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Nibiru and Planet X


Blood Moon Tetrads and the Grapes of Wrath: European Vegetable, Fruit and now Diplomatic

Boycott of Israel may invoke the Wrath of G-d

Blood Moon over Jerusalem

The Blood Moon hangs over Jerusalem

Anti-Semitism is taking its ugly wrath and vengeance upon the State of Israel. One of the hardest hit

are a group of 7,000 settlers living in the Jordan Valley in Shomron and Judea (Remember the “West

Bank” is not a biblical region but a political name). Here in this fertile valley, the grapes, grown in the

nearby vineyards are next to where the famous date farms of King Herod the Great’s era fame were

once grown, plus peppers and fresh herbs. These are taking an economic hit because of the boycott

executed by British and Scandinavian Western European food chains.

Is it not strange that the inhabitants of these nations that are taking such a personal interest in the

Israeli regions of Shomron and Judea, are the Ten Lost Tribes of the House of Israel? Yes, they are

the literal cousins to the Jewish people. Even more strange; this region was their former homeland

given to them by the G-d of Israel.

It was over 3,000 years ago when King Solomon died, and the Northern Ten Tribes expressed their

anger at their southern Jewish cousins. The once United Kingdom of Israel under Kings David and

Solomon was torn asunder and split into two kingdoms, the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the

Southern Kingdom of Judah.

It was they, who did not want to worship in G-d’s House in Jerusalem, the fabulous Temple of King

Solomon, neither did they want the Divine appointed kings of the Dynasty to rule over them, and

even more personal they did not want the priest, temple leader and the later the Jewish rabbanim

who were the guardians of the Torah, to be their legal judiciary to define the laws of G-d of the Torah

and how to live them. And this feud continues today.

Is this just an aberrant economic policy or is this a family vendetta representing the anger of the Lost

Ten Tribes of the House of Israel who are the constituent residents in these European nations today?

So here is the literal reality. The economies in the Jordan River Valley are driven by the buyers of the

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Jewish fruit and vegetable products today who are their literal tribal cousins of the House of

Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. As David Elhayani, the director of the Jordan Valley Regional Council

recently reported:

David Elhayani – “The damage is enormous. In effect today, we are almost not selling to the

(Western) European market anymore.”

Jewish Farms in Jordan Valley

Jewish Farmers and Palestinian Workers in the Jordan Valley are feeling the hurt (Photo: AP)

In these 21 Jewish settlements constituting 7000 Jewish residents in the Jordan Valley, and their

6000 Palestinian employees, their income has collapsed almost 14 percent. This loss of $29 million is

simple to understand because the grocery markets in Great Britain and Scandinavia are refusing to

buy their exports and have these fresh commodities imported into their own countries.

Who gets hurt? The Jewish farmers and the Palestinians who work in the fields and earn a good living

in comparison to the rest of the Palestinians in region. Here in this region, the world calls the “West

Bank” is in historical reality the lands of the Lost Israelites of the Northern Kingdom of Israel that was

once part of the United Kingdom of King David.

In the meantime, the economic burdens by the Israeli vegetable growers in the region and the

Palestinian farm workers are being affected by the American Secretary of State, John Kerry, who

purport’s himself to be an Irish Catholic, but is actually a Czechoslovakian Jew. Is it not strange that

the fate of the Jewish State of Israel is being undermined also by a Lost Jew for Kerry is using every

political guile to marginalize the Jewish State of Israel? In the meantime, Kerry is also destroying the

reputation of the United States of America, known in biblical prophecy as the House of Manasseh of

the House of Joseph; for this land was once known as the “Land of the Free and the Home of the

Brave” as integrity and honesty are no longer a part of American foreign policy.

One of the prime leaders of the economic boycott against the Jewish settlers is Great Britain,

recognized as representing the House of Ephraim of the house of Joseph. It was they who first issued

guidelines for the “voluntary labeling of products grown in the Shomron and Judean region of Israel

in the year of 2009.

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Later in December, 2013, this voluntary guideline has taken a new dimension as the British

government’s overseas trade body sent out report strongly discouraging any vegetable and fruit

importers of doing any business with the Israeli farms in the Jewish settlements of Samaria, the

region of where the capital of the Northern Kingdom of Israel once stood. Joseph the mighty Viser of

Egypt would turn over in his grave if he knew what his descendants were doing to the Jews of the

House of Judah. So Michael Deas, the coordinator of the International European boycott of Israeli

products from the regions of Shomron and Judea proudly reported;

Michael Deas – “Supermarkets are now starting to realize that there's a really big reputational risk

involved here.”

What they are failing to see is the bigger picture, the risk is not their arrogance and wrath against the

Jewish state but their arrogance against the G-d of Israel, that their forefathers began 3,000 years

ago. So it is important that the mercantile experts in Europe be cognizant of one thing, the “eyes of

the L-rd” are upon you. These rebels in the ranks today against the G-d of Israel today include:

Marks and Spencer who have refused since 2007 to buy any products from Shomron and Judea.

Waitrose, the upscale supermarket chain, who stopped selling herbs from Shomron several years


Morrison’s, the 4th largest grocery chain in Britain who refused to sell dates from the Jordan Valley

in 2011.

The Co-operative Group, Britain’s 5th largest grocer who banned fruits and vegetables from all

Israeli settlements.

In Germany, the Kaiser’s supermarket chain refused to import any more products from either

Shomron but also the annexed regions in the Golan Heights in 2012.

But fruits and vegetables are only the beginning. Recently the Dutch pension asset manager PGGM

made the announcement that it was targeting the Israeli banks that were the financial institution

holding the loans on the home and apartments that were built in the region of ancient Samaria and

Judea, and were divesting their pension assets itself from these Israeli financial institutions.

Supporters of the boycott are elated for they believe that their current successful streak is just now

taking momentum. They point to the fact that the intellectuals of their countries, such as the

American scholarly group, whose voting membership numbers 1,252 scholars and intellectuals voted

recently to boycott Israeli universities. This action produced a boomerang effect because they were

targeting the State of Israel and its educational system but not just the settlements.

