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FOOTBALL Friday night results are in sports section

See B1, B2

Locally owned since 1867 www.iolaregister.comSaturday, September 22, 2012

70/40Details, A8 WeekenderThe Iola


Vol. 114, No. 230 75 Cents Iola, KS


Darrell Monfort

What’s in the farm bill?

• price supports and/or crop insurance for commodity crops

• conservation programs that affect land, water and soil use

• agricultural exports and food aid, including humanitarian assistance to other nations

• food assistance programs for poor Americans

• direct and guaranteed loans to farmers and ranchers

• forestry programs managed by the U.S. Forest Service

• programs promoting renewable fuels such as ethanol

• crop insurance and disaster assistance

By BOB [email protected]

Few have kept as keen an eye on agriculture through their lives as Darrell Monfort.

His interest has been whetted by growing up on the family farm, two miles northwest of Iola, and tending to untold numbers of farm animals since earning a degree in veterinary medicine from Kansas State University in 1976.

As Allen County Farm Bureau’s policy chairman, he has watched closely as congressmen have wres-tled to fashion a new farm bill.

Monfort, 59, has some thoughts about what would be good for farm-ers and all in the nation.

Times have changed, he said, to the point that price support is a dinosaur. Financial advantage for those who raise enough to feed the nation’s 320 million and many oth-ers around the world is likely to be more of a safety net to deal with disastrous conditions, such as the drought that has gripped the mid section of the country this year.

That’s found in crop insurance, around for years and subsidized by the federal government. Monfort expects a new version to be more comprehensive.

If he were to have a say, cattle-men and those who grow fruits and vegetables also would be targeted.

Stanley Dreher, who has been on both sides of the issue as a farmer and state representative, albeit a farm bill is federal legislation, agrees.

“We need to expand crop in-surance,” he said. “It has been a

lifesaver the last two years. Some farmers wouldn’t be in business today if it weren’t for crop insur-ance.”

Dreher agrees that expansion to things other than core farm crops — corn, soybeans and wheat local-ly — “would be great.”

“WE HAVE unprecedented pric-es today,” Monfort said.

Corn prices in the $8-a-bushel range and soybeans selling for twice that much or more, have pre-cluded the need for price support, he opined, although “if you don’t have a crop the price doesn’t mean anything.”

That is where insurance enters the mix, along with disaster relief measures.

Monfort thinks all-encompass-ing aspects of federal participa-tion in the nation’s single largest industry is particularly important because of what shakes out at har-vest — for any commodity — and when it’s time to send livestock to

Insurance expansion proposed


Register/Richard LukenIola High’s Chanel Coyne and Jordan Strickler were crowned 2012 Fall Homecoming Queen and King Friday in front of a packed house at the Riverside Park football stadium. The Mustangs capped the glorious night on the gridiron, thumping visiting Prairie View 27-16. Full details of the victory, as well as other prep action, begins on Page B1.

Smokers KanQuitBy ALLISON TINN

[email protected] people are aware that

smoking causes major health risks. What some don’t always realize is once a person is hooked on nicotine it can be one of the most difficult accomplishments to kick the habit.

There are many avenues smok-ers may take to try to quit smok-ing; one is to join the Kansas To-bacco Quitline (KanQuit).

The program is free and gives people one-on-one email, live chat or phone sessions with a certified cessation counselor.

Monday at 11:30 a.m., Matthew

Schrock, cessation coordinator for Kansas Department of Health and Environment, will be in the basement of the Allen County Hospital to present information about how KanQuit can help smokers who want to quit.

This will be the third year a representative has come to Allen County. Damaris Kunkler, Thrive Allen County program director, said the presentation is open to the public, and the hope is to have representatives from health care offices around the county come to the meeting so doctors may refer patients to the KanQuit program.

See KANQUIT | Page A7

Meltdown challenges menBy ALLISON TINN

[email protected] all men.Monday at 6 p.m. Thrive Allen

County will have its “all terrain ego challenge” at Gene and The-resa Weatherbie’s property, also where the annual hay maze is each year.

As part of the Allen County Meltdown program, an eight-week countywide program de-signed to focus on healthy living, Thrive is offering a fun interac-

tive way for men to join the pro-gram. Women are invited as well.

“The course will be 18 stations. We created activities from the natural elements,” Thrive’s Dam-aris Kunkler said.

Some of the activities will be lumberjack curls, stand-up push-ups, milk jug race, hedge apple hail mary passes and log stacks.

Men don’t need to worry about missing the Monday night foot-ball games because it begins at


20th Keaton festival looks back By RICHARD LUKEN

[email protected] the past 19 years, locals

have celebrated pretty much all that’s known about silent comic genius and Piqua native Buster Keaton, as well as other film and stage stars from his era.

Starting Friday, the 20th an-nual Keaton celebration will take a special look, again at Keaton’s life in popular culture, as well as those who have helped organize the annual festival.

“The Timeless Comedy of Buster Keaton” will fill the Bow-lus Fine Arts Center with a series of workshops, group discussions — and of course Keaton movies to cap both nights of the two-day celebration.

A number of special guests who have appeared in years past will return to Iola for the 20th annual festival, including James Karen, long-time Keaton friend

and award-winning film, televi-sion and stage actor; film histo-rians and preservationists Kevin Brownlow and David Shepard; and Keaton family members Me-lissa Talmadge Cox, Barbara Tal-madge and Harry Keaton Jr.

Also marking its triumphant return to the Bowlus this year is the Mont Alto Orchestra, a five-piece chamber ensemble that

See KEATON | Page A5

Allen County Hospital recognized

See MELT | Page A5

Allen County Hospital was recognized this week for its ac-countability with health care practices and how it cares for pneumonia sufferers.

The Joint Commission, the nation’s leading accreditor of health care organizations, an-nounced Wednesday ACH was “one of the nation’s top perform-ing hospitals on key quality measures.”

Specifically, ACH was cited for “using evidence-based clinical processes ... shown to improve care for pneumonia,” accord-ing to a press release from HCA Health Midwest Systems, which manages the hospital.

Additionally, ACH was one of 620 hospitals across the country to earn the distinction of “Top Performer on Key Quality Mea-sures,” which looks at informa-

tion on health care practices. Less than 20 percent of the ac-credited hospitals reporting data to the Joint Commission earned the distinction.

The study ensures proper health care measures are being taken, particularly in terms of accountability.

Cris Rivera credited physi-cians and health care profes-sionals on staff at ACH.

“The cohesive team at Allen County Hospital collaborates to deliver not only excellent and compassionate patient care, but also the best possible outcomes and support for patients during their treatment,” Rivera said.

“When we raise the bar and provide the proper guidance and tools, hospitals have re-sponded with excellent results,” said Mark R. Chassin, Joint Commission president. “This capacity for continual improve-

ment points toward a future in which quality and safety defects are dramatically reduced and high reliability is sought and achieved with regularity. Such day-to-day progress will slowly but surely transform today’s health care system into one that achieves unprecedented perfor-mance outcomes for the benefit of the patients.”

HCA Midwest had five hos-pitals in the Kansas City area recognized by the Joint Commis-sion, including ACH.

All will be included in the Joint Commission’s “Improving America’s Hospitals” annual re-port, as well as the commission’s Quality Check website,

“Excellent health care is what all patients expect and deserve,” HCA Midwest Health System President Mel Legarde said.

See HOSPITAL | Page A7

Page 2: Newspaper 9/22/12

A2Saturday, September 22, 2012 The Iola Register

The Iola RegIsTeR Published Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday afternoons and Sat-urday mornings except New Year’s day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas, by The Iola Register Inc., 302 S. Washington, P.O. Box 767, Iola, Kansas 66749. (620) 365-2111. Periodicals postage paid at Iola, Kansas. Member Associated Press. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to use for publication all the local news printed in this newspaper as well as all AP news dispatches. Subscription rates by carrier in Iola: One year, $107.46; six months, $58.25; three months, $33.65; one month, $11.67. By motor: One year, $129.17; six months, $73.81; three months, $41.66; one month, $17.26. By mail in Kansas: One year, $131.35; six months, $74.90; three months, $44.02; one month, $17.91. By mail out of state: One year, $141.35; six months, $76.02; three months, $44.97; one month, $17.91. Internet: One year, $100; six months, $55; one month, $10 All prices include 8.55% sales taxes. Postal regu-lations require subscriptions to be paid in advance. USPS 268-460 Postmaster: Send address changes to The Iola Register, P.O. Box 767, Iola, KS 66749.

5 5 t h B i b l e s t a P a r a d e

FREE Entertainment,

children’s activities and Parade on the Humboldt, KS

City Square

Sat., Oct. 6, 2012 Sat., Oct. 6, 2012 • [email protected]

10:30-11 a.m. 10:30-11 a.m. Community

Choir 11:15- 11:15-

11:45 a.m. 11:45 a.m. The Fisher Family

Noon- Noon- 1:15 p.m. 1:15 p.m.

The Missourians

2:15- 2:15- 2:45 p.m. 2:45 p.m.

Cruz Drumline

2:45- 2:45- 3:15 p.m. 3:15 p.m. Stephanie


3:30-5 p.m. 3:30-5 p.m. The Arnolds

5 p.m. 5 p.m. FREE Ham &

Bean Feed (Bring Your Own Bowl)

6:30-9:30 p.m. 6:30-9:30 p.m. Biblesta After

Dark Youth Rally

1:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. Biblesta Biblesta Parade Parade

Awards will be announced

at 4:15 p.m.

The Missourians

Fisher Family

Cruz Drumline

The Arnolds

Stephanie Wordekemper

Free Tests Set For IOLA Day: Tuesday Each Week! Time: 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Place: Crossroads Motel

14 N. State • Iola Phone: 1-800-777-4818 or call 1-620-215-3831


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Kenneth Van HoozerKenneth Lee Van Hoozer,

84, husband of Blanche and father of L.D. and Guyla, died Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012, in Yates Center.

Memorial services will be at 10 a.m. Monday at Campbell Funeral Home, Yates Center. No formal vis-itation is planned.

In lieu of flowers, memo-rial contributions are sug-gested to the Yates Center Senior Center and may be sent in care of the funeral home, P.O. Box 188, Yates Center, KS 66783.

Sam MorrisSamuel Taze “Sam” Mor-

ris, 20, Augusta, passed away Sept. 8, 2012.

He is s u r v i v e d by his par-ents, John and Sara, sister, Abi-gail, all of Au g u s t a ; g r a n d -m o t h e r s Elaine Brown, Iola, Karole Morris, Wichita; and many aunts, uncles, cousins, friends and beloved pets.

Those who knew Sam well will forever miss his warmth, generosity, sense of humor and his way with words.

Come join family and friends in a celebration of his life, to share memories and thoughts at an informal me-morial service at 2 p.m. Sun-day at Robert Shryock Park next to the Augusta City Lake.

In lieu of flowers, memo-rials may be made to Harry Hynes Memorial Hospice or to help defray unexpected medical bills at


Sam Morris

DISTRICT COURTJudge Daniel Creitz

Civil cases filed:JP Morgan Chase Bank, Nation-

al Association vs. Melissa M. Jew-ell, et al, real estate. JP Morgan Chase Bank, National Association vs. Clint A. Breithaupt, et al, real estate. State of Kansas, et al vs. William D. Churning, other do-mestic relations. Maria L. Helmer vs. Michael L. Helmer, protection from abuse, divorce.

Criminal case dispositions:Wesley L. Sinclair, Iola, theft

(with two prior convictions), sen-tencing scheduled for Oct. 29.


Convicted of speeding or other violations with fines assessed:

Tamica Gifford, Iola, 80/65, $242. April L. Thornton, Ottawa, 75/65, $143. Marvin Wren, Independence, Mo., defective tail lamp, $143. Jason E. Trego, Iola, improper equipment, $173. Virgil L. Ward, Neal, 44/35, $143. Gavin J. Betzen, Humboldt, 66/55, $150. Michael G. McConnell, Overland Park, motor carrier violations, $213. Angela

K. Sell, Iola, 75/65, $143. Carol L. Johnson, Moran, 72/55, $185. John E. Pollet, Iola, no child safety seat, no seat belt, $168.

David B. Gruner, Shawnee, 88/65, $230. Zachary R. Sell, Fon-tana, 75/65, $143. Lacy J. Sigg, Iola, battery, $220, sentenced to six months in jail, all but 14 days suspended for six months proba-tion. Joshua A. Sirota, Neosho Falls, battery, $545, sentenced to six months in jail, suspended for 12 months probation. Garrett Ross, Humboldt, driving while in-toxicated (second offense), $1,470, sentenced to 12 months in jail, sus-pended for 12 months probation.

Jordan C. Loftis, Chanute, pos-sessing drug paraphernalia, driv-ing while intoxicated, $1,535, sentenced to concurrent six- and nine-month jail sentences, sus-pended for 12 months probation. Bret Moon, Iola, driving while sus-pended, $423, sentenced to 30 days in jail, suspended for six months probation. Erick Diaz, Iola, 82/65, $179. Adam J. Furneaux, Topeka, 78/65, $161.

Robert E. Cawley, LaHarpe, driv-ing while intoxicated, sentencing

scheduled for Oct. 24. Harold S. Eytcheson, Independence, 76/65, $149. Randel E. Horne Jr., Le Roy, 70/55, no seat belt, $183. Jose R. Reyes, Grand Prairie Texas, 77/65, $155. George R. Leist, Checotah, Okla., 75/65, $143. Kevin L. Riley, Ottawa, 75/65, $143.

Convicted of no seat belt and fined $10:

Scott A. Sexton, Dexter. Jerry L. Teach, Mound City. Chrestos C. Clark, LaHarpe. Brent Long, Iola.

Diversion agreements:Michael G. Fleming Jr., Tulsa,

80/65, $198. Elizabeth M. Mattox, Chanute, 51/35, $204. Timothy D. Baum, Prairie Village, 75/65, $168. Nicholas R. Mueller, Iola, possess-ing alcohol as a minor, $610. Jil-lian K. Westhoff, Chanute, trans-porting open container of alcohol, $448. Casey L. Lyon, Arlington, Texas, 79/65, $192.

Failing to appear:Bryan C. Smith, Humboldt,

76/65. Criminal cases filed:Justin D. Powell, Moran, inter-

fering with law enforcement of-ficers. James Rhoades, Mounds, Okla., worthless check. Seth Ben-

nett, Gas, violating protection from abuse order, interfering with law enforcement officers. Gavin M. Wilson, Iola, minor possessing alcohol.

Civil contract cases filed:Capital One Bank vs. Sarah R.

Alumbaugh. Capital One Bank vs. Terri L. Roush. Jerald R. Long vs. Dwayne L. Martin.

Small claims filed:Susan Diebolt Rentals vs. Eu-

gene Henry, et al. Luther’s Smoke-house vs. Ray’s Mini Mart.


Convicted of speeding or other violations with fines assessed:

Howard A. Dillow, Iola, disor-derly conduct, $180, sentenced to 30 days in jail, suspended for six months probation.

Paul M. Heslop, driving after being declared a habitual viola-tor, $1,560, sentenced to 30 days in jail, suspended for six months pro-bation. Dylan M. Sicka, Neosho Falls, driving while suspended, $300, sentenced to 30 days in jail, suspended for six months proba-tion.

Court report

Arrests reportedIola police officers ar-

rested Brandon Bennett, 26, for suspicion of driving while suspended Tuesday morning in the 2200 block of North State Street.

Lauren Heslop, 24, 839 N. Washington Ave., was arrested Tuesday after-noon for allegedly leav-ing the scene of a hit-and-run accident in the 700 block of North State Street and was charged with failure to give in-formation about the acci-dent or render aid.

While Iola police of-ficers were at Heslop’s house investigating the ac-cident, they smelled what they described as marijua-na when a known female answered the door. Police

are pursuing a charge of possessing marijuana and possessing drug parapher-nalia against the woman, whose name was not re-leased.

Howard L. Hanson, 31, Gas, was arrested Tuesday for allegedly driving while suspended after officers were called to the 500 block of North Chestnut Street be-cause of an incident in his vehicle.

Teen citedfor shoplifting

Iola police officers said they cited Laney Ew-ing, 18, Iola, for alleg-edly shoplifting eyeliner brushes and drinks from Dollar General Store, 2050 N. State St., Monday. The

items were valued alto-gether at $10.Sign hit

Dale E. Roberts, 69, was turning onto Washington Avenue from West Street Sept. 15 when he struck a new crosswalk sign posted between the northbound and southbound lanes of Washington. The sign is one of several new cross-walk markers the city in-stalled with financial as-sistance from Thrive Allen County.

Vehicle struckJoey Musgraves was

backing his pickup from a driveway at 630 N. Oak St. Sunday when he struck a parked vehicle owned by Troy L. Anderson.

Police reports

Woman stays in jailGARNETT — Connie Mc-

Cormack, Chanute, who claimed she needed to get out of jail or have Ander-son County pay for a liver transplant, will serve the last half of her one-year sentence, County Attorney Fred Campbell told the An-

derson County Review.Campbell said “many

tests” indicated her medical condition was not as severe as McCormack claimed. She is serving time for ve-hicular homicide in the death of her 13-year-old niece, Mary Jane Robert-son, in May 2010 on U.S. 169.

Area news

Roll out the welcome mat and put on your big-gest smile. It is that time of year when folks are coming to town in large numbers.

The next several weeks are going to be busy and we will get to meet new people and see old friends.

Today is Bring Your Own Lawn Chair in Piqua, sponsored by the Kansas Explorers Club. People are coming from across the state to visit and under-stand how a small town works. There is sure to be visitors coming back to Iola as well.

Several have sent RSVPs, which were not required; we were just curious how many may show up. If you don’t have plans, join us we at 10 a.m. across from the Rural Water District/ Buster Keaton Museum.

Next weekend is the 20th Annual Buster Keaton Cel-ebration.

From there it is week after week of celebrations and events.

The calendar is listed on the Iola Area Chamber of Commerce website, Several are on the Get Rural Web-site as well.

Today-Bring Your Own Lawn

Chair to Piqua, 10 a.m.Thursday-Allen County

Farmers Market, 5:30 p.m., courthouse square.

Friday-See, Hear, Iola, 10 a.m., New Community Build-ing, Riverside Park.

Friday and Sept. 29-Buster Keaton Celebration, Bowlus Fine Arts Center.

Sept. 29-Molly Trolley rides for Keaton festivalgoers, 11:35 a.m. Advance registration re-quired, $12 ticket includes sack lunch as participants discover Iola: Old and New.

Oct. 4-Allen County Farmers Market, 5:30 p.m., courthouse square.

Oct. 5-Jefferson Elemen-tary School Carnival, River-side Park Community Building, 5-8:30 p.m.

Oct. 6-Biblesta Celebration, Humboldt.

Oct. 6-Friends of the Bowlus Annual Meeting, Dinner and Auction, 6 p.m., North Commu-nity Building.

Oct. 7-Artist reception for Bob Cross, Mary Martin Gal-lery, Bowlus Fine Arts Center.

Oct. 13-Alzheimer Walk, Allen County Courthouse Square, 9 a.m.-noon.

Oct. 13-Woodson County Fall Festival/Friends For Life Walk.

Oct. 13-Allen County His-torical Society Annual Meeting and induction of Gary Hawk as another Famous Allen Coun-tian, 6 p.m., North Community Building.

Oct. 11-Allen County Farm-ers Market, 5:30 p.m., court-house square.

Oct. 18-20-Farm-City DaysOct. 20-Molly Trolley/Iola

Reads/Farm-City Days trip to learn about trains, pick up free

tickets at Allen County Histori-cal Society after 10 a.m.

Oct. 20 Gravity Attacks-The Passing Zone, Bowlus Fine Arts Center auditorium, tickets $22, balcony $20, students half price, 7:30 p.m.

Oct. 21-23-Midwest Crime Stoppers Conference, keynote speaker Attorney General Der-ek Schmidt.

Oct. 22-31-Molly Trolley Haunted Tours.

Oct. 23-Story Pirates chil-dren’s show, 9:30 a.m. and 1 p.m., Bowlus Fine Arts Center.

Oct. 26-See, Hear, Iola, 10 a.m., New Community Building at Riverside Park.

Busy days are ahead for Iola areaSheliaLampe


Carlyle Presbyterian Church

The Rev. Steve Traw spoke about “Living Among the Lions,” from Daniel 6:1-28, at Sunday’s church service. Maude Burns celebrated her birthday Sept. 10.

Thirty-one attended singspiration services Sunday evening. Also recognized for birthdays were Floy Nelson, who was 94 Sunday, and Juan-ita Lundine, who was 89 Thursday.

Traw will continue

teaching from Daniel at 9:30 a.m. Sunday, followed by Sunday School at 10:30. A 4 p.m. chili supper will lead up to a dulcimer pro-gram at 6 o’clock.

Bible study at 3 p.m. Tuesday will focus on the book of James.



News from Carlyle

Manbeck, friends celebrate 96th

Thelma Manbeck cel-ebrated her 96th birthday Sept. 15 at Windsor Place with family and friends.

Attending were Eddie, Rose, Michelle, Jessica, Sadie and Allison Baker, Anna Ruse, Stacy and John Nedrt, Joey and Aurion Sutton, Matthew Nixon, Justin and Heather Wools, Stan-ley Luedke, Allan and Barbara

Johnson, Sheldon and Ruth Caudell, Clyde and Marilyn Man-beck, Carol McAnulty, Dorothy Robinson, Mildred Ludough, Cyn-dy Greenhagen, Georgia Cleaver, Gerald and Mary Clay, Phil and Ida Andruss, Richard and Sherry Manbeck, Beth Prock, Jeff and Teresa Smith, Chris and Kim Clay, Chuck and Bev Cloyd, Charles and Pam Baker, Misty, Brianna, Lucy and Lucas Barber, June To-land and Brady, Shelley, Sarah and Bobby Drury.


Public notice(First published in The Iola

Register, September 22, 2012)IN THE DISTRICT COURT

OF ALLEN COUNTY, KANSASIn the Matter of the Estate ofKarl Ann Vest, Deceased



You are hereby notified that a Petition has been filed in this Court by Wendall A. Vest and Amy L. Ludlum, duly appointed, qualified and acting Co-executors of the Estate of Karl Ann Vest, deceased, praying Petitioners’ acts be approved; account be settled and allowed; the heirs be determined; the Will be construed and the Estate be assigned to the persons entitled thereto; the Court find the allowances requested for attorneys’ fees and expenses are reasonable and should be al-lowed; the costs be determined and ordered paid; the administra-tion of the Estate be closed; upon the filing of receipts the Petition-ers be finally discharged as Co-

executors of the Estate of Karl Ann Vest, deceased, and the Pe-titioners be released from further liability.

You are required to file your written defenses to the Petition on or before October 16, 2012, at 8:30 a.m. in the District Court, in Iola, Allen County, Kansas, at which time and place the cause will be heard. Should you fail to file your written defenses, judg-ment and decree will be entered in due course upon the Petition.

Wendall A. Vest and Amy L.Ludlum, Co-executors

IMMEL, WORKS & HEIM, P.A.Four East JacksonIola, Kansas 66749(620) 365-2222Attorneys for Co-Executors(9) 22, 29, (10) 6

Page 3: Newspaper 9/22/12

Saturday, September 22, 2012The Iola A3

Community of Christ East 54 Hwy • Iola

Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship:

10:45 a.m. Wednesday Evening Prayer

as announced Gary Murphey, pastor Phone: (620) 365-2683

Covenant of Faith Christian Center

407 N. Chestnut • Iola Sunday worship . . . . . 10:00 a.m. Sunday evening . . . . . . . 6:30 p.m. Tuesday Bible study . . . . . 7 p.m. Wednesday service . . . . . . . . 7 p.m.

Rev. Philip Honeycutt (620) 365-7405

First Baptist Church

801 N. Cottonwood Iola, 365-2779

Sunday School . . . . . . 9:15-10:15 a.m. Sunday Worship . . . 10:30-11:30 p.m.

on 1370 KIOL 11-11:30 Sunday Evening Bible Study Youth/Adult . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting . . . . . 6:30

Dr. Michael Quinn Pastor

Carlyle Presbyterian

Church Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School immediately

after service Pastor Steve Traw

St. Timothy ’ s Episcopal Church

202 S. Walnut • Iola

Holy Eucharist & Sermon at 9 a.m. followed by coffee and fellowship

Rev. Jan Chubb (620) 365-7306

Moran United Methodist Church

First and Cedar Streets Moran

(620) 237-4442 Sunday School 8:45 a.m. Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. EVERYONE WELCOME

Rev. Young-Gil Bahng

Independent & Fundamental Lincoln & Second Streets, Iola Sunday School (all ages) . 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship . . . . . . . . . 10:50 a.m. Evening Worship . . . . . . . . . . . 6:00 p.m. Wed. Prayer & Worship . . 7:00 p.m.

(Nursery provided, all services) Roger R. Collins, pastor

church 365-2833

Grace Lutheran Church

117 E, Miller Rd. • Iola (620) 365-6468

Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Adult Bible Class 9:00 a.m. Worship Service 10:30 a.m.

Rev. Bruce Kristalyn

St. John ’ s Catholic Church

(620) 365-3454 Saturday evening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:30 p.m. Sunday Worship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 a.m. (at St. Joseph’ s, Yates Center) . . . 8 a.m. Wednesday P.S.R. Classes . . . . 6:30 p.m.

(September through May) Confessions Saturday 4:30-5:00 p.m.

Father John P. Miller

Fellowship Regional Church

Saturday: CRUX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 p.m. Sunday: Worship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:30 a.m.

Pastors, Jeff Cokely Jared Ellis & Luke Bycroft


First Presbyterian Church – Iola

302 E. Madison • Iola Sunday Worship . . . . . . 9:30 a.m. Sunday School . . . . . . 10:45 a.m. Wednesday Kids Club . . 3 p.m.

Rev. Kathryn Bell Interim Pastor (620) 365-3481

First Christian Church

1608 Oregon Rd. • Iola (620) 365-3436

“ Lead-Feed-Tend ” - (John 21:15 - 17)

Sunday School: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship: . . . . . . . . . . 10:30 a.m. Bible Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:00 p.m. Wed, prayer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30 p.m.

Pastor Dave McGullion Youth Pastor Travis Riley

[email protected]

First Assembly of God 1020 E. Carpenter • Iola

Sunday School, All Ages . . . . . . . . 9 a.m. Sunday Worship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 a.m. Sunday Afternoon Teens FIRST . . . . . . . 2:30 Sunday Praise & Prayer . . . . . . . . 6 p.m. Wednesday Kids FIRST . . . . . . . . . 6:30 Wednesday Bible Class . . . . . . . . . . . 7 p.m.

(620) 365-2492 Pastor Paul Miller

Trinity United Methodist Church

Broadway & Kentucky Iola (620) 365-5235

Sunday Worship 11 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. All Are Welcome!

Pastor Leslie Jackson

St. Peter ’ s Lutheran Church 910 Amos St. • Humboldt

Sunday Worship . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:15 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.

Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:30 a.m. Pastor David E. Meier (620) 473-2343

Ward Chapel A.M.E.

Lincoln and Buckeye Streets Iola

Sunday School . . . . . . . . . 10:00 a.m. Sunday Worship . . . . . . . 11:00 a.m.

Pastor: Barbara J. Miniefee

Wesley United Methodist Church

Madison & Buckeye 365-2285

Sun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Worship 9:00 a.m. Sun. School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:15 a.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Middle School UMYF 6:00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . High School UMYF 7:00

Rev. Trudy Kenyon Anderson

For God so loved the world that He gave His only son, & whoever calls upon His name shall not

perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Calvary United Methodist Church

Jackson & Walnut St. • Iola “ The Cross Shines Brightly at Calvary ”

Sunday worship: 9:15 a.m. Sunday school: 10:30 a.m.

Rev. Gene McIntosh, Pastor Office: 365-3883

Parsonage: 365-3893

If you would like to join our directory

call Janet at the Iola Register for details,

(620) 365-2111.

Community Baptist Church

124 N. Fourth • Iola Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:00 a.m. Sun. Morning Service . . 11:00 a.m. Sun. Evening Service . . . . . 6:00 p.m. Wed. Prayer Meeting . . . . . . 6:00 p.m.

Marion Sponseller, pastor Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Home (620) 365-6811 (620) 365- 3150

KJV Indepedent

Friends Home Lutheran Church


Sunday Worship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 a.m

PMA Sidney Hose 620-754-3314

Trinity Lutheran Church

430 N. Grant Garnett, KS

Saturday: Women Bible Study 9a.m. Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 a.m. Sunday Worship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study . . . . . . . . . 7 p.m.

Pastor: Ervin A. Daughtery Jr. 785-448-6930

LaHarpe Baptist Mission

901 S. Main LaHarpe

(620) 228-1829 Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship . . . . . . . . 11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Service . . . . . . . 7:00 p.m.

Pastor Duwayne Bearden

Poplar Grove Baptist Church

305 Mulberry Humboldt

(620) 473-3063 church Come Let Us Worship The Lord Sunday School.....................9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship.................10:45 a.m. Thursday Service...............6 p.m.

Rev. James Manual

Harvest Baptist Church

401 S. Walnut • Iola (620) 365-3688 (620) 228-2522

Adult Small Group (no child- care provided) 9:15 a.m. & Fellowship Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.

Pastor: Tony Godfrey

Salem United Methodist Church

“ The Little White Church in the Country” 3 miles west,

2 miles south of Iola Sunday school: 10:00 a.m. Sunday worship: 11:00 a.m. Rev. Gene McIntosh Pastor

(620) 365-3883

Humboldt United Methodist Church

806 N. 9th Humboldt

(620) 473-3242 Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship . . . . . . . . 11:00 a.m. MS/HS Youth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:00 p.m.

– Nursery provided – Pastor Marge Cox

First Baptist Church

7th & Osage Humboldt

(620) 473-2481 Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship . . . . . . . . . . 10:50 a.m. Sunday Evening Kids Bible Club . . . . . . . . 5:30 p.m. Evening Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 p.m. Wed. Night Bible Study . . . . . . 7 p.m.

Rev. Jerry Neeley, pastor

R eason w h y I left th e ch u rch : 1. It’s b oring 2. I d on’t get anyth ing ou t of it 3. M arriage/d ivorce/re-m arriag e p rob lem 4. M ad at G od

(P ick one and let’s g et tog eth er and d iscu ss it)

T h ere w as a tim e w h en w e w ere togeth er. P erh ap s, it’s tim e to b e tog eth er ag ain!

W h en: T h u rsd ay evening s 7-8:30 p .m . O ctob er 11 th ru N ovem b er 15, 2012 W h ere: T h e St. Joh n’s P arish H all

C all: D eacon T ed Stah l - 365-8665 or St. Joh n’s ch u rch 365-2277

C om e hom e for C h ristm as! W e w ou ld like to h eal any h u rts w e m ay h ave cau sed

and invite you to b e an active p art of u s ag ain.

It takes tw talk, to u nd erstand , to h ear, to forg ive!





St. Joh n, Iola

St. Josep h , Y C

St. M artin, P iq u a

We send a big

T ha nk Y ou to the people of Gas for your patience

during the construction of the new drive-way at the Gas Post Office.

We apologize for any inconvenience it may have caused you!

Steve & Adelina Holloway Steve & Adelina Holloway Chris & Lisa Holloway Chris & Lisa Holloway

T ha nk Y ou T ha nk Y ou

Tuesday morning a flock of 10 doves took flight from Iola’s High-land Cemetery to Topeka — they made it safely.

The doves were released as part of Lena Conger’s funeral ceremo-ny. Son Ken Slife and his daughter Barbie Weber took a trip to Tope-ka where they collected the doves from Bob Everson.

Everson trained the doves to fly up to 600 miles. The trip from Iola to Topeka took the doves three hour.

When Weber and her father took the cages back to Everson they were happy to see that the birds made it home safely.

It was reported in Tuesday’s Register that Ken Slife was the brother of the recently deceased, Lena Conger, and that Barbie We-ber was the niece. Slife is in fact the son of Conger and Weber a granddaughter.

Doves get home safely

Rec calendar Iola Recreation Department, 365-4990, [email protected].

TodayNFL Punt, Pass & Kick competition, 9 a.m.-noon, Davis

Street athletic fields. Free for boys and girls ages 6-15.

Monday-FridayOpen walking, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Recreation Community Build-

ing, when no other activities are being held.Pickleball Club, 6:30 p.m., Meadowbrook Park tennis

courts, ages 15 and older.

MondaySeniorcise class, 9 a.m., Recreation Community Building.Quilting group, 6-8 p.m., second and fourth Monday of

each month, North Community Building, 505 N. Buckeye St., call Helen Sutton, 365-3375.

Horseshoe Pitching League, 6:30 p.m., Riverside Park horseshoe pits, all ages and skill levels welcome.

Tuesday Water exercise class, 9-10 a.m., Super 8 Motel, Pauline

Hawk instructor, call 365-5565.

WednesdaySeniorcise class, 9 a.m., Recreation Community Building.

ThursdayBike riding group, meet at 6:30 p.m. at Cofachique Park,

organized leisure rides for all ages, 10 and younger must be accompanied by an adult, participants must bring their own bikes and helmets.

Horseshoe Pitching League, 6:30 p.m., Riverside Park horseshoe pits, all ages and skill levels welcome.

Friday Seniorcise class, 9 a.m., Recreation Community Building.Water exercise class, 9-10 a.m., Super 8 Motel, Pauline

Hawk instructor, call 365-5565.

Coming eventsKansas Old Time Fiddlers, Pickers and Singers, 1-4 p.m.,

Oct. 21, North Community Building, all ages welcome, call Rosalie Rowe, 365-5709.

Youth Futsal Indoor Soccer League, Recreation Community Building, register online or at the rec office between Oct. 1-31, grades kindergarten through sixth may participate.

Girls Volleyball League, Recreation Community Building, register online or at the rec office between Oct. 1-31, girls in grades 3-7 may participate.

By JOHN HANNAAssociated Press

TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — Kansas Gov. Sam Brown-back abruptly replaced his labor secretary Thurs-day, a week after his ad-ministration touted her efforts to streamline her department and had her touring the state with oth-er high-ranking officials to promote his economic policies.

Former Secretary Karen Brownlee said the Republi-can governor removed her from the top job at the De-partment of Labor and she suggested they disagreed over how well the agency was running.

She has touted her ef-forts to cut administrative costs and staff — saying they haven’t hurt servic-

es — but Democrats and union organizations have seen her as anti-labor.

Brownback’s office an-nounced Brownlee’s de-parture in a short state-ment without giving a reason and said Rep. Lana Gordon of Topeka would serve as interim secre-tary.

The statement did not thank Brownlee for her service or highlight ac-complishments, some-thing common when even controversial appointees leave voluntarily.

Brownlee told The As-sociated Press her depar-ture wasn’t voluntary and that she didn’t sign a res-ignation letter. She said Caleb Stegall, the gover-nor’s chief counsel, told her she was expected to

step down.“I think the governor

and I measure perfor-mance in different ways,” Brownlee said. “It’s hard to understand.”

Brownback spokes-woman Sherriene Jones-Sontag declined to discuss the reasons for Brown-lee’s departure, adding, “It’s a personnel matter.”

The Department of Labor’s most visible jobs are determining when out-of-work Kansans are eligible for unemploy-ment benefits, distribut-ing those benefits to them and ensuring that they are actively seeking new jobs. The agency also re-leases monthly reports on unemployment and the state’s labor market, and settles disputes between

injured workers and em-ployers over medical care and other benefits.

Brownback and Brown-lee are both conservative Republicans, and she had served in his adminis-tration since he became governor in January 2011. Even last week, the administration issued a statement praising Brownlee’s management of her department and quoting her as saying that agencies could improve

services without more money.

The statement high-lighted a seven-city tour with Brownback’s secretaries of revenue and commerce, in part to counter criticism of massive income tax cuts enacted this year. Brown-back and other support-ers believe the cuts will stimulate the economy, but critics believe they’ll produce big budget short-falls.

Labor chief says governor fired her

Page 4: Newspaper 9/22/12

A4Saturday, September 22, 2012 The Iola Register

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Page 5: Newspaper 9/22/12

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Register/Richard Luken

SidewaysIncoming eastbound traffic to Iola on U.S. 54 was limited to one lane for more than an hour Friday morning after the end of a trailer tandem tipped over while it was being pulled by a highway transport. The driver told authorities he was turn-ing onto U.S. 54 from the U.S. 169 off ramp when the load apparently shifted in the trailer, causing it to tip. The driver, whose name was not released, was not injured.

has delighted audiences at past Keaton celebra-tions with its musical ac-companiment of Buster’s masterpieces.

Each day will feature panel discussions of “20 Years of Keaton Cel-ebrations,” featuring long-time Keaton Fes-tival Committee mem-bers Mary Martin, Amy Specht, Clyde Toland, Fred Krebs, John Tib-betts and Frank Scheide.

SEVERAL OTHERS well versed in the history of silent film and Keaton will be on hand.

Guest speakers will talk about Keaton’s fam-ily tree, particularly on his mother’s side, and its affiliation with vaude-ville; how Appalachian feud stereotypes influ-enced Keaton’s classic film “Our Hospitality;” a presentation on two of Keaton’s most renowned films, “The Captain” and “The General;” a look at Keaton in the 1920s; prac-tical jokes and wacky in-ventions; the Talmadge and Keaton families; and a discussion on “Preserv-ing Buster.”

Friday evening’s screenings are “The High

Sign” and “Our Hospital-ity;” Saturday’s are “Par-adise For Buster” and “The General.”

And much like each of the previous 19 rendi-tions, the 20th offers free admission to all Keaton events.

The free admission is made possible through financial contributions from the Kansas Human-ities Council, the Sleeper Family Trust, the Clop-ton Family Trust, the Iola Convention and Tourism Committee and with help from other private dona-tions.

H KeatonContinued from A1

6 p.m. with “plenty of time to get back and watch the game,” Kunkler said.

MELTDOWN registra-tion still is open and will stay open for the duration of the eight-week program.

“It’s never going to be too late to sign up,” Kunkler said. “We are keeping it open the entire time be-cause it’s not about how much weight you loose or exercise time you can get in, it is about healthy living.”

For more information contact the Thrive office at (620) 365-8128 or visit its website at

H MeltContinued from A1

Page 6: Newspaper 9/22/12

A6Saturday, September 22, 2012 The Iola Register


American men and women who dropped out before gradu-ating from high school are los-ing years of life expectancy, re-searchers have discovered.

They don’t know why. Those with a college degree or more are living longer. The popula-tion as a whole keeps gaining a year or two of life. But the under-educated are dying ear-lier. The sharpest drop was found in white women. They seemed to have lost five years of life between 1990 and 2008 — a relatively short period and a shocking step backward in life expectancy.

The research into causes has yet to be done, so public health experts are guessing. Women without a high school diploma tend to smoke more. They are more likely to be overweight. Because their group tends to be poorer than the general pop-ulation, they are less likely to have health insurance.

Comparative genetic studies have not been made.

A deeper look into the stud-ies shows that the comparison between white women with-out a high school diploma and those with a college degree or more is even more dramatic: 73.5 years of life in comparison to 83.9 years. White men who dropped out have a life expec-tancy of 67.5 years in compari-son to 80.4 years for a man with a college degree or better.

In comparisons with other nations, U.S. women fell to 41st place in the United Na-tions rankings, down from 14th place in 1985. Among de-veloped countries, American women sank from the middle of the pack in 1970 to last place

in 2010, according to the Hu-man Mortality Database.

Studies at Harvard, the Univer-sity of Colorado, the American Cancer Society, the MacArthur Foundation and other institu-tions produced similar facts.

IT IS EASY to see why the U.S. suffers in comparison with other developed coun-tries in life expectancy. The United States is the only rich country in the world without a universal health care system. Poor men and women with-out health insurance in the U.S. are also without adequate health care.

But there is more to these tragic numbers than that.

Perhaps the greatest fail-ure of our political and so-cial structure is that it has produced a large underclass. There are far too many Ameri-cans without adequate hous-ing; without an education; without decent clothing or a healthy diet; without a full time job; without prospects for a good life.

When sociologists and pub-lic health experts complete their studies and learn why the under-educated are losing years of life, they will doubt-less discover that part of the answer is because they have lived in America’s gutters, so to speak, and had to struggle to keep body and soul together. The effort to merely exist takes a fearful toll on these forgotten Americans who are largely in-visible to most of us.

This is one of the ways that the United States of America is exceptional.

— Emerson Lynn, jr.

Under-educatedmen and womenare dying earlier

Coal Creek reprise:Last week we took a mind’s

eye trip to where as a youngster I fished, explored and drank from a spring, trickling from a layer of shale, which no doubt violated by several octaves today’s stan-dards of hygiene.

When I was 9, Dad agreed I was old enough to have a 410 shotgun and go along to hunt squirrels.

Early one morning we drove to Coal Creek and Dad stationed me a few feet from a mulberry tree, with a gnarly mass laden with fruit of varying ripeness.

Stay still and don’t make any sound, he instructed. Eager to become a successful hunter, I obeyed explicitly.

Before long I noticed in the corner of my eye small limbs and leaves rustling in a nearby tree. A squirrel, eager for nour-ishment, was bound for the mul-berry tree.

My little heart started pound-ing, beads of perspiration broke out on my brow — I don’t know if it was from heat and humidity or

excitement — and soon the squir-rel was munching on mulberries, with controlled urgency.

Be patient, Dad had said.When you decide to fire, move

the brand spanking new H&R single shot slowly to your shoul-der. I did as told, and with the squirrel in my sights I squeezed the trigger.

Nothing happened. The squir-rel kept eating and I was momen-tarily puzzled by why the gun didn’t fire.

Then, it came to me. I hadn’t pulled back the hammer.

I went through another series of preparation, this time with hammer engaged, and enough No. 6 pellets struck the squirrel

to send it to that big nut grove in the sky.

At home I learned how to clean a squirrel, cutting under its tail and making slits along each side. I put one foot on the tail, gave it a jerk by its hind legs and quickly removed most of its skin. The rest was academic, including dis-carding all of its innards, except the liver. Squirrel livers, as well as those we took from muskrats in the winter, were excellent bait for channel cat.

Mom finished the fine cleaning and that night the squirrel took center stage on our kitchen ta-ble, where we ate three sit-down meals a day.

She fried the squirrel, includ-ing my favorite then, its brains, and made gravy from tatters in the big iron skillet. Biscuits were obligatory, along with mashed potatoes and some green vegeta-ble, probably peas.

It’s been more than 60 years since that first-squirrel event, but it remains clearly etched in my mind.

AtWeek’s End

Bob Johnson

First squirrel was mighty tasty

The famous motivational au-thor, Dr. Steven Covey, often preached that “everyone should begin with the end in mind.” His quote relates well our message to the public regarding our strategic planning for our one-, five- and 10-year goals for USD 257.

During the most recent school board meeting, we unveiled a number of short- and long-term goals to the public.

Although much more planning is needed before plans are put in place, the vision statements give students, staff, parents and com-munity members a look at USD 257’s direction.

The vision plans consist of themes regarding concepts for maximizing our facilities, per-sonnel, curriculum, instructional capabilities, early childhood edu-cation programs, alternative edu-cation plans and professional de-velopment opportunities for the next 10 years.

Although the plan is only in its first draft, the district has been proactive in identifying positive aspects of USD 257 and areas where we can improve.

We also evaluated how others such as the Kansas State Depart-ment of Education, Kansas As-sociation of School Boards, com-munity members and the state government see our district.

We also want to learn of pro-grams the district wishes to pursue.

Our Sept. 10 meeting was at the old LaHarpe Elementary School building, where board members revisited the issues that led to its closure in May 2009. We dis-cussed how we might learn from the experience and move forward as a district.

We also created an online sur-vey and notified parents regard-ing ways that we could improve communication through our web-

site, Facebook, emails and phone calls to all parents.

Survey results will be updated frequently to the school board.

In October the focus shifts to developing specific action plans for accountability and priorities within each theme.

The district’s staff apprecia-tion committee will be proac-tive to improve communication, morale and relations with staff, students, parents and the commu-nity.

Finally, the USD 257 facilities planning committee continues to look at options for the possibility of building new school buildings.

Although strategic planning takes time to develop and build consensus, it is worthy of our en-ergy. Not only does this allow us to “begin with the end in mind,” but it reminds us that developing our students is worth the effort.

Doctor Covey would be ex-tremely pleased.

District keeps eye on goals as plans take shape

Brian Pekarek

USD 257Superintendentof Schools

We talked business during the 11-hour drive to Colorado.

Me, newspaper. Brian, medi-cine.

While he drove, I knitted. By Hays, I had to rip out eight inch-es.

Not a good start.One of my goals this week was

to quit taking an anti-depressant I began a year after my moth-er’s death three years ago. Slow response? Despite several at-tempts, my heart outpaced ratio-nality. I’ve hated the dependency.

For only the second time in my life I’ve come out to our firetrap of a cabin, alone. (Brian doesn’t count.) The first time was 34 years ago for a honeymoon. Oth-er than that, the cabin has served as a family meeting place.

Yes, it’s been selfish.One of the big disadvantages

of our mountain retreat is it now receives Internet and phone ser-vices. I can’t imagine where a satellite receiver is positioned. A star?

So Monday morning Brian participated in a two-hour phone conference. The rest of the week his phone was on mute and he’s never looked at it again.

I caught myself reading head-lines on my phone until one de-licious afternoon we went into the Estes Park Public Library so Brian, yes, could email a report,

while I sat in a big comfy chair reading the New York Times. For the better part of an hour I read section after section of the volu-minous paper, catching up, of all things, on the new fashions for spring.

Which brings me to my legs. In early June I had a melanoma re-moved from the back of my right calf, resulting in a two-inch cir-cle of skin being carved out. All summer I wore long pants hiding the hideous thing, mad at myself for thinking I was somehow im-mune to skin cancer.

Today, the scar is a bright pink circle with a line going across the center. Kind of like a do not enter sign.

To make me feel good, Brian said it looks like a peace sign tat-too gone awry.

Our first day hiking, two young women zipped past us, running the steep trail. I envied their perfect legs, strong with nary a freckle.

What got me out of my frump

was reading Nora Ephron’s “I Feel Bad About My Neck.” Eph-ron was in her mid-60s when she wrote the light-hearted book about the ravages of aging. Turtlenecks and hair dye are the most effective ways to cam-ouflage advancing years. Other-wise, get over yourself.

I still dab concealer on my peace sign. I’m way too old for a tattoo.

THE BULK of our week we’ve never strayed more than a few rooms apart. We’ve walked or ran every day. We’ve each read two books. Oohed and awed over the golden aspen. Marveled at waking up to a snow-covered front range only to see it erased by an afternoon rain. Laughed at the high-pitch wailing of the elk down in the meadow.

Perhaps it is because of this vacation, coupled with time gone by, that I think I’ll be able to han-dle the full brunt of life without the medication.

I think it was by Wednesday that I’d stopped thinking of the newspaper as a job, but rather as an opportunity. With each pass-ing day, I’d find myself wanting to share these thoughts with you.

So I’ve come full circle. For the drive home today I’ll get my knit-ting out. The test will be if it re-sults in a recognizable shape.

To the editor:Each time I see the Allen

County commissioners want to remove the Iola ambulances from the Iola Fire Department it gets me very upset. I am a widow of a fireman who spent 18 years of his life as a fire-man and EMT, which they were called then.

I do NOT think that some-one from Humboldt or another

town should be trying to take it away from the Iola Fire Depart-ment. You have your own am-bulance right in Humboldt. I know the county has its in Iola, too. However, they make runs to Wichita, Topeka, and wher-ever a patient needs to go to a larger hospital.

The Iola Fire Department does NOT take its ambulances out of town. I feel much safer knowing

they are in town and will be right to my house within minutes. I know because they picked me up when I fell and broke by ankle and were right by my side in a matter of minutes. We also need to keep a full-time fire depart-ment. Iola is a large enough town that we can NOT have just a vol-unteer one.

When the Iola Fire Department firemen was the only ones in

town who drove the ambulances we did not have to have several buildings to keep all the vehicles, etc. that the county now has. I am sure that all that upkeep is quite expensive.

Thank you for letting me say what I think.

Everyone has a right to their thoughts, too.

Lavon R. Johnson,Iola, Kan.

Letter to the editor

Getting away to get it all togetherSusanLynn

Page 7: Newspaper 9/22/12

Saturday, September 22, 2012The Iola A7 Ci

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s Gather up things you don’t want or

need and call 365-4910 or

365-4903 before Noon Sept. 28 to schedule a


Absolutely No: Demolition or Absolutely No: Construction Debris, tires, auto

parts, hazardous materials, ammunition or explosives.

Please separate yard debris from household waste items.

Mixed loads will not be picked up. Pickup is October 1st - 5th, all items October 1st - 5th,

should be out by Sunday evening, September 30th. No calls accepted

after Noon Fri., September 28. Yes...Leaves,

grass clippings & limbs. No compost

site anymore.

Yes...Freon free appliances,

furniture, clothing, miscellaneous...

Get your cameras and start

taking pictures! The Martin and Osa

Johnson Safari Museum announces:

Call for Entries in our Animal Photography

Competition Entry: Free Entry (one entry per person)

Submission Deadline: September 30, 2012 Exhibition: Photos will be exhibited

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winners in each category will be announced in December. Prizes: Chanute Chamber Gift Certificates donated by

Panacea Dermatology, PA For entry details, visit the Safari Museum website at: or call 620-431-2730

KICKS COUNTRY IN IOLA Trading Post — 8 a.m. - 9 a.m.

market depends on forces a farmer can’t control.

Pure and simple, farm-ers are at the mercy of the weather.

“Cattlemen got hammered two ways this year,” Monfort observed. “Grain prices were forced up by the drought,” which increased finishing costs in feedlots, “and the drought dried up pasture grass and ponds and cut into hay production.”

Fewer cattle are on hoof today than in years and the numbers are likely to dimin-ish even more if the dry spell continues into fall and win-ter, an outcome that weather experts say is likely. That en-courages need for some sort of insurance plan for live-stock.

“A lot of farmers aren’t go-ing to haul water all winter,” Monfort predicted, and will opt to sell off herds rather than battle the elements and high-priced forage.

A large number of cattle,

including breeding stock, have passed through area livestock auctions ahead of recent showers, which did little more than green grass and raise spirits. Many stock-water ponds remain low or are dry.

When winter weather turns harsh, a fear is cattle will bog themselves down in muddy margins of ponds while trying to reach water and die.

An aside that worries Mon-fort is with cattle numbers so low, “it will take a while — probably years — to rebuild the national herd.”

CONSERVATION prac-tices are a component of the farm bill and are dear to Monfort.

Much of his acreage has been turned to wetlands or put in the Conservation Re-serve Program (CRP). Farm-ers are paid to keep land out of production if it is highly erodible — CRP’s function — or is set aside to the advan-tage of wildlife.

This year, when drought burned meadows the same as everything else, the U.S. Department of Agriculture released CRP grassland for haying, but Monfort’s grass didn’t become eligible until heat and dry weather had taken a toll.

“I think we need a better release program” for CRP acres to combat drought con-ditions, he said.

Farm bills — they became a component of national pol-icy more than 60 years ago — include provisions for food aid through humanitarian assistance to other nations, as well as food assistant pro-grams for poor Americans, and help ensure children at-tending public schools have nourishing meals.

“About 80 percent of the (expiring) farm bill dealt with the needy (through food stamps in the U.S.) and schools,” Monfort said.

Although he has a heart for the unfortunate and the young, Monfort thinks “we also have to take a look at the

costs, but we do need to get the commodities out there.”

Support for ethanol pro-duction gets mixed reviews in the countryside. Those who raise corn are eager for more lucrative markets, but whatever role ethanol has played in driving up the price of corn is disadvantage for those who feed livestock — with some reservations. Distiller’s grain, the byprod-uct of ethanol, has become a staple in feeding cattle.

“The high price of corn, coupled with lower quality from drought and heat, has closed some ethanol plants,” Monfort noted.

GRIDLOCK that has gripped Congress since Re-publicans took control of the House two years ago, has as-sailed the farm bill as it has other legislation.

“Farmers need to know well ahead of planting time what to expect,” Monfort said. “You have to buy seed and fertilizer” long before its time to hook planter to trac-

tor. “If you wait, you can’t find seed.”

The flashpoint is Sept. 30, when the current farm bill ends.

“If we don’t have a new one, we’ll go to back to 1949 and while I don’t know for sure what that would mean, I don’t think it would be too pertinent to today,” Monfort said.

The importance of a stable agricultural economy isn’t lost on the Allen Counties of the nation, he said.

“Not taking anything away from Gates or any of our oth-

er industries, agriculture is the biggest industry we have here,” Monfort stated. “The dollars coming from agri-culture far exceeds anything else. It’s important to Iola and Allen County.

“We have three implement dealers in Iola, more than a lot of cities several times our size,” he continued. “They cover many counties and people come here” to visit the dealerships and “then spend money on food and fuel and shop in our stores.

“There are 23 million jobs in the U.S.” directly attrib-utable to agriculture, with return to farmers less of a percentage of many casual observers might think.

“The last figure I saw was that 16 cents from each dol-lar of food sales goes to the American farmer,” who is more efficient than any oth-ers in the world, he said. “We have the lowest percentage at 12 to 14 percent of disposable income going for food, much less than anywhere else in the world.”

H Insurance Continued from A1

Farm bill stalled in Congress a political hot potatoBy MARY CLARE

JALONICKAssociated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — Farm-state members of Congress have campaigned for decades on the back of farm bills delivering elec-tion-season subsidies and other goodies to rural voters.

Not this year. The bill is stalled, primarily because House GOP leaders don’t want a noisy fight over food stamps this close to the elec-tion. That poses a particular problem for some Republi-cans in tight races for the Senate or the House who will go home empty-handed when Congress adjourns this week.

Democrats are gloating.Democratic challengers

are using the farm bill as an example of how they say the Republican-run House is in-effective.

Current farm law, which extends subsidy payments to farmers and pays for food stamps, is scheduled to ex-pire Sept. 30, with no new law in place for the first time in recent memory.

Failure to get a farm bill is affecting a Senate race in Montana and House races in Iowa, South Dakota, Colo-

rado and Illinois.Farm policy has tradition-

ally been one of the more bipartisan issues on Capitol Hill. It still is, to an extent — the Senate in June passed a five-year farm bill with al-most two-thirds of the cham-ber supporting it. A separate version passed the House Agriculture Committee in July with Republican and Democratic support.

Calling it a farm bill is something of a misnomer. Food stamps make up rough-ly 80 percent of the costs in both versions. The House would cut them 2 percent, angering many Democrats who don’t want them cut at all and Republicans who say they should be cut more. The Senate version would cut them by one-half of 1 per-cent.

Since 2008, the food stamp program has more than doubled in cost, to $80 bil-lion a year, driven by high, sustained unemployment, rising food prices and ex-panded eligibility under President Barack Obama’s 2009 economic stimulus law. Food stamps now help feed roughly 46 million Ameri-cans, or 1 in 7.

It is unclear how angry rural voters will be about the lack of a farm bill. The farm economy has been strong in recent years, and expiration won’t mean an immediate loss of benefits for most farmers. But farm-state members argue that the certainty of federal policy is necessary for farm-ers making their annual business plans this fall and approaching bankers for loans.

Punting the bill may also mean less money overall. While both chambers’ ver-sions of the bill would save tens of billions of dollars from current spending, the agriculture committees may be asked to save even more as budgets tighten fur-ther next year.

“They are concerned there will be fewer resourc-es if we do it next year, so they worry it will hurt their crop insurance,” Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, said of farm-ers in his state, where he and Rep. Tom Latham both face serious challenges from Democrats.

King and Berg — along with Republican House col-leagues Denny Rehberg of

Montana, Kristi Noem of South Dakota and others — have made repeated appeals to Speaker John Boehner of Ohio and other GOP lead-ers to bring the Agriculture Committee’s bill to the floor before Congress adjourns this week.

“The farm bill is far too important for too many Montanans to let election-year politics get in the way of doing the right thing,” said Rehberg, who is in a competitive Senate race.

Noem, who is defend-ing her House seat against Democrat Matt Varilek, said party leaders are hesitant to bring up a vote on a bill that they think might fail.

Rep. Tim Huelskamp, R-Kan., said the legislation has turned into “a food stamp bill” that has bogged down because of both the presidential and congres-sional campaigns.

“There’s not 218 votes to pass it,” Huelskamp told re-porters. “It’s going to be very tough to do that, even in a lame-duck session.”

Some House Democrats also are scrambling for cover. Rep. Bruce Braley, D-Iowa, who faces a challenge

from 2010 opponent Ben Lange, last week introduced a discharge petition to place the bill on the floor calendar over House leaders’ objec-tions.

Though Berg, Noem, Rehberg and a handful of other Republicans signed it, a majority of the House is needed — unlikely when Republicans hold 240 seats to Democrats’ 190 and after conservative groups came out against the bill as too expensive.

“I am frustrated that it’s not progressing,” Berg said of the bill. “The unfortunate thing is that I am seeing it become political, which it re-ally hasn’t been for the last year and a half.”

Heidi Heitkamp is up with radio ads in North Dakota criticizing Berg for “toeing the party line” on farm pro-grams and endorsing some

agriculture cuts. In the ad, targeted at farmers who lis-ten to the radio while out in the fields, she reminds vot-ers that agriculture is a $6 billion industry in the state.

Democratic Sen. Jon Tes-ter of Montana, who is fac-ing the challenge from Reh-berg and is himself a farmer, calls the House’s failure to take up the farm bill “total craziness.”

The House in July passed a bill that would help live-stock producers who are losing money because of a widespread drought, but the Senate has declined to take that up, with Senate Agri-culture Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow saying that simi-lar benefits are included in the larger bill. Republicans Rehberg and Berg have coun-tered Democratic attacks by saying the Senate should consider that legislation.

They are concerned there will be fewer re-sources if we do it next year, so they worry it will hurt their crop insurance.

— Rep. Steve King,R-Iowa

The Kansas Indoor Clean Air Act went into effect in 2010 and, “people are really beginning to notice that they really can’t smoke in restaurants and bars any-more,” Kunkler said.

Nineteen percent of Al-len Countians are smokers. Kunkler and other Thrive members are dedicated on making the county resi-dents healthier.

Some of the benefits of quitting is saving money, avoiding risk of heart at-

tack and death. Also stroke and lung cancer risks are less for non-smokers.

KanQuit not only focuses on helping smokers quit but also the people who use smokeless tobacco. Even with smokeless cigarettes people are at a higher risk of getting mouth and throat cancer.

For more information contact the Thrive office at (620) 365-8128 or visit the KanQuit website at or call 1-800-QUIT-NOW (784-8669).

H KanQuitContinued from A1

“We’re honored to have five hospitals on this distin-guished list.”

Allen County Hospital is a 25-bed acute care facil-ity serving the area. It is a Kansas Critical Access hospital and offers 24-hour emergency care, special-

ized services such as home health and wound care and comprehensive family care. Allen County Hospital’s medical staff covers a vari-ety of specialties including cardiology, oncology, ortho-pedics, radiology and more. For more information, visit

H HospitalContinued from A1

• Save money. A pack-a-day smoker can save $150 a month by quitting.

• 1 year after quitting smoking, the excess risk of heart attack and death from heart disease is cut in half.

• 10 years after quitting smoking, the lung cancer death rate is about half.

• 5 - 15 years after quitting smoking, the stroke risk is reduced to that of a nonsmoker.

• Smokers who quit by age 30 eliminate nearly all excess risk associated with smoking.

• Smokers who quit before age 50 cut their risk of dying in the next 15 years in half.

We have the lowest percent-age at 12 to 14 percent of dispos-able income go-ing for food, much less than any-where else in the world.

— Darrell Monfort

Page 8: Newspaper 9/22/12

A8Saturday, September 22, 2012 The Iola Register


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It’s Time For Our Business, Professional & Industrial

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This Was Last Year’s . . .

Full color on every page, all ads!! This year’s BP&I section will again be on the Iola Register website,

in its entirety. It stays on for a full year! Link from your BP&I ad to your website

at no additional charge! Also, the Iola Area Chamber of Commerce

uses several hundred copies each year for welcoming and recruiting.

Business, Business,



& Industrial

& Industrial

Community Community




Clayton Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A5

H&R Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Jarred, Gilmore & Phillips, P.A.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A10








CONTRACTOR ( cont. ) CONTRACTOR ( cont.)

J&J Contractors, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A2

John’s Lock & Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B5

Keim & Sons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Kitchens & More . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B1

LACO Guttering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B4

Northside Plumbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A6

P ducts Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B2A6









INDUSTRY INDUSTRY B&W Trailer Hitches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . B6

Gates Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A7

Herff Jones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A


Kneisley Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A9

Microtronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


The Monarch Cement Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A4

Sonic Equipment Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A9

& E Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A9











Advantage Computer / Jayhawk Software . B9

Cox Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A3

Hawk Business Specialties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B5

KwiKom Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B4


JB Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . A7

Oil Patch Pump & Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B8








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Jessica Kay Catron and Casey Jake Bishop will be married Oct. 13 at St. Johns Catholic Church.

Jessica is the daughter of Darrel and Deborah Catron, Gas. Casey is the son of Les-ter Bishop and Teresa Hel-man.

Jessica has a bachelor of business administration degree in accounting and works for Sonic Equipment.

Casey has an associate degree of applied science in electrical technology and works at Monarch Cement Co.


Cooler weather ahead Today, sunny, cooler. Highs near 70.

North winds 10 to 15 mph. Gusts up to 25 mph in the afternoon.

Tonight, mostly clear. Colder. Lows near 40. Northeast winds 5 to 10 mph.

Sunday, mostly sunny. Highs near 70. East winds around 5 mph.

Sunday night and Monday, partly cloudy. A 20 percent chance of thun-derstorms. Lows near 50. Highs 75 to 80.

Monday night and Tuesday, partly cloudy. Lows near 60. Highs in the mid 80s.

Sunrise 7:10 a.m. Sunset 7:18 p.m.

TemperatureHigh yesterday 79Low last night 55High a year ago 75Low a year ago 48

Precipitation24 hours ending 7 a.m. 0This month to date 2.70Total year to date 20.26Def. since Jan. 1 9.39

Grace Lutheran Church LWML met Sept. 6.

Kim Kristalyn was hostess. New officers elected were: Beth Ring-wald, president, Nancy Lassman, vice president, Kim Kristalyn, secretary and Susan Owens, trea-surer.

There were two guests, Quinton Morrison and Pastor Kristalyn, and six members in attendance.

The next meeting will be at Grace Lutheran Church on Oct. 4 at 7 p.m.

Church news

Anniversary Robert (Bob) and Leno-

ra (Cooper) Lind will cel-ebrate their 60th wedding anniversary Wednesday.

They were married Sept. 26, 1952 at Iola’s First Meth-odist Church.

The couple met at Mo-ran High School, when Le-nora was a freshman, Bob a sophomore. They dated three years before being married.

Lenora worked with USD 257 and Bob with Monarch Cement Co. Both are retired.

They have two children Kevin, Olathe, and Vicki Vaughn, Iola.

They have five grand-children, six great-grand-children and one great-great-granddaughter.

There will be a celebra-tion at the home of their daughter.

Their family would like to shower them with con-gratulatory cards, which may be sent to 1206 N. Syca-more.

Jessica Kay Catron and Casey Jake Bishop

Robert and Lenora Lind

— NOTICE — Our carriers’ (under contract) deadline for home delivery of The Iola

Register is 5:30 p.m. weekdays and 9:30 a.m. Saturdays for Iola carriers. DEADLINE FOR OUT-OF-TOWN CARRIERS IS 6:30 P.M. WEEKDAYS AND

9:30 SATURDAY. If you have not received your paper by deadline, please call your carrier first. If unable to reach your carrier, call the Register office at 365-2111.

Rural Carriers 6:30 p.m. weekdays – 10:30 Saturdays


Page 9: Newspaper 9/22/12

Saturday, September 22, 2012The Iola B1

Sports ACC women’s soccerteam gets first win

Details B4

Iola Middle Schoolfootball, volleyball reports

Details B3

Mustangs upend Buffalos in Pioneer playBy JOCELYN SHEETS

[email protected] Iola High’s Mustangs

cleared away the homecoming cobwebs, they produced a strong second half Friday night.

The Mustangs posted a 27-16 victory over the visiting Prairie View High Buffalos in a Pioneer League clash. Iola improved to 2-0 in Pioneer action while Prairie View dropped to 2-1 in league play.

Trailing 8-7 at halftime on homecoming night, the Mustang seniors had the floor in the locker room.

“We let them take it at halftime. It’s their homecoming. Their se-nior year,” said Doug Kerr, Mus-tang head coach. “The players re-sponded and we had a great team win.”

Mason Coons, senior quarter-back, finished off two Iola drives with touchdown runs in the sec-ond half. Eric Heffern, senior linebacker, had one of three quar-terback sacks.

“We just had to realize it was homecoming and everything was on the line for us seniors,” Coons said of the halftime talk. “We had to start playing as a team. No one’s head was in the game in the first half.

“The second half was one of the best team halves we’ve had all season.”

The Mustangs took the open-ing drive of the second half on a 69-yard march. It was 12 plays, finished off by a 13-yard run to the end zone by Coons. The extra-point kick was blocked but Iola led 13-8.

Prairie View was powered by sophomore running back Blake Barnes. Barnes accounted for 128 of the Buffalos’ 142 yards of total offense.

Barnes had back-to-back runs that pushed his team down the field on the ensuing possession. On a fourth-and-goal play at the Iola two-yard line, quarterback Shey Spears pushed over the goal line for the Buffalos. He flipped a two-point pass to a teammate, put-

ting his team up 16-13.There was just over five min-

utes left in the third quarter. Iola had a three-and-out then stopped Prairie View on seven plays, tak-ing over the football on downs at Iola’s own 24-yard line.

The Mustang go-ahead drive began with 1:31 on the clock in the third quarter. It consumed nearly

almost 4 minutes, 30 seconds.Iola had 12 plays on the march

of 76 yards. Coons found senior Jacob Harrison for a 17-yard pass play on the final snap of the third quarter.

A 15-yard face mask penalty against the Buffalos moved the Mustangs further down the field. John Whitworth, Coons and

Kaden Macha had runs to keep the ball moving closer to the Prai-rie View goal line.

Coons made a six-yard run to paydirt with 9:06 left in the game. Isaias Macias kicked the extra point.

“We had a sloppy first. The emotions of homecoming got to us and we didn’t play very well,”

Kerr said. “The second half we came out with a lot more inten-sity. I was proud of the seniors for taking over.

“A great effort all the way around — offensively and defen-sively in the second half. They got loose once in the second half but we shut the down. They’re a good football team and our kids responded well.”

Iola had 347 yards of total of-fense in a balanced attack — 175 rushing and 172 passing.

Serving is Iola High’s Katana Smith playing in the No. 1 singles spot for the Fillies at Thursday’s tennis competition at Pittsburg. Iola’s doubles teams earned medals in their two divisions. See story on B4.

Register/Jocelyn Sheets

By JOCELYN [email protected]

PITTSBURG — Pink was the color of the night but things were not in the pink for Iola High’s Fil-lies on the volleyball court.

The Fillies faced two famil-iar foes but in non-league ac-tion Thursday at Pittsburg High School. Iola took on Pittsburg’s Purple Dragons and Indepen-dence High’s Lady Bulldogs, both Southeast Kansas League teams, and lost.

It was senior night for the Purple Dragons. All three teams sported pink attire for Breast Cancer Awareness night at PHS.

The Fillies lost 25-16, 28-26 to

Independence. Pittsburg decked the Fillies 25-7, 25-7 then beat the Lady Bulldogs 25-13, 25-15.

“We had a rough day,” said Em-ily Sigg, IHS head coach. “Even with two losses, I’m still proud of the girls because I think we learned what we do well and what we need improvement on.

“As long as we are learning and getting better every week, we will have no choice but to become a better team.”

Against Independence, the Fillies got five kills from Emery Driskel and four kills from Katie Thompson. Addie Haar and Han-nah Endicott each delivered three kills. Breanna Stout made one

kill.Haar had two solo blocks at the

net and Kyra Moore had a solo block.

Moore was credited with 10 set assists and Emma Piazza had seven assists. Thompson served three aces and Driskel had an ace serve.

Emma Sigg and Driskel each had seven digs. Piazza and Moore had four digs apiece and Endicott had three digs.

In the Pittsburg match, Driskel and Stout each had two kills. En-dicott and Moore had one kill apiece. Driskel made one solo block at the net.

Fillies lose non-league matches


Iola 0-7-6-14—27Prairie View 8-0-8-0—16PV — Barnes 5 yd blocked punt return (run good)Iola — Macha 1 yd run (Macias kick)Iola — Coons 13 yd run (kick failed)PV — Spears 2 yd run (pass good)Iola — Coons 6 yd run (Macias kick)Iola — Macha recovered fumble in end zone (Macias kick) Iola PVFirst Downs 20 8Rushes-yds 53-175 34-121Passing yds 172 21Total Offense 347 142Passing 13-23-0 3-10-1Fumbles/lost 3/1 4/2Punts 1-14 2-27.5Penalties-yds 8-65 5-50

Individual StatisticsRushing: Iola-Whitworth 15-63, Rhoads 12-54, Coons 9-52, Macha 9-16, Kauth 3-15, Ashmore 1-(-1), Team rush-4-(-24). Prairie View-Barnes 1-105, Bradley 4-17, Dunlop 7-9, Spears 10-(-8), Holland 2-0.Passing: Iola-Coons 13-23-172-0. Prairie View-Spears 3-10-21-1.Receiving: Iola-Harrison 3-72, Kauth 5-54, Larney 2-21, Rhoads 1-9, Whit-worth 1-9, Ashmore 1-7. Prairie View -Barnes 2-23.Punting: Iola-Larney 1-14 (14 yd avg.). Prairie View-Bradley 2-55 (27.5 yd avg.).Tackles: Rhoads 6 solos, 2 assisted, 1 interception; McDonald 5 solos, 3 as-sisted; Whitworth 4 solos, 3 assisted; Macha 2 solos, 5 assisted, 2 fumble re-coveries; Misenhelter 2 solos, 3 assist-ed; Maxwell 2 solos, 1 assisted; Clubine 2 solos; Kauth 1 solos, 1 assisted; McIn-tosh 1 solos, 3 assisted; Heffern 1 solo, 1 assisted, 1 quarterback; Zimmerman 1 solo; C. Morrison 1 assisted.

Game Numbers

Cubs power past Indians

Register/Jocelyn Sheets

Not going anywhere on this play is Prairie View High’s Jake Bradley as Iola High’s John Whitworth tackles him right at the line of scrimmage. Iola’s Mustangs held the visiting Buffalos in check for a 27-16 win in Pioneer League play in a homecoming victory here Friday night.

At left, Humboldt High’s Blake Crawford, 81, eludes an Oswe-go High defender Friday night in the Cubs’ 50-6 victory.

By RICHARD [email protected]

HUMBOLDT — Humboldt High knew Oswego’s defensive front was going to prove a tough foe to conquer Friday night.

So the Cubs went to the air — a lot.

Behind Nathan Whitcomb’s 388 passing yards and five touch-downs — “If that’s not a school record, it’s close,” an assistant coach said — Humboldt flew away with a 50-6 win over Oswego.

The victory lifts the Cubs to 3-1 on the season.

“Tonight marked the first time we put together four good quar-ters of football together, offen-sively and defensively,” assistant coach Mike Miller said.

The passing game relied on a teamwork approach, Miller ex-plained.

The offensive line put up a


Register/Richard Luken

See CUBS |B2

Page 10: Newspaper 9/22/12

The Mustang defense came up big with a take-away on Prairie View’s next possession.

With senior noseguard Stephen McDonald in his face, Spears threw the foot-ball and Jacob Rhoads won the battle for the pass for the Mustangs. Rhoads’ in-terception set up another long drive by the Mustangs.

Iola moved the football on the ground and through the air but got stopped short of another touchdown.

A penalty moved the Mustangs from a second-and-one at the three-yard line. It came down to a fourth-and-two and Whit-worth was held to no gain.

Prairie View took over possession of the football. But on the first snap, Mc-Donald and Bryce Misen-helter stormed into the Buf-falo backfield and forced a fumble.

Barnes fumbled, picked the ball up and fumbled the ball again. The second time the football rolled into the end zone.

Macha recovered the foot-ball for a Mustang touch-down with 2:25 remaining in the ballgame. Macias kicked the extra point for a 27-16 lead.

Barnes returned the short ensuing kick to the Iola 32 yard line. A person-al-foul penalty against the Mustangs moved it further down the field.

Prairie View was called for holding on the next play

then a completed pass was for a two-yard loss. Two more incomplete passes left the Buffalos with a last-ditch effort on fourth down.

Iola sacked Shey on the play. There was 52 seconds left on the clock.

The Mustangs had the football and were going into victory formation. But before that happened, a per-sonal foul penalty was as-sessed against Iola and Eric Maxwell was ejected from the ballgame.

Two kneel downs by Coons ran final 52 seconds off.

“It’s homecoming. It’s huge. We got to get a win for homecoming,” Heffern said after the game. “The two wins in the Pioneer League are a huge confidence boost for us, especially since we go on the road for our two next league games.”

Things did not start out well for the Mustangs. Nei-ther team got much going offensively early.

With just over two min-utes left in the first quar-ter, Iola was forced to punt. Prairie View got through and blocked senior Zeph Larney’s punt.

Barnes scooped up the football and ran into the end zone from five yards out. The Buffalos tacked on a two-point conversion run to lead 8-0.

A bad snap and a fumble, which Iola retained, set the Mustangs back on their next possession. The Buf-

falos were driving but back-to-back tackles by Heffern including a nine-yard loss thwarted Prairie View.

Coons completed three passes on the next Iola drive. The big play of the drive was a 42-yard snare by Harrison, who was tack-led at the one-yard line.

Macha bulled over from a yard out, Macias’ kick made it 8-7 with 5:37 left in the second quarter.

That’s where it stood at halftime.

Whitworth finished with 63 yards on 15 carries. Rhoads had 54 yards on 12 rushes for Iola. Adam Kauth caught five passes for 54 yards and rushed for 15 yards.

Harrison, a senior, had three catches for 72 yards. Coons rushed for 52 yards and was 13 of 23 passing for 172 yards.

“Offensively, we threw the ball the best we’ve thrown all year long. Mason did a great job finding receivers and Ja-cob Harrison did a phenom-enal job catching the ball,” Kerr said.

“A great team win. We had to work for every yard we got. They were taking away the jet plays so we had to beat them in between the tackles. We challenged the offensive line.”

Kerr said the offensive line — seniors Eli Grover and Aaron Barclay, juniors Quinton Morrison and Der-rick Weir, sophomore Alex Bauer — and McDonald at fullback did a great job blocking.

Leading the charge de-fensively, Rhoads racked up six solo tackles, two as-sisted tackles and an inter-ception. McDonald came up with five solo stops and three assisted tackles. Whitworth had four solo tackles and three assisted.

Heffern, Misenhelter and Maxwell each had a quar-terback sack. Macha had two fumble recoveries.

Iola is 3-1 on the season and 2-0 in Pioneer League play. The Mustangs travel to Richmond next Friday with a league contest with Cen-tral Heights High’s Vikings.

steady wall of protection for Whitcomb to toss darts to myriad receivers.

“Nathan did a good job of reading the defense,” Miller said. “We knew they were strong front and that we’d have trouble running up the middle.”

So Humboldt usually left Whitcomb alone in the backfield, spreading out four and five receivers at time.

Whitcomb usually was spot on when finding the open receiver.

He tossed three touch-down passes to Tanner

McNutt in the first quar-ter, capping each of Hum-boldt’s first three drives. The receptions covered 52, 15 and 33 yards.

Whitcomb capped the 26-point first quarter with a 20-yard scoring strike to Noah Thornbrugh.

Hunter Murrow pushed the lead to 33-6 at the break, courtesy of a 20-yard in-terception return for a touchdown. Whitcomb’s fifth touchdown pass, at the 10:15 mark of the third quarter, covered 16 yards to Thornbrugh.

Senior kicker Hayden Boring got into the act mid-way through the third with a booming, 44-yard field goal.

Whitcomb capped the scoring on the defensive side of the ball, returning an Indian interception 55 yards for a score.

The Cubs registered 415 yards through the air, while limiting Oswego to 99. The Indians’ only touchdown came on the game’s open-ing kickoff.

“After the kickoff we thought, ‘Here we go again,’” Miller said.

Instead, Humboldt quick-ly caught fire on offense and clamped down on defense.

“The guys really did a good job of flying to the ball,” Miller said.

McNutt carded seven receptions for 181 yards. Crawford had three catches for 72 yards. Thornbrugh had 66 yards on six recep-tions and Johnson had 44 yards on three catches.

Hunter Murrow inter-cepted two Indian passes. Justin Meins also had one.

Boring led the Cub de-fense with 11 tackles. Dustin Prock and Carpen-ter had six apiece.

There was one area for improvement: Humboldt was whistled for a whop-ping 18 penalties, many for illegal blocking.Humboldt 26-7-10-7—50Oswego 6-0-0-0—6Oswego — Eckerman 90 yd kickoff return (run failed)Humboldt — McNutt 52 yd pass from Whitcomb (Boring kick)Humboldt — McNutt 15 yd pass from Whitcomb (PAT failed)Humboldt — McNutt 33 yd pass from Whitcomb (Boring kick)Humboldt — Thornbrugh 20 yd pass from Whitcomb (PAT failed)Humboldt — Murrow 20 yd inter-ception.return (Boring kick)Humboldt — Thornbrugh 16 yd pass from Whitcomb (Boring kick)Humboldt — Boring 44 yd field goalHumboldt — Whitcomb 55 yd inter-ception return (Boring kick) Oswego HumboldtFirst Downs 8 19Rushing yds 36-82 19-71Passing yds 17 415Total Offense 99 486Passing 3-18-4 22-32-0Fumbles-lost 2-0 2-2Punting 5/26 0Penalties-yds 7-65 18-170

B2Saturday, September 22, 2012 The Iola Register

Sat., Oct. 6, 2012 New York Street between 7th & 8th Streets

Biblesta Youth Activities 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

Kramer Petting Zoo 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

Inflatables, Train Rides, Face Painting

10 a.m.-5 p.m. Kansas Wildlife & Parks

11-11:45 p.m. Magic Show with Shawn Reida 1:30 p.m. - Biblesta Parade

2:30-3:15 p.m. Magic Show with Shawn Reida

6:30-9:30 p.m. “Biblesta After Dark”

Youth Rally

Noah’s Ark

Petting Zoo, Inflatables, Train Rides,

Face Painting

Come to Humboldt for a day

of celebration! Visit for more information!

TodayHigh School Volleyball

Iola JV at IndependenceHumboldt, Southern Cof-fey County at Burlington tourneyYates Center at Cher-ryvale tourney

Jr. College VolleyballAllen Invitational, 9 a.m., Riverside Park

Jr. College SoccerHutchinson at Allen wom-en, 3 p.m.

Jr. High VolleyballIMS Net Games, 9 a.m.

SundayYouth Tackle Football3rd-4th Grade League

Iola at Chanute5th-6th Grade League

Iola at ChanuteJr. College Golf

Allen at Jayhawk Confer-ence No. 2, Wichita

MondayHigh School Football

Iola JV at Prairie View, 4:30 p.m.

Jr. College SoccerAllen at Cloud, women 2 p.m., men 4 p.m.

Jr. High VolleyballIMS 7th, 8th at Chanute, 3:30 p.m.

Jr. College GolfAllen at Jayhawk Confer-ence No. 2, Wichita

Girls’ GolfYates Center at Union-town Inv., Fort Scott

TuesdayHigh School Volleyball

Iola at Osawatomie, 4:30 p.m.Marmaton Valley, Chetopa at UniontownHumboldt, Frontenac at Yates CenterCrest, Southern Coffey County at Olpe

Girls’ TennisIola at Coffeyville, 3 p.m.

Youth Tackle Football3rd-4th Grade League

Iola at HumboldtYates Center at Mound City

5th-6th Grade LeagueIola at UniontownGarnett at HumboldtYates Center at Mound City

WednesdayJr. College Volleyball

Kansas City, Kan., at Al-len, 6:30 p.m.

Jr. College SoccerAllen at Pratt, women 2:30 p.m., men 4:30 p.m.


HOWARD — Marmaton Valley High’s starters took the road Friday for the first time of the 2012 season.

They lasted all of one play.

Wildcat Kent Houk sent his starters to the bench after Marmaton Valley ran back the opening kickoff 60 yards for a touchdown.

Junior varsity players took it from there for the Wildcats, still piling up 46 points against a struggling West Elk squad.

The 46-0 victory ended at halftime.

“Their program is really struggling this season, so we gave our younger play-ers some valuable playing

time,” Houk said. “A few of them got their first Friday night touchdowns.”

A trio of freshmen did most of the damage.

Austin Deer had scor-ing rus covering 50 and 43 yards, part of a 10-carry, 133-yard performance. Mi-chael Beggs added 24 yards on three carries, including touchdown runs of two and 13 yards. Keagon Boyd pro-vided a 12-yard touchdown run.

West Elk struggled might-ily. The Patriots wound up with a negative eight yards of total offense. The Wild-cats did not attempt a pass, nor did they punt. West Elk punted six times.

Deer led Marmaton Val-ley with six tackles. Lane Hamm, a junior, had five stops.

“It was good to give our varsity players some rest for districts next week,” Houk said.

Marmaton Valley trav-els to Marais Des Cygnes Valley next Friday to open Kansas Eight Man I, Dis-trict 2 play.Marmaton Valley 46-0-x-x—46West Elk 0-0-x-x—0MV — Frye 60 yd kickoff return (Becker run)MV - Beggs 2 yd run (Boyd run)MV — Deer 60 yd run (PAT failed)MV — Boyd 12 yd run (Deer pass from Johnson)MV — Beggs 13 yd run (Deer run)MV — Deer 43 yd run (Beggs run)

Wildcats plaster Patriots

Humboldt High’s Trey Johnson, 25, races through the Oswego High defense in the first quarter Friday of the Cubs’ 50-6 victory.

Register/Richard Luken

H CubsContinued from B1

H MustangsContinued from B1

Register/Jocelyn Sheets

Iola High quarterback Mason Coons (11) runs away from Prairie View High defenders on his way to a second touchdown of the night. Iola beat visiting Prairie View 27-16 Friday night.

Kansas High SchoolFootball Scores

Andale 62, Circle 6Anderson County 56, Central Heights 6Andover 48, Independence 0Basehor-Linwood 44, Lansing 20Blue Valley Stilwell 28, Bishop Miege 12Burlington 21, Cherryvale 13BV North 31, Blue Valley Southwest 28Caldwell 54, Attica 20Caney Valley 50, Fredonia 0Central Burden 60, Yates Center 6Central Plains 22, Victoria 4Centralia 42, Onaga 0Centre 64, Burlingame 22Chetopa 58, Uniontown 56Columbus 56, Riverton 27Emporia 21, Topeka Seaman 19Erie 17, Baxter Springs 8Eudora 35, Paola 7Fort Scott 12, Coffeyville 0Frontenac 26, Pittsburg Colgan 25Galena 57, Northeast-Arma 24Girard 42, South East 0Herington 60, West Franklin 32Hillsboro 33, Hesston 17Holton 61, Hiawatha 14Humboldt 50, Oswego 6Iola 27, Prairie View 16Jefferson North 29, Jayhawk Linn 14Jefferson West 31, Santa Fe Trail 0Junction City 14, Topeka Hayden 13KC Piper 29, Bonner Springs 23Labette County 49, Parsons 9Lawrence 46, SM North 20Lawrence Free State 34, Olathe North 28Lebo 53, Hartford 13Louisburg 28, DeSoto 7Lyndon 53, Council Grove 0Madison 59, Flinthills 6Marmaton Valley 46, Elk Valley 0Neodesha 52, Eureka 16Pittsburg 26, Chanute 21St. Paul 50, Crest 40Waverly 42, Marais des Cygnes Valley 28Wellsville 38, Osawatomie 29

Prep scores

Page 11: Newspaper 9/22/12

By JOCELYN [email protected]

CHANUTE — All the scoring was done in the first half. Iola Middle School’s eighth-grade Po-nies were leading Royster Middle School’s Rockets 18-0 at halftime.

The Ponies posted an 18-0 win over their hosts at Cha-nute Thursday.

Quarterback Ben Cooper rushed for one touchdown and passed for another in the first quarter. Cooper put Iola up 6-0 on a one-yard run with 3:30 left in the pe-riod.

The lone pass comple-tion by Cooper for the game came with 20 seconds left in the first quarter. Cooper connected with Nate Evans for a 46-yard touchdown pass.

Iola rolled up 200 yards rushing in the game. Ev-ans had 116 on 16 carries. Behind a block by Seth Sanford, Evans scored from one-yard out at the 1:30 mark of the second quarter.

“We didn’t play great but we played hard and that was the difference tonight,” said Marty Taylor, IMS head football coach.

Garrett Wade had one carry for 42 yards. Ethan

Scheibmeir rushed for 18 yards on six carries and Mason Snavely had 12 yards on five carries.

Sanford had nine yards on three carries and Cooper made three yards on three

carries.Defensively, Chase Re-

gehr racked up 13 tackles for the Ponies. Sanford had six tackles and a quarter-back sack. Trea Mitchell made six tackles.

Gage Cleaver and Scheib-meir each had four tackles. Hunter Boren had three tackles. Cleaver made an interception. Boren had a quarterback sack and Ev-ans had two quarterback

sacks.“Chase made a couple of

mistakes early on defense but really stepped it up and had a great night,” Taylor said. “Garrett had another nice game for us.”

CALE BARNHART paced the IMS seventh-grade to a 30-12 victory over the Rockets.

Barnhart didn’t score a touchdown but rushed for 161 yards on 27 carries. The Ponies amassed 262 yards on the ground against the Rockets.

Evan Sigg, IMS quar-terback, put the Ponies on the scoreboard first with a one-yard touchdown run. Barnhart tacked on the two-point conversion.

Royster came back and scored on a 45-yard run. Iola stuffed the two-point conversion to keep the Po-nies in front 8-6.

The Rockets took a brief 12-8 lead at the 5:30 mark.

It was brief because Io-la’s Isaac Vink returned the ensuing kickoff 75 yards for a go-ahead touchdown.

Later in the second quar-ter, Matt Komma intercept-ed a Rocket pass. That set up a seven-yard touchdown run by Vaughn and Sigg

scored the two-point con-version.

Iola led 22-12 at halftime. The Ponies got another touchdown in the third quarter. Sigg found Vink for a six-year touchdown pass play. Barnhart had the two-point conversion run.

“These kids are getting better every week and more importantly they are get-ting more physical,” Taylor said. “Cale picked up some big runs. Matt Komma is turning into a pretty good linebacker. Reece Kim-ball stepped up and played well.”

Sigg had 50 yards on seven carries and was 3 of 6 passing for 27 yards. Vaughn had 23 yards on five carries and Vink had one 18-yard carry.

Ethan Holloway caught two passes for 21 yards. Vink had one catch for six.

Komma led the defense with nine tackles. Vaughn had seven tackles, followed by Barnhart with four and Kimball with two tackles. Kimball and Komma each had an interception.

Both IMS teams are 2-1. They will host Pitts-burg Community Middle School’s teams next Thurs-day.

Saturday, September 22, 2012The Iola B3

B i b l e s t a F e a t u r e d E v e n t Saturday, October 6, 2012 Saturday, October 6, 2012

Humboldt, KS City Square Humboldt, KS City Square

Visit for more info. & entry form! Visit for more info. & entry form!

Biblesta ~ Biblesta ~ Run for the Son Run for the Son

3K Walk / 5K Run 3K Walk / 5K Run Registration beginning at 7 a.m.

(Registration table will be on the corner of 8th & Bridge, in front of City Hall)

Race begins at 8 a.m. Race begins at 8 a.m. Race will start and finish at Bridge & 8th Streets.

Race Routes can be viewed on our Website.

$ 20 Per Entry

(includes T-Shirt)

Booster5 O’Clock Somewhere 4-0Heinrich Pest 0-4CLO Warriors 0-4Pop-up 4-0Bye 0-4Beckman Motors 4-0It Curves Left 3-1Country Lanes 1-3American Family 2-2Rebels 2-2

Hi 10: Shawn Blevins 226Hi 30: Vernon Yoder 622

Sunday Night MixedGuys & Dolls 1-3Cool Snickers 3-1Gamblers 0-4Trail Blazers 4-0Blind 0-3Tabi’s Katz 3-0

Hi 10: Jim Valentine 248Edna Donovan 169

Hi 30: Jim Valentine 665Edna Donovan 467

DaylighersCountry Lanes 1-3Duane’s Flowers 3-1J&W Equipment 1-3Twin Motors 3-1Frameworks 3-1Moon’s Market 1-3

Hi 10: Mary Lacy 174Hi 30: Mary Lacy 441

Monday Night HeifersBowling Junkies 3-1Alley Gals 1-3Mighty Mamas 0-4Body By Bowling 4-0Bye 0-4Udder Three 4-0Silver Strikers 3-1Fiddle Futtz 1-3PSI 1-3

Sandbaggers 3-1Hi 10: Bev Fuhrman 193Hi 30: Edna Donovan 507

CommercialRVB 4-0Crude Dudes 0-4Beckman Motors 0-4Turtle Herders 4-0Klein Lumber 3-1A&B Cleaning 1-3Bye 0-4Sevart Auto 4-0

Hi 10: Mark Gooding 236Hi 30: Mark Gooding 659

Happy TimeShirt Shop 1-3Tholen’s Heat & Air 3-1Monkey Butt Saloon 4-0State Farm 0-4Hi 10: Rita Marnell 159Hi 30: Rita Marnell 438

Wednesday Early LadiesTreasure Chest 3-1Jones Jewelry 1-3John’s Therapy 2-2HR Bailbonding 2-2Hi 10: Lyla Morris 184Hi 30: Lyla Morris 454

Charter/Bowl-R-EtteJust 4 Fun 3-1Allen County Chiropractic 1-3Party Girls 4-0Spencer Portraits 0-4Michael Truck Repair 4-0Bye 0-4Shirt Shop 2-2Styles On Madison 2-2

Hi 10: JoAnne Michael 181Hi 30: Sylven Hartzler 470

HUMBOLDT — Hum-boldt Middle School’s Lady Cubs won two A-team vol-leyball matches but lost two B-team matches Thursday.

The Lady Cubs beat Neodesha 25-16, 25-15 and 25-8, 25-21 in A-team action.

In the first match, Syd-ney Houk had 10 aces out of her 18 serves for Humboldt. Annalise Whitcomb had nine set assists for the two matches.

“Anna really set the ball well for us. She really played smart,” said Terry Meadows, HMS volleyball head coach.

Tilar Wells and Makay-lah McCall each had four

kills on the night and Houk had three kills. Whitcomb downed two kills while Cara Bartlett and Kailey Wolken had one kill each.

Kira McReynolds, Wells, and Kassie Angleton had six ace serves each. Bartlett had four aces while Wolken and Rylan Wilhite had one ace each.

In B-team action, Neode-sha beat Humboldt 25-13, 23-25, 15-5 and 25-20, 25-15.

Humboldt got three aces serves from Britnee Works and two aces from Kati Car-penter. Morgan Lea, Chas-sis Hoepker and Hannah Riebel each had one ace serve.

By JOCELYN [email protected]

INDEPENDENCE — In a three-set volleyball match, the first team to 15 points wins.

“Before the third set, we discussed what we need-ed to do. It is important to come out strong in the third set since it only goes to 15. There just isn’t time for early mistakes. We took control of the third set and

won,” said Terri Carlin, head coach of Iola Middle School’s eighth-grade vol-leyball team.

The IMS eighth-grade A-team worked through some mistakes to win the first set 26-24, then dropped the second set to host Indepen-dence Middle School Thurs-day. Iola beat Independence 26-24, 14-25, 15-9.

Toni Macha continued to lead the Ponies at the net

with seven kills and served four aces. Alexis Heslop put down two kills, served three aces and put up four set assists.

Riley Murry delivered four kills. Sydney Wade had four set assists and two kills.

Iola’s eighth-grade B-team played its final match of the season and lost 25-19, 25-13 to Independence.

Carlin said Rylee Knavel

had a great passing match and worked well at the net for the Ponies. Knavel had three kills and one service ace. Della Lohman had one ace serve and two kills.

Murry, Brook Storrer, Taylor Storrer, Kayla Un-derwood and Bailey Hubbs each had one kill. Stout and Murry each had an ace serve.

The eighth-grade A-team plays in a tournament at Chanute Monday.

Iola’s seventh-grade vol-leyball girls lost to Indepen-dence. It was the final road trip for the seventh-grade Ponies.

The A-team lost in three sets and the B-team dropped a decision to Independence in two sets. Match scores and statistics were not available.

“The girls played well in both matches. We finish our season at home (Saturday) in a round-robin tourna-ment,” said Stacy Sprague, IMS seventh-grade coach.

The IMS seventh-grade hosts the IMS Net Games today starting at 9 a.m.

Set to serve is Iola Middle School’s Rylee Knavel in a recent eighth-grade B-team home match. The IMS volleyball teams played in Independence Thursday.

Register/Jocelyn Sheets

IMS eighth-grade girls win twoJr. Lady Cubs splithome matches

UNIONTOWN — Mar-maton Valley Junior High’s Wildcat girls came up short in A-team action on the road Thursday.

Uniontown defeated the Wildcats 25-19, 20-25, 15-13. The Wildcat A-team is 5-3 on the season.

Trinitee Gutierrez served 13 points for the Wildcats. Kyla Drake had nine points and Misty Stor-rer had six points.

Marmaton Valley’s B-

team improved to 4-0 with a 25-12, 25-14 win over Union-town.

Shelby Yoho served up 17 points and Clara Boyd had 11 points. Megan Ens-minger served for seven.

In C-team play, Marma-ton Valley beat Uniontown 15-9, 15-9. Shailee Woods had six points serving. Karlie Stephens and Kari Shadden had four points serving and Patricia Outlan had three service points.

MVJH girls fall in three

Piazza put up four set assists and Moore had two assists. Endicott and Piazza had two digs each and Sigg had one.

Iola’s junior varsity lost to Independence 25-14, 25-19. It also dropped a 25-17, 26-24 decision to Indepen-dence.

No individual statis-

tics for the junior varsity matches were available.

Iola’s varsity is 4-15 over-all. The Fillies’ volleyball teams go to Osawatomie Tuesday to play varsity, ju-nior varsity and freshman matches in Pioneer League.

Iola will play Osawato-mie and Prairie View. The varsity is 1-1 in Pioneer ac-tion.

H FilliesContinued from B1

Pony teams ramble past Royster Rockets

Register/Jocelyn Sheets

Iola Middle School’s Cale Barnhart (24) follows his blocker, Nick Vaughn (25), to the corner for a big gain during a home game for the IMS seventh-grade football team. The IMS football teams were at Chanute Thursday and returned with victories.

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — It’s only Week 3 and des-peration time is already at hand for the Kansas City Chiefs and the New Orleans Saints.

The loser of their meet-ing this Sunday in the Su-perdome will drop to 0-3 and become a playoff long shot before NFL teams have hit the one-quarter mark on their regular-season sched-ule.

“You just don’t want to keep digging that hole be-cause in the NFL, every team is great each and ev-ery week,” Kansas City quarterback Matt Cassel said. “Is there a sense of ur-gency about it? Absolutely. We want to get a win, and everybody in this room is working extremely hard to get that done.”

The Chiefs are in famil-iar territory, having started

0-3 last season before finish-ing 7-9 and out of the play-offs.

The Saints, by contrast, only lost a total of three games during the 2011 sea-son and expected to be in contention for a fourth straight playoff berth this season, even after the NFL’s bounty investigation re-sulted in the suspension of head coach Sean Payton.

“I would have never ex-

pected to be 0-2,” Saints interim head coach Aaron Kromer said. “We are not used to being 0-and-any-thing. This is a winning organization. It has been a winning organization and we are going to take it back to that.”

When the Chiefs and Saints look at themselves, they see a mixed bag that gives them cause for hope as well as concern.

Chiefs, Saints play Sunday, both desperate for a win

Page 12: Newspaper 9/22/12

By JOCELYN [email protected]

PITTSBURG — After dropping their first two matches of the day, Iola High’s doubles teams came back strong on the tennis courts at Pittsburg State University Thursday.

Abbey St. Clair and Alex-is Hobbs along with Shelby Reno and Bobbi Sinclair played stronger tennis lat-er in the meet. The Fillies’ doubles teams went 2-2 in

their respective divisions and came home with third-place medals.

“Our doubles teams start-ed out slow but stepped it up a lot to win some match-es,” said Jennifer Bycroft, Fillies’ tennis coach.

St. Clair and Hobbs played as Iola’s No. 1 dou-bles team. They dropped an 8-0 decision to Fort Scott’s Buntain and Harrison and lost to Pittsburg’s Long and Pichler 8-4.

Back on the courts, St. Clair and Hobbs bounced back with an 8-4 win over Labette County’s McCoach and Stevenson. They se-cured the third-place med-als with an 8-1 victory over Davolt and Derfelt of Co-lumbus.

In the No. 2 doubles com-petition, Reno and Sinclair lost 8-0 to Fort Scott’s Sav-age and Harrison. They lost 8-2 to Pittsburg’s Baden and Phalen.

They returned to the courts and battled to an 8-4 win over Labette County’s Carr and Page. Reno and Sinclair earned their med-als with a default win (8-0) against Columbus.

Iola’s No. 1 singles play-er for the day was Katana Smith. Megan Smith played in the No 2 singles spot for the Fillies. Both went 0-4 at the meet.

“I was a little disappoint-ed in some of the matches because I believe our sin-gles players could’ve pulled out a couple of wins,” By-croft said. “The girls just didn’t have that last bit to finish it off.”

In No. 1 singles play, Ka-tana Smith lost 8-1 to both Fort Scott’s Courtney Crain

and Pittsburg’s Katy Short. She dropped an 8-3 decision to Paige Smith of Labette County and lost 8-2 to Ash-ley Simpson of Columbus.

Megan Smith was beaten 8-2 by Kristian Hightower of Fort Scott in her open-ing No. 2 singles match. She lost 8-0 to Brittany Wilde of Pittsburg, then lost 8-1 to Labette County’s Sami Brown and 8-0 to Columbus’ Alyssa Goodwin.

Bycroft said she saw some double faults and the habit of returning the ball right back to the net player during the doubles match-es.

“Just some things to work on,” Bycroft said.

“I’d like to add that just about every time we play

somewhere there is always someone — parents, players or coaches — who comment to me and the girls how nice of a team we are.

“I’m very proud of my team’s sportsmanship and good attitudes. They rep-resent themselves and Iola well.”

Iola’s next varsity com-petition is Tuesday at Cof-feyville. The meet was moved from next Thursday to Tuesday. It will be the fi-nal regular season matches of the season.

The Kansas Class 4A re-gional tournament is Oct. 5-6.

Iola’s junior varsity ten-nis players wrap up their season at Chanute on Mon-day.

B4Saturday, September 22, 2012 The Iola Register

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By JOCELYN [email protected]

They came close last week. Allen Community College’s women finally got off the snide Wednes-day afternoon.

Allen’s women claimed their first win of the 2012 soccer season. It came at home against Kansas City, Kan., Community College. The Red Devils won 2-1.

Danielle Wilber and Amanda Larson each net-ted a goal for Allen. Keelie Arbuckle was in goal for the Red Devils again and made seven saves.

The ACC men dropped a 2-0 decision to Kansas City. Jordan Drake was credited with eight saves as the Red Devils’ goalkeeper.

Allen’s women (1-4-1, 1-6-1) have a tough task today. The Red Devils host NJCAA Division I top-ranked Hutchinson (7-0) at 3 o’clock.

The Red Devil men (1-3-1, 3-3-1) and women travel to Concordia Monday to take on Cloud County Community College in a doubleheader.

ACC women win, men lose

Danielle Wiber (11) works the soccer ball against a defender from NEO in an earlier home game. Wiber scored a goal Wednesday to help the Allen Community College women win their first game of the season.

Register/Jocelyn Sheets

Allen Community Col-lege’s Eric Tomlinson (4) goes up to battle for the soccer ball during a home game this season

Register/Jocelyn Sheets

Register/Jocelyn Sheets

Iola High’s Alexis Hobbs gets the ball deep in the court while doubles partner Abbey St. Clair is ready at the net during a match Thursday at Pittsburg. The pair picked up third-place medals in No. 1 doubles at the meet hosted by Pittsburg High School.

Fillies’ doubles teams claim third-place medals

Page 13: Newspaper 9/22/12

JOLIET, Ill. — Dale Earnhardt Jr. doesn’t want to get ahead of himself. After all, one race does not a Chase, or a champion, make.

It’s another take on the familiar “one race at a time” mindset.

“We’ve been running (well) all year,” Earnhardt said. “We’ve just been going week to week. You go to each race track and work on your car in practice, run the race, try to use your head, finish as best you can.

“You can’t think too far ahead of yourself. You just do what your job is that day and try to accom-plish the goals you set forth in that afternoon. That’s all you can do. If you have a bad run, you keep try-ing. You just keep plugging away. I don’t think you really alter the course, per se. You got to show up every week and run against everybody. You’ve got to try to finish and try to win the race.”

The hidden key — What with two drivers — Clint Bowyer and Martin Truex Jr. — in the Chase, and two victories with Bowyer, this is the long-awaited season of Michael Waltrip’s arrival as an owner, but that’s not entirely the story.

Waltrip has a partner, Rob Kauffman, whom he credits with a crucial role.

“I’m half the ownership,” Waltrip said. “Luckily, Rob Kauffman is here, too. … In 2007, when we started the team, I made it all the way to March till I figured out I was broke. I met Rob in April. He bought half the team in October.

“Since then we’ve been making steady progress.”Birthers — For the first time ever, on Friday, a

baby was born at New Hampshire Motor Speed-way. The family, from nearby Belmont, was en route to a Concord hospital, but not fast enough.

There’s no truth to the rumor that Texas Motor Speedway President Eddie Gossage immediately issued a release claiming that his track has been the site of more births than the entire state of New Hampshire.

Lost amid the frivolity — The Chase is on, but even though neither of the Richard Petty Motorsports driv-ers is in it, their teams are going through shake-ups. The teams of both Marcos Ambrose and Aric Almi-rola are undergoing widespread personnel shifts, the most notable being the swap of crew chiefs Mike Ford to Ambrose and Todd Parrott to Almirola.

Fun with fractions — Clint Bowyer, evaluating his past history in the Chase: “I look at it as, we’ve run third, fifth and fifth. We were 60/1,000ths of an inch from fifth last time and it still (ticks) me off thinking about it.”

Stenhouse is set — When Ricky Stenhouse Jr. takes over for Matt Kenseth next year at Roush Fen-way Racing, he will do so with sponsorship from Best Buy, Fifth Third Bank and Zest.

Concerning this zesty relationship, Jack Roush said, “Ricky (Stenhouse) is a very lucky young driver because he is able now to step in to a mature team, (and) regardless of how the personnel winds up

being distributed next year, he winds up taking one of the three seats at our table, which have been very good seats this year based on the work that Robbie Reiser has done on the manufacturing side and all the crew chiefs at the race track.”

If you have a question or comment, write: NASCAR This Week, c/o The Gaston Gazette, P.O. Box 1538, Gastonia, NC 28053 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. You can also send your NASCAR questions to Monte on Facebook at and at Please specify you are submitting them for the NASCAR This Week page.

“Sincethenwe’ ebeenmakingstead progress ”

Race hard and say all the best clichésBy Monte DuttonNASCAR This Week


� Brad Keselowski had the incredible skill to beat Jimmie Johnson at his best … and the incredible sense not to rub it in. One race does not a Chase make, nor one victory a champion.� It’s important to remember

that, while the fi eld is grouped together to begin the Chase, it’s back to standard points racing once it starts. The entire fi eld began the Geico 400 separated by 12 points. After one race, the span is now 47, which means that Jeff Gordon, in particular, has some work to do.� It seemed as if Kasey Kahne

spent the whole race in third place.� The key to the Chase is inter-

mediate tracks like Chicagoland, but the next two are at one-milers, one fl at (New Hampshire) and the other banked (Dover).� Then comes the Great

Unknown. Yes … Talladega.� It’s still a bit too early to

dwell on, but, no, Roger Penske has never won a NASCAR Cup championship. Brad Keselowski gave him a Nationwide champion-ship two years ago.� The difference in the points

was the difference in the race. Keselowski led a lap (obviously). Johnson led the most laps. Kesel-owski got the three bonus points for winning. He leads Johnson by three. As Bill Clinton might say, it’s arithmetic.� The opener was no great

shakes for Dale Earnhardt Jr., who was mainly invisible but managed to fi nish a creditable eighth.

By Monte DuttonNASCAR This Week

JOLIET, Ill. — Brad Keselowski doesn’t miss a trick.Chicagoland Speedway is wholly nestled in the Cen-

tral time zone. For 90 percent of Sunday’s Geico 400, it only looked like Jimmie Johnson was in a different one.

Then, all of a sudden, Keselowski’s Dodge was. He didn’t just take the lead. He pulled away.

By the time the checkered flag cut the turbulent air of trackside, Keselowski’s edge was over three seconds.

To borrow from the words of the late Jim Croce, Ke-selowski pulled the mask off the old Lone Ranger, but what was most impressive was that he knew better than to tug on Superman’s cape, which would’ve been about as effective as spitting into the wind.

Johnson has won five championships. He’s the favor-ite for a sixth. He might lose to a faster driver in a faster

car, but he’s not going to succumb to gamesmanship. Keselowski knew better than to talk smack afterward.

Keselowski was appropriately respectful, which, like almost every other move he makes, was smart. It was way too early. One race does not a Chase make, nor one victory a champion.

“It’s not for me to speak about a mental edge,” he said. “That’s for you guys to speculate. If you want to ask him about that, that’s fine, but it’s not for me to speculate. When you’re winning races and running up front like we did today, it means a lot to everybody. It means a lot for your own team, and it means a lot to others some-times. I know that watching the ‘48’ (Johnson) win quite often, that does have an effect over time, a psychologi-cal advantage — but it’s not for me to speak.”

Johnson’s going to bounce back with a vengeance. He always does. Keselowski might win this championship, but it doesn’t behoove him to get the beast all riled up.

All times EasternSprint Cup SeriesSylvania 300, 1 p.m., Sunday

Nationwide SeriesKentucky 3003:30 p.m., Saturday

Truck SeriesKentucky 201, 7 p.m., Friday

Banking instraights

1ºBanking inturns 1-4


Distance:............... 1.058-mile ovalLength of frontstretch:. ....1,500 ft.Length of backstretch:. ....1,500 ft.Miles/Laps: 317.4 mi. = 300 laps

July 15 Sept. 23





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2012 POINTS STANDINGSSprint Cup Series Pts.1. Brad Keselowski 2,0562. Jimmie Johnson - 33. Tony Stewart - 84. Denny Hamlin - 15 Kasey Kahne - 15 Clint Bowyer - 157. Dale Earnhardt Jr. - 178. Greg Biffle - 199. Martin Truex Jr. - 2110. Kevin Harvick - 2411. Matt Kenseth - 2612. Jeff Gordon - 47

Nationwide Series1. Ricky Stenhouse Jr. 9822. Elliott Sadler - 93. Austin Dillon - 344. Sam Hornish Jr. - 575. Justin Allgaier - 1076. Michael Annett - 1457. Cole Whitt - 2158. Mike Bliss - 2609. Joe Nemechek - 34810. Brian Scott - 349

Camping World Truck Series1. Ty Dillon 5612. Timothy Peters - 83. James Buescher - 114. Parker Kligerman - 315. Matt Crafton - 436. Joey Coulter - 467. Justin Lofton - 508. Nelson Piquet Jr. - 699. Jason White - 11310. Ron Hornaday - 114

John Clark/NASCAR This WeekBrad Keselowski fired the first shot in this year’s Chase for the Sprint Cup championship. Keselowski defty overtook five-time champion Jimmie Johnson in Sunday’s Geico 400 and went on to win.

Race: Sylvania 300Where: New Hampshire Motor Speedway, Loudon (1.058 mi.), 300 laps/317.4 miles.When: Sunday, Sept. 23.Last year’s winner: Tony Stewart, Chevy.Qualifying record: Ryan Newman, Chevy, 135.232 mph, July 15, 2011.Race record: Jeff Burton, Ford, 117.134 mph.Last race: Brad Keselowski dominated the late stages of the season’s first Chase race, Chicago-land Speedway’s Geico 400, to take the points lead for the first time in his career. The Dodge driver turned the tables on Jimmie Johnson, who led 172 of the 267 laps.

Race: Kentucky 300Where: Kentucky Speedway, Sparta (1.5 mi.), 200 laps/300 miles.When: Saturday, Sept. 22.Last year’s winner: First time the track has hosted a second event.Qualifying record: Carl Edwards, Ford, 181.287 mph, June 18, 2005.Race record: Austin Dillon, Chevy, 151.643 mph, June 29, 2012.Last race: Ricky Stenhouse Jr. picked up his fifth victory of the season and grabbed the series points lead by taking control of the Chicagoland Speedway near the end. Kyle Busch dominated for most of the afternoon but settled for second.

Race: Kentucky 201Where: Kentucky Speedway, Sparta (1.5 mi.), 134 laps/201 miles.When: Friday, Sept. 21.Last year’s winner: Ron Hornaday Jr., Chevy.Qualifying record: Austin Dillon, Chevy, 179.868 mph, Oct. 11, 2011.Race record: Mike Bliss, Chevy, 143.515 mph, July 13, 2002.Last race: Ryan Blaney, 18, became the youngest winner in series history by holding off Ty Dillon in Iowa. It was only Blaney’s third start in the Truck Series. He is the son of Sprint Cup veteran Dave Blaney.


� Who’s hot: Brad Keselowski opened the Chase with an impres-sive victory, but for all that, he leads a fi ve-time champion, Jimmie Johnson, by a grand total of three points. For the moment, we’ve got likely suspects for a title to round up.

� Who’s not: The Chase takes NASCAR back to a points competition, and one race in, Jeff Gordon trails by 47 points. ... Denny Hamlin’s a a lot closer (15), but it was embarrassing to run out of gas at the end.

Buds, Beer and ResponsibilitySept. 21 is Global Be(er) Responsible Day, which prompted

Budweiser and the NASCAR driver it sponsors, Kevin Harvick, to promote Geico 400 race day as Designate a Driver Sunday at Chicagoland Speedway. If you’d like to show support by pledging to drink responsibly, go to In the past three years, Anheuser-Busch and its wholesalers have committed $930 million in national advertising campaigns and community-based programs to promote responsible drinking and prevent underage drinking and drunk driving.

Craven Wow’d ’Em At DarlingtonFew drivers have ever been more beloved in New England

than Newburgh, Maine’s Ricky Craven, who now serves as an ESPN analyst. One of Craven’s two major NASCAR victories was a memorable triumph over Kurt Busch in the Dodge Dealers 400 at Darlington Raceway on March 16, 2003, in which the two drivers’ cars rubbed and scraped across the finish line side by side. Craven also won the Old Dominion 500 at Martinsville on Oct. 15, 2001, as well as four victories in what is now the Nationwide Series. (Source:

Oh, it’s just a mild one, but it could heat up if both drivers remain at the top of the Chase standings. Keselowski pulled up into the rac-ing groove a bit soon for Johnson’s taste after his final pit stop in the Geico 400. Johnson shrugged it off later, saying Keselowski would have won the race anyway, but his excitable crew chief, Chad Knaus, demanded that NASCAR “look at the video” during the race.

NASCAR This Week’s Monte Dutton gives his take: “Keselowski’s taming of the dominant Johnson surprised everyone. Imagine Chad Knaus, of all people, yelling ‘No fair!’ No worries for the Johnson fans. They’ll be back.”


Counterpoint Well Taken?This Week welcomes letters to the editor, but

please be aware that we have room for only a few each week. We’ll do our best to select the best, but individual replies are impossible due to the bulk of mail received. Please do not send stamped and self-addressed envelopes with your letters, which should be addressed to: NASCAR This Week, The Gaston Gazette, P.O. Box 1538, Gastonia, N.C. 28053. Send emails to [email protected], ATTN: NTW question

Dear NASCAR This Week,Lynne Bupp, from Roxbury, Kan., wrote that

she was upset about a few things. Well, I think I must look at the sport a little differently. I have been a fan since age 5, over 20 years. Maybe I look at things in a tainted way?

First, being that she only attends Nationwide Races to watch the Cup boys, and they should be allowed to race for the title. Hmm, I don’t go to one single race just to see who wins the yearly championship, nor would I like to watch a finale, where my driver runs 19th, but locks up the title. I would be happy, but it’s not the same. It doesn’t matter if, during the race you go to, Tony Stewart isn’t eligible to get points for the title. I’d just like the driver to win and don’t care where he stacks up against drivers in a lower level. Also, the competition of the young guns, and underdogs, going against these Cup-affiliated teams and stars, is pretty nice. I think they enjoy it, and it highlights the series. ... I love how Nationwide is set up and find the races very entertaining.

Next, she calls the Chase boring. Really? Wow! I’ve been watching for years, and I know, we’d never have another Atlanta 1992, or anything close, without the Chase. The first one in ’04 was amazing. Longtime fans may not like the Chase, but should agree it’s anything but boring. Matt Kenseth’s 2003 consistency run was the definition of boring. Win the title by finishing seventh every week. The Chase is great. It needs tweaks here and there but it’s still very young, and NASCAR isn’t scared to tweak it. It’s much better than anything we’ve had up until the ‘04 season.

Finally, many people say HMS and Jimmie (Johnson) cheat. I won’t go one way or the other on this, but these guys are the best of the best for a reason. Their job is to win. And yeah, the Chase caters to Jimmie. But I bet Dale (Earnhardt) Jr. would be ecstatic to make the Chase, even if it was 10 races at Watkins Glen. Point being, they all have one goal, they get there. It’s every team’s job to win and in doing so, you must beat the best, at their best. And even if Jimmie wins his sixth, and this person stops watching, 1,000 more fans will start watching. So it doesn’t really matter. I love NASCAR, always have, and probably always will. And while, from time to time, they may make a fan unhappy, they will amaze several more in the process, and keep getting better.

Kenny IrelandGrantsboro, N.C.

As is often said, opposing viewpoints are invited.

The Kez Takes OverKeselowski wrestles momentum from Johnson at Joliet



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Page 14: Newspaper 9/22/12

Help Wanted

The City of LaHarpe will be ac-cepting bids for a CEMETERY SEXTON to the LaHarpe Elm Cemetery. A description of duties and responsibilities may be picked up at the LaHarpe City Hall. Bids must be submitted before noon on October 9, 2012. Bids may be mailed to: PO Box 10, LaHarpe, KS 66751 or dropped off at the La-Harpe City Hall located at 902 S. Washington.

BOLLING’S MEAT MARKET has job opening. Must be at least 18 years old, experience preferred. Must be available to work at both lo-cations, Iola & Moran. Must be able to lift 65lbs+, drug screen required. Great communication & people skills needed & reliable transporta-tion. Apply in person only, 201 S. State, Iola.

MANPOWER OF CHANUTE has openings for long term tempo-rary workers in GENERAL LA-BOR & ASSEMBLY, Chanute & Iola areas. Must have good work history, mechanical ability & sol-dering experience. Must be able to pass background check and drug screen. Please apply at, call or come by 406 E. Main, Chanute, 620-431-0001.

HIRING IMMEDIATELY: National companies need employees to assemble products at home for pay, no selling, $500 weekly po-tential. Info. 1-985-646-1700 Dept. KS-2816.

Accepting applications NCCC NURSING PROGRAM through No-vember 30th, 620-431-2820 ext. 254 for information or email [email protected].

FULL-TIME DRIVERS NEEDED. Must have valid Class B CDL, w/clean MVR. 2 year driving history. Positive attitude, flexible, energetic, neat, dependable. Pre-employment drug screen required. Benefits in-clude health insurance, some paid holidays, & IRA. Payless Concrete Products, Inc., 802 N. Industrial Rd., Iola, KS, 620-365-5588.

The City of LaHarpe is accepting applications for a CITY TREA-SURER. Knowledge in QuickBooks and Excel preferred (necessary). Interested individuals may apply at the LaHarpe City Hall located at 902 S. Washington. Application dead-line is October 3rd.

CHILDREN’S AIDE. Working with children after school 12-18 hours/Mon-Thur. Requires driver’s license and reliable ve-hicle. Prefer experience w/children. Minimum 18 years old. Drug screen required. Call Michelle at 620-365-5717 if questions. Southeast Kan-sas Mental Health Center, PO Box 807, Iola, KS 66749. Applications at local SEKMHC office. EOE/AA.

Windsor Place is taking appli-cations for a SOCIAL SERVICE DESIGNEE, prefer someone with a SSD/AD certificate. Apply at 600 E. Garfield, Iola.

Child Care Licensed day care has openings, SRS approved. For more informa-tion call 620-228-1928.

LICENSED DAY CARE now has openings, Cindy Troxel 620-365-2204.

Poultry & Livestock BOTTLE CALVES, calving 150 head of dairy cows to beef bulls Sept.-Nov., 620-344-0790.

Farm Miscellaneous SMALL BALES OF STRAW, $3 picked up, $4 delivered in Iola, 620-380-1259 David Tidd.

Help Wanted

The City of Iola is accepting ap-plications for 3 full-time FIRE-FIGHTER/PARAMEDIC positions funded through a FEMA SAFER grant. Funding is for two years starting November 12th. Kansas certified paramedic preferred. Pay entry level $10.13-11.74 DOQ. Ap-plication review begins October 5th. Applications at City Clerk’s office, 2 W. Jackson Ave., Iola, or EOE/ADA.

USD #258 Humboldt Schools is looking for SUBSTITUTE COOKS. Must be good with children and have good working skills. Applica-tions can be picked up at the Board of Education office, 801 New York St., Humboldt, KS 66748. Deadline is October 5th.

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B6Saturday, September 22, 2012 The Iola Register

PUBLIC NOTICE OF BID PUBLIC NOTICE OF BID Murray Company is soliciting bids for a 40’ x 80’ Pre-engineered Metal Building to be constructed at 3066 N. Kentucky Rd., Iola, KS. Pre-qualification forms are available through Tim Moore with Murray Company. Bids are due in Allen County Clerk’s office on September 25, 2012 @ 2 p.m. Bids may be faxed, mailed or hand delivered. Delivery information is included with Bid Instructions. Bidders should contact Sheldon Streeter on Tim Moore at 913-451-1884 or [email protected] or [email protected]. Murray will evaluate all bids received and award based on the lowest and best bid provided. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informality or technicality in bidding. Allen County, Kansas, Allen County Hospital and Murray Company are an EOE.

(Published in the Iola Register September 8 through September 25, 2012)

33’ TRAVEL TRAILER,1 slideout, selling at

auction Mound City, KSSeptember 29th, 913-205-8148.

PSI, Inc. PSI, Inc. Personal Service Insurance Personal Service Insurance

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If you are interested please contact Brian at 620-964- 2156 or [email protected]

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Before the State Corporation Commission of the

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TO: All Oil & Gas Producers, TO: Unleased Mineral Interest Owners, Landowners, and all persons whoever concerned.

YOU are hereby notified that NC YOU Oil Company, Inc. has filed an application to commence the injection of saltwater into the Bartlesville formation at the Larry Holman lease well 7, located 165’ FSL, 1815’ FEL, SW SE SW SE of Section 35 , Township 26S, Range 18E, Allen County, Kansas, with a maximum operating pressure of 50 pounds and a maximum injection rate of 600 bbls per day.

ANY persons who object to or ANY protest this application shall be required to file their objections or protest with the Conservation Division of the State Corporation Commission of the State of Kansas within thirty (30) days from the date of this publication. These protests shall be filed pursuant to Commission regulations and must state specific reasons why granting the application may cause waste, violate correlative rights or pollute the natural resources of the State of Kansas.

ALL persons interested or ALL concerned shall take notice of the foregoing and shall govern themselves accordingly. NC Oil Company, Inc. 7545 250th St. Humboldt, KS 66748 (Published in The Iola Register Sept. 22, 2012)

TAKE DUE NOTICE The following vehicles

will be sold at public auction on

Sat., Oct. 13th, 2012. at 10 a.m. at

TJ’s Towing LLC 1306 Belton - Gas, KS 1306 Belton - Gas, KS (1 blk. east of 54 Drive In -

N. side of Hwy. 54) Iola, KS 66749

Year, Make & VIN #: Year, Make & VIN #: 1987 CHEVY

1G1FP21H9HL125250 1983 FORD

1FDPK84A6TV42876 1995 CHEVY

2G1WN52M6S9246335 2000 FORD

1FAFP6615YK100854 1991 PONTIAC

1G2FS23E2ML205089 (Published in The Iola Register

Sept. 22, Sept. 29 & Oct. 6, 2012)

PUBLIC AUCTION Sat., Sept. 29, 2012 • 10 a.m.

911 Bay St. • Bronson Old crocks; Gary Hawk Ft. Scott paintings; old glass lamp; depression glass; Fenton glass; old wooden boxes; 2 metal chairs w/matching table; old washtubs; wagon wheels; sports collectibles; porcelain dolls; Kodak picture maker; DVD’s; books; Home Interior décor; kitchen etc.; dishes; bedding; rugs; small kitchen appliances; Tupperware; Sanyo TV; VCR; 2 antique rocking chairs; oak microwave stand; entertainment center; barn wood shelves; plastic shelves; black shelves; computer stand; blue rocker recliner; coffee table and matching end tables; white cabinet with glass doors; wood TV trays; twin bed with drawers; dresser with mirror and matching chest; antique dresser; pressure canner; canning jars; large & small dog cages; gas grill; plant holder; Craftsman riding lawn mower; Poulon Pro self propelled lawn mower; tiller; chainsaw; sump pump; tomato cages; lawn mower trailer; red wagon; hand tools; metal shelves; dog house; large outside Christmas decorations; lots of miscellaneous.

Owner: Sheila Nichols Terms: Cash or approved check. Not responsible for accidents or theft.

Auctioneers: Leon Thompson & Eric Boone Auctioneers: Leon Thompson & Eric Boone 620-365-5621, 496-7100, 473-2831 620-365-5621, 496-7100, 473-2831

Chanute Manufacturing Company has an Chanute Manufacturing Company has an immediate opening for a Materials Foreman. immediate opening for a Materials Foreman.

The position will require someone with a working knowledge of computer and data systems, receiving, steel inventory, materials dispatch and the ability to read blueprints.

Candidates should have supervisor experience, inventory control experience and are required to be neat, extremely

accurate, well organized and self motivated. Excellent benefit package, including vacation, 9 paid holidays,

life, health, dental and vision insurance, and 401K. Send Resumes to:

Chanute Manufacturing A Unit of Optimus Corporation

Apply in person at 1700 S. Washington,

Chanute, Kansas or request an application by e-mail at

[email protected] Call (620) 431-3100 EOE

Chanute Manufacturing Company has an Chanute Manufacturing Company has an immediate opening for a Project Manager. immediate opening for a Project Manager.

The qualified candidate must be a degreed Engineer or have equivalent experience managing engineered steel fabrication

projects. We are looking for someone with excellent communication and grammar skills, both written and verbal, and the ability to work with customers and co-workers in a

professional and proficient manner. Our Project Managers must have good organizational and

multi-tasking skills, and the ability to proficiently use computer software programs Excel, Word and Microsoft Projects.

Excellent benefit package, including vacation, 9 paid holidays, life, health, dental and vision insurance, and 401K.

Send Resumes to: Chanute Manufacturing

A Unit of Optimus Corporation Apply in person at

1700 S. Washington, Chanute, Kansas

or request an application by e-mail at [email protected]

Call (620) 431-3100 EOE

Perfect Part-Time Jobsin Coffeyville, KS



Work while your kidsare at school

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staffmanagement.greatjob.netALSO HIRING FOR FULL-TIME POSITIONS. APPLY ONLINE 24/7



WALK-INS WELCOMEMON-FRI, 9:00AM-5:00PM900 Hall Street, Suite 110Coffeyville, KS 67337



Local company has openings for the following full-time positions:

ASME/AWS Welders Qualified TIG and welders for tube and pipe. Applicants must

pass weld test. Wages up to $18.92. Designers/Drafters

5+ years of experience in detailing utility boilers, heat exchangers, and pressure vessels. Knowledge of AutoCAS, heavy industrial construction, and ASME fabrication required. Project

management, 3D Modeling, and field experience is preferred. Drafting Clerk

Candidates must be proficient with typing and use of Microsoft computer programs including Excel. Individuals are required to be neat, extremely accurate, well organized and self motivated.

Excellent benefit package, including 9 paid holidays, life, health, dental, and vision insurance, and 401K.

Send Resumes to: Chanute Manufacturing

A Unit of Optimus Corporation Apply in person at

1700 S. Washington, Chanute, Kansas

or request an application by e-mail at [email protected]

Call (620) 431-3100 EOE

Page 15: Newspaper 9/22/12

Real Estate for Rent

Quality & Affordable homes available for rent,

Real Estate for Sale

Allen County Realty Inc. 620-365-3178

John Brocker ........... 620-365-6892Carolynn Krohn ....... 620-365-9379Jim Hinson .............. 620-365-5609Jack Franklin ........... 620-365-5764Brian Coltrane.......... 620-496-5424Dewey Stotler............620-363-2491

DREAM HOME FOR SALE. 402 S. Elm, Iola, Grand 3-story

1897 home on 3 lots. 4,894 sq. ft. $190,000. call 620-365-

9395 for Susan Lynn or Dr. Brian Wolfe [email protected]. More info and pictures at

IOLA, 201 S. 3RD, nice 2 bed-room home, corner lot, good wir-ing, good roof & siding, 620-365-2408.

IOLA, 9 KENWOOD CIRCLE, 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, attached garage, CH/CA, 1744sq.ft. living area, deck, great neighborhood, on cul-de-sac, $118,000, 620-228-1788.

Apartments for Rent

Real Estate for Rent IOLA, 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, $425 monthly, $425 deposit, 620-365-9450, [email protected]

409 S. COLBORN, 3 BEDROOM, attached garage, fully remodeled, appliances, 620-496-6787.

IOLA, 716 N. WALNUT, 3 BED-ROOM, very nice, CH/CA, appli-ances, single detached garage w/auto opener, $795 monthly, 620-496-6161 or 620-496-2222.

923 N. SYCAMORE, 2 or 3 BED-ROOM, $450 monthly, $450 de-posit, no pets, 620-365-0090.

MORAN, 144 E. CHURCH, 2 BED-ROOM DUPLEX, $350 monthly plus deposit, 620-365-9424.

Saturday, September 22, 2012The Iola B7


ZITS by Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman

HI AND LOIS by Chance Browne

BABY BLUES by Kirkman & Scott

BEETLE BAILEY by Mort Walker


BLONDIE by Young and Drake

DAILY CRYPTOQUOTES - Here’s how to work it:

Sudoku is like a crossword puzzle, but uses numbers instead of words. The puzzle is a box of 81 squares, subdivided into 3x3 cubes of 9 squares each. Some squares are filled in with numbers. The rest should be filled in by the puzzler.Fill in the blank squares allowing the numbers 1-9 to appear only once in every row, once in ev-ery column and once in every 3x3 box. One-star puzzles are for begin-ners, and the difficulty gradually increases through the week to a very chal-lenging five-star puzzle.

Retired 1-Man Show has Retired 1-Man Show has Full Sound System For Sale Full Sound System For Sale at LESS THAN 1 ⁄ 2 PRICE !! at LESS THAN 1 ⁄ 2 PRICE

Peavy Amplifier XR 600E Powered Mixer

$ 289 (Over $600 New)

Original Style Peavy Triflex

$ 199 (Triflex II sells for over $800 New)

2 KMD SE12-75 Speakers Ea. Box is 16”W - 21”H - 12”D Ea. box contains 12” speaker & piezo horn 8 OHM 75 Watts

$ 199 (Over $400 pair New)

Peavy Microphone - Might be PVM 22 Diamond Series -

$ 49 (Over $130 New)

Pro by Telex True Diversity VHF Wireless System R-10 Receiver & H-10 Cordless Handheld Microphone

$ 59 (Around

$125 New)

Buy It All For $ 695

Extra $100 Off

Purchase price includes applicable connecting wires & speaker cords.

JVC double cassette decks & radio tuner can be thrown in as an extra.

Call 620-228-4642 and leave a message



Merchandise for Sale

SEWING MACHINE SERVICE Over 40 years experience! House calls! Guaranteed!


MATHEWS Z7 BOW AND AC-CESSORIES. Scent-Lok suits and boots, 620-363-0094.

Pets and Supplies


Clean, Affordable.Shots required. 620-363-8272

Garage Sales 505 S. SYCAMORE, Saturday, 3-FAMILY. Clothes, antiques, fur-niture, collectibles, miscellaneous.

Also at 505 S. SYCAMORE. Due to rainy weather we cancelled the benefit garage sale last weekend for Jill Ramsey. We have resched-uled for Saturday.

602 N. FOURTH, Saturday 8-?. Motorcycle, furniture, clothes, odds-n-ends.

214 E. MILLER RD., Saturday 8-?, 5-FAMILY (Michael, Melen-dez, Wolfe). New quality baby clothes, plus size clothing, recliner, patio furniture.

302 S. COLBORN, Friday Noon and Saturday (rain cancel last Saturday), HILLBRANT. Some-thing for everyone. Plenty of plant steals, come and get them!

New price!!!!!


Garage Sales

LAHARPE, 201 S. MONROE, Fri-day 4-7, Saturday 7-1. Green Bay Packers, other collectibles, toys, kitchen set, Foreman grill, furniture, lots miscellaneous.

GAS, 120 S. MARTIN, Saturday 8-?. Men’s & women’s clothing, shoes, furniture, miscellaneous.

GAS, 301 S. MARTIN, Friday 10-3, Saturday 8-2. Toddler-adult clothes, dorm refrigerator, TV, mis-cellaneous.

Apartments for Rent DOWNTOWN MORAN, great 1 bedroom, no pets, $350 deposit & references required, move in now, no rent until October 1st, 620-237-4331 Monday-Friday 8-5 or 620-939-4800.

MORAN, 207 W. RANDOLPH, 1-2 PERSON APARTMENTS AVAIL-ABLE NOW! Cable, water, trash & lawn care included, $300 deposit, $355 rent. SPECIAL “move in now” deposit only $300, no rent until October 1st, 620-237-4331 or 620-939-4800.

MIKE’S GUNS 620-363-0094 Thur.-Sat. 9-2

Good idea to call!

Place your classified online:

Page 16: Newspaper 9/22/12

B8Saturday, September 22, 2012 The Iola Register

Moran Locker Moran Locker H wy. 59 S , D owntown M oran • (620) 237-4331

Open Mon. through Fri. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Sat. 8 a.m. - 11 a.m.



• We’ve been in Moran for 24 years • By our choosing, we insist on a state

inspector in-house 5 days a week • Our packaging keeps meat fresh

frozen for 12 months • We offer convenient small

quantity packaging such as 2 lbs. of ground beef, 2 steaks per package,

4 pork chops per package, etc.

We Invite You To Shop We Invite You To Shop With Us For Your Locally With Us For Your Locally

Raised & Processed Raised & Processed


Reasonable Everyday Prices:

Spiral Ham $ 2 79 lb.

Sirloin Steak $ 4 99 lb.

Pork Sausage $ 2 69 lb.

Pork Chops $ 2 89 lb.

Whole Chicken $ 1 79 lb.

814 W. Cherry Chanute • (620) 431-0480 • Toll Free 1-877-431-0480 Mon.-Fri. 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; Sat. 8 a.m.-Noon

Oil Change Specials G a s E n g in es G a s E n g in es

$ 24 95 $ 24 95

Includ es Filter & 5 q ts. M opa r O il Includ es Filter & 5 q ts. M op a r O il H em i & Special O il/Filters

Slightly H igher

D o d g e D iesel D o d g e D iesel $ 57 95 $ 57 95

Includ es Filter & 12 q ts. R otella O il Includ es Filter & 12 q ts. Rotella O il O ther V ehicles & O ils

Slightly H igher

All Sizes - All Brands On Sale — Call for more info.

Hankook Tire Specials

Includ es: Free M ount & Ba la nce • Roa d H a za rd W a rra nty • Free Fla t Rep a ir • Lifetim e Free Rota tion Includ es: Free M ount & Ba la nce • Roa d H a za rd W a rra nty • Free Fla t Rep a ir • Lifetim e Free Rota tion *W ith the purchase of 4 H ankook tires *W ith the p urcha se of 4 H a nkook tires

Service Department Now Open Saturday

8 a.m.-Noon

Offers Expire 9/30/12

O p tim o O p tim o H 727 H 727

Prem ium Touring Prem ium Touring A ll Sea son A ll Sea son

• M ud & Snow R a ted • M ud & Snow Ra ted 100,000 M i. W a rra nty 100,000 M i. W a rra nty

P185/60R15 $ 86 93 P185/60R15 $ 86 93

P215/70R15 $ 99 90 P215/70R15 $ 99 90

P235/75R15 X L $ 110 54 P235/75R15 X L $ 110 54

P205/55R16 $ 129 36 P205/55R16 $ 129 36

P205/60R16 $ 115 66 P205/60R16 $ 115 66

P215/60R16 $ 115 85 P215/60R16 $ 115 85

P225/60R16 $ 123 28 P225/60R16 $ 123 28

P215/65R16 $ 118 16 P215/65R16 $ 118 16

P225/65R16 $ 124 12 P225/65R16 $ 124 12

P235/65R16 $ 125 03 P235/65R16 $ 125 03

P215/60R17 $ 135 72 P215/60R17 $ 135 72

P215/65R17 $ 139 66 P215/65R17 $ 139 66

D yn a p ro D yn a p ro A T-M R F10 A T-M R F10

Prem ium A ll Prem ium A ll Terra in Terra in

50,000 M i. W a rra nty 50,000 M i. W a rra nty

P235/75R15 $ 133 81 P235/75R15 $ 133 81

P225/75R16 $ 129 84 P225/75R16 $ 129 84

P245/75R16 $ 143 74 P245/75R16 $ 143 74

P265/75R16 $ 154 28 P265/75R16 $ 154 28

P245/65R17 $ 159 29 P245/65R17 $ 159 29

P265/65R17 $ 169 87 P265/65R17 $ 169 87

P265/70R17 $ 173 96 P265/70R17 $ 173 96

P235/65R17 $ 157 95 P235/65R17 $ 157 95

P265/60R18 $ 187 62 P265/60R18 $ 187 62

P265/70R18 $ 187 78 P265/70R18 $ 187 78

P275/55R20 $ 220 91 P275/55R20 $ 220 91

P275/60R20 $ 239 47 P275/60R20 $ 239 47

D yn a p ro D yn a p ro H T R H 12 H T R H 12 Prem ium H w y. Prem ium H w y. A ll Sea son A ll Sea son

70,000 M i. W a rra nty 70,000 M i. W a rra nty

P235/75R15 $ 128 77 P235/75R15 $ 128 77

P225/75R16 $ 128 24 P225/75R16 $ 128 24

P245/75R16 $ 139 81 P245/75R16 $ 139 81

P265/75R16 $ 153 36 P265/75R16 $ 153 36

P245/65R17 $ 151 46 P245/65R17 $ 151 46

P255/65R17 $ 164 41 P255/65R17 $ 164 41

P265/65R17 $ 168 63 P265/65R17 $ 168 63

P245/70R17 $ 165 77 P245/70R17 $ 165 77

P265/70R17 $ 171 88 P265/70R17 $ 171 88

P265/60R18 $ 187 57 P265/60R18 $ 187 57

P265/70R18 $ 184 29 P265/70R18 $ 184 29

P275/55R20 $ 216 06 P275/55R20 $ 216 06

Alignment Specials Fro n t W h eel Fro n t W h eel A lig n m en t A lig n m en t $ 39 95 $ 39 95

Fo ur W h eel Fo ur W h eel A lig n m en t A lig n m en t $ 59 95 $ 59 95

Prop er a lignm ent is a n Prop er a lig nm ent is a n inexp ensive w a y to increa se inexp ensive w a y to increa se fuel m ilea g e and tire life. fuel m ilea g e a nd tire life.

$ 50 $ 50 M ail-In M ail-In Reba te Rebate

W ith Purchase of 4 W ith Purchase of 4

H a n ko o k H a n ko o k O p tim o H 727 O p tim o H 727

o r o r H a n ko o k H a n ko o k

D yn a p ro H T R H 12 D yn a p ro H T R H 12

Steaks, Roasts & Ground Buffalo



A llen Coun ty Raised


W hile It

L asts!

Bolling’s Meat Market

201 S. State, Iola (620) 380-MEAT (6328)

Open Mon.-Sat. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Sun, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

& Moran Locker H wy. 59 S , D owntown M oran • (620) 237-4331

Open Mon. through Fri. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Sat. 8 a.m. - 11 a.m.


Fresh In The Case or Fresh Frozen

O nce A Y ear!

L im ited Supply!

1421 East St., Iola (620) 365-3011

Jim and Barbie Daugharthy, local owners

Sun. -Thur. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m.; Fri. & Sat. 10 a.m. - 10 p.m.

STATEWIDE $ 800 Kansas 2x2

Display Ad Network

$ 300 KCAN

Kansas Classified Ad

Network To find out more, call this newspaper today!

Williamsburg, KS (785) 746-8830 Judy, Ty & Lori

30 minutes N.W. of Garnett Just off of I-35

Open Tues. - Sat. 11 a.m. - Midnight Closed Sun. & Mon.

Family atmosphere! Great side dishes!


The best smoked pork spareribs you’ve ever

had - anywhere!

Run the field with Jocelyn Sheets, Jocelyn Sheets, Sports Editor for

T HE I OLA R EGISTER , and get complete,

accurate, up-to-date sports coverage.

302 S. Washington • (620) 365-2111

Looking for the latest sports news? Looking for the latest sports news?


Iola City Council mem-bers will be asked Monday to recognize the Local Fire-fighters Union 64 and estab-lish a collective bargaining agreement.

The union discussion will be at the request of Councilman Steve French, who brought up the collec-tive bargaining proposal at

the council’s Sept. 10 meet-ing.

Firefighters within Iola’s department have been part of a union since 2005, but former city commissioners declined to enter into collec-tive bargaining.

Under collective bargain-ing, the union serves as the exclusive employee repre-

sentative. Currently each firefighter works under his own arrangement with the city.

Also on the agenda are discussions on what to do with undeveloped prop-erty near Cedarbrook Golf Course — a private devel-oper has requested options

to buy the land through 2013 — as well as the city’s drought policy, purchasing policy revisions, and ongo-ing ambulance talks with the county.

The 6 p.m. meeting will be in the New Community Building at Riverside Park and is open to the public.

Union issue in front of council

— NOTICE — Our carriers’ (under contract) deadline for home

delivery of The Iola Register is 5:30 p.m. weekdays and 9:30 a.m. Saturdays for Iola carriers.


If you have not received your paper by deadline, please call your carrier first. If unable to reach your carrier, call the Register office at 365-2111. Rural

Carriers 6:30 p.m. weekdays – 10:30 Saturdays