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newslink In this issue:

President’s Message 1

Governor Introduces Legislation to Increase Trans. Funding 2

Thank You for Helping ACEC/PAC be the Top Engineering Political Action Committee in the Nation 5

CEPAC Contributors Assist in Carrying the Profession’s Message Forward 7

Maryland’s Congressional Delegation Voices Support for ACEC-Backed Initiatives 9

ACEC/MD Firms Recognized at 2012 MdQI Confrence 10

ACEC/MD to Host Fundraiser for Senator Garagiola 11

Maryland Court of Appeals Ruling Affirms Certificate of Merit 11

Client News 11

ACEC/MD 24th Annual Conf. 12

APWA Mid-Atlantic Chapter to Hold Conf. in OC 12

New Members 13

Member News 13

Professional Development 14

Upcoming Events 14

ACECMARYLAND Volume XLIV No.4, Jan.-Feb., 2012

President’s Message by Jeffery P. McBride, P.E.

On a brisk afternoon of January 19th of this New Year, I stood on Lawyers Mall in Annapolis with a few dozen fellow ACEC/MD member firm representatives to partici-pate in the START Rally to raise awareness for the need for transportation revenue increases. Yes, I said a few “doz-en”, not a few hundred and not a thousand. Increased transportation funding is our stated number one legisla-tive issue and we only managed to get less than 1% of our employees out to make our voices heard and regrettably, there were transportation oriented firms that had no rep-resentatives at the rally.

Our legislative committee now meets on a weekly basis throughout the session and puts in many hours reviewing pending legislation and related meetings. The committee has already responded to requests from legislators for meetings, information and testimony. In the coming days we must be ready to act during the session when called upon to support the ACEC/MD agenda. As we have stated before, transportation funding revenue increases and protection of the Transportation Trust Fund are more than likely “this session or bust”. The opponents to revenue increases are informed, numerous and I have to admit, more motivated than we appear to be at times. One weekly newsletter I know of is sent to thousands of Marylanders and is entitled “Winning the War”. Opposition to transportation funding is front and center in their publication. We have to be just as motivated and responsive.

Our Legislative CEPAC Luncheon on January 19th, which preceded the START Ral-ly, was reasonably well attended with 80 firm representatives in attendance. We did have 40 legislators attending, and would have hoped to have more, but the current trend in Annapolis seems to be less attendance by Legislators. However, I would ask, did you personally contact your representatives and the representa-tives where your offices are located and ask them to stop by? I did, and the major-ity of representatives from both my residential district and business district were in attendance.

The issue of our office locations reminds me of one inter-esting dynamic that is not lost on many of us in ACEC/MD, and that is the lack of direct influence we have in the two most populated counties of Maryland. Elected officials in Montgomery and Prince Georges Counties effectively set the tone for Maryland politics and they are not even under

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President’s Message (continued)the territorial area of ACEC/MD, but rather ACEC/Metropolitan Washington (ACEC/MW). It is extremely important that ACEC/MW’s member firm representatives and employees of our members either residing in these two counties or having relation-ships with elected officials engage them on behalf of the profession.

The reality is we don’t have the population and clout of the teacher’s unions, service employee unions and public employee unions to throw our weight around in Annap-olis. The Maryland State Education Association (MSEA) cites representation of 70,000 members in Maryland. Maryland has approximately 344 Union locals and over 1.9 million members (almost 3 times the number within Virginia and more than the en-tire state of Michigan). The estimated number of registered engineers in Maryland is roughly 20,000, and while our firms do the vast majority of work in this state, only half of the firms in the state are members of our organization. Thus, when making our voice heard, we have to be active, energetic and smart. By contrast, other larger groups in MD don’t have a constantly replenished revenue source like the Transportation Trust Fund (TTF), so therein lays the groundwork for the shenanigans that have consistently occurred over the past several years. Now the fund has been permanently raided to pay teacher pensions via the diversion of highway user funds originally sent to the TTF from gas tax paid at the pump. I have heard more than one administration official and politician say, with a straight face, that since the money never gets to the TTF, it is not really coming “from” the TTF. I can’t make this up. In ancient Rome, the Patronage System of political patrons (patronus) and clients (cliens) was alive and well. It would appear our legislators and unions are more than happy to carry on this rich tradition, and we are all paying for it, regardless of the type of engineering your firm provides.

Lastly, on lighter topics, this month featured a very successful Engineering Excellence Awards banquet. I congratulate all of the award winners on demonstrating the best our profession has to offer. On March 15th we will be hosting a fundraiser for Mary-land State Senator Rob Garagiola for Congress. Please come out and join us. I look forward to seeing you at a future event, and please be ready to respond when called upon during this important legislative session.

We need your help in urging Maryland’s legislators to address the dangerous state of Maryland’s transportation funding, and to consider the needs spotlighted by the Blue Ribbon Commission on Transportation Funding. It is absolutely critical that you and your employees contact members of the Maryland Legislature and urge them to vote in favor of House Bill 1302 and Senate Bill 971 – Maryland Transportation Financing and Infrastructure Act of 2012. Hearings for House Bill 1302 and Senate Bill 971 have not yet been scheduled in the House Ways & Means Committee, and the Senate Bud-get & Taxation Committee, however, they could be held any day.

If your/their elected officials are not on the committees that are considering the leg-islation, in addition to garnering their support, please suggest that they encourage members of the House Ways & Means Committee and the Senate Budget & Taxation Committee to support these bills.


Governor Introduces Legislation to Increase Transportation Funding

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Key features of the Legislation: •Applyingthestate’s6%salestaxtomotorfuelcommencingwitha2% increase in FY 2013 •Relaxingthe6%salestaxifthepercentagechangeintheaverageannual retail price of motor fuel is greater than 15% from the preceding fiscal year •Protectionoffundsbyrequiringeitheranemergencydeclarationbythe Governor or General Assembly passage after approval by a three-fifths majority of the committees considering appropriate legislation •AlltransferordiversionsoffundsshallberepaidtotheTTFwithinfiveyears •HURfundingpartiallyrestoredtocountiesandmunicipalitiesatan80/20 split •Additional$2surchargeforvehicleregistrations.

The need for this legislation is consistent with the findings of the Blue Ribbon Com-mission on Maryland Transportation Funding that identifies the fiscal crisis facing the state of Maryland.

At$3.50pergallon,byapplyingthesalestax,itisestimatedthattheadditionalcostisonly$85.00pervehicleperyear.Contrastthisfactwiththenationaltransportationresearch group TRIP’s study that reveals that the condition of Maryland’s transporta-tionsystemiscostingtheaveragemotorist$2,300eachyear,ascommerceandcom-muting are constrained by traffic congestion on Maryland’s roads.

Coupled with the recent findings by the Texas Transportation Institute that ranked the Washington, DC area and Baltimore area as the worst and fifth most congested area in our nation, respectively, requires that action be taken immediately.

It is imperativethat thenearly6,000employeesofourmemberfirmscontact theirelected officials today.

Utilizing the following sample letter as a guide, please contact both the elected offi-cials representing your residence and the district that your firm is located in. To locate the appropriate legislative district, please go to the Legislative Action Center of ACEC/MD’s website (

And don’t forget to utilize the “Transportation and You” presentation, also located on the website, as a resource for informing employees about funding transportation projects in the state.

It is essential that you encourage your employees to make their voices heard today. If we are not successful this year, it will be at least three more years before there is a realistic chance for success.

Governor Introduces Legislation to Increase Transportation Funding (continued)ACEC


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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~sample letter to use as a guide~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As a resident of the (insert District) and an employee of (insert firm name) that employs (insert number of people), I respectfully request that you encourage the members of the House Ways & Means Committee / Senate Budget & Taxation Committee to act fa-vorably on HB 1302 / SB 971 – Maryland Transportation Financing and infrastructure Investment Act of 2012.

(Please modify if your Legislators are on the Committees.)

This legislation will help get Marylanders back to work, and to ensure that funds in the Transportation Trust Fund are used only for purposes relating to transportation except for defense or relief purposes. Highlights of this legislation include:• Applyingthestate’s6%salestaxtomotorfuelcommencingwitha2%increasein

FY 2013• Relaxingthe6%salestaxifthepercentagechangeintheaverageannualretailprice

of motor fuel is greater than 15% from the preceding fiscal year • Protection of funds by requiring either an emergency declaration by the Governor

or General Assembly passage after approval by a three-fifths majority of the com-mittees considering appropriate legislation

• All transfer or diversions of funds repaid to the TTF within five years• HUR funding partially restored to counties and municipalities at an 80/20 split• Additional$2surchargeforvehicleregistrations.

This legislation is consistent with the findings of the Blue Ribbon Commission on Mary-land Transportation Funding that Maryland’s transportation system is facing a fiscal crisis. Additional investment in our transportation system is a downpayment on the future, and will create jobs, ensure safe travel, reduce travel time, and provide for the quality of life that your constituents expect.

Basedontoday’sprices,thisincreasewouldonlycostMarylandersanaverageof$85per vehicle per year. Contrast this fact with the national transportation research group TRIP’s study that reveals that the condition of Maryland’s transportation system is costingtheaveragemotorist$2,300eachyear,ascommerceandcommutingarecon-strained by traffic congestion on Maryland’s roads. Coupled with the recent findings by the Texas Transportation Institute that ranked the Washington, DC area and Baltimore area as the worst and fifth most congested area in our nation, respectively, requires that action be taken immediately.

There is a real cost for inaction on this important matter, therefore, I respectfully request that you get Marylanders back to work and vote favorably on this important legislation.

Thank you very much for considering my opinion on this issue.



Governor Introduces Legislation to Increase Transportation Funding (continued)

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Byraising$22,655andeclipsingitsgoal,ACEC/MDwasoneof30statesthatachievedtheir2011ACEC/PACgoal.IntotalACECraised$708,881,placingthePACinthetop4% of all PACs in the nation.

In 2011, with your help, ACEC was successful in gaining passage of legislation that eliminated the 3% withholding tax that was due to kick in, and the 1099 mandate. Our work is far from complete, with important issues such as infrastructure reauthori-zation at the forefront and constant threats by anti-business interests.


In order to continue the positive momentum, we will once again need your support. If your name is not listed below, please consider joining the following individuals that are making a difference in the political arena:

Lyle Aaby; Whitney, Bailey, Cox & Magnani Matt Allen; Wallace, Montgomery & Associates, LLP Art Barrett; Gannett Fleming, Inc. Nathan Beil; KCI Technologies, Inc. Robert Beringer; Johnson Mirmiram and Thompson James Blake; Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson Joseph Blaney; KCI Technologies, Inc. Brandon Bonanno; KCI Technologies, Inc. David Borusiewicz; Wallace, Montgomery & Associates, LLP Deborah Brown-Boyd; KCI Technologies, Inc. Kumar Buvanendaran; Prime Engineering, Inc. Daniel Cheng; Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson Mark Cheskey; Parsons Brinckerhoff Preston Davis; Alpha Corporation Maureen Decker; Pennoni Associates, Inc. Philip Der; Whitney, Bailey, Cox & Magnani James Deriu; KCI Technologies, Inc. Kenneth Derrenbacher; Schnabel Engineering, Inc. Jim Dorsey; McCormick Taylor Steve Drumm; KCI Technologies, Inc. Mark Dumler; Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP Rachel Ellis; Gannett Fleming, Inc. Harvey Floyd; KCI Technologies, Inc. Christopher Fronheiser; AECOM USA, Inc. Kunal Gangopadhyay; EBA Engineering, Inc. Malini Glueck; Phoenix Engineering, Inc. Nicholas Gounaris; KCI Technologies, Inc. Thomas Hannan; Whitman Requardt and Associates, LLP Dennis Hasson; Whitman Requardt and Associates, LLP Michael Hild; Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson


Thank You for Helping ACEC/PAC be the Top Engineering Political Action Committee in the Nation

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Rob Hudson; Wallace, Montgomery & Associates, LLP Jerry Jannetti; Parsons Brinckerhoff Kenneth Johns; Wallace, Montgomery & Associates, LLP Tammy Jones; KCI Technologies, Inc. Joel Keels; KCI Technologies, Inc. Jessica Klinefelter; A. D. Marble & Company Dana Knight; McCormick Taylor Donald Krempel; Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson Leon Kriebel; Whitney, Bailey, Cox & Magnani Michael Lambert; KCI Technologies, Inc. Gregory Lang; KCI Technologies, Inc. Marco Legaluppi; Whitney, Bailey, Cox & Magnani Chin Lien; Parsons Brinckerhoff David Locke; KCI Technologies, Inc. William Lyman; KCI Technologies, Inc. Donald MacLean; Parsons Brinckerhoff Paul Maenner; Wallace, Montgomery & Associates, LLP Kishore Mahadevia; Indam Engineers, Inc. Joseph Makar; Whitman Requardt and Associates, LLP Joseph Manning; Wallace, Montgomery & Associates, LLP Robert Marchetti; McCormick Taylor Glenn Marschke; Wallace, Montgomery & Associates, LLP Antonio Mawry; Wallace, Montgomery & Associates, LLP Jeffery McBride; EBL Engineers, LLC Sean McCone; Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson David McCormick; Whitman Requardt and Associates, LLP Gary Miller; Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson Walter Miller; Whitman Requardt and Associates, LLP Fred Mirmiran; Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson Alan Mlinarchik; KCI Technologies, Inc. John Moeller; Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson Thomas Mohler; Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP Ray Moravec; Wallace, Montgomery & Associates, LLP Michael Myers; Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP Michael Myers; KCI Technologies, Inc. Terry Neimeyer; KCI Technologies, Inc. Richard Pagano; KCI Technologies, Inc. Beverly Pannee; RJM Engineering Pradip Patel; KCI Technologies, Inc. George Perdikakis; KCI Technologies, Inc. Charles Phillips; KCI Technologies, Inc. Mike Potter; Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP Kerry Rexroad; KCI Technologies, Inc. Daniel Riddle; KCI Technologies, Inc. Cathy Ritter; The Constellation Design Group, Inc.

Thank You for Helping ACEC/PAC be the Top Engineering Political Action Committee in the Nation (continued)ACEC


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Thomas Ritter; Century Engineering Inc. Stuart Robinson; A. Morton Thomas & Associates Douglas Rose; Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson Ronald Rye; The Wilson T. Ballard Company Nanda Sen; EBA Engineering, Inc. Eric Sender; Wallace, Montgomery & Associates, LLP Mark Shafer; Whitney, Bailey, Cox & Magnani Vic Siaurusaitis; Michael Baker Corporation Manpreet Sidhu; Sidhu Associates, Inc. Joseph Siemek; KCI Technologies, Inc. Bill Smith; Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson Richard Smulovitz; Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson Francis Smyth; Century Engineering Inc. Thomas Sprehe; KCI Technologies, Inc. Harry Stephen; Century Engineering Inc. Raymond Streib; Development Facilitators, Inc. Douglas Suess; Whitney, Bailey, Cox & Magnani Stuart Taub; Wallace Montgomery & Associates Frank Waesche; Wallace, Montgomery & Associates, LLP David Wallace; Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP George Wirth; Schnabel Engineering Timothy Wolfe, Timothy; KCI Technologies, Inc. Stephen Zentz; Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP

We would like to thank the following firms and individuals that contributed to ACEC/MD’s state PAC, CEPAC. Political contributions often provide ACEC/MD representatives with the opportunity to explain the pros and cons of a particular piece of legislation.

While falling short of meeting the fund raising goal in the just concluded year, due to the participation of less than one-quarter of our member firms, these contributors stepped up to the plate and greatly assisted ACEC/MD’s efforts to carry the profes-sion’s message to Annapolis.

ACEC/MDhasestablishedagoalofraising$100,000overthecurrentfour-yearelec-tion cycle. If your name or the name of your firm is not on this list, won’t you please join in this effort.

CEPAC Contributors Assist in Carrying the Profession’s Message Forward


Thank You for Helping ACEC/PAC be the Top Engineering Political Action Committee in the Nation (continued)

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Firms that contributed:A. Morton Thomas & Associates

AECOMCentury Engineering

Connor Support ServicesEBA Engineering

EBL EngineersJohnson, Mirmiran & Thompson

KCI TechnologiesMichael Baker, Jr.

Parsons BrinckerhoffRummel, Klepper & Kahl

RJM EngineeringSchnabel Engineering

Straughan EnvironmentalWallace, Motgomery & Associate

Whitman, Requart & AssocitesWhitney, Bailey, Cox & Magnani

Individuals that contributed in 2011:Nathan Beil (KCI)Jim Blake (JMT)Joe Blaney (KCI)

Brandon Bonanno (KCI)Dan Cheng (JMT)James Deriu (KCI)

Ken Derrenbacher (Schnabel Engineering)Steve Drumm (KCI)Harvey Floyd (KCI)

Tony Frascarella (Century)Chris Fronheiser (AECOM)

Kunal Gangopadhyay (EBA)Nicholas Gounaris (KCI)

Chris Griffith (KCI)Jerry Jannetti (PB)Tammy Jones (KCI)

Joel Keels (KCI)Dana Knight (McCormick Taylor)

Leon Kriebel (WBCM)Michael Lambert (KCI)

Gregory Lang (KCI)David Locke (KCI)

William Lyman (KCI)Joe Makar (WRA)Jeff McBride (EBL)

Sean McCone (JMT)Alan Mlinarchik (KCI)


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Jack Moeller (JMT)Mike Myers (RKK)

Michael Myers (KCI)Terry Neimeyer (KCI)

Beverly Pannee (RJM)Richard Pagano (KCI)

George Perdikakis (KCI)Charles Phillips (KCI)Kerry Rexroad (KCI)Daniel Riddle (KCI)

Tom Ritter (Century)Stu Robinson (AMT)

Vic Siaurusaitis (M. Baker)Manpreet Sidhu (Sidhu Associates)

Joseph Siemek (KCI)Andy Smith (McCormick Taylor)

Tom Sprehe (KCI)Harry Stephen (Century)

Ray Streib (DFI)Stu Taub (WMA)

Frank Waesche (WMA)George Wirth (Schnabel Engineering)

Timothy Wolfe (KCI)

We are pleased to report that a major theme at the 2012 Maryland Chamber of Com-merce Congressional Dinner was increasing infrastructure funding and encouraging job creation.

Eight of the ten Maryland Congressional Representatives participated in this town hall style meeting, addressing issues of importance such as the economy, transportation funding, and business and environmental regulations.

In order to support ACEC’s agenda, be sure to mark your calendars, and plan to join other ACEC/MD member firm representatives on Wednesday, April 18th as we hit Capitol Hill as part of ACEC’s Annual Legislative Summit. ACEC will provide position statements on their website and conduct an issues briefing the day before for the 2012 ACEC Annual Convention registrants. While attendance at the convention is en-couraged, it is not mandatory to participate in the visitations.

Contact the ACEC/MD office to sign up for the visitations, and help bolster ACEC’s suc-cess on issues of importance to your firm.


Maryland’s Congressional Delegation Voices Support for ACEC-Backed InitiativesACEC/MD Congressional Visits Set for April 18th

CEPAC Contributors Assist in Carrying the Profession’s Message Forward (continued)

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Demonstrating excellence in design, ACEC/MD member firms once again walked away with top honors at the recent Maryland Quality Initiative Conference in Baltimore. This year’s conference took on a decidedly multi-modal flare with the renewal of the part-nering agreement including the newest partners – the Maryland Aviation Administra-tion (MAA) and the Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA).

This year’s ACEC/MD award finalists included:

Airforce Gateway Beautification / Suitland Road Gateway Project The Wilson T. Ballard Company Baltimore Metro Fire & Security Management Systems Project AECOM Technology Corporation C/D Apron Reconstruction – Phases 1-5 @ BWI Airport URS Corporation Chestertown Rail Removal from MD 289 to MD 291 & Lynchburg St. to Speer Road Gannett Fleming Deck Rehabilitation & Miscellaneous Repairs to Thomas J. Hatem Memorial Bridge on US 40 over the Susquehanna River Wallace, Montgomery & Associates Dolefield Blvd. Bridge Project Kennedy & Porter (recently acquired by EBA Engineering) Gate G @ BWI Marshall Airport PB Americas Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson I-70/MD 85 Interchange, MD 355 & MD 475 URS Corporation I-70 EB Ramp to MD 75 Wallace, Montgomery & Associates Intersection of Runways 10-28 & 15R-33L @ BWI Marshall Airport URS Corporation Kirk Road Bus Division Modernization Project Gannett Fleming Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson Whitman, Requardt & Associates MD 200 (ICC) Reforestation of the Casey-Hoyles Mill Property Rummel, Klepper & Kahl MD 351 Roundabout @ Elmer Derr Road Century Engineering ReconstructMD462fromMD132toBridgeoverCarsinsRun Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson Reichs Ford Road Project Nolan Associates

ACEC/MD Firms Recognized at 2012 Maryland Quality Initiative ConferenceACEC


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ACEC/MD to Host Fundraiser for Senator GaragiolaOn Thursday, March 15, 2012, from 8:00–9:30am, at the Garrett Jacobs Mansion, ACEC/MD will host a reception for influential Maryland State Senator Rob Garagiola, who is runningforthe6thCongressionalDistrictseat. ACEC/MD’sExecutiveCommitteewill serve as hosts for this special event that recognizes the Senator’s past support for important issues impacting the profession. A rising star in Maryland politics, and a strong transportation and infrastructure advocate, Senator Garagiola is a leader on the State’s Blue Ribbon Commission on Transportation Funding. The suggested con-tributionperpersonforthiseventisonly$125.00,withproceedsgoingdirectlytotheCongressman’s campaign efforts. Mark your calendar for March 15th, and plan on joining your colleagues and friends at this important political event.

A ruling by the Maryland Court of Special Appeals has upheld that the state’s Cer-tificate of Merit law does apply to engineering firms providing services in the state of Maryland. Originally passed in 1998 after being initiated by ACEC/MD, the law was amended in 2005 to clarify that the protection under the law extends beyond practi-tioners to include design firms.

Under the law, a claimant in a malpractice action against a licensed professional must file a certificate from a “qualified expert” attesting that the licensed professional failed to meet an applicable standard of professional care. A “qualified expert “is defined as a licensed professional in the state or a comparably licensed or certified professional un-der the laws of another jurisdiction, who is knowledgeable in the accepted standard of care in the same discipline as the licensed professional against whom the claim is filed.

The recent Court of Special Appeals ruling stems from a 2009 case in which Heavenly Days Crematorium, LLC filed a complaint against Harris, Smariga and Associates, Inc. (HAS) in the Circuit Court for Frederick County seeking monetary damages for breach of contract and professional negligence. The claim stemmed from services provided by a non- engineer employed by the firm. The court ruled that the circuit court was legally correct in granting, without prejudice, HAS’s motion to dismiss for failure to file a certificate of a qualified expert. The ruling once again demonstrates the value of political activism by ACEC/MD’s member firm representatives. For a copy of the pro-ceedings, please contact the ACEC/MD office.

The Maryland State Highway Administration is pleased to announce the selection of Stephen J. Marciszewski as the Director of the Office of Construction. Mr. Marcisze-wski has 22 years of experience in SHA Operations in the fields of construction and maintenance, most recently as the Deputy Director for Administrative Operations of the Office of Construction and previously as the Deputy Director for the Operations Section of SHA’s Office of Maintenance. He holds a BSCE from Morgan State Univer-sity. We look forward to working with Mr. Marciszewski through ACEC/MD’s Construc-tion Services Committee.

Maryland Court of Appeals Ruling Affirms Certificate of Merit

Client News

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ACEC/MD 24th Annual ConferenceJune 20-23, 2012

Save the Date!

ACEC/MD representatives are assisting in developing the upcoming program for the American Public Works Association’s (APWA)54th Annual Mid-Atlantic Chapter Conference and Equip-ment Show, being held at the Convention Center in Ocean City, MD May 9-11, 2012. This year’s conference theme, “Waves of Change…Seas of Opportunity”, spotlights how the public works profession will face the challenges and opportunities in the post-recession era. Considering these emerging trends will be paramount in recognizing the role of public works in ensuring sustainable communities.

The conference will kick off Wednesday morning with a golf tournament at Eagle’s Landing in Berlin followed by an opening reception at the Roland E. Powell Convention Center. Ocean City Mayor Richard Meehan and APWA National President Diane Linderman have been invited to kick-off Thursday’s educational sessions followed by a Chapter Gala in the evening. The event will conclude Friday with educational sessions in the morning. Attractive conference ratesstartingatonly$79pernightareavailableatthePrincessRoyale.Thisrateisavailableun-til April 1st or until the room block is exhausted. To make your reservation, call 1-800-4ROYALE.

With the chapter recently expanded to include representatives of public works departments in West Virginia, this year’s conference will provide a tremendous opportunity to network with client representatives in the Mid-Atlantic region. Mark your calendar for May 9-11, and plan on joining other ACEC/MD representatives at this important conference. To register for the conference and golf tournament, go to The deadline for early reg-istration is March 31st.

APWA Mid-Atlantic Chapter to hold Conferencein OC

Tentative Schedule: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20 3:00 PM—Executive Committee Meeting 6:00 PM—Welcome Reception THURSDAY, JUNE 21 9:00 AM—Golf or Spouse / Non-Golfer Tour 6:00 PM—Reception / Banquet FRIDAY, JUNE 22 9:00 AM—Session 11:30 AM—General Membership Meeting / Luncheon 6:30 PM—Dinner Cruise SATURDAY, JUNE 23 9:00 AM—Technical Tour

Room reservation deadline May 17, 2012 (For special room rates, mention the ACEC/MD conference)

Lido Beach Resort 700 Ben Franklin DriveSarasota, Florida 34236

800-441-2113Visit their website:

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New MembersThe following firms have been elected to membership in ACEC/MD:REGULAR MEMBERSHIP:Structura, Inc.400 East Pratt Street, Suite 800Baltimore, MD 21202Telephone: 443-759-3154; FAX 443-759-3001Rep/Contact: Mark Erdman [email protected] Website:

Brief History and Activities of the Firm: Established in 1988, Structura was founded by Jeff Over-miller as Structural Design Group. Mr. Overmiller worked at several DC area firms, including Tadjer Cohen Edelson, prior to founding the company. Mr. Dreher and Mr. Erdman joined the firm in 1997 and assisted Mr. Overmiller in advancing the firm, including the opening of the Baltimore office in 2010. The firm is a full-service consulting structural engineering firm specializing in building investigation and design. Structura performs a wide variety of structural-related services across various market sectors, including commercial, institutional, education, healthcare, residential, en-tertainment, and government.

AFFILIATE MEMBERSHIP:Gross, Mendelsohn & Associates, PA36SouthCharlesStreet,18thfloorBaltimore, MD 21201Telephone:410-685-5512;FAX:410-752-5042Contact: Stephen Ball [email protected]

BriefHistoryandActivitiesoftheFirm:Foundedin1960byJeromeA.Gross,CPA,andMartinS.Mendelsohn, CPA, the firm has 14 partners, most of whom have been with Gross Mendelsohn for over 15 years each. Gross, Mendelsohn is a full-service Baltimore-based CPA firm, serving privately held businesses, nonprofits, and families in the Mid-Atlantic region. The firm provide tax, account-ing, and Attestation services, as well as litigation support, asset management, business valuation, and technology consulting to various industries, including engineering, construction, real estate, manufacturing and distribution, healthcare, and nonprofit.

We welcome these firms as members of ACEC/MD. Be sure to add their information to your records. The next time your see one of their representatives, please take the time to let them know we’re glad that they have joined the Council!

DEWBERRY has named David Breitmayer as energy segment leader with emphasis on services to the oil and natural gas industry.

EA ENGINEERING, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY is pleased to announce the addition of the following staff members to serve their hydropower clients:-Wendy Bley has over 20 years of experience supporting and managing hydropower licensing and FERC compliance activities.-Jody Smet, AICP has 14 years of experience providing environmental and licensing services.-Joyce Brooks has eight years of experience including environmental assessments and impact statements.The firm was also recognized by the New Mexico Environmental Department for envi-ronmental stewardship accomplishments.

GREENHORNE & O’MARA has named Regional Vice President Joseph T. Skinner, PE, President and CEO. With more than 37 years of national and international experience in all areas of engineering services, including planning studies, design, quality assur-ance, and construction review of numerous large and complex projects, Mr Skinner has been with G&O for 17 years, most recently as the Raleigh office Branch Manager.

Member News

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OFFICERS President Jeff McBride, P.E. EBL Engineers

Vice President Leon Kriebel, P.E. WBCM

Secretary Dana Knight, P.E. McCormick Taylor

Treasurer Jack Moeller, P.E. Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson

ACEC Representtives Director Michael Myers, P.E. Rummel, Klepper & Kahl Alternate Director Joe Makar, P.E. Whitman, Requardt & Associates

ACEC/MD Directors 2009-2012 Art Barrett, P.E. Gannett Fleming Stuart Taub, P.E. Wallace, Montgomery & Assoc. 2010-2013 Jim Blake, P.E. Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson Stu Robinson, P.E. A. Morton Thomas & Assoc. 2011-2014 Beverly Pannee RJM Engineering Jerry Jannetti, P.E. Parsons Brinckerhoff

Executive Director Jim Otradovec

Member News (continued)GREENHORNE & O’MARA (continued) Also, the firm announced that Lawrence J. Longo, PE, has been appointed Chief Operations Officer. With nearly 40 years of experience in the industry, he has worked for G&O for eight years, most recently as Division Manager for the Public Infrastructure Component of the firm’s Federal Program.The firm also announced the recent addition of John D. Malinowski, PE, as project direc-tor of highway design and John Boling, TOPS as technical director of traffic operations.

KCI TECHNOLOGIES, INC. welcomes Paul McNamee, PE, as transportation client services manager. He has over 40 years of engineering, design and management experience, and will operate out of the firm’s Harrisburg, PA office. The firm also announced that Nicole D. Baer, PE, has taken the helm as president of ASCE’s Structural Engineering In-stitute-Maryland.

KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES recently announced that they have merged with Dowling Associates, Inc., a firm with expertise in areas like travel demand modeling and Active Traffic and Demand Management.

STV INCORPORATED is proud to announce that they are celebrating their 100th year an-niversary in 2012.

Professional DevelopmentApril 20 (Baltimore) Human Resources for Anyone with Newly Assigned HR Responsibilities. April 23 (Annapolis) Presented by CareerTrack. To register or for more information go toApril 24 (Columbia) or call 1.800.944.8503.April 25 (Towson)

May 3-4 (Atlanta, GA) Applying Expertise as an Expert Witness Presented by ACEC. For more information go to or call 202.247.7474.

Newslink Jan.-Feb., 2012 page 14

Upcoming ACEC/MD Events - Mark Your Calendar!May 7, 2012 - Golf Outing Greystone Golf Course, White Hall.

May 16, 2012 - Environmental Business Forum Garrett-Jacobs Mansion, Baltimore.

June 7, 2012 - MDOT Modal Presentation Garrett-Jacobs Mansion, Baltimore.

June 12, 2012 - Matchmaking Program MDOT Headquarters, Hanover.

June 20-23, 2012 - 24th Annual Conference Lido Beach Resort, Sarasota, Florida.

ACEC/MD 2011Engineering ExcellenceGrand Award winning

entry Olde Towne Youth Center submitted

by Gipe Associates

Page 15: newslink - ACEC/MD · APWA Mid-Atlantic Chapter to Hold Conf. in OC 12 New Members 13 Member News 13 Professional Development 14 Upcoming Events 14 ACEC MARYLAND Volume XLIV No.4,
Page 16: newslink - ACEC/MD · APWA Mid-Atlantic Chapter to Hold Conf. in OC 12 New Members 13 Member News 13 Professional Development 14 Upcoming Events 14 ACEC MARYLAND Volume XLIV No.4,
