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2012 COMMIT TO VALLEY CITY STATE UNIVERSITY  I my experience with NCSA was very positive. When I started looking at colleges I really had no idea what to do. After learning a lot about the process using all of the NCSA tools, I started to understand that I would have numerous options. In particular, the college search tool was critical to finding the ideal set of universities for me. Numerous coaches have started their recruiting process as a result of the NSCA website and information.

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2012 COMMIT TO GRACE BIBLE COLLEGE What helped me the most was the resource tools that were provided with my NCSA membership. It really helped me to be able to search schools that I was unfamiliar with. I was not aware of Grace Bible College when my recruiting process first started and when I was doing research I discovered they had many of the things that I was looking for in a school and basketball program. I was able to get the coaches contact information and I emailed him a letter and my recruiting profile and it took off from there. Coach Bailey and I really made a good connection and I am very excited to be part of their winning tradition…it was great having all the tools to contact coaches professionally and have all the information about schools at your fingertips.


My experience with NCSA was very helpful. Especially with helping prepare for conversations with coaches over the phone and in person. The thing I liked the best about [NCSA] was guiding questions you provided for coach interviews and the highlight videos you made.

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2012 COMMIT TO HAMILTON COLLEGE My experience with NCSA was great! At first I didn't think that it would be an easy process, but after getting my highlight tape up I got flooded with emails. One thing that I really enjoyed about NCSA was being able to listen to a webinar. I learned a lot about how to talk to coaches and what an introductory email should include. With these new skills I learned from various webinars, I was able to talk on the phone with a couple different coaches and have an outline of what to ask/say. Since the beginning stages on my profile on NCSA I had been talking to the new coach at Hamilton College in Clinton, New York. We got to know each other and eventually my Dad and I made a visit to the school. I wouldn't have found Hamilton without NCSA, and it is a perfect match for me! There was always someone available via phone call or email. I never felt like I was in the process alone.

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2012 COMMIT TO CORNELL UNIVERSITY My NCSA experience was definitely a helpful one. In my opinion, NCSA helped most with explaining the rules and timelines of football recruiting. I switched to football from soccer, so I really didn’t know much about the sport and the recruiting process. I signed up for NCSA around February of 2011, and immediately got to work following the set by step instructions given. I think this proactive approach is what really led to my ultimate college decision. I noticed that I was a lot further ahead in the process than a lot of other local kids who had college aspirations. NCSA always answered my questions promptly, and really taught me how to communicate with coaches. NCSA really guided me through the process, and helped me stay up to date with what I should be doing. In my opinion, the "To-Do List" was really the most important thing that helped me to be proactive in my recruitment.


First off, thanks to NCSA for everything they had done for me. The recruiting process is agonizing and exciting at the same time. It’s very stressful, especially being a mid-year transfer. The season ended, and I felt like I needed to make a choice right away. Western Michigan was my second visit, and it was great. Everything about the visit went well. [Coach] is a great guy, and very personable. I had the opportunity to hang out and speak with him a lot during the duration of my trip. Other visits I took, this was not the case with the head coach. I love [Coach’s] defensive philosophy, and the way he gets the tempo going in practice. Aggressive! A big reason for me choosing WMU is because I felt I had the opportunity to come in and make an impact right away. NCSA helped a lot with my recruiting process, especially with getting my tape out to these college coaches. I had a lot of Div. 1 scholarships thanks to NCSA. Everything about the program is great in my opinion, and it’s a great tool for a student athlete to use to get to the next level.


Working with NCSA has been a great experience. For the full four years that I have been enrolled, NCSA has kept me on track to reach my goal. I was given exposure to many colleges. Your training sessions, videos and tools explained to me what to expect while going through the recruiting process. You let me know when to take the SAT's, and how to write letters to the prospective colleges. Putting my highlight video on the Internet showed many colleges my abilities. This helped me get interest from colleges from across the nation. When my family was asked to come to Monmouth University for an official visit, we felt comfortable knowing that we were prepared. We understood the recruiting process and differences in Division I, 2, and 3. What we liked the most is that NCSA gave us the education and tools to successfully complete the recruiting process.

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NCSA has provided a great experience through the recruiting process. The tools that I found most helpful, in no particular order, after my film was objectively evaluated were: 1. Your Recruiting To-Do List Completion 2. College Search Map 3. Coach Requests and 4. Viewership. The above tools and excellent consultation and quick email response by NCSA staff enabled me to be proactive in my recruiting process. Coach Taylor is the BEST! His articles, webcasts, videos, and email feedback greatly helped during my recruiting process. He even watched and provided valuable same day feedback via email on my senior film! 2012 COMMIT TO THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA

My experience with NCSA really helped me to understand the game of recruiting. I learned a lot about working hard off of the field to get noticed by sending emails and calling coaches. I think NCSA did a great job of helping me understand when a coach was interested in me and being prepared to answer any questions they had. I liked that NCSA provided so much information to us about anything we didn't know. Thank you so much for the help and support with my decision.


