Page 1: New TH BNE WYO Bri[ERA]LD. · 2017. 12. 26. · TH WHOLE NO. 8297. ABilil'OHAL FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL OF THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. THEVERYLATESTNEWS. Embarkation of Napoleon at Marseilles





Embarkation of Napoleon atMarseilles for Italy.

Marshal Caurobrrfg Addresstbe Army of the Alps,

£ Alliance Between England andAn? Oilier Nation.

TThat lord Derby Thinks of theSoke Ac BAalakofl*.


Tfcemm (traai'Mp Ciiy of Baltimore, amain Leitol),> let left Liverpool at a^eti two o'clock in tb« aftrmooi*,u W#«IdhhI»t, ll»«! 11th instant, reaohul this port at halfj*me'ght o'Block yosierday unrnlng The touched nt

ark at it P. M ou tho 12th (astant.Ibo <>it DriUtchf. i'ott, ol Vienna, giva a very diCerixt

MMtm of the position ol tlie Au.itriiDB in Piedmont to U.alvt the Piedmont journals. It Bay*:.

Tl>e news from the army .a mitt satisfactory. ThiPlfilssonte** |w.iflints rom>' out to meet th« AustrianI/oops, kin I offer the® provi«i"DH a»i. a*» TbesnLit reaUiiy accepted, »i.a are paio lor at once.A revol<ftiou&ry movement was existed at Como; ('< )

tri etlor had already bten hoittsd from Ou autli. Oa«iIWousand Creats h»l arrived at Como, aud u contributionf 6,00k Bonus and of prot ta^oi had bo«u im^oooU on thoIt* a.

The am citwnts of Austria were colossal that it w<t»oi rested by the end of Way sho will have 760,000 mennrter artnB Very lar^e hcates of troops oontiuiied to bo

mb*. from Vienna to the so<ah.It to laid that Austi la had conm^ctil a :onfi'c*tion of

iKurih prope'ty for war purges, the wealtn o? tho richa.« njuitvrub btiog tLo only resource left; and Ibat repro(citilHit tad been n,iuie at Rome which will preventMb a proceeding being denounced in that quarter.It fluted llie AUbUiuua aulTored go much from

rennets that ihty were earrj i:ig bjck as many disabledma as after a pitched Uatlle.CeweraJ Prsco Wuidisrh^ratz w;ir to leave Vienna cu

lb« f>th oa a tpecial mission to 31. Petersburg.A French Journal aunounces that U. Nicholas Clary,

wke W in j-otsession of aa uieomo of three hundred tUou«* <]frasrs ;i year, h»f angled an a rnvau> Boldier m a

Mvalry regiment which Is about to t&ku tli') field.I!je Parte correspondent of the 1/ondon Jleraid, writing

ea '.he Sth trst., says-.Marshal Pi-hisier wan ckBcte 1 two hours with bis Ma

Jerty ibis morriog, and a rnf-et ny of tho Privy Councilso "Mqticiit.y too it plai-e Very extensive powers weremulerifd opou ibe gi lant Marsha*, but, to avoid earning»'» 10 abrtmil i r iea oiipv at uomu, eitracrdtnary tit''*puct »! ci innanier-io-(htef of the army of o^Eerva; jc,»! umrcbal gi-iieiul, will be wihoweJ. TUu llirsbn is ateaiioio m.ii, aud c«r»s Utile for ibe shadow so long mhe graips tlu. mbo'ai:~o.

II. do Persi.*tiv had aecen&od the Frnonh midainri t.n

ifttlacd. Hi* appointment was rejjardod »s id evidencec. the f'mptror's ilcsiru to maintain friendly relations withlhnkwrtThe subscription to the now French loan of five hundrftl fr»LiK i»«s oponod on tbo 7th hist., and throe huaa.ctlmiiii ia trancs wcro subBCriUid oa tint Jay.Vho Frop»-or Napolt on had tfe Vd upon inc-caaing the

tad'c of t'oo £eo«ral staff by thir.y laterals, auJ uie oadn01 lie Uivji r stair by fifty o.'Iloere.Oniwaru hound merchant Teste's from Fagland wore

)xpe»t«iOng col'dc^iblc difficulty in obtaining crews,twin* to the attraction of Uio .irge goveinmeut Imuntyifferi'il to men joining the uiiTy.Agents of the Trcacli governm at were making exton>:vccharters of veSEeln to socvey coals from England to

>orW> in tho MciltcrrtncsD Freights had .argoly rigeaa oueequence.A<lvie«e fruns Vcnice on the 1st of May stale lhat tho

irVe cf firewood suddenly rogo In that city 2d per cent,ind that provisions incrcMod in the same projiortion.ktr. caused great ilisqaietule among the inhabitants, aadvan increased oy idc ia< i m ui« mun'cipftuty took do

aeaunre for ot/tHiateg lpplict for liic to nil. The .x>aso<

;enco wae tuat disturbances occurred, an«l teat the in

fiffrcncc or the police was neccpwtry. The pablic ar

titves l ave b^cn removed to Verona, and tbe MontflMntiai do-Vtntto (iMWiibroking «:;Ub!iahme:jt) bad bc«nbi>r'0 to 8u*p«nd its operM>oni.Ttoc eflect or the *-.r movement on business at HavroIt us described in a letter dated tlionce tne lib Inst:.Tti s imt>»ppy war haa completely para'ysed bnsinoev»,-« No one know what to ibuiic or what to say l'n.ioture now pree> aie<l is noni'ihat ak»n ro that which a0 mi«i luxuriant v '(fetation presents alter a killing; f- ««ti« ini'.-the potbiOihty ol war b»« tieou ou every man sH ,'or lltf last four bionths. Navnrthelesfl, the stern und

rrality bus taken every one by surprise, aDd of ao'.h oo oue st( iiit> to nnderrtan 1 what it is all about, orwbat rro*rrm\be country ban t>e«n drifted into such a

v»epiD|t calamity.A depntation cf tbe Society of.FriondB had waited on

>io I>erby to urge a peaceful policy.Ihowifeof Dr. Hbeiidan Muspratt (formerly Miss SunCnsbnian, sifter of Charlotte Cusajuan) di»d at taverioion the lOtb lust.



lelxmdon Herald (government organ), May 11.]e obliged again, una it wilt bo Tor th< lust time, t >most unquatitiea dental to the statements made;r signed, "A Whig of 1797," and published in theiVewi. Tbb writer tetixws tbe assertions made lastI' that journal, and refuted by uf- in tbe llerab'.tbat "there has been an understanding ou tbe partVH-nmrnt with Prussia sines January last,-' thatDinot began 'bese secret arrangements and'eettheof UuBO illicit understandings." Wo reply thatftan no uniltuUaut\ng, no arrangement, nn 'agrneMeier,written or eerbal, exprftted or implied, withor any other counf-y respecting any eventualitiesir winch may result from the present war. Webis with an absolute Wno vledgo of tbo facta, ucdbo reverso be again watrted, wo Bha'.l rot repeatlal, because wo shall tb»n know that tbe inventionfor an unworthy purpose.%4eprnd*nct Ihlgt mentions a rumor that oxplriasdbeen asked of tbe I rench Government by F.ogtoa phrase iu the Imperial manltuetn, which, mting ihe Independence of Italy "to tbo Adriatic,"tbe iLi'.re abrogation of tbe treaties of 1816, amithat the explanation* offered by France had

d sufficient at lorn Ion, and that a better un.ioriprevailed between the two I'owere.

LEON'S ABSENCE KHOM PAIUS-CJKCULAP.TO THE PREFECTS."hike d* Padoue, Slinitterof the Interior, has adtbefolio wing circular to the prelects:.mperor has done me tlie honor of colling me toleirv of the Interior. Wltfccut conceding from tnvouflcnlilesof tin mission which h.e Majesty lisus1 to «co, I hope to tlnd in my unroaervua devotedtho Imperial dynasty, and in your fio-^wntiou,ength neces«Br> for the sfoompiiHbcieni of myl'bn came I bear is a symbol of fidelity; the trailinglamily trace out tbe lino I h«ve to tollow, andresolutely proceed In it. You, like myself, havemeasured the extent of the duile* which cir

noes impoee on us. The Emperor » about to leave,r to place l.imeelt at tbe head of aur liuroic ai tny.our bravo soldiers, animated by bis presence,loriotnly cariy tlio I'ng of France on the bat'ler Italy, wo, by our vigilant Urmnoss, will l-.nowsecure Uie maintennnce of public tranquillity aThe Emperor, m his proclamation to the Frenchsaid .,lI con file tbo Kmprew and my son to thef tho army winch remains in 1 ranco to watch ororntiers and to protect the domestic hearth; I contidA> the putriotLsm of the. National tiuarJ; I confidein short, to the whole people, wbo will surroundnth that love and tliat rtuvotoHnees of which 1 every;eivo so many preofh." Those noble words haved every heart. In face of a fnre'gn enemy, partyices di«eppear All wbo wish for tbe milntt name»r, and 'or the grandeur and prosperity of franco,lly round tbo imperial dynasty, Tor It is Uie Keyif tbo social edtllce. I rely, therefore, Monsieur Inon yonr experience, your energy, and your deessto the Emperor. Tho departuro of hie Usje«rgive birth to utioaelness; belt your endeavor to

it or direijinto It. Whether at a distance or n»ar,ilh of tbe Emperor watches over France. The Emseooaded by the intedlfence of tbo last survivingr of Napokoh I and surrounded by devoted oouu, Wifl continue his policy and bis wsrk Let us,

BNEtL«n, lute r< r ft >d<p in iho 1. «t ny of ibe Kmparor,ib the frtiettioa ut ha Aiaaiglily. Aeeo|4, fcu.,

A. 1)1£ PADOET&

TIIK KOADS FllOM KKANCE TO PIEDMO VT.Tfcr Cnnd,ut Uruaatla, (ivm UM> :ull«wu>K dataila oa

Ike diver* iMi wkeu by Iho Fr ucb troop* M eater tatuI>di»«ut .

Ih.Tc are two road* te the Alpis, that ef Cliarot* y andtilt of rk» EV».rh .« n. > ..1

I.jhb to i-'t. Jmil do lifttirleiiUM iat<> ttavoy.At ot Jran dp l4»nri«tiiu<-, tb<t txi.'ein# point of ih»rot<l,

ilit-j |< <».« ed on roue lowar <ia tue tMMUtge ot a&oiut Cumi,urt irtare deteend to Hu»». whrre thty la*o tfcc r*'!r«aifa u. Tlx- dinUcoe fi viiii ft. Ji.-iui <e lUuneiuo to .Sobj.k lib kllOHlflHU, alMlklt '/H iMgotfe.Hew (M.t« M< Tumi t'.ifK art eirftil >eag it's "V rkilroud.Ibe ri-tobd journey, vlu Grumble, it 'e.^s rapidly

performed The lru«p«, aftor leaving tl>o railroai.ul Wtiiolile, may take two oillercul dlWOtxii.H to roachHria> {tin.oce by Kouimi"ij.' lHac, wiicu » ol a icy difteultafretii; ibr itber >) 0*p ani Embrtio, niore praoikublcto trro;m uf ail atm*.in til Mr Hilton, ogc rult'rg l'i«.1ni*Bt by the road of

»!o> * t ncv. j, a hit Ij i Ml* at Snua, ut the beginning ofUse Victor E'oart:A Kali/cad. It tak-b two Ua>s to i>orlarmthr journey In m Br a»<ou to 3uia.lhe tioc;.* lauiliug i4 tunoa ta*« lh« railroad U noe to, i-BBkng ihcoLjb Aiuttaiiitria, loo head<iuuxter» 01the Saiuiriau aiiny.


ruiMAvmT am' rurtMDiiY ai.j.v.[Fr^m the UioJon He-aitl (I'.irl IVrby e organ), Miy 11 ]

11'* writer ot a letnlug (ji'blmtwU in the L.w'o.-iAttti iu'lulfct* n vartoiui uuireiirw. maluing r« i-i i urfil> > u.ui »tl.i w *< ricoiu / <; imiptous. It *at >.t intirtta to ta!i» »n cany opportunityor expret-Fibg the wp reg.-rt wo experieDe* ntike departure or the tried soldier who bo gallantlyl'o> gbt at Ibe vtue cf our «wu brave troops in ttu(.'r:mea, aid wjo haa ko orlbl.y represented hidsovereign and h.g ooailry amor gat uh duringtlie last twelve jr.onttot: aud wo c«riainly never for amoment ui.aginea that bis departure could Lave excitedary other feeing i the mmd* »f Kngl thmen than U>osoft wrcere regret. At our ( ontmiporfiry, however, visitsik* iLkttir iu a citterb&t,and m wbat v.v antrm tobe an un&tir l j.Lt, «e cau to longer ki«p alienee. Notonly ar>! tlie Imke of Maakoft « feeling* towards thscountry misrepresented, bit buiix ate thrown out ibat bedid not efl'ciently perform the 4i.H"s enlrrf: .d to him bythe Eupaer ®' ib". Krrocfc: »Ld wo oecsttlar it iamat>ent u, on u« in tbe mamWri iuce of truth, to point outthe fallacious baracter of tbceo charges, by abow ug tuoaiancer in which the Marshal (ireutud his various p.n !'u I'orunt ittM, and the anxittj be <ilf p'.a/ul to identify»..wr.f « !? BCMt I' ''v m th Ikl Ir.r.piifli nation.uur couumpcrary'* urine'inti complaint against th->

Duke of llai. hi IT is bis ntiumeil Uiat>il:is to si«ak ourlanguage. n*d tho writer of the article to quutwu enjoyedthe prvllego of acquaintance and intcroourso withibe Marshal l.e rould scarocly have 1*1 leu into Uim error.Ti e tiutb is, tuat the gallant oilioer caruegt'y cnd<«voreato employ tbo kngllth language r,o ihe naJtitm of conversation*>ih h* trienctg. and nv"e laudable at'eaintg a?tpeakirg the Munc tui; ht have been beard from tut-, uiouthl£an from RGttrfS of li'rfinch riinlr.mutiiaftu arHat ha«/> /<r«al»

amcngtt c». In fact, those who knew (ho MarKi. il trillanmit tuat ho spoke f>ph«li 04 well ai *nv Krenota AntOattm>or wl tfi wn Lava bad Uie honor to ro<veW» for sometime. I,uO our contemporary awn lbs DuJte of (UU^colTwhen on a visit in the country, and market not only the(teen interest whrh ke oisplayod in tbo«e H«rta au-1amasrnients peculiarly Knghrb, but the beany manner mwhich he entered nil- .i.» tamo, in must bavo arri.^l a-,a very opposite caoclu.sklB to tbat ex|>r«gsed in ehe articlethy mistakes of wbiek we are constrained to correct.

If, on the' other hand, we direct our attention to thew.i> in which the Duke fulthlod the dutie3 entrusted toLiir,anu y t'eb ike writer of the article states be wasnever iBtendea to perform, we are wain mnupelled tockaliergo the opinions expressed We deciare, withouttear of contradiction, that uo dipl jmatift in thin eouutrywas more regular in transacting the koaiMH of bus eniiIi.arty, and we may add with no U11 titer coul.l tuotrnLvaction of business have possibly been a more .iirresafrtetafU. Every art of bit* life she>we<i tbe genuinechaiae.tcr of the friendship which he aiways expres'ierttowards the English nation In both l"ugnufie aim pol cyte proved bi» anxiety for the nia ntenance of the Rugl'shalliance, nnvl neither in word cor in deetl did Lie late ambattailor beti ay the least inconsi>>leucy.

It can EtariPiy he recesFary tor n« to answer the commentsof our contemporary on what bo terras the Marshal'sfcclisgs towards lljig'Mid and our countrymen,lbe Iicko's constant theme of cemcrsauon, stid ooe nuwhich be s)>okc with genuine enthui* mriu. w it the pr«.noof what be termed " lus go«d allies, his bretb'uu inaims," of Uie Crimean campaign. rhese brethren t,ealways mentioned with affection md ruspoct Rough the 1Oh: soldier may have b?en, but hit. n -srt was In the rigut.. .. Oiu [sHsit sallow whs law, year took il» MshbsI jhe greeted tic old cO'upBion Id armg, the late Lordl.ycot.Thpro aro wauy who know how eaperly, on bis fretarrival in this ceuutry, ihe Dtik.< 01' MaUiuil'eouffrt out tbe relative* of Lis lamentod friond, Lordrji/lnD Nor wili It l)e forgotten that to < doar rclai.oaof that cfloim. J soldier the M&rebul said, "I so loved myorolher, Loid Baglan, ibat if Ul biu telt a dog behindhim I will lov- that dog for hi? enlce " Ti nt wan tbe realpjprcfpion of a Rolilier:« admiration, and wc regrot that«L(. who appreciated England so well, and who perforraodhiti <3uti<:8 Ho ell!c;ent'>, t>b nnd bavo beoa tbuu niimtprefrcatciby an organ of tbe Kngiish prefss. We aecplv regretthe from these fhores of the Duke of Ma!akoll,and wo tee! coavicced toot ke carries with Idrn utcml-cijotaie regards of a!l tticse with whom »itber d«ty,WHial tutirconrso or accident brought him in contact.hrjnre certainly iat seldom Unit Oeitrr rrpre.v.nle*l man byihit hennt, truth V-ing siidicr, ami Enuiand ntvrr had amorcdevcltd friend.



Ti;c Emperor arrived hero at midday and Immediately*n>- ark oil onboard IheHoino Hortenec, where he roceivedthe authorities of the city. At 2 P. Vf. the steamer lefttv.e harbor. II is said iu i'aris that the Eaiperor cspocWto l»e in Milan by the end of the month or beginning ofJune at latest.

marshal canrobekt to the army.Marshal OmVMft has addressed nu order of t'jo

d.'iy from his headquarters at Alessandria to thotroops unJer his coir.raxnd. It conclndoe as follows :.

Vcliiierfcl Uio prenpivalo raarrh which you haro j'jptnr.ido acr'tsa ibo Alpe nag not allowed tho solicitude or :.hoKmporor's government to supply you with all which youbland In nee i of. You will p->on receive It. You m'iPtcull to mind that tho warriors, our forefatherJ, whohave prtcecied us la thesa fine countries weroin want of ever} thing at the tiraj that theycovered the nig of Fraooa and the immortal glory. The great Froncli ara.y will boj:\Bed itself oppoBite the Austrian aruiy. Thoy are oldarqm'ntances. Both Lave er.en each o'.hci at Lodi, a*.Atsote, at Marengo Mid at Wagram.illustrious names,which yoo noou cause to be followed by others equallyglortau.

THK MONKiT MARKET.Lojtwn, May 12,1859.

Console opened steady at closing pr'.coa of yesterday,91X a 81 advanced to H2, bnyers, and are now firm at0\% a 92)*; very little doing. Salea very inactive, biithave improved a little in price, and aro firm In tone.Canadians BO c.hancrn. Frenrh innraT.-d rnoo hiol.i.r

quotations from rails. Kcntes cioM>l Glf. 135, or aboutya per ccut better.

11*. M..Consols, money, 92}£\ for acoo'_.nt,91% a P2; ,

new three per cents, 01,^.[From the London News, City Artlcic, May 11.EvcLlog.]Tbo Investments of tbe public bnvo Blackened, now that

Uic ur.pta'on is diminished by tho rieo, Fe<r aJte. at.ou.-;took placo to day, and tho closing quotations oT co."»olswere X to X per cent ever those of yesterday. A favorableeflect had bow produced by the chock to the dra.n ofrow.

In the other department or tho Stock Exchange the tendencyof prices was f eneraliy satisfactory. Ia the disoount market the demand wm moderate; high rater bcjD"still demanded for long dated paper. According to tboadvices from Paris the subscriptions to the French loan of20,(00.00tf. have already exceoU'1 40,000.000. including avery largo iumt*r lor only 10 fration, any 8d. of annualincome. Everybody in any way connected with lhago\ernm»nt is expected to take part is this new Mtionaldemonstration.From Si. Petersburg exchan^f came flrroer.iUotatlurM

being 88>f. A painful nurrest-ion was introduce1 into tin)SUxk Exchange b) tho announcement thM sixteen moroindividuals. all doalcra in oousols.Uavc tht. ui.y viessJt/> to memfcerB of the cgiab'.lshmi.ut. j bis was the proetc form of the proclamation, tuo formal declaration a3defaulters brinf under the ciicurosraticee dMpoaeej names couiprisc those parties who were oomimlied attho monthly sotlloroeul a consols last to compromise withtheir creditors, and who mere allowed ti!i this' da/ to Beti,aall claims.

(Ficm the Ivmdou Time:;, City Article.]The Ktigl'ah fu»,Js Uavo ag.tlu been dull to day, ht'twllhoutany important movement, and there h is bee i lutlo

general bnsluet ft. All the discount house* aro d.ppotto.l tortocivo no fv.rthii- wntunle atnll, t>wlD>; to the < Ttremrdifliculty In finding employ moit lor them for Kbort penodtioi; gooa security. The failure was notified on tlio Stock

tango this (We.lnos l-y* evening of f eventeen mesibera. H is aaiu the dividends w'll averngo about 16s. in£1. Ilio Hank of B< IrIuib has raced its rate of uiscountfrom three to four per cent.

(hi tlie L*nlon Stock Exchange, according to the Tins*,the continued suspense botweer tho hostile forccs exoitcseocb 'lay new corjectures. and the fad that Priuoe >V..uigchlt;uavlt k biea despatched from Vietina to make, accordingto rutn(.r, conception to Russia, which In the eye*oi seme diplomatists <:»n mean netbmg; elte thi-" a consentto allow her to no v hat *ho plcason lu Kuropoau Turkey,his also been a subject ofcomment.The I<iiidon 7\m*s comets its statement of yesterday respectingcoal Ircgl.ta for the Mediterranean. It appears that

the prefect rate in not more than M*. a 32®. Toe norts f.irwhich they liavo been mostly cbartcred are Marseilles,Toulon, Algiers, nctiastarl, Cagliarl and Corfu. Tnero Isbill) a demand for steamers for ths purpoao.The recent rl«« to Prussian produce uw been followed


by a ceusidt ra'.Io rraftmu, *ad b?u>p hua fiHtu 4 pfrtrvi. llio sugar mar ki t retains a drropuir lon<l<-n«v Anfill»nr<w»ry itfgrrx «f .u-ti»tty <xirUntil n to prevail iullif kaiiirr lit, and priv«n art stito rmnif.

I'tK; L< nden Arws rt>i»il« tint >u Mark a«i» yent«rdavfoiilxih v»k tu>t iset with a How ante at a i tUucti'm of tie. fc>if por quarter f, om that vuo'ed on Monday. Soirio of thee» «l usai-is «i ArMiteiu « banking taOiisn ut Vienna,»«" nut ijh to £4(0,WO, have, it is ctulcd, be»;u fouudplf'Cf'd to the Nattural Rank

lit T«r«»«n and II W. Hallway trsi'lo rctarugshiwtbis week nn iterraim <>l £-.36.The recent arrival of a confiderabln Oeet of overdue

vefte!» way plare u large number of suanieu at the disposalof the naval untie it -»The bncysney of tki^ l arta Bourse yeetor''ay wa* owing

to the ebliiutnuFtic n nomiratiOD lli»t took place ouT^jffdav mi the Einp*. or's tle|iarj^u-e uoiog counsel oil asa *i eerily of the laiHtrs.nioe or «rder at home.Ijvn'iioL Cottok M*kkkt, May IV! . Marki t quW-t at

about >v iiuotu la/1 Kuday 'x Sales pr«li*hlv uUmt 6,000baitfi. ilf.iiuitM. V(i 4rN iirt-viAhdiv Vi-T 70li KaI.u


Pr. Froilhtm ».#» yei'erday brought before a full benchof n.'^rtrawii at K bmoBd, tad a Tu'lely of evidencewn taken U» support rl tbo< beige bro..j;tiu.aj4»'usl him ofw Ifulnmriier «; a lady um . J L»ab« la !W.k... witu wh.'iabe * k» cohabiting, hv * iaslnlttr-i Hig |«!hou Iu -mall i'm< s.lbc prlaoser, a'tkough married to the dt>ceanert, badrepr«*ented Ibal they were unmarried. Hue hadh u>'o a will in htB lavr, prepared by n loHc.tor laKickmend fron- uotnunta alleged to bave Wn pr pure-Jby u tarrieter in (o»i, though it tu-n»d act <o he in ptl

cn»r'aliar«twrit'»g II.o will wan attested on Sunday onurcuuut of the nr«- w> 01 tu« coat. Yit priat-ner r.;fu»<Klto hbve n j *ei fcai aiiendamc present, as be wiahed, ho«aid, to kerp tt a pro'o'ind aeerct tbat he and tb«« ladywir* nrironrrltd. The pr toner waa at tkk ti«e COnamuniratwp *i'h hi- flmt wife. Id tie will be ig dcnj; i»<n. udhir "dtar fraud." Tno case ia remundud.

New* fram Amtta'li.UARKFTS PTTLI, l)t l 1.R*LIK OF AMKftlCAN FLOrX.MIMMi I'liOKlTAllLii WuKU. l>fcdfUt CT1VI! fillKS,trc., rrc.Tbu fetcanicbip Crrat IlriWic i.r.vci at Liverpool ou tins

J'th iin:l. from ii' ll.ourtit, v ib ativltfwa Jat-'d o'» tho latofUarcb.^

fc-he bad 32,000 ounces of fold on freight. . ->. kThe Ueibiinrne mark.-t-' were *w thout lu'pry^iaent.Wofjl «u« l» i=a flrtn, and interior *ad alintily edlined.InUi'' Hour mark it somo ctli ta|t iv-«L'cauied bv tbo.

appearance of aumaid.nablc {jii*nti>y.of American fl«ar,which was fscllitg ai le* a tua uigbor thus tiie domett.carticlt .jay £24 per ton. vf '

Kite bad reai hi-ti S.% a £28 per ton.An extrawdit-ury an.otnt cf'aaivity prey-ailed among

tho n: i.tin; and pros}** ting parti'k, without DMroboi,wore bft.i g rewarded by tho discavoty ol the raoat pro-

Pertructive fi. es hud occorrod at Melbourno ai.4 liallar*t.OUR CITY TROUBLES.

Meeting of the Board of Aldermen aadHealth fofiimissioiiersi


Imiiortant Communication fromtlic Mayor.



BOARD OP ALDERMEN.This Board *>rt last ovening.Alderman i'eck in the rrry jjigraroiiKHi?.

Alderman Boole presented an amendment to the ordinanceHoveru.ujt ttb City Inaoectiir'a dc|«rlaiflnt.Alderman Auamb opi» -< << iiw amcnomsnt, and movel

Ui'U ike nuutcr bo rulerled to tiio Committee ou orliuancep.Alderman Poole pzi taiuert that It was to provide for

the rtejvi m'tii until tho Mayor ccrtolled with tho Boardon CiUiig that office.The motion for a rcfercnco was lost, and the

wan pa.*sod. The erdioance provides that " wheneverthere shall be a vacancy in tac office of City Inspector, orho bo preve nted by lickocM or any other caugo fromattending to the duties of hla cilice, tho Superintendent ofSanitary Inspection shall perform the duties of City In»potiorduiin* the timo inch inability. absence, to., shallriist, and .or that pnrpote at all possess all the powerstoulerred and jterftw m the di ties derolvirg upon tho CityInspector."Aidcraian Adamh wis glud thai Al.leraian Rw'e had

cocao to h.B St-uses »1Uj regard to the importance ofattending to the amies ol City Inspector. Ho hrtd hadfour mouths to think of It.The motion to refer was loet by a vote of 10 to 5.The ordinance was then pa*sad.Alderman BooutoCcied a resolution directing tho Superintinoe'itof Sanitary Inspection immediately to proceed

to clean the f Lrecta under the statute of the State andordinances of tl.o Common Ceuocil until tfca OouiniouKonncil oiberwisp orf'c.Alderman Ruaduy efftred an amendment to the c fleet

that he proceed uudt r tho 'direction ol his Honor theiluyor.Aldermen Boole, Owenv and c >net baring spoken, tlio

reeoiutlon was carried b7 a vote of 11 to 4.*N07iieR komc-'At:os by ths mayor.

Tho Mayor sent in the name of Noah A. Uiikll for thocilice of City lnepfctor.Aidermau aiums move.' the comirmation of tho Dominationof Mr. Cbiids.Alderman ttunsr oppisod the nomination. Mr. Chllds

vad not qualified, lie wa:? connected with the swill militaCTeir. and ho (Aldeimt n deiict) nould thercforo opposnhis nennnauon.

