


The Family Inventory has been designed to provide you with a comprehensive list of all information pertaining to your family’s current financial status, personal information, assets, accounts, policies as well as legal and advisory contacts. You’ll find it a useful reference when creating a financial plan. Completion of the Family Inventory is also the first step in developing your estate plan. An up-to-date Family Inventory will prove invaluable to your surviving heirs, executors, trustees and advisors as your estate is administered. Update this document whenever significant changes occur within your family.

PERSONAL INFORMATION: Date: Name: Social Insurance Number: Date of Birth: Place of Birth:

Spouse’s Name: Social Insurance Number: Date of Birth: Place of Birth:

DEPENDENTS: Name: Relationship: Social Insurance Number: Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Name: Relationship: Social Insurance Number: Birth Date: Place of Birth: Name: Relationship: Social Insurance Number: Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Name: Relationship: Social Insurance Number: Date of Birth: Place of Birth:

PROFESSIONAL ADVISORS: Accountant: Firm Name: Address: Phone # Fax # Email Address: Lawyer: Firm Name: Address: Phone # Fax # Email Address: Personal Insurance: Firm Name: Address: Phone # Fax # Email Address: Property Insurance: Firm Name: Address: Phone # Fax # Email Address: Additional: Firm Name: Address: Phone # Fax # Email Address:

INVESTMENTS: Advisor’s Name: Firm Name: Address: Phone # Fax # Email Address: Bank: Safe Deposit Box # Contact Name: Address: Phone # Fax # Email Address: Bank: Safe Deposit Box # Contact Name: Address: Phone # Fax # Email Address: Bank: Safe Deposit Box # Contact Name: Address: Phone # Fax # Email Address: Medical Contacts: Physician’s Name: Phone # Physician’s Name: Phone # Dentist’s Name: Phone # Dentist’s Name: Phone #

LOCATION OF OTHER IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS: Birth Certificate: Spouse’s Birth Certificate: Marriage License: Children’s Birth Certificates: Citizenship & Passport Papers: Income Tax Returns: Custody/ Adoption Papers: Pre-Nuptial/ Cohabitation Papers: Separation/ Divorce Papers: Wills and Power of Attorney(s): Mortgage/Loan Documents: Bank/Investment Account Statements: Other Documents: Location of Home/Office Safe: CREDIT INFORMATION: Note: Include all bank liabilities – e.g. mortgage, credit line, demand loans, etc. 1) Financial Institution: Contact Name: Phone # Address: Borrower: Loan Amount $ Reference # Loan Type: 2) Financial Institution: Contact Name: Phone # Address: Borrower: Loan Amount $ Reference # Loan Type:

3) Financial Institution: Contact Name: Phone # Address: Borrower: Loan Amount $ Reference # Loan Type: 4) Financial Institution: Contact Name: Phone # Address: Borrower: Loan Amount $ Reference # Loan Type: BANK MACHINE CARDS: 1. Issuer: Card #: 2. Issuer: Card #: 3. Issuer: Card #: CREDIT CARDS: 1. Issuer: Card #: Card Holder: Expiry Date: Credit Limit $: 2. Issuer: Card #: Card Holder: Expiry Date: Credit Limit $: 3. Issuer: Card #: Card Holder: Expiry Date: Credit Limit $: INVESTMENT INFORMATION: 1. Account Type:* Firm: Address: Name on Account: Account #: Value $ Ownership type/ Beneficiary(s):**

2. Account Type:* Firm: Address: Name on Account: Account #: Value $ Ownership type/ Beneficiary(s):** 3. Account Type:* Firm: Address: Name on Account: Account #: Value $ Ownership type/ Beneficiary(s):** 4. Account Type:* Firm: Address: Name on Account: Account #: Value $ Ownership type/ Beneficiary(s):** 5. Account Type:* Firm: Address: Name on Account: Account #: Value $ Ownership type/ Beneficiary(s):** 6. Account Type:* Firm: Address: Name on Account: Account #: Value $ Ownership type/ Beneficiary(s):**

*Includes taxable accounts, RRSPs, RIFs, Locked-in RSPs, LIFs, RESPs, TSFAs, and Annuities etc. ** If this is a registered account list the beneficiary(s). If this is a cash or margin account indicate whether the account is in a single name, joint tenancy with right of survivorship or tenancy in common. PERSONAL ASSETS: ASSETS (e.g. Cars, Jewelry, Art, etc) Item Description Value $ Location Intended Beneficiary 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

REAL ESTATE: Principal Residence: Registered Owners: Legal Description: Date Purchased: Assessed Value: Title Held by: Deed Location: Mortgage Held by: Insurance Policy Details: Additional Real Estate: 1. Address: Registered Owners: Legal Description: Date Purchased: Purchase Price: Title Held by: Deed Location: Mortgage Held by: Insurance Policy Details: 2. Address: Registered Owners: Legal Description: Date Purchased: Purchase Price: Title Held by: Deed Location: Mortgage Held by: Insurance Policy Details: PENSION PLANS: 1. Company Name: Contact: Phone# Administrative Address: Plan Type:* Plan #: Beneficiary:

2. Company Name: Contact: Phone# Administrative Address: Plan Type:* Plan #: Beneficiary: *Defined Benefit: Money Purchase or Defined Contribution: DPSP; or Group RSP 3. Canada Pension Plan (CPP): Contact: Phone# Administrative Address: Beneficiary: 4. Old Age Security (OAS): Contact: Phone# Administrative Address: 5. Annuity: Contact: Phone# Administrative Address: Type: Policy #: Beneficiary: PRIVATE CORPORATIONS: 1. Company Name: Address: Type: % of Interest Held: Location of Documents: Legal Counsel: 2. Company Name: Address: Type: % of Interest Held: Location of Documents: Legal Counsel: *Sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, etc.

INSURANCE: INDIVIDUAL COVERAGE 1. Issuer: Insured: Agent’s Name: Phone # Policy# Insurance Type: Face Value $: Cash Surrender Value: Beneficiary: Death Benefit: Contract Location: 2. Issuer: Insured: Agent’s Name: Phone # Policy# Insurance Type: Face Value $: Cash Surrender Value: Beneficiary: Death Benefit: Contract Location: GROUP COVERAGE: 1. Issuer: Insured: Agent’s Name: Phone # Policy# Insurance Type: Face Value $: Cash Surrender Value: Beneficiary: Death Benefit: Contract Location: 2. Issuer: Insured: Agent’s Name: Phone # Policy# Insurance Type: Face Value $: Cash Surrender Value: Beneficiary: Death Benefit: Contract Location:

OTHER COVERAGE (E.G. TRAVEL INSURANCE, CREDIT CARDS, ETC.) 1. Issuer: Insured: Agent’s Name: Phone # Policy# Insurance Type: Face Value $: Cash Surrender Value: Beneficiary: Death Benefit: Contract Location: HEALTH INSURANCE: 1. Issuer: Insured: Agent’s Name: Phone # Policy# Insurance Type: 2. Issuer: Insured: Agent’s Name: Phone # Policy# Insurance Type: Face Value $: Cash Surrender Value: Group: Coverage for: PRIVATE DISABILITY INSURANCE: 1. Insurance Company: Contact Name: Phone #: Address: Person Insured: Coverage Type: Coverage $: Benefit Period: Annual Premium $: Policy #: 2. Insurance Company: Contact Name: Phone #: Address: Person Insured: Coverage Type: Coverage $: Benefit Period: Annual Premium $: Policy #:

CRITICAL ILLNESS/ DISABILITY INSURANCE: 1. Insurance Company: Contact Name: Phone #: Address: Person Insured: Coverage Type: Coverage $: Benefit Period: Annual Premium $: Policy #: 2. Insurance Company: Contact Name: Phone #: Address: Person Insured: Coverage Type: Coverage $: Benefit Period: Annual Premium $: Policy #: OTHER INSURANCE (E.G. MORTGAGE, CREDIT CARDS, ETC.): Insurance Company: Coverage For: Policy # Coverage $: Contract Location: PROPERTY INSURANCE (HOME/ AUTO/OTHER) 1.Description: Insurance Company: Contact Name: Phone: Address: Policy #: Contract Location: 2.Description: Insurance Company: Contact Name: Phone: Address: Policy #: Contract Location: 3.Description: Insurance Company: Contact Name: Phone: Address: Policy #: Contract Location: 4.Description: Insurance Company: Contact Name: Phone: Address: Policy #: Contract Location:


1. For: Funeral Home: Contact Name: Phone # Details: Cemetery Plot: Plot Location: Deed Location: 2. For: Funeral Home: Contact Name: Phone # Details: Cemetery Plot: Plot Location: Deed Location: YOUR WILL: Will For: Date of Most Recent Will: Date of Most Recent Codicil: Lawyer: Phone #: Address: Will’s Location: Executor(s)/Trustee (s): Phone # Executor(s)/Trustee (s): Phone # Address: Your Beneficiaries: Name: Phone # Address: Name: Phone # Address: Name: Phone # Address: Name: Phone # Address: Will Instructions/ Special Clauses:

YOUR SPOUSE’S WILL: Will For: Date of Most Recent Will: Date of Most Recent Codicil: Lawyer: Phone #: Address: Will’s Location: Executor(s)/Trustee (s): Phone # Executor(s)/Trustee (s): Phone # Address: Your Beneficiaries: Name: Phone # Address: Name: Phone # Address: Name: Phone # Address: Name: Phone # Address: Will Instructions/ Special Clauses: YOUR POWER OF ATTORNEY: Location: Type: Dated: Powers Given to: Phone #: Address: Lawyer: Phone # Address:

YOUR SPOUSE’S POWER OF ATTORNEY: Location: Type: Dated: Powers Given to: Phone #: Address: Lawyer: Phone # Address: NOTES: (Indicate any other pertinent information e.g. child support, any other outstanding debts, trusts, etc. in the section below.) Notes:

