  • New CML in AirN@v / Associated Data

    Presented byRolland FILAQUIER

    AirN@v Users club, Toulouse, 27-29 June 2011

  • AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.



    AirN@v / Associated Data overview1



    Part 2 - Products in Vendor Equipment Manuals

    Part 1 - Products in Airbus Manuals


    AirN@v users Club Toulouse, 27-29 June 2011


    New CML in AirN@v / Associated Data

    New CML Introduction2

  • AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.



    AirN@v / Associated Data overview1



    Part 2 - Products in Vendor Equipment Manuals

    Part 1 - Products in Airbus Manuals


    AirN@v users Club Toulouse, 27-29 June 2011


    New CML in AirN@v / Associated Data

    New CML Introduction2

  • AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

    AirN@v / Associated Data overview


    AirN@v users Club Toulouse, 27-29 June 2011New CML in AirN@v / Associated Data

    Contains generic manuals (covering all Airbus aircraft)

    AirN@v/Associated Data first deployment AirN@v V39 New CML manual only supported by AirN@v V3

    AirN@v / Associated Data advanced consultation tool for9 Consumable Material List (CML) manual9 Standards Manual (SM)9 Tool & Equipment Manual (TEM)9 Electrical Standard Practices Manual (ESPM) to maintain and repair aircraft

  • AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.



    New CML Introduction2



    Part 2 - Products in Vendor Equipment Manuals

    Part 1 - Products in Airbus Manuals


    AirN@v users Club Toulouse, 27-29 June 2011New CML in AirN@v / Associated Data


    o Backgroundo Definitions

    AirN@v / Associated Data overview1

  • AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

    New CML - Background


    AirN@v users Club Toulouse, 27-29 June 2011New CML in AirN@v / Associated Data

    2 ISO 14001 Standard: Environmental Management Systems

    Manual fully redesigned to9 Take into account REACH1 European regulation on chemicals9 Maintain and extend ISO 140012 standard within Airbus 9 Guide Maintenance Engineering, A/L & MRO on clearer data

    Manual split in two Parts with new perimeter- Part 1 Products in Airbus manuals- Part 2 Products in Vendor Equipment manuals

    Part 1 data structured in families byI. Sections

    II. ApplicationsIII. Products

    Part 2 data organized byI. Sections (Vendor names)

    II. CMM III. Products

    New Manual at the opportunity of AirN@v Associated Data V3

    1 REACH: Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals

  • AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

    New CML - Definitions - Part 1 (Airbus Manuals)


    AirN@v users Club Toulouse, 27-29 June 2011New CML in AirN@v / Associated Data

    Section (fourteen) General family with similar function Category of products

    Application Characteristics

    - First level below a Section

    - Typical usage on Airbus Aircraft

    - Generally characterized by a Specification (International, Airbus internal)

    - Name: Main product physical and/or chemical properties & Airbus typical usage


    - Cat A Not Open to external market- Cat B Open to external market with a specification- Cat C Open to external market without a specification


    Applicability per Airbus program

  • AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. 8

    AirN@v users Club Toulouse, 27-29 June 2011New CML in AirN@v / Associated Data

    Product Characteristics

    - First level below an Application- Product list (under an Application) fulfil the needs of this Application (alternatives)

    Types- Materials- Material parts (Base, Accelerator, Thinner) - Combinations (Primer & main material) - Specification

    Link / hierarchy within product types- &: and to link material parts (Base & Accelerator) - or: Open choice between products (variants depending on curing time) - Ex : Example product fulfilling the Specification

    Status (Obsolescence management)- No longer made (Material manufacturer production line stopped)- Inactive Spec (Specification no more active even if material still refer to it) - No longer used by Airbus (No more used by Airbus for new programs...)

    New CML - Definitions - Part 1 (Airbus Manuals)

  • AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

    New CML - Definitions - Part 1 (Airbus Manuals)


    AirN@v users Club Toulouse, 27-29 June 2011New CML in AirN@v / Associated Data

    Item codes Old item Number XX YYY A XX = Section N Numeric

    YYY = Increment NumericA = None for basic & letter for alternative Material

    Two new codes

    - Application AABCDE AA= Section N NumericB = Physical-chemical material properties AlphanumericCD = Typical usage and/or family AlphanumericE = Specific aircraft location Numeric

    - Product ZZZZZZ = Increment Numeric

    Correspondence tableLink between Old CML item numbers and new Application / Product codes

    9 Download in .xls format from Search Index

    Direct hyperlinkWithin AMM, SRMmanuals from Old CML items to new Application / Product

    codes within CML manual

  • AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

    New CML - Definitions - Part 2 (Vendor Manuals)


    AirN@v users Club Toulouse, 27-29 June 2011New CML in AirN@v / Associated Data

    Section (twenty six) - First letter of Vendor Equipment name

    - Groups to facilitate navigation

    CMM - Component Maintenance Manuals from Vendors Equipment

    - Ordered by ATA Reference number

    Product- Synthesis of materials as mentioned in CMM

  • AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.



