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Methods that encourage interaction between a facilitator and a learner

AET 541 Team A

Have clear objectives for the course, encourage participation, keep discussion threads going by using questions that promote critical thinking, contribute special knowledge or

Be self-directed learner, submit work on time, participate in discussions, participate within teams, and dedicate time to complete assignments. (Annemieke, 2008).

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insight on discussion threads, maintaining group harmony, praise good discussion responses this promotes future discussions, Do not ignore bad discussion responses or dis respectful responses respond to these with student individual in private, be objective, make the class reading material relevant within discussion threads. (Zane, 1995).The instructor should be flexible and include humor in his delivery, which creates a warm, inviting course environment. Additionally, the instructor should maximize participation to enhance community and empower learners to take charge (Yan, and Cornelious, 2005).

Additional responsibilities for the learner would include openness, which is in regard to the willingness to be open about personal details of one’s life, work, and other educational experiences. The learner should empower the willingness to work collaboratively (Palloff, and Pratt, 2005).


Annemieke, Craig. (2008). Perception of Roles and Responsibilities in Online learning. Retrieved from:

Palloff, R. M., & Pratt, K. (2005). The role and responsibility of the learner in the online classroom. Retrieved December 12, 2013 from

Yang, Yi, & Cornelious, L. F. (2005). Preparing instructors for quality online instruction. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 8(1). Retrieved December 12, 2013 from

Zane, Berge. (1995). The Role of the Online Instructor. Retrieved from: