Download pdf - New Skills & Talents

  • 8/11/2019 New Skills & Talents


    Expanded Skills

    Academic KnowledgeAlchemyArchitectureArts

    Astronomy & AstrologyBureaucracy & GovernmentCommerceCryptologyDaemonologyEngineeringGenealogy/HeraldryGeographyHistoryLaw & Politicsagicedicine!ecromancy

    !umerology"ccult #alternative magical traditions$Philosophy%eligion/heology%unes'cience & !ature'pirits'trategy/actics(oology

    Notes:A success)ul Academic *nowledge #(oology$ est will reveal in)ormation on the 'cholar+sEye ,iew o) a monster presented in the "ld -orld Bestiary. you may choose a speci)ic creature#Dragons '0aven 1ndead etc2$ when purchasing this s0ill2 any s0ills can 3e )urther divided

    into su34s0ills usually 3y race or region2 Elven History is a di))erent s0ill )rom 5mperial History )orinstance 6ust as 5mperial %eligion/heology is a di))erent s0ill )rom Athel Lorien%eligion/heology and 'iege Engines is a separate s0ills )rom Engineering2

    Common KnowledgeAl3ionAra3yAthel Lorien #-ood Elves$Badlands #Greens0ins$Blac0 Gul) #Dwar)s$Blac0 ountains #Dwar)s$Border PrincesBretonniaChaos -asteland #!orthern -astes$Chaos -asteland #'outhern -astes$Cults #religion$Dangerous BeastsDar0 LandsDragon 5slesDwimmerdim ,ale #Gnomes$Eastern 'teppes #Gospodar & 1ngol$EmpireEstalia

  • 8/11/2019 New Skills & Talents


    7ol0lore7or3idden LoreGianthome ountains #!orse Dwar)s$Glimdwarrow #Gnomes$Great 7orest #Elves$Grey ountains #Dwar)s$Gypsies #the %om and 'trigany$Her3alismHinterlands o) *huresh5mperial Cathay #also 0nown as Grand Cathay$*ingdoms o) 5nd*islevLand o) the DeadLaurelorn 7orest #Elves$Lost 5sles o) ElithisLustriaootythology!aggaroth #Land o) Chill & Dar0 Elves$!ehe0haran Empire

    !ew -orld!ippon!orsca"gre *ingdoms #ountains o) ourn$%ei0wald 7orest #Elves$%eman Empire'artosa'eas & "ceans'outhlands'trigany'ylvania #,ampires$ilea1lthuan #High Elves$

    1nder4-arrens/1nder4Empire #'0aven$1nderworld #crime and sedition$,aults #Dwar)s$-ar)are-asteland #arien3urg & 'ea Elves$-orld+s Edge ountains #Dwar)s$

    Notes:A success)ul Common *nowledge #Dangerous Beasts$ est will reveal in)ormation on theCommon ,iew o) a monster presented in the "ld -orld Bestiary2 8ou may choose a speci)iccreature #Beastmen Giants Greens0ins utants etc2$ when purchasing this s0ill2 -henselecting *nowledges players may choose to speciali9e in certain areas2 7or e:ample 'eas &"ceans represents general a;uatic 0nowledge 3ut you may select a speci)ic 3ody o) water suchas he Great "cean or 'ea o) Claws or choose to speciali9e in Castle 'ieges instead o) general

    -ar)are2 7urthermore you could choose a speci)ic region or area instead o) a general territorysuch as choosing Altdor) or "stland instead o) he Empire or the Great Deser instead o) Ara3y2

    PerformerAcro3aticsActing/heatreBalancing ActBalladBalletBells

  • 8/11/2019 New Skills & Talents


    Bri3eryBu))ooneryChantChimesChoirClownComedyDancingDramaDrumsEpicEscape Artist7iddle7ire Eater7lute7ortune ellingGongHarp

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    Secret Signs & LanguagesBattle 'ignalsBattle CommandsCultist 'ym3olsCultist ongueDar0 'ignsDar0 'peechGuilder CodeGuilder 'peechine Codeine 'ignsPrison CodePrison Can+t%anger 'igns%anger ongue'ailor 'ignals'ailor ongue'cout 'ignals'cout ongue

    emplar 'ignsemplar onguehieves Codehieves Can+t-i9ardry 'ym3ols-i9ardry Chant

    Notes:hese tongues and signs could 3e coded messages signs signals )lags signlanguages hand signs animal calls whistling sounds discrete commands/orders slang or 6ustsimple 6argon2 7ailing a '0ill est doesn+t necessarily mean you+ve )ailed to deliver anunderstanda3le message it could mean you+ve drawn attention to yoursel) and that others canunderstand your language or read your message2

    Speak Aethyric LanguageBlac0 'peech #Dar0 ongue$ =Dar0 Elves>Daemonic #Dar0 ongue$ =Daemonologists & Dar0 Elves>Druidic #"ld ongue$ =Druids o) the "ld 7aith>Elemental #High Cathayan$ =Elementalists & CelestialDragon on0s>7oul #Curses$ =Gnomes>Gut agic #Grum3arth$ ="gres>agic0a #Lingua Praestantia$ =Human Arcanists>!ecromantic #High !ehe0aran$ =!ecromancers & Liche Priests>"ld 'lann #"ld 'lann$ ='lann age4Priests>Prayer #Classical$ =Human Priests>%unes #Aldrunr/Aldrhun$ =%unesmiths and %unepriests>

    ree 'ongs #alla4room43a4larin$ =-ood4Elves and reants>rue agic0a #Ano;eyan$ =High4Elves>(harr4*lin0arhun #Aldrunr$ =Chaos Dwar)s>

    Notes:Blac0 'peech is 3ased upon the Dar0 ongue and adds elements o) the Dar0 Elves ownlanguage o) Druhir #which itsel) is a corrupted )rom o) ar4Eltharin$2 7oul language has no propername the Gnomes claim it is too o3scene to even mention2 Aldrunr is an ancient and archaic)orm o) *ha9alid2 he Lingua Praestantia is derived )rom "ld %ei0spiel the Classical ongueand a )ew select words )rom ar4Eltharin and Ano;eyan2 !ecromantic com3ines High !ehe0aran#an arcane )orm o) the !ehe0aran language$ with parts o) Blac0 'peech stolen )rom the Dar04

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    Elves 3y !agash 3its and pieces o) Classical have 3een added to it since then2 Prayer com3inesthe Classical tongue #itsel) derived )rom High !ehe0aran and ar4Eltharin$ with 3its and pieces o)the regional language the priest was trained in it replaces agic0a as the 'pea0 AethyricLanguage s0ill Priests re;uire to cast spells2 alla4room43a4larin is a su3tle and alien tounge. it iso)ten sung instead o) spo0en2

    Speak LanguageAma9onian #Ama9ons$Ara3yc #Ara3y !omads spea0 the !omad ongue$Assyrian #Ba3ylonian4li0e Empire that e:isted in the Dar0 Lands in ancient times 3e)ore 3eingdestroyed 3y the Chaos Dwar)s$Beast ongue #Beastmen$Breton #Bretonnia also 0nown as Bretonni$Cathan #Cathay insultingly 0nown as Celestial in the "ld -orld$Classical #Dead language o) the %eman Empire$Dar0 ongue #Beasts and Hordes o) Chaos$Dragons ongue #Dra0es -yrms -yverns etc2$Druhir #Dar0 Elves the written )orm is called Druchast$Eltharin #Also 0nown as Elthariel this language is spo0en 3y 5mperial Elves such as those inLaurelorn$

    Estalian #Estalia$7an4Eltharin #-ood Elves$Ghassally =he corrupted dialect o) *ha9alid spo0en 3y Gnomes *ha9ale0 is the written )orm>Gha9h0a0h #Go3lins and go3linoids gutteral version o) the Green ongue$Green ongue #common tongue o) the Greens0ins pieced together )rom several languages andgrunting sounds and strongly resem3les coc0ney English$Grum3arth #"gres$Hargha9ha0h #Ho3go3lins$Hellenic #Dead language o) the Hellenic League that e:isted in the Border Princes region duringancient times$High !ehe0aran #Dead language spo0en 3y the leaders politicians and priests o) the !ehe0aranEmpire also 0nown as Pharonic Hieroglyphs$Hung #Hung tri3es$

    5ndhyan #*ingdom o) 5nd 5ndonesian is the written )orm$*eltic #Al3ion$*ha9alid #Dwar)s *lin0arhun is their runic alpha3et$*huresian #Hinderlands o) *huresh$*islevarin #*islev also 0nown as *islevian$*urgan #*urgan tri3es$Low !ehe0aran #Dead language spo0en 3y the slaves wor0ers and warriors o) the !ehe0aranEmpire$ootlandish =Corrupted version o) %ei0spiel spo0en 3y hal)lings and ootlanders insultinglycalled 'mall al0 or oot 'pea02 'ometimes shortened to ootish>!ipponese #!ippon an ancient )orm 0nown as !ippurian also e:ists$!ordic #!orscans 7uthar0 is the !orse runic language which serves as the written )orm. it is usedto carve runestones$

    "ld %ei0spiel #!orthern Empire$"ld ongue #0nown as "ggum the dea0 spo0en language o) the druidic "ld 7aith the runic )ormis called "gham$"rgvar #dialect o) the Green ongue commonly spo0en 3y rolls$"rra0h #dialect o) the Green ongue commonly spo0en 3y "rcs$?uee0ish #'0aven$%ei0spiel #Empire$'no3go3 #dialect o) the Green ongue commonly spo0en 3y 'notlings$'outh ongue #'outhlands also 0nown as E3ony or E3onian$'sissyl+0 #"ld 'lann 's0y99l+0 is the written )orm$

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    'trigany #Gypsies$'ylvanian #'ylvania$ar4Eltharin #High Elves including 'ea Elves and 'hadow Elves$ilean #ilea$ong #ong tri3es$1ngolian #1ngol tri3es the horse nomads that migrated to *islev )rom the Eastern 'teppes$@lotl #Li9ardmen '0in0ian is the version spo0en 3y roglodytes humans re)er to them as the'aurian tongues$(harr4*ha9alid #Chaos4Dwar)s$

    Notes:Breton *islevian !orse and "ld %ei0spiel are derived )rom the common tongue o) the3ar3arian tri3es that lived in the parts o) the "ld -orld not con;uered 3y the %eman Empirethese languages are 0nown as Low Gothic #lowlanders$ and High Gothic #highlanders$2 "ld%ei0spiel is German %ei0spiel is English with a German accent2 ar4Eltharin as well as

    Ano;eyan is a simpli)ied and devolved version o) the only surviving words spo0en 3y the "ld"nes2 Estalian and ilean are derived )rom the Classical tongue which itsel) was )ashioned a)terar4Eltharin and High !ehe0aran2

    he various tri3es o) %ed en )ound in Lustria and the !ew -orld including Pygmies and thea9tecan and 5ncyan Empires have languages too numerous to add to the list without cluttering

    it so they are listed separately Almecian At9lanian Era;uatian 50a6o #spo0en 3y pre4!aggarothhumans 0nown as 50adians$ iyan !a9cian2

    The Worshipful Company of Mercers (General merchants) The Worshipful Company of Grocers The Worshipful Company of Drapers (Wool and cloth merchants) The Worshipful Company of Fishmongers

    The Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths The Worshipful Company of Merchant Taylors (Tailors) (alternates with theSkinners) The Worshipful Company of Skinners (Fur traders) (alternates with the Merchant

