
YOU R CH AN CE. . ..To help oQf i«rTle«Bif»—cootrtbol*

leBtrsuiIy to the B«d Crofi wir (wid. If ran KTtn’t r«ni«c(rd. Ua<e 7onr lOb- KTlpllen »t K«d Crou headqturtm ta

tb’o l<Uho P « « r •met*. TwJa F»1U. _


Edvird A. 0'Nr«i «f the Amerlna r4 fo OoTTUi (rdtntlao ladar uxrd tonCTm ta adspl a. (ana prt>tnm which wkrd for % tenxCT tudoitfUl w«rk.w«k

dffmnrnt ef nt«skU7 f&rm worttn froA the drmfk

orfl<Ul Cllr >d4CsUBU NfwiMpvr TW IN FAL LS . ID A H O , M ONDAY. M ARC H 15. lOW MrmWr Pf Aoijii PRICE 5 CENTS


WASHIKOTON. Marcll 15 <UPJ - BMr^tan'of SUte Cordrlt Hull nnd DrltUh ForelRn 6ccrelar>' Antlio»i' Eden today began a ieclcr. ot -cun* fcrcncM tUn«l at Mtaltilng a cora- jilcte aKrecmcnl between the United Stales and Orcat Crluln on all In- t«mitlonaI policies during and

I was accompanltd on Jifl Tlilt to Uie male department by I^rd Halifax, tiie DrltWi flmbassa- dor. Hull hart relumed only a few

"'lioun earlier from a fortnlBlH'* rest In Florida.

AMOClates who jrccled Hull re. ported lhat he appeured rclffshrd and fSKcr to rr.sume hh ncllvc rtl- rcetlon of American foreign policy,

tien Wa^ee Eden earlier In the day talked for

an hour »ltli Vice-President Henrj' A. WiUlace.

a'luncheon at Uie iw y dcpart- nicnt wlih Secretary of Na\->’ Frank Knox and high ranklnc nnval of­ficers follQied the Hull conference. ThLi afternoon Edcii conferred ollh Sir ArUiur Sailer, head of the Brlt- bh »hlpplnK mLulon here.

Eden wild he expected l« confer with Hull "one nr two more" iimr^ He also expecLi to nee nil inenibcrj ot.Uif,cabinet durlnu the week.

IIlKh ranlUns Einic deparimrnt of' flclnl.1 were cniled to parUelpate In Uie Eden confercncea after the llffllnarleB.

Kenalon ru»li Plan Simultaneously, four senators,

couraRcd by While House appi of ihelr broad objective. prep.ircd to aslc Ihe senate to endorse Uielr proiwal for nn Immediate confer­ence of United Natloai reprcjenta- tlves on flvc-polnt program to win the war and set up an Inlematlonnl police forte to funrd nsalnst ^ u re aggresilon.

Eden is not parUclpatIng in the lilstufiicM ol Uie p\B«. loT tloser allied eoopernUon which U belnj

. tponnortd by Uie' tennte ffroup. but (he lecUlaton' obJecUves are in line «'1U) what Eden and ItuH'ore un­dertaking and the diplomats have been eUcournged by this demonstra­tion from the capliol.

Tlje senate plan was prer.ented to President Rooievelt jestrrdav by Iw four authors-Seav Lister lUll. D. Ala.. C.irl Hatch. D . N. M.. Harold H. Burton. R.. O , and Jo.neiih Jl. Dill. n.. Mlmi.


ALOlEnS. Marcll 15 lUPj-Bellrf grew t«Iay Uiat Archbishop Francli J. Bpcllnisn. who broadcast an as- lurnnce of victory to nlllp<l trooi« In north Africa yesterday, wa.i on an Important dlplomaUc mliilon for the Amtrlcjin goveninient.

The most llkelv tiubjecl of the mlwloii. It was brilevi-d hrre. would ; concern |X>islbllll>- nf n j.epafali fljlled i>eacc Tvlth Italy.

Tlic suelale'R imir ol tlir pollU- cal and war frotiu of Eurupe. nm Africa have Uken him to Portugal, Spain and the Vatican. Among ous ptr^otlBgcs with whom he ferred with Portuguese Premier Dr. Antonia De Ollvtira Salarar. Ociv ernlUslmo FraticLwo Franco o: Spain, and Pope Plus XII.

nibi week he will copter with vorl' Otis alllevl lenders In north Africa Including Qen. Dwight D. Elsen. liutitr imd the American minister Robert Murphy, before rtlumlng t< the United Slatrj whetr. It wa.s un. derjlood, he will report to Prrsl. dent Roosevelt.

Tlie archbishop hns been extreme­ly reUcent about thU trip.

Church sources In the United States have anld Spellman's visit to Uie Vatican concerned purely rt louj affairs, but If Uiat were t U was pointed out. It could not eount tor his Impending conferei

Message for Help in Alaskan Snow

Coul gusrdt. ararehlng Ui< with » mesMce In the mow. , woods larrowj' where irrfrBt i A woman punrnccr wai aid and two others were In the wooda.

le of guanlsmen may be seen tnkklnc iben of the searching party appear to b

■d In the crash, the pilot died seeking help: tu c •ed by the toast goard—one being rescued on i

eraili. signal to asilstlng planes roBiU the snow to a spot In the lustered about a sled in the snow,

men walked to the coast for lied—after spending a month

Giraud Draws Decrees to End Last Yichy Influence

REVENUE 0 OPEN 1 0 1 0 P,c T»'in Falls Internal : on the sefond floor

l«jlofflce bulIdUiB will rema 111 10 p. m. today

uiy Collector Cecil Pfost Today midnight Li t

accept the urns. Uep. announced.


FDR Gets Butter

At but One MealWASHINGTON. March 15 ( « -

Hie White House for weeks has been serving butler at breakfast only, Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt said today by way of explaining Uiat the presl-

dcntlal mansion Is ready for butter, meat and cheese raUonlng which goe.s Into effect March 29.

Mrs. RoMevelt Introduced OPA’s tj’plcal housewife. Mrs. PhlUp Crowlle. Huron, S. D., at her prc-vi conference. Mrs. Crowlle told the women reporters she believes hoard- •Jng has been more headlined Uiar aUrmlng fact. BiWlng; "Ifs Just puttlnc more atteniton on U\e naughty child in .Uie family Uian on Uie good children."

Tlie South Dakota woman, who kept and raised Uiree clill- dren In the pnsl'2i) yean. Insisted that ahe's really a working house­wife who bakes her oa-r) bread.

Mrs. Crowlle said her Job Is to help Uio houjewlfe see how to make OPA poUcy work oace it's esuib- Ushed.

Income lax pajen by I intc<l ihousnndjr^ninny a-llmer.'-ii<5od In evei ing IhiM tliroiiRhoui. tb?

today wiuiiig to flic Uielr rctufn i betorp the nildnlsht drulllnc.

Kicn greatrr'crowds were nv by tlw e!Ui\Uiallos\ tor. tUf tlrsl of ihc rcqulrrinrnt for noinrltl returiu, Uius permitting all wUhed simply to mall checks, n orders or even cash.

Sui many clUes. Ineludlni^ Salt Lake Cll^. reported record numbers 'at Inti-rnnl revenue colleclloi flee and iw.iiofflce money B-lnrlows throughout Uie moi Police allied In liandllnB .suti the oroad^.

Despite ic.ittercd re[X)rli Ot il.ny; let ' after

Waslilngionry otflcluls li •d confidence lid ppny,

At Cleveland, whence camo first reporu of u pos.slble i.ix Rtrlkc, Collector Frank F. Oentich rci»rt- fd that week-end returns were more Uian twice the number for Uie first two months of Uie year. He added Uiat Uio,ie who had threatened nol to pay "evidently have been Jolted out of UiLdcXlaJiL-atUtude-and-iire -brpmilng to renllre that all these

if 'pay-a.s-jou-K0‘ don’t mc.iii. thing n

Action to Free

Feed Wheat SeenBOISE, March 15 (.r^-Oovemor

Boitollsen sold today he had receiv­ed a telegram from Senator John Tliomo-s' office Indicating that Uie house of repreaentaUvfs would con­sider A Joint resoluUon to permit

sale of 100 million bu.\liels of government wheat at a lOO per-ient 'om parity today, or at the latest, imeume UiU week.nie telegram came In response > a n-Jre Govemar DotlJlfsen and

SeM,lot Thomas dlsjiatchtd BaWr- day.

Tlie wire read: •'Die house Joint reioluUon to permit the sale of 100,000.000 bushels of nddlUonal gov­ernment wheat at 100 per cent com parity la now ot) the house calendar and tk-ill be Uken up tocay-orsome- Ume this week. Tlie department haa removed all resUlcUons on the'sale of hot wheat and on planting 1M3 wheat acreaicct."

ALGIERS, Marth IS f/IO — Reliable sAQrtet- aald U«n. Jean Mkrle Dergcrcl. « member of Cen. Henri CIraod'i war commlltec who Jia.i been heavily erlUclsed as pro-Vleliy, luinded In his resignation today and It was ■eeepted. «


A L G IE R S , .March 15 Geii. Henri Giraii.l, afu*r offer-

ih>r to muct Gen. Charte.s Dc G im lle half-\v;iy in a u iiio ii.thh t "m us t be I'ffeclctI" nmonK' a ll iiiiti-axi.s. Frtiiicltmun fiK h tinp for u rebirth of ilio French republic, lotlay draflud a serio.s

o f dccrec.s reinidiatitiK' the ia.sL vostiKe.s of Vichy influence in 'th and Africa.


iced.Pohce arrested llie two youths,In mid booked tlinii on /ccond de-

•ee grand liirceiiy fliargcs.


DENVEU. March 15-Jack Cody, fell into a cactui intch — but

•ther knew wh.u to dii,Dr. Glen Cody gol busy wlih Ills •iita! forcep. A ho.''pUal examlna- □n nfi^rward .-howccl the exlrac-

Miirch 15— Ing a hard- lat bulging. j.hopIlflWK.

PIGEONSDENVER. Mitrch 15 - Wllllal

Svobodn Uilnks ma.vbe he'll get 111 properly back ngaln.

tSl'o burglars wiio broke Inlo hi ihed took six homing plBeoiu.

IIQU.S-8ST. LOUIS. .March 15-11'k com > (he iwint where wartime difflcu'

changc . planiselection. When Arthur fiiiben Uie pianist, appeared here with Uie symphony orchestra, he was all set ta play the linhnvs concetto. In­tend. he played a Beethoven nuni- er. .Tile cJiange was made necc.*jary

because ihe Brahms concerio re- q^ulred Uiree French horw and Uie

hovcil number two — and the Uilrd horn player was called for in- ducUon.

Oh yea, for ihe.fhiale. Uie Uilrd horn pitvj-er was rejected by the ex­amining board and he appeared in time lo play, nubeastelri was taklnff no more chances—he stuck to Bee­thoven.

GE.N. SOMEIlVtLLOCALA.'Fla.. March 15 (-J->-Mrs.

Louise Hampton Wartniann and LleuL Ofn. Brehon Burke Uomer- vell. clilef of the army’s senlces of supply whom she first met when he waa ft West Point cadet, were manled today.

a Cns;ibl;inc alh, the civil ;uui nillltary cum inder-ln-chlef abo dt'clo.ii^ Urn

veltJIn I* of300,000 men rquljiiircl can wiMpons and .•■ol'mnly promis­ed Uie people nf hi.*, ronqucred homeland Uiat -ihelr siicred rlRliLs lo choose n provv.ioiial Koveninieni ihemsehM will be lully safeuuitrd- ed.”

Ker* .Mutiul ^^llre^hlp

Olraud did fjit mention Dr Gaulle by i a .-specfh l!Dc Gaulle could «oik out a form of mutual irusleeshlji iifntlhiK Uic day of victory when tlicir frrtxl peoplc.n could choose thrlr o*n lr;iders by ballot "ftccordluR to lUe rules of the French republic,


e implied li;

nf the Atlnhilc cli;ir;'nbollj: .11 Vlrhy

ncl Iclples

Uoiu In norUi Alrlrn Incliidl elecUon of nmnlciiwl n.'.*rmbll :onsub general.^nil -to.-ell: nil axLi InlUltncc wheUicr

Japs Massing New Threat To Australia—MacArtfiiir

• Hr The ANNOclalrd I't

The Jii|iani'.*i«.' arc ni Khiiw, •nun anti planc.s in a new threat lo Australiuflhi lime at their liime.s to the of the .south !’«• cific ‘fonlinenl. (k-n. Duuk'lay MacArlhur warned today.

Hr Jlk- D<'till ■ :.vrrc(l s

iine;.e (it Klvkji damaged snrritl airplanes wlillr elflc oUier Illrr>

Nav iiiKjUf

riilhii; the Jnp-the Aleutlnn? lundcd enemy

*. 310;"North Pacific

Hamate Jap rinne*“1. During the evening nf March

13ih. army Wnrlmuk.s iCura-.s P-40) apd LIghlnlnKs (UK-IUier<l P-30)

■ Japai .........................KIska and damiKcd ^c ed planes.

••South Paclllc;“2. On March 13;•'(A) Army LlBlitnlnn

de.stroycd a small Ja| ncndova Lslnnd

Georgia group.-(Ul Ul>erat«.r Uei

rcnnsollilifled) tncki

ral ground-

irnf'd and e:,e vp.wl the 111

Shorila il l.Onn Ihc

Viinliera -led out minor at-

pcsltlon/i In the rea and iit " central Soli planes reiu.... dUclo.'.cd by Uir the presence of Klskn—the flrsi

Umo such.................... ............iiiiny week.-., l l i r mid upon the ly base In tlie Aleti"


IIA L IN S ASSERT, R O O P S H IP S U iIly The A«»oelated Pre

Uillar I de-iinlfjuc broadcast

,, „ c^'urdid by ThAv'oclated Pre-.i totlav that Ui i3,5C0-ton liner Emprew nf Cin.-idi Allen with i.'ooii.'.. lind been Min n the Ailnntlc by an Italian sub

nie. mfir:allied qu;

■n e En-.prt'j. ot Cm« i rrew ve.vrl of 21.M7

;otallng 02.000 t IS of the Allani 'aim aho v

Ion of lhL<; Icrs.». n twin-

acltlc rail' : at Glns- •. 1030, Uif he list of

illled aii-.horltlej.

Persistent„Heii Lays an Egg--

It’s Coinjiig Red Cross Cash!

By .MKHVIN HIIOE.MAKEIIA certain black Minorca hen Ju^t

couldn't have knuwn what she wa* doing f5r her coiiniry. btii her con­tribution b none the les.s valuable Uj Uie Red Cravi Tvar fund drive.

A resident of the Draiidt farm wc^t of Murtaugh. IJlddy felt the egg-laylnc nrse during the auction sale held Ulere .March 10. and sought her nccuMomcd place In a building that wa.i being used by Hftiuen women j.ervlng lunch lo make money for the Red Cro.\a drive. She wa.s driven out several times, hut by |>er;i'siencc she mnn- ftficd to get In onrc and to stay long

igh for her dally chore . , . Ui'-ing c

After AucUoneer W. J. Hollenbeck liftd sold the pies thai Ttmalrv«l

hen the farm Sflle was over, aome- ne offered the itrs tor sale. Dy ale and resale Uie cKg brought

J29 In fled Crorj money at this sale, and the last iiurehiiier didn't take Jt,

Mrs. Hollenbeck Uien took the egg to ft meeUng of Uie Pait Noble

‘ I club, a. RejeKah lodge or- ;lon of which the Is presi­

dent. oad there the ege vos aucUoq*

Retl Cro.*-’. and BK!»ln the purcha.'.e

I Menill ijori eUtiK.of the . Dy this III ind decorated

eltTlien Mrv Co

Uie eKS for a n .^hlne Circle cU) had been boiled a Red Ctofx At Uils meellng It wld for n loinl of

Two tUib meeVlnRh UiW wttV have' spoken fnr the egg- nnd will auction It at Uiejr sc.wloiw' Already Uie egg Is worth JS3.25. and no one kno«.% what the loUil »111 be before It com­pletes the rounds. On the basLi of Red CrcPi- e.'.tlmaie.s lhat *10 give.-. Red Cro;« service to one man for a year.' HIddy already has done her bit by fl»e men flghung In the southwest Pacific or In norUi Af­rica. and she may lake care reslment, belore It.s’s over.

It Is planned that Uie ftnal sale of Uie egg will be at a district Re- bekah lodtie meeting March 30.w;lth representative. from Duhl. Filer and Twin Krlls meeting at the Odd Fellows hal\

Obseners aL o saw In Uils Incl- the old quesUon,

t first.-whIcJi .. en?" rint, but Uie egg goes c

egg•Tlie hei


Allies Win Aerial Fight off Algeria


A L L I K I ) IIK A D Q U A R .

THUS, North A frica. Marcl: 15 (U,R) — Ami'ricaii b-.nilHT.-

flown hy Hrili.-<h crrws ha\t

attacked enemy p c ;'

.side llie iMiireth lii Ill'll iihiiiL's have .-co

iff lheAlK«-n :JJicd ctirtuntj/

f.i ;ml ;




•ated ;

out" operaVin Mitfhcll I •

e widely . .p . hiffhliKhled

-ative iiuict alntiK the Ttini.-^ian front. Tlien- o in e patrol activity

amounted to •fcclinK'

d srrt air force: o the UrltWi elghlh tiri ip and/rfown t^e .Marn ackmi?laAls Ior*iird 1»<.'.II cere e;<orU-d by Urltbl iiid Klttyhawks.One SplUIre j.quarfron {

il air force sjioctcd elgh Iclnkel-lll lorix'do ben he Al«erlan eoa.'.l yesterday. In th<

enduing combat one of Uie Oetmai dciiroyed and o’Jier:


Axis Attacks Shipping

AxU torpedo bombera have t>een :i»cklns Billed shipping along the

Algerian coasu AlUiough Uio commimlqup men- oncd no big scale land llglillnc.

Uie Antlers radio carried si hint Uuil- an Important allied drive might- Cfltlns under w»y. In nortliem Tunisia. It reported Ui»t allied troops, aupporied by arUlIery and tanks, have begun an attack In the Tameris area.

Tlie Algiers radio abo rejwrted Uiat RAP plane.i fmm Malta blew

axis ship and damaged twonhcrs of a off ii

ll ie broadc.v.t did not .^peclfy t ale of the land allnrk and It w

cU&r Isnmtdla'

Dallle May Ufl Nej

Tunbla fnllo*ed drawn! from ncv> souUie.-wt of Tamo; siblc cnclrclenient.


CAHfb. Mnrrh 15 allied

I W C O I H i ii i i z n i sfeTOCKHOL.M, .M.*r.-h 15 >'J?.--

SWfill'h neuuvii •.11(1 lo.Isv th.-it German rroiVt:iU'-l' Minl-.t-T Jo­seph Ooebl)i-b\lind Mriiiallv ndmll- led bv InfrreiiVe that Adolf Hiller

till >\iirrme command of n ainVv Ii.ul left the e;.M-

Battle Scenes


Smolcnvk K.-»lug.i«

This e ■ lhabsltl* -bat speU' tn the tl

taole KouUd-iuiI sUvgtlr- ‘Hic trd* hare eaptnrtd th» strwtegip rail t)Bb ot Vyssma and are i>Qsh- Int «o t« Ihnftttn nu)->1(1 8 n GmnamtUlm«4 m a p tm • ( K lmtav, lapertanl Vkralae rludel.


planes wert reported tcday to i dropping arms and murUUCEU to >Trnch patriot artpfti hVllng In the Frr.neh Alf» and ^ f'j!!-«ale balt^e apr<ire<l hirly after a n»a ultJ-

for Uielr furrrnde/ etpirratonUli

.Martial Isv alrrKl}' ha: eiared at Ttionon on th' .s'lorc of Lake Geneva a; prrllmLniry clvs ies belw«

bren de

u:ed lejr gaj and hj je'eral •klrtiiL'Jies. ->-Ailled planes arr

t:i diylijh! m t

SwLy repo:

« l.l to ha i:d gmudei Ul



AxMclated Pms War Editor

The i>o-<se.s.sion of Kharkov. I'o.'.siblo jiimpinif-off plncc for

a th ird jjreat German summer iffensive in a last desperate ■ffort to crush Uu.ssin, wtui in

doubt today a.‘< the nazia an- iiicetl ii.s recapture

Russian dispatchw indicated

the r\'d army \va.H wajrinR n liattle UKainst Krent odd.s to hold th a t k istion o f the Uk-

Nol concedinjr the \os.s of Ihe hij: .steoJ city which they

captured Feb. IG. or even ad-

m iltiiiK fiuhtinR w ith in the city itself, the Rus-sians never­

theless admitted th a t the ir line.s had been propressively

forecd back in the "K harkov rea” in the face of hundreds if ttiuks and overwhelmingly

ujK-rior German numbers. 'During the day »nd nlghl red

.my- men of one unit rrpulsed W- e.vjni Hl'Jertte aiuck.\“ Ihe coni- Iiuniq;ie from Mo>eo« announced, t rr;Ktt-;ed the desirucilon of U en-

em.v tanks and COO enemy soldleni in hand-to-hand fighting ta oo« ^a;a»..'ector.

rtalm Itrcaptnr*CUL-nlnc a sort of vtndleaUorx tor

Adolf Hiller's SS-combal unlti-ol! the naxl p>ul>'a cUle guard—the German high command last nlsht annnunrrd the rrcapturc of the city he;d by ihe Oermnns from October, 1941. until la-'t FrbruK> and-gave the entire credit for Uic Immediate oprrailon to the SS and Uie Genn&n air force. -

The ctxnnsunlque said the caj>- turf wa.s eflKte<l by hard nglitlnB »«Ter»l d*y< and cul.T»ln»to8 In an tcctrenair Cijrai:do'fram cortA «ad e»s{. sooth and wwU

T^e RuuUns clalrsKl to be rtdtng roughshod oerr Qennsn fortified »yit«as on the central froat. bxit thfjr tun wne at least 80 m lln cast of Smolou):. the key pooltJoD In Ult’er^ poelticns wrtl of Mcaconr. as the; adraoced alons the railroad"" fttim captured Vj-aana. “nve cam* mualque announced the cnptur« -of SemlcTO. 14 miles west or \Taaaa.

Neartnr Sa»>ra%k TB Uie roruhwest of VJaama, how-

trer. Uicy apparroUy were wlUiln •» ra«< L C*tsBa «>

F A R P A E i E R y lA I lA n A C K E D

,DES MOINES. Msrch 15 .4’— Gov, B. li. IIickenlof>per of Iowa iPdsy io;d a ecnferener of cftnibrU .Mate irovemors that feileral regulj- UcMis on the rali>^ilii; of farm nn- c.'imrr - art -tap.-scUca IQ .U lC.. pcinl of ImilUliner.''."

In an udclr^vi jveiiarcd for the ll-\taie meeuns. caUed U> welch farm m.-vnix>«Tr aqd miichlncry problemv in the llglil of Increased food iv'o::uciloa f<jil*. Hlckenioopcr

Ihe Gi !m front. \

Goebbel-i t-.Iit .$i

ickluilm ro: Ooebl)el>

making i

il.rfnce in He, hat h- . ;1W in

mil Miprem'f Oermnllv> afnird orce .The pre.','! r<ni(erenre wn« called

bv Gorbbels follo«lnK the clrcuU- - imier WM 111.

t-ondon and WaMilncton had t.iken otflclal cog.

Uie ne'^^ttmer.i;The i>a;rn.; am

lo num:<r morr i; the Hau!e-&noie r.u;em Fi;>n,-e a: French ainiy of:i.

Tie e’..v he.M;l I I»rt o f » r.a!\':;w: off by Vloh\-::,>;: up 400WO >'ler.v;i ilc'ii :o Gerusnv ;

Tlie B:i:l.Oi ra.l ni'vn.v haiK'el the

Frenrlwien f”: tov! t'reiKh •;-«'Lr’.-.'.a:


;o-.-Ai;eci lu'

of fix-vl'.'ine:-

of I

IW. oijc'rfhiitaB'V 1 ihpy wertv^i^

B ont h u \XH\

ovemment in granl-

inufnctur* neo', saj*

F\* i;rii:.< r.11 Uie market UiU r.';y.-nil.l.'n >houM have bceu n :».v: Ju 'j bu tji wa-s wiihlieid :l ro.iie;i:ne ni October, There- r oTclrrj had lo be placnl for

Man.v n-.iiiunlr.i have not yet ned ^tfTl fr>f UiPir lOU pr«Juc* »nd It !■. btc. Tery lMc,-TiroJ>»

e nf tphi____ _____,pe<;lllc ro siipport^Uitn.- Goebb'U-ieM'liie rorTr.spondent.s

h»t llie.German people am taking , “much more realblic" attitude to- vnrd the British nlr raids on Uielr titles, negarrilnt I

the rcmmunl.'Gotbbelj falcl:

••If the Rurslaii >team roller ap­peared at Uie banks of the Dnelper. Uie Polish border or Warsaw, the Gemianx no longer would have to look for friends becaa^e eTer>-body

lid understand wlut Is at stake."

Man Stabbed to Death in Hotel

.SALT L.\#:r em\ Mirrh l i .I* -Bnioe M. B.'isrte. IS, was st.-vbbrd to death diirirvS a fUht la a down-to«n hcielti:tc-lOK'a».

One cf seiTtaJ men r»po,*ted U have b«n driritng price to Iht fight Wa.' arrested for Quej;lc<rdr. .

AnnouncementDeuils of an Increaj*- lA,Tl3ics-

Ncwa fui&crlptloa nt«s. effecUr* AprU 1. will be found in k g p e ^ announcrment today cm pa*e T.

Unul that date, new ceden aad rtne»cal» wUl be accepted at pres*.

DeWitt Dissolves Evacuation Unit

SAN m.\NCISCO. M.\rch 15 m -It-s diiuea UriuaUy co--npleled. Ui« wartime clnl control sdmlnlstraUc^j wv dwcCvtd today W Ucut. Gen.J. L. >WUU cuiiuiundtns -c! Uie wMiem dcfewe ctsnmMid.

DeWtrt created the agency Marsh 11. 19U. o handle Ui# evactiaUon | ol perv>.-u rJ vapaneM ancwtry i fra-n Uie Padfli. It super»Ued the | remo\-al of »&IU Amerle»n-bom and alien Japanese to lempoary. aumbly ccnura in Wuhlncioi^ - ■ Ottcto, AHwaa. »nd C»UfomU.,

il tw lt,«f dlrtcUr to|

tg t u ' w r :Us» Nor. X tBdtef tiM mlStiBr I'-l — - of Ihe m nu tlon


hice 1 wo ,TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Monday, Marcl^l

w m m f f l sO f NEW M T S

Desert Lady


■nic liri

V ])fliinbrr I

l;il n lUlt

rcxic Gatfit rail ..Mnlldnlny (incl Lnj.liln. bcKlniiliiK of the Duriiin wlirrr lliry NCorrcI dlrfct oil ihr tall ••K'cl .•uppnrt.i- •r«-o of Iho blE bombrra w<rr lost, lioVcvcr. Ihr lirst lov r.i of Ihli lypc tn Burmn Mncc Nov. 23,

Tlie Amtrlc.-iiu ftlM> .•in.vlipd nl Ih* Molllmrln clock.-, nnti Ihr l>n:im- Uaiinc brldKC nfir RaiiKonn,

Tlie Tokyo r;icllo nnnnimcf<l thnt Prrinlrr Hldekl Tojo hn<l returiittl to Jtipan from NMiklne on liL first official vLilt oiiuirte Jnptvn. anil had cxcluuiKsd '•frnnk vlrw.\" willi Wniic CTiln8-'<fl. CliliiMr piiinxl prrmlcf of the Niinklnf rcslmc.

Answer Fil«l l(f^

Grants Act CaseBOIS^:. Mardi 15 (,T>-Secrctary

of Slatp Oforgf H. Ciirll'j today fllfd with the Mat^ suprcmp rour' hla ansik’fr t<j th# pcUtlon of OcnrKi Lukcr of PocaU-llo for on allcmatlv writ of prohthlllon tn retrain him from' prlnlliiK ihr taw which ri*- pcftletl thp senior elUicns' sront-i Jri'

EN.GIRM^o u s i m i D

r rUrttr<l.lli;il iiitltni !■, Iiiill'.pfi blc. I /.imuld likr u;II llio'r v.lm aari)l Ihr Inidlll-.i

lirlMliiks <»{A lltiJiIIni; di li-n.itl

hriulnl Ijy U< ii. Clci.rirr-, Ciilrinix in Ali:lrr.' :.hrrlly, ,i

.jKcd i..(;',' 10 jnlti llie t miU-1. KtOtliil.

/ nv. o .w ix*; o rr iM is ru 'l.ONCX)N. 'NUirc'li l.’i IUP‘-G|

:iiarlp;. De Omillr Kxli.v iMtli'dOc Iciirl Ilmuiri' Clr:ii»lV. new pi loiinrrnirni, (.f pnllry „u,rkl l;l<'al pioijiV..., io'x:rril Ihr (Inctrl


. Twui Falls News in Brief



ll ir Oprmuti.s Im

.ScoH uC-.Sccr111- i)(i<.MliHliy

porifd Ihp thrli nf a bicycle tu po­lice K.Murdoy iilKlii,

Now 4l n^rkrlrrI’vl. LclUjy {■'o.'.s. »lio liiyi brrll

lr.ilnlii« at Cuiiii. Itobcn.'., C*Uf,

p Cnmpbrll. Ky Mr. oiKl .'■It-

rcMdcnLi of Un

, Wanrru (<.] \V»„r.U. today In i


' (oRimltlnHrimbl;c

Kli: :ie probal

jllor lo I

at 8 p. . ;r company

lat llir dediirii ifwedlty trnnsint

CuMiblniir.AU-liThe rilur Dy the

Illativer. preparfrf by Attnri^ry

Ofneml Drrt H. Miller and AMlstant AUompy Qcnrrnl Ariel I. Crowlc act forth that the prrmanrnt w nhould be denied on three prlnclpnl sround.':

1. That the lesliilnture. and not Un aecretary of atate. prlntJ* the ih-m Ioi laws and hence tlie wrtl rrrone- oaily dlrrcted at Ciirtla. 3. Tliat Ihi repealer Inw slreariy ha-i taken effeet under I nerseirecardle.M of wheltier or not the lawi ore printed, atid the prinUitR of Uu law or failure to print It will hnvi no effect on Its validity. S.-Tlifit tt« Miprcmc court la without JurL'dlr- lion to override or intertrre will the function* of liic IrRt'latiire.

Red Cross Total

Rises to .511,178The Ttt'ln Rvlh Tied Cro.'J win

fund drive went poundliiK Into th« bark Mrelrli cilier pas'lns the half.

nrk Sat Dr,t-CharU. .....................

nouiKlnB Ill.lTS collccie<l M noon Tro more donation from sale* b;

the StockKrowfr.V CpminK'lnn com ■ pany were rrporied to t?r. Scoft b; W. J, Holknbeck, prwlilent of tin compan}'. Tlie mie of five pupplej ................... — - 1donated by I, T. Creed,

MOe of one of Uiem. netted nnC a feeder hog donited by S, W. 1>\1. ton. Murtimgh, hroujht $1. N<> co.-h- ml.-.'.loa* vere.thatsen on Uie /;aif-;

lhS!inc:‘tBad'.tti&lrm»n u id thr , total *t tiootv crpresentetl■ n»6 O to a 'u n for 1.117 Roldlen •lir-UJ# B«1 Cro.'j for one yrar.

T h e H o s p i t a l

No bed.'* V ThIii Falb c Monday.

AU.'IITIKUHnby Karen lirrri, E

Mre. Veni Williuias, Jrrnr tJISMISSKD

M(i.% MarKwcl Ma^er, I McCowan. Mrs. Herman n id Mr.'. Don Stmiaiird. ii I'nlb; Mri- VVrn Lock«o nii(] Mr>. William Juckvni

nt)' Keiieral hwplliO

lr5. John l*aut^o«.

I of Ttt in

\PATHERLima ehantt In temperature I

n lt lit Illth yeslerUay 50: low I Minlmiim lhl> mnrninc ^

:cp the W hite Flao 0/ Sa/ciS/ Flpinp

/fow eiffhl da]/s wiifioul a ■latal iro //ie dccWenf In our Magic Vallej/.

t-rench lac . to have brotmht mea >n UiuIrr.M:indln« I

them an full coopcrntlon UnUrd Nftllon.-; ^ ftr effort.


declnratlnhn tnark In many r .rocrCM toward II PlRhUnK French

r.vllmonlr.'. wl; run Kriiiirr p.-.. ia.i'lonnti‘iT~'«onatt«* Tt.e majority of

Tools, Groceries Stolen From Car

Tlie theft of tools and croci frtim a parkrd motor car wiui jxirlc^ police late Satuidny nlKht by Albert D. Wlboil. Hansen.

WlV-on toW i')oUce UmV hr parked Ills machine by thr Kimble Krocery in ilie :oo block of Shoshone Ptrect .M.«t at n:.iti p. m. It linil brcn brok. en inio niid hu tooU »nd Brocerlri stolen.ulicn-ho returned at ll::a p. m,

llie tooU wrrc coiitnlnitl I inrlM box 16 Inchrs Ions,Indies hlKh, and .-nen or , Inches wide. WlLvin mlil- Tlie

^renrhr.'., n hammer, a punch and

Hoover Declares Peace Objective

-world wh In ivace."


■, t-1 to make t

alrt In hL' pre. Amrrlc,Mir, re­vs or poMllea A lnKW pur-

: and build i 1 iSnpe to llv(

, .. . . . . . . /.aid Ui.......a betlt-“>*»^f I'ea.f

•• .'III I., k.____maklns this llmr It will lie bfx-au.'e of n Ml.-r^WU- uiiderrlnmnnK ol 111" problcflis nnd a better

■ ni'-n u lie nddi hlnl: or

tar Ur^rr tran

Man Asphyxiated In Fighting Fire

a slie hc.ird Ilie flco:.

•h 15 of a;;)liyxlaUon thl.i •ttrniiited to *ubdiip : rmrnt cf hLi home, ,nd It Slic lifp ■ love in the biue- :i the kltdien when llni! noLsfs beneaUi

lWlLM.llr.<l t- d Uu- b.v.e; rallwl U:c

itafbnie. c fire dejurt* Uie call toi-

d Mr. Malan

ulinotor was usee vail. EhunuKc of U Air. M;d;ui waj

52. J8Q, und wa.1 trade, lie waa aci ch«tcJ\ TKork. 5vi widow, two ^ 5n.s ai 31 Krandrhlldi Crandchlldt

Registiatioii r- Task SlluHs

On TuesdayDonks for reKl.-,lratlt)n of ;

for llie April H cliv ricrt'oii mornuut. it >vas

Actlnn City ,c:rlk Charlrr. 1>,

I areiJio-'-e who ha le ward to another ■KlMnid, Oiherr. u ■r If thry want to •ntfl of Suburban I’, eft- n<Idlllon.v and le Senior 6rebeck ome.i nddltlon.-i wl urhanaii street. Tlie r5r:k's o


Ineliulve. when the oft nijrn af.o from 7 to n p. Benefit of thoso who rai Vhe olllce to- teilbter

T>vo Buhl Women

Ask for Divorces

trld court Mondnv in j.uii; lilted by two Duhl wive,'.,

Mrs- Eileen Mnthr\v,i rtnm from Wilbur Mnthew:., Miiltnnmnh eoiintv, Ore., oi :if cniflfy and ilr;.prllon. -nie rled AUR, 0, ID37. In DawN.n

■ Mr., Cjirrlr O'JUlid divr I'hom Jihe

e from ■VIIll!il Fj'b. Ifi, iniR, I .She'ehnrKrd tie:, nsked riLslfxlv o

. iRe.% 10 and Id. Taylor Is ntlomey tor Ixitli Uoner*.

FDR Confers With

Farmers’ LeadersWASHIN0,1XDN. March 1,’. t V, - rc.Mdent Roodevelt called tlire> '

(iclals ol tarm orRanlzalions u White today to con.-ldcr thev termed wme of the -I, problcnii” of food productionupplle.s

r of the Nn

iWnk 1 can Miy Ih r Pre.sirii ully aware nf the oeHoil-s pri s of production and V m'I'- r all Ihe .steps i>o-.s)hle In nlil.

prixluetlon.Tlie othf

Jbbrcvk, V

Case ContinuedIt of II

e /or thre defnidai

1IU11.S o -s ordri

ll.sUlct court Monday In irbrlacv hcarliiK for Glenn OrU- ■n. Twin FalU.Judtic J. W. Porter cranted the

niuinuance on the .■.atne condltloivs iidi-r tthldi Orllfln wa.'. jiiuolrd LM tteei; to hh mother with tlie ex* fptlon thit the miui wUl be allotted 1 come 10 Twin Fall; provided he or.s not frequent pliice* where quor b available'.

a carpmTer Ive In, L, D.vivinc are '

/•To nBm fiitrtf* of H0KTHIV'>

Female Weakness»Wd.inai«yoaCIWtKr.KD?VOOS L]di» Z. rtnkham’* VeseUbl* Cora-

1* m»<!. to rrll«e prrKxllo P»ln amou*. blue f*ellfie»-<Su« to r- UoajJ mootblT duturban^.

— ItixkMin'* Compouna

Uftfii. TbouMUdJ txoeOtodl

I.rjies for Ooodlnj . .Mrs, Wultrr I), S: cary. CIoikIUik. left vi%it \-.lth lltv.•^^a^•k .Ml,-,, Caplall

1 K.iiu re.'lilrnt, Afrlra.

Ml chntrii'.

KMtihlf V ffdrral I stolen fn

.S,;t, It, IJ. llardliiK. ^tallollcd a

.Marfa Held. Tex, ha.s beea pro inotesi to technical .•.erjceanu Teel Sefseant IlurtlUnc anil H n . Hanl

H S E A R C H ! I M

WAAC .Mall Serrlre

) .Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Kirk, V w sltl; to Mr. imvi Mi:, le Ui-iilley. llaxelton, a boy. tti

and .Mrs, Jack Drnnl a Kirl. nil bo.-n aunda nd Mr;..'Wahlo M.-lchr

: S . R E lE r 9 i :lAK EN BYOEA '

Uoni June i’, la il. In Cat

; Mr, Relnke pre riled I•■vth In 1P31.SI e •I'rtnltj- LiiUieran diurfl ivivini: are hrr ehlltlrrn,

r, H, n<‘i; J. F. Rel

I. u . n^lnke, Mrs. Cart

la Tlrtlrn 1

,t Uein .nil ot Uul

indchlldren prece<ledher son, H. Chr

rvli e.s will be held ut 1 <l«v nt ihe Alben.-o -■I wilh Ri-v, W, K. Dan letatlin;. The body wi nyroii for KTyce.s an

Woman Motorist Hurt in Accidept

JKDOMK, March nckroii, Jerome, he lir.Kl__ ind fi

illrtlrd with 1 1-. "nony" ;

<Ti«ecnon he

a bun\p on e.nm Cinnej ailed to hall

BERN. Sttlterland, March ]3 uT) -Getnian troop,-, .started a houic- o-houM; el\ ch Lyon today Jor Tench youtlu re.'t-.LIiii; laborcrlpllon a.', the atMiaMrf-'sllu .....

^erlou3 hourly.the Tribune De Gr

An axl.s ultlmatui thousand heavily

Several i yoiifrs hldeoi

•iirva wii,'i rei>«ird by the i l>er to have explrrd at noon ' further defUiltc advlcea

l> thn da>;,ind.s of .sjxjn

III the Rlioiof the partlsai Hnute Covole r

The lYlbuiie co;nm.iiided by hnd bei


aids In : e L5C

•mdervous, tj

•aid' Frfnch polli all offlcerr, already tuiR ma-vslve i I area, blockln.. nu hou-ses floor by declared pliytl "

ny, TlieILspa

) Oern

i,s'Cf tlie rcKlon, nrnv.papcr La SuU.’e ■iriilc,i had thre,iten- irnniin and lullan

2 Autos Damaged

In Corner CrashDamace tolallnK appro-xlmaiely

bniiKh, route ttlmiof UK-U.-.t I

i-d olf HIKhlai and struck hLs a froMp.1 wlnt


chard i :il 10 tlie Rodabausli H. J. Uodabaugh. r

R a s m u s s e n K u n e r a lDUII1-, March IS - nmi ral .••or.

Irr,s for ^unuel Emniaimi'l R-v- iiL-.srn wllTbe held nt : p. m. .Mardl; f. nl tlie L- D. S. cluirch wtUi Rli.ho; t’llllfim llud-'on offlelailnx, Amm­an LfKlon and Veteran.s of ForrJcn Vnrs will direct Kravouir rUc/nt

ACCKrTEI) ItV N\'wo Mado Valley inr ins ft grotip enli;,t«i iv mvj- nt the r

the U,

Carthel l-'ranklln the hu-sband of O. Dnrls

Hiiritwlck, rcwtc four.’ tUiW, ai\d Pre.ston Charles HoaLst, .Tin of Wil-

E. Hoabt. llammeti.

ntKCK WRITER Fr%KIl 'jrnO.Mf^. March 15 - Rob Me-

Connell, Jerome, pleaded KUllly u iiiK a check without fiimls wlier ipiM-nTtd before Piohale Juilsi

W. O. tod,tv. He wni fined U. the amouftt of tlir check, ,nd a.vse.vsed W.40 court co -Us.

'18 ,

OIES A IJU R L E y'nUULEY. M*rch l i —

Roniney. jr.. 78. a member of Uii Burley city council, died of he*n dh.ea.'.c at 8:30 p. m, Sunday nt thi Cottafr hKpltal, He hnd been 111 about ta.o wrets.

Mr. Rximnrv. owner of the Rom ney aport.mentr. here, had been i m'mbfi d1 thr cU)' comjtU SWi term-s. He came here In 19a, afte llvlnc many yrab in UtaJi. when he wus a member ol Ulah’a second state lexlslaiure in one of Ills two terms In that txxly. lie wa* an actlvo member of thr L, D. S. church.

Born at Salt Lake City July 7. ISO*. Mr, Romnry «ii-s married to M1.-.S MAO’ Ann Needham in Octo­ber. 1036, at the Lojan temple. Tlie Romnrys lived « year' In Salt I-ik« City, and then 10 years at SmlUi- field, Utah, before coralns to Bur­ley,

Mr. Romney bi survived by hLi wife, Mn. Marj- Aiui Romney; one duuBhter, Mrs. Mari;#ret McMllUn, Pocatello, and five .sister*. Mrs, Mary Rc«.s, Salt Lake City, and Mr». Hli Scofield, Mrs. Dmln, Mrs. C. Stewart and Mrs. Richard Oallai tyne, all of Los Angeles.

Funeral iervleej alll be held I p, tn. Hiesday ftt the first ward L. D, S, Church. wlUj Dlsliop Earl Oil- ver:,on offlcaUnic. Tuesday a'lter- noon the body will be taken to Salt Lake City where funeral services will be held nt 2 p, m. Thursday In thr Larkin mortuary chapel. Burial will be In the Salt Lake City ceme- teo’ under direction of the Durley funeral home. '


'Tlic MnKle Valley's first group of farm laborers to be retrulted und«> u farm F-ecurlty ndmlnlstraUon plan of seiidlnR the nation's farm labor where It Ls needed will arrive here next week from Loufslana, ac- cordlUK to Roy C, Lane. manaRer of the FSA farm labor camp here.

understood the proup will if 50 Inborers, and It was

if them would beliought limle r wltli

Tliey will come 'Idea of workliiR the year around oi Mngie Valley -farms, rather thai for a .sraMin, Ttielr trnn^portnlloi here Is belns paid by the Rovrm- mem, winch also will pay reiuri traiL-.portjitlnn for those who e< back to Louisiana,

Recruited principally from sub-


•Jliey « 11I br a;.;li;ii if Ihe territory by Jer. employmVnt ser%-lce i


iihoiit 75 mllr.s of, Field rtl.'p,iKhe.'> ;nld Uiey had Ihe Vya.-Jnii rlvrr on a'broad front iiiid loriu-d upiier Dnlciwr

- Vy

Seen TodayTrwialeal fellow of sniudgy f*c>

tittlns on postoffhre lawn sign pro­claiming "Keep off tJic Or»;j- . . Uidy. pu l\«li biby busr;. ist'wtiiS red traffic luht on Main avenue. . pa.'.senjer car'lleeii.'< .backgroujii patnt«l a Rrrenuh tinge by fello* tired cf harinR nuty plate*. . People clastered all over lilner rootr ftt county auditor's office, flllins oui *tatc Income tax blanks with, dead­line only hours nway. . . YoungsUn heading for school »n .h « ir^rlle i u «(;l)e<lule chant's: ton trTtnsMDbTy ti) rmpbte illsclrtfw on young Robby, who Jias ninbition: t« flit along downtown sldeaalk unchiiixroned. , , Worried robin. . New face at county superintendent'! oSflcc.. . ftKtl told weMher no dtltr- rent to crowd lnsi>cctlnB - dama^i done by wrtek -ln «a.stem pert of


BOISE, March 15 (/?)—Idahoan-i by Uie hundreds (locked to st^te uicl federal tax coUectora" offlccs toda) to pay their lOU Income tajte* be- ’ore the deadline at midnight to- light. "

Federal Collector John n . Vlley •itlmated that more than 130,000 In- .•bme tax retum.i will be filed be­fore the close of today's builnfA-,— which probtOily « lll be well attet mldnighl tonight.

"If necessary," he «ald. "well stop the clock at 11:59 p. m.. and con­tinue to work until the job is done."

State Deputy Tax Collector T. O. Kelli. In ojitlclpaUon of a Iu.t min­ute riish, added, "we've a large «nerUftti {lag tliat we'll drape over ;he clock In our offlce.s at midnight lonlght If Uiere'A «tlll a. Hue of people waiting to pay their uxca."

•ew of eight ex[>erta U recelv- tum.'* in the federal bulJdlnjr. staff of the same sir© Is ac­

cepting them for the Male.Belli Rnd federal coUtcU> lUclpnte collectiona in exccM ot

last year.In lOHI 80,000 returw wer# re-


DOISF, March 15 M^Deaplthr r.l lUlpinf

pan! de

will continue to maki :y rflort to keep Id.iho’s high-

nay-1 open und free from mud and r(»ckx rau.sed by the spring runiiff ir)C D. \Vood, comml-'Jloner. said

"Wc expect trouble and we'll be lonklnK for It," hr ;,ald. •’Dcr.plie the OiorUKfs, we'll be in there pltehiiiK vWi everything wr cnn nui.'.trr,"

He emnhaslzrd th n / the state public works drjvvrtinent stands

•rnte with county hlsh- md canal dbtrteia In

ling all .sjirlng Rond threaUsUte,

ntlv cIOT.erheld fi

5- months Uie ixxsltlon of Dogo- ,-lr-.s than 50 mlle.s m>len k,

Ihe Dnlepei

t parof Sinoln

loforc' V of lh<

;hly II. (letrn ;he breaching (

the norlhea iching results I •slan offensive, drove from

.ilRht have ,hr drvrlopli

As Uir 111 wtJi towanl Sniolrnsk they i [aimed to be to;>pllnc Germi

held towns and vlllBKr,s by the r.: mnounced the ovrminnlng luse coiicentrntlon Of 200

Uller>' b.• tter1 ^

(nr eolds* eoueljitia. aniflle* nnO mu*flii arbrac«tPen«uo. u)eulv*viih«lcl.ti)t)|. inrt.1 motion Mat !.»*« Gr.n.lm* u^!.■ ,Uouliliuiui>pI>-.35«.Dciuaoal’«-nctio.

Grow Vegetable SeedMoney-Making Crops! for Many Years!!!

SEUVICF.S TtrEHDAT BURLEY. March 15 - Fu rvlees for Jamr.s S. McIntcwV

be held nt 2 p, m, Tuc.sday a' Oaklev L. D. S, talvrnacle, bodv wlI! be taken to the cliuri lOon. and may be viewed unti :lme of the service. Burial will be in the .Burley cemetery,'under direction of the Payne m o r t^ '.

ir Idaho fftnners. ALUNR, KhartO »],MO.OOO.OO for crop* of tege< Ufain aeed». TbU year — v)d lor jear» follntvlni; (he Mrnr — prodortlon ef srgr- table aredi .IIU.ST BB- INCREASED. Idaho anil esaCem Orecoo are one oC Amerlen'a flnent aeed j-rowlnt area*. <>n(xl (arniem ntay reap good prollta b)r cruulni: these e^slljr MorUable. vital rrop*. I-'nr Important Informatlnn about sthat vefetable teedi are moat n«e<le<l. write lo . . .

N o r l l i r u p , K i n ^ & C o .

Twin F«(ls, Idaho



Ray Tolki^ Here U on* of Snap­piest, Happy Khow* we have had Id % long time. We bolh k»e oot If 70« den'i *e« It! Nut-e«<ll

rine—4 Kcretn AcU

OWL Sl(OW SAT.Then Sun.. Moiu Toea. “TARZAN TRli:>miS~

With Jahnny WeUunnller A Johnny "Dey“ .Sheffield

iotf,» V lie

himilred dllfetent polnt-s,"-,V,t>od dechred.

Accused Idahoan

Held in SlayingORANGEVILLE. Idn.. March 15

(/T—Wllllnm Cehler, 37. charged with first degree murder In Friday'* rifle slaying of John P. Gilbert?, 13, Ferrttnnnd merchant, waived pre- llmlnurv examlnntton in prnbnte court and was bound over to dls- irlrt court.

A ixw-e of 20 men forced Hdiler out of his cabin near Ferdinnnd, followlnc the Rlavlns. by setting the bulldlnc nftre with gaiollne.


BOIBE. March \& (SV-Cha« A. Clark, fonner povemor. will take his oath of office today as U. S- diitrlct Judep for Idaho.

The'ceremony tentatively hius bren sft for 4 p. n». la I2ie federal court room wlUi Clerk W, D. McReyiiolds offlclsttng. The time «-*a tenutlve i,lnct the comsnli-slon paiiecj tlKiitd by RTSIdrnt Roof,estU and apprtjr- ed by the jenate had not arrived I>.st nliht..• Reurtng Judge C. C. Caransh and

Judge Clark -will make brief ad- ,dre«e-s. Jes* lln*ley of BoUe, rrp- rrsentlng the Idaho Bar a.\socUUo8. alio will p ^k- . M

J uilxe Cavanah will end It years ol iCtlvo service', but has announced pUns of conllnuins judicial seAlce on ipeclal a;.slfinmeni*,

CUrk wm be the fourtJi federal , Judge In Idaho tlnce fUteliood. James H. Beatty wa.s the Hist, j.erv- Ing from 18S0 1901. s\i«trtil«S bi Judge Frank E. Dletrlcn who vr^ed imtll 1921.

Court Suit Asks

,?407.37JudgmentJudgment tot&Uns >407.37 on tliree

counts Ls sought in a prob-ile court fcult filed against Roy ,E, Ghalln by Harry Balfcli. doing busliies* as Uie Bahh Motor company.

Of Uie toul amount. DaLsch'spetition charges tha ci\ metchanrtl-e lie Khatlo, that IG3.10 Is count ft,-,siinrd to hli stone store, ajid that on llres which hr ,- Frsnk U .Stephan 1, the plaintiff, .

«HU1 is due dellvtitd to

due on an ac 1 bv Ihe Flre- j:03S6 Ls due 'Id to Shfltto,

Party PostponedJEROME. March 15--Tlie Woih-

hiRion .vhool Pareni-Te:ic;irr «■«- -soclition hM postponed tlir intrr- national whist party, acheilulfd for this evening, to Uie evening of

I.March 22,

N O W ! E n d s T u e s d a y“ ur# Times: 1:33. 4:30. ::I8, # :« '


• ri-tMERRV MKI. Cartoon in Color Ulesl War Newa


S t a r t s W e d n e s d j i y

«.n .,W O U LLEY-M .LU PIW tf

Tn t He;E COAST G U A R D ,t h e y s a y :

“ f i A C K D R I U . ' - r o , , j . . „ p \

" F I S H —for totptdo

“ FOORtO"- fot very good, or top#

" C A I W E L - f . r . 1 , , lavprice dg«rttte

with men in the Cowt Guard




iloadaj-, ilajch IB, 19U TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO fageThie*

S. F. R O iO S UP . l i O H O O O K

FAN FR-iNasca Mwrh 15-M Ut. i:-.e coppcr, » Usuzi!).over I;a rcli.t tuC«r. He IftiaT.fcl »; t:-.e Marlct tr.d Turk » tr« i crcTfii

-Niv,- hf m U. 'S*a Pr»ac!sco »ln'; cc'.tins locia. I t l M il lh*l 10.T.C rouih!:«la moTtd Ui. If* h*rtSto»jnck Vcj oui'of « t3ob like Uila. But ttc U 5<M >=1.-•-'nifj-Ye r.o*. itU uwsh fuys- M » i o: ilic-e « m o r i r y » ' J ’“ ‘ Crjak-ro-lffi-"

Put “JUit ilmni-roUen- or not.tatd *o<l t

<i .il at h iv ir i to KO or U c cl riudy<ar'.\ c: thU *

rrE!:;a. ^T!irr va\e “li'e

•cv4;:i;;rct.% ovfr i.-.e InluTc iiu:i!3.-tJify »-'rr»'« =■«=■I coo. ■•«•- Ti-.ry I f ' ‘.vT ,n ‘ 'r'‘o- .4y, vn:ll

'I'.W »trc:-.K-inil s:ii!■f'ali ki::<'..varf rtilix-rd »< lr i;t t

■riic city ■j'-'i

iiioro p.-L'-oncr--.I»o’lcc Clilrl ChirJu Dul>a iald

tl.c citys 1.301U'r<l 01 a !V.(i2:;r (o.-vf Ja'.r '.riK

■qui:k!y to a;:> jutl (;! ic'^n lo ciWi-

• luv IMudj- c

c.'i.T.r. Ation/r:, n. lU’M !ald li'.al m -arU

u r a y f f l P E SD E A I B I I K E K

DOISE. M irth 15 0JJ5-Deputy Sheri!! J«afs Bnail o! Bot» « s tfoipcratinj: rrcm KulUp;# bruUf* n:'.ii a wrrnchrd »nklp at hli home to(*->y ntirr tcL'.s sacp: Into tloocl- ST.OVH More's crr^k. :s milfs nnrtli

. cr Uo^f. by a jr.ou- »nil Ur»li:ide «3.-lr Sur.ila,v.

Bnint fivfd WKJfir from a «t- er,' Kn'T br h»r.:;nc wto rocks ntvl PVff.tually tr.ililrj: hlJ «-».v to

?.v.r('' Frril11 rai;«!

thr of l!ie »!ter »n IdaJio Ct;^ nlptorl:-? m»irt«l ihp hUhwnv «-Ti' b'.crkpd. Tl-.r '.Tro parkrrt thrlr

__ _____ ________________ .k .


Cralc I out

i iv.-. y,x,i ;r,(l br.rt

•.uifiircl to !u»p fOTB-arrt t.*'.e' w»y brloTT llip nUdP movtr.c RtJtn. but Brunt ht arxl s xrp; in!o tlir tor-

1 };r X b.u;rr«3 aacrtJ lo

t TchM ifenirJ • loaNT !o jjreb .4 tn»rte hl\ w-BV

t »:Kllirrr

lo IS Ifpt

Reports Outline '

Projects of Club'. M;vrr;i li-Mfr:;b<T3 t

Ti;ar:cn. Tihlcii b beins ron* •t 'i«k-iliv by Mrs. Rc>b-I. rc’.fr^ca. To c!j1p thrrt »r.

;0 yuur i-Men riu-o;Ut .TJic s »re held »flir«''ClTic ciab

•'1 U;J3 !>. la.. ■■ ■Is cJub li iJdlnf ta

S i the chUdrrn> milk cto- f In ihe !of»l The

cirrifd oa UircsjKh<i;xTT»tli'n the ClUv-

the......... ii'.il ftir As^crifin Usloalllkrv. M

D u r t r ^ b ^ r s a « U « . th« Cl>*- IC'Club m emb^ {!«nied a mb- stantlal lo the Rrd Crow cliapter oJ ihU «v;mlv.

Mrs. A. K Oo:iM. Jtrcroe, kited Ciat «J1 wOTen doaale Uielr'eaitoff ny'.oa hosiery. T£»» htalfiy hirrel I* Iwrated Irt the UnrwiU departzarot .i;or« In Jeroase.

D r iv e r F in e d , J a i le dJETvOME. M»tr!i IS — Henry

Sieir.nicti Kden. jieadM cul'-ty Ftl- day berore Probate Jud{« \V. Q. Conv-'toct to a o: drtrtjvBT-hlle l. lo^lrat^ l. He v u fined JtW. jrn'.ftKTd 10 33 dAys la J»ll. atvl his (irlvrr's llcen- e inu reT^ed. S!eln* rr.cts .'aid to hire be«i amst- etl jeTrral days aco after drtnrsg hl3 car off the h ljh in j near Eden.

Here’s Summary Giving Gist of Idaho Bills Approved and Enacted Into Law

(tdljor'a nole: n»eVoIlo»ln« It a breaWown by »ob)ecU of leti ‘ UU«a puMd by tlie rvcral J<Uho lecUUtsn and approved by. Die gn rm tr — ta •Iher »ord» the Jie»- cu Uw« or tbe lu u ; Tnihnlral and m ia ^ letlilstlsa li corertd in brief ptvnua. A f " , ledilatlTc llrm.i

» J»Ja« V ditpUcaledthat n« mentldn li needed, llui tor U>« B)e*t paW Ue «ork of the 2?lh Iilabo letbUiart U Incorpof' atrd tn Ihe report.!


BOISE. Marcli Is'dJ.Pj - Tlic JM3 lesL'latiire i i i i an amfiidntoo' CUP. ir.rit^lus tUxt ll'lirotovcd'and pa.--:.pd but lew complele new Jtal-

Ix-fii-Jation for JiKcJaJ groiijw — cv.tro;)aUu. clilropmciors, eU:.—*ns r;;:jre!y .eliminated. Tlie ix.'.,srtiit;l>- .'.mrk itTKtly lo fundiinipni;il5 nnd \ia.i uiiUMially consen'nllve’ In It.'s Ilmil actions.

Tliouxtj Ihrre »w a Bcnrral move In boUj houiei' to libor;ill:c llie Male's Uquor 'mid sambUuK the leKi- l.aturf n ldfj up by npi>rov itig delmite refonu mta.\urcs rrlat Inc to Uquor and lobafco.• Summary of Uie ITT mearurrs pa.v.erf' by Uic l»jWature nnd' ap- lirv\ed‘by tl'.e Ko^tmor follov«; AjtrifOllure. lUlrrlnr and LItnloei

>'our brand ln';>rcllon tle .•.Ur ed 1“ rurb caiUe UicfU by pbc ins ihr brand la-.i>rclor' lurimenl of b v er.Iorremcnt. ’pro- MiiinK lor prlnilns of jupplemfnl: lo tlie resular brapd book, repeal' inC r.iock dro\rr j)crmlt.i. providlnt for broad ln-i>ecUon cerUIlcatei li movement of callle.

HesulalUxs .ca^v produce buyers and produce coniinLwton nierclunu. provldlaj the lailer ahall render Itemlied ilalemenl.i to the producer.

Broadetilni: the definition of -or- rlruUure labor under the imcm*p’oj7se."t cc.Tjpfn.’jllon art..

Corv«)lldaUr« fee* paid lnU> the animal Indwtor bureau of the de-

inment of sfrleullure.RepcaUrjT law.-s relallnK to res- tratlon by nacilonperj of Ilve.iiock

they .'■ell at' auciloai.ProvldtnK for wirltari- Inspection

t dair>- producu- Alloalnc reduction of butterfal

content In ice cream from H to 10 cent for flurallon and six


.\pp.'oi'rlauoiLi lor all in.'.tltullons of liUlier ediiCAllon were cm dra^- llcalli'. Appropriation for tlie com-

n schooii was .-jot* ft.' for two n aco. SivlnKj »Ttc m;<ilc iiv iroprUllons for

5 of ! ■. The fCtven »«.000 for spccIal le»!il coun-

•\ ls\v ^UKatlQM tttKl law enforcc- lent emerKcncy. About $500,000

^a i saved In eoinparlson of ftpproprlatlonj for ihe 1343-15 fl'cnl • rnnium a.' comp.ired to Uic 1341-

. biennium.. lUnk* and Ilanklnr

A!lo«lnK b:vnk.-< lo er.labll-.ll ascii- e.% or ;.o-<allpd •'IfHer » Inflows*. contvtlet »hlch now ha'e no

b.inklnff fnclUilM.Elltnlnntlnn of Winlitnfilon's blrlli- nv nnd Columbus day n.' U'o.'l nmi

t).ink Iio;ic;.i\:..ProvidliiK i> inu.-t in;iKe

tnnoTi wltJiln ilirre .ve.ini any nilr.- :.»ke.-. found on a bank juiemmt. _X<(-ral technical bw.i rrlnilnK to ilciKxsii.1 nnd loaav

Counlln and MDnlrlpaUtlc <i Rrducinic fro:n :»0 to KS" 'he

mimbrr of lubnlillanW ij(x-ev~in- In l=C(l.*^'iiU:.n. \OiaEf and provldiniji

.iiia9 i^*rvtffir*riflco.-ft>nllon of

Flags in the Sun

iJ . s. nnvy jiliDlo from NEA) • Churrh pennant over Old Glory

Indlrale* divine aertlco' Is belnj lifld aboard tbls ^Vmerlean war* ship as mornlns »un slilnes aerojj (hi n trr .

vldlnf for Mle of state timber by r.calUic Instead of Uie cruising mrl.’iod of mrwurement.


AUoB-i’ : dhlrJc-' lomak# one le\T for both bridge and road piuposes.. '

ProvldliiK ft sujpcns# fund for payment of coiinllr.i’ i!arc of ca-v>* Imr Uix IJI.OOO.OOO a ycur>.

AuthorlUiiK di-lAc imcnt of a jxtf. tlotrCTu hlichw-uy dlitrlct.


ProvldlriK ex]>erlcnce ratlns In compuiaUon of unemployment i pcn^iitlon lax.

Pr ivkliux tcvr Uic revocation ot Insurer llccl».'e. and Ilctniint; of In- .^unmce brokers,

Labornequlrlns I.ibor unions lo file nn-

tuial Jinaneliil itatrnnnl.' ftnd pro- liibl!li,ih' [ilckcllr, - or organl.-jni; of

RrcJ.1IKii-ment of lii.;lV coniniiv.lcin"loners pf'wrr

: eounllM lo 1 r i;ilirle.s to c

Klvlng commitOT lie

ve :--u.-\iir-> u. ollipr elrcllvc of- .lU ttiUiln ilir. pre;,cni mlntnum. . _______no im.n.-t

AKoaint: redL'.irlttlns of counlli t ilie Jjinuary mrellnj of Uic com iKvloner.'.rinpo»Trinir s’lrnlls lo Uvue drlv

rr.‘ and cllall[|rur ■ llcenws ln.'iea the drp.irlmenl of l»u- enforcc



Ur. and M i i Oranl Land. H»»- t.''.«r.e. Ner, are fuests at lie hocae o.' Mr. ana Mrs. P. A. TWtcr.

Mr. a:id Mrs. Prank McDonald celiTd X'orU that lhelr«a. Deo. has Ix^n i.-arjferTTd lo Arkan.'as ftxsa Tti-is. He U tn training as an air ead?’-

Kent and M am Hala. Osden. Ciah. a « ypendlns setrnt daya

Mr. and Mrs. Ediel HaJe.F'rirnds ol John Kell recelted

\ard he Is notr e«p:nyNj la war ttprk near na«horne, Net.

Do FALSE TEETHRock. Slide or Slip?

rASTTIETll. »a lTrrn. H ro ^» »• t* >»rlskb>| .0 un-r -r b>w flats. bel«i

Wia eocT I ~ 'r >> a ' *1I<K »tji or m-l. S. rs^sr. ronw, u iu «r r«N;;c. to r ix n i M tasiiM

,-1 ►-if o-<kt ■>!»» •■Iw (ilffitsr* trtaii'. Cm rASIEEIH

lenl.GlvjiiK city council' i»wer t

point deputy city clerks and I

Authorlxlnj county eotnmiisioners to reaaino atrtra^W d# Jlmlla ' IncorporaiwS elUe* oNJllajes,

AUowln.; crmeleo' \uiricls n- t»-n mills for uiilte'/p nnd p< >:is of .'ucli dUlfIca lo break

frmi the larger midilnfr>- for creation fire p."olectlon districts

Educallon AUoVlns boards of tru'lee.i of

. ivate colle;;r.v lo coivi't of a j LTium of,:4 ijcrsoiu,.

Allowtnc the board of education to reduce tewJier (juailllcaUona dur- Inc the war period,

MaJtln: technical change* la ap­portionment l.i«^ lo prerent ftchoal districts bcliiR i>ennllied for dU' RiLWnc .•■ludriiii for n-ork In

) leiTi tlcV.

Allo»lnK Junior coUejes t( le-haU mill for uiikeep of cam-

tn ti« « id otnnaslums,KUh and Came

CmnUnj gre.iler poarr to fWi and fame co.timl-'ilon', in rfKuIallort ol hunting. fWilng and trapping.

Uctjialiic fur buytr».\AUowlnc Ilrejlock met\ to kill bear

mo’.estinc U'clr herds or fixks, Reduclnc number of federal em-

ploj-es *UoKTd to purchtt.'e resident JJcrnses.

Fares tfyAUovine land couuoluloner to

sell dead and dom limber and pro-

L«rpt and Cotma

Alloaint: viomen lo .•.ene on Jurlr.'. Provldlnt: for adnimLsimuon of

nliJiilcp rsUitrj for benefit of prb' irn of w;>r i.nil clvill.m Pacific L'!- i;d prl'oncM ofihe Jaiunrn-. Technical eliiinxi-.s in probiitloii r;

ivUl.'. puh;ic;iilnn of Ip^al noilri-r' iflldavlt.v iippeal.s, r'.c.. and nllow. ii^fnch'paro’.c* of ottetid.

Hq'ctir, Peer and TobaeeoProvidliK itrlcicr rnlofcrmir.t of

lie lltiunr liiK.-. by di'iMrlnirnt of" In- ent<iirininit and .'iricier re u- moil of .-..lie of berr. ni-<liilrlnK .••t.iie bfurrf of edur.i-

Ifjti to r-.ubll.\li irmprrance courm :i pulillc .--ctiool.v IteiiUlrUu- «ll.s:ll!frs lo file prlcn

of ilulr iirrxluct.1 In .'urroundniK nltli Iho <lL'i> :.u-

l>r:ini.^ulrnt. nloii^ wil'i n Jl.'.t of Uinr lda!i/»;:rnt.-, .uul nltomry^

Pr.«!ilbllltu- lnaliil.-!i.uirr n' lo- bacfi) vrniilnK iniclilnp.s nrcr.-.ltile lo minors.

:tlillUryFWlns minimum ane for Indue-'

of Idalio.ias In ilie .'inte Kunrd• voliii I IC.

.•Marrlacc and l>liProlilbltlnK, In rifrcl, nisrrlnnc

of t;irLs iiwler 15.fVoMdlnK divorced 'couple.s may

mnrry oilirr jtrrroiu after decrer of divorce without wallinc fix monUn.

raimlnatliis covtoljoialira: nr?.-,e.-. in <lefault divorce rti

l-ublle AwliUnce CreatlnK county councils of pub­

lic assUtanco to need out “relief chlKlen.''

Prohlbltlnc tranafer of property to allow a person to become ellelble for rellrf pnnnentj.

IlepcalinK the renlor cUliens'

ruUic ileallh Providing for pre-natal and pre

marital lejti for syphilis.Qrantlnc county cnmmli.\|onerj

power lo reKuUip properly wlUi In ft radlii.' ot five mllfj of navj imd military rescnalloiu in order Uint January candlllons might clietked.

Fixing meat

cenied. •A1lO»!in: c«u:uv coiiiniL.sUinrrj lo

convey prf>iK-rt>'Wthe United States for reclamation purjioee.v.

AutJinrirlng a loinitaci beuren Idaho, Wjuiiilng and Utah in adju- dlcatini; uaiers of Dear rUrr and rrciultltic Uie soveriior lo nmwli'l three perionj to rrpre:,eiil Id.iliii on Uie trl-sute comml.vlon.

AutiioniljiK lh> governor lo en­ter Uito a compact with Nn'uda on dl.Mrlbullon of water fmm mnn Kilh creek.

Provldiiu; lor apiwlnliiieni <>f a state rerl.iinallon-en;;lncrr f(jr n {Ix-yciir term atvi nbolhlVf.S Ihr of. lice ol rummb.'notier ol rrcl.vni:;- tlon;

nevenue and Taxallau Ni) nrw taxe.i provided Mn'pt

sm.xll oiiivi on liquor nial Ix-rr iJir enlurcrnirnl ol the llrjuDr IaM.<.

llepr.,riiiic Ihe :o ivr v.m t.,x ,m Bhi.lesnle price of liquor.

Stale Affaln avaclmrut. ot 5 ^erle of Ir* per-

fcctlmr a modern bookkriplUk: tvr- leni lor the slate uudllor; mn-ol. ld;ituig ccriBln special t\nid.' oiitl ellmlnaiing others.

>V«r Emergeney Fjiactmei.t of a series uf laws pro-

leciUiR the rlghls of mtn In tlie drined forces ju re(!nrd.s piymrnU ot llcvn-e Ires. f4*curlilK of iib'cntce b.nllou. .-ecunng ot velernn bene- fli.'. etc.


WASirTNOTON. Marclt 15 (U.n>- Owtiers of meat »tock.i In "frown lockers" wlli not be, called on lo make any declaraUon of tlielr «up- pUca or to surrender any-meat cou* povA tor tl«m \mdtr the new meat ratlniiUu: p.'O^ram, prlcc admhiLi- traOon officials Mid.

.\ny purcJia:« for food lockers after Marrli 25. however, will be on exactly the s.\me baala tu those by wnill cotisuniers.

For tlic benefit of ranchers, fi merj. p.-w.pcttors nnd others w cu.slo.mary buy mf'at. chrrse, lanl nnd other Items In bulk for il-c over long periods of time, the rationing regulnilons permit forward valida­tion of couixm.'.

In c.v<-s, tJic consumer mi apply lo hU local board nnd ii) mider a.s many red .suiiiips as 1 conicmplated purchiiica Invol' eicn though .••a-ne ncrleu may n tjeeome valid tor wecfcs or montiv\ head. In exchange for he III receive iv bulk point certlflcftle hlcli will eniible him to miikc Ills '.iMitliy purclm.-c,Tlie reguInUdiis ylnce no ofJlrli

t.Mrlcllnii.1 on mn- ot the railom' food.' raised by larniers .tor the

Rn table.-, and farmers niiil their itnllles ar>! eniUlcd to n full quota

ot polni-v However, the (tovertiment Li ifiUfiUi.g ll'Al tiirin tanilllK re-

J-ilti red M;imivs f:nui thdr family book-l equal lu the iMiInt viihie ofliny of the r.itioncd foot..................

produced on tin 1 nt home.

.Jien a farmer :i-lLi any ut hi-'- home-rationed meat or butler oi other mlloncd fo(Kl. he nutoniailC' allv become.-i n (li-triiiutor and mas collect ration *t.imii-''. check', <ii ccrtlflcale.i nnd -•urrrnder ihfl col­lected points to Ol’A.

E.PAYDOISE. Ida-. .Mnrch IS (IJD —

County comniLvlomrs may lncre.v.e •sajurles of cojirTty ti/llcera for the next two years under prtnL'lons of an art pa:Jed by Uie recent Idaho iPKl'lalure. AtO'. Oen. Bert 11. Miller ruled in an opinion pd- drc.’.sed to MndL'-o:i Coujity I’roie- cutor C. W. Poole, of Hpxijurg.

Miller .suggrsied, however, that II there were any_doub!.i a.s to nuilior- itv of rujnmliiloiier.' to Incre.-Lie Ihe salarlr.s becau-e of other "Wv •ulred prohibitive net.'," a lest c i^ shotild be brought. '

Podc i)olnifd_i.'!it 111 hb request fur an opliilon'^Wt tlie cuiiiitv liud- llrt law pfrvcnted the ci'miiiL'slon-

ll'.eirles. In other word', the enuniy

of the lOO Inn; Rhieli pro-


UUiSame as federal ilandards.Reducing '■rcenta(:e of milk la

lee cream from H lo 10.Providing bo.-ird of nurser,' exnnv

liiers fhall be •comiw.ed of three nurses instead of one physician and two nurses.

n«eUistt)en 'Pr«enllnc dlverr lon of water

from >ne part of a river to






WRECKER SERVICE\Vc purchtiscd the wreckcr from

Tarr Wrccklnc ComtHiny.

Day Phone Night PhoneT29 1505-M


Tnwlees from llie War.hlncton and Kmcr^on dlsirlct.n .■ .trndeil a meet Ing of the County Tri;r;tees ar.'ocia lion In nimerl. T1ui.m- attrndlii; were Harper Huiisa);p r. U it. Peter- r-on. C. C. D.\rlow, I-'retl &hi)tldt' nnd Edwin Amp'.

Mr. and Mrs. CImd Molliti ;,worth, Mr. and Mr.'. Melvm HollliiKsworth and Mr. nnd Mtn. Finnk bmUh. of Salt Uke City, were sue.sLi of Mr. ftnd Mrs. JJonice HollliiKsworlh.

Mrs. Howard Corleys, nccompanlcd by her ilsler. Mrs. Kendall Daj'lry. Tirln PalU, has returned from Shel' ley where they vhlted Iheir par. enls. Mr. and Mrn. .\t. Peck.

Mn'. W. E. Wll.'oii nnd d.iURhler. Mardean. were recent vl' ltors li Salt LnkP Cliy.

Mrs. Pearl Range. Butte, Mont. rbdied Wlh Mrs. R, O. Oale.


TaxpayersThe first Installment of your 1W2 Income tax Ls due Montlay. March IS, Almast cverj- wotki Uie United Stales mu-st p.-iy t and tJ&cJe Sam expects you to pay ON TlitE. There are heav7 penalties If you file a dellnijuent mum. - . , ■

D E .\ D L 1 N E

MAR. 15We can help you by advancing rtmds lo meet your rcqulrementa that may be repaid on conven­ient monthly tenn.'. No security twjuJittl. Ju.%t your signature Is lufttelent No worthy person will be turned down. Use this quick friendly terrtct and we will be glad to aMlst you In making ou your return.



Phone 776


■ "Hiat following thf pllrctHe date of Ihl.' lilt (Mnt.-h .'ii and ending oil the ieconil Monday of January. in«i. the bojiril ol coinmiMlonrra of iiuy county inay. ut _auy time during the [xirlod, channr'the al- ■>0- oi liny roiinty ollirer nnd tlx tn< -imp nl a hlnlier or luarr rale than tiial fixed at the regular April lot: meeting . , , .

"It Li my opinion," wrote Miller, ‘'that your board of county com­missioners hiui the nutliority nol only lo ftr U]>oi).llir appllcullnii.i to Increa.-K- falirlf? ol county ollicers,. . . but likewise to lU ft levy trt the fjeptember mcrUiiK to provide

inrrrasp In excr.-.s of that now llxed by the county budgpt.liw".

‘‘DemonstratioirTarms’’ Will

Show Conservation MethodsA plan of cooperation between the

joll conwrvatlon wnice and Uie exteti-'loij rr ■lce In the dcveIoi>- mnit of a limited number of -dcm- onilraUon con;rn-atlon furm" i>Ian* In Mngic Volley counUes Is an- nouiicrt! by Luther Jonej. unit con- fen-BllonUsi. wliof.# oftlce Is at « i Shoshone street wuUi.

Plan-1 have been completed. Jones fjld. for the farmi of AMirr 11, WU-

Dim J. Ca«!ll and Uw- e Ilo-iblnek. all In thp lJuhl v>c.

Inlly, nnd pUns arr being drtclop- ed for the Oro^tfe C. Doushmy n.*id I, E. si.-ui:.ell farrr-i. »!-o In. Twin Falla county.

IJncoln count.v. fann\ for %. liiiv' Iiftvp been completed iirr Uio,-.e brlotih'lng to Merlni T.. I)r*lil. Wil­lard IJ. Jonrs, Charlp.i liarilpine and Clay Bunium? nnd plans nrc be­ing prrpnrrd for the Ru-j 'U Kelly and J(i.’in Turner tanns.

Tlic • far P to.trntloiui of up;

lloil pr:ii;tlccj Ui-'.rd Uiwii Uip o t>-pe und depUi, tllp .sic;*! of th land nnd the de.'ttv o! eri»-lni , Oonp cxiilallied. Tlie bnils ol #11 such plani Is a detail Mill- which llo v.1 Uip typnfVt sol ccntagf of sIo;)e. and UiV deg erosion. A flve-yeur plan Is then worked out wlUi the lamirr adopt. Ing-w^ps to the .soil lyiir In .a sy.». tenitlc rotation Umt will provide Uit rUlit nniount.s of fccxl, crop.i ntid SKU'turc.

Somo of Uie con.-en'Blloii prac- llces to be adopted In thrje fanr plan.1, according tn Jone.s. are: U1 the ii^p of alfalfa and graM as e IwO' mixture and for joil imprtn-c.

muit; (2) the use of closer and grass grmi mar.ute crop', <3> design­

ing of Irngtttlon s>Tilrms to co.itorm to Ui« soil lypc ur.d Kopc of the land wlUi Uio iiPcc.-ary trtlc! r - adequately to apply water wlthoui washing of soil: (4) the seeding of

mixture of grasses and clover tor IrrlsalM posture and Uie gmilng 'if these pa.s'^^ In a ro'

/J> Tlie U.SC of r>c n.i u w ■ovpr crop on bean land. Ma will be npplled lo the fovrr err the fall or winter and plowed i'.rr ihr following jiprlnij lor -■oil pnivement; (Ci 'tlip planllr;,; of adaptfsl trees iiroutul the lann- ;,tead for Wlndbri-.iks: and i7i'ti:r teium of crrjp ririlduri to ty lo prnvidn n .ifniw niulrh ti> ifrvent runoff and Improve fol! fertility.

.SOLmKIt COMMIS.‘<IONEI> TORT R Itry . Kan-, Marrh l i-

Tlioma.s W, Matthcwv. roulP o IJerlo, hiu been coinmKsloneti i-rcond llpulennnt In the U. 8. c: alo' upon completion nf n thn niontli training course at thr c: airy offlcrr rniKtldate scliivi; h- I.leiitenant Muithew.s !.i the fon TlmoUiy W. Matthews, Peclo.

Former Bellevue

. Woman, 50, DiesHAltinr. Ma-th U-Kcn cf th*

deaU) o: Urx M. J. 50, hMbeen rw lte d by rtlatlm b BeC*>-t iln . Biiiap diedI at the Columbus ho»pa*l ^ Se­ttle after a Short ITccsj.

Mn. Bishop. S-.«i:a M*y 51cKcsw jer. was b an May ». IJSX a pijw

ker. S. Dak- After the dea'-A ci ier mother. In 1D04. her fall*:. McKcrchcr case wcs; it ia t!s cli;;. dren. .\fier a shcr", >tay Ja Wyee-

Vhej- tas'.t ca to liiho vsl s « . lied in BeUe>-ue la OlOi She *»» marr.ed to Mtliurs J. BiiSct> a June of 1911 acd c=e dasghter waa born. Colic Be’ilih. r.jr U r^j fa Clcndile. Calif.

In May. IW3. Mr. ir.d Mr- Sl’ iuT? . moved fro.-! Dcllev.; to Surviving her are her babaad ard ilM.uihlcc. I'.er or.’.sr v.'t*r, > tv K it­tle Griffin cf BcCen:*. two trc ;^ er<. IX-aa ar.J P^y McKercher cJ

• • iln. Ciith Pew.ot Po;


ring fur burial z n i herfatier.

F i i u s r


C) 6oothes Irritation, (3) rtLcra tranum; ctassl osigatan . • • A ai brines RTCa ter b tath ia comToft. 'i-ou-U Uke C 9It. FoUC3 directiofs la foUcr. V O i

T h i s I s . W h y

T h e R e d C r o s s N e e d s Y o u r H e l p

T h is m on th , the A m e r ic a n R ed Cross asks for the funds w ith w h ich to carry o n fo r ano the r

•year its m ag n if icen t w o rk a t hom e and on the f ig h ting fro n ts . T he need for m o n e y is twice

as great. A m ericans are a sked to doub le the ir regular co n tr ib u t io n s . T he W a r C h e s t F u n d and

A n n u a l M em be rsh ip R o l l C a ll arc com bined in this cam pa ign , th c 'tW y one th a t w ill h e con*

d i.ictcd by the Rod C ross th is year. Too few o f us know all th e superb services o f thcTNcd

Cross. S top a m o m e n t to read the list o f ju i t the imporf-anf ones , g iven be low . T h e n dig

deep for your c o n tr ib u t io n to its work o f mercy:

On the War FrontsNearly 3000 Trjined Worker* in acticwi with the

armecJ forccs; , '

Stood Pbtma Supplies, with a quot.i of -1,000,000

pints of life-giving blood donallotis in 19-?3;

Army and Navy Nu«e Rccruiting for nurses fo care

' for the sick and wounded of the armed forccs,

both at home and abriMd.

Help fo PfIioner» of War— packages of food and clothing; letters from horn*,- word to families at

home; _

Oveneat Clubt and Rest Centenwhere men can get American

food, comfortable beds, free en-

tertainmenl and little personif

Fumrshingi for HoipStal Recreation

Roomi and Sunroomt in military

hospitals, for the sick ar^ con­


More than 2,000 Radios for Pa-

tieitfi, wilh which to while-owaV'

the long hour? of Illness and j»in;

Kit Bags— nearly twti million of them.for men In service;

Knitted Artfclw—warm sweaters, aocks, scarves,

helrhcts, wristlets, to ward off freezif>g weather;

Medical Te<hnologttrs— trainir>g dietitians, nutri.

Zionists ajvJ physical therapists for servJte with

the armed forces;

Word from Homo— solving problem of morale for

. men in sen/ice-who arc worried about familifs at home;

•>Furnishing Surgical Drettlngt for boys whose very

lives may dcpcrxJ upon prompt surgical treat*

On the Home FrontHomo Nursing— training ihc women at home to

mcct,^c sRortage of doctors jnd nurses;

. Fint Aid and Accident Prevention fo help

accidcnts, and to treat the injured promptly;

Home Service— advice and aid to 5cr.i;e

men's families who are In trouble;

Public Health Vlslti;—more than a million cf t'^rn

i f ^ e year, by Red Cross nurses;

DIsaiter rtellef—help fo the Korr'«.

less and injured from fires,'f^ocsjs

and other cmcrgcncies hcti: at


Nunes'Aides — training wemcn j j

helpers in hospitals, to meet the

shortage of hospital nurses;

Nutrition Training to keep the crrre

fronJ properly fed and hcjlthN in..

times of rationing and shortases;

Ccvillan Relief to the war-stricken peoples cf Eu*

• rope, Asia and Africa;

Gray Lady Sflrrlee— training wfunteers fo help d»*

tients in both military and civilian hospitals__

to write letterSv read, and to fill .the long hocn

in bed;

Canr«en Corps to provide community m^is-feeviing

In time of^need;

M © ^ C«Tp*— transportation for aJI ttie tSousarxi

•«>i one r>eeds of a huge arvJ busy orsjr^isatiorv

Junier Red Crow— Idirecting the enthusiastic efforts

of busy yoting volunteers.

This-Wor-Time Year Double Your Regular Contribution!

Co(itp ibu tcd to th e Rod.,C ross W a r F un d Drive by th e Id a ho Power C o m p a n y


Pagejour TIMES-NEWS, TW IN FALLS, IDAHO Monday, March 16, 1943

i tviMoIldatVa M r.*. St.u4 tS« T»l» !%=• • « S S 3

J«r ite Vi *l LrrioN n T O ITXBU! LN JkOTAXC*

“ V:V

A SILLY COMPARK^ON 'Wayne L. Morse of the labor bcorvi

said .1 m ou th fu l r ^ n ’.ly In crlllcU::! of .':r;ke,*v and obscntpclsnl in the nations' war trlc.v In f a d lie probably vo!ccd a w .dc cr&s5'5cctlon of public opinion when h f rr-

markfd lh a l scp .'1cc men who are -'nsh-nK and’ dylnp th a t labor In America r.'.ay Krr.a::i free" will not accept alibis for wartlcie trerk

stoppaRi's."No com bination of words, no raiior.uU

alibis, no pica.-; of provocation and exteni^.i-,- inK circiim.slancp.-. can bc\ will Cc. or .sho be accepted by otir fiKhlins; forces as ju fylnR work .stoppace n-siilliiis frcni between cniployeri and employes or belft-ccn factions w ith in their ranks." he eniphis:rpd.

In view or llie vacillation that has tx

apparent In the war labor board's polic w ith an obvloirs leanlnf: toward un:cn_,i inand.-;, it Ls encouraglnB to find one c: ::s mcnfbcrs tak ing .viich a definite J ’.and.

Since the subject pertains to the relat;^ ship between workers and IlRlUers. we're ellned to ro even further. Unle5.s we'rc' wronR In our observations, tlie people arv becomlnK thorouphly fed up w ith a l l ;

•publicity dcslRned to Impre.vs on the put that worker.-; in war Indu-strlcs are actua occupying "battle .statlon.s.“ __

We agree ab.'Olutely w ith anot.’ier cc itcr.a l writer who has .- ald;

•'By the wildest stretch of Itjijijjina;; there Is no comparison between a Wrkn". llvinR at home, enjoying family life, an;: drawing the highest pay on record, and a member o f our tirmed forccs who really occu­pies a -battle station ' where bullets fl>- ar.d

mtfn are killed. It's an Insult to the boys a*, the (rent to even compare home job.^ w ith t h t .soldiers' work. No soldier or sailor at a 'battle station’ ever strikes.’* ^

For the sake of argument, let's admit ih a ; fighters and workers arc vitally iieco.<,sar>' ir. the prosecution of the w-ar; ih a t w uhcu : cither of these forces victory would tw ic:- posslble.

But when It comes to puttlrR them cn a r^ 'r as to their contrlbutlo iu and ,"^crlfux,<, a ll

we can say is; Nuts!



I-jit 1.“* iJfrJcf Ur» »WcS l)lndDe.'La »ij'Tc*3-a. Cw.hirr.UjJ ai?le=i*Uc rr?o.-j.

*r:a OWI 4-;a on r»ao raw*MCttf.. U'lil ihc bfrt x tm tef r.iUc«» u abreA jcttjrst t t i l

l^'rr tzncf hli W nort-bAZnc* a,r.d on C-.r RuuUn »«c'.o.*. KlUrr hM is:p:s.-»d Jkp*n to I«unc.*>» ktU£k on Suali'*:=:rrt a i.'ie Ur twu T>.e rtd l i» d ^ tfrr u kaom-n to ^J^e iiew,C»-T-ao.-j w ccCfr to lUTOSt.’i-m r.lj. X:o»co«-IC-jukoT line *rdC^r Ijphrrr IM.-.U u i iu li frc.-n UlP .T*r tr L'-.f J»:u «ouW hkh Uier.rr.u r.-wi l.^f tr.inusf provlncea

a: i f i i i .^ua lo rto.--

;;ef rrq iW. »*:fu; Un< :«■ -hf ht , sTTixU ri

W h o A r e W e t o C o m p I a i n ^ A b o u t t h e S i z e o f t h e A n n y ?

rrurr Crvnbf^l

he Cfil. R is rr ■ txir*n:.-:r. T^frrto

^ \V.\NTEI) M.VNl’OWERSenator G rcrn of R liodr b land , in r.Ls

dcfen.'iii or the anny'.<; ded.-iion to put S.:oo,cco nien into khak i, called a itcntlcn to a flaw which Is ham pering seriously thl.^ natlcr .'i

•war effort— the failure to make efficient use or our avMllable manpower.

Even as the semi-official spokesman for the

war department, speaking a plocc which the army had htfli'ied prepare, he ronccdt^i ;h a i. we can an d service S.200.COi) n'.on ouly- i f I we do away w ith certain wxsteful pract:ces,[ t lja t no po litic ian yet. Including £t’r.a:rri Green h:ts dared attack frontally.

Tlirse Include absentcebm. fcatherbeddir-S. j standard-of-llvlng workdays, latjcr hc-.iri- ! Ing, ^private and rxce.vivc. [

turnover In per.-^onnel. duplication* c; duf.c.'; v and servlce-s. und many lON'-or ovil^ wl-.ich. I the aggregate, cast hoiidreds o ' thcj^^ar.ds oJ I man-hours every day. •

W hat H itle r doe.s Ls rio Riildc lo wha*. we :

should, do. Ncverthelc.s.v tha-^e r-o'<^-^ iC'na; ' rrlends of labor who force us to retain scmo ' of these w.xstelul practices mish*. por.^lor hew : Hitler ha:idles "undu tlfu l- Gcrr,'.atx.v wi-.o.!

th ink a mar> .still can loaf In the n:;d.-: c : i total war. _Over there they go to prison fc r , Irom 10 weT-ks to six months, the OW i say?. I

We arc not prepared to adopt auth.ortiar.3.r. ; method5. Let's hope th a t we never arv driven to It. either In order to win the w-ar ;

or because \ve lose the war. But neither a r r ;

we obllc?d"io tolerate permanently the i:- responsibility of shipyard employes who w alS • cu t because of the presence of one man. *

pelled from the union forw orking at hLs w-ar i- lob on a ho liday. '

It would be m uch le,^s th .m authcrltario:'. I I f our government took firm mcaiurts to | prevent .shutdown of constructlcn cn a jyn- ' thellc rubber p lan t, becaiise c : a

a l row over the moving of a po'S’cr pc:e a ,

distance of 15 leet, ]And how about the firm which had to j

P o t Sh o t sl''

with the


iNCLE sAM ns.A ixv Lt:.\n.vs AOOL’T WO.MEN

Dru- reU:I'ncle S*ra m»y be tcUlnc » bl

rynluX but thrre a n tl(n> (hat h< b trtlinc unirtcr.

\Vhrn be flnt atartrd rcrrultlnc W.^ACt n '»r«. Sp»rt and le on. ' made K itrenc appeal le patrloUs

roromen of wormtnrn for the fichtli

lat appealed to Ju«t abo pefeenlace ,;ou coaid expect—

hich nautl nut n»w Uke a look a l the poUen

nd olhrr publicllr. In eaeli et i troun of three picture* on a certali ■iV.\.\r pailer. for example, an arm: iftlrer (i toUrlteo'lT makinc "«r< lh»l I.Ulle » ll« \V,\AC fullr under

kndi what »he It luppo^rd to do— Id if ihe doesn't «ulte cel It )>e wil me back and ihow her acaln.

outdone. “Thirim u of temtnli

Ir-.'TT TT.-c

Otlier Points of Viewn i t ^-or.KtR

18.000 man-days last year answer,? tlonnaircs from a dozen govem mrn: mehts and bureaus?

There would be no ^•alld. argumc the S.200.000 army. U ihcsc ar.d klr.d: ■were curcd. .so tha t available m.

could be used erflcicntly.


I 1

j B U R N IN G C IT IESI Civilian Defense Director Landis u:'.doub:- ' edly is correct In believing that Herr KlUer

would !Jke pictures or bum l{« Aner.can. dtics to show to his people. He Is sc—1 is ursing that all communities take 'rraschablc , precautions against raids, and maintain ihslr 1 warden and Xirc-flghtlng scrvictrs at :c? | efficiency.

Nevertheless, we arc giad th a t people aren’t yetting hot a n d bothered about the prcb-

.^b iU ty of Dazl bombing raids. The course d

th e v a r etUl leas'es such attacks a « h a n ic - ^ a lly possible b u t renders the ir prrjbablliy ► T cr j smalL ’ •

n.-ai :n a :i:e&..-«»i. W ortm T »-'■ r--;rr If it mtrr CD bel.' sr . i i .'.•..>r7'pd cos-.ins a.nd .'kiei

-4 ib.'jr.iftu'ja ar.i soldiertrj: •-> :c' in the «-o.-k cif

Li.-i ct r«ylaolns .'up- fthlle Ihrj- »o.-t.

•Ti.T'. Twv U iif f M siale CT cs i;.* ;;r.r,' .io mach U:e bet-

=‘..VT «hra liey rrtum ta .!■ a Cf poker c»~e

S;»stane C.'iTOicle.

TlMi: TO CIX.\N- noi-SE

» j»rr7.v ci ~aT^ects.svT COr*rrr.=.?=.-. G; .- M. Oviletie. ipe^SinR

U'-j; M»-ea hundrrd felltswi ; a s:.V,.~^Tr Daj- dUinrr. <Je-*XVe iieaa basf."

ca ii &< ' l i t srrJit.T frco afferled. -^T rrri%=-.r til..-, sv:itaie\ VJUs.-vut etlaUnal-

l:tir.5 cTt Cve «T=--.w ’. i i ; «-e=~ cevTsiarr-"

IS i i i iara ij.'a c: ihe TVK-t-mv wpsfistbUlUes of t ie Seii'-.x jAJd *c>Jirtty ».houM

a: rrra « « »U.t ifttrt.1-e; =1 wi c=r l>saae ta ecdtr p«par« Cris M rrvvTTT ^-mrn aaJ ar’.hcnijes bel3Rcln{ to •J:? j«\T> «•? >.i\r ;.-.:r:TOde:r fiunnf Uic» :na i *a i asrii TiTsulM SXtaer.

»allor lllerature, "wxi especially lined lo flatter ererr fieure." “ re patrletle, aU rliht. and the;

»ou »o—but th»t *tuff they will al up aiW then Ikk the »poon.Old t'nrle Sam ha« learned about omen from ismtbod).


.IS IT I r-Ctl tMJU'S?

I hui you do KO up

Dere Pw Shol Weil. he»r

wy r^nc acW haite<l «r : -Blit I (Un'l •'.r rn ilio til' KlrU IS n workir

. Yuli .-ee, I KOirr tirei burnin m

I kin hrins home i

I bm rlrtlm' In \i;r paper about i

!jio\-ellel back vim eool )n.lht-Dosl-. cmce.'uhrn tlicy culdnl get no card

r n Ui t.'ie pool jinii to Lake on ui>- Job, Well, I Kfw, slie dun a pid joS^uT It. enjTtar *he yruz paid COc a hour,

-’ I fall »hen m.e nimalb wu: ■r 1 U-U5 out in th filer wclnf

aKln to the dump. Thct nc ftiii turn my luncli. here acaln nn Uie (trlvrr ftoppe 50 ft. frum whar I wa: an to .ihovel dirt offn It o CToa-n, Thpj- call It Ui tnre that the Susar Co. don't wi Welsh It back to the fanner,

Es I 'wftt wfticliln the handle that thur fcoop I . e: self. I. -Oofth lie fni handle that thar dirt like to do ftlore I Rot took iIOMi ■ rumaliz." ••.Mt.ner," 1 r.ti. " shure sltnB Uiel &hovel,

liek, -Oil yech," Invoice. FlabbrrRailetl so much I Jeu felt Uke touiiu xip nn Kltiln down on "my nee uar. Uie fnnner'a uitr ^ho doln thct work an loatlln bed

Held to. ftlons wUli, th toj 3 «uz JapnfJc at Uiet tliin farmer wu.» »hort o' help, put In plenty lonif hour;

, ,n when -%he Rot home she her recler chore.i to do, e: she

kids ij ' ' ■

nn they . femtilc'.i irlred me

:litln 1 ■ 60c ft hour

c In Ih1 publicly :

1 I km

lebho;y colj

Iheys plenty tnrmer trtick nn In fact all

United Slates n.i kin. i ame thins like tills of Jump In n helpln out In a merKi“n«y,

-SI ,MlkyP. S - I kin tell you ihU ttomaii nme but she doon kno»' I've wr ou. w I inebl>e 1 belter rc ut. the lit.

—S. A.

THE NK r u 's T'i,TnA. r r c . IN rnvDEs

The leleRTftph ertlinr linnrtert xi

CAMTJ'ETJ. N. j ., Mmrn 13 Poller encountered a imf.rriit ;ni of I.nm-lockcd-ln-plM'e.hclp-m problem here.

npbye of r clnthlrdheovercd fhe had bcrn locked

> after all other employe' left. She •lephoned for aid and police en­

listed ft.'-\l.Manefi from the fire de- pnrtntent. ^

A liook and Udder trock drew up n front of the bulldlns. Tlien a

jrowtl Kathcred —and the embar- ra-vied ladj- refuaed to descend the ladder.



KKAUING CAN HECO.ME A nni'G Wo tetich children lo rend for two

reaioof, both import.tnt. We want Uiem l<vbe able to rcitd for Infomin- tlon. Once a cJilld cm re.-id wltli un­der:,tandlnc. t-o that he Ket.1 the meanlnK of uhm Is written In Ui# book.% he haa the *ey lo knowledge In his hands. TliatXklml of rcadlns maM bo aiioclatcd wim UiltiklnK and vlUi acUon, io tliat knowledge Is ncqulrixl and then put to work,

ReijdlnK for Information, storaxe of facts, ts not valuable rcadlne. \Vc can find facts in the reference booka. Tliey are u.'eless. unlc-v need to use lliem, and wlUiout

J until we put Uiem to «rvlcc for tlie people- TliOic who read for ■' purpose of knowlns factji, know- Ins Uiem only In words, are not as •oluablft to their communities a.i

they might be. one avoids bcciir.e. a deluRC of kno«.'l«l6c,

u Ifrfowledge, Is very unpleasant.

Keadini (o Forftt ncaUtlei

Tlicre Is the second sort of read- ItiK tiiul U done by matxy younR people nnd too many older ones who lould know Uielr duty belter. Tliat '.idlnc Is done for forsclXulnerj,

torKeifulnc.\s of aimoylnc facts, ol dlftlcwlt talks, of unplciv-wnt ctuUes.

kind of re.idlnjv become.' ft dnitc Is ellecu are fliilte as harmful laracter and on the nuallty

llvlnB. ai other drug* more cc ilMnntd.

Tliere am people, usually wom bec.iuse Uiey are at home more, v lc«e themwlve.s In book*. Any book ivill do, A ealalocue will there li rioihlnu better. The mind rklms over the p<wea wlthoui Ins li.«lf in the l^wt. No ca ihDUKht Koes oul to the atoi. lime pa-v'CJ, the hours lie dead, artd forROiten. Tlie reader Im been ab- ■ni lor the houn of tlie book's hold I Uie sleeping mind,

Al Sacrifice of F.*ercl*« Children do Uial same alcep-li

clueinc reiidlnc, Iruiead of golnK o to p!ay. maybe to beliis outplayed, ihey take a book. Iwlcad of dolntf Ilirlr le.v;ons, thev read ft book. Ii stead ol dolns their chores, tli a book. Some grownup will feel

is not quite as It oug:■till,.he la readins nnd reading ,;ooil habit. It Informs the mind.

It forms good Iftites. It keeps ,:ood company. ■4'es. if Uie reading Is belns done with the conc

lUve mind of Uie reader. But if II Is beln* dotte almost unconscloas-

sed as k time killer, used lo off the calls of duty left un

done. 11 U a dangerous habit. It L indemilnlns character In • fubtl

yet powerful fa&htoi\.

another ladder to Uie rear of tl bulldlns and the lady cllnitx-d <lom oul of Jlght of the curloiis crowd.

FASJOU.S LAST LINK , . Quick. wSther, itart fljurlr

eat what t* mU In wilh our bul

I ■ wcutln Id :


15 YE.UIS AGO. M,\Rai IS.MUvi Ethel Atwood a--rlved in win FallS'Uit r.ljhl from C.vUe-

fsrd en route lo Bolit on builneis.

Ralph Mor;e, Seattle aitomey. rr- luiTvttii: fro.-n a vwit to Washlnstcw. D. C , U a cut^t for ft few days nt

home of his partiils. Mr. wid Mra. Durton E. Mowe.

« Quitiry'. on* tlmi> tntmber ot T*-in Falls police force, who

•Iw spent four > tm in Wbcotulu. Is TUiUsf rrlaUtcj io;^*itlefortL

S7 IXABS AGO. MAIICH IS. 1918Twin Palls’ fourth .v;hool hulldlns.

for whlcli *Ki.OOO worth of bonds wtiti mctilij- voltd. wSU buiU on loLs In the Jones Addition at the Junction of ahashone streei; Blue LAkca boulevard and Addlion-nve- cnue and vlU Mcomroodatc pupils of ihB prtmary srwlta accoidln* to decision of Uie board of trustees at their rccent roeelini.

Four boxes of poutoe* crown cn the Thometx r»nch lo be it'ed for itcd on the tann tf John lllbben. president of Pirlnceton unlrersliy. wprc shipped frota Twin Falls yes- tcrdkf.


FROM NEW YORKTOMAtlAWKfr—Tlie greatest r

val enticement ilnM tho batUe

JuUand may be brewing off Norway. The nails have wstmbJed the 000-ton batUeshlp TlrplU the craft carrier Oraf Zeppelin and nu- merews c ruU en it»d destroycra *.1 TtondhUm. eom- PMln* the most powerful alrUIn* forcc eier deploy, ed aeaiasl Arnte.American conveys to R u i i l * . We

eend »n even m ater a rm a d a VJ fens otr th«

tpecled onset.But there Is more than a sea flcht

In prospect. Marine authorities, reading between the llne*:Of cabled t«porl» about the hwllle wjuartronj, hint the move Indicates that the Mia believes lleLilnW may shortly

it of the wsr. Should thU hap- the Finnish lce-fre» port

Pttaamo wllh its ilch copper ml) may b« lelred by Uie allle.s and I . Stalin canal frnm Murmantb south —now rul by Mannerhelm—opened

the flow of American and Brit­ish tanks, plants nnfl lood. HWer

.1 this pomse of nt the

If hi- ntlre rStill

Oornlli hM Is Ihnt Ihe fi

- Rfilni

rr#>on sfd HI.S whole lleri 1 ciilf of Architnur!

April and rrlea^^* dock; if hfttirtlliis hunrircd.s ol

Suflli'United Bt.ites Tomnhtvv.k.V. Kltt:

mrt Alrnfobrfl InnrtecI to drive off lufi lirnee llir enemy miisl frrlsht at •■'-'ft Innc befi this protected rone.

iffe for:.-.v ftop it renchcj

irE-Murmnwl have bern much

rofnniencrd r.f. mrt Runs therr. V •nn< knoR^hr nivstrry of ih if there fUlri. A United Si :lneer bnrl:

mrt ArchftUKrl the news «!iice IS (mckx. Kep^

«lie the Geriiirctlc

•d the mlltoad !hi frnm the While srn t« Lcnlncni :hry lhnu;;hl lliev hn<l .'evered n :ommuniralloiu, IJill Ihe Slavs n fn ■nnnths prcvlniislv hnd built n sec

■rrtly thn■ Kr

uiKs kntnnd the V of 115

enee.In romenhnl [he r.ame f . llIon Ihi (Is diiK Uie Rtnlln cftnil. the Ions t in thrVorld, In 21 months. Tin vernmriit relrti'.ed half n mlllim iivlcLn Irom prKonr, promL'inp t( ■e « cOrtoln proportion If the Jol IS finished on schedule. Laborers •re M) short nt tools that many ed •tk-fvxlen fhovck. More than

fi.OOO.CWO tons of sninlte were niove«l ■nan pnrk hor.-'es •mpfnitun-s of ^0

\vhe viiterivire.idy fnr war. lleUlnkl'

iptured the mtrile seel inn, block-K bndly needed Amerlrwi eriulp-ent poiirlncr in from the north.

The Uuscorltea kbo bid the «i- panilon of Munnansk [rt*n prylcf ejes. It had been * dtsolale city u t amid tUDdrs. forest and Ice. Sud­denly Ihouunds of soldlen great QuantlUn of building mate­rials mwed In. No ttranger eould enter the forbidden tone and eren Sorlet citizens of known loyalty needed passes lo rlslt It.

SPOILAGE—Blc food rpeclalUu In New York say that although th* housewife Is at her wlfi *ad trying to make a. Ie« Uns c{/'tt?tlablts last a month. Uncle Sau/u haardln* eterj'thlng-he cm BeU/The gOTem- ment contracted for B^aJly 40 per cent Of all edibles caued In W3. lihtTea.' only 15 per ttn l will b* required this year to feed our arta- ed forces.

As soon M a man dans ft unlfcnn his quartemjaster put-i In storag* enough lood lo supply live dtlUans. When he-goes overwss a quantity equal to Uiat consumed by 45 men In mufti Is hid aside. The stock U dLitrlbuted In u-aretiouses and TWU In Ihls counlrj’ and In various dcpoUs behind the lin-s.

Army offlclnls admli Uiat In the­ory the figures arc correct but ex­plain Uiat rnllo does not held in practice. The soldiery must buUd up enqrmous re^en^s so ihaC a steadv i.trrnm of cnnimodltlrs will flow to everv- far.fUins outpojt. Ktormv subniarlnr.i jinrt «lll sink :.nmi- pi llif cirso ve-wls and pro- vi.-.ion-s miisl be m.ide for Buch lo-jei. SpolIiiKe and enemy action will deplete commlsjirles at the front, Fli:hUnK men naturally have lirr.i call on evcryUilrs. Once the mim.iry p.intrle,-. arc filled, federal Iiiircli:i;.lng nKciits cun slow down on buyltiu or even release Ihe eurplus. It nece?-'.->ry.

DAGGKtlf;—Tlie Invsjbn cf Dur- ope hn.s ftlre.i(ly bectm. Unilerwrmtwr report.s to New York relate ciuKf'f^ Here dropped In DerjnarU nnd quickly r.lieltered by Inhabitants. Tlie nininr spread from lip to Up uiitll {lailly n.irl-contfollcd mlcrt^ plionfs denied Uie episode. Shortly nftertt-ard. however, secret ajrnw mnnnged to erect n portable radio nnrt irnn- mlt tn/orm.Ttloa to Chrbt. Min.'< Mwller. fonner Danish ter who e.scaperi lo London.

•'.\frn from Mars" also are set down In Prance bul thclr actlvitiei ire veiled hv cen.’.orship. Allied In* elllcrnre expert.s manv of Italian ■xtrncUon. are taken to 11 ducr'i ountry by submarines, Fncmy com­

manded rerently po.-.ted notices In........... Annoiincins the death sen-

life ImprLwnment for Dutch m Kims and expltvh'es ar*

found. Wamlnc* #rt<3: "Bludceons. Inggers deilsned foj- cunning iL*e. iword ennefl. clubs nnd brass knuck* es wUl be considered as flrtanna mrt the same pensltles sjiplled.”The sto.-v behtnd lhe taboo Is Ihftt

Knitecl Nation.',, fllens have been re- iMslnS there wenpon.i by means of liny parachutes nnd patriots u'e Lhem for .s.ibotaKe nnrt for killing loneT<'Utcin Rentltxtls.Stmll^r «sulp-

int Ls belnc constnntly oliowe.-ed •wegbns. People In feel more cnnfldent • In Ihelr otnt bands alvaUon.

captive lanrts when Ihey havi Uta means oC s

fore they rtad books for plea. They should play hard In Uie i ilr nnd not sll In Uie house I boo* while Ihtlr plftjTnales 1 md oppose each other In J«:ful eats. They should »ork hard, play hard, read for recreation, for infor­mation. for fun. and not for obllv. ion.

When they go to bed Uiey should be ready for aleep. Some children love lo read In bed. and If they do not do It to excess, U Is not loo'bad. But they should not read W> U;e r.maD hours of the morning and be unfit for w k next day Jieadlng has lt4 hljh-place and U ahotild be held there, ftnd not abused to the detriment of children.

r»n SuS*f»»J"utUr*lXn S»r*<kw «»r-.rnltlftc O* di4ft4TtRUn tt U>« roor r«»4»r. Atmle rtlrl ku pfrp*r»d »• • wrwt li> >1IBV. 7b <*U1b -Tear n**«-

■ ImM«< N<k li. -nt. blx> » r . -nnM.N.wt. r, 0. net TS. EutlSB 0. Nt^erk. N. V. Efiik*. flr« «nu. «li>


.-.Beft hortei make in»ppln« nolsta w l ^ ftpparenUy serve as a means .of Mmmunleation, ttceordlng lo » iclentUt ( '


NATIONS AT WAR''WABHINOTON. Mntth l&-SoiTn nepubllcnnj In consrer-s «re li favor of a truce to penult Uie re

:lprocnl trade act Bland

The pre.wiit ACt expires June 30 Naturally the ad-

tlctals severely ti alK ilplomstlo iiegotlatloas thn mitsi Bo carried on In connecUon with Ui'e war.

Tlitae ' cotislderaUons appeal lo some Ilepubllcans although the party has been almost unanimously RSninst the tmde asreemenl.s m When Uie measure was fln t passt mly two Republicans In j,hc hou TOted for It, and cnly five neptib-llcni

a in

ifttors. On 1

e wntvte.- -

mis. nc

Seii.ilor -McNar)-. the Oepubl leidcr of Uie r.enMe has hli ibjecUoius to the reciprocal trade policy, a-s II liiuv been tm ltd ouv by Uie pre.seiil ndmlnblrallon. Bii' he doiibU If Ihls Is Uie proper Umi 10 make a fight for Its repeal o serious modlflcntlon. Hr Is sue gesUng lo hto lelloir senalora ihal Ihe act be extended until after Ur- war. Senator McNary would mak< It clear that the Republicans have not abandoned their obJecUons to

,jhe-*eV-buWftr*-«ily-wl»hholrtlnB them until a more appropriate Ume.

Somewhat the Mme view is taken by Hep, Clifford Hope of Kans.v!. the ranking Repuhllean of Uie house BBrieulture commltlee, Tlila Is. fts Mr. Hope luiys. a matter properly for' the house way* and means committee, but Mr. Jlope's personal altliude is slsnlflcanf be­cause he comes from Uift heart of

( farm belt where the opposition the reciprocal program Is slrong-

esL. He also l iu had a good dcnl to do Kith shaping Republican parly ejpresslons cn agrlcutiural policy.

House Republican* *re more «g- gre.sslve in Uielr- oppoalUon to the UkIc tgmnvtnla ftct than the Re­publicans In the eenate. Neverthe­less as Rep. Hope says, St U a poor time lo raise the Usue and no harm can be done by conUnulng the act during the war. Also Uitto is some sugjesUon In the house of provid­ing. u has been done with some of Uie war legbUUon. that congress coult terminate Uie act at any time by conturrent resolution—that 1* 'y majority acUon of boUi houses •ithoul the signature of the Pres­

ident I

Any »uth BcUon by eoncms should be accepted not as Indicat­ing a change of heart on the part of Uie Republicans but nsther aj Uielr contribution to luitlonal unity nnd to the .su-engthenlns d Uie Bovemment In Its war-time deal- Inns with foreign govemmcnts.

Renubllcftiis mlghl not be wiuins ' lo admit It. but I have a strong: misplclon Ihal^ome ot the more farsighted among Uiem are thlnk- 1ns that If the Republicans come Into power In -the ]0« elections. Uiey just might want to ke>p the reciprocal trade acU A« a matter of self-interest. It Is a most useful weapon for the sovemment In breaking do«Ti tmde restrictions agnlasl us by oUier nitloas.

Repiibllean* might keep it ai the Democrats kejK^he Hawley-Smoot tariff. The Dettigcrats denounce the Uflwley-SmoolN net as ■ men- strasltv' but they have never ser- lou.sly tried lo Ret rid of IL In f»ct. the fidmlnlUraUon finds this high tariff a useful re.sen’olr from which to trade •cences.slons under the reciprocal power.

Repiibllrnns are steadily bread- enlns their outlook, For ln.Mance. Oovemtir StiLv.en of J ilnne.sota • repre.'enli a njtr hroader-saus* elatc.s.unnshlp tliot h flntlint

licimbliciother >-01

Tliey kno-.v, as jovenior tswven wiys. llist while

we might not to ;li;t-o.ll ot our eg;s In the inlenioUonal'bas­ket. wo should place some of, them Uiere on the chance that Uiey'might hatch someUilng better than recur- rlnit wars.

Republican opposlUon to lend- hns moderated rapldlj- fts lu practlrnl advantages hare become spporent, Ttie cloier the Republic- •.ans come to PowrJ. tht» mnrf eon.____Bcious they are of these pracUcal con.sldcmtlon.s. Tlie dlspeoUlon to permit an extension ot th# recipro­cal trade act Is onoUier IndlcaUon.In spite ot the wild and taittnper- ate one hean. that reallsUc common .sense Is at work.

C. of C. Endorses Victory Gardens

Tlie Twin Falls-Chamber of Com- -icrce bonrd of director* hw wled caJljujhstJc backing to. * program of promoUns Uie plantlne of victory gardOTw evoD’where In the city that room ma}' be found for them.

D. T. “Bert” UoUngbToke. «xinly Kcnt. loki Uie directors ho« te-

porlant Uie government H consider*Ins this project to Uie war effort, mid reported on how Uie propnim Is belna sUmulaled in other pJ».e«..

Claude Dclweiler, president. e»id\Jie chamber would take all pcwib;» . iteps lo furUier Ui» progrwn la _ i rwln Falls. ^ '

The Indian word* "Edah hoe." ^



Uccday. March 15,1943 TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALIiS. IDAHO Page Five

ia l and

A.A.U.W. Slates , &ile as Benefit

For Nui-ses’Fundw.t projpcta pUnnrd if

c«tr so * nurw jciioUT'U*-.*- -Mnen:»a Auocl*'

u.-o c: fWJTTMlj- Wccim hai kT r v ^ » i*lf to I* htWiUrch r.\ » ule oJd 1WT» ihop. T if W

»tk1 Ihr «U b< ciTa r:‘.iiT^ lo it<tlve do*

T.-Ps» riiTJ »trr dLvaskfd «her Ihr =-.t=-.>n. is fi Salure»r jJlff-

Sxxnf o! Mrs. E. U. G<»- RfJ>rv'c» CurUar-T lilr.£. iliM B<rto» \Vll5on M-

pun nrM for U.e

» l»?fr

trir sW:»2 jcnk'*- ci thr RrO C nrj it

t.v u-.f CTv-p c

Mrs. B. Sutcliff Honored at Tea

X Iv : «Tfk »t tnr \v. s.f. *rr»rj:rJ by i!-.p \Vo- rsU cr -thf Chn.'tUn

c! >r.r.:-. j:n«rrx tirckrd -.i s.wrf: Rcarli,f ; r i ub> . Mra, n. A. ! Xir: «»ri: C. Cnvicn- -r.‘. V-.r :ir>t 5iour tnd Bv'«rr «uid MK' Ju»n-

:hf !xc,v-.i. Mr^ c:-.arlfi 1 V.rtrr.v,:7ic! nv.i'Jc'.

» >uv xs-vutfsl bv Mrr .

Ti'i-Cs Learn of World Movement

wr.rr: \>.f Tr;-C c:,\ r.-.n Sur,s!»' «;;S M.v< .’.Nxn tirx:r .-.vAn. rr;virl;

3>-;?! «Trr ri^r-<ntM h' Or*.> Wr.-fr.rr, Mi-vv Jfir

Pi:trr, Mlv> rvv,-J;v Huis.-o. Ml.''

H a i le y P a i r E x c h a ; ig e s

V o w s a t T c lm p a N u p t i a l


M;arian Martin Pattern

ItAItXV. M*rch IS—MlM Mi p A t ttobertson and Staff Sst. El- vtn D. Shipp were marrtw! al T-- pi. Fl» on the ftttemoon of Mi S at the Hide Pwke MfthodlJl church. Tne marrlice cfrrniony »«s re*d br Rev. Harrj- Waller. Sofl tiralna of appropriate muMc flllM ihe diapel throughout the ceremony.

Attendlnj Uie couple uere Mr>. Ljuian D>e a. matron of Ixinnr mr Po«ell LoWl a. best man. Tlie brldt wnre a dirk blue" dreu»lih lljhl blur accc.wriej and * conjse of orchids.

.Ml\3 nobert'on la the t!nu£hler o' Mr. and Mr?. C. .\1. Robertioii lUllrv, and a Rrudunte oC Dir Halirr hlch school. For the paU fli •■Jie hai been deputy ires.N DUlne county.

Sersrant Slilpp Is Uie .-.ou of Mr. and Mn, Pay Shipp. Hailey, and rL'O a uracluttlr of Hailey hlsh cllfX3l. I\jr Nevrral .years prior

........... .vr\lce he ua.% tplojed In the Hailey Timc» oftlre. He Li Mallnned nl Drew field, Fla, The couple al home at 63 Dexter

In Toinpa.* f- *

Lee Wright, jr.Marries in Ohio

DURLirv', Mnrcli 15-Mr. i Mrs. Lee A. WrlRht. Burley, hi

d of Uie marrtaKC Ihflr vin. A. Wrljhl, Jr, Ml<J Deity Soclt.sirdcr. daiiKhier ol [r. mid .Mrs. Hush Sadc.-'teOrr, D««i. O.. Feb. ?0. In Diiyto:).HuTier Tlio.-na4 Wrlsht. broUi f the brldeCTootn. uho b now t •iidInK Klion! nt Flint. Mlfh.. u 1 Dti,vto:j for hu hrothrr',% mn

rlasr and alteiidcd him a.-' bejl liia Fo;io«inK n .vliori *wcdt3lf.[: trip ) Coliimbiif.,' O.. Mr, ' and Mpl. .TlKlit rriunirrt lo Dnvtnn, *li iry nrr nuikiiiK iheir home.Mr, WrlKht w.i Krnilunlnl Ircm

Durlry tilsJi .school m 1D35 niiil led hli decree m nirchiinical

Slneerlns from tiir Unlvrr:ltv ClnciiiKuil l.vl ^pnn^. Hr l.s a m

if Uit American A:.\ocl;.tloi Elictiierni nn<l ranked niiionK

^chnla.'llc ftimrnt.' at Uic I ;y. Hr Is now'employrcl by ral .Moion corporallon. L

Nutritional Facts Given to Women

Women *lio atlende<l the cookliis clrmPiv'lrallon Ian. ,» « k at Ihc Iriiho I’o'.ver comix-vnv niulllorlum Klvrn bv ML'I llnwrna Phlllli« lound a sivclttl lnlere. t in the pro;:

MW Glillllp' explained the 1 ir.iied rhan\ nn display and .vhnued In a simple manner thr vitamin:. obUmrd by e.nilnR certain food^ and the physlra! benellw obl.-\lnr<1. Cook l)ooia coninlnlnK menu.i and re pfs tor MAreh «er«Uie Krouii,

Tlil.i HrnlUi for Victory r MUvl>lnR iiu'trlison Mill meet oi » monlh under the le.iderrlilp of MK\ riillUiv', demoaMrnlor Ii WftlnKlinire. and .Mrs. G. W. Ert l.ilul, lipmrmnklnK teacher. sl.M department oI voc.itlonal ediiralloi

¥ * ->f.


Weds in Florida

Mn. Unln D. bhfpp mho «a* Mlu .Mxrtarrt Robertaon. Hallej. priQf her w en t tnarr1a(r. iSUtI tncratlncl

Mrs. W. Garrett

ribst for Circle.\fr. U'aMie C.irrefC eiitert.uneif

Itr Alice Cllb’j ' circle at her hi'ine ttiih : i mcini'cr'. present. Mr:.; Dil- l:ird co:-.i!uctr<l the meeSlnc.Wnrlil rm.-en'tii|. nio\ement n.-u ex-' pl.iliifd by .\lr>. Bernard

Mrs. 11. C. MiM\;llln adilrr.'.sed Uie circle on ChriMinn hnme. in Chin.i and loVl of the Influence the MiiiS and Ho fanUUei ha\e had, A .'kelfh on the l>e'l .■.ellers ot

5« V..1S Kl'r:i by Mrs. Merritt Shot- ,fll Mrs. Sliotwell aL'o dL'pla>ed n -•t wnh bixiks arranRed In vsrloiis

Kromvi accwrtUuc (o ly\'e.* ♦ ♦

Writer Addresses

Scribblers jClub•,','e Rain-'UGrth SitfiKue. na-

llnnilly kno’ pjescnt M'ltl F. Sjirasue, v

riu'jleri chib uiirn the uroup mn eu-nu-.k- ;it the ho;ne o! Mrs.

E-Jirl Grsv. Mr. Sj-raKue tcld ol ^rtlme .ct‘numo:i.s niul

felited scime fai-..% I'ertalnlliE lo i.f hL'. r.e*- book.

"Tlie Rninnnce of Crcvlit."llDll C.n!l was aiV'aeleU «Uh e\-

miplei ol ouLM.-vndlnt; ndvertlMui;. Mrs. Maude D>ccrt rr'.teaed a i<or- IJon of ChlUl.s Idahrt." t>y car.\ Uoyle Bracken jie a report o orld cltltenihl IMljllL-aticrj. I

Mrs. nn<Mrs. Ce -fne Sp

American Tanks Used bv Reds

In Gigantic Rzhcv Offensivenr M. s. HA.VDLCK

R2HKY. RiLViia. Mnicli 15 Cjn.A;neriri.n i.nd Brlti.-h t.Mitv ai

ar:ny in ii. £lsiinUc

co»- »i;.1 |u\eO the tute ot Riiiev.

Tlie u,-e Cl.' Anslo-Amencii mrnt i:i ilie t.'iree-[)n.>iiK'tl on OemiBn (orce.t »as iSi.v: Col. Yai-ov Uirallriev.

for r

ed JUJie>: tJie n , to forelKn corre.ipc. rie UTecked city, once stood bli; Ila

;i of (14,000. tthr •ne.1 thrir in;: iiortli, eiirt ai;

II un i•>eclllt 5, j

IKiinied oui„<• of ;.pei-mi uli

One K( r<l Kreuterl apnreciatiu:! Urltuh Cliurchill tunL,

and medium lank \ Iruntul oiieutlon: .t;ii: ylficer expreM

. He

Ad .said

1 t-ondl

V«l<-nlbnd machine?.'•

Of the allied p:,ii II <•rlbed the D-:i huhly effectivi' boii Uir Aeroco^fn.1 iieiil • *:...l plan.”.."

Wallace’s Tour Starts Thursday

WASHINGTON, /lie-Piiv.ldnil W Iny hU Kel-ncQii:

V aiul <iid\ April -.’titnblii. H-; nl.-o . Chile. lU:ivl,i,



Le-fcU lV,erso», ORilrn.Mu. ntxsrll i Ilrnner h;Ls nn:

cd lliiH Uie ;,uri;lral drr ..|;is »1I1 be open every nllernooi evenlliK throurh llie ^rrk, Satimliiy.

J. Courtney Mtly. lloi-.r.

.Mr. nnil Mr;.. J. H. Fxlc teridini: lo school ini ine

Mr, Olid Mrs. L-.le \Vn parrnl.i of a tlauclilrr.

O W I U M F i


\VA«HINOTON. Mitrcli 15 (U.P.'- llie offlcc cif war Information Is untlrr ilcpubllcnn fire today on chnrgea Hint Dlrecliir Elmer DiivLi Li sbusink' hU potterj In furtlieriince of ndmliiLsirailon [wlicle.i in Reneral and a fourth tenii m particular.

