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Quick Facts

Freshwater ecosystem

Contains 3 sizes of fish

It has no night time

The larger fish are at the top of the food chain,

medium fish are in the middle, smaller fish at bottom

The smallest fish is at the top of the food chain


In order to expand upon the weather of our Neoworld, I will first give a

short description of Atlantis itself. Atlantis is an aquatic biome in which

the only organisms there are fish (multiple kinds). These fish live in the

coral reefs. The coral acts as protection and shelter for the organisms of

Atlantis. The coral reefs are also a natural barrier between the fish and

‘harsh’ waves. The smallest fish have developed an exoskeleton helping

them get to the top of the food chain yet they live near the bottom of the

ocean. The largest fish live at the top of the ocean, closest to the sun,

giving them their large size.

The depth of the ocean where the fish live coincides with their size and

hunting abilities. So, the deeper the water, the smaller the fish are.

Although the fish are smaller towards the bottom of the ocean, they are

at the top of the food chain. Atlantis goes about 10,000 feet deep.


Although Atlantis is located within the tropical

oceans near the equator, it is a freshwater

ecosystem. The water is fresh water instead of

saltwater. Freshwater has a low concentration of

minerals and salts. The water in Atlantis is

constantly circulating to keep it freshwater. The

organisms once were saltwater fish, but have

adapted to the freshwater over the transitional



Green Seaweed / Algae : grows in soil, trees, and on the larger fish. The middle fish feed off the algae that grows on the larger fish.

Kelp : grows in soil up from the bottom, helps the middle fish hide from the smaller fish.

Moss & Lily Pads : Floats on top of water, this is the main source of food for the bigger fish because they can access it easier.


The fish live in the coral reefs

The depth of the ocean where the fish live coincides with

their size and hunting abilities

All the fish work together to ensure that the circle of life is

not broken. All the fish have developed their own ways of

surviving. They have all learned to co-exist with each

other. To avoid one species from becoming extinct all the

fish breed and reproduce at the same time of the year.

During this time all the fish are strictly vegetarian.

The main fish on Atlantis is the smallest fish. Its name is Grazilla popolis. It lives on the bottom of the water. It is the main predator of both the medium and the large fish. It is small like a piranha. It has the hardest exoskeleton of all the fish. It has a hard exterior allows it to live in the deepest part of the water. It has a film that covers it eyes that helps it see from any depth. The digestion system of this small fish is similar to that of a snake. Its jaws are not connected thus allowing it to drop its lower jaw and consume the other fish without having to chew it. This fish only eats other fish and feeds off the vegetation.

The next fish in Atlantis is the medium size fish. Its name is Reno Bon Sir. It lives on the top layer of the water. It is a semi aggressive fish. It does not prey on the smaller fish and often is the food source for them. Although it is bigger than the Grazilla Popolis it will not eat it. It is the only fish that has the digestion of a normal fish. It also feeds on the vegetation that is present within its environment. The Reno Bon Sir is about the same size of a trout. It has eyes that are located on the sides of its head to help it be able to see from all angles.

This fish comes in all colors. It’s only main predator is the GrazillaPopolis. It also feeds on the vegetation as well as any other fish that may die and decay in the water.

The last fish in the land of Atlantis is the Grande Fizz. It is the largest fish in the water. It does not have a tough exoskeleton like the GrazillaPopolis. It lives in the middle of the water. Even though it is the biggest fish it is not an aggressive fish. It only feeds on what it can scavenge. It does not have scales like the other fish. It is similarly made like the catfish. It has a digestion system similar to that of the elephant. The Grande Fizz has to continually eat in order to maintain its weight.


Like plants using

photosynthesis, the fish gain

strength and nourishment from

the sunlight. Over time, the fish

have evolved. They now have

photosynthetic bacterial cells

which cause them to gain

nourishment from the ever

present sunlight of Atlantis. The

sunlight is still converted into

chemical energy.


The water is freshwater instead of saltwater.

Like many tropical rainforest biomes, Atlantis has

rainfall for 1/2 of the day and clear skies and

sunshine for the other 1/2 of the day.

Although half of the day has rainfall, it still remains

sunny and warm.

There is no nighttime, just daylight24 hours a day.

Weather (Continued)

The temperatures are always warm and the

weather is always mild.

The fish gain strength and nourishment from the


The rainfall cleanses the waters of Atlantis from

toxins and pollutants as well.


Atlantis is located within the Tropical Climate Zone near the

Equator. At the latitudes nearest the Equator, temperatures are

the highest. These temperatures are the highest because this

region experiences the maximum solar intensity.

Temperatures do not vary too much throughout the year. The temperatures are always warm and the weather is always mild. The water temperature ranges

between 75 and 80 degrees year-round.


Like many tropical rainforest

biomes, Atlantis has rainfall for

half of the day and clear skies

and sunshine for the other 1/2 of

the day. Although half of the day

has rainfall, it still remains sunny

and warm. The rainfall cleanses

the waters of Atlantis from toxins

and pollutants as well. There is

no nighttime, just daylight all



Due to the high temperatures

and rainfall, the air surrounding

Atlantis is very humid.

Atmosphere & Winds


The world has undergone Global Warming, and this has affected the hydrologic cycle, the evolution of the organisms, and also the climates…but the Earth’s atmosphere has remained intact. It is still made up of the same four layers. These layers have become somewhat warmer as global warming continued for so long.


Atlantis has global and local

winds. They are strong

enough to circulate the

earth, but calm enough to

not disturb the ecosystem

Waves & Tides

The hydrologic cycle has also adapted to the

change of all the earth’s water into freshwater.

There are still waves and tides, but the waves

mainly stay mild, but there are few instances of

harsher, threatening waves.

Ocean Currents

Global winds cause surface

currents to flow within and

around Atlantis. The currents

flow in gyres which mimic global

winds. Gyres are large circular

flow patterns. Warm waters and

temperatures are redistributed

to other parts of the world.

Time & Seasons


While there is no nighttime

in Atlantis, there is also no

need for time. The rainfall

occurs like clockwork every

day, and does not affect the

underwater life.


There are no obvious seasons in Atlantis. The temperatures and climate stay constant year round. The Earth still has a similar rotation but on a different axis. This region still receives the maximum sunlight and energy.