    Taylors) The Worshipful Company of a!erdashers The Worshipful Company of Salters The Worshipful Company of "ronmongers The Worshipful Company of #intners (Wine merchants) The Worshipful Company of Clothworkers The Worshipful Company of Dyers The Worshipful Company of $rewers The Worshipful Company of %eathersellers

    The Worshipful Company of &ewterers The Worshipful Company of $ar!ers ($ar!ers' surgeons' and dentists) The Worshipful Company of Cutlers The Worshipful Company of $akers The Worshipful Company of Wa Chandlers The Worshipful Company of Tallow Chandlers The Worshipful Company of rmourers and $rasiers (rmour makers and !rassworkers) The Worshipful Company of Girdlers (Sword*!elt and dress*!elt makers)

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    The Worshipful Company of $utchers The Worshipful Company of Saddlers The Worshipful Company of Carpenters The Worshipful Company of Cordwainers (Fine leather workers) The Worshipful Company of &ainter*Stainers The Worshipful Company of Curriers (Tanned leather dressers)

    The Worshipful Company of Masons The Worshipful Company of &lum!ers The Worshipful Company of "nnholders The Worshipful Company of Founders (Metalworkers) The Worshipful Company of &oulters The Worshipful Company of Cooks The Worshipful Company of Coopers ($arrel makers) The Worshipful Company of Tylers and $ricklayers The Worshipful Company of $owyers (%ong!ow makers) The Worshipful Company of Fletchers (rrow makers) The Worshipful Company of $lacksmiths The Worshipful Company of +oiners and Ceilers (Wood craftsmen) The Worshipful Company of Wea,ers The Worshipful Company of Woolmen The Worshipful Company of Scri,eners (Court document writers and notariespu!lic) The Worshipful Company of Fruiterers The Worshipful Company of &laisterers (&lasterers) The Worshipful Company of Stationers and -ewspaper Makers The Worshipful Company of $roderers (.m!roiders) The Worshipful Company of /pholders (/pholsterers) The Worshipful Company of Musicians The Worshipful Company of Turners (%athe operators) The Worshipful Company of $asketmakers The Worshipful Company of Gla0iers and &ainters of Glass The Worshipful Company of orners The Worshipful Company of Farriers (orseshoe makers and ,eterinarians forhorses) The Worshipful Company of &a,iors (1oad and highway pa,ers) The Worshipful Company of %oriners (arness makers) The Worshipful Society of pothecaries (Medical practitioners and pharmacists) The Worshipful Company of Shipwrights The Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers The Worshipful Company of Clockmakers The Worshipful Company of Glo,ers The Worshipful Company of Feltmakers (at makers) The Worshipful Company of Framework 2nitters The Worshipful Company of -eedlemakers The Worshipful Company of Gardeners The Worshipful Company of Tin &late Workers

    The Worshipful Company of Wheelwrights The Worshipful Company of Distillers The Worshipful Company of &attenmakers (Wooden shoe makers) The Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers The Worshipful Company of Coachmakers and Coach arness Makers The Worshipful Company of Gunmakers The Worshipful Company of Gold and Sil,er Wyre Drawers (Makers of thread foruniforms) The Worshipful Company of Makers of &laying Cards

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    The City of %ondon Solicitors3 Company The Worshipful Company of Farmers The Guild of Traders The Worshipful Company of To!acco &ipe Makers The Worshipful Company of "nstrument Makers The Worshipful Company of Chartered Sur,eyors

    The Worshipful Company of $uilders Merchants The Worshipful Company of "nsurers The Worshipful Company of r!itrators The Worshipful Company of .ngineers The Worshipful Company of Ci,ic rchitects The Worshipful Company of Traders The Worshipful Company of Carriage Dri,ers The Worshipful Company of &arish Clerks

    TradeAccountantAlchemistAlmonerAnimal BreederAnimal Hus3andry/Groomer

    ApothecaryAppraiserArmourerArtistAstrologistAviaristBa0erBan0erBar3erBas0et -eaverBatherBeer & -ine 'ellerBegger


  • 8/11/2019 New Skills & Talents


    CalligrapherCandlema0erCarny #Circus Hand$CarpenterCarterCartographerCartwrightCastellan #seneschal steward ma6ordomo$ChandlerCharcoalerChemistCler0ClothierCo33lerCoo0/Ba0erCooperCottarCounter)eiterCryptographer/CryptologistCutler

    DistillerDitcherDoc0er/Doc0handDowserDraperDriverDrug anu)acturerDyerEm3almerEm3e99lerEm3roideryEngraver7armer

    7arrier7encer7erryman7isherman7ishmonger7letcher7orester7orger7ortune eller/'oothsayer7ruitier7urrierGam3lerGardener

    Gatherer/7oragerGem CutterGladiatorGlassma0er/Glass3lowerGla9ierGlue a0erGoldsmithGong 7armerGuardGuide

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    GunsmithHar0erHarness a0erHar0erHarperHatterHaywardHer3alistHerdsmanHidewor0erHorse raderHunter/rapper5lluminator5nn0eeper

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    %opema0er'addler'age'ailma0er'ailor'alter'cavenger'culptor'cri3e/'crivener'eamstress'ervant'hipwright'hop0eeper'later'melter'mith #specialist such as 'wordsmith$'oapma0er'oothsayer'ta3lehand'tagehand

    'tevedore'tonemason'tonewor0er'urgeonailorannera: Collectora:idermisteamsterentma0erhatcher/%oo)erilerim3erwright


    Notes: he Characteristic used )or rade ests can change depending upon the type o) wor0involved2 5ntelligence is used as the de)ault since it represents the character+s a3ility to properlyunderstand his wor0 3ut most rade s0ills could su3stitute another Characteristic2