, Aldeiman Amkp thoncht that us Alderiuan Genet reprc-rented the atub tails rtlrtnct, ho oagltt cot ,lo oojoct to anomination fr«m that locality.Alderman Stark, una memb«r Swi!i Milk of the Committee,sacl that he could rot ivote f»r Mr. Chtlds. Ho (AldermanStarr) had visuci Mr. fluids gUiblofl, aud Uiey

wen: Uio most flahv of any tue committed hud seon.Alderman Bjuht.kv caul that inaRin.ich is that the Mayor

bad not consulted tho meuib'Ta «jt ill board on his nominutiois for thm otllce, to would rote against tbo nominationof Mr. Childs; am! ho wo'ild not vote for auy futurnnominte of the Uav or un'eBS ho consulted with tho:Joar<l a« to tho name ot the person he wna ahout to een'lIn. Tho time had arrive! when the Mayor should do so.The nomination of Mr. Ch ios was rejoctod by a yote of

11 to 4.Mr. Grnot ottered r. resolution to the offect that tho

Board do not ad viae and condontto tbo nomination of NoahA. Cbilds ns City Inspector. Curried by a vo'e of 9 to 6.A (OMMt'NirATlON l*OMTW* MAYOR ON TOS StTWKCI 01'OXJ

DfHPItCTOBliHir.Tho following communication wan received from tho

Mayor:.Mator'h Ornfi, nrw To**, May 3,1V>9.

To Tim HonoxABi.K tar Boaht> or aldi;iiii*h:.uijiii r«£n./.t tkn laat meeting of tke Hoard of Aldermen

a report waa made by a select commtttea, to whom woe referied the cominution of tir. h. C. Hosier for City InspeoWr.. .. . uiiiuuun ^iiuKD'muL ii WM< auopiea nythe Board, that the nonrd of Aldermen do not advwc and consenttu itie appointment cf Or. w. O. foater m City Ij.ipecter oCthe city of Mew lork ^ fr*in«t the decline avowed m thore1pert, ami the action of the Hoard thereon, 1 deem U my dutynoli tnulv to i/ioteaLKnirnaU d by the elector* of the city of Ifew York with tlie

diwlmrgo ol the (treat trurt repeeed bj the charter ol Lhect'vtn the ( Qlce ot Kayer, I ahouul be recreant to my duty IT, tualienee, T permitted a courae to bo purtued which la well oilciliated to nullify in a great mcaattro the executive powerof the Mayor. Chesen to my present poult on by tliolaryeit comber cf vol.* ever given to a candidatelor the ofllce of Chief haztatraie of thL) city, I haveendeav-red to exhibit my grateful aenae of the khuinnm ot myfeliew cltlzeiia by taking care that the lawa arc faithfully exe;nttd inn people ol thia city have a tight to require fromevery public onlcer at leaat an hocett riiaoharge of hudutlea,and ao tar a*, ilea In my power I havo determined tnat therlfthtiof the chief executive officer ahali be ma'nUinod u alltl elr liite-rlty. The allnatona to tho report of the committee tolie political oplntonaof l)r toeterare without precedent Indie loiunala ot any Legialature or executive hody in the conntry.The leading Idea which hu nnvicted every nomination bi>*

bees that eadoreefl by Mr Jeaereon'."la he h >neat, ta hucapable, la be faithful 10 the cn-ntit i ion- Hut, at tac earn#twe, I have endeavored to conform In my nomination to thewithe* of thi politic*) pert/ (wuhwbioh I have a)aaya beestomttlit'l) In *>H.»e hand* renin thu mtjorlty of the Hoard, u*leotiona liave tieen mane by me oi wed known oitlwna. alway*ldei.titled with the Man party to which 'he majority of theltoir.d olalma to belong, ai d jet Uiey huve been rv;e -ted*t<en hv the r.o«rd. But do matter what may havebeen the quiilHcattona tn pol'tical o;uuii>i.a of Dr. roaier,the Heard well knew that his name had hern withdrawn Itai at nr. rrste own r»<iueai. and thai (itch withdrawalI.OI away rr?m -he Hoard, or lia committee, th« n*ht todU- Icuts ibe pi* prtetj ol ni* noatnatmn.

1. vicinn nv of tbe i omtnlttee that th« Mayor mljht Mwell withdraw hit rein r his vpi-roval »< an otdlnanra aitcrhe hue c< trmi'iuoeted It to th9 Common Council, shotil* havehi mi Ijiht. It astnvch as mi act of Um Mayor, la maluifcaonml|nallan. U* th cxercise ol a j>o*rer clflertn* material! > fromaai»lii< U ho iws »hfu au rcvlnt or vttolng an ordlaanaeor i In Ac cape ot a nomination, he calk into ciarclurb * net ullve power, wb.lailn tin matter of a veto or aoprevnlofameaaurebc acta aa part of the lo^WaUT-: powerui.i r tlx' charter.Moreover, everv cHlien nominated ta no o#l.» for confirmationby the Board ha*, anil null have, the rl^nt to wltharaw

Ids n.iPM> at any time ;'rotn the consideration 01 the Hoard.Can ttte questioned that 1, the thief tinuli.e efficer. after

ci.inmat'ng a person to office, ahuti'd di«co»er hit uutiuaea farth e txwHJrti, that h» bag not 'be right U> withdraw from theoonlinnlng t-odj such a nrnt'.nMlnr"iln journal* of the Henate ol the United States aad of thia

Sia'e will show frequent oases of the withdrawal of names byihn comtawUnR officer.There in another optskv advanced by the committee to wliioh

T derm It my duty rurwrlly toea.l the attaatlnn of the Hoard.That body demands 'hat it ahall tie advise* aad oonsultad withaa recants the propriety ef a nomination.Ibe repr»t sa<s.~ There ha* thence sprung up a g-are

A lilt renre of eplnloa h«tween yonr ivmmlilaa anil the Mayeras 10 bis power and duty In the niaHcr "

In the first place, the ehiHer s*ya that t>ie City lo»p«-'/*" shall he Minotntod by the Maror, with (he ativlne and oonwuilo» the Hoard of aldermen " The mayor Instate'hat the -easeotMi) of Oil' Uvard I* D«c«ssai 3. \ »nr committee Utaiat that the

BriESDAY, MAY 24, 1859.

nmd dvlr*1' 'n V* at* tut® 14i»ort be thiol nuUMtot* but ha*»»d it to ki/A?e * tun* 11 ^ miid uroo kw«q v» it, *u>d lluu c»n *>»<k>i r »'y fci tin; M«*i4 tetatf tdvied w)th M lo ±n »*p.»oiatn>fHi ** *ell » b« I k r»ou*i««t lo t«m*etit « itl»4*r tlx* tfcftitor i* 4* 4i wd * i*i? prmnl tneuvbeti of

Iter rfllcu <»/ Wibjor Lwi tie *oit> *rnt uo> Wwi«<) r««t*ouainililyg» ItoOnp lfet> pi n.oL lo All tu utile or band oi do*> runout

n»d vUh the Mtyrr. M d Uui b* iotton of Botrib>ml to to he UAbAl.. u> * ftirupi* AlUr^mion Of r^eclM 01tbt re-rinm! -n.Bv tbn i«ih nerti«,r of ih«» charterIbefiMnU poiear of the

Cor-irnuou ilu t *e fitted >u t;j« M%f*t umi execufcvudrputiti&uf i tin 1Mb It t« the Hrty of tbe JUjor to b« *V.l»ok»n rt!»« i" ooutti'* the i nl nun'i of tha ctj to 1*) tin./»»W»lrli HI l> Mll'»rr«ti t.. .t.-U« »

Uia (ondni'l »D<1 let*of nil vil oriUnue oImn/ » the 19tl> teuton'U h- .lUUiUiinmiiisrH.withtbeeireiittJD

cf \ ^frvltt'Uer »Dit *»»'! I** tu'i'-1!"**! toy ib* W-«%#rmil'tlr U-d i"iu»-rt of tka HimumoI Aidnrm-n. I b" t<«*rdt » U ** p«*f" to »or |rm nr reiee *11 dokudmIobs «f tbajr.Hv t mm 111«»* I » y tta« Kosid, lb" ton.or milm nir4Ui-;y j< ciiait nn >k«rptt»on lti-mliirivlMoiMe»i«- tb«* ft tie LtiMtt re t ick>'he tli- <*yorof th»«H» w.-'h full eiecuwre nonet «jid loonoSkS tn" |wn»er nf U.ei'.okrd to '(>e ""! r irj'r'toD w onndmaUoa »n«re » la theItntriM^pot IM .#ti, imp. u ii'rr«u « betweeu Uwi -ow»rgiven io it< M»> >r < ! (bii iyr nod tb*.t f iv«-n ;in;er 'b* ~>u»'i*iji. n cf ih'L' niiri^ Sui.-k. * til»i u'f i»ojf nfc(t* o' »h<- «itiw * r% ibnt <i>" * Ij»h*'l anpotri Ihkt »>f the <«»wtatloD r'»®« *(fcr I'ltokUri'l ihr |.ii«t-r uj tin !.».« «ud «lli lh- »dv c« »i.docuwri of ih«»*ii»'-«, Tbe cb*rer In'.-uded mkt