    New CML Introduction2



    Part 2 - Products in Vendor Equipment Manuals

    Part 1 - Products in Airbus Manuals


    AirN@v users Club Toulouse, 27-29 June 2011New CML in AirN@v / Associated Data


    o Application/Product by Familieso Application/Product by Code or Nameo Application by Producto Application/Product by Specificationo Products by Companyo Material details (TDS,SDS)

    AirN@v / Associated Data overview1

  • AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

    Part 1 - Application/Product by Families - Table Of Contents


    AirN@v users Club Toulouse, 27-29 June 2011New CML in AirN@v / Associated Data

    + Manual Front Matter CONSUMABLE MATERIAL LIST

    + S01 - Fuels+ S02 - Hydraulic fluids+ S03 - Lubricants+ S04 - Paints and Coatings + S05 - Adhesives+ S06 - Sealants+ S07 - Anti-Icing and De-icing Materials+ S08 - Cleaners+ S09 - Strippers+ S10 - Pretreatment surfaces+ S11 - Disinfectants+ S12 - Corrosion Prevention+ S13 - Composite Repairs + S14 - Miscellaneous

    Part 1 - Products in Airbus Manuals

    + 06A - Polysulfide Sealant + 06B - Silicone Sealant + 06C - Silicone Adhesive Sealant+ 06F - Adhesive Sealant+ 06G - Fluorocarbon Sealant+ 06H - Coating Sealant+ 06J - Solid Sealant+ 06L - Non Hardening Jointing Putty+ 06P - Adhesion Promoter

    S06 - Sealants

    Application (Property- Usage) Product Comment

    06AAA1 Polysulfide Sealant - General Purpose Brushable

    B All

    MIL-PRF-81733 type I

    MC-238 Class A Yes Chromate free

    Effectivity SpecCatAppli. Code Doc

    Application (Property- Usage) Product Comment

    06AAB1 Polysulfide Sealant - General Purpose Fillet

    B All

    MIL-PRF-81733 type II

    PR-2001 class B & PR 184 Promoter

    Yes Chromate free

    PR 1422 class B (NA) Yes Chromate content

    MC-238 class B & MC-110 Promoter

    Yes Chromate free

    Effectivity SpecCatAppli. Code Doc

    Application (Property- Usage) Product Comment

    06AAB5 Polysulfide Sealant - General Purpose Fillet Turbine

    A All

    PR 1771 Class B

    Effectivity SpecCatAppli. Code Doc

    Table of Contents S06 Sealants

    + Part 2 Products in Vendor Equipment Manuals

    From the Table of Contents Access to products data organised by families Sections / Applications = Main material physical / chemical properties & Usage (where, how, who..)

  • AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

    Part 1 - Application/Product by Families - Effectivity


    AirN@v users Club Toulouse, 27-29 June 2011New CML in AirN@v / Associated Data

    + Manual Front Matter CONSUMABLE MATERIAL LIST

    + S01 - Fuels+ S02 - Hydraulic fluids+ S03 - Lubricants+ S04 - Paints and Coatings + S05 - Adhesives+ S06 - Sealants+ S07 - Anti-Icing and De-icing Materials+ S08 - Cleaners+ S09 - Strippers+ S10 - Pretreatment surfaces+ S11 - Disinfectants+ S12 - Corrosion Prevention+ S13 - Composite Repairs + S14 - Miscellaneous

    Part 1 - Products in Airbus Manuals

    S02 Hydraulic fluids

    + 02A - Phosphate Ester Hydraulic Fluid+ 02B - Mineral Hydraulic Fluid+ 02C - Mineral Hydraulic Fluid & Additives+ 02E - Synthetic Hydrocarbon Hydraulic Fluid+ 02K - Hydraulic Additive

    S02 Hydraulic fluids

    Application (Property- Usage) Product Comment

    02ABA1 Phosphate Ester Hydraulic Fluid -General Power


    SKYDROL PE-5 Yes

    HYJET V Yes



    SKYDROL 500B-4 Yes

    A380SKYDROL PE-5 Yes

    HYJET V Yes



    Effectivity SpecCatAppli. Code Doc

    A300/A300-600 /A310A318/A319/ A320/A321A330/A340

    + Part 2 Products in Vendor Equipment Manuals

    Effectivity: Specify for which Airbus aircraft programs the Application is applicableSeveral groups available in case of different list of materials for programs

    Table of Contents

  • AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

    Part 1 - Application/Product by Code or Name


    AirN@v users Club Toulouse, 27-29 June 2011New CML in AirN@v / Associated Data


    CML Home Page

    Download oldnew correspondence tableOldnew item correspondenceApplication by ProductSpecification (Part 1)Product by Company (Part 1)

    CMMv by Part Number

    Search old new item correspondence

    Code :Name :

    Search Cancel ?


