Page 1: Newsletter # 4 CURA in Nunavut and Nunavik

CURA Leadership and Governance in Nunavut and Nunavik

WORKSHOP 4Intergenerational workshop: Authority relations in Nunavik families

InukjuakMarch 14-18, 2011


• To think about family and local lea-dership with a group of young and elders

• To collect new data on the transfor-mation of Inuit leaderhsip during the 20th century

• To provide elders and young the opportunity to share their views and ideas and to improve their rela-tionships


Avataq Cultural Institute

Northern Village of Inukjuak

Youth Center of Inukjuak

Family House of Inukjuak

SUMMARYThisworkshopgathered3eldersand3youngpeopleduringfivedays,attheYouthCenterofInukjuak. They were invited to share their views about the transformations of authority rela-tionswithinthefamilyduringthelastfiftyyears.Numeroussubjectswerebroached,suchasthe role and the place of the angajuk/nukaq within the family; the importance of helping each other; the transformation of local leadership, etc. The elders told many stories about their life when they were still nomads, whereas the young had the opportunity to ask questions and express their point of view.

Newsletter # 4

Page 2: Newsletter # 4 CURA in Nunavut and Nunavik

CURA Leadership and Governance in Nunavut and Nunavik


Florence Dupré, Laval University

Caroline Hervé, Laval University

Nancy Palliser, Avataq Cultural Institute


The participants discuss and learned a lot on Inuit history.

An Inuk student from the Interpreting scho-ol (Inukjuak) improve her skills by doing the translation.

Two Ph.D student acquired research skills by organizing the workshop.

Scientific outcomes

The workshop was videotaped and the video is available to the research team for analysis. Some sections of the video might also be used by the partners.


• An activity report has been distributed to the partners and collaborators.

• An article will be published in Makivik magazine.

• An article will be published in Études/Inuit/Studies.

Newsletter # 4
