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Negotiation: The Art of Win-Win

Lynn HazanLynn Hazan & AssociatesAssociation of Women Journalists ChicagoJune 22, 2014

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Intro – Theme – Negotiation


Basic means of getting what you want from others. It is back-and-forth communication designed to reach an agreement when you and the other side have some interests that are shared and others that are opposed.

- Roger Fisher and William Ury

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Intro – Theme – Negotiation


Anytime two or more people exchanging information with the intent of changing the relationship they are negotiating.

-Jack Kaine

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Negotiation is


A game


Practiced skill

Continuous learning

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4 Key Negotiation Concepts

Target point Find out what the other party desires from the negotiation and focus in on it like a laser beam.

BATNA (Best Alternative to a negotiated agreement) Clarify your outcome from your negotiation. Reservation point What’s your bottom line? Bargaining zone When you make a concession, ask other parties to trade something in return.

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6 Tips for Success Negotiation

1. Build empathy- Understand the other side

2. Common ground- Re-state present problem and share the same vision

3. Build trust and rapport

4. Work together- Creates bonding

5. Face to face: Pick up cues- body language, intonation and language

6. Re-commit yourself

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6 Tools for Negotiation




1 Confidence


Build Trust

Disciplined Preparation



Be Present

Come to closure

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13 Tips for Disciplined Preparation for Negotiation

1. Begin with the end in mind 2. Know what you want 3. Know your issues 4. Strategy 5. Prepare your points 6. Know your counterpoints and how you will respond 7. Involves intellectual rigor 8. Be the most prepared in the room. 9. Know your audience. Know their strengths & weaknesses 10. Physical appearance 11. Understand cultural differences 12. Tone of voice 13. How you present yourself

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3 Ways to Enlarge the Pie


Add elements to the negotiation

Add what creates more value to customer

Don't subtract

If you cut price, it says I’m not

worth it (not unilateral)

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3 Simple Tricks for Negotiation

People are more likely to accept an offer that includes small gains than a single gain.

Change the tone when negotiating a proposal. Instead of saying they’ll gain by agreeing, try saying what they’ll lose by not agreeing.

What is your must-have? What is your nice-to-have?

Give in parts, take once

Show them what they’ve got to lose, not what they’ve got to gain

Ask yourself

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- Fisher R, Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In. New York: Penguin Group, 1991. Print. - Engelman R, 2005. That Was Zen, This Is Wow: 232 Ideas for Transforming Your Life from Ordinary to Extraordinary. Eyecatcher Press, 2005. Print. - Jack Kaine: – - Win-win negotiation preparation sheet: NegotiationSkills.htm

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