from the Issuer / agent and all the Members

are informed of the same via the CAP Candi system. On receipt of the information NASDAQ Dubai

will set up the corporate action in the CSD system and inform all the participants giving them details

of the corporate action. On the record date, NASDAQ Dubai will identify list of the account holders

on the CSD with their respective holdings for that securities. The Issuer or its agent such as a

depository bank makes the payment for the dividend to NASDAQ Dubai on or after the payment

date, NASDAQ Dubai takes at least 1 working day to process and disburse dividend payment to the

eligible Members. There is no withholding tax by NASDAQ Dubai CSD on any cash benefits

declared by Issuer. However, corporate benefits paid by issuer/paying agent for certain securities

on NASDAQ Dubai may be subject to WHT or other tax as applicable in the local jurisdiction, and

hence would be paid out net of tax by them to the CSD for onward disbursement to its Members.

This cash benefit will be directly credited to account holder’s bank account as mentioned to the


NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 30

4. Distribution of stock dividend/bonus shares:

The stock dividend/bonus is a security benefit declared by an Issuer for existing securities held. The

announcement and disclosure will be made public via the NASDAQ Dubai CAP Candi platform and

through the NASDAQ Dubai website. On the payment date the CSD system executes the event and

disburses the security benefits to the respective eligible CSD accounts in which the balances are


5. Consolidation/Splitting of shares:

Consolidation is an event where the face value of equity is consolidated .i.e. if the original face

value of equity is USD/AED 10, due to consolidation the face value is changed to USD/AED 100.

The total number of shares after the event will be less than that before the event.

A stock split is the opposite of consolidation; here the face value is split from the existing face value

to new face value .i.e. if the original face value is USD/AED 10, due to a stock split the face value is

changed to USD/AED 5. The total number of shares after the event will be more than that before

the event.

Both of the above events belong to group of security credit and security debit, where old security is

debited and new security is credited to the holders of security. Exchange of old and new security

will be performed on the payment date and will be based on the holdings as at the record date.

The information for the consolidation / stock split is received from the Issuer / agent and the same is

informed to all the Members via CAP Candi system.

On the record date, NASDAQ Dubai will identify a list of the account holders on the CSD with their

respective holdings for those securities. The Issuer or agent fixes the payment date for the debit /

credit of securities. NASDAQ Dubai takes at least 1 working day to process and disburse new

securities to the Members.

6. Capital decrease/reduction:

Capital Decrease as the name suggests, enables the issuer to reduce the total number of securities

in the market.

The original ISIN ceases to exist and the Issuer issues a new ISIN. During the corporate action

execution, all the existing holdings will be removed and new holdings in new ISIN will be created in

BPs account in a pro-rated basis.

The information for the capital decrease is received from the Issuer / agent and the same is

informed to all the Members via CAP Candi system.

On the record date, NASDAQ Dubai will identify a list of the account holders in the CSD with their

respective holdings for those securities. The Issuer or agent fixes the payment date for the debit /

credit of securities. After receiving necessary approvals and documentations from relevant authority

the CSD will debit the securities under the old ISIN and give credit of securities of the new ISIN to

its Members on or after the payment date. NASDAQ Dubai takes at least 1 working day to process

and disburse new securities to the Members.

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 31

7. Reducing the number of shares- increasing the par value per share:

The listed company reduces the number of its issued securities by raising the face value of the

securities. For each set of old securities held by the investor new securities are issued according to

the percentage decided by the listed company. This action will be taken without an increase of

capital and without purchase of new shares in the market.

8. Interest

Interest events represent payment received periodically given by issuer / agent on a bond,

debenture, and debt instrument to the holder of the securities.

The information regarding the interest is received from the Issuer / agent or anticipated from the

security information as defined while creating the security and the same is notified to all the

Members via CAP Candi system. On receipt of the information NASDAQ Dubai will set up the

corporate action in the CSD system and inform all the participants giving them details of the

corporate action.

On the record date, NASDAQ Dubai will identify the list of the account holders in the CSD and their

respective holdings for those securities. The Issuer or its agent such as depository bank makes the

payment for the interest to NASDAQ Dubai on or after the payment date. There is no withholding

tax by NASDAQ Dubai CSD on any cash benefits declared by Issuer. However, corporate benefits

paid by issuer/paying agent for certain securities on NASDAQ Dubai may be subject to WHT or

other tax as applicable in the local jurisdiction, and hence would be paid out net of tax by them to

the CSD for onward disbursement to its Members. This cash benefit will be directly credited to

account holder’s bank account as mentioned to the CSD. The account holder will be informed by

NASDAQ Dubai of the interest disbursed via email.

9. Redemption

This event represents payment received on expiry of the security given by the issuer / agent on

bonds, debentures, and debt instruments to its holders. The corporate action can be anticipated for

such securities from the instrument master. The corporate action belongs to the security debit and

cash credit group events. Removal of redeemed security and disbursement of cash will be

performed on payment date based on actual holdings as on the record date.

The information for the redemption is received from the Issuer / agent or anticipated from the

security information as defined while creating the security and the same is informed to all the

Members via CAP Candi system. On receipt of the information NASDAQ Dubai will set up the

corporate action in the CSD system. On the record date, NASDAQ Dubai will identify a list of the

account holders in the CSD with their respective holdings for those securities.

The security may be restricted for any transfer from the record date till payment of redemption

amount. The Issuer or its agent makes the payment for the redemption to NASDAQ Dubai on or

after the payment date. NASDAQ Dubai takes 1 working day to debit securities and credit

redemption amount to the Members. There is no withholding tax by NASDAQ Dubai CSD on any

cash benefits declared by the Issuer. However, corporate benefits paid by issuer/paying agent for

certain securities on NASDAQ Dubai may be subject to WHT or other tax as applicable in the local

jurisdiction, and hence would be paid out net of tax by them to the CSD for onward disbursement to

its Members.

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 32

10. Important forms

Transfer between CSD and broker.pdf

Transfers form.pdf

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 33


A.1 Introduction


The NASDAQ Dubai Cross-border Securities Guide aims to provide Members and interested third

parties with the complete guide to transfer in and out of NASDAQ Dubai primary listed securities,

dual listed securities and depository receipts through common depository banks. The guide

contains all information needed to provide an overview of operational details of market links, such

as transferring the securities or depository receipts and any instruction requirements.


This guide provides an overview and details of services offered by NASDAQ Dubai for cross-border

securities (that is, primary listed securities, dual listed securities and depository receipts listed

through common depository bank).

A NASDAQ Dubai account holder can choose to deliver securities from his account in the NASDAQ

Dubai CSD to an account in a foreign depository held by the same account holder. Similarly a

participant of a foreign depository can also choose to transfer securities from the account held in

the foreign depository to his account at the NASDAQ Dubai CSD.

Organization of the document

Section No.


1 Transfer of Dual Listed Securities

2 Primary Listed securities

3 Transfer of Depository Receipts

Additional Information In additional to this document, Members are required to read the following:

1. NASDAQ Dubai Business Rules 2. NASDAQ Dubai Market Model 3. NASDAQ Dubai Price List 4. NASDAQ Dubai Settlement Handbook 5. NASDAQ Dubai Corporate Action Handbook 6. NASDAQ Dubai website :

NASDAQ Dubai assistance: Clearing & Risk: Clearing Team +971 4 305 5473 CSD : CSD Team +971 4 305 5133 Email : [email protected]

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 34

Periodical Review: Revision of this document will be done in the event of the following: Any changes in corporate action model Any change in securities / funds fails model Any other material changes

A.2 Dual Listed Securities (Ordinary Shares): The securities on which these transfers can take place are

Securities primarily listed in NASDAQ Dubai CSD and with a secondary listing in a foreign


Securities primarily listed in a foreign depository and with a secondary listing in NASDAQ

Dubai CSD

A.2.1 Bahrain Stock Exchange

The securities of Al Baraka Banking Group (ABG) are dual listed on the Bahrain Stock Exchange

and NASDAQ Dubai. To facilitate this link, securities of ABG held in electronic form are registered

in the name of NASDAQ Dubai Guardian Ltd. on the Register of legal title held by KPMG Fakhro

who are Registrar & Transfer Agents for ABG. Furthermore, BSE CSD has been admitted as a

Custodian on NASDAQ Dubai CSD and an Omnibus account opened for holding balances of ABG

investors in the BSE CSD.

A.2.1.1 Accounting Structure

NASDAQ Dubai will hold a NASDAQ Dubai CSD Guardian account with the KPMG Fakhro. In the

NASDAQ Dubai system:

The KPMG Fakhro will act as a Foreign Registry

The KPMG Fakhro will have a Foreign Registry Nostro account at NASDAQ Dubai

From BSE-CSD Investor to NASDAQ Dubai CSD account

1. BSE-CSD Investor to submit an application form (Annexure B) to BSE-CSD Counter

requesting transfer of certain securities (currently Al Baraka Banking Group – ABG) from his

account at BSE-CSD to a participant account in NASDAQ Dubai CSD. Alternatively, BSE-

CSD investor may submit the transfer form through facsimile.

2. On receipt of above transfer form, BSE-CSD staff to verify details such as investor name,

investor ID, signature, etc. BSE-CSD to also check for adequacy of security balances in the

investor account in the BSE-CSD system.

3. After performing all necessary due diligences, BSE-CSD to process the transfer request by

debiting the said Investor account in the BSE-CSD system.

4. BSE-CSD will submit the transfer form to NASDAQ Dubai CSD, NASDAQ Dubai CSD will

transfer the requested securities from BSE CSD account to the investor NIN account

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 35

From NASDAQ Dubai account to BSE-CSD Investor

1. NASDAQ Dubai CSD will receive the transfer form from account holder, and execute the

same in the DFM Equator system

2. NASDAQ Dubai CSD will inform BSE CSD about the credit of securities into the BSE CSD

account and the details of the client which needs to receive the securities in its account at


3. Pursuant to the above confirmation, BSE-CSD will then credit the investor account in its

system as per details specified by the NASDAQ Dubai transferor.

A.2.2 Computershare Clearing Pty Ltd - Australia

The process facilitates the dual listing of securities on NASDAQ Dubai of any Australian company

that uses Computershare Australia (“Computershare”) as their agent to maintain the Register of

Legal Title (RoLT). The arrangement will enable a NASDAQ Dubai account holder to deliver the

dual listed Australian security from their account in the NASDAQ Dubai CSD to a registered

investor or an agent on the Register of Legal Title (RoLT) held by CHESS the registrar & transfer

agents. Similarly an investor or his agent registered on the RoLT of the company can also transfer

securities to an account of a NASDAQ Dubai CSD.

A.2.2.1 Accounting Structure

1. Computershare as the company’s Registrar to maintain its RoLT.

2. NASDAQ Dubai Guardian Limited is holding an account with Computershare Clearing Pty

Ltd. Computershare Clearing Pty Ltd. will in turn establish a holding in CHESS in the name

of Computershare Clearing Pty Ltd. <NASDAQ Dubai Guardian a/c>

3. Subsequent to the security being approved for listing on NASDAQ Dubai, NASDAQ Dubai

CSD will make the particular security acceptable by setting it up on its systems.

4. NASDAQ Dubai CSD will create a ‘nostro’ a/c for NASDAQ Dubai Guardian holdings at

Computershare Clearing Pty Ltd. At all times, this account will reflect the holdings under the

name of Computer Clearing Pty Ltd NASDAQ Dubai Guardian on the RoLT.

5. The sum of all NASDAQ Dubai CSD account holdings in the particular security will equal the

‘nostro’ balance.

Transfer of securities from Australia to NASDAQ Dubai

For Australian Brokers and Custodians

Brokers / Custodians will access Computershare’s market participant site at (Annexure D)

Brokers / Custodians will complete all details online for the lodgements of securities into the


1. The details in addition to the Brokers/ Custodian CHESS details, will include: NIN Number,

investor name, investor A/c number and the security details i.e. ISIN, ASX code, security

name, quantity of securities for transfer and any reference details.

2. Subsequently securities will be delivered by the broker / Custodian via CHESS.

3. Computershare Clearing Pty Ltd. will match the CHESS delivery against the online

application and deposit the securities into NASDAQ Dubai Guardian’s account.

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 36

4. Any deliveries that do not agree to the online application will be rejected by Computershare

Clearing Pty Ltd.

5. Computershare Clearing Pty Ltd will advise NASDAQ Dubai CSD via e-mail of the full

details of the deposit immediately. (Computershare Clearing Pty Ltd. will forward a copy of

the online application to NASDAQ Dubai for their records.)

6. Upon receipt of the instruction, NASDAQ Dubai CSD will, using the web interface provided

by Computershare, check for the additional securities in its name and subsequent to the

verification of the same, credit the NASDAQ Dubai CSD NIN account with the securities.

7. Should any of the details provided by Computershare not match NASDAQ Dubai records,

NASDAQ Dubai will reject the transfer and will request Computershare to reverse the


8. For all successful credits, NASDAQ Dubai CSD will then inform its account holder of the

credit to their account.

