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For its advocates, it is a miraculous elixir that has replaced the morning coffe e as their first drink of the day; for most other people, it is bodily waste tha t should strictly confined to the toilet bowl. But is drinking one's own urine r eally as good for you as its fans believe? Last week, British hiker Paul Beck was stranded in the Spanish mountains for six days - and survived by drinking his own urine. The 33-year-old slipped and disl ocated his hip while walking. As he waited for rescuers to find him, he tried to exist on powdered chocolate and raw oats, but eventually resorted to urinating into a cup and drinking a few drops a day. He said: "It was pretty awful but in all I did it around five times to keep myself hydrated." And last year, yachtsmen Mark Smith and Steven Freeman spent 11 days stranded in the South China Sea after their boat capsized and put their survival down to ur ine. But apart from possibly helping to keep one alive in extreme circumstances, is d rinking urine really good for your health? Auto-urine therapy, or urotherapy as it is sometimes known, dates back to severa l ancient cultures and even, arguably, the Bible. Egyptian medical texts and Chi nese and Indian documents mention the benefits of drinking one's urine, while th e Aztecs used it to disinfect wounds. Contrary to popular perception, urine is not a by-product of the body's waste di sposal system but of blood filtration. Nutrient-filled blood passes through the liver, where toxins are removed and excreted as solid waste. The purified blood then goes through another filtering process via the kidneys, where components fo r which the body has no immediate use are collected in a sterile, watery solutio n. For that reason, it is highly sterile, consisting of 95 per cent water and fi ve per cent nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, proteins, antibodies and ot her beneficial ingredients. Advocates of auto-urine therapy believe that this combination can help cure ever ything from the common cold to cancer, boosting energy levels and sexual perform ance along the way. While the practice has always been popular in China, India a nd South-east Asia, a small but growing band of Western fans are also downing a daily dose. Books with titles such as The Golden Fountain all extol the virtues of urine. One of the prime movers in the movement, Martha Christy (author of Your Own Perf ect Medicine) says that the first toilet visit of the day is the most beneficial . She recommends a regime beginning with five drops of "fresh morning urine" und er the tongue before gradually increasing the dosage to as much as a cupful, mor ning and night. Urine can also be used as eye and ear drops, for gargling with o r in the bath. Ms Christy, who claims that drinking urine cured her of a host of medical proble ms, says that doctors have deliberately not highlighted the benefits of auto-uri ne therapy because there are no profits in it for them. But there is little firm proof for the claims made about the therapy and medical experts have remained unconvinced. Dr Michael Stroud, an expert in nutrition at Southampton University and who has been in many extreme situations during his r ecord-breaking expeditions with explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes, says that people w ho believe that their urine can cure them of Aids and improve their complexions are "daft as brushes".

Sceptics have even poured cold water on the theory that it can save lives on the high seas or frozen mountain tops. They say that the concentration of nutrients such as sodium will take more water to get rid of than is present in urine - me aning it will dehydrate you rather than helping to keep you hydrated. Helen Andrews, of the British Dietetic Association, said: "There are no health b enefits to drinking your own urine, and in fact I think it could be quite detrim ental. Each time you put it back it will come out again even more concentrated a nd that is not good for health as it could damage the gut. If you are stranded, your body will try to conserve as much water as it can. Drinking your urine woul d be like drinking seawater." Perhaps the last word should be left to that embracer of all things alternative, Jennifer Saunders' character Eddy in the sitcom Absolutely Fabulous. "It's urin e therapy darling; it's not to be sniffed at." Bring your own - the guide to urotherapy * Urine is 95 per cent water, but it also contains small quantities of nutrients including calcium, folic acid, iron, magnesium and zinc. * The actress Sarah Miles is an aficionado of drinking her own urine, while the author JD Salinger was also a fan. * Self-urine therapy dates back 5,000 years to ancient India, where it was known as "shivambu shastra" and seen as a way of rejuvenating body and soul. * Male porcupines use their urine to soften the female's quills before mating, w hile vultures urinate on their legs to cool themselves. * Advocates claim it has antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and anticancer pro perties. * Research in the 1990s claimed that drinking urine could cure jet lag. * It is highly sterile. The Aztecs used it to prevent wounds becoming infected. * The practice is particularly popular in China, where millions of people drink a daily dose of their own urine. * In Cameroon, people were banned from drinking their own urine in 2003 amid hea lth concerns. They were warned that transgressors would be prosecuted. * Some fans believe the Bible recommends urine therapy. A verse in Proverbs advi ses: "Drink waters from thy own cistern, flowing water from thy own well." ********************************************* THE WATER OF AUSPICIOUSNESS: SHIVAMBU KALPA VIDHI Extracted from the Damar Tantra Verses 1-4 Oh Parvati! (The God Shiva speaks to his wife, Parvati.) Those who practise this method can enjoy the fruits of their meditation and this method. For this, cert ain actions have been recommended along with certain types of utensils. The Shiv ambu is to be drunk from pots made of gold, silver, copper, brass, iron, tin, gl ass, earth, bamboo, bones, leather, or a bowl made of plantain leaves. The urine should be collected in any one of the above mentioned utensils and should be dr unk. However, earthen pots are the best for use.

Verse 5 The follower of the therapy should avoid pungent, salty ingredients in his meals . He should not over-exert himself. He should follow a balanced and light diet. He should sleep on the ground, and control the senses. Verse 6 Such a trained man gets up in the early morning when three quarters of the night has passed, stands facing the east and passes urine. Verse 7 The first and concluding flow of the urine is to be left out, and the intermedia te flow of urine is to be collected. This is the best method. Verse 8 The follower of the therapy should only use his own urine; it is called Shivambu dhara. However, just as the mouth and the tail of the serpent contain poison, si milarly the first and the concluding flow of urine are not wholesome. Verse 9 Shivambu is a divine nectar! It is capable of abolishing old age and various typ es of diseases and ailments. The follower should first ingest his urine and then start his meditation. Verse 10 After getting out of bed, the face and the mouth should be washed with water. Af terwards one should drink one s own urine quite willingly and cheerfully. All the ailments subject to from the very birth will be completely cured. Verse 11 If this method is followed for one month, one s body will be internally cleansed. Drinking it for two months stimulates and energises the senses. Verse 12 If this method is followed for three months, all types of ailments will disappea r and all miseries will evaporate. After following this method for five months, the follower will be completely healthy and will be bestowed with divine eyesigh t. Verse 13 After six months of following this therapy, the follower will be exceptionally i ntelligent. After seven months, the follower will be extraordinarily strong. Verse 14 After eight months the human body will possess divine lustre like that of shinin g gold which will be permanent. After nine months of continual use, tuberculosis and leprosy will perish. Verse 15 After ten months of continued use, the follower becomes practically the treasury of lustre and brightness. After eleven months the follower becomes pure, both e xternally and internally. Verse 16 After one year of continued use, the follower acquires solar shining. After two years, the follower can conquer the element of earth. Verse 17 After three years of practicing this therapy, the follower can conquer the eleme nt of water. After four years, the follower can certainly conquer the element of

lustre. Verse 18 After five years, the follower can conquer the element of air. Seven years of us e makes the follower capable of conquering his ego. Verse 19 After eight years of working with this method, the follower can conquer all the five important elements of the universe. Nine years of this method will make the follower immortal. Verse 20 After ten years of experimentation, it will be possible to float in the air with ease. After eleven years, the follower will be able to listen to the movements of the internal organs of the body. Verse 21 Experiments for the duration of twelve years will enable one to be as long lived as the moon and the planets. Dangerous animals such as serpents will not affect one in any way; serpents poison will not kill the follower. One can float on wat er just as wood floats and he will never drown. Verses 22, 23 Oh Goddess! I shall tell you of some other aspects of the therapy. Listen to me carefully. If taken for six months continually, the powder of Amrita (Tinospora Condifalia) dissolved in Shivambu, will make a man free from human ailments and he will become perfectly happy. Verse 24 The powder of Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula) mixed with Shivambu should be taken regularly for one year. It puts a stop to old age and disease and if used for on e year makes a man exceptionally strong and healthy. Verse 25 Shivambu should be taken with one gram of sulphur. If this is followed for three years, man may acquire longevity as long as the moon and planets exist. The uri ne and excreta of such a man may become white and gold. Verse 26 The stomach powder, Kostha Churna, should be taken with Shivambu continually for a period of twelve years. The tokens of old age such as wrinkles on the skin, g rey hair, etc., vanish. Man will have the strength of ten thousand elephants and will live as long as the moon and the planets exist. Verse 27 The mixture of pepper, terminalia belavica, terminalia chebula, if taken with Sh ivambu will enable man to acquire divine lustre and brightness. Verses 28, 29 The extract of mica and sulphur should be dissolved in Shivambu and taken regula rly. It relieves the ailment of dropsy and rheumatism. Man becomes strong and di vinely lustrous. He can enjoy longevity and can compete with death. Verse 30 A follower who takes Shivambu regularly and avoids pungent, salty and sour thing s, can promptly enjoy the fruits of his meditation and this method. Verse 31 He becomes free from human ailments. He assumes a divinely lustrous physique lik e that of Shiva; he can recreate the universe and can lead a divinely pleasant l

ife. Verse 32 A meditator who lives on the juice of neem leaves and Shivambu attains the statu s of yogi and possesses the divinely pleasant lustre full of bliss. Verse 33 The powder of neem bark and pumpkin gourd dissolved in Shivambu taken for a year relieves man from all types of ailments. Verse 34 The mixture of lotus roots, mustard seeds and honey should be taken with Shivamb u. It makes the human body exceptionally light and energetic. Verse 35 The fruits of the moha tree and a tri-mixture of the herbs in verse 27 should be taken in equal proportion and dissolved in Shivambu. This is capable of relievi ng old age and all kinds of diseases. Verse 36 Rock salt and honey in equal proportions should be taken first in the early morn ing, followed by Shivambu. This makes man lustrous and he acquires a body with d ivine attributes. Verse 37 Sulphur, dried fruit of Amla (Phylonthus Emblica) and nutmeg powder should be mi xed together and taken daily, followed by Shivambu. All pains and miseries vanis h. Verse 38 The follower should regularly drink milk and Shivambu. If this is done for seven years, all human ailments perish and the body becomes well nourished and strong . Verse 39 He who takes Amritaka powder (the extract of tinospora condifolia) and then Shiv ambu can conquer death. Verse 40 He who drinks the mixture of Shivambu and honey or sugar is relieved of any type of ailment within a period of six months. His brain power becomes brilliant and his voice becomes melodious. Verse 41 The powder of dry ginger taken first directly followed by Shivambu definitely re lieves any disease. Verse 42 He who first chews on the leaves of Viter Nirgundi and then drinks Shivambu will be bestowed with diving eyesight. Verse 43 The powder of mansheel should be dissolved in Shivambu and the solution applied to the body. This makes man free of ailments and his hair becomes black (again). Verse 44 Now, oh Parvati, I shall tell you about the process of massage. If such massage is carried out, the follower can enjoy the fruits of his meditation and his life style and will experience spiritual growth.

Verse 45 The Shivambu should be boiled in an earthen pot and extracted to one fourth its quantity. It should then be allowed to cool. This extract can be used for the bo dy massage. Verse 46 The following mantra should be recited during the use of Shivambu. When collecti ng the urine in an earthen pot, the following mantra should be recited: Om Rhim K lim Bhairavaya Namaha (salutes to Bhairav). The pot filled with Shivambu should t hen be taken into the hands. When drinking urine from the pot the mantra to be r ecited is Om Shrim Klim Uddamaneshwaraya Namaha (salutes to Uddamaneshwara). The f ollower will be away from all sins and defects. Verse 47 While passing urine, the mantra to be recited is Om Sarvam Sristhi Prabhave Rydra ya Namaha (salutes to God Rudra). Verse 48 Shivambu should be applied to the whole body. It is exceptionally nourishing and can relieve all ailments. Verse 49 The follower can acquire divine power with this process. A yogi can become the K ing of Gods. His movements will be unprevented. He will have the strength of ten thousand elephants. He can eat and digest anything. Verse 50 Urine which has not been boiled down to one fourth its volume should never be ap plied to the body; if done so, it makes the body weak and invites ailments. [Ed. note: Although the text states using urine that has not been boiled can have ha rmful consequences, research and experience have demonstrated that this is not t he case, and that fresh urine as well as urine which is not boiled down but whic h is even four days old, produces excellent results during external use. This is also true for boiled down urine as suggested by the text.] Verse 51 Unboiled urine should never be used for body massage. If the extract of Shivambu is used for the massage, it is very wholesome for the body. The follower can ac complish many things. Verse 52 The follower can conquer death by drinking Shivambu and massaging with one fourt h extract of the same. Verse 53 His urine and excrement can impart a white colour to gold. If Shiro-Amrit and de w are mixed in the extract of Shivambu and if the mixture is applied to the body , the man will become exceptionally strong and will be free from any type of ail ment. Verse 54 A follower should drink Shivambu every morning regularly for a period of three y ears. This and avoiding bitter, salty and pungent things in his meals will enabl e him to conquer passion. Verses 55, 56 Chickpeas should be roasted and taken with unrefined sugar followed by the intak e of Shivambu. Urine extract should also be applied to the body. After six month s the human body becomes quite light and energetic.

Verse 57 Oh wife of the highest of Gods! Roots of Piper Longum and one gram of black pepp er should be taken first and afterwards Shivambu should be drunk. Within one mon th, the voice will become melodious and all ailments will vanish. Verse 58 The follower should first take the powder of dry ginger and then drink Shivambu. It makes him exceptionally strong. He may acquire the strength of ten thousand elephants. His youth will even attract divine females. Verse 59 Oh wife of Shiva! Terminalia Chebula should be roasted and then powdered. It sho uld be taken first, followed by the intake of Shivambu. The follower s body will b e cleansed, his mind will be ever cheerful and he can attain divine lustre. Verse 60 He who drinks Shivambu after taking a mixture of equal proportions (powdered) of Amrita, Triphala, Kadu, dried ginger, cumin seeds and the roots of Piper Longum while following a diet of rice and milk will have insight in the Scriptures wit hin one year. Verse 61 If this experiment is followed for a period of one year, the follower will becom e very strong and brave. If he follows this for a period of three years, he will become, as it were, a god on earth. He will enjoy the fruits of this practise, will become a good orator and all the universe will be visible to his eyesight. Verse 62 The follower who drinks the mixture of Shivambu and the powder of the five parts of the Sharapunkha (Devnal) plant will become the master and authority of medit ation. He will enjoy utmost pleasure in life. Verses 63, 64 Oh great Goddess! Shivambu should be taken with the powder of dried ginger, suga r, ghee, honey and the juice of Nirgundi leaves. Within one month, the body beco mes healthy and strong and after one year he will enjoy the fruits of this metho d and mediation. Verse 65 The follower should take white and black sesame seeds (in equal proportion) mixe d with Karanja seeds (Pongamia Glabvi) and the juice of neem leaves. This should be followed by Shivambu, which will enable the follower to achieve the fruits o f this method and meditation. Verses 66, 67 Opium should be roasted on an open fire; 1/32 of this should be taken along with the Shivambu. He will then be able to control ejaculation and will be unconquer able in sexual intercourse. He can control his breath, passion, anger and other mental emotions. He can enjoy longevity. Verse 68 Oh Goddess! Triphala Churna, Nirgundi leaves and Turmeric should be mixed togeth er, followed by Shivambu. Within a period of three months, the follower of the t herapy becomes a symbol of learning and enjoys excellent eyesight. His body beco mes divinely lustrous. Verse 69 Bhringaraj and honey should be mixed and taken first, followed by Shivambu. The follower, after six months, will be free of old age and will have excellent (for e)sight.

Verse 70 The neem bark, roots of Chitraka (Plumago Zeylancia) and the roots of Piper Long um mixed together should be taken with Shivambu and within six months the follow er of the therapy attains divine power. Verse 71 The root of Apamarg (Achyranthus Aspara) and Chakramarda (Chenopadium Album) and the juice of neem leaves should be taken, followed by Shivambu. Verse 72 He will be relieved from all ailments and the tokens of old age, such as wrinkle s and greying hair. He will possess excellent and long eyesight within a distanc e of miles and miles. Verse 73 He will be able to listen for a very long distance. He can read the mind of othe rs. O Goddess, even the most beautiful Princess will be attracted to him. Verse 74 A very small quantity (one grain) of Nerium Odorum should be taken with Shivambu and within a year epilepsy and other mental disorders will disappear. Verse 75 The juice of white Gunja (Abrus Precatorius), the leaves of Sharapunkha (Devala) , sees of Chenopadium Album and roots of Mahalung should be taken in equal propo rtions and all mixed into a fine powder. Verses 76, 77 This powder should be dissolved in Shivambu and small pills be prepared with the mixture. Every day one pill should be taken followed by a sufficient quantity o f Shivambu. The follower of this therapy will be relieved from human ailments of all types within one month. Verse 78 The gum of the Banian Tree (Ficus Bengalensis) should be mixed with the powder o f the seeds of Karanja (Pongamia Glabra). A small quantity of opium should be ad ded to this mixture. It should be taken early in the morning followed by Shivamb u. Verse 79 Within six months, the follower of this therapy will become as young as a lad of sixteen years. He can disguise himself by appearance and non-appearance to his desire. Verse 80 The juice of the leaves of Kavali, honey, sugar and ghee should be mixed togethe r. If it is taken regularly in the morning, the signs of old age disappear promp tly. Verse 81 Cumin seeds, turmeric and white mustard seed should be powdered together and tak en regularly. This also helps to conquer old age. Verse 82 Black Moringa Pterygasperma, Jatamavasi, mustard seeds should be dissolved in ho ney and ghee and then taken regularly. It gives divine countenance. Verse 83 Kalnemi Veesh (Guggul) and the roots of Bhargika (Clerodendron Serrotum) should

be dissolved in butter, and taken with Shivambu. It will definitely give shining countenance. Verse 84 Jalakesar moss and the seeds of Sapindus Laurifolius should be dissolved in Shiv ambu and taken regularly. Within one year old age will be under control and the follower will acquire a radiating personality, like that of the famous King Uday an, the King of the Vatsas. Verse 85 Oh Goddess, if in the early morning the follower nasalizes his own urine, the ai lments arising out of Kapha, Pitta and Vata will vanish. He will have a healthy appetite and his body will become strong and healthy. Verse 86 If the follower o the therapy massages his body thrice a day and thrice a night with Shivambu, he will definitely enjoy longevity. Verse 87 Oh Parvati! If he massages his body thrice a day and night with Shivambu, his co untenance will be shining and his heart will be strong. His body and muscles wil l be strong. He will float in pleasure. Verse 88 Oh Parvati! He who massages his body at least once a day with Shivambu will be f ull of strength and bravery. Verse 89 Within three years his body will be shining with lustre. He will be well versed in arts and science. He will have an impressive voice with good oratory powers, and will live as long as the moon and planets exist. Verse 90 Oh Goddess, now I shall narrate the procedure of seasonable behaviour with the v iew to avoiding diseases and ailments. Verse 91 Oh Parvati, during the Spring the powder of Terminalia Chebula should be taken w ith honey; dry ginger and honey should also be taken and afterwards Shivambu. Verse 92 Twenty types of ailments arising from Kapha, twenty-four types of ailments arisi ng from Pitta and eighty types of ailments arising from Vata will vanish with th is treatment. Verse 93 Oh Great Goddess, during the Spring, pungent and spicy foods are to be avoided. This helps to attain sound health. Verses 94, 95 Oh Great Goddess, during the summer the Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula) and pepper should be taken in equal quantities and should be taken with unrefined sugar fo llowed by Shivambu. This will relieve all kinds of ailments; the body will becom e light, eyesight will be sharp and at the end the follower will derive the frui ts of this method. Verses 96, 97 During the rainy season (July-August), Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula), rock salt and roots of pepper should be taken in a powder form, followed by the intake of Shivambu. The body will be strong and will attain shining lustre. If he takes th

e powder mixture in milk, even fire will not harm him. He will not be burn by fi re. Verses 98, 99 During the Sharad season (September-October), Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula), cry stal sugar and Terminalia Belavica powder should be mixed together and taken, fo llowed by Shivambu. This method cleanses the body, keeps it free of disease and allows the follower to move quickly. And oh, wife of the King of the Gods, the f ollower will quickly master the practise of yoga. Verses 100, 101 During the Hemanta season (November-December), dry ginger, dried fruit of Anvla (Phylonthus Emblica) and Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula) should be mixed into a fi ne powder followed by Shivambu. If taken regularly, deficiency of minerals in th e body is corrected, eyesight brightens, oratory powers and knowledge are acquir ed. Verses 102, 103 During the Shishir season (January-February), pepper, Haritaki (Terminalia Chebu la) and dry ginger should be mixed and taken, followed by Shivambu. It will cure various diseases, the follower will acquire the strength of a hundred elephants and the signs of old age will vanish. He will attract all living beings. Verses 104, 105, 106 Oh Goddess, during the process of the intake of Shivambu, the following things s hould be strictly avoided: vegetables in the form of leaves, flowers or legumes, grains that cause flatulency; and starchy, pungent, sour and salty foods. Sexua l intercourse should also be avoided. This will help to accomplish the fruits of this method. Behaving against these rules will put man in unexpected difficulti es. Verse 107 Oh my beloved Parvati! I have narrated the details of Shivambu Kalpa. This is it s technique. Attempts should be made to keep it a secret. Do not tell anyone. ************************************* URINE & UREA Therapy By Walter Last I have been fond of urine therapy for many years but except as a homoeopathic re medy, I have rarely mentioned it to patients as our social conditioning invariab ly prompted a strong negative reaction. The many and varied case histories described by John Armstrong in his 'The Water of Life' are certainly impressive. However, this book was first published fifty years ago, Armstrong did not have any academic qualifications and without the s trong support of other therapists, there were not many convincing reasons for pa tients to try this method. This has changed dramatically in recent years with the publication of the severa l more books on urine therapy. Very good are the self-published books by Martin Lara at, 'The Miracle of Urine Therapy' by Dr Beatrice Bartnett and especially 'Your Own Perfect Medicine' by Martha Christy. Martha Christy's Experience Martha Christy cured herself of a host of incapacitating illnesses, including in testinal inflammation or Crohn's disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, thyroid diso

rder, severe chronic kidney infections, food and chemical allergies and severe e ndometriosis. The conventional approach with drugs and six operations did not help and probabl y intensified her problems. Natural therapies worked for a while, but a difficul t pregnancy disabled her again and this time even the natural therapy she tried was not good enough, including $US 15,000 spent in an alternative cancer clinic in Mexico for bleeding pelvic tumours. Most of the time she had to stay in bed until one day she was introduced to urin e therapy and before long, all her health troubles were over. Instead of just writing another 'How I Did It' book, she went to university libr aries and hired a research firm to search the scientific and medical literature for publications on the use of urine and products derived from it. She was amazed by what she found. There were not just hundreds but rather thousa nds of published articles. There are probably more articles published about urea , the main ingredient of urine, than about any other organic substance. Mrs Chri sty devoted a large part of her book to explaining and summarising this scientif ic and medical evidence and also provided detailed references of published paper s. In addition, she lists many testimonials of individuals as to the effectiveness of urine therapy in overcoming AIDS, Candida, Cancer, Colitis, Depression, Diabe tes, Immune deficiency, Multiple Sclerosis and other diseases. Scientific Evidence The most amazing aspect of urine therapy is its effectiveness in such a wide ran ge of different diseases. There are several reasons for this. For one, urine contains antibodies and immun e stimulating factors against all viruses, harmful bacteria or fungi that we may harbour in our body. The researchers stated that even minute amounts of antibod ies, sometimes so low that they cannot be detected with conventional methods, ar e effective in preventing and treating diseases. There are reports investigating and describing the curative effects of urine the rapy on a wide range of infectious, fungal and viral infections, such as hepatit is, poliomyelitis and AIDS. Urine is especially effective against allergies, aut oimmune diseases and other disorders of the immune system. To switch off an allergic reaction one must put a few drops of urine under the t ongue, collected during the reaction, or the urine may be homoeopathically dilut ed and some of it kept in the mouth for a few minutes. When drinking urine routinely, allergic reactions may not occur at all, thus doi ng away with the need to identify which substance one has been reacting to. Curing Cancer 'Child's Play'! Cancer, too, responds very well to urine therapy. Very effective appears to be t he urine fast employed by Armstrong. His first cancer patient was a nurse who had herself cared for over fifty cancer patients. She knew that any cancer pain is mild as compared to that experienced from the regrowth commonly occurring after medical intervention. Usually visible tumours such as with breast cancer disappeared within three week

s, but sometimes even in one week. Armstrong called curing cancer 'child's play' except if patients had already received chemotherapy or radiotherapy. I also know personally of several cases of cancer cures exclusively or mainly du e to urine therapy; sometimes the addition of urine therapy to a natural cancer program appeared to be responsible for the successful outcome. Martin Lara has a n interesting breast cancer cure with urine injections on his site http://users. Most of the scientific cancer reports concentrate on urine extracts of anti-canc er agents. One such extract is called H-11, another HUD, others Retine, DHEA hor mone or Anti-neoplaston. While good results were reported with all of these, it is very expensive to trea t patients in this way and the treatment would be even more effective and much c heaper if all of these cancer-fighting ingredients of urine were used together b y ingesting whole urine. Surprisingly, uric acid is not just the villain causing gout; it is also a prove n anti-cancer agent and rejuvenating factor. However, the crown of the cancer-fi ghting urine ingredients may actually belong to urea, the most common chemical i n urine. Benefits of Urea Only recently has it been discovered that the concentration of urea in the blood has a key role in regulating at least 7 major pathways. Urea levels are low wit h cancer and many other diseases. The frequency of cancer and especially of mult iple tumours and metastases increases greatly if urea levels are low. Urea is not just a waste product or the end state of the protein metabolism as c ommonly assumed. Biochemical research has shown that urea, both from internal so urces or externally supplied, is used by the body as a raw material to synthesis e amino acids and proteins. This is especially important for patients with kidney failure. These deteriorate quickly on a diet containing normal amounts of protein, but do much better if t he diet is extremely low in protein, below 20g per day. Another research report states that patients with kidney failure on very low pro tein intake show progressive clinical improvement when receiving added urea, whi ch then becomes the main source of nitrogen for protein synthesis. Urea may thus be the main reason why urine therapy and especially urine fasts are so successf ul with kidney failure I believe that it is the best and sometimes the only successful therapy. One of my patients with kidney failure continued to deteriorate on a fast of fresh vege table juices, but was cured when fasting on urine for 2 weeks. Another helpful factor is the role of urea as the best natural diuretic and far better than synthetic ones. This is not only important for those with deem or fl uid retention because of kidney or heart weakness but especially with fluid pres sure on the brain or spinal cord or in the eye with glaucoma. With this, additional urea is important with brain tumours, stroke, meningitis a nd other inflammations of the brain and spinal cord. One report cites the case o f a massive brain tumour reappearing 3 months after surgical removal of another brain tumour. The patient received 256ml of 30% urea. After 2 hours the tumour h ad completely disappeared.

When applied externally, urea has a very beneficial effect on wound healing, inc luding infected wounds, burns and ulcerating tumours. The urea crystals may be d irectly packed into the wound or a strong or saturated solution may be applied. In this way, urea removes the foul odour often associated with an ulcerating tum our or other dead or putrefying tissue. Urea Pioneer The use of urea in cancer treatment was pioneered by E V Danopoulos, a Professor of Internal Medicine in Athens. Urea was notably effective with liver cancer an d in preventing the development of metastases or secondary tumours. He used 45g of urea daily in 6 divided doses for 40 days and then 20g in 3 doses for 2 years . 45g correspond to 6 rounded teaspoons, while 20g are about 3 teaspoonfuls. The results were published in The Lancet in 1974. But as it happens so often with discoverers of cheap cancer cures, Danopoulos lo st his position after this publication and was forced to retire. Other research has shown that the effectiveness of urine in killing microbes depends largely on its concentration of urea and is better, the higher it is in urea. Other Beneficial Ingredients Another important reason for the effectiveness of urine is its content of countl ess hormones, enzymes, vitamins, trace minerals and other valuable biochemical. Some companies make a fortune by extracting some of these substances from collec ted urine on a large scale. The fact is that urine is not a waste product full o f harmful substances as is commonly believed, but instead a treasure-trove of ju st the right bio-chemicals that we need for our condition. The main function of the kidneys is to regulate the concentration of all these c ountless bio-chemicals in our blood. Any unwanted surplus is as harmful as any d eficiency. However, any hormone or enzyme removed as surplus at one time may be in short supply a few hours later. Furthermore, with advancing age, our hormone and enzyme production declines to s ub-optimal levels while the kidneys become less and less efficient in retaining needed ingredients. Therefore, it greatly helps, especially with chronic degenerative diseases and a dvancing age to recycle these valuable hormones and enzymes. Urine Rejuvenates Urine ingestion is frequently praised as possibly the best rejuvenation therapy known to us. It certainly rejuvenates the hair and the skin. The youthful appear ance of many Buddhist monks is ascribed to their routine urine ingestion. It seems that historically all cultures have used urine for medicinal purposes. It is praised in ancient Egyptian papyri, was used in ancient Rome, in China, In dia, America as well as European countries. The Journal of the American Medical Association states that in 'primitive medicine' there is scarcely a disease that has not been treated with the external or internal use of urine. A 5000-year old Sanskrit text describes in a religious context in 107 verses the virtues of urine. In one verse Lord Shiva, the great destroyer and re-generator , says that he who drinks urine sweetened with honey is cleared of any ailment w ithin 6 months. He attains brilliant brainpower and his voice becomes melodious. One well-known urine ingredient is melatonin, the hormone of the pineal gland. I t regulates our body rhythms linked to the dark-light cycle. It is produced in t

he night and mostly expelled with the morning urine. However it is now highly va lued as protecting us from cancer and ageing. Melatonin sales in California are said to top aspirin sales. But why pay much money for just one beneficial ingred ient when there are thousands for free? Problems may arise from ingesting large amounts of urine if one takes medicinal or recreational drugs as these drugs may be recycled and cause an overdose. The same may happen if one ingests other toxic substances. However, harmful substanc es are not necessarily reabsorbed and may just cause diarrhoea instead. How to Use Urine There are various ways to use urine but generally it is advisable to start with small amounts. This is not only to get accustomed to the taste of it, but also t o slow down any healing reactions. These occur commonly with methods that genuin ely improve our health. Reactions may manifest as diarrhoea, vomiting, nausea, skin problems or a tempor ary flare-up of old health problems prior to their final elimination. Start with a few drops or a teaspoonful. These may be swallowed immediately and you may wash it down with some water or juice or eat a piece of fruit. However, with allergies and immune disorders it is more effective to leave the diluted ur ine under the tongue for a few minutes. An allergic reaction can best be stopped or neutralised by collecting the urine when the symptoms are worst, however in practice you try to use it as soon as yo u notice the first symptoms. Some researchers suggest that the proper dose can be found by slowly putting sin gle drops under the tongue until the taste and temperature of a drop can no long er be distinguished. This is then the neutralising dose. Each subsequent day you may double the previous dose or the number of times you take them per day until you reach your target amount or the dose that you are comfortable with. A suggested amount for general health improvement and rejuvenation are 2 or 3 cu pfuls daily. More may be temporarily used to overcome serious diseases, especial ly AIDS and other viral, bacterial or fungal infections, cancer and kidney disea ses. Drink only on an empty stomach well before meals as a large amount or stron g urine after a meal may cause digestive upset. You may also need to take half a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate one or more times daily before meals to minimise allergy problems due to overacidity. In these cases ingest about one litre, the more the better, while for a limited period, say several weeks, try to drink all or most of your urine, except in the evening so that you do not have to get up at night. However, that may only be s uitable during a cleansing period. My favourite way to flush the kidneys is to drink 1 to 2 litres of urine before breakfast. Start drinking all the urine when you first wake up, lets say around 5 o'clock. Then you may urinate again and drink another lot about 6.30 and then again at 8 o'clock. Either drink sufficient in the evening so that the first mor ning urine is not too concentrated or otherwise dilute strong urine with suffici ent water. If the urine is cloudy, as it easily happens during a healing reactio n, you may use only a small amount. If the body is reasonably clean, then the ur ine does not taste offensive and reflects the aromas of the previous meal. The s econd morning urine, especially after drinking a fair amount of liquids after ri sing, is usually very mild and better to get accustomed to then the first mornin g urine.

Martin Lara ( describes injecting 1 ml of fre sh urine once or several times into a muscle, e.g. thigh or buttock. This is esp ecially recommended for cancer, strong viral infections and other serious diseas es, it also helped to eliminate asthma. The Urine Fast The most powerful form of urine therapy is a urine fast which combines two of th e most effective natural healing methods, urine therapy and fasting. This is the method routinely used by John Armstrong and described in his book The Water of Life. Armstrong had amazing results with this method and I also found it very ef fective. A main advantage of a urine fast over a water fast is a greatly increas ed amount of energy so that the fast can be continued for a much longer period. I believe that it is also more effective than a fast or cleanse on vegetable jui ces. During the urine fast you drink all of your freshly voided urine and initially s ome added water to bring the daily volume to about 5 litres. However, I suggest to gradually increase the ingested amount to full intake already before starting the fast while gradually reducing the food intake to just a few pieces of fruit or vegetable salad and fresh vegetable juices. It is possible that this combination, a small amount of fresh fruit or vegetable s and juices together with ingesting almost all of your urine is already suffici ent to cure your problem. If after a week or two you feel that you do not make e nough progress, you may then proceed with a strict urine fast for 1-4 weeks. You end the fast by using again only a small amount of fresh raw fruit or vegeta bles for another week or two, gradually increasing the amount and variety of fre sh food. As with all fasts or cleanses, it is important to keep the bowels moving daily. Initially I suggest using a tablespoon of Epsom salts together with a crushed cl ove of garlic for several mornings or evenings when starting with a greatly rest ricted food intake. This will help to avoid or minimise unpleasant cleansing symptoms, such as weakn ess, pain or nausea. However, in many cases the ingested urine will already over -stimulate the bowels with liquid discharges and then no further action is neede d. Ingest only your own freshly voided urine. Normally urine is light yellow, clear and sterile, especially if collected mid-stream, but during reactions it may be come offensive and cloudy. When ingesting a large part of your urine you should check to make sure that it is not too acid. The morning urine normally is slight ly acid, but during the day it should be slightly alkaline. You can buy litmus or pH paper from a chemist. Litmus paper is red when dipped i nto an acid solution and blue when alkaline, neutral or pH 7 is in between both colours. With pH paper you get a colour chart to compare. If the urine remains a cid during the day, which usually happens with allergies and a weak sugar metabo lism or if eating much fruit, then take 1/2 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate once or several times daily in water, but not within 3 hours after meals, until the u rine remains alkaline during the day. However, those with cancer should use potassium bicarbonate (from a chemist) ins tead of sodium bicarbonate. If the body is too acid, sometimes the emotions beco me overly sensitive with a tendency to inflammations, mouth ulcers and strong sk in reactions.

With cancer, oedema and infectious diseases the effectiveness of urine therapy c an be increased by taking daily 1-6 teaspoons of urea (e.g. in water or juices) in divided doses; you may take 3-6 teaspoons when only a small amount of urine i s ingested and progressively less with larger urine intakes, leaving it off comp letely when nearly half or more of the daily urine is ingested. Homoeopathic Urine A final possibility is to use urine in homoeopathic form. The simplest way to pr epare it is as follows: To one teaspoon of non-chlorinated water add one drop of fresh urine. Shake it v igorously in a small bottle about 50 times with a sharp downward stroke. One dro p of this mixture is then added to another teaspoon of water, shaken again and t hen the whole procedure repeated a third time. Place 3 drops under the tongue se veral times daily. When it is used up, wait a few days and then prepare a new ho moeopathic remedy. In order to find the most effective potency add one more step to each subsequent preparation of the remedy, that is dilute it a fourth, a fif th and a sixth time and so forth. Start with such higher dilutions, say sixth po tency, especially if a remedy is made from fluid such as pus derived from a dise ased part of the body. An alternative method is even simpler and recommended as an introduction to urin e therapy and at times when cupfuls of urine are not tolerated. To 1 tablespoon of morning urine add 4 or 9 tablespoons of non-chlorinated water . Shake 50 times with a sharp downward stroke, and take a spoonful several times during the day; keep in the mouth for a minute before swallowing. Martin Lara ( developed a universal remedy supp osedly effective against all microbes. Dilute 2 drops of urine with 1 tablespoon of non-chlorinated water. During an infection keep one drop of this under the t ongue every 2 hours. Homoeopathically energised remedies should not be exposed to strong magnetic or electromagnetic fields. Keep this urine remedy only lightly covered in a cool pl ace but not in an electric refrigerator, and make up fresh daily. Social Considerations The main problem when starting urine therapy is our social conditioning. You may overcome that by reading and contemplating about the expected health benefits. The taste of urine is not normally offensive, except if the body is rather pollu ted or when fasting or with strongly concentrated urine. Therefore, dilute stron g urine, start with a small and gradually increasing amounts or have a day on fr uit before starting to ingest urine. Minimise salt and strong spices in the diet when on urine therapy. An easy way to drink urine or any other unpleasant fluid for beginners is by bre athing only through the mouth and possibly pinching the nose until the mouth has been rinsed with water or juice or a piece of fruit may be eaten. External Use For skin problems such as burns, wounds, gangrene, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis , fungus problems ageing skin as well as over inner tumours, inflammations and d iseased organs a urine or urea pack or a combination of both is very effective: keep the affected area covered with a folded cloth well moistened with urine or concentrated urea solution, put another cloth or plastic sheet on top, renew sev

eral times daily. Urine becomes more alkaline when standing for a few hours and is then more effec tive than fresh urine for external applications. However it also smells much mor e and fresh urine seems to be adequate in my experience. With gangrene, dead fle sh, skin infections and open cancer and ulcer sores it is even more effective to saturate the applied urine with urea, that also removes offensive odours. With weeping or suppurating wounds, especially if associated with foul odour, it is a lso very beneficial to cover the area with dry urea crystals. Urine can be concentrated by leaving it for several hours in a flat dish in the sun or a warm place. This has been recommended by Armstrong for friction rubs to rejuvenate ageing skin. Armstrong also recommended urine packs over tumour site s or diseased organs in addition to rubbing the body daily for two hours with sm all amounts of urine. The main problem with urine packs is the offensive odour. You may try to prevent it by sealing the pack with a good tape, such as duct tape. You may completely seal it and keep the pack moist by injecting fresh urine several times a day wit h a syringe. References 1. Armstrong, J.W., The Water of Life. Health Science Press, Rustington, Su ssex, England 1971. 2. Bartnett, Dr B, The Miracles of Urine Therapy, Water of Life Institute, Box 22-3543, Hollywood, Florida 1988. 3. Christy, M, Your Own Perfect Medicine, Future Med, Inc Scottsdale Arizon a 85267, 1994.Lara 4. Tietze, H.W., Urine the Holy Water, Phree Books, P O Box 34, Bermagui So uth, 2546 Australia, 1996. ***************************************** urine therapy Drink water from your own cistern, flowing water from your own well. (The Bo ok of Proverbs 5:15)* But Rabshakeh said, Hath my master sent me to thy master and to thee to spea k these words? hath he not sent me to the men that sit upon the wall, that they may eat their own dung, and drink their own piss with you? (Isaiah 36:12)* (See also 2 Kings 18:27)* More than three million Chinese drink their own urine in the belief it is go od for their health, according to the official Xinhua news agency. Urine therapy refers to one of several uses of urine to prevent or cure sickness , to enhance beauty, or to cleanse one's bowels. Most devotees drink the midstre am of their morning urine. Some prefer it straight and steaming hot; others mix it with juice or serve it over fruit. Some prefer a couple of urine drops mixed with a tablespoon of water applied sublingually several times a day. Some wash t hemselves in their own golden fluid to improve their skin quality. Many modern J apanese women are said to engage in urine bathing. The truly daring use their ow n urine as an enema. Urine is not quite the breakfast of champions, but it is th e elixir of choice of a number of holy men in India where drinking urine has bee n practiced for thousands of years. The drink is also the preferred pick-me-up f

or a growing number of naturopaths and other advocates of "nature cures." The main attractions of this ultimate home brew are its cost, availability and porta bility. It is much cheaper than that other "water of life," whiskey (uisge beath a), which also has been hailed for its medicinal qualities. Unlike whiskey, howe ver, urine is always available, everyone carries a supply at all times, and, for most people, there are no intoxicating side effects. Furthermore, the urge to o verindulge is almost absent when drinking urine. The same can't be said for goo d single malt such as Highland Park or a good whiskey such as Black Bush. Many advocates claim that urine is a panacea. There is practically nothing it wo n't cure. Urine is said to be effective against the flu, the common cold, broken bones, toothache, dry skin, psoriasis and all other skin problems. It is said t o deter aging and is helpful with AIDS, allergies, animal and snake bites, as thma, heart disease, hypertension, burns, cancer, chemical intoxication, chicken pox, enteritis, constipation, and pneumonia. Urine is said to be effective agai nst dysentery, edema, eczema, eye irritation, fatigue, fever, gonorrhea, gout, b loody urine, smallpox, immunological disorders, infections, infertility, baldnes s, insomnia, jaundice, hepatitis, Kaposi's sarcoma, leprosy, lymphatic disorder, urticaria, morning sickness, hangover, obesity, papilloma virus, parasitoses, gastric ulcer, rheumatism, birthmarks, stroke, congestion, lumbago, typhus, ga stritis, depression, cold sore, tuberculosis, tetanus, Parkinson's disease, foot fungus, and diabetes and other endocrine related diseases. Some enthusiasts see urine therapy as a divine manifestation of cosmic intelligence. They use urine to unleash their kundalini, sending it straight into the third eye, bringing ins tant enlightenment.* With such wondrous properties, it is amazing that science bothered developing me dicine when it had the key to good health already in the bottle, so to speak. Ea ch of us is a walking pharmacopoeia. Homer Smith (Man and His Gods) once wrote t hat "man is a machine for turning wine into urine." Little did he know that man is a machine for turning just about anything into a medicinal tonic. According t o urninophiles, the medical establishment has conspired to keep us ignorant of t he wonder drug we all carry in our bladders. One self-proclaimed expert on the s ubject claims ...the medical community has already been aware of [urine's] astounding effi cacy for decades, and yet none of us has ever been told about it. Why? Maybe the y think it's too controversial. Or maybe, more accurately, there wasn't any mone tary reward for telling people what scientists know about one of the most extrao rdinary natural healing elements in the world.* This is a common argument from defenders of alternative therapies: the greed of medical doctors leads them to conspire against chiropractors, chelation therapis ts, etc. The evidence for this conspiracy wouldn't fill a specimen beaker. Part of the alleged conspiracy to keep us ignorant of the wonders of our own wee wee is the fact that many people think urine is poisonous. Urine is generally not to xic and you will not die of uremic poisoning if you start your day off with a cu p of your own golden fluid. However, it hardly seems fair to blame the medical e stablishment for the general public's ignorance on this matter. In any case, jus t because something is not toxic does not mean it is good for you. Hair is not t oxic, either, and even though it might be a good source of roughage, it is gener ally not desirable to put hair in food. Furthermore, while it is true that some of the constituents of urine are being u sed and tested for their potential or actual therapeutic value, it does not foll ow that drinking one's urine is therapeutic. It may be discovered that one of th e chemicals in human urine is effective for fighting cancer. However, drinking one's own urine is not likely going to supply enough of any cancer-fighting subs tance to do any good. It is also true that some of the substances in urine are g ood for you. For example, if you are ingesting more vitamin C (a water soluble v