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Israelite Capital City of Samaria

The Israelite Capital City of Samaria in the Region of Shomron today

Now today, the capital city of Samaria is a pile of fallen stones. It is a testimony of a once proud and

arrogant peoples, all Ten Tribes, whose vibrant culture that once turned against the G-d of Israel and

to Baal worship that culminated in the fiery confrontation between the indomitable prophet called

Elijah and the priests of Baal on Mount Carmel. This blazing barbecue on Mount Carmel led to the

execution of hundreds of Queen Jezebel’s Baal priests, as the fiery breath of the G-d of Israel

consumed the altar of Elijah’s and all the Baal altars also.

The capital city of Samaria was situated upon a prominent hill in the tribal territory of Manasseh, and

reached its zenith in the days of King Omri, the father of King Ahab. The capital city continued to

grow and expand over the next 160 years until it reached the size of 150 acres, as large as the City of

Jerusalem in the days of King Hezekiah in Judea. With steep slopes on all sides of the city, it was

fortified and withstood the sieges of the Arameans (II Kings 6), the Assyrians whose siege lasted 3

years (II Kings 17), and the Jewish Hasmoneans whose siege lasted one year.

Ancient Capital City of Samaria

Looking down from the Ancient Capital City of Samaria in Shomron today and see the vast reaches of

Undeveloped Land for Habitation, Farming and Business

So here were a peoples, the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel, who were once exiled to a life of

oblivion 2,800 years ago are now on the cusp of a new and greater Exodus from the lands of their

dwelling today. As the historical drama has portrayed, it was the Lost Israelites of the Northern

Kingdom of Israel whose descendants would one day move from the lands of their exile in Khorasan

in Northern Iran, Eastern Afghanistan and Western Pakistan. Over the centuries, the Lost Ten Tribes

wandered lost as they migrated over and under the Black Sea and eventually these Lost Israelites

settled in the virgin and unpopulated forests of Gaul in Northern Europe in Northern Europe today.

These same peoples, the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel are today located in the central and

northern regions of Europe. They are the nations of the Isles of the West, Scandinavia, plus

Netherlands, Belgium plus Northern France and Germany. Most of the readers of this blog are their

descendants of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel. They were once cast out of the “Land” that

was called “Holy” by the G-d of Israel and sent into exile, one that was so devastating that they lost

their own identity.

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What about the Americas? It is now well known that Columbus was a Kabbalist Jew (Columbus’ real

name was Cristobal Colon) and all of the men who went with him on his voyages to the Americas

were Jewish. The Dominican Republic was set up as a Jewish colony who accepted Jews that were

cast out of Spain by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabela on the 9th of Av, 1492.

Is it not amazing that it was this same date, the Seventh-day Sabbath, on the 9th of Av, 1492, that

Columbus, after worshipping the Jewish Sabbath, “Sailed the Ocean Blue in 1492.” Yet we also know

that the Conquistadors from Spain that went to the New Americas in Mexico and South American

were also of Jewish descent and they loved gold. Today, many of their descendants are called Jacob,

Israel, Aaron or their last names are Peres and numerous other names similar to Jewish people


Are the Lost 10 Tribes that today live in Northern Europe once again standing up again to invoke the

anger and hostility against the G-d of Israel? Are they cognizant that may once again invoke the

wrath of G-d down upon them, but in this final end, will receive a transformation and elevation of

their own consciousness? Look around you today. Northern Europe is obsessed with the destruction

of the Nation of Israel. Yet the prophets of Israel and Judah spoke of that day in the future, when the

Lost Ten Tribes will be reclaimed, redeemed and restored to their tribal inheritance. Will they

suddenly have a change of heart and come to the Almighty One in supplication and prayer.

Mountains of Israel

The Mountains of Israel

Do we seriously think that the Lost Ten Tribes will have a change of heart and awaken with an

elevated state of consciousness and say, “Wow, it’s time for us to return to the land of our

forefathers? Of course, but it will not be because they chose to do so, but because the G-d of Israel

will chose to honor His Holy Name which the Lost 10 Tribes have continued to abominate to this day.

They will be thrust into what the Jewish sages call, “redemption by bi’etah” and will begin their

redemption process to return to the land of their forefathers in the Land of Greater Israel during

times of great catastrophes and calamities.

The sages and rabbis of Judah have stated that this is what will happen for this is what the prophets

of Israel have foretold will happen. Yet they the Lost 10 Tribers (or we) will not create a “new heart”

within us, neither will our genetics be the driving force of change within our hearts. Rather, it will be

the Divine Spirit that will give us a “New Heart” as He writes His Torah upon our hearts and

transforms our lives.

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Let us face one reality, it may take a spiritual lobotomy to change our wayward and rebellious ways

we look at the world around us. Will the Lost Ten Tribes be put under the wrath of G-d and suffer the

7 last plagues of Revelation and the catastrophes that will come at the final end? This is also the

consensus of the ancient prophets of Israel and Judah. The “end of days” will be one of great

apocalypse and world catastrophes, truly “Acts of G-d” before the era of the Messiah will begin.

Such catastrophes are destined to put the entire heavily populated coastline of Western Europe

under water. You can see that reality in the recent National Geographic dynamic maps that depict

Europe (map highlighting this article) and other parts of the world in the wake of a global catastrophe

just from the melting of the North and the Antarctic Poles plus Greenland.

The biblical picture portrays a different picture than is the propaganda for “global warming” for it

will not be a gradual shift that will take place over 500 years but probably a rapid transition that can

only come by a massive change in the latitude and longitude of the continents around us today; like a

Pole Shift.