I kll lUi.t« ibe >iM«U»e nil mid dure me i*>*er U) «el» Iate.-iW l< tltrain ibe lkw» tod o 6 uiuswk t>> .j^mtit ibu-n .1onro, fuljecl to lie »pr""v»l or re»<-tinn off)" I fc«em< uL- e oow. ol Uie Mayor I*wwi* Iu tuu lenpetl U*utt»i til \k* httnlfi* or tlx inlo-d -tM«« 1#« re'e eure.IWb b«» tfii u»»ue lb* t.'ixri. n' lb* vuim'mM i« ibe lullin ci ui K*uert! |CK(mi.tu nuiL-'ri/a-n uic to o*..' ihn altru

tv uof i>e i!f>*rc '4 ike o, iDbir« (i««.i bv lb* ui<wt i-mii « !»rii«'& o» tiie noimil'iil ou hy Uw <-Ai«-*-r«oi ihi- Uok-^tiAodli, ui-.- cf lor Lt iu-a uuii c'b:.;av>k>r l.eau inb e v nmii l»rl*», l»Mkii o! Hie power of the h«UM]linn ir.kuou to oBl-1'. M>d ibe n |in»-»emie of ise wUith« i-rc*wl»i>liii ibe xitrdM oi ia» hrnouh of tbe Mwau»«iK'»<r. Kill »v.v» thi.i " iue *'!»« « »o1 c 'ovtl ol ihc(-fjiii , wtit L br- itquuiie U> roudcr «bn im mlnkion rJ-wmv,Cbbiiot be kit^ad-u, ID lh-: i.1'ur«1 . the omsr. *uli very uxtM(^ilwMllhM h»TiD* Do HKi nr.j la the Dom n-ut o, Doib n.; Ant' > naeai . r n-i'iti beftpitft oi panoMllUn|Mnr<1 penookl ntui-bsi-at H'iil lie pretty miu b jiua(«i*He<iIn in » wmj. oi BrMituiKtwi) 1."Judge iVjry, lu bL> uni>> Lt J,i«-n »p<Mkb.« of (bo ji.werrf

ice B MiciHivs to moke tno aeleruoo t f pub'lo til »pk, najaihfct "M» « >.* * und tinalw-*lrupontlMUiy wi.luaturady iwceiftllrvllc. Rtbn o auty " hut iF a public Ixxlj »li<>uk wa]c«tb«*!»)'< lt>«ne»' tb.eif deiMnlon wi'I be h*«'j t> bave !ilUe toito»rh Uii- Bicrif " of candtnalfS. und nncb to do wid> ike aclh ntilcneUcf in-) vldit i:<4ktm cabala. I be Kieouuve " be aaskI'uitler, " t ill be ootnpeaed to ooD«ult ptitde opinion, uul u>indicate lb# propriety of bla api olut acuta by clecu.tu* from

tKfO wl<>c» a lallRekflnitfw unTL-atloaed nod uqi rtlouuhie.v It b* ajould a' t ulwr-vW and mirreueer the public n» tout .he han ln>f pr< iliRaVt m-u or low adv^ »Ui b» i«v t*'bi«s lor lui loutf to r»uin public favor i» t i-veu tke whole U.tliKoi'e oI i urly- onu d lote mtm»itym from '.b>- |«ailni'ignatlon of it*. peop!«. Though j!ow ibeu;tin:'-ie a«ar.i of public opinion would lump on hi* aoailactill it .fed UitkCiy.>Ksi» lie «*»*, refuHrr to the prTrtety and a<*Taiita7*of a

trlci aob^Troce totfce pn viat"i.« the comt'tauoa In tha extrout- 01 the appointing p< -*rr, Hit! bar.nonj of the Uoaiordinate braotriF*. lite Independent ot the I'rtaM^ut, tlie jrnrtweight ot the heaate, and tlie oaefnl operation of (tie poweritbeif will no t'oubt Ite bc it tscure :i by confining ea^h branchto l'« peculiar fvrotlrasf « Tvtrmi'H La i b<t n made Is toe jiolltlcal opinion a of lb4

majeihy cf the J;.<ard. It im.v not bo improper to relnr to thodocUlinat ol Andrew Jaokant.- outs whoae deeioerasy will notbe quea'.iobcd by Ihe aaajorKy o( th. J! wrd. m I'rcaidcnl ofthe I sited btalcn, I * solemnly i^roieated kgit-iit tbe aciioo oftfceKenateef the tubed 1-1 ivs v>hea that body aiiomuwd totntwie Uerightibl the ijieoutue Department of the gjveruincut.kto. Jackaon, In hliproteat sent to lie Senato m April 15,

1834, m»ies uv, ihe fol owing lanifiiaiie:.ny the oonn'.l'u-tlon iLe executive ouwtjr <a rested 111 the Prealdent of theUnited fuutm /ui<r>s tha duties lnipuwd upon nUn,and wLict he K twrro id perform, ia that of taklitf <>.« thaiitif hwi he tn.ibttiiiy executed he'n« than uimI* reapontlblelor tiit i care aat.on of tbe KiecutWe I epartun-u-. u «*6butrcaa cable thai the power of appoiLUu*. overawing auuccoiroilmc .) one >. ijO eie'iitb the inwa-a y.iwt-r Id iu natureexeuutiYe-ahc.ilu remi-i/i In Ida hamia it In, Uinro;'ire, notonly bin richt, but Mi- oonatl'utioil m.»*e« *t bis 'Inn, to tmmlnan-, und by ard Willi the Mvun aud con-eat ot to* Senate.,appoint' till eilcore of 'he I n. i>um *ho«e apivlouueutsare noi In ibe eonaUt tloo o\ier»ieo provided fur," aa1 wltuthe proviso tan. Uin prrtoUreal of lu trior ollicrr* may beverted in the Prender*. luone in oo.iru of j'urtlce or U> thehr..t!» of depina eat#.

Jo Mav.lsn, F-e« ien;Mivd:f03 nominated tn the Fei-atnRMiniater Hlfrip'itmt'u-v to nweden. a<tt.-.£»iO|{ his reaeoua fortie measure. 'I he :-e:iu'«. lu Jan- '>> *ing paased artwijlutji.nrequesting a re«p«-cttui ronfereuie w iin tht-frealiient ontbe subject of ihc nomination; the object i" »bioh U stated tobate been to o -iin trcm him the inducements V> ibe mmieore.7re Pre«til»ot. howe'er, doob e l a1tr>g«:her tne prot>om' eonl*. l Latin* in hie mrn fr th-»t' the KTecntl»e and Hod»'.p,in chmt* of .ip;,o»tnicnu in office and of ireatlim are to be eonaitfcin. iadepeui em ami CO ordinal* with enrh other. 1.' they«l >ee, thi? f i poll.taenia or treaties ar» m.-tie, u J.' b«l dwapiee,Ibey fall." (S«r*< vat oa v-on*tttuUoe pag- Ti

Mr. funer, .stUJiney liec-tnl of tb« United .-tate* under Mr.Van Huren. in ai. opiuicn siren on March 2U, 18S7. to the ~ecr«tarv01 the t»nvy, a: ja, lu upoaitlof of ur.-potE'inenU i>> oiflee,thai "the eoutbtiitkinal action of Ibe <t»n>u» hi ivjnfinort to a ninapie *0ijua-.ioa or rejection ol the 1'ieai.teui'j aonjntitton."Ttee*"CnUva®ow v«»ic<l lc live Senate la nelth".r tliat of

noBinaiiC".. nor' n* It ti on r"'^ a jiihcK upon theexecutive power o ai polFit>"i» it. If lndl*iiitiitla aroi:o».!dfor npootntment hv tne PreeMeat, bv them oeimiad mcnmpe,c I uuwoHfcy ibt) uiv nvhbol<l that. mMt and Uieipooi-.'.uitt-t oaanot le naiie Ihey ihwt the action ot theK*r<. lite, but cauno*. ka reiati m to theae very Huberts »vtb'.i »;'ven or direct ' ;i kelei aon» aie atiU made by tanPreudert, and the ne(itt*e gWeu tp 'be berate, wlihou'dlnilnicbltixhit Te«piinnbr>ity Iuruiahi n an tviji'lonal ^narivatee totte » jmry rhat ihe auboruiu'ie exec ltivc, as neb aa the judicialc.a. tr. ehalJ be tiled with wortny and ^''tnueiec men.

'1 bene opinions In tu t^ai oatriot, win, alter KablnKV)i. eaiojecimori' ot the v nI lenc*i of tii« Atuerdj^o peopio man anymxo who baaalntf lived, wii] nodoti'ueilly be 'junaldere.l bylu- nuijoruy ol lit Board aa cUlli a to Uio hlnbtat oonalderatioo.Mv doty reqiUrea that X abonld defend the riphts ol the Chieflecu'itc l.uco ui uuj cn> guiiranntta to moi uiiUor Uiecbartor.Kol'0-fcini; the eitmp'e ef Fr^fdent .Jackaon, aud tunnc al

mi »t 'bo 11 j word* i! hi* rnlot, 1 shall aune t'us rnj protestnp-ln.t tfcr i.rm n of Uk Hoard of Aldermea to bo pUf«ion th*- Mrs of tke iltjcr'n office.Ibarcaso irunnul ted to tba Eo«rd, with u. reepa-tfulre

qnem 011 my part lbs; tins message j-nd (it >»t may oe en eredhi l»rs.ii cr ibrjour isiof il»j Board, to the end thai be »ctl -i'Ot tb» Brerrt may rot !w"«Or be dri r» into p,-»o Jrat\ (tti tbr Huthoriiy rt silent aanileaeence on the part of theF.xecutlvc lmpartDient. £iaMii>L F. TlbMAN'n, Jl ijor.Aldfrmun Boon; moved that the comarjutcutioa bo referredto tfce c«ni»iitt<i* having tie matter In hiuid.Alderman Hikhikns moved that it ho printed.AWtrniKL. tix.NST Kid I tint iio Poped not; It ftugW lo bo

FCBt batk to the Major, as every Lilt of tt Wiw *u Intuitto tfce members of this Br ird.

