
Nature, Master of Anticipation

Nature, Master of Anticipation By author Ariane PageNicole de Bavelaere

What is it?the invariance of the laws of nature and coherence Today, symmetry serves as a guiding principle in the search for further unification and progress. frame of reference, the observer, changes perceptionUNUS MUNDUS

Depending on the level of reference, this model is :Ancient Egyptians would say Five GodsJung : Five ArchetypesNature: Master of the Five Elements (the LIFE model)Brain: organiser of five functionsScientists: organises five states of matter from the fifth dimensionSystem Science: a model that informs energy (matter) through time and space, to its purpose.

David Bohm

Wolgang Pauli

Werner Heisenberg

Albert Einstein

Psychoanalyst Carl G. JungWhat is it and Where is it?





ArtWhere do we find the LIFE model?In the human Brain

Where else can we find it?

What does it says about who we are ? Why is it?Our science answers the what and how, philosophy answers the who and why

Nature-ExchangesBrain physical structures5 dimensionsConsciousness

DiversityFrom the cell to the psycheGlobalDiversifiedAuto regulatedAnticipativeMultilevelUniversal 2ndforecastPsychic Regulator

OvereverythingforesightanticipationprospectionRetension and protension

But it all starts here

and here

This allows natures nurturinghereMost recent brain structures need nurturing to develop

and the expression of consciousness within naturehereThank YouMerciGrazie Mille a TuttiAmbience Forest Birds Sound / Royalty Free Music2011149401.05