The Pole Shift is a quick phenomenon that will cause a rapid change in the alignment of the

continents. It happened before in Siberia when Mammoths were ice frozen in seconds with fresh

food in their mouths. South Atlantic Anomaly

“The South Atlantic Anomaly”

The recent speculations of a pole shift includes the reality that with the increasing and rapid

movement of the North Pole towards Siberia or Mongolia, that Planet Earth will once again tilt and

will place the New South Pole somewhere in South America in Southern Brazil or Argentina. This

may be the reason a strange “South Atlantic Anomaly” is developing over this same region today. The

historical documentation from antiquity reveals that a pole shift did happen at the time of the Great

Noachian Flood as revealed in the Book of Enoch, one of the revered books of the Essenes in Qumran

in the decades before our Common Era.

Book of Enoch – “In those days, Noah saw that the earth became inclined, and that destruction


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This evidence was discussed in depth in Destination Yisra’el’s article titled, “As in the Days of Noah,

the Earth Tilted and became Inclined and Sudden Destruction came upon the Earth” and whose

testimony was collaborated by the testimony of another revered book of antiquity called the Book of

Jasher, possibly written by Joshua the mighty general of the Israelites, and cited in the TaNaKh:

Jasher 6:1 - “And on that day (Flood), the Lord caused the whole earth to shake, and the sun

darkened, and the foundations of the world rages, and the whole earth was moved violently, and the

lightning flashed and the thunder roared, and all the fountains in the earth were broken up….”

Then these two testimonies were collaborated by a third book of antiquity whose origins are also

associated with the Essenes, the Third Party of Judaism called “The Book of Revelation.” This

association is because within the pages of the Book of Revelation are over 100 unique phrases have

only been found only in the Book of Enoch. Another amazing fact is that of all the scrolls and writing

fragments discovered in the caves of the Essene Community at Qumran, the fragments of the Book

of Enoch are clearly more numerous than all of the other books of the TaNaKh (Old Testament).

Once again, the Book of Revelation states that at the time of the end great catastrophes will envelop

the earth in what was described then, 2000 years ago as the “7 Last Plagues.” They all testify that this

destruction, during the Great Noachian Flood, and the “End of the Age” will be started by stellar

catastrophes which modern man have witnessed and may someday witness n the future.

Revelation 8:8-10 – “Then the second angel sounded; and something like a great mountain burning

with fire was thrown into the sea, and a third of the sea became blood, and a third of the living

creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.

Then the third angel sounded; and a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a

third of the rivers and on the springs of water. The name of the star is Wormwood, A third of the

waters became “wormwood” (bitter water), and many men died from the water, because it was

made bitter."

Europe when Ice melts from Poles

National Geographic: What Europe will look Like if the Ice on the Poles were the Melt

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If you don’t believe it can happen, consider the recent National Geographic expose written up in the

“Daily Mail” titled, “Would YOUR house be underwater? Terrifying map reveals the devastation that

would occur if ALL the world's ice melted?” that postulates that secondary to a slow 500 year

process, the eastern Seaboard of the United States plus the entire State of Florida will sink under the

waters of the oceans because of the melting of ice off of the Antarctica, Greenland and the North


Then we have to consider the day when the “Great Hand of the L-rd” destroyed the 13th Dynasty of

the Egyptian Middle Kingdom after a year-long era of great conflagrations, plagues and catastrophes.

This era began with the return of the Moses (Mousos), the adopted prince heir to the throne of

Pharaoh Kha’neferre (Ra’s glory shines on the horizon) the 24th ruler of the 13th Dynasty in the

Middle Kingdom of Egypt whose personal name was Sobekhotep IV (“Sobek, the crocodile headed

god of the Egyptians, is satisfied”).

It was this Mousos (Moses) who was a Hebrew child, adopted by Merris (‘Beloved’) the daughter of

Pharaoh Palmanothes who later married Pharaoh Khenephres, the Greek translation of

“Kha’neferre”. Mousos (Moses), the prince heir to the throne was sent by his adopted father, the

King of Egypt and in a huge military victory against the Ethiopians to the south, extended the

Egyptian dynastic rule all the way into Upper Nubia. This fact was identified in a Stela today in the

British Museum which tells of the military campaign into Nubia during the reign of Kha’neferre in the

13th dynasty.

This was the same Hebrew Moses who after this great and decisive military campaign, fled into exile

but later returned after forty years to become HaShem’s emissary to destroy the corrupt and

oppressive Egyptian Empire of Pharaoh Dudimose I with Ten Plagues; each attacking the animal gods

of Egypt.

The Rivers and Water sources turned to Blood;

Frogs took over the Land;

Lice covered the bodies of the Egyptians;

The Flies swarmed the entire Land with terror and fear;

The Livestock were destroyed by a Pestilence;

Boils erupted on the bodies of the Egyptians;

Hail that descended as Fire and Brimstone destroyed a large part of the infrastructure of Ancient


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Three Days of Complete Darkness covered the Land of Egypt;

Locusts swept over the entire land eating every blade of food that they had growing or in the food

storage areas; and

The Death of the First Born as the crème of Egyptian society was destroyed.

Nibiru, the Dark Red Binary Twin Star

Did Nibiru, the Dark Red Binary Twin Star make a “Passover” Egypt and Precipitate the “Great


As the G-d of Israel destroyed the largest empire of the world in the days of Moses, so also He used

Moses (Mousos) to fulfill the Divine mission called the Great Exodus that effectively returned the

Children of Israel, all 12-tribes to the Land of Israel called the Land of Promise. At the “End of the

Age” this new Moses will be called the Messiah son of Joseph.

During this time, the “Angel of Death” made a fly-by over Egypt and according to the biblical text, it

occurred after “3 Dark Days” when the Hebrews put the blood of the Pesach Lamb on the lintels of

their doors at Passover, and the oldest son’s life was spared. To comprehend this, we also have to

understand that in the Hebrew cosmology of the universe, every planet has an angel where the

Divine Energies flow through to guide and control that planet.

So we have to ask a poignant question, “Could the G-d of Israel also be bringing back home, the same

“Angel of Death”, that was seen by the Children of Israel whose close “pass-over” led to the most

famous migration of peoples in human history’; the Exodus of the Children of Israel from the lands of

their oppression in Egypt.

According to the ancient Sumerians, the Planet called Nibiru, and other scientific investigators call

“Planet X” had an elliptical orbit of 3,600 years around our solar system’s sun. Is it possible that this

planetary body, 3,600 years later (1585 BCE to 2015CE) is returning back to visit us with another

rendezvous and close “fly-by” with Planet Earth as portraying in the Destination Yisrael’s article,

titled, “Is Planet X G-d’s Divine Judgment during the Final Apocalypse of Redemption?”

Here we are introduced to the evidence of possibly a second sun, a dark red binary dwarf star and its

solar system of five to seven planets would effectively make our solar system a twin solar system.

Astronomers have long known that most of the solar systems in the universe were twin solar

systems, but they also thought that we were unique in the fact that we had only one sun.

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That may not be true, for the ancient Sumerians, the land of where Abram was born and whose

father, Terah was a Sumerian oracular priest, understood their world cosmology to be our sun and

moon plus ten other planetoid bodies, instead of nine today, assuming that we still accept Pluto as a

planet of our sun. Yet, the 10th solar body in the Sumerian Cosmology was much larger than even


It appears that the evidence portrayed by the Sumerians, has become the secret obsession of NASA

today with all of their solar probes roaming into the southern hemisphere and the erection of the

Antarctica South Pole Telescope whose primary mission is secret. What was revealed in 1983 was the

fact that a solar body did move into the outer reaches of our sun’s solar field as BibleSearchers

Reflections in the article titled, “Velikovsky vs. Sagan – The Quest to Understand Catastrophic Earth


Dark Twin Binary Star arriving Towards Planet Earth

Is this the Dark Twin Binary Star known to the Ancient Sumerians as Nibiru and will Bring Destruction

to Planet Earth?

In the early 1980's, articles attesting to the new finding appeared in major newspapers, including

both the New York Times and the Washington Post. The Washington Post published the following

article on December 31, 1983 with the following title, “Mystery Heavenly Body Discovered” and gave

to us the following facts:

The Washington Post - “A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so

close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the

constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope aboard the U.S. infrared astronomical satellite.

So mysterious is the object that astronomers do not know if it is a planet, a giant comet, a nearby

"protostar" that never got hot enough to become a star, a distant galaxy so young that it is still in the

process of forming its first stars or a galaxy so shrouded in dust that none of the light cast by its stars

ever gets through. "All I can tell you is that we don't know what it is," Dr. Gerry Neugebauer, IRAS

chief scientist for California's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and director of the Palomar Observatory for

the California Institute of Technology said in an interview.

Dr. Gerry Neugebauer - “The most fascinating explanation of this mystery body, which is so cold it

casts no light and has never been seen by optical telescopes on Earth or in space, is that it is a giant

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gaseous planet, as large as Jupiter and as close to Earth as 50 billion miles. While that may seem like

a great distance in earthbound terms, it is a stone's throw in cosmological terms, so close in fact that

it would be the nearest heavenly body to Earth beyond the outermost planet Pluto. "If it is really that

close, it would be a part of our solar system," said Dr. James Houck of Cornell University's Center for

Radio Physics and Space Research and a member of the IRAS science team. "If it is that close, I don't

know how the world's planetary scientists would even begin to classify it."

Here we may now see the future cause of massive volcanism around the world. It may be the

astrophysical source of the warming of the deep trenches miles down in the depths of the oceans,

the warming of massive portions of the ice fields of the Antarctica, the wobbling of our Planet Earth

and the revving up of the magnetic core within Planet Earth, causing the rise of the molten magma

under the continental and oceanic plates. The “global warming” catastrophists beholden to an

evolutionary mindset fail to comprehend that global warming is not a steady-state weather

phenomenon. It is not caused by the hand of humans, but instead driven by the hand of the Divine.

These events will lead us eventually into an era of global catastrophes, like the Ten Plagues of Egypt

but this time called the “Seven Last Plagues”. This appears will become the fast moving vortex of

prophetic events that will thrust Planet Earth into the era of the “World to Come” with the beginning

of the “Era of Messianic Enlightenment and Peace”.

Salvation and redemption of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel, the restoration of Klal Yisrael

(All Israel) and the establishment of the Messianic Kingdom of Greater Israel on Planet Earth will

become the great themes of this era with the restoration of Gan Eden and the Throne of King David

with the Maschiach ben Dovid (Messiah son of David)

What is missing in the equation is the failing to comprehend that there is a third force, under the

control of the Almighty G-d of Creation that is causing the cold oceanic waters to heat up. This could

effectively cause the earth’s oceans and seas to rise an estimated 675 feet on the average. This is

what makes the concept of another planetary body arriving into our solar system so compelling and

whose arrival will come at G-d’s “appointed time”.

Will it be a stellar body like an asteroid or a planetoid, or another solar system that He created at the

time of the creation of this universe? Was it conceived and created by the G-d of the Universe for

this very age, when the era of mankind is over, and will it become an emissary of the Divine’s

judgment upon all mankind. Will it bring about the final cycle of the restoration of Gan Eden (Garden

of Eden), the restoration of that primordial place called the Garden of Eden when Paradise was

Created, and then Paradise was Lost and eventually it will return to Paradise Restored?

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Earth after a Pole Shift

The Rise in the Oceanic Waters to 675 Feet will Submerge a large Section of Northern Europe and

Northern Eurasia

Consider the facts that the National Geographic is computing the rise of the seas to 217 feet is a

calculated fact premised upon the melting of the ice upon the Antarctic, Greenland, and the North

Pole. Yet, what is not computed in the overall picture is the evidence that land masses under the

great oceans will be swelling with the eruption of the magnetic core engine in the middle of the

earth. Could it will require the reheating of the magnetic core of the earth and the rise of the great

plumes of magma that will erupt from that reenergize magnetic core and rise to expand the

continental mantle and in numerous places of earth explode through the mantle as mighty volcanoes

around the world? What better astro-physical “dark binary star” with its immense geomagnetic

force field could make a close fly-by and “Pass-over” Planet Earth with immense destruction?