itamin) than your body needs or can process, you will excrete it in your urine. It doesn't follow that drinking your urine is a good way to get vitamin C into y our body. An orange or a tablet might be preferable. However, if you are urinati ng excess vitamin C, what do you think your body will do with the vitamin C you ingest with your urine? If you guessed that it would get rid of it, you guessed right. The reason your urine contains vitamins and minerals is that your body di dn't need them or couldn't use them. You might as well pour water into a full gl ass as reuptake your excess vitamins and minerals. Even urea, which can be toxic in very high doses, occurs in such minute quantities in the average person's ur ine that there is very little chance of poisoning from drinking one's own urine . Unfortunately, however, not everybody can just jump right in and start drinking their own urine without negative side effects. The Chinese Association of Urine Therapy1 warns that Common symptoms include diarrhea, itch, pain, fatigue, soreness of the s houlder, fever, etc. These symptoms appear more frequently in patients sufferin g long term or more serious illnesses, and symptoms may repeat several times. E ach episode may last 3-7 days, but sometimes it may last one month, or even wor se over 6 months. It is a pity that many give up urine therapy because of such bad episode [sic]. Recovery reaction is just like the darkness before sunrise. If one persists and overcomes the difficulty, one can enjoy the eventual happin ess of healthy life. These same people advise that "All kinds of throat inflammation can be helped by gargling with urine to which a bit of saffron has been added" and "drinking one ounce of urine . . . is more beneficial to the average person than a fully staf fed multi-billion dollar medical center." I was unable to find their evidence fo r these claims. Perhaps the evidence was produced at the First World Conference on Urine Therapy which took place in India in February 1996. Or maybe it came up in 1998 during the Second World Conference on Urine Therapy held in Germany. religion and urine The origin of this unusual practice seems to be certain religious rites among Hi ndus, where it is called amaroli in tantric religious traditions. The tantric tr adition is known for flouting conventional behavior as a means of establishing t he moral superiority of its practitioners. It is also possible that this practic e is related to superstitions based on sympathetic magic. Since urine is emitted from the same bodily organ used in sex, perhaps it was thought that by drinking one's urine one was swallowing some sort of sexual energizer. In any case, it is unlikely that Indians some 4,000 years ago had scientific reasons for drinki ng their own urine. In Siberia, some found drinking urine was a way to continue the hallucinogenic a nd spiritual effects of special mushrooms: In many regions where the fly agaric was consumed, it was a very expensive a rticle of trade-so expensive that frequently a tribesman traded a reindeer for o ne or two mushrooms. At certain times and in some areas, the mushrooms were natu rally rare and hard to find. During the long Siberian winters, the more affluent tribesmen were able to store up supplies of the dried mushrooms in large quanti ties for winter consumption. The poorer individuals, none the less anxious to us e the agaric, were often frustrated by the cost and limited supply of the plants . Whether as a result of this scarcity or not, these people discovered that th e urine of an intoxicated person was capable, when drunk, of inducing a similar intoxication in another individual. The effects from the urine are said to be on

ly slightly less inebriating than of the dose of the mushroom itself. An early a ccount of this curious practice states of the Koryaks that "when they make a fea st, they pour water on some of these mushrooms and boil them. They then drink th e liquor, which intoxicates them; the poorer sort, who cannot afford to lay in a store of these mushrooms, post themselves on these occasions round the huts of the rich and watch the opportunity of the guests coming down to make water and t hen hold a wooden bowl to receive the urine, which they drink off greedily, as h aving still some virtue of the mushroom in it; and by this way they also get dru nk." Not only is the urine of another person drunk but an individual may utilize his own urine, frequently still warm, thus prolonging the action of the original mushrooms or renewing their effect several times. A drunken Koryak may even car ry his own urine with him on a reindeer trek to continue his intoxication as lon g as possible.* This gives new meaning to the Beatle's line: "Get high with a little help from m y friends." blood, amniotic fluid, and urine Another rather unscientific notion which seems to be accepted by urinophiles is that urine is really blood, since it is the byproduct of blood filtering by the kidneys. It is unlikely that if you need a blood transfusion that urine will wor k just as well. Another misleading claim being made by urninophiles is that amniotic fluid is no thing but urine: fetal urine. If it is good for the fetus, it should be good for all of us. Here is what urine expert Martha Christy has to say on the subject: . . . the amniotic fluid that surrounds human infants in the womb is pri marily urine. Actually, the infant "breathes in" urine-filled amniotic fluid con tinually, and without this fluid, the lungs don't develop. Doctors also believe that the softness of baby skin and the ability of in-utero infants to heal quick ly without scarring after pre-birth surgery is due to the therapeutic properties of the urine-filled amniotic fluid. Some of the chemicals found in amniotic fluid are not going to be found in most urine samples. It is misleading, to say the least, to claim that amniotic fluid is "primarily" urine. It would be more accurate to say that they are both primar ily water. I don't know what doctors she is talking about, but most parents will tell you that when their babies came out of the womb their skin was anything bu t beautiful. Comparisons to wrinkly prunes are quite common. So is comparison to one's skin after being in the swimming pool for a long time. The baby's skin be comes soft only after it has been out of its liquid environment for some time. T here is a reason for that, according to Kim Kelly, a naturopathic doctor and nur se from Seattle. Newborns don't produce oil from their sebaceous glands until se veral weeks after their birth, which is why they often appear to have dry, flaky skin. Rather than amniotic fluid contributing to soft skin, according to Kelly, babies in the womb are protected by vernix, a creamy substance that serves as a barrier between the baby and the amniotic fluid. So, unless your urine is full of vernix, using it as a skin lotion is unlikely to work as a moisturizer. the nature of urine What is urine? Urine is usually yellow or clear, depending upon a person's healt h and diet. It usually has an ammonia-like odor due to the nitrogenous wastes th at make up about 5% of the fluid (the remaining 95% is water). Certain foods can affect the odor, however. For example, asparagus breaks down into several sulfu r-containing compounds that imparts a putrid odor upon excretion.*

Urine is a slightly acidic fluid which carries waste from the kidneys to the out side world. The kidneys have millions of nephrons which filter toxins, waste, in gested water and mineral salts out of the bloodstream. The kidneys regulate bloo d acidity by excreting excessive alkaline salts when necessary. The chief consti tuent of the nitrogenous wastes in urine is urea, a product of protein decomposi tion. Urea is, among other things, a diuretic. Average adult urine production is from one to two quarts a day. The bladder, where urine is stored for discharge, holds on average about 16-20 ounces of fluid, though the average discharge is a bout half that amount. In addition to uric acid, ammonia, and creatine, urine co nsists of many other waste products in minute quantities. Being a waste product does not mean that a substance is toxic or harmful. It mea ns that the body cannot absorb the substance at the present time. We might think of many of urine's constituents as if they were leftovers from a meal. We could throw the excess food away or we could eat it later after diluting it substanti ally with water and putting it in the blender. With urine, unfortunately, we can not ingest waste products in the form they had when first ingested. For most people most of the time, one's own urine is not likely to be harmful. H owever, it is not likely to be healthful or useful except for those rare occasio ns when one is buried beneath a building or lost at sea for a week or two. In su ch situations drinking one's own urine might be the difference between life and death. As a daily tonic, there are much tastier ways to introduce healthful prod ucts into one's blood stream. See also alternative health practice. 1 72, Wu Kon Lio Road, Wuku Industrial Park, Taipei Hsien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: G 886-2-2988446. --If you want on time success, use our 117-102 book exam product and exam 642-983 training study guide. You can also use our superb exam pass resources like exam 70-647 braindumps along with exam 642-971 audio exam and JN0-332 dumps. --reader comments further reading websites Urine Therapy - The Doctors "Why Bogus Therapies Often Seem to Work" by Barry L. Beyerstein, Ph.D. Quackwatch "Taking the Piss - Is Urine Drinking a Good Idea? Paul Willis interview Dr. Robe rt Farnsworth, a leading Australian urologist The Restaurant of Urine-Altering Cuisine (humor) news stories

From culture to cow urine: The moral paradoxes of India's Hindu right (A new sof t drink featuring cow urine as its central ingredient is part of a radical Hindu movement in India that wants to eliminate all things Western, like Coca Cola. G au Jal, or Cow Water, is being touted by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) a s a healthy alternative to major soft drinks like Coke and Pepsi.* Many Indians consume cow dung and urine, believing that they are conducive to good health. Gr oups like the RSS pose the greatest dilemma for democracies: free speech allows advocating the end of equality and freedom. Such groups are noticeable in non-de mocracies, like the Taliban in Afghanistan, but they can wreak havoc even in the world's largest democracy, India.) Thais drink urine as alternative medicine - BBC * Yes, I know, I've taken this quote out of context. I'll do anything for a joke . Apparently, the true message of the passage is to warn against adultery. As fa r as I know, not even Deuteronomy or Leviticus advise drinking urine. However, n either calls it an abomination, either. Last updated 19-Dec-2011 ******************************** AN AMAZING UNTOLD STORY There is an extraordinary natural healing substance, produced by our own bodies, that modern medical science has proven to be one of the most powerful natural m edicines known to man. Unlike many other natural medical therapies, this method requires no monetary investment or doctor's intervention and can be easily acces sed and used at any time. The extensive medical research findings on this natural medicine have never been compiled and released to the general public before now, but those who have been fortunate enough to hear about this medicine and use it have found that it can produce often astounding healing even when all other therapies have failed. This book tells of the doctors, medical researchers and the hundreds of other pe ople who have used this extraordinary medicine throughout our century to cure a huge variety of common illnesses and combat even the most incurable diseases. Th is is the extraordinary untold story of a natural healing substance so remarkabl e that it can only be called our own perfect medicine. My own experience with this little-known natural medicine began as a result of m y search for an answer to many years of serious chronic illnesses that had begun very early in life. Like thousands of people today, I had developed chronic, de generative disorders that couldn't be helped by conventional medicine and which threatened to destroy permanently my ability to work, function and simply enjoy life. When I was young, I suffered through the same measles, mumps, chicken pox and co lds that everyone else did. And like other children, I played hard, worked hard, and dreamed of the day when I would become a vigorous, emancipated teenager, ju st like everyone else. But, for me, that particular dream wasn't going to come t rue. One beautiful July morning at the age of 12, I awoke with a start. Suddenly, sur prised and frightened, I realised I was lying in a dark red pool of blood that w as so large it had soaked through even the thick layers of my mattress. Tremblin g and weak, I pushed myself up out of bed and felt a horrible, wrenching pain te ar through my abdomen.

My worried mother came running in answer to my screams, but, after assessing the situation, said there really wasn't much she could do about the pain of my firs t menstrual period. But what neither she nor I knew at the time was that what sh ould have been a natural transition to adolescence and menstruating was, for me, going to become a waking nightmare that lasted almost 30 years. At the onset of each one of my monthly menstrual periods I would invariably end up either in my doctor's office or at the emergency room of the hospital screami ng with pain, bleeding copiously and passing huge clots of blood. For several months after my 'periods from hell' began, my mother chauffeured me around the city from doctor to doctor with no success until our family doctor fi nally instituted a monthly regimen of painkillers such as Demerol or Darvon inje ctions and then sent me home with a big, round bottle of full-strength prescript ion codeine with which I proceeded to dope myself senseless for the next eight t o 10 days. This same cycle was repeated every month for almost 20 years. Throughout adolescence, the simple everyday functions of getting up and going to school were an often monumental and utterly exhausting effort for me. Unlike th e rest of my family and friends, I had marked periods of extreme exhaustion. I b ecame extremely susceptible to colds and flu and felt bone-chillingly cold all t he time-even in the warmest summer weather. By the age of 14, the effort of combating severe chronic pain and fatigue while trying to keep up normal activities became impossible. I collapsed and had to be hospitalised and removed from school for several months. But even after a huge battery of medical tests and innumerable visits with doctors and specialists, no one was able to diagnose what was causing my problems. After many weeks I returned to school and struggled through the high-school year s with the aid of generous amounts of codeine and other strong painkillers that my doctor willingly prescribed. But by the time I left home for college, the sym ptoms of bleeding, exhaustion, pain and digestive problems became so bad that I often was unable even to leave my room or take part in daily activities. I kept up the Demerol injections and codeine for many years and added to my regi men several other new painkillers and drugs which had been developed for menstru al problems. But the problems continued unabated, and in the ensuing years I dev eloped myriad other serious health problems. During the years from age 18 to 30 I was diagnosed with pelvic inflammatory dise ase, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease or ileitis (a chronic, painful inflamma tion of the colon), chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), Hashimoto's disease (a disor der of the thyroid gland) and mononucleosis. I had severe chronic kidney infections, two miscarriages, chronic cystitis, seve re candida and external yeast infections along with marked adrenal insufficiency and serious chronic ear and sinus infections for which I was prescribed antibio tics on an ongoing basis for several years. Food and chemical allergies also bec ame a big problem, and even though I ate almost nothing because of my extreme fo od allergies, I actually kept gaining weight, which only added to the discomfort of all the other health disorders with which I was dealing. The bottles of drugs I had taken during this time could have filled a small land fill, but none of my illnesses or disorders had been resolved and, in fact, they were more debilitating than ever. It seemed as though I had become nothing more than a walking encyclopaedia of disease, and the worst part about the entire si tuation was that no matter how many failed drug therapies I tried, any visit to the doctor's office only resulted in another discouraging failure.

Another big problem was the drug side-effects. I felt like a ping-pong ball, bou ncing from one drug to another as my doctors kept prescribing more and different drugs to counteract the side- effects of the ones I was already taking. By the time I turned 30, the natural health movement was really picking up speed , and, desperate for any solution, I tried out the Adelle Davis nutrition regime n, megavitamin therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic care and every herbal preparat ion and drug-free natural health therapy that I could find. Within two years, my chronic cystitis cleared up and the menstrual pain and blee ding markedly decreased. The ulcerative colitis also responded and the sinus inf ections disappeared. I felt that I was slowly and surely regaining strength and health and even beginning to experience a portion of the energy and vigour that 'normal' healthy people enjoy-and all without drugs. When I conceived my son at 34 and made it through the first trimester without mi scarrying, I felt as though I'd conquered the final health frontier. Unfortunate ly, in my burst of enthusiasm, I underestimated the impact of pregnancy on my un derstandably frail health, and the birth for which I had so carefully prepared w as a near-fatal disaster requiring emergency surgery. As it turned out, even despite all the illness and pain I'd gone through in the years before the birth, all of it seemed like child's play after I ran head-on i nto the serious complications of a difficult childbirth. For months after the birth I hounded my g and severe abdominal cramps, cystitis My natural health treatments would give 't seem to have the same beneficial and y pregnancy. gynaecologist, complaining of unremittin and horribly painful menstrual periods. temporary relief but, mystifyingly, didn lasting effects that they'd had before m

I underwent every conceivable medical test, each of which came back negative, bu t the problems just didn't go away. My doctor flinched every time I walked in th e door and then sent me back out again with increasingly severe assurances that the pain was "unwarranted" and probably all in my head. After alienating every doctor in town with my complaints, I finally gave up and decided to 'suffer in silence' until one hot summer day, almost 24 months after the birth, I suddenly fell screaming with pain on my living room floor in front of my terrified two- year-old. I literally had to crawl to the phone to call my husband. When he carried me, screeching, into my OB's office, the doctor clicked his tongue disapprovingly. "Now it can't be that bad, dear. We just checked you out a few months ago," he cajoled. He gave me codeine and sent me home. Forty-eight hours later I was in the operat ing room having emergency surgery for multiple-ruptured ovarian tumours. A couple of days after the procedure, my doctor sauntered into my hospital room with a conciliatory grin on his face. "Gee," he drawled apologetically, "we had no idea anything like this was going to happen. Your ovary looked horrible-engor ged to the size of a grapefruit. No wonder you were hurting. Sorry you had to go so long without help but, you know, the tests just never turned up anything. An d oh, by the way, the pathologist found a little endometriosis in your right ova ry." Endometriosis is an incurable women's disease in which uterine tissue for some u nknown reason detaches itself from the uterus, moves to other locations in the b ody and attaches itself to other organs or body tissue. This misplaced uterine t issue spontaneously bleeds in response to hormonal changes, causing internal ble eding, scarring and often excruciating pain that can destroy the woman's ability to live and function normally. This disease is not uncommon among women, but it

is incurable, at least by conventional medical standards. My "little" endometriosis turned into the monster that ate Tokyo. Three months a fter my doctor had 'successfully' operated, I was again sitting in the ultrasoun d room at the hospital, watching as several new endometrial tumours appeared on the monitor screen, accompanied by the usual excruciating pelvic pain, internal bleeding, constipation, haemorrhagic cystitis and acute exhaustion. After the ultrasound I decided to contact a doctor who was recommended to me as an expert on endometriosis. He told me that he felt that my health problems had originally stemmed from undiagnosed severe endometriosis and an underactive thyr oid which had probably been present since adolescence. He recommended an immedia te hysterectomy, which I underwent. The day after the operation, the doctor visi ted me and compassionately whispered that I would "never have a problem with end ometriosis again". But he was wrong. Twenty months later, I had more tumours and another operation. Three months afte r that, the pain, tumours and internal bleeding reappeared and I was scheduled f or what would by now have been my sixth surgical procedure in five years, which I refused to undergo. Desperate and seriously debilitated, I flew to Mexico where I spent $15,000 on a n intensive course of intravenous megavitamin and live-cell therapy at one of th e alternative cancer clinics which had offered some hope for my case. For weeks, doctors poured nutrients and natural medicines into my veins and mouth. I watch ed as many of the cancer patients around me seemed to get better and better with the treatments. And I did, too-for about two months. I spent my 40th birthday hopelessly sick and in bed, which was where I stayed th at entire year. The drugs, operations and Mexican treatments had completely fail ed, and my usual herbs and homoeopathic remedies, although they gave temporary r elief, seemed almost useless against the disease. And by now, even though I had health insurance, my husband and I had spent over $100,000 of our own money, and still I couldn't even get out of bed. I had one last surgery which removed another large bleeding tumour. When I got h ome from the hospital I weighed 89 pounds and developed a post-surgical infectio n which required several courses of antibiotics. After taking the antibiotics, I developed an extremely severe case of candida (yeast infection). My hands and a rms became covered with a horribly itchy fungal infection that nothing could rel ieve or cure, and I remained generally exhausted, bedridden and in intense pain. Because of the surgeries, I was also experiencing early and severe menopausal mptoms: hot flushes, mood swings, water retention and depression. But because dometriosis is exacerbated by oestrogen, my doctor recommended that I refrain om taking oestrogen supplements which she said would have relieved the severe d very unpleasant symptoms. sy en fr an