Sen, Iloben A. T.ilt. O . coin- plnlncd that Diivls hut -'comman- dfered" nil tl)c radio .Mntloiii In the country lor tlle.^l^^l of a ;,cnc3 of wrckIy'broadci.'.t.s Inst Friday.

•■It U both I II iniull lo t

■t JK.

ul <lid t

.er and of tlic

e abll.trre iirtv.

wnrker.s, " Tafi riiid,"Amerlcnivi do not take kindly

to pfop,iKaiida hy ilieir.Ko;eniment. They ha;e learned to div.iilr.e the nirlhocL-. of CiocbhrK In tellliin the Crniian people vvlini lo llMcn nnd

omplly challensfd Taft t "Jii:.! ttliat WIV.1 proiia- ibout liiM f'rlilayV. brond* .'<> dr'Mlfd tli:it the four

deerrd.t:,L, H< etHfirk ii: that liLi bi

v,ho ' 10 compuls :1. only two 1 11.

adca.'. ••olfrr11-11

' Furiherin

iiontli lie hiid Milii'uled :.. . I . t;.;' llir I..' Mr, Mird hy the OWl nnd r.

»hlch are btln« produced uoder Davis’ euperrlilan.

Mark Sulllran, a veteran political obser\er who Ij not in the habit o{ clvtng Die idmlnLstratlon more than three strikes, wrola In hla end column that Davb’ explanjiUon' aud his dLwowcl of Intent to tn- fliience politically American troops abroad had ended ihai incldeui. •'Bvrrjbody nccepied Mr. Davis' cx* plnnntlon,- Sullivan added.

Tuber M nhaqier In hl.i jrlllcUm or OWI oiKTtlona thnn the buUc of Kepubllcnrj are liitely to be. Bui the movement to put Dnvh' orean- Uatlcjj under clORe and conslftnl Burvelllnnce proml'ej to develop JurUier. Cbiervcrs Iwlleved the lUie of reaionlnB WKneited by Sullivan probably MU lead Republltaitn nnd conKTti.vloi xl Binl'loiinh term Don-’ ocrat-1 to follow with crlilcnl car«' the OWr.i communlcatlon.i lo tho anned «.er;lcc* abroad.

Last Rites Held

For Mrs. GooldRUPUIT, March 15 — Funeral

:.rrv Ices Mere rcindiictrd al the Good­man cliapel lor Mn. Graca Smith Ooold, ulfe ef Morley Goold. Hopettcll dlUrlct. ulth Hev. Albert B- Piirfflt oltlcUtlnit,

Mrs, CiiMild. Si, oird Marrli 8, ot the Jiupcrl unieral hw.pltiil. She V.HS tuicf bim\ \s i.ur%-ivtrtby n Mill, Phlli[> Avey. Burley, and a dnuchter, Mrj, V/ill Lnmblre. Iluhl: a M-.lcr. Mr.v N. O, Bllndee. Burley; two brotliers. Dr. Qeorse Smith, .Mijierliitrnilrut of, the sute liosintal nt Ulacklool. and Ward Smith, Ilol’c,

Iiilcrninit wfts In the Burley eem- etrry iimliT dlrfcilon of the Oood- niiin niortiian-. Riii>en. with Charles Ooff, Cnrl Hlnlr, Jnr Mom, B, E. 01.'.cn. Tom licll and H. U. Blayney ni jKilIbrjrrrs.

" /x

^^13 breakfasts are a ''must^ these busy WAH t>AiS!

; hU bro Check this list for hearty breakfast suggestions

Practical Wartime - Party Ideas

Re.1 Cro.'.s .• the EmauRh cl

. Friday t

Mine .-•iwii'ored by b »ll! bp done al 1 Ihe home of Mn,

DiiiKhlers .of thi II a. m. Wedne. ■

> Power compajij

illl . form. luncheon TJuir.xlay ■ of Mrs. Don atoltord. Mi enee Campbell will tx- In charKe

of the proirnm and eleciion of of 1 aiu be held.

M..r ttiU ;

rOR D\r OR C\TMXO—7*Preiis‘~e— fxsc'

«xv r.-U-l i-v'k -J5 naltem 81» tv Mi:-.xa Mir.;n. Thu rxirfmely

jtj'.e u j-nar. in eith­er il3-.r.rr Imc'th. Yokr-like j v'-'es »x c.r :*rQ lien hold bodK»

pJhrrv V.-< a oQlw tr-i’t»;i aTvi buti.vv

Jiro rr.a.v be aVrrrd onle i-.\ a:vl »«sen's m»» K is.5S. W. 51 51. 56, 5S, « . Stte It. »:rrei Ukrs 2', yant^ 39‘in.

S1.TTOX CENTS Incw-. :.•? --Vj X ta r ^ Martin pal- ;r-r. \vr.;e ?.Urr.^ S lz i; N.wiE. .vnDKrs.- s m x

SvTkl TtN CENTS « tr » ior Doe*-*

y'.'Ce.-J.-o ©I econcenleal

Nr«x T'l rsuij.

Brcjiive l.' e C.'>tmeM <i: the aalbv 'V ccr puttmu«=».» tiXr a :e^ Ja^frt than

rrei.bylrniiii churrh parlors. Uirr)- Hall and Mr,

Mrs. Ilav'ell Tlionta.s will pre- a mu'iral prosnun. Thr .Mud.v

period «H1 be on Prru and the ini will be ojx-ned folloaln,-

Ihe meei.V ♦ #

G u i l d E n t e r t a i n e d -

B y M r s . M . M e l t o nJunior £uW of the Churrh of the

IttTihren met Tluir.'day at Uie home ol Mrs. MorrLi Mellon. Devo- ilonals iiiKl program were under the direction of Mrs. Victor Mellon,

Names of .secret palt were reveal­ed. Mrs. Claude Norton. .Mrs. Law- n-nce .Murphy and Mr^. J. H. Mel­ton were sur'U of the Kroup. Mr.s. Charles Ronk wUl entertain Uie eulld at the April iew.lon.

* * V.

J l e m b e r e W e l c o m e d

T o L u t h e r a n L e a g - u eMr. and .*.tr5. m in Eljlens were

admliied as nea- member:i when Uie Immanuel^BKue ot the UiUieran church met last week for Bible iludy and a meeting.

U «-as announced that W. C, Kerjlen, chairman of the board of ChrtiUatv educatltm U\ia dbuiel. »ill meet wiih the concrtgaiion Fndi)’. Mareh 18.

l>T.-\ M e e t , S la te d -FJrctlon of oflicrrs *lll be hrM

whrn the JrU Wwa-tls P.-T, Aj

Mrs,' E. Dunlap

Entertains Club

Cline, Mrv,D<'n



The slrli of the Oklhbu Camp Plre croup met lajit week wiUi ihelr EuardUn. Jjrs, Harold Scott, Tlie meeune opened wlU» croup ilncins and n il call va.i aiuwered «lth honors. Mrs, Seoil told the clrls ho« to Bake an apron and the wj- ilon dLttnlised lo me«l »m> Mrs. Victor OoerUca.

. Marriage ToldDUHL, March, li-M r, MUl. Mrs.

J. C, Ooush. Buhl, announce ihe marrlace of their .Non. Pxt. L. W. Ooush. iio'.v .srrvins with the annv In San Dleso. C.ilif., to Mi.vs Rulh- Nir\atx of MajatUn. Mexico, oi Feb. 8 m Yuma. An;.

• « «

M r e . M a r v i n M v ia e

H o n o r e d a t S h o w e r

rs. .Marvin Muir. C.vs-Jeford Kuejt of honor at a pink and

blue shower chen at the hon-> ot her mother. .Mr?, h're l \V .•isttr. M ill Grace War Falh.

After the linno--ec had 0[y:ied her manj- jtfi.s. refrf^uneni.'. were crv- ed by the hoMe.v.e.' .

• * » *M e e t t o S e w

Seventeen members of the North- vejt division of the Immanuel Lu- thrran Ladles' aid met la't week wllh ML« Millie L'.erman to work on Red Cross lap robes.

♦ ♦ ♦If you eani help toldlnc

Ing rubber arllcle.s before pultlnc them am-ay. sprinkle n llille corn­starch or talcum p»wder between the (olds to prexTni alieklnc to SeUier.

P a n c a k c F l o u rSiiranna, 3’, lb. pkp.

P a n c a k e F l p u rSperry f. 10 lb. pkc.....

O a t sMnniliik- Glory, Ikc. p',:*;

O a t sCarn.ilidii. plnlii. Irt. pkc.

E d u a r d sc o n n : . .

Orl mnrr cups p






S y r u pfslrrpy Hollow, 12 01. bll.

S y r u pBlue K:d<i, 1 llj. botllfl K1T( IIKN rUAFT

H i s q u i c k



P r e s e r v e sKiijny. (,\nry, 3 Ih. jt»r ,

W h e a t H e a r t sor. pacV.aRe . . ___

KpR.s— HrmMsTrUerrrrirrT-ATdot;*

P e hKrrtramNi*:. pnckii -c

C h e r u bTop fjuallty mill;, i tail c.

A i r w a yn ir r-hvny-; frr' li




lO c


2 0 c

. Tain


,. when You Shop Under

"Point Rationing"[1) A::n . plrnly of time for your

>:iidrr r^«jit ratmnini: , . .

TsVt vpMt vaU

oj." !;■ fc '‘ ill have pri

II alr.nt

and jxiiiilthe shclvpi

iiiJ cii ihf merchanJue, your liit »ill jffvc ai a dciuble clitck and lavc loU ot c\;:a steps aiid confujion.

rolnl ITleeValue Value

_tlll-10M A10 Jl'H i:. Hiuinv nDaivn. No. 3 can . D C '

(R| t'ATSl.f. Red Hill, ^ f 1 ^Falirv, 44 or, bottlt T 1 4 C

IR) k i ;t c h i’P. Hclns, 0 1 ^M bnttle . Z I C

(I) IIAIIV FOOD. Gcrber&^ fitrnlMcl, 3 rtNni.AN.'i. Red <

‘ 20c _ _ 10c

12c _ 14c

IRI CORN. Sun Valley,

13c 11c 13c 17c

(III ri:.\S. Roly Poly No. 303 cun-'.;

<161 rflAS, Slui Vitih

m i sriNACH. Fancy No 3 run ..

tiei TOMATOKS. Dll

III ORAPKFIlljTr JUICF,Town Hotisr. Nuis ca

(*) finAPf; JUICE. Churcir.s. Pint


I .> u n c h B o x

Pint .....................

B r o w 'n D e r b y

QiinrL^ (wllh eniplles



' Flakes. 2 lb.



S u P u r l i

ScotlS .i-niirY ihM;p 3S o a p r j™

Q Cryslal Wimc O O a p 6 Klant bars ..........

S o a p


C le a n s e r oi,i ur.rd,

S o a p f ..........


,r 25c





. 8c






NKW GREEN ..... II). 17c

New Red POTATOES. 3 ll». 25c




Impcrlnl, Ice Brri;


S ^ w a y advortUod prices ore good TUESDAY through SATURDAY, each wook. Shop oorly in the week ortd eorly in tho doy end <tlll lovo et Sofewoy.

Thti ittJ to /on opari :s diir., . ,s. They arc cood

tof (he moralt. and llity e»n be d f lisncj so that llity arc ca>y on the' lioilen. Keepevcrylliinc simple fiom decoration* llirouiiti dcuerl. They iii.iy even b« one ol llio-.e tliarc-llic- rcx>! and-fun p.irlic* wlicfc everyone contributes a pail of lli« food. Of

etfecty thtv

f herI, llie

. ST. PATRICK’S PARTYMal;e it a b;ifftl alfair. For an

—live table c'tcor;iuon, color ilie > for ice cubes trcen witli vecs

eryital ccn ilie heeded,


•Potato Siup/.J# CihU.->&e.Anr>l‘’ SAhri Ki-ith


Send iiivit.uln;! in /> of iildi;e-

roiicliK.I*.. ..i.tyuh-ire1 the (lutf J11


C/.Ae./,Vp<7 flr.irn

t.rhtdCrcr„3M. /App/ejatice

Coffee (Ask your friends t

Cthp Cinff/Cooi/ejof lint Cinirtbiea<J

llal or la d Chocohlt or _ Z.emo,»

I S.-.ffet/,Vi^ri l!.uJ CAiidiet

•For Cel.nin Ccnu. mold llavoted Relatin in .> sluUoiv pan (iiic creen celalifi for n St, Patrick party). When - lirm. cut in small CMl>ei and to!! them in dry take eiimibs. TlicyVe a Ffcnch pastry clceance.

•■LOWER CtlllNC PRICIS" Wilt Make Tour food 0» rorther

Thrifty thoppers have found ouf, ctitins price items ore priced low. ju it^a piieci vary in difTerent »tOfea-» <to •'ctilW«Tri“ » differ. It is not nectua^y for all (torti 10 nulntaia the ■



Page Six TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS. IDAHO Monday. March 15. IS^S



CHICAGO. March 15 (U.R)— American clubs rcccicd their mnrcliinf: orders ti dny in the form of u schedule w ith more new twists than the KumI tax plan,

The schedule tliis ycnr wns completely overhauled to meet, th e dcmundrt' of wartime transportiition.

I ’resident^Willinni HarridKc announced the new order travel puide and Miid he ho): cd ft'clo.fu peiuiatil nice wmild draw the crowds which (.th< wi.HC miKtit Htaj' away, wh with HO many .-stars in tarmy.


Jll ilie tchcrtu;

nild. Hid 1


rlilKc U bclns bcnrni or n Close coiniK- ilrpiriurc ofmiaur)’ Acrvlcrs.'

HarrlilKt; rrporied Hint i: Jc*n Icatuea nttriidanrc Mn-lhc first clliiinoiul ■ Gf World v,nr II-'viu mm

■Thfi American lr:t(,-iip i IJroxlmaiply HpOO.OOO

13t-Movlng up tlip start of iilcht gaiHfi to the first wcrl: In Mny.

Hi-AbolUlou of Uie vj. UMt »nd ciist v.i. m l fliiUhri In favof of iin Intrr.ncctlonnl riu! to the eanipaliin. i

(S)—RMUmpUon of Snturclnyplny • t home by Uie CHIcobo White Hox.

Rrductlon or the i iimbff s inude I


trmwlloniil trips trnvel. American icaguo cii iroAOn trnvclrd 115,009 ral u * approximnlely mllM under tlie new pronn

Clubj were formerly given an of tlon of nrrniiKlnK double-tifiiclri for Suiidi\y dHtr% by trnnsferriii 6ain«. Tljls jp.iion Hip twin bll were placed Into the original achcil- ule and will be playrd from tin m st fiundny of Uie tcMon on.

Wblle Sox i.rad The While Box lend In double-

header octlvUy with biirKuln bllL' arranged for each of the 12 Sun­day# they are home, Tlir Philadel­phia AUiletlci, Wa.ihin(;ion ticnttior: and St. Loub Orowtu will pla) Win blll.1 11 out of 13 Sund;iy5, tht Detroit TlBcm nncl Cleveland In- dlani 10 out of 12, tlie Uostoii Red Sox nine out of 13 and tlie chtim- plon New York Y;

Yanks, Dodgers,

Giants Will Play

Benefit SeriesNnv YOnK. March 15 m -

Tlie New Yoric Yankec.i today ngryed to a pre-?ea.wn bcnrfU f,crif.i of Mmc.1 Including parUcl- patlnii by the Droolclyn Dodgen and New York 01ant.i,

Mivjor I-aauardla. i.pcnUng on lili weekly radio broftclca.M ye.v trrday, wild he had recrived n letter of ncreptance from Ed Bar­row. Yankees- president, to play for the benefit of the civilian (Irfrn.'e volunteer office.

Briiiegar Tops Citv Bowlers

Itpcl leaIramic

•ship all keglciA’lUi 104 a

im^>ln better than Corky CarLwi n iu l^ l ly Jonr-1 wlio nrre tlnl for -■ lop In the Major

urri■:e, rrle.i:.ed by Hecfelnrj d aiour lU)•.ve<l IlrliieKar p:imH \V. Cor In the Minor by foiu

iM at 183-luMp nhnid of I, Jol

the Major; titid Uut■» ia;i

phiK the liidic

•llie b


:h loop;....jr^Ilrlnenar 184. “Cox J80, llmnn 170, h-alt IH. McDonald , Newton n i. JJrnry HO, Nlrciim

nrt, .Mullen ICD, N, O. VoliiMn lOD.ifajor—Ciirlwn inu. Joiirs lfl3, W.

f Jiihnson 1B2. Norton llll. OUh 170, 177, I*iillmftn 177,

Seif 177. Cox 177,ratue-U. Iloiiers 171. K.

....... .........I!, Weller 160. .M, Ollkry!5B, C. Klelnkoi.f-'lSIl. C. Ul«ley li7.

Jliiiw 157. L. Vazflurr fS2, li. 7 l.W, n , UrlneKar 150,


MINOR i,F.Ani;r.

t 13.Five clubs again will play

ball. Tlic Wa.<iIilnKlon Senator.i 31 eonte.itj at home under llcht. with Clevelnnd, Chlcag( LouU and Plilladclphla gilDyit

-•ach. Noctumul activity uf does not atari until early Junr the Senators hnvr llielr first UjIs Jieason slated lor . !ny 7 ag the Red Sox.

In c of n. home" fhiWi flKU

provide ea. tem clulwi with elded advantage. The progrnxamiilc, Blvf the Ynnkeej i

at home (id llrj

: :0 dny* final monUi oi me race a meager .ilx Uie Wlilt tpend on their hoinn lot.

Saturday ba.<eball. oi day at Uie gate, wrui abandoned by the ChlcftRo club la.-it effort to boost Its at Sunday contesui, Tlie tailed and Uie Pale llo; to ILs old program.

Derringer Checks

Air Base Team

leaguers a 4 victory c air baie,

Derrti'xer the CWfagt arfiirout. t) during tlir the mound

,lth one t s I

Sparse Wartime Roster of Major League Clubs Shows at Least 17 Holdouts

»r IIAHOI.n CLASKF.N ' NEW YOUK. March 15 'A';-Majnr eugue ba.'fball olflclally open ' ;prlnK training »eo.ioti today wli ea^t n mrmbrrs of li.i sparse r ;la,'slfjed as holdout.',

m e New York Yanki'M who.

llie'Ynlil:res lilt'd-

Lin't on a pact. Cntchrr Dill Dlr-<rv I ley IJonald i

MiU'lOe along witli 1

nr.], wnik

:er'i brolhrr, Dlx ,-n DoclKrr.i. nl'o that he may not

hn.s Ini

He’s Holdout


-. JioIslnnd (leJen

ndtHllrn. the E>odgers- ill.fledgrd holdout.i I

Rube Mellon and Rur Mickey Owt

■ plant. In ave three . pltcher-1

I getUntf InThe Brookl'^llape at Bci linlf-wny between New York City and the U. S, military acadcmy.

The S t LouU Browns. drlllltiB n Cape OlrnrtIeau; Mo, have nt> hold- ouu while llie Cleveland Indians (tartlng their rondlOoning on thi campiLs of Purdue iinlvenilty, Jinvc only Jeff Heath, outfielder, out--;lde Uie fold.

The New York OlanLi. working out on what was once the private golf of John D, Rockefcllor at Lakewood, N. J., were unable to cUllj veteran Dick Dariell before prac­tice got under wav.'in addition; flr.'.t baseman Johnny Mite and- cfttclier Hank Dannliig remained at their homes awnlUiig induction or­der*.

Jerry Prkldy and Mickey Vernon, third ba.seman and first sacker, arc Rquabbllng over their .salaries while the Wa.shIngton Senators workout at College Park. Md,

Catcher Dixie Parson.s Ls at'oddi Detroit Tlcer,s. who begin

tralnl Gerald Walker.

•svllle, Im

TliB PhlLs, wliofe new owner l.s pltx'hlng tiieir training camp iit Her.siiey. Penn., have two dellnlte hMdouM In pitcher Johnny Allen lid nrst hajtman Eridle Murphy nd have no word from Ed Levy, lother first Mckcr.

Wyoming Had Best Grand Slam

Moiiiitain Basketball Has Seen

Barney Ross Will Make Tour of War Plants to Boos Morale

..................10 r .313

Blackfoot and Malad Tangle

ULACICTOOT. Idiu tilureli 15 <,T) -niiickloot nml tvlll ‘ lonlKht In Ihi- eli:iniploii.slilp if llie .‘outhea'.Ieni Idaho c'li ;ili:li .-cliool li,i;.kclbiill lourii.i

' Ible t-1 Idaho

K 'lliu

Join Pix-;ilellci. hObl

t poralello

rlnes never would iH-rmlt lll l(■d niHlul Ihr

one jinxhicllon center to R().ts, who aged a eoii

rndes while killlnc : : • iK-llbh lnujv;il iil Oii:iil:i November, could l»- «ent •scrvlcp eiiciiniptiienl i<> i boMer Uin morale of Ii;;

npparc10 11-s.sLst.'

.marU Tue-

Till- n--i'lrl.s me liei.11 the i;nllnl .Slate' he former lli'.hiK'U;! erwclKhl and udttT ihm of the worUI ail

Tue^ plant Tills ii( s Ii-akeil f

and Jimmy Wakrr, of New York.

Riv-s, Krav-litilrcd ii er Ills cirdei.l i.iul '-I ■Canal," Mid he w

ictlon. Diit I hBpe n i hell


The Sports Round-upBy HUGH FUI.I.ERTO;

NEW YORK, March WlOiout even looking at your caU endnr. you can be sure white Is over , . . Tlie final liocky

lal National li

track,s pla)

rn Indooi tunlay ,ai

cason UiQi Uia arly 20.000 fan

son In New York night; the gardei sea.son ended Sa' couldn't for a lo Uie winter fight howl of- welcome r mbed when B.iniey Friday nlght-anrt the dead .slle a moment later when Damey bei

-to-taht--.-rTHfre rnn-iire"Uie'T) Icctball toumamcntri. of course, bweball wUl be cutUng In on Interejl In Uiem,

MUTUEL nEGKETSIf SaratoRa rhifta to Delmont, Tliti move, no doubt, Ls and

But folk.1 1 rliyme,

“Brother, ct I you Spn'wi dime?'

•MONDAY niATINEE A-ibury park realty put the chill

on thvyonkees' spring training . . . Someon>Jorsol to apply for oil to heat Uie .two unu.'.ed floors of Uie hotel U)»t the club wUl occupy, but Uiey were promised on cmcrscncy delivery of 1,000 gallonj todoy . . . ATt«- donating hU yfth pint of blood to Uie Red Crtsu, Sport*caater Red Barber raid ho u-ouldn’t bo *ur- prlMd to hear of a wounded eoldler Taking up In Uie hospIUl »omB'd*y

^ahouUnj. "Ihere are Utrce on #nd

TODAV'.S GLTST STARllnuen Dyer. Las Anneles Tliii'

cKled^ai lio Hollywood O.s^r i

for hi'U!f.-.e trj-i'ng ti.-nes.’

KlGOKIt KILllHKTDid you know that. Gil IXxld.'i n

Friink Dixon abnast productd iour-inlxiut«-niiie-tlil.«-wlnler?-r Well. thrlr quarters were first. SO.G In Uie AAU mlle.s; second. 53.7, and flilrd, C2.5 hi Uie Baxter mile, all by Dodds, and fourth, 5flJ by Dixon In the Inler-coUeglate:Put Uiera tosellier and you get 4:00.0 . , . TJic trick, of course. Is to pul Uifm together In one race.

SERVICE DEPT.The wllor aiul marine bai-kelhall

teams al the Jack-sonvllle. Da., na- Vftl air technical tralrjlng cenler— ‘lie onr.s Uiat had to pracUce four •eck.1 wlUioul baakela of

priorities on Iron hoops and back- boatds-won 50 of 21 games Uiu

-son . . . Morris (Bujk) Jones, mer Columbus Redblrds outfleld- reporU that Australia Is a »weU ■ ' Midler ball player to

land , . . WrlUng lo Uie O. ilo Stato Journal. saj-s: -nie fonj here‘...... very little about baseball and

an get by wiUi anyUiing . . . They cheer when you drop a baU


ilon for modern

Kst Vhand-to-hand flglil."

Top .Salesman

Jimmy Walker said, •'nnionK Uilnga I nm known a.s ftir j of the boxing law in Ni-w Mnic. I gtie-'s ihiit'K true. Uo.’?; my favorite sport. But never 1 hUtory of the ring has boxlnj B falesmoji like Rcvv. Barney ennvlncM a doubllnK world

pugilL-.i iilng bni Itov—ciiy

when you Imamne iimi uiuicr mr Tlint'.s llie Kay with most boy,s It: Uie rlnK- lliey develop the 'killer In­stinct’ only In thme brief momeiil' when it’s thrlr body or their lift agalrust nn opponent.'’