This stellar twin solar system could also become the source of the eruptions of deep sea volcanoes

and the folding and collapse of the sub-oceanic plates around Planet Earth. As such, the missing

dynamics may now be unfolding that will include increasing water volume from the melting of the

glacier ice fields plus also the increasing rise in the temperature of the cold water in the deep

trenches of the earth. This then will expand and swell the silt lined continental plates under the

oceans. As the deep trenches are heated up with underwater volcanoes, the heat will rise and the

water will expand. As such, theoretic scientists suggest that a more accurate rise of the oceanic

waters will be closer to 675 feet.

If all these facts are true, could a solar body larger than the Planet Jupiter and 5 times the

electromagnetic field could someday, as the “Death Angel of the First Exodus” produce the cosmic

disturbances that will recreate a “Second Exodus?” This time it will be with a massive influx of

millions even hundreds of millions of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel who it appears will

lose their homelands along the coastline of Europe and inundate a large section of Central Europe. It

will also include also the return of the other 50% of the Jewish people who have assimilated

culturally predominately in the United States and will eventually willingly or in duress return in Aliyah

from the countries of the Diaspora back to the Land of Israel.

The returning Jews will have their homelands in Judea and Jerusalem, and the Lost Ten Tribes will

have their homelands in Shomron, Galilee, Lebanon, plus the regions of Basham and Gilead on the

Syrian and Jordanian side of the Jordan River. NO! There will be no room for Mahmoud Abbas and

the Palestinians, for they will have to go home to the lands of their forefathers, for even Jordan will

no longer be available for them to live, except under one condition; accept the One G-d of Israel, the

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Jewish rabbanim as their religious and moral authority, and accept the Jewish people along with the

Lost Tribes as their long lost brothers of the House of Abraham.

Reminiscent of the “Three Dark Days” during the Exodus, futurists and catastrophists are today

modelling the prophetic fact that once again Planet Earth may stop its rotation for upwards to three

days. The part of the earth that is stopped while facing the sun will become a blazing inferno. The

part of the earth facing away from the sun when its rotation is stopped, will be spared. One

prophetic promise by the G-d of Israel is that He will protect the Land of Israel and His chosen


When these facts are modeled in the future of our world, the cities along the coastlines of all nations

of the world in the Northern Hemisphere will be completely engulfed. How so will this be? If the

rotation of the earth comes to a halt, the oceanic waters that surround our equator by the

centrifugal force of the earth’s rotation will begin to drift to the north, away from the equatorial

bulge. Such regions such as Canada and Siberia at this time will be expected to disappear as

increasing water levels continue to move to the north from the equator. These lands will be

inundated and in the “world to come”, they will no longer exist.

In these models, according to the visions of the prophets of old, there will be great catastrophes. It

also appears that this will occur very soon, in our near future. This may occur as close as the year of

2017, as reported in Destination Yisrael and “Rabbi Judah ben Samuel Jubilee Prophecy gives the

Year of the Messiah”, then the Lost Ten Tribes would have no other place to go but in massive

migrations back to the lands of their forefathers. This is one reason why the G-d of Israel through the

prophets told them that the “Land of Israel will become elevated higher than all the other

mountainous regions of the world in an era in which appears to be a complete Pole Shift:

Zechariah 14: 6-10 – “It will be on that day (when the Maschiach will be revealed) the light will not be

very bright or very dim. It will be a unique day; it will be known as HaShem’s [day], neither day nor

night, but it will happen towards evening time that there will be light. [Pole Shift where the sun will

set in the western sky over Jerusalem will suddenly rise from the west).

It shall be on that day, spring water will flow out of Jerusalem; half of it [will flow] to the Eastern Sea

(Dead Sea) and half of it to the Western Sea (Mediterranean Sea). This will be in summer and in

winter. HaShem will be the King over all the land; on that day HaShem will be One and His Name will

be One. The entire land (including the Mountains of Israel in Shomron and Judea) will change to a

plain (major seismic changes of elevation to a plain], from Geba to Rimmon, south of Jerusalem, and

[Jerusalem] will become lofty [raised up like a lofty mountain]..”

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Yet the same G-d of Israel warned through the pen of the Nazarene author of “Revelation”, that

there will be a global earthquake that will make global seismic changes to the topography all around

the world:

Revelation 6:12-14 – “Then I watched as he broke the sixth seal, and there was a great earthquake,

the sun turned black as sackcloth worn in mourning and the full moon became blood-red. The stars

fell from heaven to earth just as a fig tree drips its figs when shaken by a strong wind. The sky

receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved from its place.”

The first six seals that were heralded by an archangel blowing a shofar were revealed to the visual

view of a person standing on earth. What he witnessed were truly “acts of G-d” that were being cast

down from the heavens. There he was able to watch bolides of fiery hail slamming against the earth,

an asteroid plummeting towards Planet Earth and striking a major ocean.

Yet, in the same cosmic event called the “Seven Last Plagues” the Essene-Nazarene author of “The

Revelation” was now transported to the visual perspective of the heavenly sanctuary (the Tent of

Witness in heaven).

There he witnessed seven angels again given a shofar and this time a bowl of coals of fire from the

altar before the sanctuary. These were the same seven global catastrophic events seen earlier but

this time were seen from a cosmic heavenly visual perspective than an earthly perspective. Then he

documented this for our understand today:

Revelation 16:17-21 – “The seventh one poured out his bowl on the air, and a loud voice came out of

the Temple from the throne, saying, “It is done!” There were flashes of lightning, voices and peals of

thunder; and there was a massive earthquake, such as had never occurred since mankind has been

on earth, so violent was the earthquake. The great city was split into three parts, and the cities of the

nation’s fell, and G-d remembered Bavel the Great and made her drink the wine from the cup of his

raging fury.

