
Newtons 1st Law

Newtons 2nd LawForce on ObjectObjects acted on by a net unbalanced force will accelerate in the direction of the forceThis means they will speed up, slow down, or change directionNewtons 2nd LawThe acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to the mass. The direction of acceleration is the same as the direction of the forcea = F / m F = ma

Force RedefinedForce can be redefined as an action capable of accelerating an objectUnit of force is the Newton (N)One Newton is the force needed to accelerate a 1 kg mass at 1 m/s21 N = 1 kg m/s2

ExamplesWhat force is needed to accelerate a 1000kg car at g?

What is the net force required to bring a 1500 kg car to rest from 100 km/hr within a distance of 55 m?A 50 kg go-cart starts from rest and is accelerated by a 550 N force. If the cart experiences a 280 N friction force and 35 N of air resistance, finda) its accelerationb) its velocity after 3.0 sc) its displacement after 3.0 sWhat force must be exerted on a 500 kg crate in order to move it from rest to 3.0 m/s in 1.0 s?If we apply Newtons 2nd Law to objects accelerating due to gravity

FG = mg

FG force of gravity, commonly called weight

W = mg2nd Law and GravityWhen an object is resting on the surface of Earth, the force of gravity is still acting, even though the object is not movingWhen the contact force acts perpendicular to the surface it is referred to as the Normal Force (FN)NormalA 10.0kg box is resting on a tablea) draw the free body diagramb) now it is pushed down with a force of 40N. Draw the free body diagram.c) now it is pulled up with a force of 40N. Draw the free body diagram.ExA 3.5kg box is resting on the floor. Draw the free body diagramExampleWhat happens when the box in the previous problem is pulled up with a force of 100N?Ex.
