Page 1: Need for Renewable Energy Resources

Less or no Global Warming Emissions:

Now a days due rapid environmental changes and increase in Carbon Dioxide in our atmosphere is creating Global Warming. Which is why now such system are developing under this light which produced less or no carbon emission to the atmosphere. Mostly such system are based on renewable energy resources. So most renewable energy sources produced less or no Global warming and can be recycled again and again.

Public Health and Environmental Safety:

The renewable resource also help in health and environmental sector of the world, as it is keen on producing less or no carbon emission to the environment. So generating electricity from it is safer as compared to the other fossil fuels. As fossil fuel, natural gas and coal are producing more carbon emission than other renewable resources it will pollute our water and air which will cause Heart diseases and breathing problem and much more. So the renewable resources will damage the environment less. So the pollution will be less and it’s better for both environment and health.

Inexhaustible supply of energy:

Renewable energy resources are unlimited and vast resource that is givens us by the Mother Nature. These resources are like Wind Energy, Hydro-Power, Sun and etc. These resource are unlimited and never ended resources and produced less carbon emission.

Economics Benefits:

In this renewable resources field there more job available in contrast to other resources. Cause other resources are limited and expensive while these resources are cheaper and almost unlimited. So we should prefer these kind of resource to gain more and more environmental, economic benefits. Which will help to develop to sustainable environment.

Energy Prices will be stable:

As these resources are almost unlimited so they are cheaper and environmental friendly. So the cost of energy production from these resources are also low. Which will give us stable energy prices.

Reliable Source of Energy:

These resources are much less prone to massive failure because if we talk about wind and solar resources when something happen to them the whole system can’t be disturbed by that cause these system are assembled in the form of units and works individually. While if we take a fossil fuel plant when some disaster came the whole plant going to shut down. So this will proof the reliable source of energy.