    09013 Sealants Sealant -Brush Consistency (Obsolete) 06AAA1 Polysulfide Sealant - General Purpose Brushable

    Search old new item correspondence

    Old Code Old Section Name Old Description Name Appli. Code Application Name Product Code Product Name

    Back Close ?

    Application (Property- Usage) Product Comment

    06AAA1 Polysulfide Sealant - General Purpose Brushable

    B All

    MIL-PRF-81733 type I

    MC-238 Class A Yes Chromate free

    Effectivity SpecCatAppli. Code Doc

    Consumable Material List

    09013A Sealants Sealant -Brush Consistency 640100 MIL-PRF-81733 type I09013B Sealants Corrosion Inhibiting Brush Consistency 640100 MIL-PRF-81733 type I09013C Sealants Sealant -Brush Consistency 640900 PR 1422 class A (NA)09013D Sealants Sealant -Brush Consistency 640700 PR 1440 class A 09013E Sealants Sealant -Brush Consistency 645300 PS 890 class A09013F Sealants Sealant -Brush Consistency 640100 MIL-PRF-81733 type I09013G Sealants Sealant -Brush Consistency 640600 MC-238 Class A09013X Sealants Sealant -Brush Consistency (Obsolete) 640100 MIL-PRF-81733 type I

    Enter Old or New Code (09013, 09013A, 06AAA1, 300030...)

    Further navigation on Application or Products

    By the Search Index Correspondence and navigation from old or new codes to Applications or Products

    ADOC N@vigator

  • AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

    Part 1 - Application/Product by Code or Name


    AirN@v users Club Toulouse, 27-29 June 2011New CML in AirN@v / Associated Data


    CML Home Page

    Download oldnew correspondence tableOldnew item correspondenceApplication by ProductSpecification (Part 1)Product by Company (Part 1)

    CMMv by Part Number

    Search old new item correspondence

    Code :Name :

    Search Cancel ?

    Enter Old or New Name (Old Description or Application / Product...)

    By the Search Index Correspondence and navigation from old or new names to Products or Applications

    MC-238 Class A

    Search old new item correspondence

    Old Code Old Section Name Old Description Name Appli. Code Application Name Product Code Product Name

    Back Close ?

    09013G Sealants Sealant -Brush Consistency 640600 MC-238 Class A09001E Sealants Fuel Tank Sealant Polysulfide 644300 MC-238 Class A & MC-110 Promoter

    Further navigation on Product (or Application if name shown)

    640600 MC-238 Class A Yes CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640601 or MC-238 A CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640601 -1 & Naftoseal MC-238 A Hardener CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640601 -2 & Naftoseal MC-238 A Base CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640602 or MC-238 A 2 CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640602 -1 & Naftoseal MC-238 A 2 Hardener Yes CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640602 -2 & Naftoseal MC-238 A 2 Base Yes CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640603 or MC-238 A 4 CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640603 -1 & Naftoseal MC-238 A 4 Hardener CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640603 -2 & Naftoseal MC-238 A 4 Base CHEMETALL GMBH Yes

    Specific Product 640600 Effectivity: All

    Airbus Eco Effic. Class

    Product Code

    Airbus Qualified Site

    Product Status Doc Company Headquarter

    ADOC N@vigator

  • AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

    Part 1 - Application/Product by Product


    AirN@v users Club Toulouse, 27-29 June 2011New CML in AirN@v / Associated Data


    CML Home Page

    Download oldnew correspondence tableOldnew item correspondenceApplication by ProductSpecification (Part 1)Product by Company (Part 1)

    CMMv by Part Number

    By the Search Index Navigation from Product name to Application or Product details

    Search Cancel ?

    Search Application by Product or Product Code

    Product :Product Code :

    MC-238 Class A

    Search Application by Product or Product CodeAppli. Code Application (Property-Usage) Cat Effectivity Product Code Product

    Back Close ?