ROM was given Uie "flghler-of- Uie-yenr medal" by Ring miigailne which he had won twice before diir- IPK his icaUiPr.ior.sing days.

RfKi cnncluiletl the ,si>ciiklng by 'saj’lng. "It's Uie writ people who njrifee-henxTr-O-jt-thrrt:- • ■ front lliies roe.s, renardle.vs of wlml you do, Tlic ■fnly ^ca^on Tm a hero t.s bccaif c I

>1 boxing champion wlUi n bit of color before I went to war. Tlien I Wo* lucky enough lo do certain Uilngn wlUiout gelUng knocked off. And luclcy enough lo eun’lve Uie ounds and the feter, Tliere art! lot of boys at Uie front. h(

Iu>rt Warren Soldiers Untork

83-36 Win in AAU Tourneyr Legion

Ily GKOVER BOSSOHNVrm. March 1,1 :UP'-nic defending champion I>ei

(•||eduled lo niiike ifielr liilUal appearance loiilKht in Uie feature at llun of the i,econd day'.-i play In the 1M3 dribble derby-ihe nailonal , U. tourniinienl—In D-river'.s city iiudllorlum.

Yc:.U-rdav'r; iictUiii wo.s [eaiurcd by the powerfuV Fort Warien, \ All suir:.' 83-30 vlclory over CapllQl Life of Denver with Cpl. Bi fc-chall lilttlnK lh« hwip for 41 polnus,

Tlie IfTTe ft.rwarci. who, a iai;e .%[ar nt To><Io unhcr.slty,.M.irlfd hltllnc the burkct in the Ilr:,t minute of play and never k i

liL'i point total reachcdle 30 11 111 hln

; f«-v

r ten


sitloii In

iico while playing fo vi-rilty,

peeled Opposlllon Chemical team of Mid , found uiiexprcti-d op the Denver cliy ch&m

lertcaii Heauty - iH'fon IK out a jn-io-aa vicmry. -liamplon.s of Mlchlgai

found tlirnv.elves tr,ilnlng by t-.v< poinLs midway In the last quarie: i<e[orf they milled to clinch Un

■ Uie Chemical

llellv.iidlng flKiir

hl.s third c In as many days, He%JS'. p'.:ii|ue l.v tlieReil Cro'-s ar vard J. Nell menioriM awai te New York PoiUiK Writers

playetl with Uie chiimplonship Der ver Legion club last year.

Johnny Mwldocks of the Mldlan team wa-s.hlgh poUit man for IV contest wiUi 12 tallies.


olhePoiidre valley ie:im of

___ - Colo,, dffratttl Colo­rado Springs a:r base, a:-30, M.irtin Jewelers of Colorado Sprint^ turn- rti back the Oreeley. Colo.. Llon-s. 47-31), and Ihe Boosier.s o( Huttc, Mont., defeated Uie C o lo rado ajir.lrtSS'-YMCA. 47-30,

l^ie Fort Wayne. Ind.. Ejglrr; can­celled Ihelr entry at Die l.xM mo­ment and tiie naval air of Nor­man. 01:la„ which Wfi;, i.rliediiled to battle the Eagles, : lecond round.

Pro Chai

By ROY PECK LARAMIE, Wyo.. March 15 (NEA)

—Milo Komrnleli and liU Wyoming teammate.s linWied with I'lS ijr, cnind lam lu ho* ever been conipllshed In Rocky mountain bo-v kelbaU,

Tlie Coab-jy.s-defeated BrigJwm Young decisively in Uiree stralgh giunes lo take the confercnt^c crow'i iind run iliclr winning etreiik to 2C They won 23 gamti and lost only fine—lo Duque/.ne In PitUburgli early In Uie fea.son. .

E'cfelt filiellon'a Punchers dont pJay again In collegiate compeUtlon untJl Uiey appear in Ihe u-estern NCAA play-offs In Kansas . Clly March 20-37. Of course, they're Hr the AAU tournament .now undcl'*' way, but even if Uiey drop a gome In that fait competlUon, It woin be held against them. Wiat.’s more, Uiey're actually favored in the AAt/

laf.s unprecrdented f<

Opponrnis Look Alike York faas became ocnuulnt^ h.the 8-foot 7-lnch Komen- lien Wyoming irmnpled St.

Krancl.s. 0-38. st MadLson Square Garden In December. The towering

atablLshcd o new Garden record of 10 field goal'i. but the

iiirk -stood only for fJiat nlgii Rochester raw Komcnlch pour 30

polnt.s through llie hoopi n.s Wyo ming fnappetl Rocher.ler iinlver.sliy',

vlctorj- -skein. C8-46. like Uiat are soon forgot' ever, especially when a-mai

like C-toot 9-lneli Harry Boykoff of Brooklyn St. Jnhn'.i .-.core.s '4f

t .siicii a represenlalh _____Philadelphia SL Joseph’s for Garden hlnh,■nwt sirlklng Uilng aboiit.

Komenlch Is his stendlrnt.s. Hi la polnLs a game withou

regardln.s of oi)po,sf(lon.leh Is lett-Iiandr<l

.'Jiools a hook thol off his ear ___nobody yet has figured out how to Kiiard.

WlillP Wyo».ilng- wa.s taking Bftmrs from Plillllpn 6(i In Dei ih r peerle.'.s Jack McCracken cirted lo guard Komenlch to r siuc tJie Cowboy luminary would not get hot.

Jn the last three mlnufert of Uie j.ocond game. Komcnlch twicc flip- TVHl Ihe b:IIl Uirough the niej.h off McCmcken'.s close guardliis lor ba.s. ke;-s i.'iftt itave Wyoming the deci- Sion, 37-3C.-

No Peer onGiving you a roi.

l(V.-.e wa-s Ihn play hvjCowboys edged

of his 17-poliit ..............complied with lone, • loo haiKlers from fi.r out. Ho polnLs, -

Komenlch linn yi t to

In C-fr«v^.'inch John Uie Phllllp,s C3 nlhlete.s he

hnml like a pMoii.Everett Shelton, srlio-iiai

ba--.kell).ill pru.'p.Tltv whci

-. Al least h.Tlf

atloi; ratedafter the Port Warn charges from an unknown tourct accu.ved Master Sgl. Jules Rlvlin capUln and sparkplug of the *ol- dier team, with having played pro- fer.slonal basketball In Akion. O.. jeverai years ago.

Fort Warren’* special service of­ficer. Col- L. n. BmlU), -•'aid that Rlviln would continue lo play In the A. A. U, tournament imle s the A. A, U- can prove Sergi Is a profe.'-slonal.

,i Hivlh


BEIAR MOUNTAIN. N Y., 15 (,D-You knew It would | id Uiat when U did it wo; >lv« Uie.Drooklyn Dod:cr.s, When Uie caxly-arrivals

Dodger spring training tan rived yesterday they found tl Stfr hulldlnc a huce Ini.-



rine Cpl. Barney Rom. former light-




m SboahsM SL Caal

America needs the highest productlc history this year, and more than America needs IiUh quality seed i Co-operate by helping produce the that will stock Uie world.

Wc are now writing contract.i on both Pen.>! nnd Beun.s nt hlKher pricc->i. Get. our proposition before you 'contmct.

D.LANDRETHSEEDCO“151 Years of Square De-.lnjr”


L. A. Delhel, Western Mn,. Phon« IISS at UM Loea! RepmeoUUr* la Bspert. Max Dadeofeldt

Huskies Enter NCA i Playoff

NHV YORK, U — Vr.!.vemty of TCiat:r.<tca <*f!t»:evlSout.*:fm Calilofsu is caaiea fcr the Pactlk. Ccajs < rs-

:r tajtf.biiU Ui> e«=;i:e- he cast of {.‘■jracteia f ir t ie es:al".ag W iih-r, W0.1. 53-41 and 12-41. cxtT leek^nd.• H'iitiea al-o t i* eighth ci cc.-=L-.s:.'co a the NXA.V

u->meete lio;

Kaniii City

Mila Komenlch

Aiiny Rejects Louis vs. Conn

•PlTTbllURGH, March 15 (OP.>—


•ywelKht title Corp. Billy Com Loul.s, champion. Is “no::tonal interest at tlit.s tim :lepartment slated today.

A letter to Al Abrams. Pitt-sbursh iport.s writer, from Major Generr A, D. Surlr.s, director of the war de fjaruncnt bureau of public relation in Wa-shlngton, revealed the army'

tude-r.ald: "It

of both Conn and LouLs-"

ATTENTION ■Cash PaidFor Wiirlhli;->vs or Dead

Cow.s, Horsfs and I*ricc of I ’cKs for Dead Ssheep

Cull CoUcct Nearest Phor.c TIVIN FAI.I.S -1M, GOOniNG 47

Itl J'KItT 55




The eutem for Madtca S;'.:ire Gabies. DarLT.out.’t Nc« Vc.'k ur.iirTv;:r. Getrsetown ar_l DePaJ xa ccates- tant.v Wu-_-.e.-j o: tie s=er*jtangle Li t.*ie C tr im Marcli » :.-r Uie nailKuJ cre»u- 'Crrljhton. ■^ri:c.:rt Ta:>5 tt£-C.

mUej with Wiihi--g;o= aac .'ener- fln i nxirji gi=e ci r- t .

Uonal mvlta’Jcaal =«-. her»With Mi.-.'uiiaa utenc c-c Tt:--

la the oUirr tul* ci the t i l l e f « i round wCl t*,eek Iroa tctiig.“it Si. -Vis's etlRg R;ce acJ Ftcd-^c= cr^cii-

Ing Weitem Kentucky Ssa*^Caiw Glra.n;eii M». T»a.-^rT^ dr-

fJatrd MaryvO. ilo.. Tt-icicrs. 34 r . a: Karwaj It f « the r j ’.ior-U t=trr«-r'

ihivi Ki:cf St. P»'ii.wc= ;u.iiver



MEDFORD. M»ij_ llsrth 15 -P— Five membefs ol the ResJSat. Including itarj«rr Jc* Crtntr-, hope to get a week-i staM ca leam-rr.itps today tr wijrtis* ctj:l In the Tu.‘-,i ct:i;ege boieboU ca^r-

The entire S d-.a * : T iT jMarc.*j 22.

n n c ir r - u m n tsCHICAGO. 51a.-cli 15 (.M — Csc'.*

Sa.-a's sailo.'s deacsjtrated tiw.r welKht Iiftlr.g jr jte r ia j a,:;d

' tille.** pla:«d to l i * .

The Times-News



Farmers • .\uclione«rs '

lri*t.Ues-ile date ty g ttUig jcur i-Iitr- ILT.'uer.t ir.



A R R O W ' S M A R C H M A S T E R P I E C E


&indwonve Iii Fliirl-«, pockcl li.indkcrchicfs with Arrow tic.s lo hnrmoni^c i.s the hit

for nn'cnrlj'.sprinp .sca.s^n~SuirdwcaTc~i.*i~

n jtrain-Iine fint.‘<h that comes citiier in a

.<tolid color OU with n narrow shadow'-stripe

flfrnin-st tlio solid Kroun^. And, nicn^ Your

wife will apprcciiile the quality and econ­

omy Hiffnificd in Iho Arrow trndemnrki

A RRO W SHIRTS . . . . $ 2 J O

A R ROW TIES . . . . . $ 1 3 0


a l l in


S H O W N I N E S Q U I R E . . . A N D O U R M E N ’S S T O R E T O D A Y


“ I f I t I s n ’ t R i g h t , B r i n g I t B a d i ”


Mor.ilaj\ ilareh 15, iy-13 TIMES-NEWS. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO ' Page Seven


Br Jxriv s n xW.\^nNGTON. Jluch J3 A

!or cl»er c; U-.t CrJtfd NiUarj iot bnme-

&r.d ivnt-ctr «Cibor»Uoa * i i r-'«:ii'^cvir.oc;fnble «UUas tcvli.'c tCCT ti m : iT*ch« • Tole la wsaif.

PTT4ilrr.: Rtww '.t ^tpo0^d W f.rca tfT.UU'f rafionesatnl t--. uv p.t'paJAl'v bit*d- o&jecuw* »: a H km co= !fim » W li.o. srrjjco jTj-.fttlaT. bul CiiMr- TTjin TVsi C«-_n*»r. D , Tet- cX li» I.'cTira TriuoTj co«s=;itK» UZi no d-xit: thfr« &*»• w *»

ccVjr.*.:? » » i wront<i iMi i.*;f u.-=f “

hiT^_____ I OPf

the V'r.:-^ N»- »ST jccr.1 ecoootalc.

p.-wr»Ku. *-Ki «xcid W *■

T^p c«rj^v.rTt TT*_ c! stitlnsV'r.i'.ri S'-4\fi

wouldia »-ot'.d p f* » and

;r.V'' fc-'-f-* ^ “ •= *j hr «>» p?r?*rKl to fo r.o fur-

»niTrrr.» t.i :*1p i.V innuuvr crT -iir .S iht Cr^ifd NHSnrj bf- hu-.i » r -\-<raa t.-- ui« ihfir =-.:;;:».T f^wcsr.ics'-.irtc. ;.v .'i;r.'. fcntfol o\rz

trrrs:.\fT »r.d for Joint r*>; a! pcoplr*;:rr i trcsn v iii CcsairAUon.

Scr\icc Men Can Postpone Tax in Idahob t n\Kou> r. OSBOEXC

B O :i^ M»-th IS ^^y-P!t3■ Ihf ^vc K-wlifn »:*d >aX.on1

S.-. Ur. W»h.a l*Tp»jtT. » h » M Mi-Th JS iTTV-twcSw. T>oUi Ih il

\xi'. ;r<i.<*!urT r-:«S wrr-

Fw* Fbiiinc ■T.fT iakJ 1! «-»» cr.Lr t*lr

Tr.n on icr.?.v»r»>r-r:ouj:h«t: to r-s-“i »n«3 huni rm- o.'

c.“Jirfr. NO - PT jCTvliJwl frc7>.PT »a» lo It

t^.lt .■-•xijra rrc<n wrxicrp for •«

»U'»r.;fr »-.:hoct dlv^aURs¥h«r-»Sx;*j I.' tcsrtjidira ty

— «i-1 rr.iclr aree rjT»l o.'TJCtr in acvrptfO

r rNaniJ du’.Jr

G&ardUM U Srrdn]S;-! 5i:r.dfuJ &.' trtfrani* nf<\U.

t>,rr »,\r t.' f »ppoinUr.rnto.' r- » " ;ir j t.v L-v-fcT.pfim: T»:f a.-.-, \V:A'^r. fvr a i a»l.-.:»inlr.c

M itf s-.'.'.;U». -.hrT U w;% 16 yn»i3 ol act

O- -fr U » i fifaijVnd j» rs«« !n a.T=f»; :.-wi :«• ?», a

7i.-.v'rv;.vji: .V llrrrjprrr-fn: !m , arwl arranjrd i: vi,-hfn\'rrun.-v.« vsO i r.o; lapse

Pharmacy Talks Given to Kiwanis

T«- . K3»»na c>4b hrM t3 T c;■Ar =;«u:is n . CasvpiseUI eaJp, aa j ar^s:ia:M thaj Tr..»u.T -.ptUTi •-‘■/j »»»k

f . l i f VIC.* p:*cr'.ccCt a situCI -lafrk'Aa Has

sv';;tp. a r i »-.•.* RO puna" »aM a K.»ir.iar;'» rfTort. “-J-.f tsr=tben MT.: •-Vsrr^' fvra fc*f.e? :haa

» >'-«=»CT byCr.-r;fT a.'xl s a KX.-i{ siade up T=.*»*. a.', s^r ?«>C7». Crc*;pr spotf .n' * .p cc*u 'jv drvtlo-snfr.i and rtTTvvM cc ?.'-j--=v»cr- Kisc W d o:

aii :o S*p w tfJsrt that the OJCTM li aiJ» -j 6 t. Mrx OU Ci--fr r»T» t¥t> eetsdiMteCiacx.

T t i t ; »ra«w l ih t -«»i

toW C?OM « v r>;3|J




J l O l ^ T . i l N H O M E


Birmcks for Workers

56 hoars per week

:;mtock. dairy.

-n or ?»T?cra as* rr^cacvd a w a_sc?y «-j : swt bt cccssd' rrri fc- » te u*^ taaearS to Xhcae ta*

«hfa sffrifd.

A C.xva=J- Rtgc.tactiUUrt W a — - ' B» • : ih i




ly ia raai. T M «? . X«tl> 1C; K««mda.T. J*aK^ 1?;

Jtmh 11

Tid-Bit for Pigeojs


UUttBth U loeks aa If S. llanltba U nad; to till* lnV« hU ntck. thb plCTM i* trallr (t«dlnc trein lUrrlaon'i monlh. lie fttd i the plcroni dallj to dly ban pMk. New Vort O lj.

Bidil, Wendell Fliers Among

Idahoans Winning LaurelsHj Ml-RUN' SrENCER

SOUEWHEIIE IN ACSTR.VLI.V c!>;t.vfdi — — Suaten Ahips, b;»cteRp«l wrrcJa ot Japar.t« ! and bfCT.brrs .-prr^d o^tr ih t MUth- be»iU\£ Mitsvs tesU- wcvy: lo Idaho's partlclpatlcsi Ir Gffl. Douilax MacArthur'* air wai ajilrat t^e Jap-'uif'f.

SirxT tarlv in ihr confltct «licr MaJ. Carrr^fr E. tv' Me-CiU a !onf FVlns FW'^saJtiUvl a Jjpar.prt carn-oT and !■«sj It tixlL'ppn-r In rcniiulfm. Idahcv* a r j hi»T b «a flylr.e O'rr the P*

Mn* CoentntndnJ T ’.rrr a.- a c<xv'ld«ahit niiuit>tr

o! Iil»hcvuu t.*if J»panrr< in IM' »rr«. ijrr^ art- nlnt wliote wort lia.\ iirouclit rccnmrntSiUnn:

M,T;'.<*rvf\n. an-anlMl ;;;p tlLM;iK-

rliuifT In Itpj p; K crw.v Tt'.pawart was tr.s>it po'thumo'.L'Iv iK ' lowiri hu riPflih In aftinn; S^t. Guj-

Rfj-nR'Cj. j r , Qntrr!;. C'-'tlt-.E- uuiipd Tijlnj crttj atxl illvpr »tar; LiPUL lUifhle B. Oooeh. aiackloo:.

Set. GPt'.P E. Uktn\*u Oi Daanry •»» awnrtlM Uip *!«r find

p--:X f l-.pan posihuTTJO'.i.vIy.

Bahl ompTT Sit. J. K. urrninc. PtvateUa. lil- •f nar; Pst. Robtrt W. •rndfU: Ss-L Cllbfrt H. .\rd. Clrm- v.»u'.;p. air ir.tria’ ; Tw.'x. Sj;. R-vv. revl r. FoTltr. Graof. and Fl.T.

Uru!. Jo:-_i H. Gp<t . Buhl.M.-Phrrvw'a p;»r.f ar.d a spcond

txwbfr siartM out a his cteittiT nrar t^e Nc-jcr*

:and» E i't ta.'t March. TheT pJirt TTas tarcfd to tur^i bact.

but .\lrPhrr;..'n colltJ:'.up l t;;r niL%- Up fiMintl :.‘;p .-vm't'y and in larT

t't aviU-Mrrraf. JiTf. bfcr.bin: r^n« acair..-;: ii. ?pi

trir.'r«\'*. anr*. sar.k arxJ IJit ro;n-ov vittrrrO.

Irfa.'-.a h»» COP, Frptman, «:io I 0.-.P pf 'pT <TT>i::p l wit. i haxjng

. jrticiivitPvl in a bonibfr trro Iishi :a tti'.vh :our a.'

? dp^n. a n-rvv-U !iv itju I. rrrrrran was a I'a i.'ip

Fi'rtrr.-. «M.-h a turkr j br 10 . o»rr Uur.a l.vt Jul.v 3J.

»tiaT Zrtw IU ti^d ■ ■ p b.i!:> a Icti; ti.-np, but

•J-.f lio.T.r. r\ur of

Owr a o «hat It ■.p.v-. to mp cr i*e hip Iwr.bfrs <;ivir.s in frtv-a aU MdM.

i-pUN oa a FijTttfM Uiai

ra^ allackrd by 12 zeros In a battle that l«;fd i i mlnulM. Oiir was i.*iol .dwn. Uirrt were dutimK' td. aiKl Ofpr‘» commandliiK offlorr noted liU •;roura£C. ability worthy ol hl !^p l eotnmtnclaUoii-”

Ii!»noai« sftm to like Uie bis S«- attlr-buUl bomlxTS. Qoocli, member oS L'le famed IStli Kroup, was bom' bardler on one ulilcJi Joined u for­mation of o!Jitr Fortre.vM to bomtj Ratuul hart>or lail AU£. H, dum> aslns four Jaixuirse »lilpA ihpoiint down ihrw flititen.

IV>no:rt\ and HlrJtman nijo rode roffn-.y«. RpyiioWi b credKcd with i ioollRs down a lero during n flglil over New Guinea. '-

Foaiht ta Death Hickman lojl hU life In a Pori-

r».< over Ratjul. A rinner, lie mnn- np>! lih Run.', durliiK n

!i;tn wlUi rrro^ iiiUll a caii- r.on i-’ifll n;oii;ilIy wounded lilin. Tliprr wa.» pral.'f for Ills "cournKe and rt.'ojrrrfulnp:-'" in the cltii awnrdinir him the ullver .ilnr iind purple lipnri.

Alraien who ro out on operotloiiiil mi.v'lon.s and run up more ihnn :00 ■hourx of (Ivins Utne dvirlns which hnsnie i-Vinibai mUht tx- exiwcU-d, kpV Hip dlitlnjiiWied flylnK cross, llr.vnoids lias oj!P.

riir Ica hour* flMns, Ihe nlr mpdal 1j awarded. Reynolds and F\iw;er pjeh have one and nrc on t.’ielr way toward the 200-hour mark.


^ 4 bandnses was made al Red Cra« hf.idquiriers In r.lx alier- noonv uit’i an averasc of 30 wo- men «oiki:iR. Oiir lumdrril and 19 sril'-lp. of r;n:hi!i„' lu\e been luni- rd in since Jo,h, I.


LONDON. Match l i flghten sustained Uie burden ol Uie aJlleU aerial olfeiiiHr ajiljiit Europe la.M nlglit. Uie air tnlnlairy news '.ervk-e reported today, by »;• lacklni; railway cominunlcatloiu >:> occupied lerrlloo' and In Gemuny.-

Tlieic osiaulU. appartnlly Unill- ed In teope. follow^ a series of sweeps over tiie continent yeiler- day afternoon by Unilili Spltfi;cj and Whirlwind bombers, durins which airfields al Abbeville and Mauperiua—near Paris—were at­tacked.

t'our R.\K fljhters were laM cn the dayliKht rald-i and two enemy IlShleri were shot down, a co;n- munlque said. .

Pour enemy traln%—Uicludlns iMie In Gerniany proper—were reixirud •hot up In the pvernlshl RAI' luiit- er sweeps.

Tljcre «ere no allied attacks rn the continent Saturday nUtit. iw- slbly because of bad.weaUier.

German air raider*, meanwhile, were busy last nlghl ovtr the ctuii cf northeast BigUnd. Uie mln^‘ tries of air and home security re­ported. dropping bomtis a l sexrral places whIcJi caused some dam; and ciuualtles—Including a.few lAliilrs. One tntrnj- plwnt wi!. ported downed..


KEW YORK. Match 15 - A slmjile lulirnil . eV'lL•e will be lipl.i tomorrow for J. P. Morgan. Inlri- n;itloiinlly known bunker wtv, tlird Saiurilsy ni Boca Grande, FiJ.

Rlte^ ttlU be eonducted i:i G eo rg e 't tipis.-r;:U church. Stuyv . .'^nl ifluare. by Hct RuihSi. Sloane. rector 6f St. Jcihn': church of Laltlngtowji. Locum Vcl ley. L. I., where Margnn was jeiiU'r warden nnd a regular atteni wUlle llviiiK at his Mmlnpcock Uie neiir Glrn Cove.

A fumily sixjXe-'man .«aUl She vrxlre.s would be oi'pn friend. and bu-'inpw B .•.ofl.•\r . Ihere would be no flo-.'crr. nor ui friends and lU-iocUtra L-e i>ern'.lt- ted lo virw the body..

After the body h-ii been t-ikni the Frr.'h Pond crem;Ucr>' at N' dltyVUlme. QueeM, the i '-Ik ,' »lV. beTlR>n-io Uartlorri. Conn.. «here hlx wile and o’hers of the Mcr^sn fiinilly are burled.