9. Computershare will provide a holding statement on a periodical basis to NASDAQ Dubai


For Australian Retail Holders

1. Retail holders will be asked to complete a “Request for Transfer To NASDAQ Dubai form”.

2. The completed share transfer form from the investor will mention the following details: date

of transfer, name of investor, investor ID details (if any, as may be applicable to

Computershare), name of security, ISIN, ASX code, quantity of securities to be transferred,

NASDAQ Dubai NIN (ID of NASDAQ Dubai account holder to whom the shares need to be

transferred to), NASDAQ Dubai a/c no, reference details (any additional detail the investor

may want to reference in relation to the transfer)

3. Any deliveries that do not agree to the transfer form will be rejected by Computershare

Clearing Pty Ltd. but note that all efforts will be made by staff to contact the holder and have

the problem rectified.

4. Upon successful validation of the form Computershare Clearing Pty Ltd will transfer the

securities from the holder to Computershare Clearing Pty Ltd <NASDAQ Dubai Guardian


5. Computershare Clearing Pty Ltd will advise NASDAQ Dubai CSD via e-mail of the full

details of the deposit immediately. (Computershare Clearing Pty Ltd. will forward a copy of

the form to NASDAQ Dubai for their records.)

6. Upon receipt of the instruction, NASDAQ Dubai CSD will, using the web interface provided

by Computershare, check for the additional securities in its name and subsequent to the

verification of the same, credit the NASDAQ Dubai account holder ‘s account with the


7. Should any of the details provided by Computershare Clearing Pty Ltd. not match NASDAQ

Dubai records, NASDAQ Dubai will reject the transfer and will request Computershare

Clearing Pty Ltd. to reverse the transaction.

8. For all successful credits, NASDAQ Dubai CSD will then inform its account holder of the

credit to their account.

9. Computershare Clearing Pty Ltd. will provide a holding statement on a periodical basis to


NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 37

Transfer of securities from NASDAQ Dubai to Australia

1. A NASDAQ Dubai CSD account holder will instruct NASDAQ Dubai CSD to debit their

account at the CSD and transfer the securities to a name on the RoLT or CHESS a/c of the

company held by Computershare.

2. The NASDAQ Dubai CSD account holder will use a pre-specified form (Annexure E) to

instruct this request to NASDAQ Dubai CSD. The instruction will contain the following

minimum details: investor NIN, investor account number client name, security name,

security ISIN/symbol, quantity of securities to be transferred, the CHESS participant ID,

CHESS participant name, CHESS HIN, and CHESS registration details.

3. NASDAQ Dubai will on receipt of this request check the authenticity of the request and

validate the NASDAQ Dubai details. Subsequent to the validations NASDAQ Dubai will debit

the NASDAQ Dubai account holder’s account with the securities.

4. NASDAQ Dubai will then instruct a share transfer to Computershare Clearing Pty Ltd. using

a transfer form.

5. Computershare Clearing Pty Ltd. will verify NASDAQ Dubai request after due validation of

the instruction and transfer securities from the NASDAQ Dubai Guardian to the CHESS

participant name or register the securities as per the instructions received

6. Should any of the details provided by NASDAQ Dubai CSD not match the Computershare

records, Computershare Clearing Pty Ltd. will reject the transfer and will request NASDAQ

Dubai CSD to reverse the transaction.

A.2.3 Computershare Investors Services Inc. - Canada

The process facilitates the dual listing of securities on NASDAQ Dubai of any Canadian company

that uses Computershare Canada (“Computershare”) as their agent to maintain the Register of

Legal Title (RoLT). The arrangement will enable a NASDAQ Dubai account holder to deliver the

dual listed Canadian security from their account in the NASDAQ Dubai CSD to a registered investor

or an agent on the Register of Legal Title (RoLT) held by CHESS the registrar & transfer agents.

Similarly an investor or his agent registered on the RoLT of the company can also transfer

securities to his account at the NASDAQ Dubai CSD.

A.2.3.1 Accounting Structure

1. NASDAQ Dubai Guardian Limited will hold an account, on the issuers register with

Computershare Investor Services Inc. (“Computershare”). The account will be in the name

of <Computershare Investor Services Inc TR for NASDAQ Dubai Guardian Limited>.

2. Subsequent to the security being approved for listing on NASDAQ Dubai, NASDAQ Dubai

CSD will make the particular security acceptable by setting it up on its systems.

3. NASDAQ Dubai CSD will create a ‘nostro’ a/c for NASDAQ Dubai Guardian holdings at

Computershare Investor Services Inc.

4. At all times, this NASDAQ Dubai TR account on the issuer’s Canadian register will reflect

the holdings under the name of NASDAQ Dubai Guardian on the RoLT.

Transfer of securities from Canada to NASDAQ Dubai

For Canadian Brokers and Custodians

1. CSD Participants will access Computershare’s market participant’s xSettle site or will obtain

a NASDAQ Dubai Issuance form (Annexure F) from Computershare’s web site, <Shareholder Services> <download a form>. CSD Participants

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 38

will complete all details online required for the lodgement of securities into NASDAQ Dubai.

The details, in addition to the initiating CSD Participants details, will include NASDAQ Dubai

CSD account holder identifications i.e. NIN, account holder name, a/c number and the

security details i.e. ISIN/symbol, security name, quantity of securities for transfer and any

reference details (especially helpful for mentioning underlying client/beneficiary details for

the receiving NASDAQ Dubai account holder).

2. At the same time the CSD Participants will initiate a CSD withdrawal, by entering the

withdrawal information into the CSDx system.

3. Once the CSD withdrawal and NASDAQ Dubai issuance instructions are received by

Computershare, Computershare will screen the information received from the CSD

Participant. If all is in good order, Computershare will transfer the shares from CSD to the

NASDAQ Dubai account, registered in the name of <Computershare Investor Services Inc

TR NASDAQ Dubai Guardian Limited>, on the issuer’s register.

4. Any information that is not in good form will be rejected by Computershare, but note that all

reasonable efforts will be made by staff to contact the broker and have the problem rectified.

5. On the same day, Computershare will advise NASDAQ Dubai via e-mail of the full details of

the NASDAQ Dubai deposit, by forwarding a copy of the information received from the

Canadian CSD Participant. If the information is received after 4:00pm. Toronto time,

Computershare will advise NASDAQ Dubai the next business day (in Canada).

6. Upon receipt of the instruction, NASDAQ Dubai will, using the web interface provided by

Computershare, check for the additional securities in its name and subsequent to the

verification of the same, credit the NASDAQ Dubai CSD account holder’s account with the


7. Should any of the details provided by Computershare not match NASDAQ Dubai records,

NASDAQ Dubai will reject the transfer within 48 hours and will request Computershare to

reverse the transaction.

8. For all successful credits, NASDAQ Dubai will then inform its account holder of the credit to

their account.

Canadian Retail Holders

1. Certificated share holders will be asked to complete a NASDAQ Dubai issuance form

(Annexure F). This is a printed copy of the web form as retail holders will not have access

to deliver securities to Computershare via CSDx.

2. The completed NASDAQ Dubai Issuance form, from the investor, will mention the

following details: registered name and address that currently appears on the certificate,

certificate number, name of security, ISIN, quantity of securities to be issued, NASDAQ

Dubai CSD account holder NIN, a/c no, reference details (any additional detail the investor

may want to reference in relation to the transfer needed for underlying beneficiary/client


3. Share certificate and NASDAQ Dubai issuance form will be mailed / couriered or hand

delivered to Computershare’s Toronto office.

4. Any deliveries that do not agree to the information supplied on the NASDAQ Dubai

Issuance form will be rejected by Computershare, but note that all efforts will be made by

staff to contact the holder and have the problem rectified.

5. Upon successful validation of the form and share certificates, Computershare will transfer

the securities from the holder’s account to the NASDAQ Dubai account, registered in the

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 39

name of <Computershare Investor Services Inc TR NASDAQ Dubai Guardian Limited>, on

the issuers register.

6. NASDAQ Dubai will be notified on the same day if the share certificate and NASDAQ

Dubai Issuance form was received prior to 12:00 p.m. Toronto time, or next day if the

share certificate and NASDAQ Dubai Issuance form was received after 12:00 p.m. Toronto

time, via e-mail the full details of the NASDAQ Dubai deposit, by forwarding a copy of the

NASDAQ Dubai Issuance form, received from the shareholder.

7. Upon receipt of the instruction, NASDAQ Dubai will, using the web interface provided by

Computershare, check for the additional securities in its name and subsequent to the

verification of the same, credit the NASDAQ Dubai CSD account holder’s account with the


8. Should any of the details provided by Computershare not match NASDAQ Dubai records,

NASDAQ Dubai will reject the transfer within 48 hours and will request Computershare to

reverse the transaction.

9. For all successful credits, NASDAQ Dubai will then inform its account holder of the credit

to their account.

Transfer of securities from NASDAQ Dubai to Canada

1. A NASDAQ Dubai CSD account holder will instruct NASDAQ Dubai CSD to debit their

account at the CSD and transfer the securities to a name on the RoLT of the company held

by Computershare.

2. The NASDAQ Dubai CSD account holder will use a pre-specified printed form (Annexure

G) to instruct this request to NASDAQ Dubai CSD. The instruction will contain the following

minimum details: NASDAQ Dubai CSD account holder NIN , NASDAQ Dubai CSD account

holder name, NASDAQ Dubai CSD account holder’s a/c number, security name, security

ISIN/symbol, quantity of securities to be transferred. If the shares are to be dematerialized

into CSD, the CSD deposit reference ID, CSD Participant firm name, CSD Participant

contact name and telephone number is required. (Please note: The form should not be

rejected if the CSD deposit reference ID is not mentioned, as long as the CSD Participant

firm name and the CSD Participant contact details are present, Computershare will reach

out to the CSD participant advising them of the delivery). If the securities are not to be

dematerialized into a Canadian Participants account at CSD, then the name and address to

appear on the Canadian register and delivery instructions, if they differ from the registered

address must be supplied.

3. The NASDAQ Dubai will on receipt of this request check for completeness of the request

and validate the NASDAQ Dubai details, as well as the requested Canadian register details.

Subsequent to the validations, NASDAQ Dubai will debit the NASDAQ Dubai account

holder’s account with the securities.

4. On the same day, the NASDAQ Dubai CSD will advise Computershare, via e-mail to

[email protected] of the full details of the Canadian register

issuance, by forwarding a copy of the NASDAQ Dubai cancellation form received from the

NASDAQ Dubai CSD account holder.

5. Computershare will verify NASDAQ Dubai’s request and after due validation of the

instructions, Computershare will transfer the securities from the NASDAQ Dubai TR account

to the Canadian broker’s account at CSD, using the CSD deposit reference number supplied

or would reach out to the CSD Participant, requesting they initiate a CSD Deposit and to

supply Computershare with the CSD deposit reference ID. If the request was to issue and

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 40

release a share certificate, Computershare would transfer the securities from the NASDAQ

Dubai TR account to the requested shareholder’s account, on the issuer’s register and issue

a share certificate in the shareholder’s name.

6. Should any of the details provided by NASDAQ Dubai CSD not be sufficient Computershare

will, within 48 hours, reject the transfer and will request NASDAQ Dubai CSD to reverse the


7. NASDAQ Dubai will at the end of each day, reconcile the nostro balance for the security

with the holdings on the RoLT at Computershare.

A.2.4 Computershare Investor Services PLC – United Kingdom

The processes outlined in this document are to facilitate the dual listing of securities on NASDAQ

Dubai of any United Kingdom company. The arrangement outlined in this document will enable a

NASDAQ Dubai account holder to deliver the dual listed United Kingdom security from their account

in NASDAQ Dubai CSD (NASDAQ Dubai Guardian Ltd) to a shareholder direct or a CREST

participant acting on their behalf. Similarly a shareholder or a CREST participant acting on their

behalf can also transfer securities to an account of a NASDAQ Dubai CSD account holder via the

facility offered by Computershare.

A2.4.1 Accounting Structure

NASDAQ Dubai Guardian Limited will hold an account with the Custodian. Computershare

will in turn establish a holding in CREST in the name of the nominee. <NASDAQ Dubai a/c>

Subsequent to the security being approved for listing on NASDAQ Dubai, NASDAQ Dubai

CSD will make the particular security acceptable by setting it up on its systems.

NASDAQ Dubai CSD will create a ‘nostro’ a/c for NASDAQ Dubai Guardian holdings with

the nominee. At all times, this account will reflect the holdings under the name of NASDAQ

Dubai Guardian on the share register.

The sum of all NASDAQ Dubai CSD account holdings in the particular security will equal the

‘nostro’ balance.

Transfer of securities from United Kingdom to NASDAQ Dubai

For United Kingdom Brokers and Computershare

1. Brokers / Computershare will access Computershare’s market participant site at Brokers / Computershare will complete all details

online for the lodgement of Securities into the NASDAQ Dubai.