    06AAA1 Polysulfide Sealant - General Purpose Brushable B ALL 640600 MC-238 Class A06ABA1 Polysulfide Sealant Fuel Tank Brushable A ALL 644300 MC-238 Class A & MC-110 Promoter

    Enter Product Name

    Further navigation on Application or Product

    Application (Property- Usage) Product Comment

    06AAA1 Polysulfide Sealant - General Purpose Brushable

    B All

    MIL-PRF-81733 type I

    MC-238 Class A Yes Chromate free

    Effectivity SpecCatAppli. Code Doc

    Consumable Material List

    ADOC N@vigator

  • AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

    Part 1 - Application/Product by Product


    AirN@v users Club Toulouse, 27-29 June 2011New CML in AirN@v / Associated Data


    CML Home Page

    Download oldnew correspondence tableOldnew item correspondenceApplication by ProductSpecification (Part 1)Product by Company (Part 1)

    CMMv by Part Number

    By the Search Index Navigation from new Product code to Application or Product details

    Search Cancel ?

    Search Application by Product or Product Code

    Product :Product Code :

    Enter Product Code


    Search Application by Product or Product CodeAppli. Code Application (Property-Usage) Cat Effectivity Product Code Product

    Back Close ?

    06AAA1 Polysulfide Sealant - General Purpose Brushable B ALL 640600 MC-238 Class A

    640600 MC-238 Class A Yes CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640601 or MC-238 A CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640601 -1 & Naftoseal MC-238 A Hardener CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640601 -2 & Naftoseal MC-238 A Base CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640602 or MC-238 A 2 CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640602 -1 & Naftoseal MC-238 A 2 Hardener Yes CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640602 -2 & Naftoseal MC-238 A 2 Base Yes CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640603 or MC-238 A 4 CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640603 -1 & Naftoseal MC-238 A 4 Hardener CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640603 -2 & Naftoseal MC-238 A 4 Base CHEMETALL GMBH Yes

    Specific Product 640600 Effectivity: All

    Airbus Eco Effic. Class

    Product Code

    Airbus Qualified Site

    Product Status Doc Company Headquarter

    Further navigation on Application or Product

    ADOC N@vigator

  • AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

    Part 1 - Application/Product by Specification


    AirN@v users Club Toulouse, 27-29 June 2011New CML in AirN@v / Associated Data


    CML Home Page

    Download oldnew correspondence tableOldnew item correspondenceApplication by ProductSpecification (Part 1)Product by Company (Part 1)

    CMMv by Part Number

    By the Search Index Navigation from Specification to Application or Product details

    Search Cancel ?

    Search Product in Application by Specification

    Specification Type Number

    SAE AMS 5687

    Enter Specification Type & then the Number

    Appli. Code Application (Property-Usage) Cat Effectivity Product Code Product SpecificationSearch Application by Specification

    Back Close ?

    14QDB1 Wire - Locking Dia: 0.5 mm Stainless Steel B ALL 260800 LOCKWIRE 0.5 MM DIA SAE AMS 568714QEB1 Wire - Locking Dia: 0.6 mm Stainless Steel B ALL 260900 LOCKWIRE 0.6 MM DIA SAE AMS 568714QFB1 Wire - Locking Dia: 0.8 mm Stainless Steel B ALL 261000 LOCKWIRE 0.8 MM DIA SAE AMS 568714QHD1 Wire - Locking Dia: .1.25 mm Stainless Steel B ALL 261200 LOCKWIRE 1.25 MM DIA SAE AMS 568714QJB1 Wire - Locking Dia: 1.6 mm Stainless Steel B ALL 261400 LOCKWIRE 1.6 MM DIA SAE AMS 5687

    Application (Property- Usage) Product Comment

    14QDB1 Wire - Locking Dia: 0.5 mm Stainless Steel B All

    SAE AMS5687 DIA 0.5MM


    Effectivity SpecCatAppli. Code Doc

    Consumable Material List

    Further navigation on Application or Product

    ADOC N@vigator

  • AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

    Part 1 - Product by Company


    AirN@v users Club Toulouse, 27-29 June 2011New CML in AirN@v / Associated Data


    CML Home Page

    Download oldnew correspondence tableOldnew item correspondenceApplication by ProductSpecification (Part 1)Product by Company (Part 1)

    CMMv by Part Number

    By the Search Index Access or print the list of materials manufactured by a Company

    Search Cancel ?

    Search Product by Company (Part 1)

    Company Name CHEMETALL

    Enter Company Name

    Product Code Product Status Company Name Search Product by Company (Part 1)

    Back Close ?

    172700 ARDROX 1218 CHEMETALL 172900 ARDROX 1077 No longer made CHEMETALL175200 ARDROX 3210 No longer made CHEMETALL175800 ARDROX AV8 CHEMETALL176000 ARDROX 3402 No longer made CHEMETALL176200 ARDROX 3209 No longer made CHEMETALL176400 ARDROX AV 100D CHEMETALL176600 ARDROX AV 30 CHEMETALL176700 ARDROX 3403 No longer made CHEMETALL176900 ARDROX 3313 No longer made CHEMETALL177400 ARDROX AV 15 CHEMETALL177800 ARDROX 3966 CHEMETALL.. ..

    ADOC N@vigator

  • AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

    Part 1 - Product details from Application


    AirN@v users Club Toulouse, 27-29 June 2011New CML in AirN@v / Associated Data

    Application (Property- Usage) Product Comment

    06AAA1 Polysulfide Sealant - General Purpose Brushable

    B All

    MIL-PRF-81733 type I

    MC-238 Class A Yes Chromate free

    Effectivity SpecCatAppli. Code Doc

    S06 Sealants

    640100 MIL-PRF-81733 type I Yes LOCAL PURCHASE640400 EX PR 1436 GA No Longer made LJF Sealants HUTCHINSON Yes 640500 EX EC 1675 GA No Longer made 3M Corporate .... Yes 640200 EX PR 1436 GA (NA) No Longer used LJF Sealants HUTCHINSON Yes............ .645300 PS 890 Class A No longer used Yes LJF Sealants HUTCHINSON Yes640801 or PS 890 A LJF Sealants HUTCHINSON Yes640801 -1 & PS 0890 A ACC Yes LJF Sealants HUTCHINSON Yes640801 -2 & PS 0890 A Base Yes LJF Sealants HUTCHINSON Yes640802 or PS 890 A 2 LJF Sealants HUTCHINSON Yes640802 -1 & PS 0890 A 2 ACC Yes LJF Sealants HUTCHINSON Yes640802 -2 & PS 0890 A 2 Base Yes LJF Sealants HUTCHINSON Yes............ .640600 MC-238 Class A Yes CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640601 or MC-238 A CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640601 -1 & Naftoseal MC-238 A Hardener CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640601 -2 & Naftoseal MC-238 A Base CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640602 or MC-238 A 2 CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640602 -1 & Naftoseal MC-238 A 2 Hardener Yes CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640602 -2 & Naftoseal MC-238 A 2 Base Yes CHEMETALL GMBH Yes............ .

    Product Overview: Appli Code 06AAA1 Effectivity: All

    Airbus Eco Effic. Class

    Product Code

    Airbus Qualified Site

    Product Status Doc Company Headquarter

    Material details from Application Access to all: . Obsolescent materials (No longer made...) . Material elements (base, accelerator, thinner...)

  • AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

    Part 1 - Material details from Product


    AirN@v users Club Toulouse, 27-29 June 2011New CML in AirN@v / Associated Data

    Material details from product Access to all elements (base, accelerator, thinner...) related to this product

    Application (Property- Usage) Product Comment

    06AAA1 Polysulfide Sealant - General Purpose Brushable

    B All

    MIL-PRF-81733 type I

    MC-238 Class A Yes Chromate free

    Effectivity SpecCatAppli. Code Doc

    S06 Sealants

    640600 MC-238 Class A Yes CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640601 or MC-238 A CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640601 -1 & Naftoseal MC-238 A Hardener CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640601 -2 & Naftoseal MC-238 A Base CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640602 or MC-238 A 2 CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640602 -1 & Naftoseal MC-238 A 2 Hardener Yes CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640602 -2 & Naftoseal MC-238 A 2 Base Yes CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640603 or MC-238 A 4 CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640603 -1 & Naftoseal MC-238 A 4 Hardener CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640603 -2 & Naftoseal MC-238 A 4 Base CHEMETALL GMBH Yes

    Specific Product 640600 Effectivity: All

    Airbus Eco Effic. Class

    Product Code

    Airbus Qualified Site

    Product Status Doc Company Headquarter

  • AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

    Part 1 - Material details / Specification


    AirN@v users Club Toulouse, 27-29 June 2011New CML in AirN@v / Associated Data

    Material details / Spec. Access to all the Specifications or Codes related to this product

    Application (Property- Usage) Product Comment

    14QDB1 Wire - Locking Dia: 0.5 mm CRES Nickel Alloy

    B All

    SAE AMS5687 DIA 0.5MM


    Effectivity SpecCatAppli. Code Doc

    Consumable Material List

    SAE AMS5687 DIA 0.5MMDTD 189 SAE AMS 5687LN 9424


    Product Specification

  • AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

    Part 1 - Material details / Legacy


    AirN@v users Club Toulouse, 27-29 June 2011New CML in AirN@v / Associated Data

    Application (Property- Usage) Product Comment

    06AAA1 Polysulfide Sealant - General Purpose Brushable

    B All

    MC-238 Class A Yes Chromate free

    MIL-PRF-81733 type I

    Effectivity SpecCatAppli. Code Doc

    S06 Sealants

    06AAA1 09013 Sealants Sealant Brush Consistency (Obsolete)

    Legacy Data

    Appli. Code Old Section Old Description Old Code

    645300 PS 890 Class A No longer used Yes LJF Sealants HUTCHINSON Yes640801 or PS 890 A LJF Sealants HUTCHINSON Yes............ .

    Product Overview: Appli Code 06AAA1 Effectivity: All

    Airbus Eco Effic. Class

    Product Code

    Airbus Qualified Site

    Product Status Doc Company Headquarter

    645300 09013 Sealants Sealant Brush Consistency

    Legacy Data

    Product Code Old Section Old Description Old Code

    645300 09001A Sealants Fuel Tank Sealant

    Product Code Old Section Old Description Old Code



    Material details / Legacy Access to all legacy data (old codes, synonyms...)

  • AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

    Part 1 - Material details / TDS & SDS


    AirN@v users Club Toulouse, 27-29 June 2011New CML in AirN@v / Associated Data

    Material details / TDS & SDS Access to manufacturer documents for information

    ............ .640600 MC-238 Class A Yes CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640601 or MC-238 A CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640601 -1 & Naftoseal MC-238 A Hardener CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640601 -2 & Naftoseal MC-238 A Base CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640602 or MC-238 A 2 CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640602 -1 & Naftoseal MC-238 A 2 Hardener Yes CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640602 -2 & Naftoseal MC-238 A 2 Base Yes CHEMETALL GMBH Yes............ .640100 MIL-PRF-81733 type I Yes LOCAL PURCHASE............ .

    Product Overview: Appli Code 06AAA1 Effectivity: All

    Airbus Eco Effic. Class

    Product Code

    Airbus Qualified Site

    Product Status Doc Company Headquarter

    TDS pr-1436_ga_naTDS ps_870_a

    Products for MIL-PRF-81733 type I

    Document Type Document Name

    TDS pr_1436_ga_na


    Technical Details

    TDS mc_238-a

    NAFTOSEAL MC-238 Class A

    Technical Details

    SDS mc_238-a


    Nafttoseal MC-238 A-2 Hardener

  • AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

    Part 1 - Material details / Company


    AirN@v users Club Toulouse, 27-29 June 2011New CML in AirN@v / Associated Data

    Material details / Company Access to manufacturer address and Website

    ............ .640600 MC-238 Class A Yes CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640601 or MC-238 A CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640601 -1 & Naftoseal MC-238 A Hardener CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640601 -2 & Naftoseal MC-238 A Base CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640602 or MC-238 A 2 CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640602 -1 & Naftoseal MC-238 A 2 Hardener Yes CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640602 -2 & Naftoseal MC-238 A 2 Base Yes CHEMETALL GMBH Yes............ .

    Product Overview: Appli Code 06AAA1 Effectivity: All

    Airbus Eco Effic. Class

    Product Code

    Airbus Qualified Site

    Product Status Doc Company Headquarter

    Manufacturer CHEMETALL GMBH 06971652936 06971650 D1940

    Company Headquarter for Product MC-238 A

    Type Address Fax Website Cage Code Name Phone


    Direct Website access(if on line connection)

  • AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.



    New CML Introduction 2



    Part 2 - Products in Vendor Equipment Manuals

    Part 1 - Products in Airbus Manuals


    AirN@v users Club Toulouse, 27-29 June 2011New CML in AirN@v / Associated Data


    o Products in CMMv by Vendors Equipmento Detailso CMMv by Part Number

    AirN@v / Associated Data overview1

  • AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

    Part 2 - Products in CMMv by Vendors Equipment


    AirN@v users Club Toulouse, 27-29 June 2011New CML in AirN@v / Associated Data

    Product Overview: Appli Code 06AA1 Effectivity: All Table of Contents

    + Manual Front Matter CONSUMABLE MATERIAL LIST

    + A+ B+ C+ D+ E+ ..+ R+ S + T++ Z

    Part 2 Products in Vendor Equipment Manualsc

    + Part 1 Products in Airbus Manuals




    Vendor Part Number


    CMMv Rev Date CMMv ATA Cage Code CMMv Title

    251131 CAPTAIN SEATS FIRST OFFICIER TAAI1-03CE00-01, TAAI1-03CE01-01, Jun 04/10 YesTAAI1-03CE02-01, TAAI1-03CE21-01,..........................., ............................,