    New Skills

    AcrobaticsSkill Type: BasicCharacteristic: 'trength or Agility #G decides$

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    Description: 1se this s0ill to remain on your )eet when wal0ing on slippery )loors tight4ropes orother e;ually perilous sur)aces2 8our ovement is halved while attempting to maintain your3alance and you may not Charge or %un2 "nly one Acro3atics est is re;uired per precariousevent 3ut sudden movements and surprises that enhance the danger will re;uire )urther ests2

    Acro3atics is also used in place o) a raw 'trength est when determining your 6umping distance2he ma:imum distance leaped is e;ual to your ovement Characteristic in yards minus yard)or each degree o) )ailure on your Acro3atics est #minimum o) yard$ 3ut your total leapingdistance is halved i) your previous Action was not spent moving2 he vertical distance o) a leap is yard i) you succeed on your Acro3atics est 3ut no more than a )ew inches i) you )ail the '0illest2

    At the G+s option characters can still attempt to leap or 6ump distances they cannot reach anddegrees o) success will determine the )inal outcome2 "3viously the higher the degrees o)success are the 3etter o)) the character will 3e at the end o) his 6ump2 Characters who per)ormsuch a )eat will never die )rom a single )ailed #or only partially success)ul$ roll2

    Characters that )all or more yards will lose a num3er o) -ounds e;ual to d hal) the )allingdistance in yards2 his damage is reduced 3y oughness 3ut not Armor2 5) a is rolled on thedamage die the character must pass an Acro3atics est to prevent 1lric+s 7ury2 5) a character

    purposely 6umps down however he can reduce the amount o) damage ta0en 3y his Agility Bonus4 in addition to his oughness Bonus 4 3y passing an Acro3atics est2

    7alling onto rough terrain #sharp roc0s a 3ed o) nails etc$ will add the )ull distance in yards to thetotal damage instead o) 6ust hal)2 7alling into a trap #spi0es 3lades etc$ will do the same as wellas add 5mpact to the damage roll2 A )all o) more than F yards cannot 3y reduced 3y oughnessand does not permit a '0ill est to reduce )all damage or prevent 1lric+s 7ury2

    his s0ill is availa3le to Assassins Boatmen Cat Burglars Captains Champions Crime LordsDaemon 'layers Duellists Entertainers Estalian Diestros E:plorers 7errymen 7ishermenGhost 'triders Giant 'layers Highwaymen Hunters

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    unusual in that it is not one talent 3ut many and each must 3e ac;uired separately2 Each 'pell%une talent ena3les you to inscri3e runes with a single spell noted in paranthesis such as 'pell%une #-ind Blast$2 8ou may choose any single spell with a Casting !um3er o) I or lower )romany Lore even i) you do not have the a3ility to cast that spell2 Aethyric %une talents counts as%une talents )or the purposes o) completing careers and the %ule o) hree2 %unes created withthis talent have the )ollowing characteristics2Type: alismanicInscription Number:the spell+s Casting !um3er plus # 4 the chosen Empowerment$ )or ama:imum o) FJ2Empowerment: choose any num3er 3etween J and K inclusive2Description (Permanent):"nly emporary %unes o) 'pells can 3e made2Description (Temporary):"nly %unesmiths can use an item inscri3ed with this rune2 5t mani)eststhe spell as i) the wearer had cast it himsel) allowing him to choose its parameters at that time

    6ust li0e a real caster would2 he spell+s duration is limited to a ma:imum o) one minute2 Activatingthis rune is a 7ull Action and it can only 3e used once2his talent is availa3le to

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    restricted to Elves only2

    $ackstabA)ter success)ully stri0ing an opponent in melee or ranged com3at you may ma0e an "pposedAgility est that i) success)ul will allow you to resolve the attac0 as i) your opponent had Armour Points2 Bac0sta3 can only 3e used on opponents that are Heavily -ounded and onlyonce a round2 his talent is availa3le to Assassins Duellists Ghost 'triders

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    Bonus -illpower Bonus 3e)ore su))ering )rom the e))ects and penalties o) 5nto:ication2 histalent is availa3le to Daemon 'layers 7lagellants 7riars Giant 'layers 5nn0eepers ates and,eterans2

    Code !aster8our time spent as a student o) logic and studying arithmetic theory under the great scholarlyphilosophers at university has given you a 3onus on 'ecret 'ign and 'ecret Languageests to decipher secrets that are comple: or su3tle2 7urthermore you are so adept atcommunicating hidden codes that you have the choice o) ma0ing your own messages easier or 4 harder to decipher2 his talent is availa3le to Crime Lords E:plorers 'mugglersand om3 %o33ers2

    Common as !uck8ou were 3orn poor as dirt to poor )arming )ol02 As such you 0now all too well the cruel vagarieso) li)e on the land as well as which end o) a cow gets up )irst2 hus you gain a 3onus to allCharm and Gossip ests when tal0ing to the poor and 3ucolic o) the Empire2 his talent isavaila3le to Bone Pic0ers Camp 7ollowers Charcoal4Burners Grave %o33ers Peasants %atCatchers 'ervants and ,aga3onds2


    8ou gain a 3onus on Drive and %ow ests2 his talent is availa3le to Boatmen Coachmen7errymen 7ishermen ates Peasants 'eamen and 'mugglers2

    Cyclical !agiche caster+s power wa:es and wanes with the tides the phases o) the moon or the seasons2Pic0 a cycle o) nature. the wi9ard+s command o) magic e33s and )lows with this cycle2 At the topo) the cycle the wi9ard gains a J 3onus to his Casting %olls 3ut the 3onus lowers with eachphase until it 3ecomes a penalty. the wi9ard incurs a 4J penalty to Casting %olls at the 3ottom o)the cycle2 he cycle should 3e symmetrical. the wea0 phases o) the cycle should correspond inlength and power with the strong ones2 his talent is availa3le to Hedge -i9ards -arloc0s and-itches2