Every island fled, and no mountains were to be found. And huge seventy pound hailstones fell on

people from the sky. But the people cursed G-d for the plague of hail, that it was such a terrible


It is not speculation but biblical revelation that like the numerous civilizations that have disappeared

under the oceans in past eras, the Pharaonic dynastic Egypt when the Pharaoh refused to listen and

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heed the directives of the G-d of Israel through the voice of Moses was destroyed in a great

apocalypse about the year of 1585 BCE.

What we are witnessing is the Hand of the Divine remodeling Planet Earth in preparation for "World

to Come" in which all men living in the future messianic kingdom will have an ascendnent state of

spiritual enlightenment and will willingly live under the the commandments of the Torah Law. For

those not willing, we could share that same fate as those livng in Egypt, 3,600 years ago.

The Divine Fate of North America after Apocalypse

The Divine Fate of North America after the Polar Melting Apocalypse

In the real world in the winter of 2014, the boycott and the European thrust to delegitimize the State

of Israel is about to erupt upon the international scene. As the Netanyahu government is seeking to

find a common ground upon which the State of Israel can forge a peace agreement with the

Palestinian government, this time it may be interrupted and turned upside down by a new

Palestinian Economic and Political Intifada in April of 2014.

As revealed by DEBKAfiles on January 18, 2014, the world will be riveted again in front of their TVs as

the world inside the land of Israel is expected to explode into a full scale war. This time it may not

just be suicide bombers and missiles, but in alliance with the European Lost Tribes of Israel, a full

scale diplomatic war and economic boycott is about to be unleashed.

This is not because of any strategic preparations or actions by the Netanyahu government but by the

diplomatic actions of Northern European countries and the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel in

collusion with the Palestinian government and Yasser Arafat’s successor, Mahmoud Abbas. It is he

who today rules without any democratic vote nor by any strategic military victory except to get the

European governments to side with him in a diplomatic war against Israel. As stated:

DEBKAfiles – “In 2000, President Bill Clinton brought Israel’s Prime Minister Ehud Barak and

Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat to Camp David, purportedly to knock their heads together for a

peace agreement. He was perfectly aware that Palestinian plans were in place for the suicide

bombing intifada war a month hence in September, and that nothing would come of the heavily

televised encounter. In the repeat performance today, those three faces have changed but little else.

US Secretary of State John Kerry and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu have compiled a peace

proposal. But when it was put before Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas, his mind was


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Without waiting for the peace talks to wind down the end of April, as agreed, Abbas, according to

intelligences reports, was deep in plans to enlist 63 international organizations for a massive anti-

Israel boycott. The same number of teams was busy drawing up separate applications for these

organizations to join boycotts against Israel in every field of endeavor, according to their respective


Among the addresses is the International Court at “The Hague” which is to be asked to indict Israel

for hundreds if not thousands of alleged war crimes and the practice of apartheid. Abbas is fond of

telling everyone that he is against terrorism. He is therefore setting up a “diplomatic intifada” –

without the violence the Palestinians demonstrated in their former assaults on the Jewish state.

However, Debkafile’s counter-terror sources have found that, in recent weeks, Abbas and his security

agencies have lost control of suburbs in the West Bank towns under their rule, and especially the 19

refugee camps which have been taken over by local armed militias. These militias, as well as Hamas,

Jihad Islami and other violent bands, are getting organized for a fresh outbreak of terrorist

operations including suicide bombers. In the Nablus and Bethlehem areas of the West Bank, some

Palestinian gangs are also preparing to shoot Qassam rockets at Jerusalem and other Israel towns…

At the same time, the forthcoming eruption of a Palestinian diplomatic-terrorist war on Israel will not

only terminate yet another peace process, it will gravely jeopardize Israel’s legitimacy and

international credibility, which is its object. It has to be said that Netanyahu went a lot further

toward meeting Palestinian demands than expected, including extensive territorial concessions in

Jerusalem. He is gambling on major concessions convincing the Obama administration that if anyone

is to blame for the negotiations running aground when they do, it is not Israel…

Abbas’s tactics are built around never parting from Israel, but staying uncomfortably close and

proving to the world that Israel is an occupying power which denies them independence.

Disengagement would spoil the game which has kept Abbas in power since Nov. 2004 as Arafat’s


Calls on the prime minister from the political left wing to take “courageous steps” are likewise

divorced from this reality. However courageous his steps may be, Abbas will still say they are not

enough and try and squeeze more. Nothing Israeli or the most diligent US Secretary of State does will

divert him from this strategy and the path he has set himself.

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Sometime in April, therefore, Israel will face the onset of a disastrous Palestinian diplomatic assault

on its legitimacy, backed by their friends in many countries. Only time will tell how it evolves.”

The 7th Shemittah Year in the Jewish Year of 5775

The 7th Shemittah Year in the Jewish Year of 5775

And so another Passover (eve of Pesach is April 14, 2014) may be destined to become the harbinger

of the next era of global war and the assault of the nations of the world, spearheaded by the Jewish

anti-Jews with the Jewish American Secretary of State John Kerry plus the European nations that are

the hosts of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel. From all appearances, the Lost Ten Tribes of

the House of Israel are on a collision course with the G-d of Israel. Their self-focused denial of their

ancestral legacy, and their denial of their ancestral homeland promised to them in the covenant with

Abraham may also become their harbinger of doom unless they are willing to yield to the wooing of

their Creator.

Today, a large sector of the Lost Tribes are in league with the Vatican whose underlying mission is the

destruction of the Jewish dominion over their capital city of Jerusalem. They seek to engineer an

anti-Semitic apocalypse against the political State of Israel and the spiritual rabbinic Mechoquek who

are the guardians of the Torah and the Land of Israel. Tomorrow their homelands in Europe may be

history and they may become the victims of another epic and global catastrophes.