Alderman At>ab.s tQonubt the committee wero dischargedlotp h(!o, ' but, ti.ey ought to have been, and reinovtd that the or mmunlcation fbouid be placed on file,ftiey bad been five months now without ina^iti^ any rejori.and <f this communication wai seat to tb-m ho WeIIoi e-1 they would be out of cffico before titoy outdo aoyreport.

A!! 1?i:ai>y hoped Iho communlcaticn woo Id beprinted, in order that it might be « en how ridiculous theAlsjcr but maud himself. He (Alderman Brady) waotvdthe Mtojor'ff eorLtDuuira'ion lo lie placed alo.u;iUe ot theri pi.rt of «be i'lKnnnttfn which ho hul not deigco 1 loetngwer. lie (Alderman B.) said that M»yor -riom innwn'iii. find tlii.1 n> Lht>r ti p riuiihliruo or n.n t.ifim*vorli) be loois eaough 10 give h:m a nomination al on; futuretime.Tbo nation to receive and enter on file was tost.The n otion of Aid. Eoo'e to refer t»« mattr-r to the

eofninittee having U>c matter of tbe City Tanpoctorebip inbind »»r then carried Py a vote of 9 to 8.

Ttii Brnrri then proceeded to dispose of routine busicctR,and adjour'.ed to Tbaisday uext at live o'cieck.

COMMISSIONERS OF HEALTH.mrOKTANT MltETIKO OP TUB COMNtSHIONBBS OfHFJLTH.MAYOH T1 F.MANN ASSt'MKS TUB POWRliSOk A smtar ikspecto».TUK STKKKrs to ub( LEAKED. KTO.There was a meeting of tbe ('oiii.nisstoncrs of Health

yesterday.Our rcaunrs wlil recol'ect that on Wednesday lan tbo

Mayor and Comptroller wore requested by a resolution oftho Board to take Into consideration the sub,cot of cleaningtbe streets and removing night soil, in Tiew of tbe disorganizedcondition of tbe City Inspector's Department.Tbe Mayor reiwrtod today that, after investigating tiematter, be »»« satisfied that It wan bis right and duty,under tho eh- rter, to take tbe matter in h s own hands andopsr ate through me City Inspector's Department. Fartbe:\ that a; raDRenicntg wore now in rrogrens by whichthe w.irk will be commenced immwiiately.A proposit'on was received lrom Hi. Oluev to do tho

work ct street cleaning and removing night noil, until thoJ?t of January next, tn the rate of $3t\000 per year. Thowork baa latterly tost the city $65,000 a year.Tho matter was referred to the Mayor.Dr. (irsv reported tbe arrival of tbe bark Amelia, from

Rio. alter slsty days pausege. Slit- had sickness on boardir. that port, but all were well cn arrival. It was orderedthat i-ho b<! allowed to como up to morrow.On Satiirdiiy complaint was made nf a slanghtcr hoe.-o

'd Mrtt street, tl" subjuci was referred I* Dr. Rorkwell sad 11'. tarnell for inv<atigatlim. Dr. Rockwell reported»o-rtay that bn visited tho placo on Saturday afternoon, nnd that tbe establishment «a« a public nuisance.Since bis i f t. however, it had been cleaned out, but repairswrro «t !l nteemarv. Tho subject wa3 referredback to thi coam.tlee, a .th power fe iuakc tbe neocssaryrepairs.A conununlcatien was received fr-irn Mr Trabert, calllugtbo attention o» .lit'Board to the slaughterhouse No.

l; t feast Twcn'-j-eighth t' est. Tbo subject w*t> reiererdto tbo Ffttee committee, with power.

'flic Board ft'i.iotir'.eil until Wednesday.BIBl'OKStBIUTIEfl AGBKSP tTON BET'flKN TUB

MAYOK. Ct'MtTKOULAE, AKP HV'PtfBINTRNXKNT OKST1U KT CLBAMNG.Tbe position of the se veral parties in tbo City Inspec

terJ.ip eontroversy has to day reached a more positivedevelepemcnt, and will henceforth be bettor un.lcretoed.I'p to tbo decision declaring tho office to be vacant, MrMorton was supposed to bo the great obstacle and cause

ol m'seliicf. When that decision was rendered, Mr. Morton's >ojnscl iiBR'.pd'Atcljr renewed the simo tcndi>r of»ol-niinion 10 tho will of Mayor Tlomiuin which Mr. Mortonhimself buJ repeatedly made to tho M»vor la person.Tbn oflico, lie vwert*. was re.idy to be surrendered Intothe hoods of his legally luthorizei Fncouesor. Ho clai'oato sue for hif sa'sry an-1 rot for tho offloo. It is upon thisc'atir for bifl pnlary only that ho says he has liken an *ppeal Major Tl«mann, accompan cd by bis coaopol, proceei'pd lo tttke "lorcuio possession'' on tho dny of thodecision, without cotico lo tbo incumbcnlK, cxcrpt tuesummary proceeds* of screwing down the MShee andlocking the iloort. Tho next day this proceodiagm r.urindid as hasty. AU the docility and obodiono* Ujmcould bo required was manifested by Mr. Morton'* cmployCs. They weif foond to Man* nreoisrly whoro Utlld as to their lilscKvition to fo on "with tin rduties onder the executive control of the,or at cw to suspend them, as ho wnuM hivedene had tt-o Mtvor taken the sane resiersibt'.ttyin hie c«sc is that which hu sappended the rrtire work

[ERA]ton of the department mm* iha joint pmhuttllOB of theMajor and ( onpu oiler u> Uut eflfeot.

It ** ', utxlrrtlAoU ibal the yarpon,i of Wto Uxjw togive out ihetlut:. * or vheCtly ki*|»octr>r't! otlloe uu<ter the«iip«r*M.o.!U »LaCtiiutatoaxmtr#w! H- *IU», but,'Dt-jinu.AM the Comptroller woukl brn-i i><i eouirao'. or other lia

#i*'0 meta authority, thi Vayor wni obliged to Mlback op.'u thi) dopaitm«i>t, ud rojail his tujuociimtaiuitrt <.-si>nOit«ree by th« heart* of its bitreaua Sir*#)',eloHiiiBf wtll iio-« h«> rt-su n*.i, aua tho Comptroller willl»*y upon pre of >) tbe work bt'icg dom, anil the approvalof til* Majir unit (on niou Council. Ho will aoi m <wt{.irdto Mr. Dowuick «a tio Uid id the i-aan of Mr. Uortoo, reiftrJlTE Lire aH ILu pl'Iir.l/ burl

jro 'euThe Major after the i.rmula of the recil'iiioa pa***!

by »ti« («u in K4:oaera of Uiailti, * 11 tor Ulu Cotnp ro Irtruna U. v.muii, »uo formally n rok.<xl bu niuucwontuapeoiiin* the duly of itrwi cIhjuii.ik, Mr. |Uw« alt'<( n»»r'iou to ineot the 1n c»»»ary rxp*-o*n upou Ul'Mtyor's t>« iig re»pnoa1bl« aarf bavmg a sapwvickMi of th*work- l'tl8 q i iMl .il <m of "(U(N*rvuuiu" was kimcUiI;r-reivedby iti> Mayor, «hwii Mi 'Iuwuibk "u'l n<* kio

poeed the Mayor U&d ot nghl, aoii wuulo atwayn exorcue.An come txcuM for the conditwo of th«t »ir»ete, MrJ'o»n'ijj{ rcforretf to the ficttbut Uk» »lr«ft e'eanTK tn-1been msf eti<ie<1, io a degree, aioee the ook luiu^ of in-Jihr. bo account of tho delay in iiuamg toe uu levy, walto to tbo further rtaaon Itiat lie Ha.vor bal tat jowJ tore«X fH)>Be the department or vnilorae iU «Cfnn<1lturiw aoas to «ii.blu a proper diwharg* of ttg dutie* to the public

TT1E NASSAU 8TUEET JOB.11RKT !>'(} Or TitK AI.1H.11MANIC COM MITTEC ONITKlfcTS.ABGL'MVNTSJ-OK AND AG. IN-IT TlIKrnoroHtD wii ikim) of Nassau smaitr, etc.Tnc Alderiaanic Comm'tiee oa {Areata n^l l aii atljourn

e<l mo»tiLg jicterdsy alU-roooo to boar lurtw reason.'for nod agiiiiit tiie opening of Va^riu street. At ant"even buforo inn tioio appointed for tb* me tmg a iwrgrnuDi^. r o*" iirpnert* owner* in the stroct ai.4 other nar-

lie* Uilcreaicd tvero in attcudanco, tho far jroaler portionol them toeing eminently oppMed to the alteration of the.treeUA'drrnisn Booib. '.ho ck airman of the r.ommittoe, un

foldeJ n map, which be aal'l H mnJo two yo&rB agowhen the matter waa souie time before the Common OounCil, and which was taken by a jurveyer appoi t thetime for lhat purpose. This map illustrated a plan foropiMng the st iet twenty Uv« feet on us wesuirn ad*from Jjberty to l^eknoao street. The Al<1or:uan «aid th.itthe commute are in favor of opening tho »*,r«et, bu:without binding tbcmgelvvs to any particular plan, tholrJttiro brin^ to t jtt the views ol' atf many piopwrty o«uers on tlit purest as pofcaiblo.The Uloik was thru directed to rend the petition cvilin^

for tho opening of the etreet, which he did. The petitionfcU forth tliat tb» widening af me atn et wouU be a reMcf to tkwl«|j by creating a lc.v avenue. <\f travel, anaUiat it would be a convalesce to tho public generally,nnd especially tfcoBo do ug business acd ovntng properlydown town. lb.* petition wan sigt.ed by eight or tennines. some of it (8 denied own any property onthe street It is remarkable that the p^tit.oo called for ltt«opening of the (treet " on lac eoutueriy tide," though it

The committee stated they were no* ready to hearwhat pnrtlca adverse to tho widening of tho ho-, at had toBay.

Mr.>, who owns considerable proi>erty on .'iuniiStreet, Mid, If the street is to bo opened, it would be wel!to mtke iliose wiio should pay Ui« expenses pay them. IIit is to be evened lor the publis oenutit, he tnought it uulair that tLose residing along tho line «i thi street shouldhaTC to baar tta «speiises. If the puolic throughout thewhelo city are uiaue to pay tor toe WiJsaing, ha «oui 1not fr.ave s<> many objictions rfl off*r, but il »»ly a rerysin ill portion have the burthen to bear, he Is dccideulyagainst it

Mr. WniTLOn; staled that he owni property oa Nassaustreet to the amouct of i200,c00. Ho said, theHfha:i> or any ne». sjiajer m»ght represent the mv.tar, liewas in favor of opemog the EWi'et. Ho oared not how tbiproperty owners on tbe street m'gbt bo attected if thepublic were bcnollited, nor how much any ouo lost orgtilred if the same object wa« aciX'taplisbeii. IIo saiKussan street was fcoi wide enough for people to go totheir bLSihess in it. ''I," couturned he, "oaunoi get to mybi.sinf*6 there without crushing myself alonys The streetis i ot wide enough for tee " (Laughter, probably owmgto tho fact tbst Mr. Whitlo'jkis in<onveuteiitly corpulent )"Mj property is on tuo comer of Naatau and S-vkinansti f If, and it is us much aa I oau do tc get there." (Reni wed laughter.)Mr FaaeHAW, another owner of prooerty on Nanaaii

!«tlc to to In favor ot Uio itupiovenjeu, About twoyenrs *^o he ltud cuu-.ideratio property la Nassaustreet for live ycarB, and do doubt If tin direct waswii'inud and iiis pioporty disturbed, be would demtud alarpo compeLralioa lor bis loaae. and tnm would jwrfoctlylatisfy him. It wat when Mr. Wnitloek leued thinpr p»". ty. and ltOt till t&nn, that this agitation about ttieWiCeoiDg of Nwsau Bireet wae raised. Ibe alx»ker herepresetted a rt'-ugram of tho property rented by Mr. Wn.tlock, rrh'ch ti e latter pushed back to bira a^ain, stuingthat h< bad purchased the property, and consequently bindiagram watt useless, a? his mteruti ia It in entirely diffenottreri what he bail reproocntod. Mr I anabawadded thit nine tenths "f (be owners of property oa N'ascan street are most decidedly avorto to having any changemade in that thoroughfare, and that if lac oomjmweallowed Ibrni euflleiCDt time they would piove it by a romonstiiine« having their signature* attached to It.Mr. M. Vail said he came thuro to renresem

the interest of Mr Fuller's property and taaof others on Nasra i street. He declared himse!f opposed to tbe widi ning of tho street alw^uther.

arg.iou that ur.ies* two thirds at least of theproperty owners ou the line of a stroot arc iii favor ofwnat is termed an improvement, tho Gjruraon Counc.icould tot b&v>: it carried cut. Ta thle c,yr> however, hofelt convinced that mere '.ban two thirds of too uo.dersSlid owners of property on Nafcaail street are opposed tothe impreTi ro^Lit. Be wrjj of opinion taut too commute ab^clo t«l e to ariion until they tully iinfl-jrsMind the cesue of tbe properly owners, for it they took a false "stepIt would cni> entail unless ei.pens to be coutestir^ ittonn'8 in the Sapreme Court, where th s x c

wt uld then be transferred Hp «ta,u>rt that ibe openingol the western side of U14 street «r*uld entirely removethe property ol m.> infants which ho represents, an 1 beexpressed the opinion that if tbe street tvoro widened itwould Dover pay nor coupensato for the destruction ofvaluableproperty." It is tot an avenue tor thoci'.y generally,cor can it ever become one, bucnuse it does uu, rtiuirtim one ewl of tbo town to the other ilicoBroadway. Who known whoa the I'oet Officeitay bo removed up town, itke ma:>y banxesud otter places of business ? Xossitu streetnever ran be made to relieve the travel ou B.*o:i 1 »iytimrb more than It does uow. ;ui<l it should bo reatenbertd that it 1- liio very travel that t« now complained of*1 b make- Broadwaj wbnt it fa.Vr Davis niso owning property on Nassau street, waa

ol opieion mot it would be useless to widen Nassau streetas i»r iu> Bcpudbc, nn<l then leave a neck there wbic'awould ocly permit the same amount of travel to pan>tic wide portion o( the street as now passe? through itIn Its pr< ssnt condition Tois would bo Incurring ras<expenne to no purpose. If the street is to bo oponed at allbe is desirous of knowing who wilt boa/ the tupvt-se. 11'It is only to be partially opened as far 03 BrCimwi street,00 good Is accotLp'ibhed, lor it never will in that easebecome a greater thoroughfare than it is; and if it is to beopened tlirougho\t the f xpente would be so great that itcould BCaicely be ..Uctnpied.

Mr. Mead said if the street Is to be opened for a piblistlorosghfare the city Rhould bear tbe ex.xnio. and if it idto be opeeed tor private interests the Cjmuon Oouuo,.ha1, e no authority In the matter.Ciuirk.m.°.The Common Council has authority to order

any street improvement they see tit. If any one objects'.hey can tiud their remedy in tbe courts.

Mr. 0. BrsBNr.i.L thought that they were all gropingtbeir wsy in the dark before the comm ttee: for if tneyu»\e u icuiing w> rppi'rt in iBvgr 01 opening 11,11 will oeimputBible to overcome it by any reason. This sublet,ha said, wail important to many, to every penny in theirpockcte wli'ch Ihry haTe "pent their lives in accumulating.fie have bad one adjournment, mil I think, w thomutter is eo important, we ihouid have another. Thereare many opposed to it who havu- not yet had an opportunityol fcxr>rt»f ir>g their view and objections.

Mr. Wbituxk did not consider it nceossary to widen thostreet above &oekman, as that street would be an outletsvfflcieLtly commodious to answer all tho rcqu.rem nta atthat point. Ho think? it would bo well to have tho easternside widened a i.Ule as tar as Maiden iane from I.ioertystreet, then the western Bido from Maiden lane toBcfliman street: but ho gave bo tangible reason for favoring tljis project.Mr. Davpi woul i like the matter to be settled a* soon aj

pci-sible, for be .nUncJs to put up a marolo bauk like thoBatik of Commerce, on a lei ho holds in Nassau streetHo ktows, hswever, that tjinetr nine out of evarv hundredot the owner? of pr 'perty on the ftreet are opposedto tho wideiilug and, notwithstanding this, bo could boofrom the ret. urks of Aleeriuan Boole lliu. the committoowould rrpcrt in la.or of !t.Mr. Vi:l.The c miuilttec should know before they take

acticn whether the cjuri* will ecftain thctn or not.At lb* i'Hfe of the proceedie?* the committee adjourr.

cd, ttaliPR that their pri-w t n. V't.i.g was Uieir liist publicone in reicrence to tbn. subject. Alderman Boole a '.ded,However, .nai i&o bumw wrnn dp Kepi pending la tho(Vo>mon Council a suftiuien time to allow of the prcs*nttngcf aov remonstrance that uvght be sent in apainst th>adoption of tto ccurso winch th'1 coram ttea might ronouiItCDd.Tbo meeting tben adjourned.W.w.ucr'B Tmatrt: .Mr. John Pyott, an old time me

tropolitan ravcr1U\ take* his beneflt to nl«tit, when tho"Rhrala" is to be glvt n with a fine cast.Lester, Brougham,

aicot, Mrs. H»>ey, Mrs. Vernon, &c., ic. The bcneflciarypiajs Sir Anthony Absolute Tor the Crst time.

Tn*atr* Royal, Mosttulvl..Mr. BucklanJ has openedthe Montreal theatre with th« following oarpa .CharleiIwfcer, H. R Copland. J L. Barrett, Q. B. PhillipB, J. U.Jftrk, Umojne, I B. McI*>nough, I.lPfard, H. Thompson,lawcou, l,ew>s; Mesflaroee Boeklaad, Pvlreetcr, H. B.Philips, tick hard t: Miiwr* ftoea Franoe. Aanlo f.nnco andPiitoharu. Stars.Bcrton, Barry ?ulHran. Hiss VandenboffandMr Bwinbourae. f*»ra TCeene, Matilda ilerou,and itic FYeach Dramatic Company now in New York.

Amy Intelligence.Bounkxa «>* I'TAit .last erenng 140 reeruttii from

Governor's Island, left Jersey City by Uio N.iw York andFjie Railroad 1% remto for Utah The oflicers were MajorBewfll, in como:and, Capt. Piinovant, Lieut. C. H. Inerab»m,I,iewt. A. B. Carry. Lieut. B. M Thomas, anil l.leut,0, P. l?*H>dlng.

