Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1881-01-18....bHiajd,|a aoeompaaylDit btll. intro>iooed by s?,"it



oj:mocr*tic attkmit to insiht on a WRqKG.IlKPOKlft RRSULTIKO Fr.Otf TMR WMITiAKBRCARK-AH AROIM NT FOR THE 1>B LE9SBPB

FCMEMZ.Fenr.tor SaoJabury made an attf,,n'^

yeatorday to huve the Keilog<r-Spoff rd

ntmlntious conniOtfed by the S -iiate.

but tho ottempt^waa r.ot bucccpbIuI.Ex-Secietary Thompson apptnml be ore

tho Uouse Sperial Comimttoc on tho Int<r-oceamc Caual, and made ao argumcut in iavor

of the proposcd Panatna Caoal. in which he

denied that fbe De Leesepa achenio wa* m op-

po.-dtion to tbe Monroe Doctnne. Three M'lw-rate reporta were preaented yesterdny on the

part of the Coutwessional ineml>era of theBoard of Visitore to the West Point MilitaryAeademy. ^



WasniAG roN, Jau. 17..Tbere waa an air of ex-

pectaucy diecernible npon tbe facesof Senators and

people in the iralleriea to-day. aa if soiuotbmB was

abont tooocurto crmte a npple iu tbe bitberto

plaoid mouotony of tbe procoediiMls of tho body.SrnatoT 8aulabury w*« apoo his feet belore the

Cbairmao bad completed bj* auuouncoment of the

temriuabon of the inorniuTbonr, and movod to l.iyaaidethe pendiug order and take n? tho Kellomt-BpoflordreaolutionBroportedJiom theSenate Coin-mitiee on PrivileKea and Elections laat amsion.Rapublican Senatom were affecttsd witb a mo«it

phnralar and nuaccustomed obtuaeueaa, and s.'emedto find it a very diflieult matter to mderstand juatVhat tbe effect of the Menator's motioo would be.

fVuator Edmunda made tbe p.«ut of order thai. IheMwti do rulo ander wluch a neikliujr ineaauro couldbe anuply la»d aaide. It must be pjstponed m-

dettoitely or poetponed tb aome day Baaaed. Seua¬tor Suulabnry awkwardly changed the for o of his

iuotiootwo or three tiaica to meot tho objectionaraieed against it, but finally boeaiuo eoataaed in h:aewn ntiud with reiiaid to what he waated lo

acoouiplish and returuod to bif orifjaal ino-

tion. By thia tiuia two. or three atketRt-publicaiia had made the point of order,find. mentioned by Seuator BdjMBdaj andth« Cbait (Senatof Withow) decided thar. (he^uiintwas weli taken? Seuator Saulslmrv tben. npon tho

inKtrestwnof Senator Wallace, morti that tiic Hol-latlay bi», which waa the unfiuwhed baainaaa, i.elaid npon the Uble, which, he ezplaiued, wouldreally place it wbere it mig'nt be callod up by a vole

of the Seoate at anv time. '

Ttiis irat&grflat blundor. audSenatorlliM.of Oeor-gia, waa nharp anoogh to a»e tf. He snjt«oHt«l to tli«

Kenator froia D-daware that he parmit tfie Hnlladaybdl to be act«d npon if it could tw ditp/wed «f dnr-ingthedar. Mr. Sanliborv did uot fully mastertha bearinua of the uiai»*r. however. aiidwasonlycouacioua tbat hohad want<-d to g»>t Seuator Ke Injcsrout ofhw aeat before tbe Ithol M ireb. and thal behad instrnet'onsfroin thu l)eiuiK.-rata of his cosu-iuitteeto briim the reai>tntionau|» tor aetionattbeearli^at practicablem-MiMMif.Senator Bear and otb«r Itcpublicana a»ked Sena-

tor Saulsbury and tbe TL'bainnan if tbe efli-ct ol thenotiou would reallv be to diaplaco tbe Molla layclaira. ao tiiat it wonld n-quire a v<»te t<> take it ><f\tbe Uble, and being uuhwered in the affiermative,¦ V«ju and Nav rote waa takeu, rt>aiiltiug in tneuiter <tiaoouihtiire of Mr. JSnaUl.nry. Tberewere 20 yeaa and 3-1 nuva. Mr. Saulabury la

reported to be very much cJiiigrmed by tbis raaultaud auya tbat B« will uevrr expect aootber fuvor oftli« bt!ii»te of tlje Uaited Htat#a.ItTaduobrW^vitruelliat the vot«»*Wiasnot an abeo-

lute test of tbe atrcuclh of Senator Kello-tr a

rne;niea, bnl tbe opimou prevaihi tjuiuj aeaerallfthat the oiatt<r ahonid no Iohk«t W> a aubjoct ofaolioitnde. It is known tbat one or two Democratawho are opposcd to seuator KeHogf Toted "tiaybi^ause of tluiiilnairo totavor tbe HilLiiiay Kelielbill whileon tbeotiinr hand ainne iKinociata whowouidjfla'llyw.-etholl'dluda.v uiii lald upoii tbetablevote.1 to n-uiiu it iu na p!a*-e beeaive tbey wirhedto raake tbtir r.tcord upou the K«;llutu c.ise at tliia

lt u Bnderat<»o<l tbat Sanator ttaaiabary wul temgtlu: matier .p acain. If be aliow.s uo niore bkill aa a

parltaiuouuri <u tliau he mauitesUd to-day, Lo willnevor reiwh a tair t«*t yotf upou his reaoiutiuna.



ClDBra.WashixgtoX. Jan. 17..Seuator Garland 'Ark.',

oo tbe part of tbe Cuuirrcaaionul iiiemheira ol tlieBi)ard of Visitors to tbe Wcst l'oint llilitarjAcadeniy, to-day subinitted a rep<»rt gicnr.d by him-'aelf and Kepresentatiye Phillips, aaothcraigtied bySeuator EdiuumU, nnd atill another ligiied bfKepreaeiitativea McKinley and Felton. Beaal «

Garlaud'a report wa«accompauied bv a Mll awenda-tory of tbe lawB tebttng to tbe Military Acada uy.Mr. Garlaud and Kenres-ntativo 31».Kiulcy devote

cnnBiUerable apace to tlie couaiJcration ofthe yuestion of tbe adtniiwion of eoloredt-adcte to the Acadernv. Tbey «ay that

thamngtingof wbiteana colon-d caileta on t.nna' of Kocial liqaatityM aubjoct to ooatiaaed d/awbaekaand troubies, which are ao l'ar inhcrent that in theirjudgment no reuu!ati<>n of law cau coutrol theni.If it be deemed «i»edient to eontiuae furtber thiacrxMlncatiuu ii> tbe mtmu iii-tututun, thia disturbioncauae. wbi^e repreaae*! ao far aa iawm diaeiplmecan toUc'b it, innat, after all, be left for ita cme

to ttine and experienoe, which raay re-ult inita noitijration or the coinplete separatiou of iim tworacet in tbeir military eda^ation. KeaiteciuiK theoueation ef raisiug tbe ataudard of atliuiKaioii olcadft*. they aay tbe very object and puipoao olthe acbool and tbe neceaaily lor ils eitahlishiueutwooldma'KestaiowKtBntlaru; maiiyotberw-iscauiartanddeaerviug boyaiaiKht b^deni«d adunaaion be-cauae -they Sad not the HtCjBM of atudying tboaetbuigB wbi«h would bo requ'ied byan iucrcaao or

eicratiOp Of the aiaudard.Seuator Elinonda. ui his rcport, expresaes the

ogiiuon tbat tbe atmuaul «d admiaaioD ou«iii tobe raued; tbe miiubt-r of upiKuuteea troiu eachState ta suiall, and tbere would be no diilkulty iuhudiog ttppointees, aod of a bitther itradeof acqniie-nieitta, aud tbey would be aa apt to o>.u-: froui thepoor a« trequently aa froui tbe ricb.Tbe inveeturation inade by tue commilt»-e. he

aaya, convincotl bim tbatyootua of tbe Afriean raoehave not reoetved the aaiue trr.Uineut. at icaat fiouitheir follow-ca-leU, tbat tbey would bave receiyedbad tbey beea> of tbe raoe, buttbot eolored boy . bad found himwll cou-tinaaliy isolated from his fellow-cadete.Tbare u aio reaaon, he »ay>, wby the two racea cau-Bot auocoed togeioer iu thia inatitutioii aa tbey doiu maay achooia aud umveraitiea in tbiacuuntiy audoabar couittrie*. Ibe ofliorra and cadeta »1 tbeAeadetuy all oooie troui every phaae of Ainori-can Itle aud nif»i on equal (trouud, andwhile it raay be eoaeeded tbat* no iawcan rectify tlie e»d referred to, be be-

, lievaa tbat auch a courae of practice aa Uaa exiatedtoward the eolored uadets ia unjua;, uureaaonaldeand luhuuian. and that it deaervma tlie aerereat con-dL-mnatino. Kcierruuc to tbe Wbittaker ii>quiry,NMtM E'hnuiils aaya the eornluct of the case waaauch aa 11 place Wuntaker in a iaiae poaition iu tuebrtnuuiutc. If, he aaya, tbe whilo caueu cau l><- ex-culputedou tbeir mero dcclaratiou tLat tbey werefrttti lioui oempluity in the outrage, tbe aame theoryougbt tu anply to caleut of the eolored race, ouh-asit taaaaurueii that tliere can be uo preauinption intbe exietauce of truth iu a eolored cadct Hedoea not tbink well of the theory in auyeaae. Auy ono who would eotntnit auch anoutrage womid deny it The iovestigation ouiftit tohave boes ao conatileted aa to have mud. an in-puiry taao the euuit itaeli and not to put tbe youthouqnaai trial, the vcrv pe^ou aloee on whom tbeaaaault had buen coinmittwi. He <vuocludfB bv re-Btarkiog Utat tbere ia uo iitaunuoiiniable obatacieto tbe oorractioo of existiua evila at tbe Acadernv.Tbi* migbt be awoHlmlbbed by the wi.«* iiitl.oi.ce

tfd exataple Of tbeontoera aud iuatructora in chartte.tbi* CBunet be aaeoatpliabed, it abould b 1 a uiat-

terot aenona eonaideration wbother auch an inati-tBUou coght uot to ta» abaolutely abolialied.ileprcaaulatiTfja McKtnley and Fellou in tbeir re-

.hfft. while eeucurrinit >n uiuch tbat ia coutaiund inlmrwpact of Meuator Garlaud aud HevreaenuttivefhiUiiAdOflet beiieTe, h'twever. that tbe atandard*( tatw»ribtt» reqnired for admueion sbould be

|a aoeompaaylDit btll. intro>iooed by s?,"it<»rbHiajd, pewrtdee tbat heraafter uo olflcer ahove Uie

rank of eolonel, aball bo aviitmed to dnty at the,Mtlilaiy A. ademy, nor shall the whole numberofofuVcrs asaiuned to such duty oxoeed the uuinbor of-. It aiao provides that the regulatious for the(xaninatioti of appointeea to the Aradeinv ahallbereafter be preaeribod hv tho Nnnerinteti'lent (in-atcid of tho Scciotavyof W t). and tbatsection1.325 of the Uevist d Htatutes shall bo amcnded aoaa to read aa followa:Erery eatfet who anali bo found deavient by the

Ai'iuieiuv Board. eimer m cundnef or atatfle*, at a»yaanual t x .imiuation, nliall be fortbwltb dtaebaraed f.-omtbe Acad-uiy and ahad i,ei<a-> to bf a eadel tber-nf, an Ialinll not be lontlnue I thrrotn, and no aaefe e i.let Ihalll»e ieapp dafed to the Aciirtem.v withou' thr writ'enif-co'i lnendatir.n of th? Aeademv Board a«W shall anyPiieh cadet be »ppoint>-il to nnv plac<- Iu ibo Anny witliiutour yeart ucxt aftcr tac tiuio of his baving beea au

lonmi d tlcicnt.The bill fartbai provides for thcappointinettt rarh

yearofu ConffMRaioiril Board of VisitorH, in :;<Mi-t'.ou to the Board of ViaUora appolntod bf the-I'reai-deat, and givea this ConajratalontJ Board thoaitlhmity oi nu ordinarv Jnint Committe . of Con-ETCBB to make auch iiiveati^atioiis aa It ma.v deotnproP'T. The lasr acctiou of the bill provides for thoaopiinttnent of a prof^aaor of Genuan to tcach thatlanitua^o at tbe Acadeiny.


THK BOOM ffaa«t CnMMITT! E-1T8 t.dMPl.l-


.NO ACTION Pl:OPOSKD BY THR COMMITTKE.Wasiiinoton, Jan. 17..Tho Houae Hpeciai Com-

mittee on the Inter iceanio Ship Canal snlject beMa meetiug thia inoriunK, which was well attended.Ainong the prominant pereous pre.ient were rionorJerez, tho Xiearuguau Mmiater, Captain Eada andhiaconna«l, aa represeritatjvea of tho Tobuantci>ecproject, Mr. Pbelpa, repreaeutine tho Nicarairnaproject, and Mr. Thoinpsou. the lato Seeiotary ofthe Navy, repreaenting the Pana-na Canal Companv.It was expectod tbat Mr. Plielpe would eonclude tbeetalorueutbogun by him las'.. Saturday. but tbe cotn-

mif tee decided to Ihar Mr. Thnnipann firat.Mr. TBaarataa be iran by di»clatnung ail idoa of

dihcusatiiK the praetkaMUty or relativo adTaatagaaof all or any ol the project.'. Tbat waa a matter for

engineers aud caoitaliata. and it, uiight saftlv b . leftin thcirbands, wilhtheremark thatac aud energy eotild overeouie all nattiral oh-

Btailea. Hedid nos understa d that thatqu.ationcame properly within the juriadiction of thecorn-iii.tee. Hecontiuuctl:Tbe grcat au,| practical uiiiwioti that strll M rav rulnd

:w b-iug at the verv eataet of :h'i lavaatfgattua. «o far aa

the |ui1a'.itet*ou of this eomntltre ia euncciaed. aa: '»thereanv ntll luaiiveUutv devolfmcuiiou lae tiiviin-ineuto/tlit Uui«*d 3tatea in it'»:uid lo ibat \v«irk. orwtttdw Unlteil Btataaeooaider lUelf Juatlftml in leavluge.i>!"i or iiieae worka to b» dc.v-ndent ou Its on imii auy otberprivatc buelnia< tranaaeiien.relyiujf far¦neoP'X) u;«)n tho waei and ibo Inatraaientalltiea whlcait luay havo In ita own ban<l-t I Wosld notuud 1 touli! doi be loroed to exure-a an

oplnton ufiul ist aD.v of Ifteat aebem .*. or toplace the weujriM of a aiturle featuer iu obatructHNi io anyorthem. I ilo nol li'iii'vd that tbey BUUd Inr'.valiyttbaeaeh otaer; aadlleavetbe grmt »eientrtlc «urld.tbe eunn^nt. enalnvera who fcare made tbe »o1u?m»b ofttioe«. .(.t^-f t lun - the woikof thtlr llve«, to dct :<. tbeKteat qarattoaa wnleh Ita at tue io<iudutii>noi taia m-oinry.

r btar H ntated by many af the br^t nu-n In the eoun-

trv, and I read if iu iiiany o! tbe tieat neaapap ratn baeouuiry. that ihe acheine of buildiui; a euiia. a' Panaluaby wlmi ia calltsU a Frenoti corporuiiuti i« iu opna^ifionto what ta kuown oa the Mounie ductnne.I dt uotthlikao. Ou theeoiitrary. 1 tuluH that it af-flrma tbe Mouroe dortriofl. r thuiK tbat lae Uosr « itoivtrinc tneaua slinply that fhi« .*cluuie simM not li-Ini.r-feitd Mifli tiy t'.e (}>veriiin"nt of the L'niteil "tac*.Waut WM the Monroe doetruw 1 fl waa a Preatdatitialdeel-iraltoii, and u thln^ more. I do Uoi. ihuxIt woulil do U> say ii thia eountry. tud umh r

our iii-tlnittons, that the daelaratioB ot aHtia:leut (h*»w frequently iwiever 11 uiay bereixateit) can etiiiaiuuiu a polt: y TMa i« a potmlarR.iveruiueni. In or>ler to e*tabllah <. [Kiliey the leftla-btuve pow«*r uiuat be hiroaed, not tbe <t catire.The ITiiiUxlSfnt^aot Caloni'ii.t ia an ln.'.epenutr.t <iov-erniivnt, BtaBe ^o hv the attuevene il of da reTotutlon*ary ludependeuc. fuat aa our (iov.rnmont ia ludepeud-eul. liimlt uot tbe p .wrer and lli1) r'KUt to e.ui-tr.rttnternal liiipiovenienta Wi.en it pleaaea, or t'l oinl' to Uoao if It pleuaoat It uiay or uiuy n >t be baiiip'-red hvo iiuconnl uroviaiotia o' lla own. mii it uououitfitlj

liaa tln- tit'lit to deelde for !1»>-If wbetber tbeae thln."aball >>>- doue or rerfanl to tho cinarfnetion of a rar. «i .'.ero«»

tbe latiiuiua at Panaioa, tt.ere iaewrytBlBB doae tbatcan tH'Uuue; very pia'tieul atrp baa ba»n uk' n tbai Iakuown to inteniatlonal law; all conre.iv iide uio !..>* riavc

hefii ndopted to eiiUhlt-h, with thi.ineut of uil tbet'fuf liatioua af tlie aartb. tlie iirntr.illty ol tbatcaiMM.i'liai i-, tbat wbeu eaaatraoted, ami t»« wboraaoarer eon*BtrOOled, II. ia to be krpl oe.uial to a'.l nallnna ami to il.o

uauspertatloa of all iw roaiiaerou af tb »« i.

Mr Tlioniphiui emewdml todiBCBM the tretitv oflg40 with Nett-Oranada, by wbieb tbe UnitedSiHle.i w 18 luiillid lo Kliaianlee tlie ludoitCtldetl e 1

tbat cotiutry ;«nd tbe ueiltralily ol anv caual ti at

nn^lit be conatrneladj aud ahnwed aanaeuuculconvcntuMia irlneh were i»gotiate«l ond r Mr. Jolin-a lu'aAdniiiiistratiou with tue 1! publfeof t'olotiibiafor tho purpoae ol NMkiui tbat guaranteeoioro delinite and rflectaal had Bot beenratitted by tho Amcncan Senate- IU- waa

a«keil by Mr. Sin.-I. on 10 read tbe juntr .loiutioii reportad l>v iIhj eoBnaittoa on tbe 81.M irrii laaf, and haTinf read if, |ie a»Fo Jiw a*j«nlt> iu irop'iaiiious, and atated that tbe rreoeu ttov-eruBMBnt had. b? a notttlcatioii to our Guveruoieiit,repudinte.l the ideaol haviag anythina lo do witutbe caual. and bad aaid tbat it wooW nol aaaameany reapoiBdbility or eetabliab any pwtaetioa ov«i

it. He weut on to bi.v :

There ta douhle proteclion, therefore, as apaln^t tlieaavernneul ot Kranee. l*bcre ia. Bra:. IM protectlouliindaued hy tac mterea;a of iik- oorooratora. 1 ii. ywould ao! expoan tbeir ebartar loforfeliure hy attempt-ihc toeanfer it ou a farenui Oovetaweut. tbeu tbereia the aicond proteetmu that IBa Ooverumeot would uot peruilt be: icmy to be ui-

xad'd. Tiut:. if. asut'aitf«t hota of ttioH,' loaiiupie i< ¦,tbe Freneli Oovernnient aiiouid umlcrlalie to at.loreeits uoaaeanonoraojof thoae ilahta.tliete ia tb.- pawerolguarann*on tbepartof tbe U.d 8 >'...'. aud, <.-.¦

(iiieutlv, Ilie Uultc I s;a'.e» .' iVeril.neill leUiN tue l,i v Iuuaowi'i handa. io thultbe \. ."/ iiioiii at tual any r.utui'tiPowerorUoverniuentaball uuiirlalto to eaforoa ..nyria"btaover thia caual, tbaaaui'aiileeu the U uualSuieali-.-oinea-ff-'e'ive, ind tho I'til.c! sia'ra Uoveniufutta.i tbeu ^ay, "Ttiux far «Iik!i tbo:i rr«. aud n<> furtber."Mr. aiDKietou.Ido not uuderaiaud ibat ihr.- ia any

ouuflioi wliatevarbeiweea yoor«ew« unu tbe viowaolii.i» lomuilttoe. ib. commlttefl do.a i.ot propoae, byai.y aotloo, lo thro* auy obeiacjoordllflciiltylii lb« wayoi wUiit ih<- Pauaata Uaaal Uotupanjr yeopuata to Uo.lae t'ouuuiftee a'1'.'l oa au ¦) ct. It. baireaenrad all ac.iou for a luturc Oouar -a. ifthe eutitipifeuey ahould arlaa teat wotihl inak IInaoteaary tor Concreaa ie art at all. TualcowUngeaey may aever a*lae. M !>¦. Leaaepa npiy koou aau iiuil.i btaeaual, aud ibateanal uiay be uperatedfor a who.e eeutury e-i »*a to >-'iv c itire - itiafai U >i loIbe United Mtatea, and DO eontlnifi iw\ or ueeeaalty duilnit wbole laTloJ lor auy liiteii.r.n r, uuth'» piunoi the Unuedetatch, or auy othwr gaolarattOBiu i- .:.n <¦t...o w.tb it.

Xlr. Tbouipaou.l frankly atate that that ta tbe ve.ircoie lualoa wnich I d.-sired rcachliiK, iind have roaebedIU ny arjfUlucut.

Slr. Kiuitieton.That la tbe eouelasloa to wlilrh thoeounuitlfe iiaftloDt: aiuco couie. YomaM not pr«u oalaj;auy a't:ou on tbe part of Ibeooiaoiitiee. lu.' ouiuuiit-fe haa taken acttuu ou tae BUbJoet, aud haa aaid tbat Uwill Bot iuterfareIu auy wuy at ibepreacut time. baithat if tbe ueceaaity abould efaf aita«j tb (toveraaiaatkbaii hav tbe rlgat to do it.Mr. Mariln.It all that he »rue (and I uo not dm-

put II), I WOUld Uke to kuow Wby thia i.ollllliilfee I- alt-tincand hKario*.'artuiuouu. Ii we prouoaonoatSnua-Uyc actlon, itaeeuia to uio that oar woik n a worK ofaui p-MUjit mii. 1 do not ceinprciimid whv tbwcom-iidtii e la Bitlui«, .f ij.>iliii)K Bl lo be donc. 1 auppoMudtlAiit tbere were atveral proposi.lona Imfoie tlie eoojinlt-ter.and tbat ihecoiuiultteetxpected aud itqvlred toiakauttti'iuutivc oi ueKutive aetiou ou kOom oi h. iu. Taat IKuppoaiMl all the tlme waa the leaTlUBatC pr-vnae ..n<ldaivof ibet'oraroiitee, and reaaoa I waa verydcaiio.ia of bearinRali tue giutl. mcii uiten sleU, oape-vlall) Mr. Tboinna >u.Mr. Tiioiopaou.I bave sml that I do not lntend to

grappl.: witu tue yreat o,uei>tioii or Iml'duig ralUruadi ottaeala. I a.u iiuiie willli.¦« "> alop wae.e 1 uio. I --.

tbut tlie viewa o! tbe coiuiu^ttee and iiuiie correapuiidon the ftnneral queatiuu, aud. Ibarafere, I uui uoi, dla-poiM'il to ii oaaa .,.. Ihi: CoillUltttee.Mr. Mii i>. lequired whetln-r. when the questinu of the

Paumua Canul beguu to xilte publie upinion, the OoT>emiue.'it bad uot aout war vcaaela to Outral Aiurrica toeatahllib caallnif vatluua Iber (.Mr. ThouiiMwiu nplled Iu the ufllrtaatlve, and cave aa a

reaaoufnr tbat uctlou the fa<'t iha tbe (iov. inuout wia

Igaoraatof thateroMof ibeebartar, aad did not knowwhat acurei arrnuiremeot miKiit exiat l'ranccaud Coloiubia, ud<1 wauteal to be piviiareJ for al) ooavUU/A'neie«. Adjourned till WediiCMlay.


fariand, of New-York, recenlly a meinticr of tupimportaiitand i.ifliioutial law linn oi Soipman, Bar-Jow.ljaroiqne tt Macfarland, baa informed aoine ot

hisold friende and aaaociatea in the Deroocralicparty that he proposes to aupport Generul Garfield'aAdmiuistration; that ho baa kuown General Gar-beld tor a long time jieraonally, haa great vonfiilouceiu him aud belitves that he will give the couutry a

wiseatidahle Admlniatration. As Mr. Ma:farlandhaa beee a staunch D<;tnocrat and a close BMrliaalaa well aa political aaaoeiate of bia late partnc.S.L. M. Barlow, his aotion cieates some eoinment.


Wasuinotok, Mo:,uav. Jau. 17. l «-81.Membersnf the Il>m<m of Hepreseutarive* will

prouably continoo lo vaata valuable time at well aa

ntoney by introilucing nntil tbe very last day of the

Beaaion ncw btlls. which iu the natnre of thingawill not he toaebed, evcn by a cotnmirtee, hoforothisCongiefiS expires by constitntional limitaMon.Ouc haodred anJ one bills and four joint reaolutioriswere olT'red to-day, and ordered to bo printed atthe publie exr^nae. Six or a-ven of fhese bills were

introdiK.'d .' by reaaaet.n TWi methol af aaaartagthe (roenri'itiiig of the whiruaical pro.liictiatiM ofaaaatenr aad irapaeaaiorMatjataaaiaa haa beeerae a

nniaanee wbleh ooght to M ebated. 0>ns;dorintrthat tnc in-iiili ra .1 i!ip preaent TI.uiso of BeprBBBB-tatirea h.ive beea able to pr pareaod preaeat on

tbeir own aecooot abooi 7,ooo Idlta, it doeaaotaeeai neeceaai* laal oataide talcnt should bo cm-

ployod for tbe aame nnrp "e.;iilk:an mknatous consui.tin'J.Ahout tuenty K-inibliean Senatora raet at 11

o'elock thia morning in cancm, with Senatnr An-tliony in the chair.'tor Edinutids callod up tlie

Kellocg caae, and a froo convoraation iu regar.l to it

followed. It had already been pracHcally decuhdby inforniil consuHatinna with cacli other that tho

Kepublicana would reaort to anv avatlahle ob-atruetiveniethods known to purliauientarv rnles todelny or prevent aotion upon tho case, aud this in-forinal decision waa ratifted by tho oaueus.

Thia waa the chie.f snbject undtr considrration.Hcnator Blaitie called altention to the aubjeir of therlcctoral count, and said if. ontrht to recoive tue at-teatioaoftaeeanena Upoa lns motion tbeebajr-tnati waa niairuc.ed to name five Seiiators m a coni-linttee to cntiKider the poa-uble exiifencies whichmulii ariae duriuir theeloctoral connr, bv reuaon ofthe tact tbat tbere ia no jnint rulo gnverning tbeproceediugs.

A COMPROMISR RK.trrORTIONMKNT BIM..I li . BnparintOBdont of tbe Cenaus baa Qnally eom-

pil.ii his lalile-, and linda that the popnlntion of theUnited States and Territones is 50,1 fi2,350. andthat tbe reprcacntcd pnpulatiou is 49,360,006. Mr.Cox frmuea hia Apportinnaient bill, fiiiujr the utitn-

ber ot Repreacnrativea after March 31 at 301nieiiihers, one inore than tho nuinber which bo atfirst coDtemplaied. This ia an inoreaaoof eight,raeraben ov. r Iho preaont llouae. It is cvidontlvpieaenteal aa a compmuiiae bill, In order io liaruio-ni/.e the. differeneea uetwaea 293 and 312. Tbegainaara entuely in tue Weai and Beata. All ofthe N'ew-hnglaiid Sta'ea, with iho exeeption ofli.'i.alo I-land and C.iiin"cticiit. aro to loae at le.iatoue mpatber, wbila the great States ol New-Yoikaud l'etiti' \ l\ania loae.

AMIOMMEMTB OF NAVAL SUHOKONfl.Ifedieal loa].tor Chariea II. Barbaak baa been

ordetwl to tba Ricbraaad and aa Fleet Rargwea oftho Asiatic Statiou per steanrvr of Feliruary 8.Medieal Diroetof F. M. Gnnnell haa b.!en d«ta<ibodaa lleit of the Asiatte Mtattoo, nnd onlcr.'dto leinin boiue aud rtuairi amviil. Paaeed Aaaiaianthoi roon II. M. Martin haa been datanbed from theXavy Yard, I.-nuuc lalaod, on tba 90th laal.. aadonleiei to the irainiug abip Minneootaj PaaaedAaaiaiant Suiireon G. E. II. Ilannon froui Ibe-Miu-Deenta an t ord-ie.l to tll Aloit, Aaiaiie gUtMO, perteann-r of Febraary 20.

WAtfHIN ION' NOTES.VV\«nr...T.)N. Mon.tay, Jan. 17, lflHl.

Snrtr*on w*. K. Vau It vp.n haa been ordered to tben..\;i. u..-1'i..ii. Browklya, v Y.Mraberael the Pacrae Railreeda fjoranntteeof tho

Ilou-e iprcaa Ibeopialoa tbifno aeileB^ver eillt> t.ik.u ..». i!.e eowmitiea tuis a.-a^ion iu tue N'orthcrnpaciBe Kaiiroad maitrr.

u. ¦raavBlattTe < bliteudau, whoocuinet IbefaeulcaoslaWaaUfacioa wban Cbarlaa Boraaer iarraerly llved,rxpaeti M «'.'!> up lua Waabburioa rst-ibltehinentdanng at leaat a year after hia retirerneut from i.'ni-glMMiTlie Ifonaa Curaralltet on V. eetUWI will tak« artlon to-

day np'ui tbe repota al tbe auh-eoauilttea iu tho eaea ofitian.'o a«t. II..ii. Tbe BBb-euainuibN uaaaiuuealy ro-p.riintHvor ot uaaaallng lluil (Do.u.). tbe piraentlueunheui.Tb« v ilur of tlir eXPOTta of doui.-Mie tn< ulaiuffn from

tiir rjaltod *-t.»>a iunug PeeaaViar. i«so. w^re

*1h.J1I 7<u. ai.d diitiiiK DfCi-iulcr. I«7!». *lt),l."»")._,.'lili¦ .. .... iwelvc nioniii- jjuded I)«.iu.mi, isso.avii.l.2B5.3d7, aud for lbe*BaBN pmiod iu ia7!>,rj./'.^oi.--".'.Tlie Hr.-aiUrui bna Kranted to Prlvatn J.m.'a QalBI

n.^ of ineiii tor a t.ra»erv. g ou waa withI,. iii.naiit BebWStka and H.;..Ut "CaBtOIB Jark " Inl^TU .!> tba Btg Hora aa i raUawataaa Hzpaaittaoo, and

ii.-i.i vr.i |. nraaal braFeryoaaaueaaabaieadeftu and wane ..ii.'.i.-<-d iBdigd g pI breaalworka. He alao iou» part w"' iweiift Hva oi n loacaarre U|miU an In¦;. a vilkiav. He b-i*paiilclpated laaix »u ;aa>iuenu witu ludlaua, aad ia uow Iu tue nrrvicu

FROM o.\l. J \ll. H> ASOlllEi:.

Rkadino, PeajnH Jan. 17..Jndge Uagoroaothia o on....; .iu. -i..i tba -a ¦¦! hvrkaUanaty tod -

liT.r JaeubHuuixinaer, Ute praaMaat ol tba Mtaara'.froat Cbnuani tt k of Pottatllle, lo tba Wardeo afiln- S. Iiuyikul ( iiiniy .l.ul lo await llUI oli CbaTKCIgrowiiia oat ol nie f ulu.eoi ih.-

fBAGMVXM m lll.tli.LM NEtTS.


St. Louia, Mo., .l.ui. L7..Pbitip J. Kriegvr,1. io. in. n> -a-i.e-r of .hr Broadway naviuga M.mfc .udn.'.ia .it': of lue Hcbool Board, r.uunn.te.i auieide thianiuruiogal the W'eatera Broadway and Carr-at,


Cm< i«o, Jan. 17«.Auguet KnaamaTi, thedriik.i-' i. i«cuaraed wrtb uavliui pui up uiorvaioein-.'....i..ilvna wMb«ago, i.y wuici% iwu r: ilinvnloai th -ii hvB4, v...i to-day beld lor truu iu ^"i.imio imii.

II t" .: K lll- A IIIL'llll'I'AI. loMII'N AflOS.

Chicaooi .l.ui. J7..Miitd tiiatigei aad thenu -ii, ,. , Ibo "ft« Ni-'iiaiu K >i i

" lOUlUlUaiioU,arnvodIu iuii ety i. i mgui. A i. ovamaauoa ot taeluiupauy la deeoied adVlaaole, Mi-a (ii uiif-r will ro-

turu io -NcwVork, and wid uot " »iar" any inore lor thupl< -nit.


CHlCAOOi Jan. 17..John ('. llc.ywooi), Bin ...a ......l.ui noai v> Kouaiu>kdied a iupi..r norekr-|.< Mt ...nioii, oi tliih cliv n.oiu tlia a yeiir:ifc. Hevwuod waa beliUlice.l to iw.nlytiyr yeal' iuto.- Maic I'-uiU'iiti ». > Tbe bu|iniiip V mt

the .... "lou aud 11 ¦¦). wooii waa iu iia. adaiitted 10 bail.IUII. BOILXa I.XPL08IOB IS (illh).

Cin'Innait, Jan. 17..A apecial diapatcb toTh Vuzetlt irora Biiioiavitb',Oulo,aaia ihatakadler iul..e II.¦ in .. k wolka ol F. M Hall I'loU.d llila in..i ..UI/,dea royiiiK tbe iiiu.diiu aud laluiiy injuilua >Viili..uiPairau, aImy aniploy.dat ibo worka. Piaucia Htewart,Williain D.inavy aud Joliu l.av.<iu Wtro aovtrely iu-lured. Tbe luas ia aatiuiated al *>4,uu0

KILIiXG a liAMiiUot s LOTEB,San PaABOItCO. .lan. 17..QCOTgfl Hines,

0fty Bve yuia ...,, uv iu*; ueai Urayaou, HtauiaiauaCoumy. yeaterday waal to tba boaui ol i..//.... Ku.ue. a

ki»i of idkbieeu, aad reoeaed a lomar prouuaal ol mui

rlage. H<- uui «ith a Drui refuaaL Tbt luiatuated umiitbeu aaid, " I will kiii yi.u," aud d.ew a piatoL auUetpaU'd Inui liy BUIXiag akbuiKuuvoiivciiieullyul baud aud ElllUBJ him.

BUPPBEBBIira IAiW PRUPORMAWCE&ClXCINKATI, Jan. 17..Iu Tht (htzctte of laal

Moudaj tbere waa au ariieU deaenbum iii>- low i«r-lonuaure glVeB in Ulff. n;.il n.aeo- of ai..U>. nirui lll (luai-lty. T aeirup.'ll inu Mclliodial Ulld l'reahy <dei|f>'-iieu toek tle matier up ami dectoad tu apooial a jo.utoounulttaoto Wallnpua Iba Tbe luiciviow de-yeloped Iba 'hci Ibai the Muyur aud t'liut ol PuUrl v.. napparvutly iKuuraut ot tbe powera tbey poaaaaard teaupprau tbe eviL Anollier aituue waa publi u.ed ex-

piiilniuc thelawa beartaa ob ibc»e perforauUMaa, aadul a raanll ol ihetloard of C'ouiici iiirn puaeMareaiiluiion uire.tlua tbe fity Holieitor to urepare an

ordloauee for tbe regolatloa and iieoiuina of piaoaaufei.lerlalriuielit. and th'-Board ot uireeted tlieirCoiiiiullten ou I/'Kialulioii to rep.ut the oidinaiue of ibaMUoooUaraeter thai haa ueeti .jiueiiy natlDK iu ita bumlaaiuce laal May. ^^.^«..


ni:VHIKM)IN«l THK JK.WS.KOOaEBTm, N. y..Jaii.l7.-llieKichesterbranch

of tbn Irlai. i.iiim I.eaKU" aa« ImumiwI a rtnoiutiuu iirotoatUia"lliai.t tbe p< raeeuOeO el H.o Jewa in ilenuauy.

1N< HKAHINU THK (JAI'ITAL.BOBToV, Jan. 17..At tbo aumial uieetina of the

Ooaton Matlue Company Uila lor.-u.Kin, It waa

vui. d to nu reaae tbe . jj.ual uf ..ui j^uy troiu *0ou,(>o) to


NortKii.K, Va., J ui. 17..IBO Hnliali aieanicrHui.ilin.iii.ini mi.ii' lio.n Hultiuioro to .l»r, ami w.n hlu->dby tbt wrrrkuig ilrni of J. I'. Uaker lor ai'.o.uuo for mvUibthe vra»«l aud caT||Oa frw weeaaafo.

OIVIBG lllllTJI TO 1'HfPI.KrH.IflOOLRTOWK. N- V.. Jau. 17.. Iln wife of a

co or.d mui naui d lllion. at Klianniie. Ulater (Jonnty, oa

Krl.Uy i.iahl auve bu tti to a teuiale cblld, aud on Maluruay,t aalTS lioui i ,ill«-r»anl. lo iwo uioio of il.e taoio iw I. AU il«

Uwii* ami (lolua well.THK KXHIB1TIOB IN I'HILADKI.PniA.

1>IIII,4IjKI.I'IIia, Jan. 17..At a ineetiiiK of theatockholnria 1'ernianeut Kiinbltloii o.mpany t»<1ay. a

ooaualtteaaf bw waa apuuiuleU to couaider tbo i|ueati<iu ofcloaiue iho i.remnt Kxlnoiti m in tbe Ma n Ceuuu.iual IUUM-luif lt i» BBiterateoa :uat » |.iouoaltl.iii baa ln*u io tue

.Mtaaay. .blab, ll agaaptad. wUluroaerre tue BXblBBBMAN IMtJ.SOITO.N HUIT POWn"iNltU.

I'ltlLAIil ll'IIIV. J Ui. 17.-III Uio I'uiled Stafrarirou'M-ourt tniaiuornlo*. JuO^e MrKeaiiaa dlrrcted 'lie«i.tiM.nrm» .1 uotil int Monrtar of tlie ira linenl iu tho luai-

iVrot lliiliiluuiuouol ilm'.V.ial'rn Uulon Telearapti Coavoeiiraaalaattiu lMioaj Kanu ital.roLd l.ouipaiir.neaira.nraaUaTiatt*rliawiatert.riBii witu t!.« oiiMueva oi «b-ia<«-lrt';.i. !mt»a:oi.«iliereuteoi the Uailea ceoifBaiesaf Naw-Jeraar.



In Harriabarg th« Grow men rontinue toIfeMld by th' ir leader, being suppottcd by thepapBMur will. The Deinonrata havo nominatedBeaatoc IVauaee. The Demoeratic eaaeaa atAlhuny teatenlay weirt through the formalilyof n iiniiiatiug Benator Kernnn for reclection.A briak CBBTaai ia bdng cotidneted at Trfn-ton. Ex-Seaatot Potta is spoken of a5 a com-pfOffiiae caudidute.



IBT TkLKORAPH TO T IK Kllll NK.l tHaaaHBtma, Pcnn.. Jan. 17..Tbe intluxof politi-

oiana from all parta of the Rtate makea Pcnnayl-vania'a capital uuusually Uvely to-night, andnutlnug is talked of but tho Senatorial electiou,which takea olaco to-inorrow. ,

Mr. Ohvcr and a largo party of friends arrivedfrom Allogheny thts cvei.iug and expreaagreat nonbdeiice of ultimate vio-tory. They say that he baa alreadyrec-ived aaau*ances from a uurober of Mr. Grow'saupportera that tbey will rally to bia Btundard atthe erltaeal tirne, but do not givo detaila of theHoiin ea wheuco they exiiect ro derive their strength.Mr. < )ii ver'a eaucuscoluiun numbers uintv-fl vc votea,but tlnrfy othera are ueeemry to his election. Thecotnpiet, Hteady, earnoat and titicompromiaing atti-tndeof taeOrew column warrants the predictiontbat Oliver Bill not be ahlo to get many votes fromthat anarter, wlule ibo Democrafa, whoao leaderajrare here tn-uight iu large iiuuil>er-«, are determ'nedBpaa awklag no atlianeee with either wingof theReaabhcaa party.Mr. Orow'a atreagth ia >till uushakeii. The nieni-

bers WBOatood bv him havo rcturned this evoningfrom their conatituents, Cartrfad and encoura^'cd hytba eathnsiaatte oxpreasions of popular sup-port. whieh they r.-eeivod duriug ' their visitshouio in liie mrcan Ih-pros-ptative Wo'fe saysthattho OfOW nieu :ire uiaat.ers ol" the aituatioii. So man

wbo ia BOt aceeptaMe to Uumb eau now ba elociedUaited tftataa Haaater. Teteeraraa have been ro-

ccivcd by Grow'a supiiortera this cvoninpfrom all parls of tho State adviaing theiut<i sti.-U. and tlie preaetit outlook of thiugsIndicate* a protraeted dead-loek. Coloae] Quaysltll predicis <)livciJa election aa a certainty, bu». itia bard toaeOwbere beeaa k'et the votea.The Ueiii... taie memb-ra of tbe Legbdatva held

aeancuV thia eTeningaad uomuuted aa tbeir candt-date f..r United StaU-s Seaator, Willutm A. Wallaee.They apaeared jubil.-uit ovcr tho Ktpuldican split,aud Will hold theniaelves in reatlineaa to .:et on a

iu..uieii''a nol; e iii CBada eriaia ahould ariae tbatwould efTord them .m opnortunity of deriviuanv party beuefit from the divided councilsof tbeir eppoaeata. Tbeir preaoat lutention ib to

keep tbeiroww hnea intaet, aod uot io voto foreither fiiow .»¦¦' > <*>t. ao, a deadlock ofhuiir daia*tou ia iinuiiiieiii, and nothiug but tbeDoroinatUa of aoiuo ;ible ni.iu who isalKivo either fiKtion can restore harmonym the Repibli an rauka. The Oraw andOliv. l ui.oi are detcrininetl to-night to Bg'it the bat-tle.ii lotoeend. Bolh faeii"ra bave laan-d limgaddreai » to-nlgbt to the Kepoblicana 9t fhe Sf;ite,Botlitig :4. ih tlie aituatioii froui the aluudpoiiit ofeaeb, aad tbo eontoatia boorly aeniining a biit'erand aKStr -aa ve aapi't t.

The addreai ia-ued by Mr. Oliver'a ftiemla ia dinOSed t'» the Ifepublieail eneatituelieiea nl' tho StatOaa ..nrtnatiii',' Ir.un tho Kepuldicaii Senatora andBwmberanowauBpoftiBgtbeaetioBoftBBngBlareaa*.ii.iii opeu aeaaion.i ati igibe reaaonaeoveniiugllieireonduet, nui aakiug Iberaforthoc ilm eoaaideratioBof tbe pnblie. It aeta forth that Heory Oliver, Jr.ia tho reiiular nominee ot ihe party, haeiag recoived70oul <>f the 05T«»tes la eaaeaa. Itclaiiuatbaitbere reioaiua no Jaat eauae for cota-

pl.iint mtiiiivb the ro-ult and that eaptioaafanlt-finding c in lind ao place opou \\ blefa to baag a

aeii-ihle ohj ¦eiioii. Ii elanna lunber. that Mr.Oliver waa fairly noroiuated by tbo oaly bodytoWhieh ia d>legnlrd the power Of nommating. andnv methoda arbieb were inore tbaa juat, which fromevery parliaan atandpoint aiuat be regardedaa generoua. If aaka in vmw of tluaei jtifpt, in. \ .ii Menatora aud Repreaentati*eawithbold tbeiranpport from bitn Inopenaaasion,orbow abaad >n aclaim aatabliabedby ralea regulatiogthe govarBraent of all partiaa, aceeptad i>v all ai

just. and ib esael bannony with.that landaaaaotalprineiple of our Government >vtii':lt churaa iho rightof tha raajority to nile. it aaya thero is

not a Benator or Marabet wbo <l»snot owe hia n xnination and election to thia prin¬eiple, aud tu profil by its workioa and nVny Mr.Ohvar the rtght to tlo so. would he.n exbibition of Bagraat selflahceaa It the friouda <d Mr. (irow exhaust-alallkoew ii politioal i-eaourcaaintbetrefloria I beytiratBomtbt inatructioua, and in aoaia inataacea proenradtlinn fairly, but inotbera frora iaadeqnata authoti-lii-. Ii attacka th.- loatroctiona, aud aaya the peopleoi many conntiea dmbelieve io tbe riu'it to

Inatrnct for United btatea Ueaator, and aoeeptof that view of tho Naional ConatitBtiOflwhieh giveM tbera erary ipecial n^ht of apooal.Tiio atldreaa froai begiBBlOg to eiul ia an argBtBeBtiu tavoi-of tl.n eaaeaa, au attaek oa tbe validityof tnoal of Ihe inatriietiolia given to Mr. Orow'a biip-poitera. aad u plea to atnnd by the Booination ofllenryW. Oliver, wbteb it claima waa fairly audregularly made.




lur rEUMBATB ro tiil nUBUBBlTeENTON, N. J., .laii. 17.. Ihe opeoiDg of the

w.-ck in contoat will prohablyba rlecided haa been BMifced by tha arriralof nuuiei-

OBadelegatiOBI in tba intereat of tho several eandi-

dates. r'iflygentbnaeufaoppoaed to adToeata theelairaa of n-Seetataty Bobeami, have beea apoor-

tiouedanionirthoaeveral hotola. aad tbey havo as

Mnofntw an aoaal aaaibef of adbeiaata ot Gcnerai

Bewell, wlule Mr. Halaey'a frienda are the

MBwiaiBg roon.. Beaae of tbaaa advocatea are ratber

pe. apeeitueus of their kio<l. Tbey iue knowu

vanotndy aa " Sand .SpatnardH/' "Grubbcrs" aud" Delegatea at Large."Mr. Kooeaon'a friends have been increaaed by the

arr.vai of sovcral peraons froui Washington, dole-

gatea froui a club tbere.A d.-velopment in the contoat hae been

the uienti.-n of the BBBM of ex-<euatorI'oits. lato,caudidate for Govcrnor, aa a couipromiso

candidate. Thoso Rjaal lutimato with the goutle-,.an aay that bo would be ttnable to ascept the

hoi.oral.ouidtheI1o.niuatt..iihe aasured htm. the

iuauguration to-mnrn.w ib expected to Lnng all the

caudidatea to lrentou and tba devclopmeuta then

are expeeted to bo ot Intereat and imporlauce. Mr.

FTeliBghuyaen ¦ the only who haa

iailedtoaPPiaroutboscenc. Tho alarm tbat hae

been expresacd fat thia geiitlemaii'a health, it is fair

tosUtr. baa been pflunpally »" »l»e iroagmation ot

thuae who havo been nppoaed to hnn. li.a illue^s

last lumB'sr was of a malarial character ...luely..Ihe friends of Mr. Robeeou havo BMBifeatad a tbat is somewbat alarmingto opponenta, It is atated tbat he bioirecidve* aurue

MoaaalattJ wbleb were not anticipatcd au.l that

h.a pfwpecta for roore after the complimentaryballot aie 6utteriug. Tbe inereaaiug interest m tbe

ceutaat ia sboan by the uuiuber of proinmeut aiea

wbo bave appeared in tbe field. A somewbat aingu-lar phase of the fight ia tbat Mr. Kobeson, a mamberof General Granfs Cabinet and snppoaed to ba aclose friend. is not considered a "Grant candidate";that position, it is said, being givan to Mr. Frehng-boys^n. The report that General Sewell's strangthwill he tbrown for Mr. Parker nltimately is donbted,as f ho«o familiar with affairs belleve thar GeneralSewell's furcea will stand by him until a nominationisoffected. Well-inforined inembers scont the idcaof a " hult. ¦ in any poaaible ooudition of affairs.Tbe Aaaemhly (.'ommittee on Electiona went to

Bonleutown this inorning toco-mt tbe ballots in theeontcsted election j-aao of Caiter (Bep.) againstMurphy (Dem.) Mr. Murphy holds the »eat atpreaent. Wh. 11 the committee arrived tbe ballot-boxes were seut for, but the Democratio ofttcialsrefuBed (odeliver theno, on tbeadvice of a Demo¬cratio politiuian of lliidaon County. '1 he gronndaa-umeil waa that the eoinmitteo waa not actinirnnderany resolntion of tbe Hnnae aud bad uore-sponaibio authoriry for examiniug the ballots. Tbiais alleged to be a Democratio move to preveut Mr.Cartcr from voting on the Benatorship. He wouldprobably vote for General Sewel). Tbe Assemblytbisevetiios adopteda resolntion giving thopcorn-mittee lull power to compel tbe atteudauce of wit-neaaes aud the production of papers.


al ranamioai or yibtue.Albant, N. Y., Jan. 17..The Deraocratic

metuoera of both lioueea uiet in tbe Senate Cbamberafter tbe seaalon cloaed thia eventug to noinlnate a cen-didate for Uultcd Biatea Benator. Senalor Fowler, wbopreaided, dcolarea tbat Mr. Flalt had been nomlaatedtnerely for bia services to tbe Kepuolican party. andsald:GBBTtBMBB : The vast and varied wantaand Intercets

of tlity miliioiia of people deuiaud other and higherqnatitfcatioua tbau theee. Tbey deuuind " a uian withheart. head aud luind. Uku aoine of tue aluiple greatones. goue forever aud cver hy." A uian ofaironc lutolliiccuce to couipreiead theae wanta; .ofc-.urage i>n.l infegvlty tbat he inay de'd wth fheio fcar-lessly and Jiiitly, aa-f ot the bwheet itite.'iectuul rndow-ineuta tout ae uiay cbainpmn tbi-iu un.Wataniiiimly and¦uct-eaaiuliv. I bave no fear thtti thia inei-tmg wlil mabea iniatake iu tb.- eliaraefVr of their caailidate ; t nat partywhh'ii baa e.veu io me hlifheat eouii.-ii of tbe Nation aVan Buren, a Marey and a Wrlitht, wdl tonleht, truo toits tradiiio'ua and praetnea, iiaino aa iu caudidate iortbat bucb uffloB ime roo.-e diatiimuinhed for his patriotlSHit.ian bia Mrtlaaaablp, and better kuown aa a statesmautbaaapolitieiaa.Mr. FaUcraaB) uf Rensselaer Omnty, preseuted tbe

nain. if IIob. tbe Frnucts Keruan, of OueiJai.'ounty, forthe iftin uf Ualled Otates Saaarer. Mr. Bwekaaaaaadedthe li'.niuiation, whieh waa uiudebynee'Bnuitbm. On ino-

tion oi'Mr. Brnwnc, are^uluiiou waa adoped deelarmgtbat, aa the IX mo. ratio party in tbe State of New-York,iiire.cni Mata «'«.uvention,.*baa patdged Baetf to tuo

oontlnuance of tbete' tu tbe State expensea iuaug-nratad undor tte ariniluletrationof GovernoraTildentndR. Mubob," the repreaentativee of the Democratio

party in tbe Lantelalure pSeddB tbeniselvcs to do tho

saiuc. Tbo raaeaa tbeu adj muid.

GENERAL BUI'LEU NOMINATED.Boerox, Jaa. 17..By a Baaniaaaaa vote the Dem-

ocratn: Lighdative BBBCBa thia afternoon voted to

BBakeOuBaral B. P. Butier ita eaadidata EarUaltadBtatea Senator, to ba Yotad foff in place af SeuatorDawes. Shouldnoeloetiou he cfleured on the tlrstIrtllot. they will be rea'.'v to eoBtWae with anti-Da^ea Repub'icans. should any amdi he fouud, uuoualuioet auy uian who raay bu pioposed.

THE TESNE8SEE LEG1SLA1UKC.NasHTUXE, Tenn.. .lati. 17..Tbe House

Caaauuttea on BUeikea sgreed thuj ¦etarag, wttbeal.i wnr, toudiuir Repreaeatattva M.iKaaaa (Rep.), wbaaaaeat bad beea contesiei. tba R >pabttaaaa on eow-

iPtee.wbieb ia euaipaaed of ciebt Bepaatleaaa a.ndtbree Deaoarata.deeided f preaent a roivirt to-morrow

inoniiiiK re.ommendlna that Btewart < ) l»e unaeuteo. Tu . I> uiocnu* will pruaem a ininotlly rep< Aivni Hawali.a waa in. upirated uf uooti

hefoiv a lar«in usi uibhuje >.t peupla. Ha *a tbo tliatKapubhcan Uuvt.iui luaugaratag ia Veaaeaaae lut teuyeara.


THE BOARD OF ALDEBMEN.The Repablieaa meml'era of the Board of

AJJartoaa bebl a eaaeaa yeaterday aftaraooB la the

cbaiuheroi tbeBoard <>f auaraaan la MraClty Hall. t'be

araaalaatioa of the Board waa tbarooBbly *aa tbeaaattaarat <>f the ¦ajortty tbat for tb-i pevaaatIt would be well to vote tor ooe of their aaaBbar fofPreaideat. Tho Beoiber arboni tbev wiu trota for is

probably AidcniMu l'.ihy. Fartber dlaeaaal m bowedihaiih. ut,.J >rily will lie wulniic probably touu'te witb the

IrvlajtllallnMmberaiBorgamxlug UmB laro, if tbaeead'lo.k e.n: be hroken In nu o'h.r Way. It Is kBOWB thatoMi'una have i.'eii nnd.) 10 tbe Kepubuvan meiul-ersbyboth thr laiiun;. >y aud IrvluB Hall uien. Tbe Bf-pui.iiruia '.»ii: aeetaf, ol eeerae, on daa rouslderatloaoeliig abewa tbem. Beveral. lu.u tbal the Bepablleaaaahuuid bacoaeaded ihe Pr stdeoey oa ths groued that

tbey bave elgbt votea to ala wi tbe part of Irvmg H» is doub.fui if tbbi will bejgonesded. The Irrlagiiaii roambera auy that uader eertala eoaiuageuebiathey ean cui.trol four of the noiumal Tanun uu

votea. it is kaowu tbat Mayor Qraea is ap-ueaed to a c.utihui ition mtb the If tba orgaalaattoo of tbe Board cau bo aaTecledwitb li."ini. raite votea. B* aaaat Intervabiaeot fartbaTaniniiiny i.ud Irvrog Hall uicmoers, and advUMtd tl.iu

louiiiiein organlzmg tho H ard. He haa pointed outthat tieie an foarteea u >Moenule votea, aud the

pablle woeid beeoma Impationt if the d adloek waa con-

tiuued inueh loaaar. I'lsnota 'juf-tioi: of patronajre.tor tbe Itvlag Hall mambera bava nBered their Deaio-eraUa rlvabi tbe I !. rb aud AaabBaat LVrfc, tbe -hairman

of the Flneaca OoBiBUttae and oaadndf of tb« rrmlaiHwoi ihe patronage. ....., aeeiua llttle cbanee tbat the lamiuanv uieruherawia ueite ou m Irviua llall caadidate. rbe tiaprea-.ion hi-< ubioiid iliai laiuinauy Hall will bold uloof.aud tbat tbe oiitcorae will be a a romr agbl agaiual Irv-ltiit llal. and Mayor Orteo. TIih ia iut dcetued Koudn.diey hy ln.u.y of the older and shrewder iauiuiaiiylea i.ra Ti.ey ;.!. of tue optnlon tbat ii would he bettertuHOeeut Mayor Uraoe'a "!!' Iu .livulo ile i..itr..nHK«butwoen tbe" U. ii.uir.tie .».«au.zatioiia, be Itciug tbecandidate of boib. Mr. KeBy waa «xpaeted to r.;aobboiue late btal Blght fiom bia Weat-ii n and Huulhweatern lecturiu*- tour, and bewill probably ciuuuuiuieate bls wiabes to tue fanniiauvno'iiibera belore lae Board ifoea luto aesvon. AlderinanMauer (l ainuiaiiy) haa ao fur reoovered from lila il neas that be will probably aftOHd the nieetinrfof he Board. In* Tainniany BBewbera wOl centinueto vote for nlin tor F. eaident. Aldonuau Co/gey (Irrtag11 ill) ia stlll t.oi lll tu He ollt.Tbe Reuubbean luamu ra will h;dd another aaneaa

tliia iiinrumir. U la not llkcly tbat tbo Board willorgaaUa to-<lay.

LONG ANP FRUITLE88 DI8CU88IOM8.The Youug Mcn'a l>iuioeiatic Club, which

wuBcbu flv iiiatruui.'uul iu loiiulnif tbe Onuiulttee of

Piltyto rauraaataa Iba Democratio party in Jbis clty,met laat Bldbl at N >. 10 W.-at Tweufy-fourtb-st. The

¦¦aibara docu-aed iuforuiallv for aoine time tbe nuea-tion of attauliarbm m tbe reapeotive AaaaaaMy Dia-

tncta in whleb tbev Hved, bat cmld not aattte tba

mttter. Tbe meetltu: dieu convened aad tba pro|K)»edn . eudtnciita to the couatitutioii were taken up for cnnaid*

cratlon. eiome of tbe membcia wiahed the amendmenta

'read. but aa thia would tako ahout teu ujinutei, otbera

tbouahtl" waa uno.«aary. Att-r dUcu-Biug thema trrror aU bour aud a ba.lf.8everaiueuib.rabe.igo^i tbe fluor at a t.ine. a Diutiou lo diawuae with iberea, ur wua deei.r.d by tbe Cbabf to bave been earriea.SS!,,, of 7h> tuTiuoara ob|eoied to the de.Is.ou and tbiaMoinoor tue "'«¦'""

,f .Mhour. wueu tbe clut. adteurued

wlil conie up at tbo urxt uieeti.ur.


Tho priinary election held by the XXIst As-gl.mlll, Djai riot ili'uub Aaaoci.ition laat ulgbt. at M r-

tuuUal.Nu.SEa*1 Flftv-niutn-at., for tho purpoae of¦. i..« l.-ieaateto I'umudttee. reaulted In

tln' ."".uo. ol"bbjor Willard Bui.ard. Ho reeeived

StVlUaeOOt of tue elKnty.two votea eaat.


REAVY KENTENCK OF A MVRPEnEB.RobdkniOWN N. J.. Jan. 17.-Henry Williama.

.Jlm'u f.iua.1 <ul tv o( murb-r in the sreond de«ree for kiu-

nT" Itw ^Koa'a U thia clty. N-wemb-i¦ a» bait, waa sab.«Sce 1 to-oay W tweuty yearaln iba .state Prlaon.

JiVBnKBKDBVHlsWIPB. ,Ri.hmonB Va...l in. 17..Wilmuiroolkea eolored),

nf KeTavlVle.^arhitU OOBBtf. baa Deeu ...urd.rod by bia

Srwa.rSaoaVTraa aafial people were meiiu»a to iya,ahtt' DEAT1I FIIOM RID1NO RVFIULY.

AirncflTi Gl. Jan. 17..A fatal aicuie-it o. ourreilu.ti .irmUy learW.yutabo.O. JUuke Coaufr.Oa Wbile

ouiHalu.UMOleua.tblr b.aae* cauio lu eoUMno. Mc.MoweUTt k.-Ml l-iiiainly. aud >tixou waaasn.ady lajuNa.

\ ..ol.OBEB fOOK Mi;KH»RKUv. iv fiiu v\- Jan. 17..ileoiire Ireadwed




The Crown abandoned au important couut iothe indictment at the Iriah Stata triala yealer-day. There waa an angry di-ciisaion in the Honaeof CoiomoBs on Justtn McCarthyV aniend*uieuf. The Hanlan-Laycock match haa bteupwtponed nntil Saturday. The- Boere hav«repnlsed two Briliah aorttea. Brazil liaa givena subsidy ty a L'anadian linc of af>am«ra.



DCBLi.f. Moeitay, Jan. 17, IS81The Courfc of Q i 'en'a B.inch ia < towic I to-

dav. Mr. Maedouoab, of cuuuael for tbe traaereera,said be lutouded to pat io evMeuoe 41 acts' of Pa/IU-m.nt, paased beforeandafter the Act uf Uuion, reicard'luc land laws aud preaervatioo of neace iu IrSlati*. Hetalled as a Witueaa aa evlcted tenant, emhty-ibree yaaraofage,whoaefeeblanaaseauaedaaeBsutioii. Tae pr«« c*.tlon objeofedlo thacvideneeof tlui witoe-a, biitlba Otnnrldeeide t tbat It waa adulaaible If tbe proaeeiitlun .u/arxi-ed to rely on the nlnet^entb cnuut of tbo ladioiataat.whieh aiarapa the traversers wlih >: map'riii;; tucreatedlseoutent and diaatleetiun aaiong tbe »ai.|e t» of tbeOaeen, aud lil-wlllaud he v iietweeu diffei'iit. !a«»ea<>r Iler MvJ-'aty'a auhj-cta.and tben, tbe CuBil >aid, tbetrial wou.d laat for years. A abort udjoora.iieui waerranted on tbe applicatlon of tbu Atioroey-Ornerai, Mr.Law, to enable blm to eonsult bia colleaeues.Ou tbe reaaaemtiltnir uf tbe Cunrt Al'orne y-Om TAl

Law aiinoimecd tbat be wouldabaudai tbe ¦UMaeaeBBeonot, and tbe evideuoe of eviet:d r.nar'a v, u> e >ose*>l i<ntiy ruledoutaa miduiiasible. Mr. O'Om >ciu-> the*»loaed the evidence for tbe defence. Mr. .Vi<I. lujrbna,who Is hueelally retained ou Wnalf ..f Mr. Jin.» uv.made a teliiiiir »peee ..

Mr. Puraell denicd tbat hia party were ebatrucilDg thoprocecdinga of tbe Houae. Ho .aid hehad nevergcMbeyond tbe Hoea ot coustltutlonal agftaUea. It ibaeoorcioa bllLs wero paaaa.t tha ttrst arrrstuaaUr litnawou.d be a aiKoal for suipeuuo.i uf tbe payuMut af allrenr.

air gtaffurd Ncrthoote protestwi a*aunt Mr. Fariell'edeitint aitU aiiuude toward tbt Gnm-¦ent,Tbe deimte waa a-eordlnely ndjnnrned.Iu Ibe Mouacof Lords to-uiaht Kart l-\>rteaea-. Li eral,aaked wiietber in vlew < t obatructlun lu the Ifoxo at

Omiuiona ine Governutent would uot, wiih t:e< o.. -n efaaving time, mtroduee tbe Co ivioo uili flra. iu laaHoii-e of L. rda.The Goverument repudlated the tdea atul the s t*)e*t

wae dropped.The hoy who was injured by th. cxplorton at Sali rl

laat w.-.'k ia ii .ad. Tbe keeper of a beer-houae l:i iiiaiudgbborhood atates that two uieu vlslied bia toiue fofdr.ukaud l. ft two parcela witb hliu, aajtlBg tbey wuiitdeall for them in tbe evetung. Oa* nareel, no say«. con-talned wet uijrtar with a trowel aiurk iu It, auo tbaiither eootuiued \fhai felt liku a cauiaUr. Ttie uio rc-tnrt'ed aooordiux in uitreeai :if. aud tbe cxp ooou oe-. urnd naif au hoor afler tbey lett tbe bcci'-Iiou<4 witbIbo paice.s.

Laaaoa, Mouday, Jan. 17,1SS1.Tbe debate oa tbe Adtir. as waa resutucit. Mr.

JuaUn MeUirCbf movcd tbo amuudnieut niri..U Aiioiby tbe Houiu Rulera, and of whiub he icave uouoi u.i tae0th. Mr. D.llon aaeonded the ameaduieut.Mr. tiia.lst.;.ie pn>teated uiraliiat tbo pjolntnfatioa et

the debate. Tbe Inab uieiiioera bad \e,i tbe )iuui<- forel^htdaya oecupled willi lyu.tle^s lelut .« fle de.el»r.<d tnat Mr. McCaitby'a atu. ndoient waa an ti>ui totue Tbrune.lha waa received with cheei* on hoth hidea f the

HbmlMt. lollon waa called to ordei for ?'iiint: tbat the l^tad

Lesxue rtled ?upri'tne aud tbat fipperary bad li',000meit anayed ..< ouat the G >v.i ntntnt.

EDWUf BOOTH AS OTHELIA*baaaaa, Moaaay, Jau. 17, laaX

Mr. Booth appeured at tlie PriaeeiaVTaafatgltu-uipbi. aa Othrllo, uod hia waa a«i» re-eelved byji fairly full houae. Mr. Ib, db w.a ca led,wi.b Iwj't, uefore tbo curtaiu after tue lonjr utbthelatter. Ho waa also frtqueuily applauded dunagtbe perfuruiance, and waa called ..ut twk'o at tbe eluar,when Mr. Forrestor, who ncted tbe part of fago, waealao eailed our. Forrraier waa fairly aue .a»iu., butB0..1I1 evidontly n.lted UM priuelpal iutei-e«t. Ti.e playwaa poorly iiemiit. d.fhe sto.ndartl »ava tbe perfonuanee of OttitUt bai

luj) 01 lue fauiia uod falliuaa o. 11 lotti'a Mamttt, wllBIU idiriUof concop'.irm ratber tban ot ex eutiua. Tbepei'tortuancc waa acbolarly. hiu fai:< d io inav:.

TI1E HANLV.V-LAYCOLK BACE POSTI'ON'ED.Laaaoa, Monday, Jaa. 17, :>-t.

Both II lalea aud Layc«K'k liuve u->w agieed.IO attempt to biiog off the raee on 8i(ir.l.y u 1:, tbe

umplre ¦Manwbtta i...-1 pouiua' It from d.iy to day be-caiir of Ihe dr.ft lor in Ih Tliaiii"*. The he lu./Hiailiornlii^ waa 3 t>> *J on llunlau. I,'nle-.B tbe wate. |>er-tuitB of ti.e raee taktua plaee un or before WedatadBgtbe Udea <vill not eerve lor auutuer weck.

lUKlOMAN BAKBABITY.LoaOOB. Moud iy, Jau. 17. Igtt,

Tlie I'ont .spondcnt of Tht 'I'imtn at .St. i'» tcra*bangaaya Geaerel Sken l n aaUiataa tba Bykaa 'i -iree-

>na*ia to he ln,0<H> HtroUir. Ifc aa) a ther have ejKrUatnaea boi.only a fow ol.i eaaaon. Tbe l;ua«.aii a.tricry-ui. 11 eaptured with thcr «un.a bj tba TurmaMUBi <iereall niaaa inrad


M. Tiinquot, the rcninod DoBiniunUt, andihro" oth.-r Maabofacteabdatatea wero defeated an 'befeeond lialiui lu iho eniipleiuentary ni.inieipal e>, icajeattrday. la." Ii actiouanea u.ny callicd tue. tcat,

THE KOLAPOBE PLOT.L*jNDO>, Moilduv. .Tan. 17. I->J.

The (.'yli'iitift eacreapeaalcat of l'h? Hmetaaya: '. I aieuia that the plot t«> uiasautre lh^ U; .«l

rcMdeotaof Keitporewaa aiel eertaln of jii.ure,hui was reaBy serkNUly ooatempbUed."

THE BOEK8 U'lNMNU.1..; .on,, |aa. 17. latl.

A diapatch froin Duil'tin ba 'hc flmm, 'iattdt»day,aayattl»nwarwltbat .be iritiahtnaipa madetwes.uti.« iruiu Fieionaaud weix autbUuiea repatHlhy tba Boera.


BBAZIL aiVM A RUBSIDlf.Ottawa, dan. 17..A letter receirel Craaa

Mr. BsathrjT. Bra^ilmu OM ul 'V. i-ral iu «»nada, BMPMtbat fhe e ntruet to aubaidlze a llne uf Btaaaun 111we a

L'anadaaud IBraall baa beiB fUlly ratwedbe tlie «»v-erniuent of ili'i .attei Tue tiiat ar.eaui.i- i< x-

poctedio leave iu lebruary.

FAILUBEOPA BK11ISH BANK.CoaaOB, Mouday, Jai.. 17, Iftt.

The Southport and Weat LaMaahtn Baak*lng i.'oaipaiiy, llmlted, haa aiiapendid piyuicut.



A railwav aiculent baa eacarreal at Wake*fleld Yorkaaiea. Seven aie raportcd 'u bavebceu kllled, and froui tbirty u« rty injuted.

EDlNBURflK BAKBACK8 BUBJfED.Baaaaaaaa, H«aaay..'an-1". itax

The E.liuburgli Coimty Malitia B.irrackabaveheii bfltB d. Tbe tlre waa paaMbty of Inceuduryorixin. It is ruinored ibat the antlioriiifs had receive*tbreats of au meeudiary cuaraetcr.


Dktroit, Mkh., Jan 17..A aVaeklag trag-edy waaeiiaetedatL»peir, av.llaue «cvenfy utlea i.tirtb

of Detroit. last eveniDjr. Wbile tbe people were at

eburc^i a Mr«. Barna.d went to tbe houae af tbe Btv. E.

Curtla tbe Bapllat paator, and attacked hia wife, ao ol*

lady ahout sixtyOvc yearsold. 8be tbrew Mra. Curt.a

down. pourvd gaaoltne oll over ber «lothlng and tben set

itouflre Thepoorwoman waa ao ahoefcimzly ba'jiedthat M»e tved buia few hoiira. Mr. Cartia waa aanl la.t

vear otitor at Oreenv. in 11. m Biate. aad hadjbeenBSn C'aevaral yaara. Mra. Bamanr<iuie wi LapeeraiHW weokauKofrom Orceuville. w nere abe IIvimI, i^.nir

lae wna ot ipromlnent luinberraau at t -t ptaee. 8be2 a ?tt*~Jt«*S25 nfatgaaagCSeg..Wb^SfSrta^^iiu-k-r arreat.



Niao^ra Fallb, Jan. 17.-tarly thia rnorn-

tna tbe maln feedmg ptfM leadiiw to the reeervoir of *ti.e Cliftoa Water Workt Company bur^t, aud tbe water

waabad away twenl}" live feet «.*£*»*&r,!oa, of Table Kok, beaidea doior other daatage to

r^n' 'or?unuteiy no o<a 3 ld- .a-eurre.1. Tue

Braaafwaiab » a very bad one, will take aame tiraa to

repalr. _ m


ToitfWTO. Jau. 17.-'/aa HW» <*!* &*\Uuea t.efoi.uaUou ot the nevr ayndieate,,tbe auuiot baa beeu aabacnb.Td »n tontlabd towari tua

or 1 e -, aud it t» aaw perleetly oertaiu tbet tlj wttole

.aaauut of «aattai rcuuired aaueaal.y be obtaiatd.