Officer Now

UEIT. EDIrfOJt McMXHniEY . . . Former atrxeanl »n<l mem-

U r at «»* tamtd 15\h b%mbard. mrni groB^ e«(nmU\i«ned ileu- tcnanL iStah birraYtng)

Castleford Man Is Commissioned

C.\STLET0’:D. Xaic.'i IV-Edl- ion McMur:rr\. sr.enitjer of Uie famoui 19Ui lw.-.b.i:ulfr »;txxip of the army air lorvev. rK rnn l his com.-nl\Mcn a> .M-.-cml llruienant .March I. and b imw jt.iiusipd Pyotr. Tei.. a» cine! Pf the am mtut tT•.ion.

T.if 19;h Is a group pro:iiinr:iily mrnwCinrd a.'i only grv'up cited Inlce for deci'ritUvi the war.Orpart-

t^irh ny»n. at a rriiew rfxnitly, na» i>rr..en;rcl a mp>!;il. p'i>''-lally created bv Uie war <!e;virimpiit.

Ufineiiajil M.-Murire\, inn M;«. NfU M.'Munrry, 1.x a crn‘ ate of the C*j:>f''rU lush j^hoMl.aiivl hai p •!l a t : n ! ot s dulj in t.'ie Pacif:.-,

SOLllItR AT QOnCK t ITYDODOE c m v Kan, Marvh 15

— P»1 Hvle P. nruniPl, N;%n o! Mrx.Brjn'.'’". Pi'p. inv

senlce at the s;r.;y nir field

’4 2 WOOL L O I R l I C A S H B E n E R

BOISE. March - Idahowoolgrowers produced 18,663.000 pounds of *ool during 19 :, the federal bureau ot agricultural atnlLi-

rciwried today, nr 100.000 pounds than the lOU prcxluc- tlon.

“A lew UiouMind more sheep were shown la.'t year tnan o\er ^ year ago." the bureau reixirleil. •'but Ihe average fierce welslii was a llltlfl le-*-i.''

Average price reielveil for wool ta.\t year wa» <0 cents a jKiund, or «|x cents aboxe the 1041 average. The improved price re.iuUed In a cash return of *a,745.000 or t978,- COO more than In Uie prevloim yeiir.

Wool production totals anti co.Ui Income since 1M4 were a.\ follnv.j:

153<—10,445.000. »4a4:.000; 19;i5- 18.060,000. «,7DG,000: 193&_18,000,. 000. I4.8CO.000; 1837-18,K8,000. iC,- 313,000; 1038-17,433,000. I3.313.000:

16,6**.0<«. W,«i«,WO; 1040 — 10.C27.000, 14.722,000: 1041-lfi,5C],-. 000.‘15,767.000 and lll43-10,flC3,000. je.745.000.

Camera Club Starts Print Contest Plan

Tlie Magic Valley Camer« club la ilionsorlng a “prlnl of the week” contest with the fln l print, a scene at Ukp Tahoe by C, C, Dudley, now :i exhibit at the public library. !:ach moiilh a conimlltee of

JuilKfs sill «lpcl four ouMUiidlng prlnu from tliow nubmltted. and one each week will be exhibited at Uir library. Anyone Li clUlble to enter prints. Tliere U no limit to ,lhe number that may be entered. «iid Ihe pfinis may be on any eub- Jfct. However, It was raid, sea-'onal tliempj will receive special coaild- fffttlon.

Ml prlnU must be between SxlO aiul 11x14 Inches, inonnied on Maii- ilard lCi:0-lnch uprlRht mount-i. fiilrlM may be left at the library, (ir wliii any club membrr. All prini.i submitted will be placed in a periodic public exhibit,

Twin Falls Pair

Arrives at “Pen”DOISE, Murrli’ 15 i-V.-W.irden C,

Van Clark snld (odny two prbonrrs, convicted In T^Mn l\ilK of fir;,t de­gree burglar?- ehBrves hinr arrived al the Male prl,'on to lii'nin rr\ sentences of ! to 15 years riicl

Tliey vere iLiVcd ai Tlirudorr benstr awl Unbect Sieven'.ot\. W A of Twin Palls,

Grover Ijttid, servlni; a 2-15 ......wntenee for burglary from Canyon couniy wa.1 relea.->e(l loday. He was granted a condltlonnl rrlpsse nt ihe Ix't . e. 3lon of the state pardon board.


, M-.,

II B IL t < Ot'llKKI,V

Ot the 8.250.000 f i t a to Xb» United SUfca. not more th«a 16 ptr cent tr« loeatcd on aQ-wAther roul*.

ATTENTION! Onion Growers

• •

Wti'are now contract- iry: onions, field run. \Vhltca and icUowsl We have both \Vhito nnd yellow socd-s. Call us!

PHONE Kimberly 80, Daj-s


mil Havward.Twin FalK 688, NJRhta

J?R. Simplot


o r



•r Is a modified flir

i.T— »6U B iin2o< lo o iu im w W o r ld s u r g e s t s e l le r a t ic k


FIRST CLASS MECHANICStcniiy work Good deiil for the riRhi pcr.-<on ☆

Barnard Auto Co.Tw in J'alL<»

PUBLIC SALEwill sell at public auction on tny farm 4 miles of Twin Falls on Kimba

load atxd U ntile north, tht foHoviinK propcrlxi'

Thursday, March 18S T A R T I N G A T 1 P . M .

C A T T L E1 C o w , 6 Y e a r s o ld , F r e s h e n M a y 7 t h

1 C o w , 7 Y e a r s o ld , H e a v y S p r i n g e r

1 C o w , 3 Y e a r s o ld , H e a v y S p r i n g e r

W e e x p e c t s o m e o t h e r l iv e s t o c k b r o u g h t i n t h e d a y o f

s a le . '

“ H O R S E SJ H o r s e , C o m i n g 3 Y e a r s O l d

1 S a d d l e H o r s e , 4 Y e a r s O l d

M A C H I N E R yF-12 Tractor Mower

F-12 Tractor Cultivator

F-12 Com ifator Bar

01i\T Dump Rake. 8 ft. 5 Beat & Bean cultivat-


■UTifat Drill

Field CulU\-ator. Int. D fL

Harrow, 3 section

Horse Potato Ctillivator

Beet Puller

2-row Int. Potato Plunt- •#^(New)Moline T K 2.wfty Plow

John Deere Beet and Bean Planter (New)

Int. 2-\vaj- Horse Plow Int. IVactor Potato Dic-

R c r . ________________Oliver Potato DipRcr

with New Way Engine Potato Planter (horse) Miscellaneous small tools 2 Seta Harness.1 Wecder


E . 0 . W a l t e r , A u c t i o n e e r _ E I i n e r H a a g r , C jC T k

A N N O U N C E M E N TOf Increase in Times News Subscription

Rates, Effective April 1, 1943

For ron foiis over which it has no contro], tlu* Tiino?-Nt‘\v.s finds it rocc??ary to in- crcuso it.-< sul)?oriplion rates the fir t uf ne.xt niuiuli.

Hvfi- since this couiitry’.s entry into tlie v;ll costs of iiroclucing the Times-News hiivo been incroniinp considerably, without any iiici-(‘a.xe in Hubsci-ijjtion rates to offset the added co. t of production. '

While labor and newsprint reprc.sent appro.xiniatoly GO per cent of the cost of publish- inp a daily newspaper, these are e.xpense.s over which the new.spaper has little if any con­trol. particularly in times like these. Within the past several months both our labor rriid newsprint costs have advanced appreciably aiui-.thcre is every likelihood that further in- ci-eases aro coming. "n

Moreover, it is next tb inipossil)le to maintain a newspaper deliveiy ser\-ice under present conditions unless the carriers arc afforded an opportunity to increase their earn- inps substantially. Of necessity, tiiey nuist receive a hii-Re poiUion of the added revenue do-, rived from this increase in rates. \

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NA,ME ......






O R E N ^ A R N O L D

TIIE STORY: C»pL J»mn C*rr and hit puirnsrr, !*it Frl<Uj, >re

( w&rmlr prrtrd In ClrTfluid and •Chlrate, Ihfir llr>J «lop« or ronUnrntal jlldrr flltliL I*al bad carr of JiUrr* at flnl. but rrrovfr* lirr pol»e and wln» Uit m lnllon of llir pfr»i and publlr. She li xrrr >i«ppj. ttioujh vrry tirrd. whrn hrr Uaj-'n »Ofk Is clonr. -Ml li toint "fll. Wlifn »hc rntrr* hrr ho(#l room nnil »iillclir» on llic lltlit. >)>r U tliorkrd t>} flliil Lof' alnr Sluarl olandlnc llirrr. In alnr't rolre tJirrc amrr—In In hand Ihrrr li a-tun,


CliAPl'Kil XI

^ i l fm.T In liT Irflck.’ . Tlirn ».lic M]uprird tirr ryr' nn<l :,lKhP<l HKiiln, iiti(lmtur.<lln;;: r.lir Imd niorp fillli-:ilc-(I titan ^llr rr:i!l7i\l, br fniisp lirir u.n n l;r<rrib> iipixirl'

Rpokr n^iiln."So yoij l!io

wlih 11!" i; caii'i. you flic-

knew! Tlml n iilunrl nn<i Ihn; til lirr Iinnil, lm|)i

Jamrly.nir. mr| Ami dtm’l ynii n;vn

Ihftt iloor or Qr do iiiiy-UiliiK I doiri in i j

Pat fxliniisl, rdiixliiK no», Wtml liBfl brcii fr;ir of iiii iiinvirltlnn. odd­ly rnniiKh not fmr of Uic -- ' tlllni:- All III once .vtif wii:, lir

bit niriild of I.oriiln of lifr Kun ritllrr. She was ii.v lonlsfirtl, and iiluTy,

"Loniltic, Mimf In tin?••Yoij-11 find out;- Pftl slarlr<l to imivc but I/)ralnf

niiulc ft Kr.\liirr willi (lip niii<im;iil pUlol, Hrr fiice wns wlillr «l!!i iin Err, too.

"You i.i.iy whrrr you nrrl Don' you tliink I know how to tliooi Aren't you nfrnld? ”

Pat ncliinlly aIkIik I, "I mpixisc I ’m too tIrH, I.ornlni". fiiit I< you Uip iriitJi, I Uilnk you'rr bi'liiK a fool. I kno murli more niraki nf you wlthmit a

Tflat wn.1 cntifcMlon. niid nil nl once Pnt,mTrllr<l it. Siiddmly. too. Pnl rralljcd Ihiit i.Iir Iut.m'H wa.i brind n fool. It tills orariil Kirl br- forc her rrally hiid n loaded —mid there waa no mlft/iKInu it—Oirt» .'Jip could rrnlly (hoot.........Pat'A mind brKi>n to click 5lbb-. She h!id. to drill with thLi llilHK In nnolJicr uay, '

"L«ralnr 1—I—pItM.'.p limcr thr cun. SR down anil IciV; talk."

•Tm rioUiK the talkhii.-. rrlday! You're dolni: the lUtcnlnic. I tnld you onoc brfnrr to Iia Jimmy Carr nloiip. I mrant whnl I i.ald!"

"I linvrn'l duiir a thlliK tn lilin " She inlmUk(\I. "You hnvcii'i doiii-

n iJiltit: to him!""Cut I havcii'l! He .^nalch l nir

up ojid forced me—" Pal i.lopiic-d. No, dam It, ^h^ wouldn't put the Wainc on Jlmnivl Not even K Ihh criirj- Kirl did nhool. -I mean, «i'!l you wcren'i Iln-re and 11 wa;, nrr- c.-.'-ary for fomrlxKly to kd. Sotv.r womniil"

•'So vou homed In. YniiT Pill fell pride . tlrrlni;. "Whiit If 1

did? Jimmy <lldn'l obj.-c!’"CrllIurle^ pa.v.-'<l while the two

.%tn red

Monday, March 16, 1943


> 1 ^ ; / / -


MonJay, Marv-h lo. 19 J3 TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS. IDAHO Page Nine


M i n i n 2 : ^ t o c k 8

liOtSB. Mj.icU i:. UlMw.Tlcclivr .Tivlcc li:isjiruixi nl tlir nalU'iiwUl'' |io<>liiii; ol Bll Miiclc nini, lo liL.tirr tin* married rcKlMrnIlI. »ill Infwciillnl uiiT ImliiMrlo Viid nil fnrrn.1. Ucul. Col Noriiiiui I!, At- kL OIl, kUtr fxcciiUvc oltlcer;.. rtls- cln5«l lotliiy.

TJie liliili. liw Ihf npp.-ovnl of Sfiuitor John TIhiiiiils, I I , today.

“Unclfr provbloiii of llib ixiol," /-nia AilklAoii. -llir Mipply of iiu-ii not fMKuKcil In nil imlik'try [icvc;.'»r>' lo tlie wnr effort wuulcl be cxli:ia'.tf<l from cvcrv M.Mt.

••Tlicre Airc t\untlrfd» ot tUoui.asuU of Atni>le mm In Intcc cltirs of Ihr iintlon. co^Id br liiiliiclnt itiiil iliiis. for pxftiniilp. kcfp more aotl era o!i IcJulio fiiria'."

He lujdrd Him a niiiiibrr of oLli Matf.i liiive Iftrce mimlx-is of men nl work on rvnidal war Jo' Rud uivder ihc pct-.ria !-v;.tci\i a

rc'Ir\A.'l(y nihl lixliicl IV

He poliileil A t tliiil iinilcr I) prc-c'iit ^>•^^<'lll,'lll .vclrctlve -MTVl icournm tnkn ■ n pi number of f.liiKlc nira

jri:nrcllr.v> of octiip.illon.' whUi- MiuUr the

«ltiKlc nirn I'nn be witliilniwn from nmiiy r.ti'vlM wUtunit ImrtlnR the uur effort.

OCD Units Here Will Be Inspected

SM,T LAKK cm -, Miir. h ir> ( V,


Buclialter Case To Be Reviewed

Markets and Finance

i B f f i l H B S L i v e s t o c k lE B A ip i i i ip s jNMarkets ^

NKW YO»K. Murch 15 MV-lti- reiitly bilin ant low-prl-.eil r.ill tliict fell Atmriily In t<xl,n’.% iii;ii»cri t lu.sorifd I'.'.uo cl-.r-ilien- irmniu tfi eilne Into new lilRli urimmi u\ tlir vr;ir or loni;rr.

Trcnd.i j:ciiiTiilly ttrre ijn:, froni tlie i't'jrt nntl coiittniirrl cloiiii'

lion'' fiictora boUterril liiiihldi lllIl<■r.•.. Tran.vfm urrc niduiu1,400,000 /.l iiro,

Declfiir of iiui)<>r fraciirmr, iiabout 4 JH)lllI. upK" K'iorricd i<i ciiiniuun 1111(1 prrliTii-iL'i nl n

1 !!<>

New York Stocks


J, 1, Cii.'o Co.Cerro tie Piisto Cmp, .

g ; s s ' c o S . “ ” ■Cnca Cola .

c"lt^olld''t-•'d *011' '!.

S S . ¥■ t

CdnUllcntal Can .


.... s - jr-

:i',l -;:i:Zr..................... J l’* i\

rrccty,n -Sulpliiir Cfiien.1 i;i(c;rlc ,. amend •r)(xI. .

•.rl llnti 1.'"i ;■'>

■......... " I

:s;:Uoi.u'<t(m ot! ....

....Iri’p. Cnpiv"

InlrrniKliiiial Nukc-I

’• L E G A L A D V ERT ISK M U N l'S

foVlIi'r purixv.M^t^l'UlWl 111 Mlbdl- vl-.lon 5, Hwrtlon 32.flt6, t. C, A.


Miami Cnpper

prop. rlv of •■-aid district fur the pre-

ivl lo be' to ctilicUicl the

NatlonaT C:>.-.h ncj:l.-.Vr, Nnllnnnl Dalrv S'r»ihin.-, .Nnllon;il Dl.-.lillri'.New Yoik Crtiiral .


Parknrd Mi.toi-,., .year 1** S«4lOQCOO

s-3 ‘s4i7.

J. C. Penney C(i - „

i i i i i l i

5 nillU.' r n I j r I

Public iVrvkT i,l N. J . ,.

s f l r ™ ' ' ” "'-D. n ie nrce.s.' lty for llif levy, nnt

/iy-cl’fle<l'lii MibillvWnirsl’ of SllninoV"' Ct>.°*

....... !»•';

....... 5S

N. V. r u u n STOCKS

Uf. ill



CmCAOO. MareK \l rrUliic and lafKc reccl|)[« nl lejidlnB market* <3eprr.'.-cd whfnt prices', ubout M cent today, tlrllvcrles lalliuj .to new low Kroiincl for more Ihwi two ueeks. Oilier srsln.i weakened in nyiniwljiy with rnMneM In tho bread cerenl.

Morn {Rvoi-.iblf ' tvswrts over Uic week-end from produclns nrr-Hs were lurtlirr wratenlnj In­fluences. 11 rci>orlfd laso lllal fii.'lnK of llv boxrar ,'hnrtiii;r would re.Mill In rOiuvldiTablc iiddltlonivl Krnlii comlnij 11nriMue.1i murkcLi.

Whi'a! elfird '.r lo ISc lower, M.iy \c> Julylo SI M'.. corn w.i.s uiic-liHnced nt r^lllIl^^, Miiy il.OI. oaU were '.ic Idwrr to ',c lilKlier and 0'<; <lro|ipcd '-ic Ui Ic,

■...■ .....

s . V .

I S S s S i

iS S H E

l[ P O T A T O E S


J:-.« le I.VCr.. tr*

......... ...

B u t t e r a n d E g g s



2 ‘1= S ’{;;S

Seven Killed as 2 Planes Collide

SKATfl.!-:. 1.', vl'.-A n.i-


T i;.iii.S-N E\ V H , T V y iN k a l l s , j d a k o itiul'ch is , 1943

THEV Siiy“ that in order to pny for the planrslankM iind gims Amcrira ticeils for Victor)-, encli of u» pliould lie iiutling nt leaft 10 percent of our pay iuto War Douds.”

irs IRlfE— “Tiiiit tiuikcs ti) Itip, Ji»;. Those tliiiipn cost pIcnl/fTf

doufih ami ^^’vc (;ot to Iiavc ’em!” ^

THEY SAY— “Sure, I know that. And Tvc pot n himcli our soldicm are^ going to need more ifluflrettcr cquijmieut dian any fighting men ever got before I”

irS TRUE— “You iLl-lUej-will! And h'crc’d ih'c wny Hoot nt it, Joe.Ua piiys who cnn't tntc a gun or fly a plane can nt least do

our share by Iijtlpingto pay for the lhiii(;n our fighters need!”

JIjfy 3J\y— “Ycoli, you’re right. Bill. But we’re really not p(n'tnf: that

money to the Covenmicnt, eillier. It's just a loaii to Undo - /y Sam until the Bond matures.” —

in TRIiE— “Thnt’s right as rajn, Joe! You get it Lack—with' IntPrestT Ever)- 3 hacks you put in brings you 4 whcu tlie bond maturps!”

THEY SAY— ' would b<“ hanl lo hnil llial n.i a i»wcct irnolment, woiildiiV• il'/ AikI when you lend yuur dough to Uaclc Sam,

y knou- he’ll mnkc good.”

irS TROE— Bondtiarc belter than dollar hills in yourporkrt.J<ic! Not (inly iii cadi one an ironclad prnrimn lo jitiy,

banked uj) hy ihc rtrongest Government in the Horld—hut it nmki’s more money for you all the time!*’

THEY SAY-*- “Supposing a fellow Iom’h i'onie of the War Bonds he buys—

or somebody swipes ’em. 1 giicfs you want me to believe

Uncle Sam will pay off on ’em just the same.”

“ IleSiirc will. Joe! Everj- War Bond you biijj is rcgiBtereil

in Wahhin(5toii— cillicr in your name, or your wife’s muue,

or^vliomeveryou pick. Nothing can hapiicii to prevent your

getting that money back— with interest.’’


THEY SAY-V ‘‘One of the hoys in the forge sltQ{) was trying to tell me th'at \ if cverjhody buys a lot of War Bonds, it Iitlps keep prices* do^kii.” ^

irS TRUE— “Hc’n right. Joe. You don’t Iiavc to be a brain truster to figure tliat out. Here’s how it works: Now that the United

» .Slates is making war goods in? of cars and radios and all \ tfie things people orilinarily buy, there aren’t so many of

tho?e peacetime goods kicking around in the stores. So, if people with a lot of cash in their jeans start bidding against cach otjier to gel those scarcrgoods, up go the priccsr

THEY SAY—that War Bonds should be the Number One item on our budget—sort of a savings plan for us,and Uie kids.”

IRill— y “Slit’s a irmnrl, svoniau, Joe. Yow’rc going lo need a lot o'{ N iings when this war is over. .And there’s no better way on

___ ^ h to gel the money for them tliau to save regularly non —.

by buying War Bonds.”

THEY SAY— be n lot of people owijlng War Bonds by now, aren’tthere, Bill?”

irSTRUE— “A lot of people? tislcn! Fifty million oT *cm Fave bought War Bonds—and Tra ouc o£ ’an. Fifty milliou American# can’t be wrongl”

“Our plant has a Pay-Roll Savings Plan. Sotinds like a handy way to liny War Bonds. I’ll sign up tomorrow for 10 percent, Uium—maj^o I can make il more lhau tli t.

• I’ll see.”

irs TRUE“~ “Sure, our plant lias tlic Pay-I oll Savings Plan. So ilo lots of others. And people who rk in plants where tiie plan hasn’t yet been installed would be awfully smart lo get one started. They ouglit lo mention it to tJieir union head, or foreman, or plant manager. Believe me, Joe, you're not mnking any mistake when you pul every dollar you can

spare ialo Woc liondi—and ihca a liulc morel”

HELP Your CouMiy and YOURSELF SAVE WITH U. S WAR BONDSE v e r y P a y D a y — 1 ^ % — o r M o r e !


Adjinu SItule Co.

The Album

AJex»ader-»C. C. Anderson Co.

T)i^Am»Ii>matrd Socar Cotnpan;

I * *DfM Groirrrt' WarrhoBU'AssocUlkm

Blulos Crclrrr Berths CarapbeU't fllor*

Or. WalUee Bond Tba Bowtidramo

CUnde Bronm Mule ft FamUsre Co: MUe> J. Brownlnr. Inc.

CUy FneJ Co.CIO* Dook Slora

ConUoenla! Oil Co

* *__Dftvelirr Bret, Inc. _

' OUmond lUrdwart C«.

Duma»-Wamrr Music 8lor»

^ k 't . Stniar Arrnta for S«axa Rocbsfk Fannrra AoU Inler-Iniaratice Exchanco

Fldrlltj NaUonal UAsk Flrat Federal Savlnn A t/«a4i AuoclaUon

Ford Tm iitfr Cambln

Globo Scf3 Fe«d Co.

* *

Home Lnmbrr it Coal Co.Ilooiler Fumnwe Co.Howard Tractor Co.

nadion-Claric Shoe Store * -*

Idaho Department Store .Idaho Etc produce™ Co-op AiMcIaUoB

Idaho iilde & Tallow Co.'Idaho PacklDf Co.

'______Id»ho_Powcr_Co.__intermooataln Seed A Fuel Co.

Gten O. Jenkins, ChcTroltl

Jerome Co-op Creamer?

* *

Klnner'a Wbeieaals Co.

M. H. Kin< Co. Krencel'* Oardwar*

KtKtcr'a Jeweler*

* *U L. LaardoD Co.

Dr. J, E. Lanrenwalter Marel Aato Co.

.llarlc Valley Proeeatlns Company The Mayfair. Shop

' McVey'i Implement A Hardware smart Morrlaon Tire Shop

Katlonal Lanndrr A Dry Cleaners ' C. B. Nelaott, Inc.

J. J. NewberT7 Co.

Orance Tranfportallon Co, l^e.

Th# Orpheom and Idaho Theater* Oftrandrr Lumber Co.

* *racKIc Dlamofld'H Bar Company

I The Patlj Co.

Tarltlan Lssnderen A Dry Cleanrra Tba Tark Hotel

* *Jl. * O. Jewelers

Rted’i Itlteway Store

FJthardMn't t> D ;tnB. L, Koberta. Jtwelcr

KowlM-Mack Co.Safeway Storri. Inc.

.Sat-Mor Drue Or. Geo. P. Rcholer. OptomelrUt

Sawtooth Co. Seir-ManafaclBrinc Co.

Shenrotfd TyT«cwrtter Exehaar^

Shcn Oil Co.. R. J. tlolmea

Sterllnt J^elry Co.Cemner Sand A OrartI C«.

Bert A. Sweet St Son. Fomllorf * *

Gea N. Taylor, Naturopath Tloie*-Newi

Trinidad Bean A ElenHf Co. Twin Falli Bank A Tnut Coapasy

Twin FaUa .Mortuary Twin FalU .Mutor Co.

Twin Falla Motor TrsntJI C«>

* *Union Motor Co.

* *Van Enrelen* J The Voifl* ^

Wsrberr Bros. Coal A T r^fer Co. WhlU Mortoai7