    251137 CAPTAIN & FIRST OFFICIER SEATS TAAI2-13CE00-01, TAAI2-13CE01-01, Jun 04/10 YesTAAI2-13CE20-01, TAAI2-13CE30-01,..........................., ............................,


    N/A Ammonia N/A Local Purchase X4365-3600 Green primary 4365-3600 PPG Coating XN/A Denatured N/A Local Purchase XLoctite 241 Bonding product Loctite 241 Henkel XLoctite 221 Bonding product Loctite 221 Henkel XLoctite 273 Bonding product Loctite 273 Henkel X. . .

    Product Overview for CCMv 251131


    Vendor Equip. Ref Comments Product Doc Company Where Used Substitute Designation Spec








    Products extracted from CMMv by Vendors Equipment Direct access to an overview of products related to a CMMv

  • AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

    Part 2 - Details / Vendors Equipment


    AirN@v users Club Toulouse, 27-29 June 2011New CML in AirN@v / Associated Data

    Details / Vendors Equipment Access to Vendor address and original CMMv document in AirbusWorld (if authorised access)

    Product Overview: Appli Code 06AA1 Effectivity: All EADS SOGERMA

    Vendor Part Number


    CMMv Rev Date CMMv ATA Cage Code CMMv Title

    251131 CAPTAIN SEATS FIRST OFFICIER TAAI1-03CE00-01, TAAI1-03CE01-01, Jun 04/10 YesTAAI1-03CE02-01, TAAI1-03CE21-01,..........................., ............................,

    251137 CAPTAIN & FIRST OFFICIER SEATS TAAI2-13CE00-01, TAAI2-13CE01-01, Jun 04/10 YesTAAI2-13CE20-01, TAAI2-13CE30-01,..........................., ............................,


    Document CMMv 251131




    Captain Seats First Officer Seats

    PN: TAAI1-03CE00-01TAAI1-03CE01-01 TTAAI1-03CE02-01

    EADS SOGERMA 0556553772 0556550255 F4643

    Vendor or Product Company overview

    Address Fax Website Cage Code Name Phone


  • AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

    Part 2 - Details / Materials


    AirN@v users Club Toulouse, 27-29 June 2011New CML in AirN@v / Associated Data

    Details / Material Access to materials manufacturer address

    N/A Ammonia N/A Local Purchase X4365-3600 Green primary 4365-3600 PPG Coating XN/A Denatured N/A Local Purchase XLoctite 241 Bonding product Loctite 241 Henkel XLoctite 221 Bonding product Loctite 221 Henkel XLoctite 273 Bonding product Loctite 273 Henkel X. . .

    Product Overview for CCMv 251131


    Vendor Equip. Ref Comments Product Doc Company Where Used Substitute Designation Spec








    PPG Coating SA 0235535405 0235535400 F1419

    Vendor or Product Company overview

    Address Fax Website Name Phone


  • AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

    Part 2 - CMMv by Part Number / Products


    AirN@v users Club Toulouse, 27-29 June 2011New CML in AirN@v / Associated Data

    N/A Ammonia N/A Local Purchase X4365-3600 Green primary 4365-3600 PPG Coating XN/A Denatured N/A Local Purchase XLoctite 241 Bonding product Loctite 241 Henkel XLoctite 221 Bonding product Loctite 221 Henkel XLoctite 273 Bonding product Loctite 273 Henkel X. . .

    Product Overview for CCMv 251131


    Vendor Equip. Ref Comments Product Doc Company Where Used Substitute Designation Spec









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    Part Number TAAI1-03CE00-01

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    06AAA1 Polysulfide Sealant - General Purpose Brushable B ALL 300070 MC-238 Class AVendor Part Number


    CMMv Rev Date CMMv ATA Cage Code CMMv Title

    251131 CAPTAIN SEATS FIRST OFFICIER TAAI1-03CE00-01 Jun 04/10 Yes


    ADOC N@vigator


    By the Search Index Navigation from Equipment Part Number to the CMMv document and materials overview

  • AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.