2. The details in addition to the Brokers/ Computershare CREST details, will include NASDAQ

Dubai account holder identifications i.e. NIN , name, a/c number and the security details i.e.

ISIN, security name, quantity of Securities for transfer and any reference details.

3. Brokers / Computershare will complete all details online for the lodgement of Securities into


4. Subsequent Securities will be delivered by the broker / Computershare via CREST.

5. Computershare will process the CREST delivery against the on line application and deposit

the Securities into NASDAQ Dubai Guardian’s account with the nominee.

6. Any deliveries that do not agree to the online application will be rejected by Computershare;

but note that all efforts will be made by staff to contact the broker and have the problem


NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 41

7. Computershare will advise NASDAQ Dubai CSD via e-mail of the full details of the deposit

immediately. Computershare will forward a copy of the online application to NASDAQ Dubai

for their records.

8. Upon receipt of the instruction, NASDAQ Dubai CSD will, using the web interface provided

by Computershare, check for the additional Securities in its name and subsequent to the

verification of the same, credit the NASDAQ Dubai account holder‘s account with the


9. Should any of the details provided by Computershare not match NASDAQ Dubai records,

NASDAQ Dubai will reject the transfer and will request Computershare to reverse the


10. For all successful credits, NASDAQ Dubai CSD will then inform its account holder of the

credit to their account.

11. Computershare will provide a holding statement on a periodical basis to NASDAQ Dubai

CSD (Periodicity to be discussed and agreed). Guardian will also have online access to view

its custody account via Computershare Investor Centre.

For United Kingdom Retail Holders

1. Retail holders will be asked to complete a Request for Transfer To NASDAQ Dubai form.

This is a hard copy of the web form as retail holders will not have access to deliver

Securities to the Custodian via CREST.

2. The completed share transfer form from the investor will also include the following

information: date of transfer, name of investor, investor ID details (if any, as may be

applicable to Computershare), name of Security, ISIN, quantity of Securities to be

transferred, NASDAQ Dubai account holder NIN, a/c no, reference details (any additional

detail the investor may want to reference in relation to the transfer)

3. Any deliveries that do not agree to the application will be rejected by Computershare; but

note that all efforts will be made by staff to contact the holder and have the problem


4. Upon successful validations of the form the Custodian will transfer the Securities from the

holder to the nominee <NASDAQ Dubai a/c>

5. Computershare will advise NASDAQ Dubai CSD via e-mail of the full details of the deposit

immediately. Computershare will forward a copy of the form to NASDAQ Dubai for their


6. Upon receipt of the instruction, NASDAQ Dubai CSD will, using the web interface provided

by Computershare, check for the additional Securities in its name and subsequent to the

verification of the same, credit the NASDAQ Dubai account holder’s account with the


7. Should any of the details provided by Computershare not match NASDAQ Dubai records,

NASDAQ Dubai will reject the transfer and will request Computershare to reverse the


8. For all successful credits, NASDAQ Dubai CSD will then inform its account holder of the

credit to their account.

9. Computershare will provide a holding statement on a periodical basis to NASDAQ Dubai

CSD (Periodicity to be discussed and agreed). Guardian will also have online access to its

custody account via Computershare investor centre.

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 42

Transfer of securities from NASDAQ Dubai to United Kingdom

1. A NASDAQ Dubai CSD account holder will instruct NASDAQ Dubai CSD to debit their

account at NASDAQ Dubai CSD and transfer the Securities to a name/nominee on the

share register of the company held by Computershare

2. The NASDAQ Dubai CSD account holder will use a pre-specified physical form (see

Annexure A) to instruct NASDAQ Dubai CSD. The instruction will contain the following

minimum details: NASDAQ Dubai account holder NIN, name, a/c number, Security name,

Security ISIN/Symbol, quantity of securities to be transferred, the CREST Participant ID,

CREST Participant name, CREST NIN, and CREST registration details.

3. NASDAQ Dubai will, on receipt of this request, check the authenticity of the request and

validate the NASDAQ Dubai details. Subsequent to the validation NASDAQ Dubai will debit

the NASDAQ Dubai account holder’s account with the Securities.

4. NASDAQ Dubai will then instruct a share transfer to the Custodian using a mutually agreed


5. Computershare will verify NASDAQ Dubai’s request after due validation of the instruction

and transfer Securities from the NASDAQ Dubai Guardian to the CREST participant name

or register the Securities as per the instructions received

6. Should any of the details provided by NASDAQ Dubai CSD not match the Computershare

records, Computershare will reject the transfer and will request NASDAQ Dubai CSD to

reverse the transaction.

7. NASDAQ Dubai will at the end of each day, reconcile the nostro balance for the security

with the holdings on the share register at Computershare.

A.2.5 Computershare Trust Company - US

The processes outlined in this document are to facilitate the dual listing of securities on NASDAQ

Dubai of any US listed company. The arrangement outlined in this document will enable a

NASDAQ Dubai account holder to deliver the dual listed US security from their account in NASDAQ

Dubai CSD to a DTC participant (or to a registered investor or an agent on the Register of Legal

Title (RoLT), once Computershare is appointed as Transfer Agent). Similarly, a DTC participant (or

an investor or his agent registered on the RoLT of the company, after Computershare is appointed

as Transfer Agent) can also transfer securities to an account of a NASDAQ Dubai CSD via the

facility offered by Computershare.

A.2.5.1 Accounting Structure

Computershare Trust Company, NA “CTCNA” will initially hold a custody position in DTC for

NASDAQ Dubai Guardian Limited. Once Computershare is appointed as the Transfer

Agent, the custody position may be held on the RoLT maintained by Computershare as

Transfer Agent.

Subsequent to the security being approved for listing on NASDAQ Dubai, NASDAQ Dubai

CSD will make the particular security acceptable by setting it up on its systems.

NASDAQ Dubai CSD will create a ‘nostro’ a/c for NASDAQ Dubai Guardian holdings at

CTCNA. At all times, this account will reflect the holdings at CTCNA on behalf of NASDAQ

Dubai Guardian (or under the name of NASDAQ Dubai Guardian on the RoLT).

The sum of all NASDAQ Dubai CSD account in the particular security will equal the ‘nostro’


NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 43

Transfer of securities from US to NASDAQ Dubai

For US Brokers and Custodians

1. US Market participants (DTC brokers/Custodians) will obtain a NASDAQ Dubai Issuance

form from Computershare’s web site, DTC Participants will

complete all details required for the lodgement of securities into NASDAQ Dubai. The details

will include NASDAQ Dubai account holder identifications i.e. NIN , name, a/c number and

the security details i.e. ISIN, security name, quantity of securities for transfer and any

reference details (especially helpful for mentioning underlying client/beneficiary details for

the receiving NASDAQ Dubai account holder ).

2. Securities will be delivered to CTCNA by the Broker / Custodian via DTC.

3. CTCNA will match the DTC delivery against the online application and accept the securities

into NASDAQ Dubai Guardian’s account.

4. Any deliveries that do not agree to the online application will be rejected by CTCNA, but

note that all efforts will be made by staff to contact the broker and have the problem


5. CTCNA will advise NASDAQ Dubai CSD via e-mail of the full details of the deposit

immediately. (CTCNA will forward a copy of the online application to NASDAQ Dubai for

their records).

6. Upon receipt of the instruction, NASDAQ Dubai CSD will review and confirm instructions

and subsequent to the verification of the same, credit the NASDAQ Dubai CSD account with

the securities. (NB once computershare is appointed as Transfer Agent; NASDAQ Dubai

CSD will be able to view its account online).

7. Should any of the details provided by Computershare not match NASDAQ Dubai records,

NASDAQ Dubai will reject the transfer and will request Computershare to reverse the


8. For all successful credits, NASDAQ Dubai CSD will then inform its account holder of the

credit to their account.

9. Computershare will provide a holding statement on a periodical basis to NASDAQ Dubai

CSD (periodicity to be discussed and agreed).

For US Certificated Holders (this will be applicable only after Computershare is appointed as

Transfer Agent. Until such time, CTCNA will only accept shares via DTC).

1. Certificated holders will be asked to complete a Request for Transfer To NASDAQ Dubai

form. This is a hard copy of the web form as certificated holders will not have access to

deliver securities to CTCNA via DTC.

2. The share certificate and the completed share transfer form will be delivered to


3. The completed share transfer form from the investor will mention the following details : date

of transfer, name of investor, investor ID details (if any, as may be applicable to

Computershare), name of security, ISIN quantity of securities to be transferred, NASDAQ

Dubai account holder NIN, a/c no reference details (any additional detail the investor may

want to reference in relation to the transfer)

4. Any share deliveries that do not agree to the “Request to Transfer” form will be rejected by

CTCNA, but note that all efforts will be made by staff to contact the holder and have the

problem rectified.

5. Upon successful validations of the form CTCNA will transfer the securities from the holder to

CTCNA <NASDAQ Dubai Guardian a/c>

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 44

6. CTCNA will advise NASDAQ Dubai CSD via e-mail of the full details of the deposit

immediately. (CTCNA will forward a copy of the form to NASDAQ Dubai for their records.)

7. Upon receipt of the instruction, NASDAQ Dubai CSD will, using the web interface provided

by Computershare, check for the additional securities in its name and subsequent to the

verification of the same, credit the NASDAQ Dubai account holder’s account with the


8. Should, any of the details provided by CTCNA not match NASDAQ Dubai records, NASDAQ

Dubai will reject the transfer and will request CTCNA to reverse the transaction.

9. For all successful credits, NASDAQ Dubai CSD will then inform its account holder of the

credit to their account.

10. CTCNA will provide to NASDAQ Dubai CSD a holding statement on a periodical basis

(periodicity to be discussed and agreed).

Transfer of securities from NASDAQ Dubai to US

1. A NASDAQ Dubai CSD account holder will instruct NASDAQ Dubai CSD to debit their

account at the CSD and transfer the securities to a DTC participant (or, after CTCNA is

appointed as Transfer Agent, to a name on the RoLT of the company held by


2. The NASDAQ Dubai CSD account holder will use a pre-specified physical form (see

Annexure A) to instruct NASDAQ Dubai CSD. The instruction will contain the following

minimum details: NASDAQ Dubai CSD NIN, name, a/c number, security name, security

ISIN, quantity of securities to be transferred, the DTC participant number, DTC participant

name, other applicable details (or registration details and mailing instructions if the recipient

wishes to receive a physical certificate. NB – this can only take place after CTCNA is

appointed as Transfer Agent).

3. NASDAQ Dubai will, on receipt of this request check the authenticity of the request and

validate the NASDAQ Dubai details. Subsequent to the validations NASDAQ Dubai will debit

the NASDAQ Dubai account holder’s account with the securities.

4. NASDAQ Dubai will then instruct a share transfer to CTCNA via an email giving all the


5. CTCNA will verify NASDAQ Dubai’s request after due validation of the instruction and

transfer securities from the NASDAQ Dubai Guardian to the DTC Participant name or

register the securities as per the instructions received

6. Should any of the details provided by NASDAQ Dubai CSD not match the Computershare

records, CTCNA will reject the transfer and will request NASDAQ Dubai CSD to reverse the


7. NASDAQ Dubai will at the end of each day, reconcile the nostro balance for the security

with the holdings at CTCNA.

A.2.6 American Stock Transfer & Trust Co. (AMSTOCK) - US

This document outlines the process flow for the movement of securities of a US Company

whose register of legal title is held by American Stock Transfer & Trust Co. (AMSTOCK) and

which has dual listing on NASDAQ Dubai. The movement is from an investor in US to an

account holder at NASDAQ Dubai CSD and vice versa.

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 45

A.2.6.1 Accounting Structure

American Stock Transfer & Trust Co. (AMSTOCK) - as the registrar for the US company

NASDAQ Dubai CSD - the Central Securities Depository of NASDAQ Dubai

NASDAQ Dubai Guardian Ltd – A bare nominee company of NASDAQ Dubai which holds

title to all the assets held on NASDAQ Dubai CSD in order to shield these from any liabilities

of its parent NASDAQ Dubai.

NASDAQ Dubai account holder – Any person holding an account in NASDAQ Dubai CSD

The Shares held in NASDAQ Dubai CSD through this link will be registered in the name of

NASDAQ Dubai Guardian Ltd with AMSTOCK. AMSTOCK will provide a periodical statement of

holding and updated extract of register whenever there is any change in holdings.

Process Flow

Transfer In / Credit to NASDAQ Dubai CSD

1. When the investor wants to bring the securities to NASDAQ Dubai CSD he has to furnish

following documents :

Stock Transfer Form (Annexure I)

Instruction letter specifying details of NIN, account, quantity for credit on NASDAQ

Dubai CSD.

Registrar will provide extract of Register.

2. On receipt of the above documents, NASDAQ Dubai CSD will process the request in its

systems after checking the validity of instructions. The transferee account holder will then be

credited with the securities in his account on NASDAQ Dubai CSD.

3. NASDAQ Dubai will inform the transferee account holder the status of credit via email.

Transfer Out / Debit from NASDAQ Dubai CSD

1. When the NASDAQ Dubai account holder intends to take securities out of NASDAQ Dubai

CSD and transfer shares to the US market, he needs to inform NASDAQ Dubai CSD either

by way of a duly filled in share transfer form or via a MT599 Swift message.

2. NASDAQ Dubai CSD on receipt of duly signed share transfer form or MT599, will process

the transfer request in its CSD systems after checking the validity of the instruction. On

successful validation NASDAQ Dubai CSD will debit the securities from the account holder’s


3. NASDAQ Dubai CSD will then send via email a scan copy of transfer form or copy of the

MT599 received from the account holder to AMSTOCK for the onward credit to registered

legal owner.

4. On receipt of a stock transfer form or copy of MT599 AMSTOCK will, after checking for the

validity of instruction, transfer the securities from NASDAQ Dubai Guardian Limited to the

required registered name on the register of legal title of ownership.

5. AMSTOCK will then send an updated register extract to NASDAQ Dubai CSD confirming the

new holding in the name of NASDAQ Dubai Guardian Ltd.

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 46

A.3 Depository Receipts (DR) listed through Common Depository Bank

Process Flow Description for Depository Receipts

DR Issuing Bank (e.g. BONY, DB, Citibank, etc) holds securities in a foreign depository (e.g.

CREST). The issuer of the shares will allow DR issuing bank to create DR’s. DR issuing bank will

issue DR’s on these shares to be listed on NASDAQ Dubai.

A.3.1 Accounting Structure

NASDAQ Dubai will hold a NASDAQ Dubai CSD Guardian account with the DR issuing bank. In the

NASDAQ Dubai system:

The DR issuing bank will acts as a Foreign Registry

The DR issuing bank will have a Foreign Registry Nostro account

The account holders of the NASDAQ Dubai CSD can hold the DR.

The sum of all account holdings of the DR will be equal to the foreign registry nostro balance of

DR issuing bank.

A.3.1.1 Credit Instruction

1. Whenever a NASDAQ Dubai CSD account holder wishes to hold\trade DR’s on NASDAQ

Dubai, the participant will request DR issuing bank at foreign depository for further credit of

DR’s in the NASDAQ Dubai CSD.

2. Investor informs DR issuing bank for transfer of DR to NASDAQ Dubai CSD and provides

NASDAQ Dubai CSD account details where credit is to be applied.

3. The DR issuing bank will register DR to be issued on its books in foreign depository in the

name of “NASDAQ Dubai Guardian Ltd”.

4. DR issuing bank will communicate the credit of the securities in the Guardian account to

NASDAQ Dubai via SWIFT message MT599.

5. NASDAQ Dubai will debit the Nostro account at NASDAQ Dubai CSD with instructing

quantity of DR’s and credit the investor destination account at NASDAQ Dubai CSD as per

the instruction received through SWIFT.

6. NASDAQ Dubai will inform DR issuing bank regarding successful credit in the relevant

investor accounts.

7. The DR issuing bank will send a daily or weekly statement of transaction booked on the

business day via the SWIFT MT535.

A.3.1.2 Debit Instruction

1. If NASDAQ Dubai CSD account holder wishes to transfer the DR holding at the Foreign

Depository, the participants will give instruction to NASDAQ Dubai CSD.

2. The NASDAQ Dubai account holder will send MT599 to NASDAQ Dubai CSD to debit the

DR holding in NASDAQ Dubai to be credited back to DR Issuing bank in foreign depository.

3. The MT599 sent by the account holder should give account details at NASDAQ Dubai CSD

along with further credits at foreign depository.

4. NASDAQ Dubai will debit the account holders account and credit the nostro account at

NASDAQ Dubai CSD as per received message.

5. NASDAQ Dubai will confirm the DR issuing bank via MT599 the debit at NASDAQ Dubai

CSD and details for further credit to DR issuing bank at foreign depository.

6. After due diligence by the DR issuing bank, they will debit NASDAQ Dubai guardian account

in own books and confirm to NASDAQ Dubai via MT599.

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 47

Annexure A

MT599 message format

Sequence A – General information Not repetitive, MANDATORY

Status Tag Qualifier Field name Content Comments

M :16R: Start of block :16R:GENL

M :20C: SEME Sender Message reference :20C::SEME//16x

M :23G: NEWM Message function :23G:4!c


Sub-sequence A1 – Linkages Repetitive, MANDATORY

M :16R: Start of block :16R:LINK

C :20C: PREV Reference :20C::PREV//16x Reference of the original message in case of cancellation, not required for

new transactions.

M :20C: RELA Reference :20C::RELA//16x If :23G:NEWM

Contents of ':20C::SEME// reference' attributed to the

transaction by the Participant

M :16S: End of block :16S:LINK

End of sub-sequence A1

Repetitive Mandatory Subsequence A2 Status

M :16R: Start of Block


M :25D: Status :25D::4!c//4!c

:25D::IPRC//TRAD for request


for response

M :16S: End of Block :16S:STAT

End of Subsequence A2 Status Not repetitive, MANDATORY

M :16S: End of block :16S:GENL

End of sequence A

Sequence B – Transaction details Not repetitive, MANDATORY

M :16R: Start of block :16R:TRADDET

M :98a: SETT Settlement date :98A::SETT//8!n

O :98a: TRAD Trade date :98A::TRAD//8!n

M :35B: Identification of the financial instrument



ISIN with ISIN Name

M :22H: REDE Receive/Deliver Indicator :22H::REDE//4!c


M :22H: PAYM Payment Indicator :22H:: PAYM //4!c


C :19A: SETT Settlement Amount :19A::SETT//3!a15d

M :16S: End of block :16S:TRADDET

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 48

End of sequence B – Trade details

Sequence C – Financial instrument/account Not repetitive, MANDATORY

M :16R: Start of block :16R:FIAC

M :36B: SETT Quantity of financial instrument to be settled


O :92D:

CONV Conversion Ratio


M :16S: End of block :16S:FIAC

End of sequence C

Sequence E – Settlement details Not repetitive, MANDATORY

M :16R: Start of block :16R:SETDET

Sub-sequence E1– Settlement parties - PARTY Not repetitive, MANDATORY

M :16R: Start of block :16R:SETPRTY

M :95a: PRTY Party : 95P::PRTY//4!a2!a2!c[3!c]

11 character participant ID of NASDAQ Dubai participant

M :97A: SAFE Account :97A::SAFE//15n Account number provided by NASDAQ Dubai to the

NASDAQ Dubai participant

M :16S: End of block :16S:SETPRTY

End of sub-sequence E1– Settlement parties – PARTY

Sub-sequence E1– Settlement parties – COUNTERPARTY Not repetitive, MANDATORY

M :16R: Start of block :16R:SETPRTY

M :95a: CPTY Counter Party :95A Counter Party

M :97A: SAFE Account :97A::SAFE//15n Account number provided by Foreign Depository to the

Foreign Depository participant

M :16S: End of block :16S:SETPRTY

End of sub-sequence E1– Settlement parties – COUNTERPARTY

Subsequence E1 - Settlement parties - PSET Not repetitive, CONDITIONAL

M :16R: Start of block :16R:SETPRTY

M :95a: PSET Place of Settlement (BIC code of foreign depository)

:95P::PSET//4!a2!a2!c[3!c] Foreign Depository BIC

M :16S: End of block :16S:SETPRTY

End of Subsequence E1 - Settlement parties – PSET

M :16S: End of block :16S:SETDET

End of sequence E

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 49

Annexure B

Annexure C

Annexure D

Transfer Difx to CHESS australia.doc

Annexure E

Transfer CHESS Australia TO DIFX.doc

Annexure H

Annexure I

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 50



A.1 Key Summary

Custodians in their capacity as Settlement Agents may reject trades for settlement if matched

settlement confirmations are not received by close of business on Settlement Day minus 1 [SD-1]. If

a buy and/or sell trade is rejected, the cash and/or securities obligations for the rejected trade will

be passed back to the buying and/or selling Member. This gives Custodians control over securities

held in agent accounts, and avoids the need for dual accounts. Rejection accounts will be

introduced for Members trading on behalf of clients using a Custodian for settlement.

1. A Client Buy Rejection Account will be created under Custodian NINs for each Member

trading on behalf of clients using a Custodian for settlement.

2. If a Custodian rejects settlement of a buy trade, securities will be transferred to the Client Buy

Rejection Account under the control of the Member placed the buy order.

3. A separate Member Sell Rejection House Account will be created under each Member’s NIN.

4. If a Custodian rejects settlement of a sell trade, securities settlement obligations will be

transferred to the Member Sell Rejection House Account under the control of the Member

that placed the sell order.

5. Custodians will not be able to reject partial orders. Members must ensure each client order is

entered into and executed separately.

6. For unconfirmed transactions rejected per Section 5.4.2 of this document, a late confirmation

period of two market days from Settlement Date (SD), (i.e. SD+2) will be introduced. Subject to

agreement by the Member, a rejected trade may be subsequently accepted for settlement by

the Custodian if matched settlement confirmations are received by the Custodian by SD+2.

The late confirmation period will begin on SD after 10:15am and end at 1:00 pm on SD+2. For

unconfirmed transactions rejected per Section 5.4.1 however, the late confirmation window

would only be open until 1:00pm on SD.

7. For Unconfirmed Transactions managed using the late confirmation period [section 5.4.2],

penalties will be imposed on the client (NIN holder) for late settlement confirmations after SD+1

and will be collected through the Custodian. Penalty rates are stated in the NASDAQ Dubai fee

document placed on its website.

8. A buy-in mechanism has been introduced for the Member to purchase securities to settle a

rejected sell trade.

9. Any Member can sell securities to the buy-in market for buy-in bids posted by a selling Member

with a negative balance in the Member’s Sell Rejection House Account.

With respect to Members who do not have clients which use a Custodian for settlement

(including trades by retail investors via direct trading accounts) only Part 9 above will be


NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 51

A.2 Operational accounts

Types of Rejection Accounts – the following rejection accounts will be introduced by NASDAQ


1) A Member Sell Rejection House Account and a Buy Rejection Sellout Account under the

Member’s NIN.

2) A Client Buy Rejection Account under the Custodian Client NIN per client, per Member using a

Custodian for settlement.

A.2.2 Custodians rejection for settlement of purchase trades

These operational procedures are NOT applicable to Members which do not have clients using a

Custodian for settlement.

a) Custodians will be able to reject the settlement of purchase trades if there are no matched

settlement confirmations from its client within the NASDAQ Dubai CSD cut-off time on SD-1.

b) The Clearing Member will pay NASDAQ Dubai on SD (instead of the Custodian) based on the

adjusted cash settlement positions on SD. NASDAQ Dubai will credit the purchased securities

to the Custodian Client’s Buy Rejection Account under the control of executing Member.

c) If the Custodian client confirms settlement of the purchase trade within the late confirmation

period and, subject to agreement by the executing Member, the Member can request NASDAQ

Dubai to transfer the purchased securities from the Client Buy Rejection Account back to the

Custodian client’s Agent Trading Account.

d) The transfer request by the executing Member is subject to the Custodian paying the Member

for the purchased securities.

e) The Late Confirmation period for buy trades will be from 10:15am on SD (after completion of

securities settlement) until 1.00pm on SD+2.

f) The executing Member must transfer the rejected purchased securities from the Client Buy

Rejection Account to the Member Buy Rejection Sellout Account no later than 3 market days

after SD ie.SD+3 if the Custodian client fails to confirm settlement of the rejected buy trade by

1.00pm on SD+2.

g) Members will have the discretion of whether or not to sellout the rejected buy securities using

the Member Buy Rejection Sellout Account or keep the securities in the Broker Buy Rejection

Sellout Account. Any gains arising from subsequent disposal of rejected buy securities must be

remitted to NASDAQ Dubai.

h) CMs must complete the Sell from Buy Rejection Sellout Account Report attached on a monthly

basis for all sellouts for the month and submit to NASDAQ Dubai latest before the end of the 6th

settlement day from the end of each month.

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 52

i) All gains arising from disposal of securities of rejected Custodian buy trades shall be paid by

CMs to NASDAQ Dubai bank account number 01101908202 or IBAN

AE870440000101101908202 with Standard Chartered Bank, DIFC latest by the end of the 5th

settlement day from the end of each month. Copy of the payment instruction must be submitted

together with the report.

j) Gains shall include any cash or securities corporate actions. Where a securities corporate

action applies, the Member shall sell the corporate action securities and determine any gains on

a ‘full-picture’ basis i.e. total proceeds from sale of principal trade plus disposal of corporate

action securities, versus the original traded value, to determine the net gain.