    8ou can see up yards in total dar0ness2 Because o) this you incur no penalties )or actionsta0en in lightless areas2 7or cold 3looded creatures this talent allows them to sense heatsignatures through in)rared sight2 -arm 3looded creatures do not have in)rared 3ut their visionis completely 3lac0 and white i) there is not a near3y light source2 Creatures with this talenttypically have improved eyesight during the daylight as well which grants them the a3ility todiscern details out to a mile in 3right light2 his talent is not availa3le to player characters it isreserved )or power)ul creatures and supernatural monsters2

    'arting Steel-henever you roll a )or damage during a melee attac0 you may choose to cleave anopponent instead o) triggering 1lric+s 7ury2 his is resolved as a normal attac0 against any validopponent within reach and )ollows all rules )or ma0ing a 'tandard Attac0 Action2 a0ing thisadditional attac0 does not count against your total num3er o) attac0s per round however2 5)

    additional damage dice results in you may continue attac0ing additional targets 3ut each oneis still resolved as i) you made a 'tandard Attac0 Action2 his talent is availa3le to any advancedcareer with an Attac0s Characteristic advance2

    'eadeye Shot8ou 3ecome an e:pert sniper with a ranged weapon in your hands2 -hen you use the Aim

    Action your ne:t ranged attac0 gains a J Ballistic '0ill 3onus isntead o) the normal F28ou must have 'harpshooter 3e)ore you can purchase this talent2 his talent is availa3le toChampions Ghost 'triders and argeteers2

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    'emorali(e Confidence8ou may spend a 7ull Action to taunt ma0e rude gestures or spout a litany o) curses at youropponents wea0ening their resolve and con)idence2 a0e a Command or 5ntimidate est that i)success)ul causes opponents who can see or hear you to su))er a 4I penalty to a Characteristico) your choice )or a num3er o) minutes #or hours i) used during mass com3at$ e;ual to your7ellowship Bonus2 8ou can only a))ect a num3er o) enemies e;ual to your 7ellowship Bonus andopponents are allowed a -illpower est to negate the penalty2 At the G+s option you maysu3stitute your 'trength Bonus )or your 7ellowship Bonus when using this talent2 8ou may onlyattempt to use this talent once a day2 his talent is availa3le to Captains Champions Daemon'layers 7lagellants High Priests *nights o) the 5nner Circle !o3le Lords 'ergeants and-i9ard Lords2

    'iehard )ndurance-hether through some past e:posure gruelling physical training or supernatural in)luence youare highly resistant to the elements2 8ou receive a 3onus on oughness ests to avoidpenalties and overcome death )rom environmental dangers such as e:posure to e:tremeweather heat e:haustion or )rost3ite2 7urthermore when e:posed to environmental damagesuch as drowning or )ire ha9ards you may survive )or a num3er o) rounds e;ual to youroughness Bonus -illpower Bonus 3e)ore penalties or -ound loss starts to occur2 his talentis availa3le to any advanced career that has 3oth a oughness and -illpower advance and is

    restricted to Dwar)s and "gres only2

    'isciplined Thrusts8ou may use your -eapon '0ill during the "pposed Agility est normally made during Disarmattempts2 his talent replaces Disarm any career that previously had Disarm now hasDisciplined hrusts2

    'isturbing *oice8ou have a sinister and upsetting voice which may have developed )rom interrogation training or

    6ust an in3orn air o) malice2 his ma0es you more persuasive when negotiating with those easilycowed 3y your presence2 8ou gain a 3onus to all 5ntimidate and orture ests when youdirect your voice at individuals whom you are not )amiliar with thus ma0ing them even moredistur3ed 3y it2 However you incur a 4 penalty to Charm and Gossip ests when dealing with

    persons who are li0ely to 3e o)) put 3y your manner unless they 0now you on a personal level#lords ladies small children old women nervous peasants and ta: collectors and so on and so)orth$2 his talent is availa3le to Crime Lords 7lagellants 5nterrogators

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    Cartographer Her3alist 'hipwright ailor and -eaponsmith2 his talent is only availa3lethrough 'pecial raining and is restricted to e:clusively to Elves o) city origin2

    )asie !anoeures8our athleticism is such that you may choose to ma0e an Agility est in place o) the -eapon '0illest normally made during 7eints and anoeuvres2 8our opponent must still roll his -eapon '0illduring the "pposed est however2 his talent is availa3le to Assassins Bounty Hunters CrimeLords Duellists Ghost 'triders Highwaymen *ith3and -arriors aster hieves ilitiamenProtagonists 'hield3rea0ers and 'oldiers2

    %anaticism1n3elievers may call you an e:tremist or a maniac 3ut you have dedicated your pain to the virtueand service o) a god or gods2 Each day you must spend at least ten minutes praying andin)licting point o) damage upon yoursel) usually 3y )laying your own s0in. you may not treat thisdamage or allow it to 3e healed2 "nce you have castigated your )lesh you gain a 3onus toCharacteristic ests made to resist the gaining o) 5nsanity Points and Corruption Points2 'houldyou )ail to )lagellate yoursel) on any given day you ta0e a 4 penalty to all '0ill andCharacteristic ests due to shame and guilt2 his talent is availa3le 7lagellants 7riars HighPriests 5nitiates and (ealots2

    %encing,'uelling !aestro8our s0ill with specialist weapons is such that you 0now how to ta0e advantage o) their strengths28ou gain a 3onus on the "pposed Characteristic est made during Disarm attempts 3utonly when wielding weapons )rom the 'pecialist -eapon Groups Parrying or 7encing2 histalent is availa3le to Bodyguards Courtiers Duellists Estalian Diestros Highwaymen

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    a 3onus to 7ollow rail ests and ma0es him harder to trac02 he character cannot 3etrac0ed 3y anyone who does not possess this talent and even then 7ollow rail is ested with a4 penalty2 his talent is availa3le to any advanced career with the 7ollow rail s0ills and isrestricted to Elves only2