    AirN@v / Associated Data overview1



    Part 2 - Products in Vendor Equipment Manuals

    Part 1 - Products in Airbus Manuals



    New CML in AirN@v / Associated Data

    New CML Introduction2

    AirN@v users Club Toulouse, 27-29 June 2011

  • AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

    Conclusion - New manual architecture - Summary


    + Manual Front Matter CONSUMABLE MATERIAL LIST

    + S01 - Fuels+ S02 - Hydraulic fluids+ S03 - Lubricants+ S04 - Paints and Coatings + S05 - Adhesives+ S06 - Sealants+ S07 - Anti-Icing and De-icing Materials+ S08 - Cleaners+ S09 - Strippers+ S10 - Pretreatment surfaces+ S11 - Disinfectants+ S12 - Corrosion Prevention+ S13 - Composite Repairs + S14 - Miscellaneous

    Part 1 - Products in Airbus Manuals

    + 06A - Polysulfide Sealant + 06B - Silicone Sealant + 06C - Silicone Adhesive Sealant+ 06F - Adhesive Sealant

    S06 - Sealants

    Application (Property- Usage) Product Comment

    06AAA1 Polysulfide Sealant - General Purpose Brushable

    B All

    MIL-PRF-81733 type I

    MC-238 Class A Yes Chromate free

    Effectivity SpecCatAppli. Code Doc

    Table of Contents S06 Sealants

    + Part 2 Products in Vendor Equipment Manuals

    New CML project

    640600 MC-238 Class A Yes CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640601 or MC-238 A CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640601 -1 & Naftoseal MC-238 A Hardener Yes CHEMETALL GMBH Yes640601 -2 & Naftoseal MC-238 A Base Yes CHEMETALL GMBH Yes

    Specific Product 640600 Effectivity: All

    Airbus Eco Effic. Class

    Product Code

    Airbus Qualified Site

    Product Status Doc Company Headquarter

    TDS mc_238-a

    NAFTOSEAL MC-238 Class A

    Technical Details

    SDS mc_238-a


    Nafttoseal MC-238 A-1/2 Hardener

    Manufacturer CHEMETALL GMBH 06971652936 06971650 D1940

    Company Headquarter for Product MC-238 A

    Type Address Fax Website Cage Code Name Phone


    Direct Website access

    Direct access to TDS & SDS

    AirN@v users Club Toulouse, 27-29 June 2011

  • AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

    Conclusion - Airline benefits Engineering

    Guide & quickly select eco-efficient materials Single tool to access directly to all up to date material data

    Procurement Materials identified at manufacturer origin (trade mark owners) Direct access to manufacturer website Benefit of volume effect

    New CML project

    Quality department Visibility of Airbus qualified manufacturer production site

    Store department Rationalise & optimise material stocks

    Workshop - Environment Health Safety (EHS) department Access to EHS warnings prior handling materials (Manufacturer SDS)

    AirN@v users Club Toulouse, 27-29 June 2011

  • AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

    AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. This document and all information contained herein is the sole property of AIRBUS S.A.S. No intellectual property rights are granted by thedelivery of this document or the disclosure of its content. This document shall not be reproduced or disclosed to a third party without the express written consent of AIRBUS S.A.S. This document and its content shall not beused for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied. The statements made herein do not constitute an offer. They are based on the mentioned assumptions and are expressed in good faith. Where the supportinggrounds for these statements are not shown, AIRBUS S.A.S. will be pleased to explain the basis thereof.AIRBUS, its logo, A300, A310, A318, A319, A320, A321, A330, A340, A350, A380, A400M are registered trademarks.

    AirN@v users Club Toulouse, 27-29 June 2011New CML in AirN@v / Associated Data

    New CML in AirN@v / Associated Data ContentsContentsAirN@v / Associated Data overviewContentsNew CML - BackgroundNew CML - Definitions - Part 1 (Airbus Manuals)Slide Number 8New CML - Definitions - Part 1 (Airbus Manuals)New CML - Definitions - Part 2 (Vendor Manuals)ContentsPart 1 - Application/Product by Families - Table Of ContentsPart 1 - Application/Product by Families - EffectivityPart 1 - Application/Product by Code or NamePart 1 - Application/Product by Code or NamePart 1 - Application/Product by ProductPart 1 - Application/Product by ProductPart 1 - Application/Product by SpecificationPart 1 - Product by CompanyPart 1 - Product details from ApplicationPart 1 - Material details from ProductPart 1 - Material details / SpecificationPart 1 - Material details / LegacyPart 1 - Material details / TDS & SDS Part 1 - Material details / Company ContentsPart 2 - Products in CMMv by Vendors EquipmentPart 2 - Details / Vendors Equipment Part 2 - Details / MaterialsPart 2 - CMMv by Part Number / ProductsContentsConclusion - New manual architecture - SummaryConclusion - Airline benefits Slide Number 34