A.2.3 Custodians rejection for settlement of sell trades

These operational procedures are NOT applicable to Members which do not have clients using a

Custodian for settlement

A.2.3.1 Rejection of Unconfirmed Sell Transactions without the option to use the late confirmation window to reverse the rejection (irrevocably rejecting Unconfirmed Sell Transactions)

1. Settlement Agents must notify NASDAQ Dubai of Unconfirmed Sell Transactions managed

using this option by specifically identifying the trades in the rejection letter submitted on

Settlement date [SD] -1 [sample letter format in Appendix 6]. Rejection of trades identified in this

manner cannot be revoked past the Settlement Date [SD].

2. NASDAQ Dubai may accept a request to reverse the rejection from the Settlement Agent on SD


a. The Selling Member confirms that the rejection can be reversed via email

b. Both the request (from Settlement Agent) and the confirmation (from Selling

Member) are received by 1:00pm on SD

c. The selling client still has the securities balances needed to reverse the rejected sell


3. The selling Investor’s earmarked securities balances will be released immediately after

NASDAQ Dubai completes the sell rejection process by 10:15am and the seller will be entitled

to corporate actions if the entitlement date falls anywhere between T and T+2 (inclusive) of the

unconfirmed Sell Transaction [provided the rejection is not reversed]. The original seller can sell

the released securities starting from T+2 after the Exchange completes rejection of the sell


4. Buying counterparties that had been matched to the rejected sell transactions will not be

credited securities on SD. However, it is possible for them to onward sell from the time of

purchase until the end of trading session on SD. NASDAQ Dubai will not subject buying

counterparties that onward sell on Exchange in this manner to mandatory buy-ins for failing to

have sufficient securities to deliver, since they did not receive securities for their corresponding

buy transactions in the first place.

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 53

5. The Late Confirmation window (as explained in A. and A. of this Appendix) would

not be available for affected buyers who had onward sold if they do not have sufficient owned

balance for onward delivery. Essentially, if a Custodian client’s buy was matched against a sell

that subsequently got irrevocably rejected, then this client would be allowed to reject neither the

buy nor any onward sells using the late confirmation process.

6. Cash and Securities settlement of all trades linked to the original sell trade will remain unsettled

until the delivery obligation on the selling Member has been resolved as described in 6 below.

Members / Settlement Agents for T-day buy transactions identified as the end buyer will be

required fund the value of such transactions on SD (which would then be refunded at 11:00am

on SD).

7. The Selling Member executing the transaction will be responsible to obtain the necessary

securities for onward delivery to the affected buyer(s). This delivery obligation on the selling

Member may be resolved in four ways:

a. Late confirmation: The Settlement Agent revoking the written confirmation provided

to NASDAQ Dubai by 1:00pm on SD as described in A. below.

b. Securities borrowing: The selling Member borrowing the required amount of

securities (when securities lending and borrowing becomes operational).

c. Purchase of securities directly from market: The selling Member taking corrective

action by buying failed securities from the market between T and SD as described in

A. below.

d. Mandatory Buy-in invoked by NASDAQ Dubai between 2:30pm to 2:45pm on SD

for the quantity not rectified through (a) – (c) as described in A. below.

e. If the delivery obligation on the selling Member is not resolved in full through 6 (a) –

(d), a Cash Settlement Replacement Amount would be calculated and the affected

end buyer(s) would be cash settled. Further details are included in A.

8. In case the delivery obligation on the selling Member is resolved partially via 6 (a) – (d), then

NASDAQ Dubai may settle the affected end buyers on a partial basis. That is, up to the extent

that securities were delivered, the end buyers may be settled per their normal settlement dates

(for security), while end buyers not receiving any securities would be settled via a Cash

Settlement Replace Amount.

9. Where there is a sell rejection in between a chain transaction, a new transaction chain will be

created whereby the selling Member of the buyer-seller who rejected the onward sell trade will

become the first selling Member in this new chain responsible for payment of any Cash

Settlement Replacement Amount to the new end buyer in that chain.

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 54

A. Procedure for Late confirmations

a. Settlement Agents may request to reverse such rejections until 1.00pm on SD via a letter to

NASDAQ Dubai (sample format in Appendix 6).

b. The selling Member’s approval must be attached to such reversal requests.

c. Since the selling investor’s securities were released at the time of rejection, such reversal of

rejection would only be processed if the selling Investor has sufficient securities to honor

delivery (i.e. the investor has not further sold securities).

d. Upon reversal, the negative balance in the Member’s sell house rejection account will be

removed when NASDAQ Dubai processes the reversal request. Cash and securities settlement

of such transactions will be scheduled to take place by 10:15am on the next settlement day, and

will be netted against the cash settlement obligations of trades due for that day.

A. Procedure for Purchase of Securities directly from market

a. The selling Member may resolve the negative balance in the Sell House Rejection Account by

purchasing securities directly in the market between T and SD using the Buy Rejection Sellout


b. If this option is used, the settlement of affected buy trades will be rescheduled to take place on

the later of either:

1. the Settlement Date of the purchase by the selling Member, or;

2. the Settlement Date of the trades linked to the original Unconfirmed Sell Transaction.

c. The affected buyers would be settled to the extent of securities purchased on a first-matched


d. Effectively, the selling clearing Member would be responsible to pay for the purchased

securities on the Settlement Date of the corrective buy, and in return would receive the value of

the Unconfirmed Sell Transaction. Therefore, the selling Clearing Member would be responsible

to settle the difference between these two amounts. The selling Member must remit any profits

earned through this process to NASDAQ Dubai.

e. In case the selling Member partially resolves the delivery obligation through a market buy, then

NASDAQ Dubai may settle the affected end buyers on a partial basis. That is, up to the extent

that securities were delivered, the end buyers may be settled for security (as described in b.

above), while end buyers not receiving any securities would be settled via a Cash Settlement

Replacement Amount as described in A. below.

A. Procedure for Mandatory buy-in by NASDAQ Dubai

a) All outstanding negative balances in the Member’s Sell House Rejection Account which are not

resolved via A2.3.1.1 - A2.3.1.2 will be posted by NASDAQ Dubai for mandatory buy-in on SD


NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 55

b) If the mandatory buy-in is successful (either partially or in full), the negative balance in the

Broker’s Sell Rejection House account will be settled to the extent of the quantity successfully


c) Cash settlement of affected T-day buy transactions resolved via a mandatory buy-in would be

rescheduled to take place on S+1. Linked buy transactions that were due for settlement on S+1

or S+2 would be unaffected to the extent that the buy-in is successful (since the selling Member

resolved its delivery obligation prior to the settlement of such trades).

d) If the price of the securities purchased through the buy-in is higher than the price of the original

sell transactions, the selling Clearing Member will be responsible to pay the shortfall. The

maximum buy-in price permitted will be the daily closing price (duly adjusted for any relevant

corporate actions) plus fifteen percent.

e) If the price of the securities purchased through the buy-in is lower than the original sell price, the

gains will be retained by NASDAQ Dubai.

f) In case the buy-in partially resolves the selling Member’s delivery obligation, then NASDAQ

Dubai may settle the affected end buyers on a partial basis. That is, up to the extent that

securities were delivered, the end buyers may be settled for security (as described in c. above),

while end buyers not receiving securities would be settled via a Cash Settlement Replace

Amount as described in A. below.

A. Procedure for Mandatory Cash Replacement Amount against affected end buyers

a) If the mandatory buy-in is not successful (partially or in whole), then at the end of SD, NASDAQ

Dubai will identify the affected end buyers that consequently will not receive securities. For end

buy trades identified as not receiving securities which are due for settlement on SD+1 or SD+2,

NASDAQ Dubai will suspend the buyer from onward selling securities post SD. This is done in

order minimize the length of chain transactions.

b) As described in A. (e) and A. (f) NASDAQ Dubai may partially settle affected end

buyers via a Cash Settlement Replacement Amount if the delivery obligation on the selling

Member is only partially resolved.

c) Funds settlement of all trades identified by NASDAQ Dubai as not receiving securities will

commence from 10.00am on SD+2. The end buyer identified by NASDAQ Dubai would be

compensated with a Cash Replacement Amount (calculated as described in A. below),

while all other buyers (that had subsequently onward sold) would be responsible for settling

their respective buy and sell transactions.

d) The Cash Settlement Replacement Amount will be paid to affected buyer’s:

1. Broker, where the buyer does not use a Settlement Agent (or where the end buy trade

was due to settle on SD and it had been rejected by the Settlement Agent).

2. Settlement Agent, where the buyer uses a Settlement Agent (for end buy trades settling

on SD that have been accepted by the Settlement Agent, or for end buy trades settling

on SD+1 or SD+2, irrespective of whether these are confirmed by the Settlement Agent).

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 56

i. In case an end-buy trade settling on SD+1 or SD+2 remains unconfirmed even at

the end of the allowed Late Confirmation period for that trade, the Settlement

Agent must transfer any benefits earned through the cash compensation process

back to the selling Member.

e) The Cash Settlement Replacement Amount will be calculated on SD+1 and settled on SD+2.

f) The selling Member that failed to resolve the failed Unconfirmed Transaction will be liable to pay

the difference between the Cash Settlement Replacement Amount and value of the original

Unconfirmed Sell Transaction.

g) NASDAQ Dubai will debit the selling Clearing Member’s Settlement Bank account by this

difference amount and credit the Settlement Bank account of the party identified in (d) above by

the same value on SD+2 by 10:00am.

A. Calculation of the Cash Settlement Replacement Amount

a) The Cash Settlement Replacement Amount is calculated as follows:

Cash Compensation Reference Price x quantity of Securities not delivered + market fees (i.e.

trading and clearing fees as published on NASDAQ Dubai website)

b) Whereby the Cash Compensation Reference Price is the higher of:

i) the Security’s highest traded price on NASDAQ Dubai on SD+1; or if the Security

does not trade on SD+1, the highest traded price shall be the SD+1 closing price;


ii) the original trade price of the failed trade.

c) In the event of a mandatory Securities corporate actions where the entitlement date occurs on

or before SD, (e.g. splits, consolidation, bonus issue, etc.), the Cash Compensation Reference

Price shall be the higher of:

i) the Security’s highest traded price on SD+1 adjusted for the corporate action (if the

Security does not trade on SD+1, the highest traded price shall be the SD+1 closing

price adjusted for any corporate action); and

ii) the original trade price of the failed trade.

d) The Exchange reserves the right to vary the buyer cash compensation reference price if


e) Market fees to be compensated to the end buyer are calculated based on the quantity of

securities not delivered multiplied by Buyer Cash Compensation Reference Price.

A. Handling Corporate Actions

a) In cases where the record date of a corporate action falls on the Settlement Date of an

irrevocably rejected sell Transaction, the selling party would be entitled to benefit from the

corporate action (provided it is not late confirmed as per A. above)

b) Affected end buyers that purchased securities on the entitlement date, but who were not present

in the Security’s sharebook on the record date (because their corresponding sell transaction had

been irrevocably rejected) would be compensated in the following manner:

i. Where the rejected sell trade is subsequently settled with a securities delivery i.e. if

the selling Member is successful in resolving its delivery obligation either via a

market buy, borrowing securities or a through a successful buy-in on T+2

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 57

1. For mandatory securities type of corporate action, the end buyer will

have to make a claim for the corporate action and receive the corporate

action quantity. The original selling Member shall be responsible for buying

the corporate action securities and for any costs related to the claim by the

end buyer.

2. For a mandatory cash type of corporate action, NASDAQ Dubai will

pay the corporate action on the pay date of the corporate action event and

debit the original selling Clearing Member for this amount. The original selling

Clearing Member shall also be responsible for any costs incurred by the


ii. Where the rejected sell trade is settled by buyer cash compensation:

1. For mandatory securities type of corporate action, the end buyer will

be compensated via the higher of the adjusted highest matched price of T+3

or the original traded price as the Buyer Cash Compensation Reference


2. For a mandatory cash type of corporate action, NASDAQ Dubai will

pay the corporate action on the pay date of the corporate action event and

debit the selling Clearing Member for this amount.

c) The selling Member which executed the rejected sell trade will be responsible for paying the

Exchange the value of any corporate action event and applicable cost. The Exchange will debit

this sum from the funds settlement account of the selling Clearing Member.

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 58

A. Penalties for Rejections on T+2

a) The Exchange may levy a penalty on the selling Member for not settling the rejected sell trade.

b) The penalty rate will be notified in due course.

c) The Exchange reserves the right to vary the penalty rate from time to time.

A.2.3.2 Rejection of Unconfirmed Sell Transactions with the option to use the late

confirmation window to reverse the rejection

a) Custodians may request rejection of Unconfirmed Sell Transactions up until NASDAQ Dubai

CSD cut-off time on SD-1 (refer to Appendix 6 for sample letter format). The cash and securities

settlement obligations of the rejected sell trade will be transferred to the selling Member’s Sell

Rejection House Account.

b) If the selling Member does not have sufficient balance in the Member Sell Rejection House

Account, NASDAQ Dubai will create a negative balance of securities in the Member Sell

Rejection House Account and retain the cash proceeds until resolution of the rejected trade.

c) NASDAQ Dubai will apply the ‘Pending’ status flag on the securities held under the Custodian

client Agent Trading Account until resolution of the rejected trade.

d) The ‘Pending’ status means that the Custodian client will not be entitled to corporate actions

and cannot re-sell the securities.

e) There are 5 ways to resolve the sell rejection if the selling Member does not have sufficient

balance in their Sell Rejection account:

1. Late Confirmations: The client can send matched settlement confirmations to the

Custodian to confirm settlement by SD+2 provided the selling Member has not

settled the rejected trade;

2. Purchase of securities directly from market: The selling Member can purchase

securities directly in the market by SD (for settlement on SD+2);

3. Optional Buy-in between SD and SD+1: The selling Member can utilize the buy-in

mechanism between SD and SD+1 to purchase securities for immediate settlement;

4. Mandatory buy-in by NASDAQ Dubai: If the selling Member fails to resolve the sell

rejection by SD+2, a mandatory buy-in against the selling Member will be invoked by

NASDAQ Dubai on SD+2; and

5. Mandatory Cash Replacement against the selling Custodian client: If the

mandatory buy-in against the selling Member fails, a Cash Replacement Amount will

be calculated against the remaining unsettled quantity on SD+2 against the

Custodian client at the original traded price.

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 59

A. Procedure for Late confirmations

e. A Custodian client may provide matched settlement instructions until 1.00pm on SD+2. This is

subject to the selling Member’s agreement to a late confirmation and the Custodian’s

acceptance of settlement of the sell trade.

f. The Custodian must request NASDAQ Dubai to reverse the sell rejection. Upon reversal, the

negative balance in the Sell House rejection account and the Pending status in the Custodian

client Agent Trading Account will be removed (after 3.00pm) on the day NASDAQ Dubai

processes the reversal request.

g. Cash settlement of the rejected trade will occur by 10:15am on the next settlement day, and will

be netted against the cash settlement obligations of trades due for settlement on the next

market day.

h. NASDAQ Dubai will only reverse a sell rejection provided the rejected sell trade has not been

settled by the selling Member.

A. Procedure for purchase of securities directly from market

a) The selling Member may resolve the negative balance in the Sell House Rejection Account by

purchasing securities directly in the market on SD, ensuring settlement within the Late

Confirmation period i.e. SD+2. This option is only exercised if the selling Member wants to

resolve the rejected sell trade without waiting for a late confirmation from the Custodian


b) In such cases, NASDAQ Dubai will pay the selling Member the proceeds on the settlement day

after the buy trade.

A. Procedure for Optional Buy-in between SD and SD+1

a) The selling Member may buy the securities through NASDAQ Dubai’s buy-in mechanism. The

facility is available from 2.15pm each settlement day of SD and SD+1. The buy-in matching

process will commence at 2.45pm

b) This option is only available if the selling Member wants to resolve the rejected sell trade without

waiting for a late confirmation from the Custodian client.

c) The maximum buy-in price permitted will be the daily closing price (duly adjusted for any

relevant corporate actions) plus fifteen percent.

d) Offers to the buy-in will be matched based on best price offered, quantity and time of offer


e) Fees chargeable for buy-ins are included in the NASDAQ Dubai fee document.

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 60

f) If the buy-in price is greater than the original traded price, the original executing Member must

pay the difference. However, if the buy-in price is lower, then NASDAQ Dubai will retain the


g) The quantity offered can either be equal to, or less than, the buy-in bid quantity.

h) If the buy-in is successful, late confirmation from the Custodian client will no longer be possible.

A. Procedure for Mandatory buy-in by NASDAQ Dubai

i) All outstanding negative balances in the Member’s Sell House Rejection Account which are not

settled by SD+2 will be posted by NASDAQ Dubai to the buy-in board for mandatory buy-in.

ii) If the mandatory buy-in is successful (either partially or in full), the negative balance in the

Broker’s Sell Rejection House account and the Pending status in the agent account will be

settled based on the quantity of the successful buy-in.

iii) Cash settlement of the buy-in is on the next settlement day.

iv) For successful buy-ins, the Member placing the buy-in offer will receive the proceeds that were

originally due to the selling Member that executed the rejected sell trade.

v) The maximum buy-in price permitted will be the daily closing price (duly adjusted for any

relevant corporate actions) plus fifteen percent.

vi) If the price of the securities purchased through the buy-in is higher than the original sell price,

the selling Member will be responsible to pay the shortfall.

vii) If the price of the securities purchased through the buy-in is lower than the original sell price, the

gains will be retained by NASDAQ Dubai.

A. Procedure for Mandatory Cash Settlement Replacement Amount against the selling

Custodian client

a) If the mandatory buy-in is only partially successful or fails entirely, a mandatory Cash Settlement

Replacement amount against the Custodian client will be invoked by NASDAQ Dubai on the

outstanding negative balance, based on the original traded price.

A. Buy-in Settlement Procedures for Consolidation, Splits and Bonus Issues

a) NASDAQ Dubai may consider mandatory Cash Replacement Amount of all outstanding buy-in

transactions for a consolidation, split or bonus issue on the book-close date.

b) Detailed procedures on managing each type of corporate action will be communicated to the

market prior to the corporate event.

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 61

A.3 Timelines for Buy and Sell rejection process

A.3.1 Timings for the applicable to Buy Rejection Events

# Activity Timing

1 Notification of error trades to NASDAQ Dubai by Broker

(together with information on when the correction sell would

be executed)

7.00pm on SD-1 day of the

error trade

2 Submission of requests for rejection of transaction for

settlement by Custodian 7.00pm on SD-1 day

3 Settlement of payment obligations with Members for buy

transactions rejected by Custodians

10:00am on settlement day


4 Securities credited to Client Buy Rejection Account of

Member From 10:15am on SD

5 Member requests to NASDAQ Dubai for transfer from Client

buy rejection account to Agent account with Custodian (for

acceptance of late confirmation by clients)

From 10:15am on SD after

completion of securities

settlement to 1.00pm on

SD+2 day

6 Member requests NASDAQ Dubai to transfer shares from

client buy rejection account to Member buy rejection sellout


BY 2.00pm on SD+3

A.3.2 Timings for the applicable to Irrevocably Rejected Sell Transactions

# Activity Timing

1 Exchange processes positive confirmation of non-settlement

by seller



2 Original selling Member can execute corrective buy on


T to T+2

10:00am – 2:00pm

3 Original buyer (and subsequent buyers) can onward sell T to T+2

10:00am – 2:00pm

4 Deadline to revoke rejection of sell Transaction (subject to

approval by selling Member & available balances).



5 Selling Member mandatorily bought-in for quantity of

rejected sells (not rectified via 3 or 4 above).


2:30pm – 2:45pm


Buyers receive securities delivered through:

a) reversal of sell rejection on SD [#4 above]

b) the mandatory buy-in process in #5 above



NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 62


Cash settlement of buyers settled in 6 above.

Cash and Securities settlement of affected buyers using

shares delivered via a market buy by the selling Member on

T+1 [if affected buyers had purchased on T or T+1]




Cash and Securities settlement of affected buyers using

shares delivered via a market buy by the selling Broker on

T+2 [if affected buyers had purchased on T, T+1 or T+2]



A.3.3 Timings for the applicable to Sell Rejections that will use the Late Confirmation


# Activity Timing


Notification of error trades to NASDAQ Dubai by Broker

(together with information on when the correction buy would

be executed)

7.00pm on SD-1 day of the

error trade

2 Requests for rejection of transaction for settlement by

Custodian 7.00pm on SD-1 day

3 Market buy-in by Member to settle the negative balance in

the Member sell rejection house account SD normal trading hours

4 Optional buy-in period for Member From 2.30pm to 2.45pm on

SD and SD+1

5 Reversal of rejection by Custodians on acceptance of late


From 10:15am on SD after

completion of securities

settlement to 1.00pm on


6 Cash settlement for reversal of rejections Next settlement day after the

execution of the reversal.

7 Mandatory buy-in by NASDAQ Dubai From 2.30pm to 2.45pm on


8 Mandatory Cash Settlement Replacement against

Custodian client if mandatory buy-in is unsuccessful From 2.45pm on SD+2

9 Cash settlement for mandatory Cash Replacement Next settlement day after

mandatory cash closeout.

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 63

A.4 Penalty for Late Confirmation of Trade Settlement and Buy-in fees

A.4.1 Penalties for Late Confirmation of Trade Settlement by Custodians

If the rejection reversal request (for

sales) or transfer request (for buys) is

executed by NASDAQ Dubai on:

Penalty Amount

S+1 Waived until further notice

S+2 USD 700 or 0.25% of trade value whichever is higher

Penalties will be invoiced to Custodians on a monthly basis and NASDAQ Dubai must be

paid no later than 14 settlement days from the invoice date.

A.4.2 Buy-in Fees

The following are the approved fees in relation to buy-in trades.

Type of Buy-in trade Fees

Buy-in bids NIL

Buy-in offers

The buy-in fees shall be computed based on the

following fee conditions:

· Market fees: 0.05% on executed order value

(minimum USD 5)

· CSD fees: 0.05% on executed order value (minimum

USD 3)

These fees will be levied on Clearing Member.

A.4.2 Transfer fees

Where a rejected buy trade is confirmed within the late confirmation period (S day to S+2), but the

Member submits the corresponding transfer request after the stipulated deadline (S+2; 1:00pm)

due to a Member omission, then the following penalty structure will apply:

Day Transfer Fee

S+3 onwards USD 820 or 0.5% of contract value whichever is

higher (to be paid by the Clearing Member)

Where a Member requests a transfer of securities from the Client Buy Rejection Account into its

Buy Rejection Sellout Account from S+4 onwards, then the following fees will apply:

Day Transfer Fee

S+4 onwards USD 820 or 0.5% of contract value whichever is higher

(to be paid by the Clearing Member)

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 64



1. Main Menu of Equator Screen showing new inquiries for Brokers

Note: Only Options 17

and 18[Buy-in] are

applicable to Trading

Members that do not

trade for Custodian


Main Menu of Equator Screen showing new inquiries for Custodians:

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 65

Using Option 14: Posting sell rejections to buy-in market

Please use the following steps to post the sell rejections to buy-in market

Login using the user id and password provided

In order to post sell rejections to buy-in market use option 14 by keying-in the details as

shown below

The following screen pops up after selecting the option 14, use 2 to post a sell rejection for

buy-in as shown below

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 66

The following screen pops up after selecting a record using 2, post the sell rejection by

keying-in the details pointed against arrow marks

Use F6 to post the sell rejection as shown below

Once the sell rejection has been posted, the status would be Open

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 67

2. Using Option 12: Create offers by new seller for buy-in market

Please use the following steps to post the sell rejections to buy-in market

Login using the user id and password provided

In order to create offers against the buy-in bids, use option 12 by keying-in the details as

shown below

The following screen pops up after selecting the option 12, use 2 to select a buy-in bid

against which an offer can be created as shown below

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 68

The following screen pops up after selecting a record using 1, keying-in the offer price

details pointed against arrow marks and use F6 to create the details as shown below


The following screen pops up after creating the offer price, keying-in the offer quantity

against the bid quantity as pointed against arrow marks and use F6 to create the details as

shown below

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 69

Once the offer has been created, use F10 to Post and F11 to Approve the offer as shown


Once the offer has been approved, it is available for the buy-in market and would be as

shown below

The execution of such offers would be after the cut-off time based on the matching algorithm

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 70


Report format

Name of the report- BUY-IN Trade Log ddmmyy.csv

Type - CSV

The report specifications are as shown below

Attribute Data Type Length Sample fields NULL(Y/N)

Board Text 3 200 (Can be Alpha numeric) N

Trade Source

Name Text 30 Buy in N

Buy Trader Text 30 AFHCT1 Y

Sell Trader Text 30 AFHCT1 Y

Symbol Text 50 BARKA N

Buyer Text 256 Standard Charter bank / DVP TESTING N

Seller Text 256 Standard Charter bank / DVP TESTING N

Buy Account Text 12 86067853 N

Sell Account Text 12 86067853 N

Volume Real 25000 N

Price Real 2.00 N

Total Value Real 50000.00 N

Settlement Date Date 5/2/2011 N

Yield Real 2.00 Y

Time DateTime The format for this field <MMDDYYYY


Amend Time Datetime The format for this field <MMDDYYYY


Status Text 50 Matched N

Buy No Buy No Integer 12 N

Sell No Buy No Integer 12 N

Trade Number Text 22

The size of this type is from 0 to 21. Of

the form “DD/MM/YYYY-xxxxxxxxxx”




Interest Real 100.25 Y

Buy Firm Text 30 AFHC N

Sell Firm Text 30 AFHC N

Trade Source Id text 2 A Y

Buy Broker Ref Text 256 Free text Y

Sell Broker Ref Text 256 Free text Y

Sample File Format:

Buy-in Trade File sample.csv

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 71


This procedure applies when a Trading Member executes a correcting trade to fix its error trade.

NASDAQ Dubai Procedures for Late Confirmation Settlement of Contra Trades

A. Special Procedures for settlement of buy rejections with pending settlement of contra

sell trade:

1. Contra trades are defined as either a buy or sell trade followed by a corresponding sell or

buy trade within the S day settlement cycle.

2. A buy trade with a pending settlement of sell trade which results in a zero (0) available

balance or if there are insufficient balance in the Custodian Agent account to settle the sell

trades, will be rejected by NASDAQ Dubai using special procedures outlined below.

3. For example, the opening balance is 5,000 while the client bought another 5,000 shares on

T-Day and sold between T and S 10,000 shares and there is a request to reject the buy

trade of 5,000 shares on S settlement date. The buy rejection will be processed by

NASDAQ Dubai using the special procedures explained below.

4. NASDAQ Dubai will execute a request for a buy rejection using special procedures whereby

the cash settlement obligations of the rejected buy trade will be paid by the buying Broker

while the rejected buy securities will remain in the Custodian Agent account earmarked for

settlement of the contra sell trade.

5. NASDAQ Dubai will notify the buying Broker of rejection using the special procedures where

the rejected buy securities will not be credited to the Client Buy Rejection account when

adjusting the buying Broker’s market cash settlement obligations for the buy rejection.

6. Where the quantity of the rejected buy trade is greater than the contra sell trade, NASDAQ

Dubai will transfer any balance of rejected buy securities to the Client Buy Rejection account

on the date of the buy rejection.

7. The following are scenarios on how NASDAQ Dubai will apply the special procedures

depending on how the rejection trades are settled:

8. Where the rejected buy trade is accepted by Custodian client and contra sell trade is

accepted by Custodian client or is cash closed-out on S+2 [Contra sell trade executed with

same Broker]:

i. If the client subsequently confirms settlement of the rejected buy trade, the

buying Broker will collect the payment due from the Custodian [outside the

NASDAQ Dubai system] but the buying Broker will not transfer any

securities to the Custodian because the rejected buy securities has been

earmarked in the Custodian Agent Account for settlement of the pending sell


ii. If the contra sell trade is either accepted by the Custodian for settlement or

is cash closed-out, the Custodian will receive the sell proceeds from

NASDAQ Dubai on the settlement date of the contra sell trade or receive the

retained sell proceeds on the cash close-out date + 1.

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 72

9. Where the rejected buy trade is accepted by Custodian client and contra sell trade NOT

accepted by Custodian client and buy-in is successful [contra sell trade executed with same


i. If the client subsequently confirms settlement of the rejected buy trade, the

buying Broker will collect the payment due from the Custodian [outside the

NASDAQ Dubai system) but will not transfer any securities to the Custodian

because the rejected buy securities has been earmarked in the Custodian

Agent account for settlement of the pending sell trade.

ii. If the contra sell trade is late confirmed by the Custodian; the rejected buy

securities earmarked for settlement of the late confirmed contra sell trade

will be placed under a Pending status when the contra sell trade is moved to

the Sell Rejection House Account.

iii. If the rejected contra sell trade is NOT accepted by the Custodian and a

buy-in is successful, the Pending status of the securities in the Custodian

Agent Account will be released by NASDAQ Dubai on the date of the buy-in.

10. Where the rejected buy trade is NOT accepted by Custodian client and the contra sell trade

is accepted by Custodian client or is cash closed-out on S+2 [Contra sell trade executed

with same Broker]:

i. NASDAQ Dubai will adjust the cash settlement obligations of the buying

Broker on S – buying Broker pays for rejected buy trade but does not

receive rejected buy securities.

ii. If the contra sell trade is either accepted by the Custodian for settlement or

is cash closed-out, NASDAQ Dubai will adjust the cash settlement

obligations of the Custodian either on the settlement date of the contra sell

trade or on the cash close-out date + 1 whereby the sell proceeds will be

debited from the Custodian and credited to the buying Broker.

iii. This means that the Custodian will NOT receive the sell proceeds if the

client rejected the buy trade but confirms the contra sell trade for settlement.

11. Where the rejected buy trade is NOT accepted by Custodian and the contra sell trade is also

NOT accepted by Custodian, either because both trades are error trades or because the sell

trade was rejected using the option to late-confirm, and the buy-in is successful [Contra sell

trade executed with same Broker]:

i. NASDAQ Dubai will adjust the cash settlement obligations of the buying

Broker on S: buying Broker pays for rejected buy trade but does not receive

rejected buy securities.

ii. If the contra sell trade is also late confirmed by the Custodian;

I. Where the sell trade is an error trade, NASDAQ Dubai will also

reject the sell trade using special procedures whereby only the

cash proceeds will be adjusted and credited to the selling Broker

net of any gains whereas the securities for the sell rejection will

settle from the Custodian Agent Account. No entries will be

reflected in Equator when such special procedures are invoked.

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 73

Where it is a late confirmation of a sell trade, the rejected buy

securities earmarked for settlement of the contra sell trade will be

placed under a Pending status when the contra sell trade is moved to

the Sell Rejection House Account.

iii. If the contra sell trade rejected using the late confirmation option is NOT

accepted by the Custodian and a buy-in is successful, securities under

Pending status in the Custodian Agent Account will be transferred by

NASDAQ Dubai to the Client Buy Rejection Account of buying Broker on

date of the successful buy-in and NASDAQ Dubai will notify the buying

Broker accordingly.

iv. If the Broker & Custodian subsequently finds out that the late confirmation is

actually an error trade, at the request of the Broker, NASDAQ Dubai will

withdraw the mandatory buy-in against the Broker on S+2 so that the sell

late confirmation will be cash close-out against the rejected buy securities in

the client Custodian Agent Account if the client fails to confirm the sell trade

by S+2. NASDAQ Dubai will also adjust the cash settlement obligations to

ensure that the cash closeout proceeds is not paid to the Custodian.

12. Where the rejected buy trade is accepted by Custodian client and the contra sell trade is

accepted by Custodian client or is cash closed-out on S+2 [Contra sell trade executed with

different Broker]:

i. If the client subsequently confirms settlement of the rejected buy trade, the

buying Broker will collect the payment due from the Custodian [outside the

NASDAQ Dubai system] but the buying Broker will not transfer any

securities to the Custodian because the rejected buy securities have been

earmarked in the Custodian Agent Account for settlement of the pending sell


ii. If the contra sell trade is either accepted by the Custodian for settlement or

is cash closed-out, the Custodian will receive the sell proceeds from

NASDAQ Dubai on the settlement date of the contra sell trade or receive the

retained sell proceeds on the cash close-out date + 1.

13. Where the rejected buy trade is accepted by Custodian client and the contra sell trade is

NOT accepted by Custodian client and buy-in is successful [Contra sell trade executed with

different Broker]:

i. If the client subsequently confirms settlement of the rejected buy trade, the

buying Broker will collect the payment due from the Custodian [outside the

NASDAQ Dubai system) but will not transfer any securities to the Custodian

because the rejected buy securities has been earmarked in the Custodian

Agent Account for settlement of the pending sell trade.

ii. When the contra sell trade is rejected with the late-confirmation option by the

Custodian; the rejected buy securities earmarked for settlement of the

rejected contra sell trade will be placed under a Pending status when the

contra sell trade is moved to the Sell Rejection House Account of the

different Broker.

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 74

iii. If the late confirmed contra sell trade is NOT accepted by the Custodian and

rejected contra sell trade is resolved by:

Market buy by the different Broker: Sell proceeds retained by

NASDAQ Dubai will be paid to the different Broker; securities

under Pending status in the Custodian Agent Account will be

removed from Pending status on date of the settlement of the

market buys by the different Broker and will remain under the

Custodian Agent Account;

I. Successful buy-in by the different Broker: Sell proceeds retained

by NASDAQ Dubai will be paid to the new selling Broker to the

buy-in. The securities under Pending status in the Custodian

Agent Account will be released on the date of the successful buy-


14. Where the rejected buy trade is NOT accepted by Custodian client and the contra sell trade

is accepted by Custodian client or is cash closed-out on S+2 [Contra sell trade executed

with different Broker]:

i. NASDAQ Dubai will adjust the cash settlement obligations of the buying

Broker on S – buying Broker pays for rejected buy trade but does not

receive rejected buy securities.

ii. If the contra sell trade is either accepted by the Custodian for settlement or

is cash closed-out, NASDAQ Dubai will adjust the cash settlement

obligations of the Custodian either on the settlement date of the contra sell

trade or on the cash close-out date + 1 whereby the sell proceeds will be

debited from the Custodian and credited to the buying Broker.

iii. This means that the Custodian will NOT receive the sell proceeds if the

client rejected the buy trade but confirms the contra sell trade for settlement.

15. Where the rejected buy trade is NOT accepted by Custodian and the contra sell trade is

NOT accepted by Custodian and buy-in is successful [Contra sell trade executed with

different Broker]:

i. NASDAQ Dubai will adjust the cash settlement obligations of the buying

Broker on S – buying Broker pays for rejected buy trade but does not

receive rejected buy securities.

ii. When the contra sell trade is rejected using the late confirmation option by

the Custodian; the rejected buy securities earmarked for settlement of the

rejected contra sell trade will be placed under a Pending status when the

contra sell trade is moved to the Sell Rejection House Account of the

different Broker.

iii. If the late confirmed contra sell trade is NOT accepted by the Custodian and

rejected contra sell trade is resolved by:

I. Market buy by the different Broker: Sell proceeds retained by

NASDAQ Dubai will be paid to the different Broker; securities

under Pending status in the Custodian Agent Account will be

transferred by NASDAQ Dubai to the Client Buy Rejection

Account of buying Broker on date of the settlement of the market

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 75

buy by the different Broker and NASDAQ Dubai will notify the

buying Broker accordingly;

Successful buy-in: the securities under Pending status in the

Custodian Agent Account will be transferred by NASDAQ Dubai to

the Client Buy Rejection Account of the buying Broker on the date

of the successful buy-in and the buying Broker will be notified

accordingly by NASDAQ Dubai.

B. Settlement of Contra Correction Trade [Error Trade Corrections]

1. Processing of correction trades will be based on Custodian instructions to reject


2. Brokers MUST liaise with Custodians to settle correction trades; Custodians

must indicate which rejections are correction trades executed by Brokers for


3. Brokers MUST notify the market of error trades (via email / letter) by 7:00pm onT+1 of

executing such errors, and also provide information on when the correction trade

would be executed. Without this notification, NASDAQ Dubai reserves the right to

process the trade as a normal rejection (i.e. as though the Custodian did not mark the

trade with an ‘Error Flag’).

3.1 Once the correction trade has been executed, it must be followed up by an

official letter from the Broker in the format prescribed in Appendix 6.5.

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 76

The following procedures apply to the various error trade scenarios:

# Trade

Type Correction Trade Scenario

A Buy

A.I. Scenario A [Buy and correction sell settle on same day (S)]

1. Broker to execute the contra correction sell trade using the Client Trading


2. Broker MUST inform Custodian and NASDAQ Dubai CSD that the

correction sell trade is to settle the buy trades.

3. NASDAQ Dubai must be notified latest by end of S-1 7:00pm by using the

Settlement of Trade Correction Request Letter.

4. Custodian requests rejection of buy and sell trade on S-1 by 7.00pm,

indicating that sell trade is correction trade.

5. On S-Day by 9.00am, NASDAQ Dubai will act on error correction only if

the Custodian rejects both buy and sell trades and indicate that both are

error trades:

a. NASDAQ Dubai will reject buy and sell trade using pre-DVP method

and net the cash settlement obligations.

b. The cash settlement will be part of NASDAQ Dubai’s adjustment of

cash obligation process on S-day.

6. NASDAQ Dubai will retain any gains.

A.II. Scenario B [Buy settles on S1; correction sell settles on next

settlement day (S2)]

1. Broker to execute the contra correction sell trade using the Client Trading


2. Broker MUST inform Custodian and NASDAQ Dubai CSD that the

correction sell trade is to settle the buy trade latest by end of S2-1 by

using the prescribed Settlement of Trade Correction Request Letter.

3. Custodian requests rejection of buy on S1-1 by 7.00pm. On S1 by 9.00am,

NASDAQ Dubai CSD rejects buy trade to Client Buy Rejection Account.

4. Custodian requests for rejection of sell trade on S2-1 by 7.00pm, indicating

that sell trade is correction trade. On S2 by 9.00am, NASDAQ Dubai CSD

rejects sell trade to Client Buy Rejection Account.

5. NASDAQ Dubai CSD settles cash obligations as follows: Buy trade on S1;

sell trade on S2.

A.III. Scenario C [Buy settles on S; correction sell settles on or after S+2]

1. Custodian requests rejection of buy on S-1 by 7.00pm. On S by 9.00am,

NASDAQ Dubai CSD rejects buy trade to Client Buy Rejection Account.

2. Broker MUST transfer buy rejection securities from the Client Buy

Rejection Account to the Broker Buy Rejection Sellout Account by using

the Request for Transfer of Securities for Sell-Out of Buy Rejection

Securities Letter.