    %ormation %ighting-hen outnum3ered 3y the enemy and surrounded 3y danger your stead)ast resolve dedicationto your country and loyalty to your allies wins the day allowing you to hold the line )or 6ust a little3it longer2 8ou gain a 3onus to Agility and 3onus to the Armour Points on all HitLocation 3ut only while )ighting 3eside an ally who also possesses this talent2 his talent isavaila3le to pro)essional )ighters who have learned the art o) )ormation )ighting whether it 3e aphalan: rows shield walls or pi0emen )ormations2

    #reat %ortitude8our race is naturally resistant to either physical or mental mutations #choose one you can neverhave 3oth$ and may only gain one through e:treme e:posure to the -arp or as a Gi)t or %eward)rom the gods2 Characters with this alent gain a simple personality ;uir0 or )law in place o)

    Arcane and Divine ar0s #a inor rauma or 'ymptom )rom the 5nsanity Disorders ta3le would3e appropriate$2 Characters who choose to 3e resistant to mental mutations will re4roll any inoror a6or utation that a))ects their personality or mental state and characters who choose to 3y

    physically resistant will re4roll inor utations that a))ect their 3ody or physical state and use theutations o) the ind ta3le #)ound 3elow$ a)ter receiving a ar0 o) Heresy that evolves into aa6or utation2

    he Elven race has attempted to 0eep this secret hidden )rom humanity at all costs. they haveconvinced an0ind o) their complete immunity and total resilience to the e))ects o) Dhar and o)Chaos. a lie whose revelation would shatter their relationship with the Empire and )orever changethe way the 5mperial government treats those touched with the gi)t o) magic2 he grim truth isthat Dar0 Elves are the result o) Elven decadence and that every 5nsanity and Corruption taintsan El)+s spirit and 3rings him ever closer to the sinister Dar0 El) archetype2 o some e:tend thisholds true )or Dwar)s as well though they have not ta0en their attempts at concealing this secretto the same level o) conspiracy as Elves have done and not every mutation 3rings a Dwar) closerto 3ecoming a Chaos Dwar)2 his talent is only availa3le to speci)ic races during character


    d-.. !utations of the !ind4I Cowardice4 7ear o) Blood4I 7its4F 5rrational 7earF4FI 5rrational HatredF4J adnessJ4JI agic 5mmuneJ4M agic %esistanceM4MI align 'orcererM4I anic 7ighter

    I4II assive 5ntellectI4 indless4I oronic4N 'oul DestructionN4NI ele0inesisN4K elepathyK4KI ranceK4O ,ileO4OI -arped indO4 -eapon aster

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    and ,eterans2

    Last Standhrough a com3ination o) re)le: and alertness you are a3le to 0eep more enemies at 3ay inmelee than a less s0illed adventurer might2 8ou only receive hal) the usual penalties )or 3eingoutnum3ered 3ut only when )ighting 3eside an ally who also possesses this talent2 his talent isavaila3le to pro)essional )ighters who have mastered the art o) )ormation )ighting2 8ou must have7ormation 7ighting 3e)ore this talent can 3e purchased2

    Leadership8our leadership on and o)) the 3attle)ield is e:ceptional2 8ou gain a 3onus on Blather andCommand ests when dealing with men o) the same origins as yoursel) #)ellow iddenlanders!aggarothians etc2$ who are under your direct command2 his talent is availa3le to Baili))sCaptains Courtiers Crime Lords Demagogues E:plorers Heralds 5nn0eepers *nights o) the5nner Circle !o3le Lords "utlaw Chie)s Politicians %ac0eteers 'ea Captains and 'tewards2

    Leap "p8ou are hard to 0eep down and may stand up as a 7ree Action2 his talent is availa3le to anyadvanced career with an Agility advance and is restricted to Elves only2

    Lightning %eint8ou can ma0e a 7eint as a 7ree Action at any point during the com3at round 3ut only i) yousacri)ice your ne:t Hal) Action2 An opponent you have succes)ully )einted will not 3e a3le tododge or parry the ne:t attac0 directed at him regardless o) who the attac0 comes )rom2 5) youalso have 'wi)t 7ighter you may use the )ree )eint granted 3y that talent without sacri)icing yourne:t Hal) Action2 his talent is availa3le to Assassins Captains Champions

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    %unesmiths and %unelords2

    !aster Spellcrafter5ngredients and reagents are not e:pended a)ter 3eing used to )uel a spell or ritual they may 3eused inde)initely2 7urthermore the magic o) Protective Circles is not drained a)ter 3eing used tocast a spell or ritual the circle is essentially permanent and will continue to )unction )or years tocome2 his talent is availa3le to Anointed Priests High Priests aster -i9ards and -i9ardLords2

    !aster *entrilo2uist8ou gain a 3onus on ,entrilo;uist ests and onloo0ers are not allowed a Awareness est todetermine i) you are throwing your voice2 aster ,entrilo;uists have even 3e 0nown to mas;uetheir voice or impersonate another character+s voice2 his talent is availa3le to Entertainers2

    !eister of Poisons8ou are at little ris0 o) poisoning yoursel) when attempting to prepare a mi:ture o) poison only i)you rolls dou3les and )ail your Prepare Poison est will you accidentally poison yoursel)2 histalent is availa3le to Assassins and Physicians2

    !elee +eapon !aster

    'elect a speci)ic melee weapon such as 3roadsword or hal3erd2 -hen calculating damage )romattac0s you ma0e with that weapon you may use degrees o) success on the -eapon '0ill est inplace o) the d result2 his decision can 3e made a)ter you have rolled d and seen theresult2 Li0ewise when parrying an attac0 you may negate damage e;ual to the degrees o)success o) the -eapon '0ill ests instead o) your Agility Bonus2 8ou may purchase this talentmultiple times each time it applies to a di))erent weapon2 his talent is availa3le to any advancedcareer with a -eapon '0ill advance2

    !ountaineer8ou gain a 3onus on "utdoor 'urvival ests when in mountains and a 3onus on'cale 'heer 'ur)ace ests when clim3ing roc0s2 his talent is availa3le to E:plorers iners'couts 'hield3rea0ers and om3 %o33ers2

    3nce4$loodedhat you have seen the horrors o) 3attle and endured the harsh li)e o) a soldier is o3vious 3y howyou carry yoursel)2 8ou gain to Charm and Gossip ests with tal0ing to anyone with amilitary 3ac0ground2 his talent is availa3le to Captains Champions 7ieldwardens

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    Pathfinder8ou have 3ecome an e:pert trac0er with an eye )or detail this gives you a 3onus on 7ollowrail and 'earch ests2 his talent is availa3le to Bone Pic0ers Bounty Hunters Cat BurglarsCharcoal4Burners E:plorers 7ieldwardens Ghost 'triders Grave %o33ers Hunters *ith3and-arriors "utriders %at Catchers %oadwardens 'couts 'mugglers argeteers hieves oll*eepers om3 %o33ers -atchmen and -oodsmen2

    Pharmacist8our 0nowledge o) drugs and curatives as well as you a3ility to 3alance the )our humorsprovides a to all Heal ests when dealing with disease or per)orming a surgery2 his talentis availa3le to Bar3er4'urgeons Physicians and Priests #'hallya$2

    Pick Pocket8ou are a no good scum who gains a 3onus on 'leight o) Hand ests made to pic0 poc0etsand commit other acts o) s0ullduggery2 hievery is illegal you 3ad person you2 his talent isavaila3le to Camp 7ollowers Charlatans 7ences

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    Shadow StalkerA character with this alent does not su))er )rom Hampered ovement when moving locally oroverland through )og mist smo0e or dar0ness unless moving care)ully2 7urthermorecharacters with this alent can move with such precision and speed that they are not at ris0 o))alling prone with attempting to Charge or %un through )og mist smo0e or dar0ness2 his talentis availa3le to any advanced career with a ovement advance and is restricted to Elves only2

    Speed of Asuryanhrough physical and mental e:ercise you have mastered the discipline o) Eleari4mas or theEmptying2 his techni;ue is the )reeing o) instinct and the emptying o) the mind allowing you toreact with supernatural speed grace and )aeye4li0e ;uic0ness2 his gives you a 3onus toDodge Blow ests and allows you to roll an additional d during 5nitiative rolls2 his talent isavaila3le to any advanced career with the Dodge Blow s0ill and is restricted to Elves only2

    Spell %ocus8ou are capa3le o) an intense trance li0e )ocus when casting a spell or ritual and the -inds o)agic seems to shape itsel) around you re;uiring only the 3arest o) touches to mould it intowhatever you desire2 his greatly speeds up the process o) casting spells allowing you to ma0eChannelling ests as a 7ree Action and halving the Casting ime o) rituals2 his talent isavaila3le to any career with a agic Characteristic advance o) J or higher2

    Spell !astery'elect a speci)ic spell or ritual such as 7ire3all or he Awa0ening o) the 'lum3ering EarhDragon. )or every degree o) success on your Channelling est to add a 3onus to the Casting %ollo) that spell you enhance a single numerical aspect o) it2 E:amples include adding point o)damage yards to the range or radius round to the duration e:tra target or increasing thedi))iculty o) Characteristic ests made to resist the spell 3y 4I2 7urthermore a )urther 3onusis added to your Casting %oll upon ma0ing a success)ul Channelling est2 8ou may purchase thistalent multiple times each time it applies to a di))erent spell or ritual2 his talent is availa3le toany career with the Channelling s0ill2

    Strike to Kill5) you attac0 a surprised prone stunned or unaware opponent and ma0e a success)ul Agility

    est the target must ma0e a success)ul oughness est or 3e considered to have -ounds )orthis attac02 All Critical Hits in)licted with 'tri0e to *ill resolve using the 'udden Death rules. youmay only use 'tri0e to *ill once a round2 his talent is availa3le to Assassins Duellists Ghost'triders

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    %ogues and 'pies2

    Swift %ighter"nce per round while wielding any com3ination o) weapons that allow you to ta0e advantage o)two weapon )ighting a)ter ma0ing an all out attac0 or guarded attac0 you may immediately ma0ea second attac0 o) the same type as a )ree action2 his second attac0 must 3e made with youro))4hand and counts against the total num3er o) attac0s you can ma0e each round2 8ou may giveup this secondary attac0 to instead )eint as a )ree action 3e)ore ma0ing the attac02 -hicheverhand #primary or secondary$ is used to ma0e the )eint the other must 3e used to ma0e the attac02his talent is availa3le to any advanced career with an Attac0s Characteristic advance o) at least2

    Swimmer8ou su))er no penalties including those to ovement and to '0ill and Characteristic ests whileunderwater2 his talent is reserved )or A;uatic creatures2

    Total Recallhrough long years o) mental conditioning and practice your mind is li0e a university li3rary a3leto record and recall great amounts o) in)ormation2 8ou can automatically remem3er any trivial)act or piece o) in)ormation that you might )easi3ly have pic0ed up in the past2 -hen trying to

    recall more detailed or o3scure )acts such as the precise layout o) a castle or a page you read inan ancient grimoire several years ago the G may re;uire you to ma0e an 5ntelligence est2his talent is only availa3le through 'pecial raining and is restricted to Elves only you mustpossesses the 7oresight talent to purchase otal %ecall2

    Traditional !agic8our ,oodoo is strong 8ou draw your strength )rom the spiritual energy o) a primitive )orm o)magic or occultism2 Choose a style o) magic that magic will now 3e )ocused through a rituali9edceremony o) your own devising2 Each Casting Die is granted a 3onus i) the re;uired stepsyou 3elieve are mandatory )or your type o) magic are )ollowed2 Li0ewise all Casting Dice receivea 4 penalty i) you do not )ollow those steps2 -hat )ollows are a )ew e:amples o) stereotypicalpreparations using the three most popular traditions o) primitive magic )ound in the -arhammerworld

    5) you are a tri3al 'haman or -itchdoctor you must wear your sacred mas0 or carry a )etish dolland play the song o) your ancestors on your sacred rattle and drum as well as have yourspellcasting attempt witnessed 3y at least three o) your )ellow tri3esmen2 5) you are instead parto) a -itches coven you must instead cast spells while a 3rew is 3oiling in your cauldron or anenchanted s0ull or crystal scrying 3all is on your person and your spellcasting attempts must 3ewitnessed 3y at least three )ellow coven mem3ers2 he )inal e:ample appropriate )or Druids andHedge -i9ards is to place a large mount or pac0 animal or human on an altar and pierce theheart with a sacri)icial dagger. the 3est sacri)ices are something o) value or importance to theclan. riding horses strong o:en young virgins and de)eated )oes or captured slaves )rom a clanwar are the most popular choices2 his talent is availa3le to Hedge -i9ards -arloc0s and-itches2

    Trapmaker8ou gain a 3onus to 'et rap ests as well as rade #hunter/trapper$ and rade#)isherman$ '0ill ests when using your own traps snares etc2 his talent is availa3le to7ishermen Hunters "utlaws %at Catchers and -oodsmen2

    Tree !agic8ou are taught the ancient pacts that were made 3etween -ood Elves and Dryads and gain thea3ility to commune with the spirits o) trees and the )orest itsel)2 Dealing with the capricious spiritso) nature can 3e a long and comple: tas0 and it is possi3le )or an ine:perienced mage tomis6udge the situation and anger a spirit very ;uic0ly or end up ma0ing agreements they would

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    rather not 0eep2 Characters with this alent are 0nown as 'pell4singers ree4singers or -ood4singers and must3e taught 3y another -ood El) spell4caster with the appropriate 0nowledge orlearned )rom a reant o) )avora3le disposition2

    a0ing a 'pea0 Arcane Language #alla4room43a4larin$ est with a 4J penalty allows you tosummon a Dryad and ma0e peace)ul contact with her or similar )orest spirits though this penaltyincreases to 4I i) the summoning is attempted outside o) a )orested region or woodland area2he song ta0es minutes to sing and i) success)ul a dryad will appear d minutes a)ter thecompletion o) the song2 Even in an ur3an environment there is a very small chance a Dryad willstill appear so long as a tree is near3y2 Doing so is guaranteed to cause a distur3ance thoughand you will li0ely 3e in a lot o) trou3le a)terwards2 7urthermore you su))er penalties no penaltiesto Charm or Gossip ests when attempting to sociali9e with Dryads though penalties are stillsu))ered i) her disposition is )oul or i) it is -inter or Autumn2 his talent is availa3le to anyadvanced career that has a agic Characteristic advance o) J and is restricted to -ood Elvesonly2

    Trick Shootinghrough the techni;ue o) hip4shooting originated 3y hal)ling sheri))s charged with 0eeping thepeace in the Border Princes and utili9ed 3y gunslingers en)orcing the law in 5mperial colonies)ound in the 'outhlands and Lustria you are a3le to shoot whilst on the move2 "nce per round

    during a ove Action you may ma0e a 'tandard Attac0 with a ranged weapon as a 7ree Action3ut this still counts against your total num3er o) attac0s each round2 !ote that i) you also havethe 'wi)t 7ighter talent and wield a ranged weapon in each hand you may use the e:tra attac0gained )rom 'wi)t 7ighter to )ire 3oth weapons simultaneously as a 7ree Action per)orming a sorto) )usillade2 his talent is availa3le to Engineers Pistoliers and argeteers2

    Tunnel %ighter8ou only su))er hal) the normal penalties to '0ill and Characteristic ests made in crampedspaces and narrow corridors such as cavern passages sewer tunnels mining sha)ts orclaustropho3ic attics2 his talent is availa3le to iners %at Catchers %une3earers 'ewer

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    #1ndead$ and 1nyielding %esolve #,iolence/Death$ is a separate talent )rom 1nyielding %esolve#-arpstone$2 his talent is only availa3le through 'pecial raining2

    "rban Prowler8ou gain a 3onus on Common *nowledge ests when using this s0ill in matters related totowns and cities. you also gain a 3onus on 'cale 'heer 'ur)ace ests to clim3 3uildings)ences and other wor0ed walls2 his talent is availa3le to Cat Burglars Entertainers Grave%o33ers aster hieves Peasants Priests #%anald$ 'pies and hieves2

    *alour of Ages-hen the Elves wage war or otherwise do 3attle with a sworn enemy they are sure to )ight attheir )ullest potential2 1ncertainty dread and dismay are 3anished )rom your mind giving you a 3onus on -illpower ests made to resist Blather Hypnotism and orture ests against acertain )oe2 his is not one talent 3ut many each time you purchase it you must choose a new)oe )or the 3onuses to apply to2 ,alour o) Ages #Dar0 Elves$ is a di))erent talent than ,alour o)

    Ages #Dwar)s$ )or e:ample2 his talent is only availa3le through 'pecial raining and isrestricted to Elves only. High Elves typically select Dar0 Elves when purchasing this talent whileDar0 Elves select High Elves and Elves living in Human lands usually select Humans Dwar)s orBeastmen2

    *iolence of Khorne8ou do not need to con)rim 1lric+s 7ury a)ter receiving a result o) on your damage die2 histalent is availa3le to any advanced career with an Attac0s or agic Characteristic advance2

    +isdom of the Sages8our superior wit and sage4li0e memory grants you a 3onus on Academic *nowledge and'pea0 Arcane Language ests regarding su36ects and languages you have studied2 his talent isavaila3le to Apprentice -i9ards 5nitiates #,erena$
