Page 1: News From FS1 - Cairo English School

Welcome to the new academic

year in FS1 and our first weekly

newsletter. In our newsletters you

will find out about all the exciting

and fun experiences the children

encounter in their learning journey

through FS1.

Our first full week of school is over and the children

have begun to ‘Settle-In’ to their new environment

and routines with growing confidence and big smiles!

They have had lots of fun discovering, new

experiences and have met their specialist teachers.

Just a few reminders: Don’t forget to send in a set of

spare clothes including underwear and socks. Please

make sure that all of your child’s items are clearly

labelled with their name and class. Make sure that

your child has handed in the complete FS1 Book

Pack .

Outstanding Forms: If you haven’t already done so

please be sure to send in the completed Health,

Parent Home Agreement, and Vaccination forms.

Healthy Eating: Please note that at

CES we like to promote healthy

eating habits. Sweets, popcorn and

sugary items also chocolate in any

form is discouraged. Fresh fruits and

vegetables such as celery or carrots

would be a better alternative. For

more super ideas for a healthy lunchbox have a look

in the Early Years section on the school website.

Please ensure that your child arrives to school on time

in the mornings. This is very important as late arrivals

often disrupt a quiet and calm classroom.

Very important - early bed times please!

News From FS1 Cairo English School Early Years Department.

Volume 1, Issue 1. 14th September 2017


ي أولياء الأمور ـ بعد التحية :


ية كما ز ي مدرسة القاهرة الإنجلي زا بكم ف ومرحبا


يسعد قسم اللغة العربية أن يتواصل معكم كل ي سنقوم

ة الأسبوعية الت أسبوع من خلًل هذه النشر بالتوضيح فيها عن ما قمنا به خلًل كل أسبوع.

خلال هذا الأسبوع: تحدثنا مع أطفالنا عن السلوكيات الواجب اتباعها داخل

المدرسة من خلال قصة.

قام الأطفال بعمل بعض التدريبات بالكتاب المدرسيللتدريب على التحكم في القلم من خلال تتبع النقاط

والتلوين داخل الشكل.

: مرسل مع الطفل ورق عمل للتدريب الواجب على التحكم في القلم وتتبع النقاط.

ملحوظة : سوف يحتاج الأطفال إلى

بعض الوقت للتدريب على التحكم بالقلم بصورة صحيحة فبرجاء عدم الضغط عليهم .

As part of our daily routine we enjoy

sharing fruit during Fruit Circle - we

would ask you to

provide a piece of

fresh fruit each

Sunday. We will

cut and share

these as a class. This promotes

happy, social interactions, and an

opportunity to learn about (and

taste) a variety of healthy fruits!


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Page 2: News From FS1 - Cairo English School

September Birthdays!


Adham and Nadine Tawfik 15th


Yassin El Adl 16th.