My experience with NCSA was very exciting. I received lots of phone calls & emails from coaches. It was great speaking with them in my kind of language "FOOTBALL". I emailed all of the coaches that viewed my profile and explained to them what I do. We chatted by cell phone to be clear of what they want and what I can offer. My coach at Western Illinois was very proactive. He made contact, asked for transcripts/records, check me out & set up my official visit of the campus. The official visit was fantastic and I can't wait to get on the field. The best part of the NCSA experience was putting the highlight video out there & the qualifying of schools. I appreciate ALL of your help & can't wait to do what I love.

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NCSA was great for me. Being a player that didn't get much attention from the big schools, it matched me with junior colleges and I'm getting an opportunity to play again and have another shot at getting to the division 1 level. It made me a great highlight video that lots of coaches loved. I committed on December 5th, and will sign on National Signing day. The one thing I loved from NCSA was how they linked me with college coaches. It was an awesome experience.

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2012 COMMIT TO YORK COLLEGE OF PENNSYLVANIA I loved my experience with NCSA and it made my recruiting process very easy. I signed up at the end of my sophomore year and had colleges looking at me right away. I think the college search map was a great tool to help me narrow down the schools I wanted to focus on by distance and selectivity. I think the recruiting board for tracking contact was also very helpful. The best thing about NCSA is that all of my information was presented in a convenient, easy to view package to the colleges I wanted to look at me.

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2012 COMMIT TO RAMAPO COLLEGE OF NEW JERSEY My NCSA experience went very well. They helped me get out info to coaches and I was able to show my video to many coaches which helped out A LOT in the long run. It got me to where I am today with college soccer so I'm very happy with my experience. I like all the options it gives you and the constant reminders to do.


Thank you for all that you guys have done to help me. This whole experience was a lot easier with you guys. From the profile, to video, to meetings, everything has helped me tremendously. My favorite thing and one of the things that helped maybe the most was that I had all the information for any college right in front of me. This helped a lot to choose which schools I truly had interest in.

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2012 COMMIT TO BELMONT ABBEY COLLEGE My experience with NCSA was like none other, it truly is a life changing program. You guys have all the information needed for the recruiting process and more. The team is full of excellent people and the website is easy to use. I know I wouldn't have been able to find my perfect fit college without your help. From my highlight video to learning how to properly contact coaches in different states and levels all in one place is just unbelievable. I felt myself gain more experience and training while going through the process. For example, after a coaching call I gained more confidence that when I spoke with a coach, I was no longer nervous because I was fully prepared thanks to NCSA! One thing I liked was that I had all the resources available on the profile from learning how to write an email to seeing how many times coaches viewed my video.


NCSA helped the most with the video process and introducing me to schools I had no idea existed. Everything was helpful. Also, I like that I could ask someone a question on a chat screen real quick if needed. Thank you for your time and efforts!


What NCSA did for me was lend structure to my college search. NCSA's website was a great help to me in collecting, organizing and presenting my information and achievements to colleges. The video service was a pleasant surprise to me. The video was well done and displayed my highlights in an exciting manner.

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2012 COMMIT TO ROOSIVELT UNIVERSITY NCSA was really good with getting my name out there for colleges to see. The coach requests section helped me to narrow down my school choices and see what schools were looking for position wise. Overall [it’s] the best recruiting website by far. I wouldn't change a thing about it!


My experience with NCSA was amazing. The one thing that I loved about NCSA was that you could see all the coaches who viewed your website and as soon as they did, and send emails to them.

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Honestly, I don't know what I would have done without the help of the NCSA team. It made my search for colleges so much easier! It helped me easily search for what college coaches looked for and made it easy for me to find a school that fit all of my qualifications! I think the best thing throughout the whole process was how they edited my footage. It was so great to not have to do that! Thank you so so so much for all of you and your teams help!


NCSA was helpful in getting my information out to coaches. I have received contacts from volleyball coaches all over the nation, several from outside of where I planned to attend college. Even at this, it was very encouraging to me to know that I was of interest to those coaches. NCSA helped me stay on task with my recruiting process. Probably the thing that I liked best about using NCSA is the video process and how it allowed coaches to get a look at me without me having to send each of them a personal video or highlight tape. This made things a lot easier.


My experience was great. I really enjoyed seeing what coaches were looking at my profile. When I would see them looking I would then see if it was a college I would be interested in. Also I referred many coaches to the website. I could then see if they followed up and were really interested or not. When they looked several times is when it got exciting. I liked the way we could keep track of emails, questionnaires, offers etc. I liked the way you had a choice of sending video with emails from the site.

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