As the world fights for control of the city of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Jewish settlements,

the homes to predominately Orthodox Jews in Shomron and Judea, we now learn that four Blood

Moons over the next 18 months during the years of 2014-2015 will herald for the only time in the

rest of the 21st century a “Tetrad” or a series of 4 Blood-Red Moons between Passover 2014 and

Succot 2015. These Blood Moon dates include:Last Blood Moon Tetrad before the Messianic Age

The Last Blood Moon Tetrad before the Messianic Age

April 15, 2014 (Passover: April 15-21), seen best in Australia, Pacific and Americas

October 8, 2014 (Succot: (October 9-15)), seen best in Asia, Australia, Pacific and Americas

April 4, 2015 (Passover: April 4-10), seen best in Asia, Australia, Pacific and Americas and

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September 28, 2015 (Succot: September 28-October 4), seen best in the Pacific, Americas, Europe

and West Africa

The interesting fact is that the “Blood Moon Tetrads” did not occur in the 17th, 18th, nor the 19th

century, yet in the 21st century they will occur as though directed by the hand of the Divine. Over the

last 500 years there have been Blood Moon “Tetrads” but they did not occur in relationship with the

Land of Israel and the Festivals of the L-rd. The first “Tetrad” occurred right after the State of Israel

was resurrected as a Nation for the Jewish people in 1948. Then another, “Tetrad” of Blood Moons

occurred together when for the second time occurred this time in the years of 1967 and 1968 right

after the State of Israel won the war against the invasion of a coalition of Islamic forces and gained

possession of Eastern Jerusalem and the Temple Mount in the Jubilee Year of 1967.

Yet, over the last 500 years, during the 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, and the 20th centuries, the Blood-Red

Moons fell on the 1st day of Pesach; three separate times. Back in the 16th century, in the 1500s,

there were six blood red moons. The most famous of dates was the year of 1492, the final year of the

Spanish Inquisition when by the Alhambra Decree, all the Jewish people who refused to convert to

Roman Catholicism were expelled from Spain on the 9th of Av in the year of 1492. This event that

also sent Christopher Columbus “sailing the ocean blue in 1492”.

This ignoble event that did such catastrophic damage to the flourishing Jewish communities in Spain

was also highlighted during the following two years by a Blood Moon Tetrad of four lunar eclipses as

HaShem’s lunar light of the heavens shed divine tears over the destruction of the synagogues,

yeshivas, and the uprooting of the great rabbinic lights in Spanish Europe. These Blood Moon dates

and their associated Jewish festival feast occurred in the years of 1493 and 1494:

The Blood Moon Tetrad after the Expulsion of the Jews from Spain on the 9th Av 1492

Passover, April 2, 1493

Succot, September 25, 1493

Passover, March 22, 1494

Sukkoth, Sept. 15, 1494

Then the G-d of Israel went back into hiding, so that the Jewish people and the Lost Ten Tribes would

have to search harder to find the G-d of Israel. When the 16th century came, the Ottoman Empire

gained control of the Land of Israel in the Jubilee year of 1517. The voice of HaShem remained silent

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and the finger of the Divine allowed the Ottoman’s to rule the “Holy Land” for four hundred years or

eight (8) Jubilees between the years of 1517 to 1917.

After the Blood Moon Tetrad came during the 9th of Av in 1492, two more Tetrads would come, and

both of them were in the 20th century. Thirty one years after the British forces under General

Allenby in the year of 1917 took control of the City of Jerusalem from the Ottoman Imperial forces in

Israel (called Palestine) the harbinger of doom once again hovered over Israel. On May 15, 1948, the

State of Israel declared its independence from Great Britain and immediately and Islamic horde

descended upon the hatchling state in what in history of called “Israel’s War of Independence”. In

the two years of war following that epic date of independence, a Tetrad of Blood Moons cast its pale

over the Middle East.The Blood Moon Tetrad on Jewish War of Independence in 1948

The Blood Moon Tetrad on Jewish War of Independence in 1948

Passover, April 13, 1949

Succot, October 7, 1949

Passover, April 2, 1950

Sukkoth, September. 26, 1950

The Blood Moon Tetrad on the Six Day War of 1967

The fledgling Jewish State huddled but survived over the next decade. Eastern Jerusalem, the Temple

Mount and even the Western Wall were wrestled from Jewish lands promised by the nations of the

world in the League of Nations. The Islamic Jordanian State on the Eastern Bank of the Jordan River

had taken control of the Western Bank of the Jordan River in 1949 and captured also East Jerusalem

sending the Jewish people living there for hundreds of years once again fleeing into exile.

The G-d of Israel and His angelic hosts again shed their tears of sorrow as the Jewish people were

once again separated from the one region of the world they longed so much to live, pray, and learn

the Torah in order to become the “Light to the Nations of the World”.

First Day of Passover, April 24, 1967

First Day of Sukkoth, October, 18, 1967

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First Day of Passover, April 13, 1968

First Day of Succot, October 6, 1968

The Blood Moon Tetrad once again cast it pallor over the city of Jerusalem during the Pesach and

Succot festivals of the years of 1967 and 1968, for this time the Jewish peoples were forbidden by

alien forces of the dark side that were now in control of the Temple Mount; the site that once hosted

three different temples of God; Solomon’s Temple, Zerubbabel’s Temple and last, King Herod’s


Now we are approaching another prophetic “Tetrad” series of Blood Moons during the eighteen

months starting with a Blood Moon on Pesach 2014 and ending with a Blood Moon on Rosh

Hashanah 2015 (Jewish year 5776). What is even more fascinating and pondering in all its

implications, twelve months later on the twelve months after Rosh Hashanah 2016 (Jewish year

5777), when the next Year of Jubilee Year will be proclaimed, the Era of the Messiah is expected to

begin, as predicted by Rabbi Judah ben Samuel in the Jubilee year of his death in 1217, 800 years


Once again, the Christian Lost Sheep of the House of Israel’s understanding of the Messianic Age is

the fact that the “coming of the Messiah” is an event. To the Jewish peoples who first pioneers and

pilgrims to the Land of Israel at the beginning of the 19th century were the disciples of the famed

Vilna Gaon, the author of the Kol Ha Tor, who believed through their rabbinic sage that the “coming

or the revealing of the Messiah” was a process that would unfold over days, weeks, or years.

