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Reduce stress Build resilienceSupport wellbeingIncrease moraleCommunicate betterSupport your teamDevelop youremotional intelligence


Feel more energisedBoost your motivation Reduce sickness Boost productivityImprove work qualityEnhance cognitionIncrease your jobsatisfaction




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Suitable for individual online learningSuitable for small group training such as team meetingsSuitable for bigger groups at conferences and team training days


We provide workshops, training and resources supporting staff to reducestress, build resilience, increase mental wellbeing and make healthy lifestylechanges. Our mission is to support organisations in improving both mentaland physical health outcomes for staff. We believe that when people are healthy, happy and supported at work,productivity and work quality increase, team morale is boosted and sicknessand absence reduce. Our courses are designed to be flexible so that you can deliver training tostaff in the way that best suits your organisation. You can run the coursesas many times as you like, at the time and place that suits you. We cover awide range of topics, all in one place. Our courses are:


Before HTG, our team collectively dedicated over 35 years to developingand delivering health promotion programmes to people of all ages.  We have supported staff and delivered training nationwide in both the private andpublic sector, and supported young people's wellbeing in schools acrossthree counties. We understand that organisations are facing increasing pressures toprioritise wellbeing but they face challenges, such as time restraints andbudget limitations. HTG was launched to provide a solution that wasaffordable, effective, practical and flexible.



Mental health courses pg4Health promotion courses.  pg5Frequently asked questions.  pg7

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Supporting staff: Improving communication and boosting

motivationThis workshop is designed to support managers in improving staff mental health andwellbeing. Managers will have time to think about their own health too, so that they canbe in the best possible position to lead and support their team. We will cover mental health awareness, identifying and reducing stress, buildingresilience, understanding managerial duty of care, stress risk assessments, how to havesensitive conversations and how to motivate staff behaviour change.

Supporting Staff: Managing changeOrganisations often have to implement changes to improve their service and stayrelevant in today's fast moving society, however change is not always easy for staff. This workshop aims to equip managers with the tools they need to support their teamduring periods of transition. They will understand people's negative responses andimplement changes in a constructive way.


Mental health awarenessThis workshop enables employees to understand what mental health is and to create anaction plan for developing their own mental wellbeing. It aims to reduce the stigmaassociated with mental health problems by raising awareness of common conditions. Develop positive and inclusive language to be able to talk about mental health.Understand how we can all play a part in promoting a positive and inclusive culture in theworkplace. Be confident engaging with the support available if you ever need it andknow how to signpost others to relevant services when required.

Reducing stress and building resilienceWhen we experience too much stress it has a negative impact on our mental and physicalhealth. Uncover how stress affects our body systems. Develop helpful coping strategiesand manage stress in a positive way. This course can help people to develop emotional intelligence as we become more awareof our emotions and practice simple mindfulness techniques. Understand the linkbetween lifestyle choices, stress and cognitive function.


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Increasing physical activity at workDiscover the health risks of physical inactivity and understand the benefits of becomingmore active. Find out how much physical activity we need, what type of activity is bestfor your body type and find practical solutions that will enable you to move more duringthe working day.

Nutrition for weight loss and developing body confidenceWave goodbye to fad diets and find out how you can loose weight and keep it off forgood in a way that promotes optimum levels of health. Uncover the secrets of the foodindustry, consider the effects of modern culture on body image and feel empowered toachieve your goals.

Nutrition for energy, mood and cognitive performanceWhat we eat has a huge impact on how we think and feel. In this workshop we will sharehow you can use nutrition to enhance your memory and productivity. We will be lookingat a variety of topics such as how to improve mood, increase energy and get more sleep.

Men’s healthThis workshop provides men with the opportunity to find out how to improve theirmental and physical health. You can reflect on the pressures men face in modern societyand consider how we can support each other in the workplace.We cover a range of topics including emotional wellbeing, cancer awareness, nutrition,exercise, body confidence and healthy ageing. We hope to leave attendees feelingcomfortable to seek help when they need it and motivated to make healthy choices.

Women’s healthIn this workshop you will have time to reflect on the pressures women face in modernsociety and see how you can support your body through life. We will cover copingstrategies for symptoms of menopause, body confidence, mental health and cancerawareness.

Improving sleep, rest and repairWhat happens when we sleep? Why is sleep so important? Understand common sleepdisorders and take home practical tips so you can sleep better and wake up feelingrefreshed and energised.


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Healthy ageingAs we age the risk of experiencing health conditions increases, however the lifestylechoices we make today will have an impact on the quality of life we experience later. Findout the most effective thing you can do to slow the ageing process, reduce the risk ofdementia and live a longer, healthier life.

Smoking awarenessDo you know what is in a cigarette? Are shish-a and vaping healthier? How can we knowhow addicted we actually are? Find out the answers and know what support is availableso you can increase your chances of quitting for good.

Alcohol awarenessYou may be surprised when you find out how even small amounts of alcohol can impactsleep, metabolism and cognitive function. Keep up to date with the key public healthmessages surrounding alcohol and know where to go for support if you are concernedabout your alcohol consumption.


Train the Trainer Course: Workplace Health AmbassadorsThis is a course that enables staff to train and to act as Health Ambassadors in theworkplace. You will learn how to motivate and inspire others to make healthy lifestyles,run health and wellbeing events and create a healthy workplace culture. You will be ableto signpost staff to support services when required.

Mindfulness at workSee what happens to our brain and bodies when we practice mindfulness and understandhow you can use it to build resilience. This is a practical workshop where you can trydifferent techniques to see what ones suit you best. Take away ideas on how you canincorporate mindfulness in the working day to increase productivity and reduce stress.   


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New staff induction trainingIndividual e-learningTeam meetingsGroup workshopsHealth and wellbeing eventsConferences


What are the benefits of purchasing the subscription service and

accessing your online courses?

Our courses get regular updates so that all the information is correct and in line withcurrent research. As we add new courses our product increases in value but yoursubscription payment remains the same.

How do I purchase the course subscription for my team?

To purchase a simply go to our website From the websiteyou can choose your subscription level and set up your account. You can give us a call ordrop us an email if you need any help or would like more information.

What are the subscription levels?

There are different levels of membership to choose from, based on the number of staff inyour organisation who will access the courses. Membership rates are between £1.50-4.50 per staff member per month. We offer a minimum 1 year subscription.

What happens after I purchase a subscription?

You will receive an email giving you access to your admin account page. From here youwill see a link that you can copy and paste into an email for your staff. When your staffclick on the link it will take them to a sign in page where they can create their own log in,access their user account and view the courses.From your admin account page you will be able to see how many staff members haveaccessed the courses and manage your subscription.You can use the courses in the way it suits your organisation best, wether that is forindividual e-learning or group delivery.

What happens if staff leave my organisation and new staff join?

Example: If you paid for 50 staff user accounts and 10 staff leave the organisation, this isnot a problem. We will delete the user accounts that are not active, so you will have 10new accounts ready for your new members of staff. In other words, if you pay for 50accounts, you can have up to 50 accounts live at all times even if the staff membersthemselves change.

How can we use the courses?



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Customer services:

Sonya: 07742 874 927

Louise: 07585 024 557

Email: [email protected]


