
Lancaster & District Group of Lodges and Chapters

NEWSLETTERVolume 7 Issue 5 March 2011

Pictured are members of Great Eccleston Lodge with the Oklahoma Masonic Indian Degree Team

The Making of a Master Mason –Oklahoma Indian Style

THE LODGE ROOM at Garstang Masonic Hall was filled to capacity to witness theimpressive, unusual and, at times, amusing, demonstration of a third degree cere-mony performed by the Oklahoma Masonic Indian Degree Team.Hosting the evening was Great Eccleston Lodge No 8895 who were delighted and honoured towelcome not only our own Assistant Provincial Grand Master Philip Gardner, but the Grand Mas-ter, and Deputy Grand Master for the Grand Lodge of the State of Oklahoma, Glen Almy and Ran-dall Rogers. Continued on Page Two.

Lancaster and District Group of Lodges and Chapters. Newsletter Volume 7 Issue 5. March 2011Page 2

The Making of a Master Mason - Indian StyleContinued from Page One

Brethren may be surprised to learn thatthe history of Indians in Freemasonrygoes back to before they arrived in whatis known today as ‘Indian Territory’. Manyof the principal chiefs were Freemasonswith most of them receiving their degreesin Washington DC or Fort Smith,Akansas. Some of the very first were ac-tually raised in England!. These earlylodges were practically all-Indian in mem-bership with a scattering of military menand post merchants.The Oklahoma Masonic Indian DegreeTeam was formed in 1950 and every yearsince the team has travelled throughoutthe United States, and overseas, todemonstrate the Master Mason Degree. The original team had 11 members, but this has sinceincreased to 15. The team is not made up of members from any one Lodge, but from several. Allthe members must, however, live in the State of Oklahoma and be willing to travel between oneand three weekends each month.

The tribal affiliations of theteam include Apache, Choc-taw, Chickasaw, Cherokee,Comanche, Kiowa, Kee-toowah, Muscogee Creek,Oneida, Ottawa Seneca/Cayuga, Shawnee and Qua-paw.They have performed cere-monies to Masonic audienc-es ranging from over 4,000to one with only one Brother

present. Many times the team has outnumbered the Lodgemembers!One thing is certain, though. No matter how many Brethrenare present they cannot fail but be impressed by the superbquality of ritual performed by the team as well as the sheerprofessional showmanship exhibited in the ‘Making of a Mas-ter Mason’.

‘Big Chief’ Philip Gardner

Above: The Oklahoma Masonic Indian Degree Team with‘candidate’ WBro Arthur Kaye

Right: Great Eccleston Lodge’s ‘new’ Worshipful Master

Lancaster and District Group of Lodges and Chapters. Newsletter Volume 7 Issue 5. March 2011 Page 3

Coming installations in Craft and Royal ArchCraft

MARCH 16 (Wednesday): Longridge Lodge 8077: F P Gardner APGMMARCH 22 (Tuesday): Garstang Lodge 6633: M Collins PrSGW

MARCH 23 (Wednesday): Carnforth Lodge 4951: D Kavanagh PrJGWAPRIL 7 (Thursday): Aegis Lodge 9115: F R Pyne PAGDC PrGAlm

APRIL 15 (Friday): St Michael’s-on-Wyre Lodge 8348: C P Wright PPrGMMAY 5 (Thursday): Knott End Lodge 8674: J A Harrison PAGDC

MAY 12 (Thursday): Pilling Lodge 7879: T F Jackson PAGDC

Royal ArchMARCH 14 (Monday): Knott End 8674: Ex Companion I Cuerden PGStdB

APRIL 7 (Thursday): Carnforth 4951: Third Prov Gd Principal Ex Comp The Rev H E RossAPRIL 18 (Monday): Scorton 5791: Dep Gd Supt Ex Comp S P J Reid

APRIL 28 (Thursday): Sandylands 5702: Ex Companion K Lowson PGStdB

MESSAGE FROM OUR CHAIRMANAT THE BEGINNING of February I was invited along to Lancaster Masonic Hall to witness the opening ofthe time capsule which had been buried under the foundation stone of the former Masonic Hall in ChurchStreet since October 1958. After the lead box had been cut open by W.Bro Keith Heys I felt very privilegedto be asked to open it to reveal its contents. Unfortunately time had taken its toll and the copy of the TimesNewspaper dated 16th October 1958, the Book of Constitutions and the official programme of the eventhad all been damaged by moisture, but it still provided an interesting glimpse of the past. The intention nowis to bury the capsule along with some up-to-date memorabilia under the foundation stone to be displayedat Rowley Court.If the Brethren in those days had been able to call on experts like WBro Fred Lomax to give them advice onhow to preserve their records, perhaps things might have been different, but I do thank Fred for giving uphis time to organize a seminar on preserving Lodge and Chapter Records, held recently at Rowley Court,where he gave a lot of useful advice to those present.Whilst we have had four Installations and two 50th celebrations in the Group this month I make no apolo-gies for mentioning one installation in particular. Our Assistant Provincial Grand Master Philip Gardner wasinstalled into the chair of Plantagenet Lodge of Installed Masters by his very good and long-standing friendWBro John Stanley. As you would expect from two such Brethren the ceremony was outstanding and allthose who took part are to be congratulated for their efforts. The evening was further enhanced and madeadditionally special for Phil by the Principal Guest being our Past Provincial Grand Master RW BrotherColin Penty Wright. Both Phil and Colin go back a long way both in their Masonic and working lives and thepleasure for both of them on this occasion was quite evident. I have mentioned it before, but remind thoseof you who are Masters or Past Masters of your Lodges, that you are eligible to join Plantagenet. It is agreat way of keeping up the friendships you make on the Masters’ Table, and what a good year to join withour Assistant as the Master.Whilst talking about Installations I am delighted to see both in Craft and the Royal Arch so many of our jun-ior Brethren taking part, either explaining the working tools or delivering other parts of the ritual. This is afantastic confidence builder for the future, and involves these Brethren and Companions from the start. Ithelps them to feel involved and that taking an active part in our ceremonies is not, and should not, alwaysbe reserved for Past Masters and Senior Brethren. I congratulate those Lodges and Chapters who encour-age them to do so. Giving them something to do keeps them interested and helps in their retention. Afterall, these young Masons, who we work so hard to attract, are the future of all our Lodges!Our Group Secretary has now circulated all Lodges with details of the retirement dinner to be held for ourAssistant Provincial Grand Master Philip Gardner at the Globe Arena on the 31 May. I hope that you willgive this event your full support as it is an opportunity to demonstrate the affection in which he is held. Wewill be joined at this event by our many friends from the Furness and South Lakeland Group and we arelooking forward to a memorable and enjoyable evening.We are also, of course, looking forward to the Southport Festival Dinner on the 21 May. We have sold 155tickets - the most ever allocated to any Group, and my thanks go to all those who are attending for yoursupport. A special thanks must go to WBro Neil McGill and his team for all their efforts in selling the tickets.Brethren I thank you for your continued support and my fraternal greetings to you all.

Lancaster and District Group of Lodges and Chapters. Newsletter Volume 7 Issue 5. March 2011Page 4

Back to the future as Masonic timecapsule is recovered

A RITUAL BOOK, A BOOK OF CONSTITUTIONS, a set of coins from 1958 and a copy of TheTimes dated 16 October 1958, were items ‘unearthed’ from a time capsule that had remainedburied under the foundation stone of the old Lancaster Masonic Hall on Church Street since itwas laid at the start of building work in that year.The ceremony of the laying of the foundation stone was presided over by the then Provincial

Grand Master of Lancashire Western Division,Bro L E Rutherford. The event was of major publicinterest with those masons attending being attiredin full regalia.The lead box of the time capsule was opened atRowley Court by Jim Wilson, Chairman of theLancaster and District Group, watched by mem-bers of the local press and staff from LancasterMuseum.To commemorate the event the foundation stoneitself is to be mounted outside of Rowley Court.

Pictured left: The lead box of the time capsule inthe hands of (from left) Jim Wilson, Mike Walling,Gordon Brown and Keith Hays

Pictured top: The laying of the stone in 1958

Lancaster and District Group of Lodges and Chapters. Newsletter Volume 7 Issue 5. March 2011 Page 5

Silverdale’s third initiate celebrateshis Masonic Diamond Jubilee

JOSEPH DIXON WAS INITIATED into Silverdale Lodge No 6926 on 5 December1950, only a matter of months after its consecration, by his father who was afounder and past master of the Lodge.

Joe went on to work tirelessly over the years for both Silverdale Lodge and, indeed, Freemasonryin general, which was marked by a Diamond Jubilee celebration and presentation at SilverdaleMasonic Hall.

The Assistant Provincial Grand Master, F Philip Gardner, was delighted to take the chair of theLodge to lead the celebration of the Masonic career of this dedicated and well-respected Brother.After leaving Morecambe Grammar School Joe became involved in the family construction busi-ness which was responsible for many notable projects in the area including the building of

schools in Bolton-le-Sands, Over Kellet,Nether Kellet, Burtonand Sedgwick, resto-ration work at Lancas-ter Castle and theJudges’ Lodgings inLancaster, and build-ing work in connectionwith the electrificationof the main railwayline between Prestonand Carlisle.In spite of a very busyworking life Joe stillgave time to serve hiscommunity andchurch, acting as aschool governor forover 18 years atBleasdale House Spe-cial School in Sil-verdale.He married his dearwife, Mollie, in 1954,and they are the veryproud parents of twochildren – Anne, whois a retired partner in a

city law firm and now works as a prison chaplain; and Jonathon who carries on in the family con-struction business.Joe became Master of Silverdale Lodge in 1960 and his considerable contribution to Freemason-ry and his Lodge was rewarded with the rank of PPrJGD in 1976 and subsequent promotion toPPrJGW in 1985.Philip extended to Joe the very best wishes of the Provincial Grand Master who had arranged fora special certificate to be produced as a token of his esteem. This was read to Joe by the Chair-man of the Lancaster and District Group, Jim Wilson, before being formally presented by Philip.

Pictured from left to right: F Philip Gardner, Joe Dixon,WBro Dobson WM, Jim Wilson

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The first man went into space – and Colinwas initiated!

THE YEAR - 1961 AND IT MEANS that Colin Rushton PPrJGW has served Free-masonry enthusiastically and well for 50 years.Colin was initiated into Landmark Lodge No 7273 at the Imperial Hotel, Blackpool, but went on tobecome a founder of St Michael’s on Wyre Lodge No 8348 which met at Wyrebank, Garstang, tocelebrate his 50 years in Freemasonry.Assistant Provincial Grand Master Philip Gardner was delighted to lead the celebration marking agreat anniversary for a much respected and well loved Brother.Born in Bradford in 1930, Colin attended Preesall School and went on to gain qualifications inelectrical engineering which led to a career in maintenance electrical work eventually becomingin charge of the electrical instrument workshop at ICI’s Hillhouse Works.National Service from 1951 to 1953 saw Colin doing his basic training in the REME before beingdeployed to the canal zone in Egypt.He married Dorothy in 1955 and they went on to have two daughters – Valerie and Pamela – and

now have five much-loved grandchildren – Kate,William, Robbie, Emma and ‘little Ben’ who isjust 3 years old.Philip commended Colin on his sportingachievements as a keen racing cyclist with boththe Fleetwood and Cleveleys Road Clubs, anenthusiastic road runner and fell running cham-pion, and a cross country member of Blackpool,Kendal and Bowland Running Clubs. Colin’sother interests include being a licensed radioamateur, a member of the Radio Society ofGreat Britain, serving as a member of GarstangBloomers Fell Runners Association and a mem-ber of Wyre Choral Society.Philip extended to Colin the very best wishes ofthe Provincial Grand Master Peter Hosker whohad arranged for a special certificate to be pro-duced to commemorate the occasion. JimWilson the group chairman read the certificate toColin and the assembled brethren before it wasofficially presented by Philip.

Pictured from left to right, are: PhilipGardner, Colin Rushton, Rev John Finch

(WM), and Jim Wilson.

Lune Lodge welcomes Assistant ProvincialGrand Master Terry

LUNE LODGE No 4724 was delighted andhonoured to welcome Assistant ProvincialGrand Master Terry Hudson PSGD as the rep-resentative of the Provincial Grand Master attheir installation meeting at Rowley Court.The new Master for the ensuing year is KeithGoudie who was installed in an excellent cere-mony by WBro Ernest Townley PPrAGDC.

Pictured from left: Terry Hudson, Keith Goudieand Ernest Townley.

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Assistant Provincial Grand Master Philipinstalled by an old school friend

THE ASSISTANT PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER, F Philip Gardner, was installed into the Chairof Plantagenet Lodge of Installed Masters No 9357 by WBro John Stanley, an old school friendfrom Morecambe Grammar School.Although John was a year below Philip at school they both belonged to Woodhill House andjoined Freemasonry within six months ofeach other – Philip being initiated into Poul-ton Hall Lodge in October 1982 and Johninto Lancaster Castle Lodge in April 1983.Philip was actually a Fellowcraft when Johnwas initiated but due to the vagaries of theLodge programmes John was able to bepresent at Philip’s raising ceremony!Both have served as Acting ProvincialGrand Stewards in successive years andthe depth of the friendship was tangiblyconveyed to all present by the dignity andsincerity in which Philip was installed.

Pictured left to right: John Stanley, PhilipGardner, RW Colin Penty Wright PPrGM,Lancaster Group Chairman Jim WilsonPAGDC, WBro Keith Kemp PrGDC desig-nate

Recruitment campaign heralds a busy yearfor Wyreside’s new Master

THE NEW MASTER OF WYRESIDE LODGE No 2605 is promised a busy year in office with sixnew candidates as a result of a successful recruitment campaign in the form of a ‘gentlemen todine’ evening organised by the Lodge’s Director of Ceremonies, Steve Jennings.Representing the Provincial Grand Master was an old friend of Wyreside Lodge, WBro Peter Ma-son, and he was delighted to witness not only an excellent ceremony of installation but to find theLodge in such a strong position going forward.The installation meeting brought to a close WBro John Worthington’s second term as Master of

Wyreside during which he had again en-joyed a very active year both social and inthe Lodge.After opening the Lodge John invitedWBro Bill Wilkinson into the Chair to installWBro David Ainsworth. Bill was the Masterlast year but was unable to install his suc-cessor at that time due to having a kneereplacement. The presentations of theworking tools were made by Simon Ire-dale, David Wright and Steven McClintochin a most exemplary manner.

Pictured from left to right, are: Tony Harri-son, David Ainsworth and Peter Mason.

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The Group Chairman is pleased to announce that the following Brethren are to be appointed toActing Provincial Grand Rank at the meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge to be held in the Nor-calympia Complex, Blackpool, on Monday, 23 May 2011. All Brethren who are Master Masonsand above are encouraged to attend meetings of Provincial Grand Lodge, and your support onbehalf of the newly-appointed Brethren would be most appreciated.


(Royal Arch) 2011The Group Chairman is also pleased to announce that the following Companions are to be ap-pointed to Acting Provincial Grand Rank (Royal Arch) to be held at the Norcalympia Complex,Blackpool, on Thursday 14 April 2011. All Companions are encouraged to attend the meeting ofProvincial Grand Chapter and the Banquet afterwards. Your support on behalf of the newly-appointed Companions would be much appreciated.

Above from left to right: Provincial Grand Chaplain, WBro The Rev Graham Halsall, LodgeAmounderness No 7105; Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, WBro Keith S Kemp,Heysham Lodge No 4108; Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies, WBro Neil MMcGill, Lune Lodge No 4724; Provincial Assistant Grand Standard Bearer, Bro Richard CPrideaux, Scorton Lodge No 5791

Left: Provincial Deputy Grand Organist,WBro David K Tattersall, Runic Lodge No 6019

Right: Provincial Grand Steward,WBro Peter R Pemberton,

St Michael’s-on-Wyre Lodge No 8348

Left: Provincial Grand Standard Bearer,ExCompanion Malcolm G Morrison,Chapter of Fortitude No 281

Right: Provincial Grand StewardExCompanion Stephen J Hogg

Great Eccleston Chapter No 8895

Lancaster and District Group of Lodges and Chapters. Newsletter Volume 7 Issue 5. March 2011 Page 9

A distinguished 50 years in FreemasonryTHE PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER for the Province of East Lancashire, JackPrice, the Provincial Grand Master for the Province of Cumberland and Westmor-land, Norman Thompson, and the Past Provincial Grand Master of West Lanca-shire, Colin Penty Wright were all in attendance to celebrate the distinguished 50year Masonic career of Bill Stables of Morecambe Lodge No 1561.A further 11 grand officers attended the occasion which was conducted by the Assistant Provin-cial Grand Master Philip Gardner, assisted by the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremoniesdesignate Keith Kemp.Bill was initiated into Morecambe Lodge at the age of 27 but it was 18 years later that he eventu-ally attained the Chair. He has served the lodge with great distinction, holding the office of almon-er for 12 years from 1991 to 2003 before becoming the lodge charity steward, an office that hestill holds.His hard work and dedication was rewarded with Provincial Rank in 1990, and in 2005 was fur-ther promoted to the very high office of Past Provincial Junior Grand Warden.Exalted into Morecambe Chapter in 1979 Bill became First Principal in 1993 and now holds therank of PPrGSwdB. Bill tookthe office of chapter charitysteward in 2003, an office hestill retains. He is also a mem-ber of Plantagenet Lodge ofInstalled Masters No 9357. Billis a member of several otherMasonic degrees and enjoys avery active Masonic life!After his address to Bill, Philipinvited Jim Wilson to read thecertificate commemorating theoccasion, before presenting itto the celebrant.

Pictured from left to right, are:F Philip Gardner, Bill Stablesand Jim Wilson

Son presents new City of Lancaster Master forinstallation

ALAN ASTIN, the new WorshipfulMaster of City of Lancaster LodgeNo 281, had the very great pleas-ure of being presented for installa-tion by his son Leigh Astin at therecent ceremony at which the Pro-vincial Grand Master was repre-sented by the Chairman of theLancaster and District GroupWBro James Wilson PAGDC.

Pictured left to right: Antony GreggIPM, Jim Wilson, AlanAstin and Vice-chairman of theLancaster and District Group,Tony Harrison

Lancaster and District Group of Lodges and Chapters. Newsletter Volume 7 Issue 5. March 2011Page 10


Great Eccleston Chapter InstallationGreat Eccleston Chapter No 8895 weredelighted and honoured to welcome theDeputy Grand Superintendent of the Prov-ince, Excellent Companion Dr Steven J RReid PGSwdB, to their installation held atGarstang Masonic Hall.

Pictured left to right: Mark Astbury, Imme-diate Past First Principal; Dr Steven Reid;Geoff Etheridge, Second Principal; AlanRobinson, First Principal; Roger Pye,Third Principal; Jim Wilson, Chairman,Lancaster and District Group

Delay of a day does not deter attendance at MorecambeChapter InstallationThe installation meeting of MorecambeChapter No 1561 had been moved backone day by dispensation to avoid a clashwith another Chapter, but this certainlydid not deter members or guests.The Chapter was delighted to welcomeExcellent Companion Christopher BandPAGSoj, Second Provincial Grand Princi-pal to the ceremony which was conduct-ed by the Immediate Past and InstallingFirst Principal Paul Craddock.

Pictured left to right: Christopher Band, Second Principal Keith Atkinson, First Principal GeoffreyWilman, Second Principal John Bates and Group Chairman Jim Wilson

High Ranking Royal Arch PromotionsTHE PROVINCE is pleased to announce two well-deserved promotions to high rank within RoyalArch and the Group Chairman joins all Companions in offering sincere congratulations.

Alan Dunn, of Barrow Chapter No 2928, ourown Assistant to the Provincial Grand Princi-pals, has received a promotion to Past AssistantGrand Sojourner (PAGSoj) whilst John Robson,the Chairman of the Chorley Group, but who isalso a member of Silverdale Lodge No 6926,has received Grand Rank in the Royal Arch ofPast Grand Standard Bearer (PGStdB). John isa member of Horwich Chapter No 2324, theProvincial Grand Stewards’ Chapter No 8516(where he is a member of the Chapter demon-stration team), Setantia Chapter of First Princi-pals No 7755 and Sandylands Chapter No5702.Alan Dunn John Robson

Lancaster and District Group of Lodges and Chapters. Newsletter Volume 7 Issue 5. March 2011 Page 11

Local cancer charities supported byLodge Amounderness

STEPHEN PEMBERTON, the Worshipful Master of Lodge Amounderness No 7105 presented acheque for £500 to Stephen Greenhalgh of St Catherine’s Hospice as part of the lodge’s annualplanned giving to several non-masonic charities.In this case the gift was coupled with the nameof the late Alan Davies who was previously a member of the lodge and had a strong affinity withthe aims of St Catherine’s where his wife Ruby received such excellent care. The hospice, which

has now been establishedfor around 25 years, hasan annual budget of over£5m. per annum of whichonly £1.3m. is provided bythe Primary Care Trust.Most of the remainder hav-ing to be funded by dona-tions. Over 1,000 patientsare currently cared for,both as inpatients and alsoin the community, by ateam of over 600 volun-teers, together with profes-sional staff. An ongoingmodernisation plan is cur-rently funding a new en-trance and reception areaand a cafeteria is plannedto enhance the soothingambience for those in needof treatment.

Two days previously, WM Stephen, together with Nevil Joseph O.B.E., the Lodge Charity Stew-ard, had the pleasure of presenting another cheque for £500 to Kath Boit of Croston House atGarstang which helps those suffer-ing from the effects of cancer andis linked to a similar project, VineHouse, in Preston. This project,Cancer Help, is also staffed by ateam of ever-willing volunteers andin the present financial climate isfacing challenges in meeting itsfunding target, relying once againon donations and profits from itsseveral charity shops. Cancer Helpprovides a variety of therapies forthose in need, in a caring and stim-ulating atmosphere.‘We found our experience with boththese charities to be thought-provoking, and being involved with,and received so kindly by, the staffof both organisations made us feelthat our modest donations were sogreatly appreciated.’ said Stephen.

Pictured left to right: Stephen Pemberton, Stephen Greenhalgh, andIan Cuerden (Lodge Secretary)

Pictured from left: Stephen Pemberton, Nevil Joseph, andKath Boit

Lancaster and District Group of Lodges and Chapters. Newsletter Volume 7 Issue 5. March 2011Page 12

High-ranking attendance at Poulton-le-Sands installation

THE INSTALLATION MEETING of Poulton-le-Sands Lodge No 1051 was honoured by the pres-ence of the Provincial Grand Secretary Geoffrey Lee as the representative of the ProvincialGrand Master. High ranking members of the lodge in attendance included Assistant ProvincialGrand Master Philip Gardner, Past Provincial Grand Master Colin Penty Wright and Past Assis-tant Provincial Grand Master Peter Saunders. Equally august guests included Past Deputy Pro-vincial Grand Master Tom Blackburn, Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master William Huck andAssistant Provincial Grand Master Jonathan Clipsham.Jack Craig the new WM is a member of Peil Castle Lodge No 6099 on the other side of More-cambe Bay, but when he was working in Lancaster he decided to also join a lodge there, whichwas Rowley Lodge, and which soon afterwards amalgamated with Poulton Hall and SandylandsLodges to become Poulton-le-Sands Lodge. However, he still regularly travels to Peil CastleLodge and even serves on the Furness and South Lakeland Group’s Boxing Committee.Jack was installed into the Chair by Alan Thompson in a superb ceremony that was a credit to the

lodge and all those who took part.The Festival of St John was held atthe Lothersdale Hotel, Morecambe,and attended by some 130 membersand guests who were well entertainedby Geoffrey Lee in his responsewhich was both informative andamusing.

Pictured from left to right, are: Geof-frey Lee, Jack Craig, and Jim Wilson(Chairman of the Lancaster and Dis-trict Group).

GRAND RANK FOR WEBMASTER CHRISTHE WELL-KNOWN AND MUCH-RESPECTED Provincial and Group Webmaster, Chris Butter-field is to receive a well deserved promotion to the Grand Rank of Past Assistant Grand Directorof Ceremonies (PAGDC), and we all offer Chris our warmest congratulations.Chris has a very impressive Masonic CV and has been a hard-working and enthusiastic memberof both Craft and Royal Arch.Initiated into Broughton Lodge no 5437 in October 1990 he also became a joining member ofJohn o’Gaunt Lodge No 3815 in 1992 and progressed through the offices of both Lodges at thesame time!The WM of Broughton Lodge in 1997, which subsequently amalgamat-ed to become Fraternity Lodge No 4072, of which he is currently theSecretary. He was WM of John o’Gaunt in 2001 and 2002 prior to itsamalgamation to become City of Lancaster Lodge No 281 in 2006where Chris again took the Chair in 2010. He is also a member ofLathom Lodge No 2229 and Setanta Lodge of Installed Masters No7755.Chris was appointed Acting Provincial Senior Grand Deacon in 2001and promoted to PPrJGW in 2005.A Past First Principal of Lancaster Castle Chapter No 5952, Chris iscurrently First Principal of Fraternity Chapter No 4072 and a memberof Vale Chapter of Installed Principals. He was awarded the acting RArank of Provincial Grand Steward in 2007 and will be promoted toPPrGSwdB this year.