L D., *



Sketch o* (>en. Walker's JkfovemanU ftlneaIfIn Amat bjr Oumin-irtorc Psuldiuglib)Plllhu4t«rlim Optmlldin-Joliaiig tb«Caibolla Omnk-lkpurtiira for Califcnr*n>«.The Report af 111* Arrival at Am*jinlcu, &e<, <fcc.TLo iel«gr*phlc anaoimr/imeoi fes'erUy, from NmT

0fl«M8, of Uie arrival of Qon. Walker .at A-.ipmoo, <*M#attract occiai<lcrttiie atW.atiou U> that renowned Uii boater.It occurred to iw, therefore, ihat a sketch of hia inor*airntss:nca lim arrest by Comnodore Pausing wouklprove itiWri-ttmg.Having turrcoaered to th* UBited Stales aqoftdroa a*

PnnUi Arenas, Dec. 7, 18b7, lien. Walker wae aiiuwe4liberty on paro'e, ai.d arrived at this port oo ti.e mallkuamer, I)ei>. '27, being alilt a pruxmar of State, by dlr«'Cton of Commodore Paulding. On tho ro tewing day Mpreafoted h.Aeeit at the office of Ubitad Ma leu kLirtbalHyndera, and surrendered himte'f at a prisoner." BatLbo M*f»ual, bating uo orders on the subject, ac viced t trqto pioco-d u» Washington, whio'a In accoruitg y did, au«lou Hie following day, tbe 29tb, prei>*niod himteir to UegCats, ai V.*nb.Lg.ta, ae 4 prisouir. Uut the Secretaryivfoiontu him that bo had no direotl.Hil whateverto give, as tbe Judiciary was Ue punier toaroafr< ra wh rh ar.t oa should proceed, and to

Me. Wakcr was at liberty to depart wueie he ebon". tiu/(tkainnd In WaMnn^tao, howc/.r, i.otil tbe lOtb oC Jjuxil«aiy, durti; the long denote in Omgrees, wbicb took p.*Mduring bkr tta.", as to the road a t ot Commodore Pauldingia oaueuig hla arrest.*L,t>, tbe preparation# *CMibili-, aided by empathy and material aid lrom d liferentpartaof the .South, hud beeu made for another flliDusierexpedition, aud rc,>uiu wt-ra«Ml tuat Wulur'0bonds, to tbe aBoaut of 9100 each, paya'jie ih Nicaragualands !n twenty } tars, flooded thu South.Ou the llui of January, 1868, wo ami Mr. Walker at

tur.oinonu, «fc , oa u)u way Suutb, enjoying Um CttmpUmeatofa public dlnter at the American Hovel, Icq tieredbias by o: vimiufti*. citi&ena, amoDg rbotn were Jauujg K,Sridon, ft in. U. Ambler, Uptaker of in<- Virginia 3enaM0. M. Cr ir-btteld, Speaker of th<s Hoiuo; a ataiscrnwrabere of Uie Huuae, and Mr. K cer A. Pryor, now 4Washington caaor; all of whom mui* 8p>:0chea douoauoIngthe uritrt of Genera! Walker by Commoiare.Paditiiujj±a an outrage.On the C3u of January General Wukfr Arrived at M<h

bile and received a national aalute, tbe bospitulitiea of iQdc>ty, and a watiu reception cenemily; among otnepthing* belni? arretted on an order from the PnitedStates Court at New Orleans, but 8ubeequ<»iitly sot aoliberty During liU stay at Mobile ho waa g«rrounUe4by friends. and lb* arrangements for the contempt i(edN cnriguaD emigVul ou continued rapidly, though the ilayprevious to bia arrival ttiirty-niae of the men and «ix ofibe officers arrosted by order of Com. 1'auidmg, and wadbad arrived at Mobile, wero arrested there.Ou the 28th of Jan'dary a largo aud euibusiaaUQ meetinf

ot fljiburt*»r» vu held at Mobile, being a4dreued by Oon.Walker and Pareon Brownlew, It wu» at this meetingtbat VSalker made the allegation, for which hem muctiridiculed, that thi eecret of the g jvernment oppoeOion tomm b cause he had refused to tarn his attention taMexico, %

^)n ihA 1 «t ftf VfallrA* moo/inM

before the United Spates Court at N'9W Orleans, and wasitiforrred that there ni no charge agnuit bim, an theGrand Jury bad ref ii"»d to and a bill, lis then asked tobe put on trial "for a violation of the neutrality laws,"wlixh wau also refused, aa the Thetrlct Attorney de«Mae4to act without instroctioiis to that * fleet from Washington,Gen. WalV#r loft the next day for Nuhvllle, Turn., on av 11 to t.w ftaher.Oo the 4th of Fetiroarv General Walker, who bad been

ttl>j»rtntly s-i auxk)»» to bo Indicted, ru grit fled by ttiaperformance or tbtt duty by Ibo Grand Jury ol the New< Hoars United states District Court, for a violation of tbaneutrality Uws, and ordered to apjxsar for trial in April.H« remained for some day * In Nevr Orleans at thia vmi>,and wis, in company w tb Gersral Hdnmogsoa, etlertainedon board tb<; fwnoud yacht Wanderer on tbo OUH ofMarch.Onr next rcror1* of the G-.rcral is In tho phm* r>tm

pithy LOte to Sen iter Sliileil, a forming gentleman(bit be (General Walkor) cocsidcre.l tie Senator's speed*in relation to biin as follows: "Jte iDrnnations are <n f.isana its facts are grounliess." U'e did cat boar thattoy sanguinary colHioi followed thus bellicose mls«lr».Mr. Walker's noxt appearance is m tbo shape of letter

to the editor of a Mobile paper, in whica he rea:#g tbaassertion cf the governroent'a desire for Lira to turn bifluttontioa to Mexico, and givoe a pret-'n<?cd creiversatio*between (Vneral TTrrnicgaec acd Secretary i«as as Itaflifoundation of the euargfi.We have next, on September 21, a report that

General Walker had left far California from thisport, on the Star of the West, accompanied byColonel fil ctio Natzmer; but th's could hardly be correct*as vre Coil him on Novombcr 18 at Mouile, arranging forthe departure of Anderson and Mb party on the ftmouM"jj?io«f»l emigratl in to Nicaragua" scheme.With the escttemcnt in Mobiio about this time by th«

K»/tt nnoo nf Ihl* l.lrlr *!,«.« .-.I.-ii n .* .- - .>w HI < LH^U, auu ug

troublts which oontnuod until tac 2ftb; tbo Paa' esc»poof tbo filibusters in another vessel, and the lacklsds terwuiaUjnof Itse expedition, by be;i ? wrocked on the coast;cf H iid'iriw. our readers are fiauliar. Wt'ker, M idwell known, dirt not ritlc him-eif on the expedition, butedddtniy diwppi arcd from llubilo od the 20tb of November,iearing tho imigronts to get along as best thojrcould.Gen. Walker turned up again on tbu 3icf December, beforetbo Grand Jury of New Oriea&s, but we find no roc^rdof tbe result Ob tbo 27tb and 29th of the sama

month Le was extua:ne>i as a witness, by cotnmission, inMobile, in tho ease of IIcDjboI I vs. Garrison & Morgan,at which time he declared that ho did not consider inmai l^a citizen of the United States.General Walker's next appearance is in a now phase.

that of bis admission Into the Catholic Cburcb, which ocourredin Mobile, December 31. Tbe Cutholic cathedral was

crowdod. The venerable Vicar General, !n bis gorgeousrobes, the priests in tbelr sacred v.-stmenta, tbo channts,the burning tapers, and General Walker kneeling at thaaltar, all boro a striking contrast to the many excitingsee ccs ol bis life.Having been educated as a Presbyterian, and, indeed,

It is said, for the clcrgy of that denomination, many wonderrd at this step. Some declared that he was actuatedby a desire to proiera the samo religion as tbo people ofthe courtries.Nicaragua, Costa Kica and«h ch Llfl Alibimiffrinv rron^reit!,-* ..-

peibaps, to be again sxercised; aud tbe French Unioerl,the woll ccuductod Catholic organ, vu loud in tu protestationsagotnt introducing flllbusteriam in tbo CathollaChurch.Tbe "ceoe of speculation as to Altbustcrlam wu changed

to tbe l*aclflc by the departure of Genera: Walker fromNew Orlobua on the Oth «f March last for California, rWHavnna and Aap'.nw&'.l. He arrived at Uavauaon Um fh,In coscpany with Colonel Natztrer, r»cd tnm.Sia'ely :o Ajpinwail by the Granada.Our fan Francisco correspondence of April 20 statta

tUl Gmot a Waker was at tbal t'me in that city, hoopinghlffifcl! very quiet, and excitirr cwutderib'fl speculationas to his intentions it was tho-.iRbt by some that be hadfuTtber d e pos on fonora; but hia right hand man, Col.Katzmcr, denied It.And now we aro Informed by telegraph from New Orleansthat the General, with a band of three hundred

men. h»s lariled at Acapnlco, and it la sutod that habar dej>lgn?of engngtu; in the present civil war in Mexicooi'. tbe tide of tbe constitutionalist!, and the ruator*was supported by the statement that General Alvarc*,the libers! patriot, had bis headquarters at that point.Many, l:owever, doubt that Walker has made any suctimo; cmcnt. T1 e most recent advices set forth ihtt ha00 ale! get neither laen nor money, aud that he was veryirucb (intrusted. The next news.perhaps tbe Californiastrsir.c* due this week.wll bring us the couflrmaiion ofdenial of the story.

ArADnrr or Mrsm.This evening the dacred Harmon i«

Pociety, whisb Includoc In ltd chorus many flne and wellcultivated voices, giT>e the "Creation" oratorio witti tha ^distinguished aid of Mme. Do Wilhorst (her debut in Englishoratorio), Mr Squires and Vr fiuilmotte. The proceedsof the evening will go the fund* of tho loong Men (

Christian Association.Ott to-morrow the new opera.Ponlzstti'a "Martyrs M

to be produced, with Plecolomlnl, Br^gooll sod Ajuod)#»Xbc reboaraals isdloats aa sxfoltcuv ptttviSMMfc