After their aliyah from Eastern Europe, the disciples of the “Gaon” understood that the G-d of Israel

is revealing His Hiddenness so that all mankind has the privilege of using their “freedom of choice” to

search for Him, yearn for Him, so that their unfilled hunger to learn more about the “process” of

revealing the Maschiach ben Yisrael [Messiah son of Israel (Jacob)] will be fully revealed like the

unveiling or the blooming of a beautiful rose. It was the Prophet Joel speaking of the “Day of the L-

rd”, when he wrote of those days of the future when the Messiah will be revealed in all His glory:

Joel 2:31 – “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the

terrible day of the L-rd come.”

A second witness comes from the pen of the Prophet Isaiah when he wrote concerning the Day of

the L-rd when the wrath of the Divine will place His judgment upon the Sunni and Shi’ite lands of

ancient Babylon in Iraq and Iran:

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Isaiah 13:9-10 – “Behold the day of HaShem is coming [a day] of cruelty, rage and burning anger, to

make the land desolate and He will annihilate its sinners from it. For the stars of the heavens and

their constellations will not radiate their light; the sun will be dark when it rises and the moon will

not shine forth its light.”

The were the Hebrew Essene-Nazarenes who in their histories of “Acts” shared the same Jewish

prophetic traditions as all other Orthodox Jews when they quoted the Prophet Joel and gave to us a

third witness:

Acts 2:18: “I will perform miracles in the skies above and upon the earth below – blood, fire and thick

smoke. The sun will become dark and the moon blood before that great and fearful Day of Adonai

come. And then, whoever calls on the name of Adonai will be saved.”

Blood Super Moon by Washington's Lincoln's Memorial

Blood Super Moon by Washington’s Lincoln Memorial

For with the destruction of ancient Babylon-Iraq and Persia-Iran where the splendor of the glory of

the Chaldeans will be like G-d’s overturning of Sodom and Gomorrah”. This is where Babylon-Persia’s

final judgment will be given; the land will “not be inhabited forever”, “no Arab will ever pitch his tent

there” and “shepherds will not make their flocks lie there”.

The question we must ask, will 2014-2015 be just a “Blood Moon” Tetrad? What are these these long

predicted lunar eclipses predicting? Will they be after the catastrophic event or a harbinger of G-d

warning us of something global that will happen? As we know today, the foundations of a Palestinian

Peace Accord are expected to be completed by April and the Pesach season in 2014.

Will these four dates that coincide with the “Festivals of the L-rd” reveal the Hand of the Almighty

when He proclaims His vengeance upon the Middle East. In a regions what is collapsing under the

hand of the Almighty, and torn asunder by the wrath of the Divine, we are reminded that the Anger

of G-d is because the descedants of Isaac’s brother, Ishmael have failed to protect the Jewish people

and have created instead a religious culture of death. We may be about to see the Anger of the

Almighty One of Israel.

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Isaiah, the prophet of Catastrophes speaks of this day, and this is what may happen in the Middle

East in the next two years:

Isaiah 13:1-18 (parts) – “A Prophecy concerning Babylon…I have commanded My dedicated ones; I

have also summoned My warriors to [execute] My wrath, to be exuberant over My grandeur. The

sound of commotion is in the mountains, like that of an enormous people, the crescendo of the

kingdoms of gathering nations; HaShem, Master of Legions, is assigning officers for the legion of war.

They come from a faraway land, from the ends of the heavens – HaShem and His weapons of anger,

to devastate the entire land.

Wail, for the day of HaShem is near; it will come like a sudden attach from the Almighty. Therefore,

all hands will grow weak and every human heart will melt. They will be terrorized, aches and pains

will seize them; they will be in travail like a woman in childbirth. Each man will be astonished at his

friend; their faces are faces of flame. Behold, the day of HaShem is coming [day of cruelty, rage and

burning anger, to make the land desolate and He will annihilate its sinners from it.”

The Great Day of the L-rd Cometh

“The Great Day of the L-rd Cometh”

Then something strange happens. Right after the prophetic judgment of G-d is cast down upon

Babylon and Persia at the end of days, for the Blood Moon “Tetrad” has not yet been fulfilled to its

fullest, the Prophet Isaiah continues to write the “words of the L-rd” from his quill pen:

Isaiah 14:1-2 – “For HaShem will show mercy to Jacob (Jews and Lost Israelites). He will choose Israel

(Lost Ten Tribes of Israel] again and grant them rest upon their land. The proselyte will join them and

be attached to the House of Jacob. The nations will take them and bring them to their place

(homeland) and the House of Israel will possess them as slaves and maidservants upon the land of

Hashem (Land of Israel), they will be captors over their captors and they will rule over their


Four Bloody Moons will hover over the Land of Israel in the next 18 months. Their typology has

already been written by their predecessor Blood Moon Tetrads; expulsion by the long arm of the

Roman Catholic Inquisition in Spain (1492), a War of annihilation by Islamic foes who seek only in

Israel’s total destruction (1948), a second war of Islamic annihilation to wipe the Jews from the map

(1967- a Year of Jubilee) and now as the 2017 Year of Jubilee approaches, we know from Rabbi Judah

ben Samuel that the era of the Messianic Age is about to erupt as the strong arm of the G-d of Israel

will finally cleanse the Land of Israel; from the River (Euphrates) to the Sea (Mediterranean).

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Oh House of Israel, your day of redemption is nigh! Wake up, and Call upon the L-rd!


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