3. Broker MUST execute all sell-out trades of buy rejection securities by using

the Broker Buy Rejection Sellout Account.

4. NASDAQ Dubai CSD settles cash obligations as follows: Buy trade on S;

sell trade depends on when the Broker sells-out the rejected buy trade.

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 77

# Trade

Type Correction Trade Scenario

AIV. Special Procedures where securities of error buy trades is

earmarked for settlement of contra sell trade

1. Where the error buy is earmarked for the settlement of a contra sell trade,

NASDAQ Dubai will adopt special procedures explained in Part A section

6[d] to reject the error buy.

2. Because securities underlying the rejected buy are earmarked for

settlement of the contra sell, NASDAQ Dubai cannot reject the error by

using the Equator rejection function.

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 78

B Sell B.I. Scenario A [Sell and correction settle buy on S]

1. Broker to execute the correction buy trade using the Client Trading Account.

Custodian Agent Account will have Pending In securities balance from T.

2. Broker MUST inform Custodian and NASDAQ Dubai CSD that correction buy

trade is to settle the sell trades latest by end of S-1 by using the prescribed

Settlement of Trade Correction Request Letter.

3. Custodian requests rejection of buy and sell trade on S-1 by 7.00pm

indicating that buy trade is correction buy.

4. On S day by 9.00am, NASDAQ Dubai will act on error correction only if the

Custodian rejects both buy and sell trades and indicate that both are error


a. NASDAQ Dubai will reject buy and sell trade using pre-DVP method and

net the cash settlement obligations.

b. The cash settlement will be part of NASDAQ Dubai’s adjustment of cash

obligation process on S.

5. NASDAQ Dubai will retain gains.

B.II. Scenario B [Sell settles on S1; correction buy settles on next

settlement day (S2)]

1. Broker to execute the correction buy trade using the Client Trading Account.

Custodian Agent Account will have Pending In securities balance from the

date of the correction trade.

2. Broker MUST to inform Custodian and NASDAQ Dubai CSD that the

correction buy trade is to settle the sell trades latest by end of S1-1 by using

the Settlement of Trade Correction Request Letter.

3. Custodian requests rejection of sell trade by S1-1 7.00pm. On S1 by 9.00am,

NASDAQ Dubai CSD rejects sell trade to Client Buy Rejection Account.

4. On S2-1 by 7.00pm, Custodian requests for rejection of buy trade. On S2 by

9.00am, NASDAQ Dubai CSD rejects buy trade to Client Buy Rejection


6. NASDAQ Dubai CSD settles cash obligations settled as follows: Buy trade on

S2; sell trade on S2+1 i.e. one settlement day after the settlement of the

negative balance in the Client Buy Rejection Account.

B.III. Scenario C [Sell settles on S; correction buy settles on S+2 (S2)]

1. Custodian requests rejection of sell trade on S-1 by 7.00pm. On S day by

9.00am, NASDAQ Dubai CSD rejects sell trade to Broker Sell Rejection

House Account.

2. Broker to execute the correction buy trade using the client Trading Account.

3. Broker MUST inform NASDAQ Dubai CSD by 2:15pm on S that the correction

buy trade is to settle the rejected error sell trades by using the Settlement of

Trade Correction Request Letter.

5. Upon being informed by the Selling Member of the corrective buy on S2,

NASDAQ Dubai CSD will transfer the sell rejection from the Broker Sell

Rejection House Account to the Broker Buy Rejection Sellout Account to settle

the rejected sell trade.

6. NASDAQ Dubai CSD settles cash obligations as follows: Buy trade and sell

trade by 10:00am on S2.

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 79

Deal Correction/Amendment [refers to the change of account process to amend trade from wrong account to correct account]

# Trade

Type Procedure

1. 1 Buy Where the Custodian rejected the wrong buy trade:

a. Broker to inform NASDAQ Dubai CSD and Custodian of buy trade correction.

b. Custodian will reject the wrong buy trade by 7.00pm on S-1, indicating that

the rejection is due for a deal correction.

c. NASDAQ Dubai CSD will correct the error buy trade to the Custodian Agent

Account of the correct client by 9:00am on S before securities settlement.

d. Where there are matched settlement instructions from the correct client, no

further action is required by the original Settlement Agent.

e. Where there are no matched settlement instructions from the correct client:

i. The Settlement agent must submit a separate request for trade

settlement rejection of the correct buy trade;

ii. NASDAQ Dubai CSD will execute the rejection of the correct client’s

trade to the Client Buy Rejection Account of the correct client by 9.00am

on S before securities settlement.

f. Upon subsequent confirmation of settlement by the correct client, the Broker

will request NASDAQ Dubai CSD to transfer securities from the Client Buy

Rejection Account of the correct client to the Custodian Agent Account of the

correct client.

2. Sell

a. Broker to inform Custodian and NASDAQ Dubai of the sell trade correction.

b. Settlement Agent will reject the wrong sell trade by 7.00pm on S-1 and

indicating to NASDAQ Dubai that the Broker is requesting trade correction.

c. NASDAQ Dubai will NOT use the Rejection function to reject the wrong sell


d. NASDAQ Dubai will transfer the wrong sell trade to the correct account with

the Custodian before securities settlement. Securities in wrong Custodian

Agent Account will move to free once NASDAQ Dubai initiates the correction.

e. Where there are no matched settlement instructions from the correct client:

i. The Custodian must also request for rejection of the correct sell


ii. After the Deal Correction process, NASDAQ Dubai will reject the

corrected sell trade to the Broker Sell Rejection House Account by

9.00am on S day before securities settlement.

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 80


1. Sample format: Request for Trade Settlement Rejection

(CUSTODIAN Letterhead)



To: [Name]

Head of Market Operations


P.O. Box: 53536

Dubai, U A E

Request for Trade Settlement Rejections [NASDAQ Dubai]

(Request must reach NASDAQ Dubai & DFM before 7.00pm on SD-1)

Dear Sir/Madam,

We hereby confirm and agree to the net obligation to NASDAQ Dubai as per the below mentioned details:

Trade Date:

Settlement Date:

Total Gross value of trades as per obligation by NASDAQ Dubai: USD (Amount)

Total Market Comm. & fees as per obligation by NASDAQ Dubai: USD (Amount)

Total Gross value of trades accepted By (CUSTODIAN Name) as obligation: USD (Amount)

Total market Commission fees accepted by (CUSTODIAN Name) as obligation: USD (Amount)

Total amount to be (paid/received) by (CUSTODIAN name): USD (Amount)

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 81

The following amount to be settled by Clearing Member (Clearing Member Name):

Trade Type Total Gross Value Market Commission & Fees

Buy Trades

Sell Trades

Net Total

Please note that we do not accept obligation for the following trades executed by (Clearing Member Name):

Buy Trades:

No. Investor Name

Investor Number

Symbol Buy Quantity Contract Number

Total Contract Value

Contract Market Comm. & Fees

Order Number

Quantity Order Value

Order Mkt Comm. & Fees

Is this an Error Trade? Y/N




NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 82

Sell Trades:

No. Investor Name

Investor Number

Symbol Sell Quantity Contract Number

Total Contract Value

Contract Market Comm. & Fees

Order Number

Quantity Order Value

Order Mkt Comm. & Fees

Is this an Error Trade? Y/N




NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 83

The following sell trades are irrevocably rejected for settlement and will not be late confirmed post the Settlement Date:

Irrevocably Rejected Sell Trades executed by [name of selling Clearing Member]:

The respective Clearing Members will settle the above mentioned trades directly.

Thanking you for your cooperation

Yours faithfully


Name of authorized signatory (Company Stamp)


(Broker Names)

No. Investor Name

Investor Number

Symbol Sell Quantity Contract Number

Total Contract Value

Contract Market Comm. & Fees

Order Number

Quantity Order Value

Order Mkt Comm. & Fees




NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 84

2. Sample format: Request for Reversal of Sell Rejections using the Late Confirmation window

(CUSTODIAN Letterhead)



To: [Name]

Head of Market Operations


P.O. Box: 53536

Dubai, U A E

Reversal of Sell Rejections using the late confirmation window [NASDAQ Dubai]

(Request must reach NASDAQ Dubai & DFM before 1.00pm for same day processing)

Dear Sir/Madam,

We hereby request NASDAQ Dubai to reverse the following rejected sell trades back to us and we confirm that we will settle the reversed trades:

No. Late Confirmation Date

Rejection Letter Reference Number

Broker Which Accepted Sell Rejection

Settlement Date

Investor Name

Investor Number

Client Agent Account Number

Symbol Contract Note Number

Contract Quantity

Contract Value

Market Fees & Comm

Order Number

Order Market Comm. & Fees




NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 85

We hereby agree that NASDAQ Dubai / DFM will only approve the reversal request subject to the corresponding sell trades remaining unsettled

by the Clearing Member.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully


Name of authorized signatory (Company Stamp)


(Clearing Members Names)

NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 86

3. Sample format: Request for Transfer of Securities – Reversal of Buy Rejections

(Clearing Member’s Letterhead)



To: [Name]

Head of Market Operations


P.O. Box: 53536

Dubai, U A E

Transfer of Securities – Reversal of Buy Rejections

(Request must reach NASDAQ Dubai and DFM before 1.00pm for same day processing)

Dear Sir/Madam,

We hereby request you to effect a transfer of securities arising from Late Confirmation by our clients for settlement of the following buy trades.

Please transfer securities to the client’s agent trading account with CUSTODIAN:


Rejection Date

Rejection Letter Reference Number

Trade Date

Settlement Date

Transfer From Rejection Account Number

Investor Name

Investor Number

Symbol Quantity Contract No.

Contract Value

Order No.

Transfer Type 1=Trade transfer 2=CA transfer




NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 87

We confirm that the transfer request is in compliance with the relevant transfer conditions as set out in the NASDAQ Dubai Rules and

Procedures on Transfer of Securities arising from late settlement confirmation of buy trades by clients.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully


Name of authorized signatory

(Company Stamp)



NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 88

4. Sample format: Request for Transfer of Securities to Broker Buy Rejection Sellout Account for Sell-out of Buy Rejection


(Clearing Member’s Letterhead) Date: Ref: To: [Name] Head of Market Operations NASDAQ Dubai P.O. Box: 53536 Dubai, U A E Transfer of Securities – Sellout of Buy Rejection Securities

(Request must reach DFM before 1.00pm for same day processing)

Dear Sir/Madam,

We hereby request you to effect a transfer of securities from the Client Buy Rejection Account to the Broker Buy Rejection Sellout

Account for us to execute a sell-out of the rejected buy trades.

Please transfer securities to the Broker Buy Rejection Account:


Rejection Date

Rejection Letter Reference Number

Trade Date

Settlement Date

Transfer From Client Buy Rejection Account Number

Transfer To Broker Buy Rejection Sellout Account Number

Investor Name

Investor Number

Symbol Quantity Original Order number

Order Value




NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 89

Thank you.

Yours faithfully


Name of authorized signatory

(Company Stamp)



NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 90

5. Sample format: Request for Settlement of Trade Correction

(Broker Letterhead)

Date: Ref:

To: [Name] Head of Market Operations NASDAQ Dubai P.O. Box: 53536 Dubai, U A E

Request for Settlement of Trade Correction [NASDAQ Dubai]

[Details of the error trade and correction trade must be submitted as early as possible, but never later than 8:00am on the SD of the error trade] Dear Sir/Madam, We hereby request you to initiate settlement correction of the following:

No. Rejection Date

Buy or Sell

Trade Date

Settlement Date

Rejection Account Number

Investor Name

Investor Number

Symbol Quantity Contract Value

Order Value

Order No.




NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 91

Details of Trade to be corrected:

Thank you.

Yours faithfully


Name of authorized signatory (Company Stamp)



No. Rejection Date

Buy or Sell

Trade Date

Settlement Date

Rejection Account Number

Investor Name

Investor Number

Symbol Quantity Contract Value

Order Value

Order No.




NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 92

6. Sample format: Request for Reversal of Sell Rejections not using the Late Confirmation window

(CUSTODIAN Letterhead)



To: [Name]

Head of Market Operations


P.O. Box: 53536

Dubai, U A E

Reversal of Sell Rejections using the late confirmation window [NASDAQ Dubai]

(Request must reach NASDAQ Dubai & DFM before 1.00pm for same day processing)

Dear Sir/Madam,

We hereby request NASDAQ Dubai to reverse the following rejected sell trades back to us and we confirm that we will settle the reversed trades:

No. Late Confirmation Date

Rejection Letter Reference Number

Broker Which Accepted Sell Rejection

Settlement Date

Investor Name

Investor Number

Client Agent Account Number

Symbol Contract Note Number

Contract Quantity

Contract Value

Market Fees & Comm

Order Number

Order Market Comm. & Fees




NASDAQ Dubai Operating Procedures 1.7 (May 2013) 93

A copy of the Clearing Member’s approval is also attached herewith.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully


Name of authorized signatory (Company Stamp)


(Clearing Member’s Names)