Several months after the surgery, the all-too-familiar endometrial symptoms retu rned. My doctor assured me that all was well, but when I asked for and received my surgical records from the hospital I found she had written that "all attempts to remove endometriosis will be done, but complete surgical care can rarely be guaranteed; the patient may require further therapy for endometriosis, medically or surgically". For my exhausted and bewildered husband and myself, this progno sis seemed like an insurmountable and final defeat. I had one more heart-to-heart talk with a gynaecologist who told me, "Given the severity of your case, the reality is that you could be facing a lifetime of cor rective surgery." Given the state of my health at the time, I couldn't envision that "lifetime" meant anything more for me than a few additional years of mind-n

umbing pain and misery before my body finally gave out. After nearly a lifetime of illness, these last episodes in my late thirties and early forties seemed like the final blow, and in all honesty I felt that there w as no way out and no hope in sight. No matter how many times I'd been assured by my doctors that drugs and surgery would cure the endometriosis and my other dis orders and make it possible for me to live a normal life, the doctors had been p roven wrong. A few weeks later when I heard that one of my friends from the cancer clinic had died in his sleep, I felt sad for his family but happy for him because he was f inally free of his pain and suffering. In many ways I felt that he was the lucky one and I almost wished that the same thing would happen to me. It seemed that death would have been a blessing, especially so that my family could be freed fr om the seemingly never-ending burden of my illness and be able to get on with th eir lives. Sitting alone and discouraged one morning, I glanced up dismally from a book I w as reading when my husband came into the room. "I've got something else we can t ry, honey," he chirped enthusiastically, and proceeded to describe his conversat ion with a woman who had cured herself of a serious and reportedly incurable kid ney disorder by using an unusual therapy. "Whaaat!" I responded after he told me what the therapy was. "I don't think so," I said, and went back to reading my b ook. But after several more days and many more horrible episodes of pain and drugs, m y husband handed me a small book and said, "You've got to try this." I picked up the book and began to read. The small, unpretentious-looking book was full of fascinating stories about peop le who had been cured of even the worst diseases with a seemingly strange and li ttle-known natural therapy. The therapy seemed incredibly effective, yet I still felt reluctant to try it. But as I read further on in the book, the stories wer e so compelling and the therapy was so simple that suddenly it didn't seem stran ge or preposterous to me any more. And at this point in my now nearly futile exi stence, I knew I had absolutely nothing to lose by trying it-so I did. From the first day I began the therapy, to my immense surprise I got almost inst antaneous relief from my incurable constipation and fluid retention. Within a we ek, my severe abdominal and pelvic pain was unbelievably gone. The chronic cystitis and yeast infections (internal and external) soon disappear ed, and food allergies, exhaustion and digestive problems all began to heal. After a few more months of the therapy I noticed that, amazingly, my colds, flu, sore throats and viral symptoms, all of which had resurfaced and become chronic after the surgeries, now rarely made an appearance. My hair, which had fallen o ut in handfuls after my fifth surgery, became thick and lustrous, my weight norm alised and my energy and strength increased so markedly that I was even able to work again. Last summer I hiked four miles into the Grand Canyon. For the first time in many years I can swim and even comfortably ride horseback or on my mountain bike for hours at a time-all formerly unimaginable activities. Much to my own and my fam ily's amazement, I am back at work. After 30 years of almost non-stop illness, I have a rich, full life again-and all because of an unbelievably simple and effe ctive natural medicine that almost none of us even knows exists. This natural therapy became, for me, a priceless gift of health, as it has for m any others. It gave the fastest, most dramatic results of any natural or manmade medical treatment I have ever tried and was truly the miraculous happy ending t

o my long story of illness and failed medical treatments. By using this simple, natural medicine, along with other natural healing approaches such as homoeopath y, herbs, good nutrition and rest, I have been able to remain consistently disea se-free and I feel better and stronger than I have ever felt in my life since th at fateful day in July so many years ago. And even though this natural medicine seemed so peculiar to me at first, I later discovered to my surprise that medical researchers have been intensively studyi ng and using this medicinal substance for decades. As a matter of fact, unknown to the vast majority of the public, this incredibly simple and wonderful natural treatment is a well-proven medical therapy that ha s been used extensively and successfully throughout the 20th century by doctors and researchers from many different branches of medicine all over the world and has been shown to be amazingly effective in treating a huge variety of illnesses . It's time that all of us should know about this therapy and about the medical re search findings on this truly remarkable natural medicine-which is why I have wr itten this book. Up until this point, whenever anyone wrote or talked about using this substance for healing, they've been told that it's just an unproven folk remedy or old wiv es' tale. But, as you'll discover in the following pages, this is completely untrue. The t ruth is that doctors and medical researchers for years have scientifically prove n the tremendous effectiveness of this natural medicine. They just haven't told us about it-for reasons which we'll discuss later on in the book. This simple, natural method may seem less glamorous than commercial drugs and sp ace-age surgical techniques because it's not glorified by the press or hyped by sophisticated, sugar-coated advertising themes. But when all the manmade medicin es in the world can't help, people like myself have been eternally grateful to f ind that nature has provided this safe, painless solution to even seemingly incu rable illnesses. WHAT MODERN SCIENCE KNOWS ABOUT A MIRACLE MEDICINE (AND ISN'T TELLING) So what is this mystery miracle medicine and why don't any of us know anything a bout it? If the body really does produce such an amazing substance, and doctors and scientists have used it to heal people, where are the news reports, the acco lades, the commercials, the media hype? You want to know the answer? Then prepar e yourself by first opening your mind. Let go of your initial disbelief and prec onceptions and get ready for the best-kept secret in medical history. This extraordinary miracle medicine that numerous doctors, researchers and hundr eds of people have used for healing is human urine. Surprised? Now before you scream "I don't believe it!" consider this. Whether yo u know it or not, you've already re-used and reingested your urine-large amounts of it for a long period of time-and it's one of the reasons you're alive today. As medical researchers have discovered: "Urine is the main component of the amniotic fluid that bathes the human fet us. "Normally the baby 'breathes' this urine-filled amniotic fluid into its lung s. If the urinary tract is blocked, the fetus does not produce the fluid, and, w ithout it, the lungs do not develop." (G. Kolata, "Surgery on Fetuses Reveals They Heal Without Scars", The New Yo

rk Times, Medical Section, 16 August 1988) This is a fact that probably none of you without a medical background know, but the reality is that urine is absolutely vital to your body's functioning, and th e internal and external applications of urine have proven medical ramifications far beyond anything that we, the general public, can imagine. What amazes people most when they first hear about the medical use of urine is t hat they've never heard of it before. To the vast majority of mankind, urine is nothing more than a somewhat repugnant 'waste' that the body has to excrete in o rder to function. But as you'll discover, urine is not a waste product of the body but, rather, an extraordinarily valuable physiological substance that has been shown throughout the history of medical science right up until today to have profound medical us es that most of us know absolutely nothing about. One of the first things we need to clear up is the common perception of urine. U rine is not what you think it is. As a matter of fact, you probably have no idea what urine is or how your body makes it. In reality, urine is not, as most of us believe, the excess water from food and liquids that goes through the intestines and is ejected from the body. I know th at we generally think of urine in just this way: you eat and drink, the intestin es 'wring' out the good stuff in the food, and the urine is the leftover, dirty, waste water that your body doesn't want, so it should never, ever be reintroduc ed into the body in any form-right? Wrong. No matter how popular a conception, this commonly shared scenario may be, it jus t isn't true. Urine is not made in your intestines. Urine is made in and by your kidneys. So what does this mean, and why should it change the way you feel abou t urine? In layman's language, this is how and why urine is made in the body. When you ea t, the food you ingest is eventually broken down in the stomach and intestines i nto extremely small molecules. These molecules are absorbed into tiny tubules in the intestinal wall and then pass through these tubes into the bloodstream. The blood circulates throughout your body, carrying these food molecules and oth er nutrients along with critical immune-defence and regulating elements such as red and white blood cells, antibodies, plasma, microscopic proteins, hormones, e nzymes, etc., which are all manufactured at different locations in the body. The blood continually distributes its load of life-sustaining elements throughout t he body, nourishing every cell and protecting the body from disease. As it flows through the body, this nutrient-filled blood passes through the live r where toxins are removed and later excreted from the body in the form of solid waste. Eventually, this purified, 'cleaned' blood makes its way to the kidneys. When the blood enters d intricate system of literally 'squeezed' ounts of water, salts ed at the time. the kidneys it is filtered through an immensely complex minute tubules, called nephron, through which the blood at high pressure. This filtering process removes excess and other elements in the blood that your body does not an is am ne

These excess elements are collected within the kidney in the form of a purified, sterile, watery solution called urine. Many of the constituents of this filtere d watery solution, or urine, are then re-absorbed by the nephron and delivered b ack into the bloodstream. The remainder of the urine passes out of the kidneys i nto the bladder and is then excreted from the body.

So, you say, the body's gotten rid of this stuff for a reason-so why would we wa nt to use it again? And here's the catch. The function of the kidneys is to keep the various elements in your blood balanced. The kidneys do not filter out impo rtant elements in the blood because those elements in themselves are toxic or po isonous or bad for the body, but simply because the body did not need that parti cular concentration of that element at the time it was excreted. And medical researchers have discovered that many of the elements of the blood t hat are found in urine have enormous medicinal value, and when they are reintrod uced into the body they boost the body's immune defences and stimulate healing i n a way that nothing else does. As medical research has revealed: "One of the most important functions of the kidney is to excrete material an d substances for which the body has no immediate need..." (A.
